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mL ' JENN-AIR Use and Care Manual Wa s he r Model JW3000 AIJ TOMA _ C CONTROLS MANUAL CON T ROLS Care of Special Items .......................................... 12-13 Care of Your Washer .................................................. 9 Congratulations on your choice of a Jenn-Air washer! As Energy Saving Tips .
d. Rem o ve the door to the washing compartment before the washer is removed from service or discarded. 1. Read all instructions carefully before using the 5. washer. Retain all instructions for future reference. 2. Installation - Install and locate this washer according a.
e. 11 . Improper laundering of flame retardant finishes c o uld remove them. Therefore , follow garment manu- facturer ' s instructions carefully. 12. When moving, have the washer checked and properly installed by a qualified Jenn-Air Service Contractor.
I Sorting I I Load Sizel For b e st r e sults, cloth e s should b e sort e d into lo a d s that can b e • Size o f Load - Th e space that f abricsoccupy is more i m port a nt wash e d and dri e d together. So r t cloth e s into loads t h at can b e than th e ir weight .
1. Add Bleach, if needed, to the Bleach Dispenser 3. Place Clothes In Washer Und i luted liquid c hlorin e blea c h ma y be ad d e d to th e b l e ach Put d ry , unfolde d c lothes loosely in th e tub , up to the to p of th e disp e nser as shown, a gitatorvan e sfora m axi m u m load.
To s e t: I 1, Touchth e START / PAUSE Pad to a c tivat e th e el e ctron ic contro l s. 4 . To Start: Tou c h th e START / PAUSE Pad, The pause indicator wil l light. Note: You may s top the wash e r at any time by touch i ng the 2 . SE L E CT C Y C LE : "me PER MA PR ESS cycle has been pre- S T A RT / P AUSE Pad .
[ Cycl e Descrip, _] OTHEROPTIONS MANUAL OPTIONS ULTRA WASH Cycles: El i min ate the need for p r e s p o t p ro ducts while p ro vidi n g com pa ra ble The Aut o matic Cycles can be cust o mized to y o u r needs by using the stain rem o val pe r fo r man c e.
[ Lint Filtering Sy s tem (Automatic) Ii Overl_ P r otector I Th e Li n t Fi l te r i n g syst e m d oe s no t re q u ir e cle a ning. A built - i n prot e ctor a uto ma tic a l l y shutsoff the washe.
1. Usewarmorco l dwatertowashlightlysoileditems;usehotwater 5. Ifpropersortingpr o ducessmallloads, adjustthewaterleveltothe for loads that contain white items and loads that contain heavily size of the load . (Use enough water so clothes move freely.
Occasionally, you may want to sanitize your washer and laundry. Many complaints about unsatisfactory washing results can be traced Sanitizing is desirable during periods of family illness to help prevent directly to hard water. Water hardness is measured in grains per the spr e ad of infections from one family member to another , gallon .
Item Description of Care BEDSPREADS Choose HOT or WARM water temperature according to colo#astness and amo u nt of so i l Set (Chenille, F i berglass, Beta R, Quilted) wat e r level at SU PER. Wash separately for 10 minutes at R EGU L AR speed. Use CO LD rinse.
I i Disi _e c tahts i I _ Hdn e ss I O c c as i on all y , you ma y w an t to san i t i ze yo ur w ashe r and l aund ry . M any co mp lai n t s abou t unsa ti s f a ctory w ash i ng r esu l ts c an be t r a c ed S ani t i z i ng i s des ir ab l e du ri ng pe riod s of fam il y i ll ness to he l p p r e v en t dire c t l y t o har d w a t er .
C are of Special Items (Cont.) Item Des c ription of Care FLAME RETARD A NT FINISH ES To help redu c e the po s sib l e l oss of t he flame retardant finish through continuous w ashing , clean ac c ording to the instructions furnished by th e m a nufacturer of the item.
J Unknown Stains j • Treat stains prompt l y. For unknown sta i ns, follow these steps i n sequence unt il the stain is removed. • Identify the stain, if possible. 1. Soak the stain in cold water for at least 20 minutes. • Avoid using hot water on unidentifi e d stains , as it might set the stain.
This chart applies only to washable items . It does not apply to items which should be drycleaned. Always treat stains as soon as possible before launder i ng . A i r dry articles to b e certa i n stain has been r e moved; machine d r ying c ould make the stain more difficu l t to r e move .
Stain Removal Chart (Cont.) stain Removal Procedure Ink (Ba ll point ) Spray stain with hair spray until satura t ed or sponge s t ain with rubbing alcohol or spray wi t h pre t reat )roduct. Rinse thoroughly. Pretreat stain. Launder using the hottest water safe for the fabric.
Problem Remedy Prevention Are c lot he s s o rted properly? Are you using Brush lint f rom c l othes o r u se a lin t r em o ver Separate l int - giver(terryto w e ls , s w eat - shirts, enough deterg.
Problem Solving Guide (Cont.) Problem Remedy Prevention Is w ater hot eno u gh ? Are cl o thes sorted Wash in hottest w ater safe f o r fabric a n d u se Wash whi t e cott o ns , l i nens and man - made pr o p e r l y ? ade q u a t e a m ou n t o f d et e r ge n t.
Problem Solving Guide (Cont.) Problem i Remedy Prevention I S wat e r t empe r ature too low ? Wash in the h o ttest wa ter s afe for fabric and Usecorr e ctwatertemperat u re . F o r adeq u ate = use ad e quate am o unt of d e tergent, resul t s, hot w ater is recommended.
Problem Solving Guide (Cont.) Problem Remedy Prevention I mproper u se of chlor i n e b l each. T here is no solution on c e th i s type of damage A l ways mea s ure b l each. D il ute m e asured has occurred. _leach in at least one quart of water before adding to washer.
Check the following list to be sure a service call is really nec e ssary. If the water won't drain: If the water temperature is incorrect: • Is th e hos e k i nk e dor knott e d? • I s the WATER TEMP.
IMPORTANT For Satisfaction Of Your Warranty Foll o w Th e s e St e p s In Ord e r If serv ic e or par t s are e v e r n ece ssary, c ont a c t th e d e aler fro m who m you p ur c has e d the app l ian c e.
AUTOMATIC WASHER []L_L_ ' JENN-AIR GOLDEN PRODUCT WARRANTY All J e nn-Airapplianc e s car r y a m in im u m wa r ra n ty of f irst y e ar f ull warra n ty p arts and l abor, plus a second year limitedwarranty f or partson l y. Warranti e s b e gin o n t h e d a t e o f purchas e.
AUTOMATIC WASHER W[]_ JENN-AIR GOLDEN PRODUCT WARRANTY Al l Jenn - Ai r a p pl i ances car ry a mi n imu m wa rr an ty of f irs t y e a r f ul l wa rranty p a rts an d la b or , p lus a s e co nd ye a r limite d w a r r an ty fc Warrant i es b e gin on th e dat e of purchas e .
デバイスJenn-Air JW3000の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Jenn-Air JW3000をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはJenn-Air JW3000の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Jenn-Air JW3000の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Jenn-Air JW3000で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Jenn-Air JW3000を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はJenn-Air JW3000の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Jenn-Air JW3000に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちJenn-Air JW3000デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。