JL AudioメーカーIWS-SYS-2の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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IW S- SY S- 1 IW S- SY S- 2 O w n e r ’s M a n u a l.
| Fathom I WS Pag e 2 IMPO RT ANT S AFET Y IN STRUCTI ONS 1 ) Read t he Inst ruc tions — A l l sa fet y and oper ati ng in str uc t ions sho u ld be read before t he subw oofer is oper ated. 2 ) Reta in t he Inst ruc tions — e sa fet y a nd operat ing i nst r uct ions should be reta i ned for futu re reference.
Pag e 3 | Fathom I WS 12) C l e a n i n g — e subwoof er a nd a mplier shou ld be clea ned on ly as recommended i n t he operat ing i nst r uct ions. 13 ) Non us e Periods — e power cor d of t he subwoofer amp should be unplugged f rom t he outlet when t he subwoofer is le unuse d for lo ng per iods of ti me.
| Fathom I WS Pag e 4 FC C COM PLIANCE ST A TE ME NT NOTE : is eq uipment h as b een te ste d a nd found t o comply w it h t he li m its of Pa r t 15 of t he FCC Ru les . es e li m its a re de sig ned to prov id e rea sona ble prote ct ion ag ai ns t ha rm f u l inte rfe rence i n a resid enti a l in st a ll ati on.
Pag e 5 | Fathom I WS PRODUCT OVERVIEW JL Aud io F at hom IWS subwoofers combine a state- of -t he-ar t JL Audio subwoofer dr iver and elec t ronics/ a mpli er pack age w it h a hig h ly opti mi z ed enclosure to del iver an e xcept ional l isten ing e xp erience i n your home t heater or ho me aud io system .
| Fathom I WS Pag e 6 PLA CING Y OUR F A THOM I WS CABINETS IN Y OUR LIST ENING ROOM: Y our l isten ing room or t heater is a n integ ra l pa r t of your sou nd reprod uc t ion sys tem. e physica l d imensions of t he room and its f u rn ish ings , materia l s, doors a nd wi ndows play an impor t ant role in de n ing how your sys tem sound s.
| Fathom I WS Pag e 8 SPE CIAL AMP LIFIER C ONSIDERA TIONS FOR RA CK MOUNTING OR CU STOM CABINET INST A LLA TIONS Fathom IWS a mpli ers a re desig ned to be “ bui lt- i n ” f riend ly . A l l t y pica l ly needed c on t rols a re located on t he front panel .
Pag e 9 | Fathom I WS Recomme nded Subwoof er Placement O ptions f or Tw o Fathom IWS boxes Using T wo Fathom IWS Enclosur es W hen usi ng two Fat hom IWS boxes, t r y placement a long the f ron t wa l l nea r t he front le and r ight spea ker s, or at t he center points of opposing w a ll s as shown at r ig ht.
| Fathom I WS Pa g e 10 1 2 3 1 2 3 Recomme nded Subwoof er Placement O ptions f or Three Fathom IWSs 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 Recomme nded Subwoof er Placement O ptions f or Four F at hom IWSs Using T.
P a g e 11 | Fathom I WS Rear Contro ls and Connec tors e labeled Fig u re below depi c ts t he rea r pa nel of a Fa t hom IWS subwoofer . Front Control Pane l e labeled Fig u re below depi c ts t he f ront co nt rol panel of a Fathom IWS subwoofer .
| Fathom I WS Pag e 12 FRON T P ANEL C ONTROLS IN DET AIL Power Swi tch e “P ower” sw itch deter mi nes t he operat ional read i ness of t he Fathom IWS sys tem and shou ld be t he only sw itch u sed to t ur n t he Fa t hom IWS a mp on and o.
Pa g e 13 | Fathom IWS Demo Button e Demo button tr ig gers a 20 sec ond l ong tone sequence t hat briey demonst rates t he sou nd of the Fathom IWS subwoofer .
| Fathom I WS P a g e 14 Master Level Knob e Mas ter Le vel Knob is u sed to control t he output level of the Fat hom IWS when t he V ar iable L evel mode is se lecte d on the f ron t control pa nel. W hen rotated f u lly c ounter clock w ise , the Fat hom IWS’ s output wi l l be f u l ly muted.
Pa g e 15 | Fathom IWS E. L . F . T rim e Ex t reme Low Frequency (“ e. l.f. t ri m”) knob a l lows t he user to apply a cer ta i n amou nt of signa l equa l i zat ion at 23 H er t z ( ex t remely lo w ba ss ). At fu l l counterclock w ise rotat ion, the sig na l at 23 Hz i s cut by 12 dB.
| Fathom I WS P a g e 16 C ONNEC TING Y OUR F athom IW S Balanced In puts If your home-t heater receiver or preampli er/ proces sor pro v ides ba l ance d outputs, t he Fat hom IWS amp’ s ba la nced i nputs are t he preferred connec t ion.
Pa g e 17 | F athom IWS Unbalanc ed Inputs e Fathom IWS subwoofer amp featu res i ndiv idua l le a nd rig ht unba la nced RCA -t y pe i npu t con nectors. e se a re the mos t commonly u sed con nectors for h ome audio applic ations a nd must be us ed if you r receiver or preampli er/ process or does not pro v ide ba la nced outputs .
| Fathom I WS P a g e 18 Input Mode S witches: T wo switches a re loc ated on the rea r pa nel to control unba la nced sig na l grou ndi ng a nd master/ s lave operation.
Pa g e 19 | Fathom I WS “Outp ut to Slave” Connecto r If you are oper ati ng more tha n one Fathom IWS subwoofer in one ho me t heater sys tem, you wi l l desig nate one Fa t hom IWS a s the Ma ster ( see p age 20) , a nd then feed sig na l f rom it to the rema in ing “ Slave” Fa t hom IWSs v ia t h is ba la nced X LR out put.
| Fathom I WS Pag e 2 0 SYSTEM CON NEC TIO N DIAGR AM 1 : One Fatho m IWS to Hom e Theate r Rece iver or Home Theater Preamp /Processor Most home t heater re ceiver s and prea mp/ pro ces sors prov ide a si ngle ( mono ) subwoofer out put.
Pa g e 21 | Fathom IWS SYSTEM CON NEC TIO N DIAGR AM 2: Mul tipl e F at hom IWSs to Hom e Theate r Rece iver or Home Theater Preamp /Processor T o g reat ly si mpli f y usi ng mu ltiple subwoofers i n a si ngle home t heat er sy ste m, Fat hom I WSs i ncor por ate a “Ma ster/Slave ” sig na l d i st r ibut ion sy st em.
Pag e 23 | Fathom IWS SYSTEM CON NEC TIO N DIAGR AM 4: T wo Fatho m IWSs in Ster eo to T wo -Channe l Audio S ystem W hen con nect i ng t wo Fathom I WSs in s tereo to a t wo -cha n nel aud io sys tem you w il l on ly us e t he “Le or Mono ” input s of each Fat hom IWS .
| Fathom I WS Pag e 24 REC OMMENDE D SETUP P ROCEDURES 1 ) P repa r at ion for Se tup Pro ces s: ..................................... 2 4 -2 5 2 ) Apply A.R .O: .................................................... 2 6 -2 7 3 ) L e vel Set ti ng: ....
Pag e 2 5 | F athom IWS On th e F athom IWS’ s Front Panel: Please t ur n o t he home theater receiver or prea mp /process or to mak e the se adjust m ents. 1. “Po wer” Sw itch Fl ip each Fathom I WS’ s “Pow er” sw itch to t he “On ” p osition.
| Fathom I WS Page 26 REC OMMENDE D SETUP P ROCEDURES ( continued) Subw oofer System Setup: Once you have set t he con t rols on your home theater rec eiver or p rea mp/ process or and on your Fathom I WS( s ) to t he set t ings rec ommended on pages 24 - 25, you are ready to beg i n set t ing up your Fat hom IWS for op t i mum pe r form a nce .
Pag e 27 | Fathom IWS e ) Wit hi n 5 sec onds of p res sing t he “Ca l ibrate” button, retu rn to you r prim ar y li steni ng se at and hold the m icropho ne i n your norma l, se ated head position at the approxim ate height of yo u r ea rs.
| Fathom I WS Page 28 3 ) Polar ity a nd Phase Adjustment It is oen helpfu l to have a second person operat ing t he se controls so t hat you ca n ea sily he ar t he cha nges f rom t he prima r y l isten ing s eat.
Pag e 29 | Fathom IWS FREQUENT L Y ASKED QUES TIONS Is the Fathom I WS magne tica l ly sh ielded? Fathom IWS subwoofers are not m ag net ic a l ly s hi elded . T o avoid m ag net ic di stort ion w ith c ert a in tele v ision ty p es, plac e t he Fa t hom IWS at lea st 3- 4 feet ( 1 - 1 .
| Fathom I WS Pag e 3 0 TROUBL ESHOOTING No sound from subwoofer . 1 . V er if y t hat Fat hom IWS amp is plug ged in, t ur ned “ON” & t hat f ron t pa nel lig hts a re “O N ” . If t he Fat hom IWS amp w i l l not power up , check t he ci rcu it breaker t hat fee ds its out let.
P a g e 31 | Fathom I WS LIMIT ED WA RR ANTY / SERVICE INF ORMA TION JL A U DI O wa rr ants t h is product to be f ree of defec ts i n materi a ls a nd workma ns hip for a period of t hree ( 3) y ea rs f rom t he orig ina l d ate of purchase .
Specifications IWS-SYS-1 Fathom I WS hom e subw oofe r IWS-SYS-2 Fa tho m IWS home subwoofer Enclosure T ype: Single Sea led Encl osure T wo Sealed Enclosures Driver(s): 1 3.5-inch (nominal diameter ) 1 3.5-inch (nominal diameter) in eac h of t wo enc losure s Frequency Response (anechoic): 26 Hz - 10 1 Hz (+/- 1 .
デバイスJL Audio IWS-SYS-2の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
JL Audio IWS-SYS-2をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはJL Audio IWS-SYS-2の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。JL Audio IWS-SYS-2の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。JL Audio IWS-SYS-2で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
JL Audio IWS-SYS-2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はJL Audio IWS-SYS-2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、JL Audio IWS-SYS-2に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちJL Audio IWS-SYS-2デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。