Jet ToolsメーカーGH-1440Wの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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OW NER’S M A NU A L GH-1340W/1440W La th es JET EQU IPMEN T & TOOLS , IN C. P.O. BO X 134 9 253-351-600 0 A W MH C ompany Auburn, WA 98071-1349 Fax 253-939-8001 www.
2 Important Information 1-YE AR J ET of fe rs a on e -yea r limite d LIM ITED W A RRA N T Y warranty on this product R E PL A C EM EN T P A R TS Replac em en t parts f or t his t ool are av ailabl e dir ectly f orm JE T Equipment & Tool s. To pl ace an order, call 1-800- 274-6848.
3 WARNING • Read an d understan d the entire in struction manu al befo re att em pt ing assembl y or oper ati on . • Th ese l athes are designed and i nt ended f or u se by p rop erly trai ned a nd experien ced perso nnel o nly.
4 Speci fi cati ons : GH -1340W/ 14 40W Stoc k Nu mber .............................................................................................. 321810 G H-1340W - 1 Stoc k Nu mber .................................................................
5 Miscellane ous: Steady Rest Capaci t y ................................................................................................. 1/4" - 3 -3/4 " Foll ow Rest Capacit y ...............................................................
6 WARNING Read an d understan d the entire con tents of this manua l b ef ore attemp ting se t-up or oper ati on! Fai lure to co m pl y may cause serious injur y! Contents of the Shipping Container 1 .
7 U ncr ati ng an d Cl ean- U p 1. Fi nish removi ng the wooden crate f rom around the l at he. 2. Unbolt t he lathe f r o m the s hi pping c rate bo tto m. 3. Choose a l ocation f or t he lat he that is dr y, has good li ghti ng, and has enough room to be abl e to ser v i ce the lat he on all four sides.
8 Chuck Pre par ation (T hree Jaw) WARNING Read an d understan d all direct ions for chuc k pre par atio n! Fai lure to co m pl y may cause serious in jury and/ or dam age t o t he lathe! Note: B e f ore r e m oving the chuc k from the spindl e, pl ace a w ay board ac ross the bedways un der t he c huck 1.
9 Lubrication CAUTION Lat he must b e servi ced at all lub rication poi nts and all reservoi rs fill ed to operat ing level befo re the lathe i s pu t into servi ce! Fai lure to co m pl y may cause serious d am ag e to th e l a th e! 1. Headst ock - Oi l m ust be up to i ndi cator m ark i n oil s i ght g l ass ( A, Fig.
1 0 3. Ap r o n - o il m ust be up t o i ndic a tor mark i n oil sight glass (A , Fig. 6). T op o ff with Mobi l DTE O i l H e av y M e di um . R em ov e oil cap (B, Fi g. 6) on top o f apr on to fill . To drai n, remove dr ain pl ug on bottom of apron.
1 1 Coolant Preparation CAUTION Fol low cool ant manu factu rer's recommen datio ns fo r use, care, and di sposal. 1. Re m o ve rear acce ss cov er on ta ilstock end. Make sure cool ant tank has not shif ted duri ng transport and i s loc a ted properl y under t he recovery chute (Fig.
1 2 Make sure t he l athe i s prop erly g rounded. Power is connect ed properl y when pu llin g up on the f orward-rev erse l e v er causes the spindl e to r otate counter -cloc kwise as v i ew ed from t he tail stock.
1 3 Gene ral Des cri pt i on Lathe B e d The l athe bed (A, Fi g. 10) is made of high grade cast i ron. By co m bi n i ng h i gh cheeks with str ong cross ri bs, a bed with low v ibr ation and high r igi d i ty is reali zed.
1 4 Tails t ock The tail stock (A , Fig. 12) slides on a v- w ay and can be l ocked at any loc ation by a cl amping l e v er. T he tail stock has a heavy duty spi ndle wi th a Morse Taper #3. Lead screw and F eed Rod The l eadscrew (B Fig. 12) and feed rod (C, Fi g.
1 5 Foll ow Rest The trav e li ng f oll ow rest (F, F ig. 12) i s m ounted on the saddle and f ollows the m o v ement o f the tur ning t ool . O nly two finger s are requi red as the pl ace o f t he thir d is tak en by the t urning t ool. The f o l low rest i s us ed f or tuni ng operati ons on long, sl ender workpi eces.
1 6 5. Feed /Lead S electo r Lever ( H ,F i g .1 3 )- loc ated on the f ront o f the gearbox. Used in set ting up for f eeding and threadi ng. Posit ions "F " and "D" are f or the feed r od . Posit ions "E" and "C" are for t he f eed screw.
1 7 15. Tool P ost Clampi ng Lever ( J ,F i g .1 4 )- loca ted o n to p o f the too l pos t. Ro tate counter -cl ockwi se to l oosen and cl ockwise to ti ghten. 16. T ailstock Qu ill Clampi ng Lever (A, F i g . 15) - l ocat ed on t he t a i lstoc k. Lift up to loc k the spindl e.
1 8 Oper ati on Feed and Th read Selecti on 1. Ref erence t he f eed and t hread found on the gear box f aceplat e tabl es (A, Fi g. 17 & page 22 of manual ). 2. Mo v e le v ers (B , C, D, E & F, F i g. 17) to the appropr iat e positi ons accordi ng to the chart .
1 9 Automat ic F eed Operation and F eed Chang es 1. Mov e the f orward/rev erse selec tor ( A, Fi g. 19) up or down dependi ng on desir ed dir ecti on. 2. Set selec tor levers (A, B , C, & D, Fi g. 20) to desi red rat e. Note: f or f eeding, l ever ( D) will be set at "F " or "D", dependi ng on desired f eed rate.
2 0 M etr i c Thr e ad Ta bl e I nch Lead and Feed T abl e Cross Fee d Ta ble.
2 1 Com pou nd R es t The com pound rest i s l ocat ed on top o f t he cros s s li de and can be r otated 360 degrees. Loosen the t wo s ocket head cap scre ws (A, Fi g. 21) on the c ompound rest base. Ther e is a cali brated di al (i n degr ees B, Fig.
2 2 Tails t ock If the handl e will not l ock the tailstoc k, foll ow the proc edure bel ow : 1. Lower the handl e t o the unl ocked posit ion. 2 . S l i d et h e t a i l s t o c kt oa na r e at h a ta l l o w s acces s to the undersi de o f t he tail stock.
2 3 4. Set up and c ut along fiv e i nches of t he bar stock. 5. Using a mi cromet er, m easure t he bar stock nex t to the c huck and at the end. The m easurem ent shoul d be t he same. 6. If the m easurem ents are not the sam e and adjust ment i s requi red, loosen hex socket cap scr ews (A , Fig.
2 4 Bel t Rep lacem ent and A djus tmen t 1. Disco nnect mach ine from the p ower sou rce (unplug ). 2. Open t he end gear cover and l ower co v er on the headstoc k side. 3. Take t ension off old belts by l oosening m o t or mount hex nut (A, Fi g. 26).
デバイスJet Tools GH-1440Wの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Jet Tools GH-1440Wをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはJet Tools GH-1440Wの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Jet Tools GH-1440Wの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Jet Tools GH-1440Wで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Jet Tools GH-1440Wを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はJet Tools GH-1440Wの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Jet Tools GH-1440Wに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちJet Tools GH-1440Wデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。