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mmmJ ENN-AIR Use and Car e Manual Gas-Electric Grill-Range with Convection Oven Model SVD48600P.
WARNING: If the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or death . - Do not store or use gasoline or other flam- mable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Congratulations on your choice of a Jenn-Air grill-range. The indoor grilling of meats, fish or fowl is one of the most attractive and succulent methods of preparing these foods.., a unique flexibility made possible by Jenn-Air's patented integral ventilation system.
Appliance Usage Before You Call For Service ................................................................................................. 50-52 Caring For Your Range Access Panel ....................................................................
Read before operating your range All appliances - regardless of the manufacturer - have the potent i al through improper or careless use to create safety problems. Therefore the following safety precautions should be observed: 1. Be sure your appliance is properly installed and grounded by a q u alif i ed t ec hni c i an .
12. HANDLES - Always turn pa n handles to th e sid e or ba c k o f the rangetop - not out into the room where they are easily hit. COOKWARE HANDLES SHOULD BE TURNED INWARD AND NOT EXTEND OVER ADJACENT SURFACE BURNERS to minimize burns, ignition o f flammabl e m a terials, and spillag e due to unintentional contact with the cookware.
25. Clean only parts listed in this manual and use procedures recommended. 26. Flame size should be adjusted so it does not extend beyond the edge o f the c o okware, this i n structio n is based on safety consideration. 27. This appliance has been tested for safe performance using conventional cookware.
38. Do not allow aluminum foil to contact heating element. 39 . W A RNIN G : To reduce the risk of tipping the appliance from abnor- mal usage or by e xc e ssive loading o f the o ven door, the appli a nce must be secured by properly installed a nti-tip devices .
MODEL NUMBER SERIAL NUMBER (numbers appear on the serial plat e on the oven fr o nt frame) DATE PUR C HASED JENN-AIR DEALER FROM WHOM PURCHASED ADDRESS C ITY PHONE AUTHORIZEDJENN-AIR SERVICE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY PHONE Imp o _a n t:Reta i nproofofpurchasedocumentsforwarrantyse_ice.
The built-in ventilation system removes cooking vapors, odors and smoke from foods prepared on the cooktop, grill and grill accessories. Regular use of this system will insure a more comfortable and less humid kitchen which is free of heavy cooking odors and fumes that normally c r ea t e a freq uen t ne e d for c leani n g a nd re d ec or a ting .
VentilationSystem Oven Vent and Air I Oven Controls S u Controls Controls • Use to capture smoke and steam. (See p. 10.) • Use to prov i de flexib i lity in setting selection when using t he cooktop burners or grill burner. (See p , 15 . ) • Use the electronic touch c o ntrols to set Clock or Oven functions.
Yo u r n ew cooktop burn ers h ave b ee n p r e s etf or an "averag e " set o f co nd itio n s .R e g io n al varianc e s in g a s pressureand a tmospheric cond i tions such as h e ightabov e se a l e v e l may a ff e ct your initial f lame pe rf ormanc e .
Your new cooktop burners have been preset for an "average" set of conditions. Regional variances in gas pressure and atmospheric conditions such as height above sea l e vel may affect your initial flame performance. When the control knob is turned on, gas enters the mix e r tube and mixes with air.
To adjust grill burner air shutters and surface burner air shutters. The left handair shutter con t rolsthe rear half of t he grill burner or t he rear surface burner. The right hand shutter controls th e front half of the grill burner or the front surface burner .
To achieve optimum cooking performance use cookpots with flat bottoms and tight fitting covers. Flame size should be adjusted so it does not extend beyond the edge of the cookware. This instruction is based on safety considerations. Adjusting the size of the flame to fit the size of the coekware also helps to save fuel .
• Since the controls are a push-turn type , they must be pushed in before turning. To set (from the Off position), push in on control knob and immediately turn counterclock- wise to the Lite position until burner ignites. After ignition, turn knob clockwise to desired setting.
The grill consists of two black grill grates and a grill burner. Only install the grill on the left side of your range. To Install Gri l l Module 1. Before installing grill components, be certain control knobs are in the Off position. 2. Position the grill burner with m i xer tube openings toward the orifices.
• Before the first use, wash your new grill grates in hot soapy water, rinse and dry. Then "season" the surface by wiping on a thin coating of cooking oil.
Preheat grill on Hi, 5 minutes, for best flavor. . • , • ' Note: This chart is a suggestedguLde, cooktng t_mes and contro_ settings are approximate due to variations in meatsand gas pressure.
With your Jenn-Air grill literal l y any food you've considered "at its best" when prepared outdoors can now be prep a red indoors with less fuss and great flavor . The following suggestionsare good rules to follow and will increase your enjoyment of the equipment.
Grill Burne r Foll o w in struct i o ns o n page17 f o r rem o v i ng th e gr i l l burn e r. The grill bumer should be c/eaned after each u s e, I t can be cleaned with a soapy S , O , S , pad or in the dishwasher , Rinse and dry thoroughly before using again.
The control panel is designed for ease in programming. The Display Window features Indicator Words which will flash to prompt you for the next step. To pro g r a m 1. Touch the function pad to give command desired. 2. Touch the Up or Do w n Arro w Pad(s) to enter time or temperature.
Oven Light Switch (Control Panel) The oven light au t omaticallycomes o n wh e never t he oven door is ope ned . W hen the door is closed , push the Ov e n Li gh t Sw it ch to turn oven light on or o ff. Disp l ay Window Shows tim e o f d a y , tim e r, and ev e n fun ctio ns .
To set oven on bake or convection bake or convection roast 1. Place oven racks on proper ra c k positions. (See p. 25.) 2. T o uch Bake Pad or Convect Bake Pad or Convect Roast Pad. ind i cator Words BAKE or CONVECT BAKE or CONVECT R OAST w i l l f lash and three dashes will be shown in the Display.
The rack positions noted are generally recommended for the best browning r e sults a nd most efficient cooking time s . For many fo o d it e ms, e x ce llent results c a n be a c hi e ved when using one of several different rack positions . Ref e rt o baking and r o astingsections for re c omm e nd a tion s for specifi c foods.
When electrical power is supplied or a fter power interruption, the l a st clo c k time displayed before power was interrupted will flash , Time will adva n ce and co n tinue to flash unti) clock is reset, To set time of day 1 . Touc h Clock Pad . indicator Word TIME will flash and t ime digits wil l remain in the Display.
Impo r ta n t : T hi s interval Timer c a n b e us e d t o remind you w hen a pe r i o d, u p t o 11 hours and 55 minute s , expir e s. It can b e u s ed independently of any other ov e n activity and can be set whil e anoth e r oven function is op e rating.
*Omit steps 5 & 6 if you want baking to start immediat e ly. To set oven to st a rt immediately and shut off autom a tically 1. Touch Bake P ad or Co n vect Bake Pad or Conve c t Ro a st Pad. Indicator Words BAKE or CONVECT BAKE or CONVECT ROAST will flash and three dashes wil t be shown in the Display.
To set oven to start at future time and shut off automatically 1-4. Follow pr e c e d i ng s t e p s 1-4 on pa g e s 2 8. 5. Touch Stop Time Pad. Indica t or Words STOP TIME will flash. Display will show the calculated stop time based on current time of day and cook time.
• Whe n c ooki n g foods for th e fir s t time i n y o u r new ove n , use re c ipe cooking times and temp e ratur e s as a guide. • Use tested recipes from reliable sources . • Preheat the oven only when necessary. For baked foods that rise and for richer browning, a preheated oven is better .
F or Conventional Bake use the Bake Pad . * An "o" after a rack numb e r implies that the offset rack should be used. ** The times given are based on specific brands of mixes or recipes tested. Actual times will depend on the ones you bake .
• Use convection baking for breads, cakes, cookies and pies . • As a general rule, when using recipes or prepared mixes developed for a conventional bake oven, set the oven temperature 25°F lower than the recipe recommended temperature. T i mes will be similar to or a few minutes less than recipe recommended times.
Three-Rack Convection Baking Oven Meal Fo r best r e sults,bake foods on one ra c k a t a time as des c ribed i n this ma n u a l . Howe v er, v e ry good r e sult s c an b e obtain e d w h e n baking quant i t i e s of fo o ds o n m u lt i pl e ra c k s .
• Preheating is not nece s sary. • For open pan roasting, place meat or poultry on the slotted portion of the two-piece pan included with the oven. Do not add water to th e pan. Us e op e n pan roasting for tender cuts of meat. Less tender cuts of meat need to b e cooked by moist heat in a covered pan.
Chart time is based on thawed meats only. For Conventional Roasting use the B a ke Pad , i!!i_iii!i_i!i!ii! ili!i!iii_iN_iiiiiiiii{;ii 325 ii! !_iii400 P ii;iiiiiiiii .
• Tender cuts of meat and poultry can be roasted to a rich golden brown in the convection oven. Follow general recommendations for roast i ng and use Convect Roast. • R e f e r to co n v e c ti on meat ro as ti n g cha r t for re co mme n ded coo king temperat u re and time.
Figure 2. • Use the Convect Roast Pad for best result s . • Preheating the oven is not necess a ry. • F ollo w pa c kage r eco mm e nd a tions f o r oven t e mp e ratur e , f o il cove ring a nd use of c o o k ie s he e ts . C o o king tim e s w ill b e simil a r.
1. Place oven rack on the rack position suggested in the chart. (See p. 39.) Distance from broiling element depends on foods being prepared. Rack position 4o (offset rack in position #4) is usually recommended unless otherwise stated . 2. Tou c h B ro i l Pad .
• Tender cuts of meat or marinated meats are best for broiling. This incl u des rib and loin c uts of ste a k, gr ou nd beef, h a m ste a ks, poultry pieces or fish.
Whe n the ov en c ontrols ar e set to CLEAN , the o v e n heat s to temper a t u r e s th a t a r e higher than those used for c ooking. The high temperatures cause food soil to burn off and substantially disappear. While this occurs, a device in the oven vent helps to consume normal amounts of smoke.
• The oven racks can be cleaned in the oven. However,the oven racks will discolor, lose shi n i n ess, a n d become difficult to slide i n and out if left in the ove n during the cleaning process. REMOVE RACKS FROM OVEN IF THIS DISCOLORATION WILL BE O BJECTI O NABLE.
To set oven to start cleaning at a later time 1-3. Follow st e ps 1-3 i n pr e vious section o n pag e 41. 4. T ouch Stop T ime Pad I n dica to r Words STOP TIME wi ll f l ash i n t he D isplay. The In d icator W o rd CL E AN and the calculated stop time will also appear in Display .
To cancel self-clean • To u ch Canc e l Off P a d. • The o ven door will be locked while the LOCK Indicator Word remains in the Display. Dep e nding o n th e l en gth of tim e the ov e n h a d b ee n self-cle a ning, it m a y t a k e up t o 45 minut e s for th e ov e n to c ool down, the door to unlock and co oling fan to turn off.
• A slight odor may be detected, and if an oven i s heavily s o il e d, some s m o k e may b e visibl e . Som e sm o ke and o dor during the cleaning pr o cess is a normal o c currence . Since the oven vent is located under the air grille , vapors , moisture , etc .
Stain l ess Steel • DO NOT USE ANY CLEANING PRODUCT CONTAINING CHLORINE BLEACH. • ALWAYS WIPE WITH T HE GRAIN WHEN CLEANING. • Daily Cleaning / Light Soil - wi pe w ith o n e o f the f o l ) o w.
Control Knobs The knobs on the control panelcan be removedwith the controls in t he Off pos i tion. Pull ea c h k n ob s traight fro m th e sh a ft. Wa s h k n obs i n w a rm soapy w a ter or d ishw a sher ; do not us e abrasive cleansers or materials.
The accesspanel is easily openedor removed. To - . . op e n p a n e l, grasp upp e r corn e rs and pull for w ard C atch and down . To close panel, lift up and insertpr o ngs into catches in the range.
The oven temperature can be adjusted if all oven temperatures are too low or too high and the length of time to cook ALL foods is too long or too short. Do NOT adjust the temperature if only one or two items are not baking properly. To adjust 1. Touch the Bake Pad.
Griddle - Model AG3 0 2 Serf - dra i n i ng griddl e m a k e s many fav o rite f o ods ea s i e r to fix. F a mily-si z ed surface lets you cook several pancakes , hamburgers, or grilled sandwiches at the same t ime. Wok - Mode l AO142 Ideal for s ti r - fry i ng, steaming, braising , and stewing.
Check the following list to be sure a service c a ll is realty necessary. A quick reference of this manual m a y prevent an unneeded servi ce carl. I f grill or su rf ace burner fails to light: • ch e ck to b e s ure unit is properly connected to power supply .
If oven do e s no t heat: • the oven controls m a y be set incorr e ctly . • clo c k co ntrol s may b e s e t for d e lay e d start of ov e n. If the o v e n li gh t doe s not wo rk: • the light bulb is loose or defective.
If baking results differ from previous oven: • oven thermostat cal ( brationmay differ betweeno l d and new ovens. Fo l low rec i pe and us e a nd c ar e dir ec tions b e f o r e c alling for se rvi ce sin ce th e c a libration on the previousov e n may have driftedto a too high o r too low s e tting .
デバイスJenn-Air SDV48600Pの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Jenn-Air SDV48600Pをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはJenn-Air SDV48600Pの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Jenn-Air SDV48600Pの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Jenn-Air SDV48600Pで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Jenn-Air SDV48600Pを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はJenn-Air SDV48600Pの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Jenn-Air SDV48600Pに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちJenn-Air SDV48600Pデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。