A4 Tech.メーカーPK-635の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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V iewCa m User ’ s manual Model :PK-635 ww w .a4tech.com.
1 Conten t s p age Introducti on 2 S y stem ’ s R e q u ir e m e n ts 2 Pa c kage In c l u d e 2 USB PC C a me ra 3 S p e cificatio n 3 Ins t alling C a mera ’ s D r i v er 4 Ch ec king c o nn e c.
2 l Introduction W e lc o me to the W o rld o f Digi t al I ma g ing. The f o llowi n g i n fo r mati o n will g u ide y ou to ins ta ll a n d use the PC C a mera to i t s full c ap a b ilities.
3 l USB PC Ca m era l S pecification Image Sens o r: 1/4 〃 C MOS , 6 40 × 48 0 pix e ls Frame R ate: 30f p s@640x 4 80, @6 0 0x800, @3 2 0x24 0, @1 6 0x120 Lens: F=2.
4 S till Imag e Captur e Res.: 800 x 600 , 640 X 480 , 352 x 288 , 320 x 240 , 176 x 144 , 160 x 120 Flick e r Control: 50 H z, 6 0 H z a n d N o ne Computer P o rt USB port l Ins t alling c.
5 2. Please select y our V ie w CAM mo d el and c li c k o n t h e prod u ct ima g e to ins ta ll ( As t h e right im a ge). Then dial o g u e box w ill app e ar on the c o mputer s creen as b elow: 3.
6 4. W h en the Ins ta llati o n Process is c o m p let e d 5. Cli c k “ Fi n ish ” to c o mplete ins ta llati o n. No w , the shortcu t Amc a p a n d Zo o m ima g es will a pp e ar on t h e c o mpute r de s k t o p 6. Pl u g the PC C a mera ’ s USB c a ble to the c o mputer ’ s USB Port, and res t art y our c o mpute r .
7 Image-pre v ie w Cli c k button on the de s k t op and the Amc a p im a ge ap p li c ati o n will pop - up or from “ s t art ” to “ ap p li c ati on ” “ A4TECH USB PC C a me r a H ” , .
8 if Amcap ima g e f a ils to a p pear , please s el e ct the pre v iew belo w “ Options “ sho w n as foll o ws : De v ice description Go to “ De v ices ” a nd s e le c t “ A4 T ech USB PC C a m e ra H ” .
9 Properties p age configuration Go to “ Options ” , then s e l e ct “ V ideo Captu r e Filter …” (R e fer to below di a gr a m) The Properties c o nfi g uration pa ge will p o p-up a s belo.
10 Most settings c an be a dj u sted here A d vanced settings PK-5 o f fers the im a ge s pecial e f f e ct and v ideo special e f f e ct settings for the users, our desi g n en g in e ers ha v e defi.
1 1 Digi t al V iew C a m a d jus tab le focus d esc r iption PK- 5 c a n pro v i d e 1 0 tim e s a d j u s t a b le f o cus f u nctio n u n de r CIF( 3 52 × 2 8 8) resoluti on , accom p an y ing di .
12 adjus t a b le fo c us contr o l p ole B e fore a dj u stment after adjusted NOTE : It to t all y suppor t s QQ 、 MSN … .etc v ide o c hat s o ftwar e under 352 * 288 、 3 2 0*2 40 、 176 * 144 、 1 60*1 2 0 … etc res o lutions .
13 l Checking con n ectio n of y our camera 1. Pl u g the USB c a b le to the c o m p uter ’ s USB Port. 2. Res t art y our c o mputer when Ins ta lla t ion is c o mpleted.
14 l VP - EYE The latest version of VP-EYE offers a ne w loo k that makes image editing m uch more fun and intuitive. T here are a l ot of improvement s and enhan c ement s that comes with VP-EYE 4.0 , here are s ome o f the new features that y ou c an e x pect in VP - EYE 4.
15 l Cli c k " progr a m a s s e m b l y nam e s " b y mo v ing m o use cursor , now , y ou can n a me or m o dif y the defa u lt name under " M y C o mputer - St a rt -all Prog ra ms " for the con v enien c e to run.
16 1. Monitoring a view (Vide o Monitor 2.0) The V i deo Monitor can be u s ed in many ways, such a s video monitoring, r ecording and playback. Close – close t he V ideo M onitor Message i ndicator.
17 not. Setting – change the video monitor set t ings (Gene r al, T ime r , S ecu r it y , M essage, Alarm) Pl a y back – retrieve cap t ured image da t a Help – e x plain ho w to use V ideo Player Message – s t art recording a video message Securi ty – enter in t o secu r ity mode 2.
18 Important: For best re s ults playing any of these game s , move the camera to a position where you can easily move your hands i n front of the camera. Before the game logo appears, the ca m era will be calibrated. During the calib r ation, it is important not to move the camera.
19 Fishing: Requires a came r a and a mouse to play. Object of the game is to find match i ng photo c ards. Use the c ame r a to ma k e your own photo c ards, then send y our game to a friend. 4. Making a photo album (P h oto EZ) Use Photo EZ to c r eate one or more photo albums.
20 comments. Looking for a certain photo in all y our albums? Search will look for all photos matching your s earch criteria. In addition, you can apply bas i c and special effects to your photos. 5. Sending a g r eeting card (Photo Greeting Cards ) Use Photo G r eeting Cards to create ele c tronic card s .
21 • Record – add background music or r ecord your voice • Flip – f lip your photo side to side • Scale scroll bar – adjust t he size of your photo • Opaci t y scroll bar – adjust the backg r ound of your pho t o • Save – save your card to a file • Print – print your card on paper • Email – send your card to a friend 6.
22 Use Photo Spec i al Effect s to add specia l effects to your photo s . Photo Special Effect s has more than 50 different special effect s . The effect s are s epa r ated i nto c olor manipulation, t r ansformation and blurring categories. It is fun, eas y and fa s t to add s pecia l effect s to y our favourite photos.
23 It is a powerful and easy-to-use program for editing and con v erting video data. The u s er interface is simple. It may c on v ert the photo s acquired b y d i gital c amera into a video file. Y ou ma y a l so add photo in the video strea m or put two video st r eams into one.
24 Question 2 : My vi d eo image is too dim or too li g ht. Solving Method: Adjust the brightness and contrast background. Steps: Be c ause the V i ewCam can be easily affected by light, therefore, we suggested proceeding from u s age environment and screen object s uch as increasing object brightness or moving light source.
25 need to update the OS to WIN98 SE or abo v e or download DirectX8.0 or v ersion abo v e patch application from site then reset your compute r . Question 5: Bloom sc r een occu r s during the cou r se of usa g e Method 1: Check if USB power is clean, becau s e the ViewCam is easily affected.
26 windo w , p l ease c heck the tab "resource ” to find the conflict information. If it is c onflicted with other video c ard, y ou s hould try to change an IRQ of them.
27 messenger to s upport your ViewCam and s ound card. Question 9: How come t he system always asks m e to install the driver while I have successfully i n stalled? A: Be c ause you have p l ugged the ViewCam before installation. Please follow the steps below to do the installation aga i n.
28 computer system. TECH SUPPORT For tech support, please v isit our website at ww w .a4tech. c om o r email us at support@a4te c h.com.
デバイスA4 Tech. PK-635の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
A4 Tech. PK-635をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはA4 Tech. PK-635の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。A4 Tech. PK-635の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。A4 Tech. PK-635で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
A4 Tech. PK-635を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はA4 Tech. PK-635の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、A4 Tech. PK-635に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちA4 Tech. PK-635デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。