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FPC 5084 A ll-in -One 8.4” SVGA TFT Fanless Tou ch Panel Compu ter with Intel ® Atom TM N270 Processor Onboard User’s Manu al.
ii Disclaimers This manua l h as been carefull y ch ecked and b elieved to co nta in accurate infor mation. Acnodes Corpor ation assumes no respo n sibi lit y for any infringem ents of patent s or an y third pa rty’s r ights , and a n y liability ar ising f rom such us e.
iii Safety A pprovals CE Mar k ing FCC Class A F C C C o m p l i a n c e This equip ment h as b een t ested in com pliance with t he limits for a Class A digital device, pursu ant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. The se limits are meant to provide r easonab le prote ction aga inst har mf ul interference in a resident ial installat ion.
iv Safety Precautions Before getting started, plea se read the follow ing impor tant s afet y pr ecau tio ns. 1. The FPC 5084 does n ot com e equipped with an op erating system. An opera ting s ystem must be loaded firs t befor e installing an y soft ware into t he com puter .
v Before handling a board or integrated circuit, touch an unpa inted portion of the system un it cha ssis for a f ew seconds. T his will help to dis charge any s tat ic electri city on your bo d y. Whe n handling boa rds and compo nents, wear a wrist - grounding strap, available fro m mo st elec tro nic compone nt st ore s.
vi Table of Contents Disclaimers ......... ............ ......... ........ ............ .......... ............ .. ii Safety Approvals................................................................. ii i Safety Precaut ions... .......... ............
vii CHAPT ER 4 DRIVERS INSTA LLATION... .................. . 5 8 4.1 System ........................... ................................... 5 8 4.2 Touch Screen .............................. ..................... 59 4.2.1 Spe cific at ion ....... ...
viii MEM O.
Intr oduct ion 1 FPC 5084 User Ma nu al CH A PTER 1 INTRODUC TION This chapter co ntains genera l infor mation and deta iled spe cif ica tio ns of the FPC 508 4 . Chapter 1 includes the follo wing se cti ons: General Desc riptio n Spe cificat ion Dime nsio ns I/O Outlet s Package List 1.
FPC 5084 2 Intro du ction CompactF lash ™ card, which makes it suitable for vibr ation env iron m ent s. Embedded O.S. Suppo rte d The FPC 5084 n ot onl y s upports W indows ® XP, but also supports embedd ed OS, such as W indows ® CE.NET, and W indows ® XP embedded.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Intr odu ctio n 3 1.2.2 I/O Sy ste m Stand ard I/ O One RS-2 32 and one RS-2 3 2/4 22 /48 5 Two USB 2.0 Ethe rnet One RTL8111 1b Gigabit Eth ern et Audi .
FPC 5084 4 Intro du ction NOTE All specifi cations an d images are sub ject to cha nge without notic e. NOTE If it is op erated in high te mperature env i ron ment, th e wide te m per ature DRAM is r eo mmen de d.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Intr odu ctio n 5 1.3 Dimensions This diagram shows you dim ensions and outl ines of th e FPC 5 084 830 ..
FPC 5084 6 Intro du ction.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Intr odu ctio n 7 1.4 I/O Outlets Please refer t o the following illustration for I/ O locations o f the FPC-5 084 . No Function 1 POW ER SWITCH (A TX) 2 10-30V DC P OWER In put 3 COM 1 (R S -23 2/ 422 /4 85 ) 4 COM 2 (RS -2 32) 5 V GA 6 ET HERNET (R J-4 5) 7 US B 2.
FPC 5084 8 Intro du ction 1.5 Packing List Wh en you receive the FPC 5084 , t he bun dled pack age sho ul d contain the following ite ms: FPC 5084 x 1 Panel Mo unt Kit x 6 Driver CD x1 .
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Hard ware Ins tal latio n 9 CH A PTER 2 H A RDWARE INS TALLATION The FPC 5084 provides ri ch I/O ports and fle xible e xpa n sion s for you to meet different dem and, for example, CF card. The chapt er will show you ho w to in stall th e hardware.
FPC 5084 Hard ware In stal latio n 10 Step 2 Find out the co ver on the side o f the s yste m. Step 3 Locate t he CompactFla sh TM socket, and insert the card into the so cke t.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Hard ware Ins tal latio n 11 2.2 Serial Ports Interface The FPC 508 4 has two onboard serial ports, COM1 (R S-2 32 / 422/ 485) and COM2 (R S- 232) .
FPC 5084 Hard ware In stal latio n 12 Wh en COM1 is set to R S-422 or RS-485, the pin as signm ents are listed b elo w: Pin # Signal Nam e RS -422 RS -485 1 T X- DA T A- 2 T X+ DA T A+ 3 R X+ No con n.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Hard ware Ins tal latio n 13 2.3 Ethernet The FPC 5084 is eq uipped with a h igh perf ormance Plug and Play Ethernet interf ace, full com pliant w ith IEEE 8 02.
FPC 5084 Hard ware In stal latio n 14 2.4 Mountings – Panel/Wall/Desktop/VESA There are several moun ting wa ys for th e FPC 5084, Pan el, W all, Desktop and VESA m ou ntin gs . 2.4.1 Panel Mountin g The FPC 5084 is de signed fo r panel mount application.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Hard ware Ins tal latio n 15 2.4.2 Wall-M ounting The FPC 5084 is design ed for W all mou nting a pplic at ion. Please refer t o the following step s: Find out the scr ews as marke d on th e b ack side of c has sis.
FPC 5084 Hard ware In stal latio n 16 2.4.3 Desktop-Mou nting The FPC 5084 is design ed for desktop m ounting a ppl ica tion . Please refer t o the following step s: Step 1 Find out the scre ws a s marked on t he back side o f c ha ssis .
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Hard ware Ins tal latio n 17 Step 2 Assemble the desktop stand to the chas sis, and fix t he scr e ws..
FPC 5084 Hard ware In stal latio n 18 2.4.4 VESA-AR M Mounti ng Step 1 Find out the scre ws a s marked on t he back sid e of chas sis . Step 2 Assemble the VESA-ARM to the back s ide of the cha ssi s, and fix the scr e ws.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Hard ware Ins tal latio n 19 Step 3 VESA mount ing Insta llation com ple te d..
FPC 5084 Hard ware In stal latio n 20.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Hard ware Ins tal latio n 21 2.5 DR A M I nstallati on T h e F P C 5 0 8 4 p r o v i d e s o n e 2 0 0 - p i n D D R 2 S O - D I M M s o c k e t t h a t s u p p o r t s y s te m m e m o r y u p t o 2 G B . Plea se foll ow steps below to install t he memor y m odu le s: 1 .
FPC 5084 Hard ware In stal latio n 22 3 . Push down latches on e ach side of the SO-DIMM so cke t. 4 . Install the memo ry m odule into the socket and p ush it f irml y do wn until it is f ully seated. T he socket latches ar e levered upwards an d clipped on to the edge s of the SO- DIMM s ocke t.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Hard ware Ins tal latio n 23 2.6 Wireless LAN Card Installation T h e F PC 5 0 8 4 p r o v i d e s on e M i n i c a r d s o c k e t f o r u s e r t o i n s t a l l o n e wi r e l e s s L A N c a r d .
FPC 5084 Hard ware In stal latio n 24 3 . F i n d t h e b u i l t - i n An t e n n a c a b le w h i c h i s t i e d w i t h o t h e r c a b l e s o n t h e t o p o f t h e d e v i c e . C o n n e c t a n t e n n a c a b l e t o M A I N c o n n e c t o r o n w i r e l e s s L A N c a r d .
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Hard ware Ins tal latio n 25 MEM O.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 25 CH AP TER 3 AMI BIOS S ETUP UTILI TY This chapter provides users with d etailed descriptio n ho w to set u p basic system configuration thro ugh the A MI BIO S setup utilit y. 3.1 Starti ng To e nter t he setup scre ens, follow the step s b elo w: 1.
FPC 5084 26 AMI BIOS Setup U tility F10 T he <F10> k ey allow s you to save any changes you have m ade and e xit S etup. P ress the <F10> key t o save your cha nge s. Esc T he <Esc > key allows you to disc ard any ch ang es you have m ade and e xit the S etup.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 27 System Time or Syste m Dat e using the <Arro w> keys. Enter ne w values through the ke yboard. Press the <Ta b> key or t he <Arr o w> keys to move between field s. The date must be entered in MM/DD/YY form at.
FPC 5084 28 AMI BIOS Setup U tility Configure advanced CPU s ettin gs This scree n sh ows t he CPU Configurat ion, and y ou can chan ge the value of the selected op tio n. Max CPUID Value Limit You can en able this item to let legacy operating syste m s boot even without support f or C PUs with extended CPU I D fun ction s.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 29 Enhanced C- Stat es This item allows you to enable or disable an y a vai lab le enhanced C-states ( C1E, C2E, C3E, C4E and Har d C4 E) . IDE Conf igur ation You can u se this scre en to s elect o ptions for the I DE Co nfig ura tion , and change the va lue of the se lected option.
FPC 5084 30 AMI BIOS Setup U tility Serial Port1 Addres s This item specifies the ba se I/O port address and I nte rrup t Request ad dress of serial port 1. The Optima l setting is 3F8/IRQ4 . The Fail- Safe default sett ing is 3F 8 . Serial Port1 I RQ This item specifies the I R Q used b y the serial port 1.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 31 Serial Port4 Addres s This item specifies the ba se I/O port address and I nte rrup t Request addre ss of serial p ort 4. Serial Port4 I RQ This item specifies the I R Q used b y the serial port 4.
FPC 5084 32 AMI BIOS Setup U tility Hardw are Health Confi gur ation This scree n sh ows t he Hard ware H ealth Config uration, an d a description of the selected it em appear s on t he right s ide of t he scr een . Sy st em Temp erat ure/CPU Temp erat ure These items d ispla y the tem perature of CPU and Syste m , Vcore, et c.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 33 ACPI Set ting s You can u se this scre en to sele ct options for the ACPI S ett ings , and change the va lue of the se lected option. A de scription of the selected item appears on the r ight side of the sc re en.
FPC 5084 34 AMI BIOS Setup U tility Di sa bl e d Set t his it e m t o prevent the chip set power managem ent and APM (A dvanced P o wer Managem ent) fea tur es . Enabl e d Set t his it e m to allow the c hipset po wer managem ent and APM (A dvanced P o wer Managem ent) features.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 35 Di sa bl e d This setting prevent s hard di sk drive power down m od e. Suspend This option cuts the power to t he hard d isk drives during a sy stem suspend. This is the default s ett ing. Di sa bl e d This setting preve nts the s ystem from ent erin g suspend m ode.
FPC 5084 36 AMI BIOS Setup U tility On/Off Pushin g the power butt on turns the c omp ut er on or off. T his is the default setting. This is the default s ettin g. Suspend Pushin g the power butt on places t he c ompu te r in Suspend mode or F ull On pow er m od e.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 37 MPS Confi gura tion This scree n sh ows t he MPS (Multi Pro cessor Spe cific at ion) Configurat ion, and you can change its value. A de scription of th e selected item appears on the r ight side of the sc re en.
FPC 5084 38 AMI BIOS Setup U tility PCI Express Conf igura tio n This scree n sh ows t he PCI Express Configuratio n, and you can change its value.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 39 SB PCIE Ports Co nfigu ration Scroll to this item and pre ss <Ente r> to view the SB PC IE Ports Configur ation sub menu, which contains s eve ral options for your c on figu rati on.
FPC 5084 40 AMI BIOS Setup U tility USB Co nfigur ati on You can u se this scre en to sele ct options for the US B Configurat ion, and ch ange the value of the selected opt ion. A description of the selected it em appear s on t he right s ide of t he scr een .
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 41 3.5 PC I PnP M enu The PCI Pn P menu allows users to chang e t he advanced settings fo r PCI/PnP d evi ce s.
FPC 5084 42 AMI BIOS Setup U tility Clear NVR AM (2) Use this item to clear the data in the NVRAM (C MOS). H ere are the option s for your selectio n, No and Y es . Plug & Play O /S W hen the setting is No, Use this item to configure all th e devices in t he system.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 43 and Y es . Palette Sn oopi ng Some old graphic contro llers need to “snoop” on the VG A palette, and then map it to their di spla y as a wa y to provi de boot inform ation and V GA c ompatibility.
FPC 5084 44 AMI BIOS Setup U tility 3.6 Boot Menu The Boot m enu allows users to change bo ot options of the system . You can sele ct an y of the items in the left fram e of the screen to go to th e s.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 45 Boot Sett ings Confi gurat ion Quick Boot Enabling t his item let s the BIOS skip som e power on se lf tests (PO ST ). The de fault setting is En abl ed . Quiet Boot Di sa bl e d Set t his it em to allow the com puter s ystem to display the P OST m ess ag es.
FPC 5084 46 AMI BIOS Setup U tility IRQ. Here are the options for y our selection, Auto , En ab led and Dis ab le d . Wait For ‘ F1 ’ If Err or If this item is enabled, the system waits for the F1 ke y to be pressed w hen error occurs. The default setting is E nab le d .
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 47 Removabl e Dri ves Use this screen t o view the removable d rives in the s y stem . The BIOS w ill attem pt t o arr ange t he removable drive boot se qu en ce automat ically. You can a lso cha nge the b ooting se que n ce.
FPC 5084 48 AMI BIOS Setup U tility Lan Boot Sett ings Con fig uration The Lan Boot Settings Co nfiguration can e nable or disable La n Boot R OM t o a llow the s ystem boot on LA N.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 49 3.7 Se curity Menu The Se curity menu allows users to chang e t he secur ity settings for the syst em . Superv i sor Passw ord This item indicates w hether a supervi sor password h as be en set. If the pa ssword has bee n installed, In stalled displays .
FPC 5084 50 AMI BIOS Setup U tility menu. You can u se the sub m enu to chan ge the use r pa ssw or d. Boo t Sector Virus Prote ction This opti on is near the bottom of the Securit y Setup sc ree n. The default setting is Disa bl ed . Disable d Set t his it em to prevent the B oot Sector V irus Protecti on.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 51 3.8 C hipset Menu The Chip set menu allows u sers to chang e t he advanced ch ipse t settings. You can select any of the items in t he left f rame o f.
FPC 5084 52 AMI BIOS Setup U tility North B ridge Conf igur ation DRA M Fre quen c y This item allows you to co ntrol the Memory Clock . Con figure DRAM Timing b y SPD This item can enable.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 53.
FPC 5084 54 AMI BIOS Setup U tility South Bridge Con figur atio n (1).
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 55 (2) USB Func tion This item allows you to enable or disable U SB fu nct ion. USB 2.0 Cont rolle r This item allows you to enable or disable the USB 2. 0 con tro ller. Aud io Cont rolle r This item allows you to enable or disable the a udio sup port .
FPC 5084 56 AMI BIOS Setup U tility This item allows you to se t or disable the PCI E xpress Por ts. 3.9 Ex it M enu The Exit m enu allow s users to load your system conf iguration with optimal or failsafe de fault valu es.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al AMI BIOS Setup U tility 57 Use this item to abandon a ll cha ng es . Load Optimal Defa ults It aut omaticall y sets all Setup options to a complete set of default settings whe n y ou sele ct this o ption.
FPC 5084 58 Installation o f Drive rs CH AP TER 4 DRIVERS INST ALL A TION 4.1 System FPC 5084 supports W indows 2000/XP. To f acilitate t he installatio n of system driver, please caref ully re ad t he instru ctions in this chapter before start in sta lling.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Installation of Dr ive rs 59 4. 2 T o u c h S c re e n T h e F P C 5 0 8 4 u s e s t h e 5 - w i r e a n a l o g r e s i s t v e . T h e r e a r e t h e s p e c i f ic a t i o n a n d d r i v e r i n s t a l l a t i o n w h i c h a r e l is t e d b e l o w .
FPC 5084 60 Installation o f Drive rs 3. Click Star t menu and sele ct “Pen Mount Utilities”; and then , a “PenMo unt Co ntrol Panel” pops out.
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Installation of Dr ive rs 61 4. Select the “Standard Calibrate” tab. 5. Cali bra tio n: To adjust t he displa y wit h touch p anel, click “Cal ibration” a nd follow the calibrate point to do calibration; there are five points on screen for c alibr at ion.
FPC 5084 62 Installation o f Drive rs 4 . 3 E m b e d d e d O . S . T h e G O T - 5 8 4 0 T p r o v i d e s t h e W in d o ws X P E m b e d d e d a n d W i n d o w s C E. N e t 6 . 0 . T h e O . S . i s s u p p o r t e d d e v i c e s w h i c h a r e l i s t e d b e l o w .
FPC 5084 User Ma nu al Installation of Dr ive rs 63 4.3.2 W indows CE.N ET 6.0 Here a re support ed on board dev ices: Onboard Mu lti I/O USB PS2 Keyboard and m ou se CRT/LCD displ a y.
デバイスIntel N270の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Intel N270をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはIntel N270の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Intel N270の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Intel N270で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Intel N270を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はIntel N270の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Intel N270に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちIntel N270デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。