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User Guide P or tab le D VD Pla y er NS-SKPD VD.
www.insignia-produc 1 Insignia NS-SKPD VD P o r table D VD Pla yer Contents W elcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Safety inf or m ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc Cautions • Do not p ush objec ts of any kind into your player through openings in your play er . • Do not spi ll or s pra y liquid of any kind on or in your p la yer because liqui d can ca use a fir e or ele ctr ic sh ock.
3 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc Features P a ckage co nt ent s • D V D play er with 7" LCD monitor • Remote con trol with batter y • A udio/Vid eo cabl.
4 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc Left # Component Description 1 DC jac k Plug the A C or ciga rette ligh ter adapter into this jack.
5 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc Inside # Component Description 1 SETUP Press to open the Se tup menu. 2 PREV Press to go to the p revio us chapt er , track, or scene dur ing disc playback. 3 NEXT Press to go to the ne xt chapter , tra ck, or scene dur ing dis c pla yback .
6 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc Remote contr ol # Button Descri ption 1 ZOOM When pla ying a D VD dis c, pre ss to enlar ge the displa y 2, 3, or 4 times the normal siz e. When pla ying a J PEG disc, pr ess to enlar ge the pic ture to 125%, 1 50%, or 200%, or r educe the pi cture to 50% o r 75%.
7 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc 3 FF Press to fas t-forw ard on the disc . Each time y ou press thi s bu tton, the f ast-f orward s peed increa ses fr om 2, to 4, to 8, to 16, to 32 times the normal speed. 4 SKIP– Pres s to g o to t he previ ous c hapt er , trac k, or scree n.
8 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc Setting up your pla yer Installi ng remote contr ol batteries T o instal l remote control batteries: 1 Remov e the batt er y comp ar tment c ov er. 2 Inser t the batte r y into th e batter y c ompar t ment.
9 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc 2 Plug the other end of the ad apter in to an AC outlet. Connecting to a car cigarette lighter T o connect to a car cigarette lighter: 1 Plug one end of t he cigarette light er adapte r into the DC jack on the side of your play e r .
10 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc Cha r gi ng y our pla ye r’ s batt ery T o charge y our pla yer’ s battery: 1 T ur n off your player . 2 Plug one e nd of the AC power adapter into the DC jack on the s ide of your play er .
11 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc 3 Plug the other e nd of the op tional RC A ca ble into the A /V jacks on the TV o r monitor . The whi te connec tor goes into the left aud io jack. The red conne ctor goe s into the r ight au dio jack.
12 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc Pla ying an MP3 d isc MP3 is a format for stor ing di gital aud io . Y o ur play e r can pl ay CD-Rs and CD-RWs that conta in MP 3 files e ncoded in the MP 3 f or mat. When you ins er t a n MP3 dis c, a menu ope ns so you ca n selec t the songs you want to p lay .
13 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc Adjusting the v olume T o adjust the v olume : • Rotate th e volume control on the left side of your play e r . Adjusting the vi deo T o adju st the vid eo: 1 Press SETUP . The General Setup P ag e opens.
14 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc Viewing DV D in f ormat ion T o vi ew D VD information: 1 Duri ng playbac k , press DISPLA Y . The f ol lowing display appears. 2 Press DISPLA Y one or more ti mes to view specifi c D VD informati on.
15 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc Viewing audio CD i nf o rmation T o view audio CD information: 1 Duri ng playbac k , press DISPLA Y . The f ol lowing display appears. 2 Press DISPLA Y one or more ti mes to view spec ific audio CD informati on.
16 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc Selecting a viewing angle T o se lect a viewing a ngle: • Press ANGLE one or more tim es to sel ect a vi ewing angle or to retur n to nor mal viewing. Selecting an audio language Some D VDs a re recor ded with multiple au dio langu ages.
17 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc Enlar ging the displa y image T o enla rge the dis play image: 1 Press ZOOM one or more ti mes to e nlarge the display image fro m 2 to 3 to 4 t imes the nor ma l image size. 2 Press ZOO M a f our th ti me to ret ur n to nor m al viewing.
18 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc 2 Play the disc unti l you reach the stopping point for the loop, then press A-B . Y our pl ay er r epeatedly plays the loop you created. 3 T o cancel the loop and re tur n to nor m al viewing, pr ess A-B ag ain.
19 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc Repeating a chapter , title, or D VD T o re peat a chapter , title , or D V D: • Duri ng playback, press REPEA T . The following di splay appears, and your pla yer repeats th e currentl y playing chap ter .
20 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc Selecting a subtitle language Some D VDs a re reco rded with subtitle langu ages th at appear as text on the screen. T o select a subtitle la nguage: 1 Duri ng playbac k , press SUBTITLE .
21 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc Selecting t he aspect ratio When your pl a yer is connecte d to a TV or monito r , you can sel ect the aspect ratio f o r the TV or monitor. T o se lect the a spect ratio : 1 Press SETUP .
22 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc Changing the pass wor d T o chan ge the p asswo rd: 1 Make sure that th ere is no d isc in the d isc tra y . 2 Press SETUP . 3 Press or to select Pa s sw o rd S e t u p Pa g e . The ic on is highligh ted.
23 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc Setup menu pa g es P age Options Gener al Setup P age TV Disp lay –Selec ts the as pect ratio . Y ou can sel ect: • Normal/PS displa ys the video image ful l scre en wh en your player is connec ted to a s tandard TV .
24 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc T r ou bleshooting Pref erence P age A udio –Select s the audi o language. If the langua ge you sel ect is not record ed on the D VD , y our pla ye r pla ys the def ault audi o langua ge.
25 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc Maintaining Cleaning your pla yer Clean t he outside of your play er with a cl ean cloth , slig htly damp ened with water . Handling discs • T o keep a disc clean, do no t touch the play side (non- label side) o f the di sc.
26 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc Cleaning discs • Bef ore playback, wipe the di sc outwards from the center with clean c loth.
27 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc Legal notices FCC P ar t 15 This de v ice complies with P ar t 15 of the FCC Rules .
28 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc
29 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc One-Y ear Limited W arranty Insignia Products (“Insignia”) warr ants to you, t he or iginal purchaser of this ne w NS-SKPD VD.
30 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc • Modification of an y par t of the Product, including the antenna • Plasma display panel dam aged by static (non-moving) images applied f or lengthy periods (burn-in).
31 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc
32 Insigni a NS-SK PDVD Por table DVD Player www.insignia-produc
33 Insignia NS-SKP DVD Portable DVD P layer www.insignia-produc (877) 467-4289 Distributed by Best Buy Purchasing, LLC 7601 Penn Aven ue South, Richfield, MN USA 554 23-3645 © 2008 Best Buy Enterprise Services, Inc. All rights reserved. INSIGNIA is a trademark of B est Buy Enterprise Services, Inc.
デバイスInsignia NS-SKPDVDの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Insignia NS-SKPDVDをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはInsignia NS-SKPDVDの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Insignia NS-SKPDVDの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Insignia NS-SKPDVDで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Insignia NS-SKPDVDを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はInsignia NS-SKPDVDの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Insignia NS-SKPDVDに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちInsignia NS-SKPDVDデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。