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C ompl e t e Har dw ar e Guide f or EX8208 Etherne t S wit che s Published: 2010-12-0 7 Re vision 10 Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc..
Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 1194 North Mathil da Av enue Sunnyv ale, Calif ornia 94089 US A 408-7 45-2000 www .juniper .net This pr oduct includes the Env oy SNMP Engine, dev eloped b y Epilogue T echnolog y , an Integr at ed Sy stems Compan y . Copyright © 1986-199 7 , Epilog ue T echnolog y Corpora tion.
Juniper Netw orks hardw are and softwar e products are Y ear 2000 compliant. T he Junos OS has no kno wn time-rela ted limita tions through the year 2038 .
Softw are in any manner tha t extends or is br oader than the uses purcha sed by C ustomer from Juniper or an authoriz ed Juniper resell er; (i) use Embedded Soft ware on non-Juniper equipment; (j) us.
12. Commercial C omputer Soft ware. The S oftware is “ commercial c omputer softw are” and is pro vided with restrict ed rights. Use, duplica tion, or disclosure b y the United S tat es go vernment is subject t o restrictions set f orth in this Agreement and a s pro vided in DF ARS 227 .
T abl e of C ont ents A b o u tT h i s T o p i cC o l l e c t i o n ........................................x x i H o w t o U s e T h i s G u i d e ...............................................x x i List of EX Series Guides f or Junos OS R ele ase 10 .
S F M o d u l e L E D s i n a n E X 8 2 0 8 S w i t c h ..................................3 2 8-port SFP+ Line Card in an EX8200 Swit ch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 40-port SFP+ Line Card in an EX8200 Swit ch . . . . .
C h a p t e r 7 P l a n n i n gP o w e rR e q u i r e m e n t s.....................................1 0 3 A C P ow er S pecifica tions f or EX8200 Swit ches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 DC Po wer Specifica tions for EX8200 Swit ches .
P o w e r i n g O n a nE X 8 2 0 0S w i t c h......................................1 7 6 Connec ting an EX Series S witch t o a Management Cons ole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Connec ting an EX Series S witch to a Modem . . . . . . . . . . . .
P art 6 T rouble shooting S witch C omponents Chapter 15 T roubl eshooting S witch Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 T roubl eshooting Line Card Installa tion on EX8200 Swit ches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 P art 7 T rouble shooting S witch C omponents Chapter 16 T roubleshooting S witch Components .
Maintenanc e and Opera tional Saf ety Guidelines and W arnings f or EX Series S w i t c h e s .....................................................2 8 9 J e w e l r y R e m o v a l W a r n i n g .......................................2 8 9 L i g h t n i n g A c t i v i t y W a r n i n g .
List of Fig ur es P art 1 S witch and C omponents Ov erview and Specific ations C h a p t e r 1 E X 8 2 0 8 S w i t c h O v e r v i e w ...........................................3 F i g u r e 1 : E X 8 2 0 8S w i t c h................................
P art 2 Pl anning for S wit ch Install ation Chapter 5 Rack and Cabinet Requir ements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Figure 33: Installing an EX8208 Swit ch in a Four-Post Rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 66: P ow er Cor d R etainer in an A C P ow er Suppl y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Figure 67: Connecting the P ower Supply Cord to an EX8200 Swit ch . . . . . . . . . . 171 Figure 68: R emoving the Pla stic Cabl e Cov er on a DC P ower S upply in an EX8200 S w i t c h .
P art 8 R eturning Har dware Chapter 17 R eturning the Swit ch or Swit ch C omponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Figure 96: L oca tion of the Serial Number ID Label on EX8208 S witch C h a s s i s .............................
List of T abl es P art 1 S witch and C omponents Ov erview and Specific ations C h a p t e r 1 E X 8 2 0 8 S w i t c h O v e r v i e w ...........................................3 T able 1: EX8208 S witch Hardw are Configur ations . . . . . . . . . . .
T able 2 4: N+N Po wer Suppl y R equirements f or EX8216 S witch C onfigura tions Using 2000 W A C Po wer Supplies ( Junos OS R el ease 10 .2 or La ter O n l y ) .
T able 47: EX8208 Swit ch Component Po wer Re quirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 T able 48: A C Po wer Cord Specific ations for an EX8200 S witch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 T able 4 9: Chassis P ow er Consumption f or N+1 C onfigura tions and for N+N Config ura tions Running Junos OS Rel ea se 10.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. xx Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
About T his T opic C oll ec tion • How t o Use This Guide on pa ge xxi • List of EX Series Guide s for Junos OS R el ea se 10. 4 on pag e xxi • Downl oading Soft ware on pa ge xxiii • Document.
Description Titl e Component descriptions, sit e prepar ation, install ation, repl acement, and sa fet y and compliance inf ormation for EX4 500 Ethernet switche s Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX450.
Description Titl e Junos ® OS f or EX Series Ethernet S witche s, Rel ease 10 .4: L ayer 3 Pro tocol s Junos ® OS f or EX Series Ethernet S witche s, Rel ease 10 .4: MPL S Junos ® OS f or EX Series Ethernet S witche s, Rel ease 10 .4: Mul tica st Junos ® OS f or EX Series S witches, R elea se 10.
Documenta tion S ymbols K ey Notice Ic ons Description Meaning Icon Indica tes important f ea tures or instructions. Informa tional note Indica tes a situa tion that might re sult in l oss of data or har dware damage . Caution Alert s you to the risk of per sonal injury or death.
T ex t and Synt ax Conv entions Exampl es Description Conv ention broadca st | multic ast ( string1 | string2 | string3 ) Indica tes a choic e between the mutuall y ex clusiv e keyw ords or variabl es on either side of the symbol. T he set of choices is often encl osed in parenthe ses for cl arity .
R equesting T echnic al Support T echnical pr oduct support is av ailabl e through the Juniper Net work s T echnical Assistanc e Cent er (JT AC). If y ou are a cust omer with an activ e J-Care or JNA .
P ART 1 S wit ch and C omponent s Ov ervie w and S pecific a tions • EX8208 S witch Ov erview on pag e 3 • Component Des criptions on page 19 • Component S pecifica tions on page 57 1 Copyright © 2010 , Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 2 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 1 EX8208 S wit ch Ov ervie w • EX8208 S witch Hardw are Ov erview on pag e 3 • EX8208 S witch C onfigura tions on pag e 7 • Chassis Ph ysical S pecifica tions of an EX8208 Swit ch on pag.
Chassis Ph ysical S pecifica tions The EX8208 s witch is 14 r ack units (14 U) in siz e (1/3 rack); thr ee EX8208 swit ches can fit in a standar d 42 U rack. Ea ch EX8208 switch is de signed to optimize r ack spac e and cabling. S ee Figure 1 on pa ge 4.
R outing Engines and S witch F abric S witching functionalit y , sys tem manag ement, and syst em contr ol functions of an EX8208 swit ch are perf ormed by a S witch F abric and R outing Engine (SRE) module. S ee “S witch Fabric and R outing Engine (SRE) Modul e in an EX8208 S witch” on pa ge 26.
Cooling S ystem The c ooling syst em in an EX8208 swit ch consists of a hot-r emovabl e and hot-insertabl e fan tr ay . The f an tra y contains 12 f ans. The f an tra y installs v erticall y on the le ft front of the chassis and pr ovides side-t o-side chassis c ooling.
EX8208 S witch C onfigur ations T able 1 on pa ge 7 lists the se ven sampl e hardwar e configur ations f or an EX8208 swit ch—base ( AC), r edundant (A C and DC ver sions), and fully l oaded cha ssis (A C and DC ver sions)—and the components incl uded in each c onfigura tion.
T able 1: EX8208 S wit ch Hardwar e Configur ations ( continued) Configur ation C omponents S witch Config uration • Chassis with ba ckplane • One fan tr ay • T wo SRE module s • One SF module.
• 48-port SFP Line Card in an EX8200 S witch on pag e 35 • 48-port RJ-45 Line C ard in an EX8200 S witch on pa ge 36 • A C Po wer Suppl y in an EX8200 S witch on pag e 41 • Cooling S yst em an.
Figure 2: EX8208 S witch Y ou can mount an EX8200 switch on a st andard 19-in. f our-post rack or a s tandard 800-mm enclo sed cabinet. Up t o three EX8208 s witches can be ins talle d in a standard ( 42 ra ck unit (U)) rack pr ovided the r ack can handl e their combined w eight.
• Mounting an EX8208 S witch on a Ra ck or Cabinet on pag e 132 • Installing and R emoving EX8208 S wit ch Hardwar e Components on pa ge 143 Underst anding EX8208 Swit ch C omponent and Functionality R edundancy The Juniper Ne twork s EX8208 Ethernet S witch is a vailabl e as a full y re dundant syst em.
contr olled b y the second f an tr ay contr oller . If one fan tr ay c ontroll er fails, the other fan tr ay c ontroll er keeps hal f the f ans working. This all ow s the switch t o continue t o opera te normall y a s long a s the remaining f ans cool the cha ssis sufficiently .
T able 4: S wit ch Fabric R edundancy f or EX8208 Swit ches ( continued) S witch Fabric R edundancy Slot SF Slot SRE1 Slot SRE0 S witch Config ura tion No SF module SRE module Empty Base c onfigura ti.
T able 5: Sl ot Numbering for an EX8208 S witch (c ontinued) Components A cc epted in Sl ot Slot Label Line card 4 Line card 5 Line card 6 Line card 7 Figure 3 on p age 14 sho ws the sl ot numbering, which is on the front l eft of the chassis.
NO TE: W e recommend tha t you install t wo SRE modul es for r edundancy . If you inst all only one SRE modul e, we r ecommend tha t you install it in the sl ot SRE0. S ee “Installing an SRE Modul e in an EX8208 Swit ch” on pag e 149. Slot SF a ccept s only the SF modul e.
Figure 4: Sl ot Numbering f or Po wer Suppl y Slots on an EX8208 S witch Chassis Fr ont NO TE: P ower supplie s can be install ed in any sl ot. Y ou do not hav e to install them in serial order . See “Installing an A C Po wer S upply in an EX8200 S witch ” on pag e 144 and “Installing a DC P ower S upply in an EX8200 S witch ” on pag e 146.
T able 7: CLI Equiv alents of T erms Used in Documentation f or EX8208 S witches ( continue d) Additional Inf ormation Item In Document ation V alue (CLI) Description (CLI) Hardwar e Item ( CLI) The s.
T able 7: CLI Equiv alents of T erms Used in Documentation f or EX8208 S witches ( continue d) Additional Inf ormation Item In Document ation V alue (CLI) Description (CLI) Hardwar e Item ( CLI) • A.
CHAPTER 2 C omponent De scriptions • L CD P anel in an EX8200 Swit ch on pag e 19 • Chassis S ta tus LEDs in an EX8200 Swit ch on pag e 24 • Field-R eplace able Units in an EX8208 S witch on pag.
Figure 5: L CD Panel in an EX8200 S wit ch Y ou can configur e the second line of the L CD panel to displa y a cust om messag e. If the L CD panel is config ured t o displa y a custom mess age, the Menu but ton and the Ent er butt on are disabl ed. S ee Configuring the L CD Panel on EX S eries S witches ( CLI Proc edure).
The maint enance mode all ow s you to c ycl e through options f or configuring and troubl eshooting the swit ch: • S yst em halt • R eboot syst em • Lo ad rescue c onfigur ation • R evert t o fa ctory c onfigura tion • EZS etup L CD P anel Menus The L CD has thre e menus: Idle, S tatus, and Maint enance .
T able 8: L CD P anel Menu Options for the EX8200 S witch (c ontinued) Description Menu The S tatus menu ha s the foll owing options: • S witch f abric status—Choose one of the f ollo wing: • Pr.
T able 8: L CD P anel Menu Options for the EX8200 S witch (c ontinued) Description Menu The Maint enance menu ha s the foll owing options: • S YS TEM HAL T?—Choose one of the f ollo wing: • Pr ess Enter to hal t the mast er SRE module in an EX8208 s witch or to hal t the mast er RE module in an EX8216 swit ch.
• Connec ting and Configuring an EX S eries S witch (CLI P roc edure) on pag e 188 • Connec ting and Configuring an EX S eries S witch (J-W eb Pr ocedure) on p age 190 Chassis S ta tus LEDs in an EX8200 S witch The t op front of the cha ssis of an EX8200 switch ha s three LEDs on the right side of the L CD panel.
R elat ed Documenta tion L CD P anel in an EX8200 Swit ch on pag e 19 • • Understanding A larm T ypes and Se verity L ev els on EX Series S wit ches Fiel d-Repl ac eabl e Units in an EX8208 S witch Field-r epla ceabl e units (FRUs) ar e switch c omponents that y ou can r eplac e at y our site.
T able 10: FRUs in an EX8208 S witch (c ontinued) T ype FRU Hot-insertabl e and hot-remov able. W e recommend tha t you tak e the line cards offline bef ore remo ving them.
Y ou can install one or tw o SRE modules in an EX8208 s witch. A ba se configur ation EX8208 swit ch has onl y one SRE module . See “EX8208 S witch C onfigura tions” on pag e 7. Y ou can add a s econd SRE modul e to the c onfigura tion for R outing Engine and swit ch control r edundancy .
• SRE module LEDs—Indic at e syst em sta tus. See “SRE Modul e LEDs in an EX8208 S witch” on pa ge 28. • R ecesse d reset but ton—P ow er cycl es the SRE module when pr essed . T ake the SRE modul e offline using the CLI befor e pressing the r eset butt on.
T able 11: SRE Modul e LEDs of an EX8208 S witch Sta te and Description Col or LED Label (Description) SRE module is po were d on. Green ON (Po wer On) SRE module is po were d off. Unlit • On ste adily —SRE module is oper ating normall y . • Blinking—SRE modul e is booting.
Figure 9: LEDs on the Mana gement P ort on an EX8200 S witch T able 12 on pa ge 30 describes the Link/ Activity LED . T able 12: Link/ Ac tivity LED on the Manag ement Port on EX8200 S wit ches Sta te and Description Col or LED • Blinking— The port and the link are activ e, and there is link activity .
Figure 10: SF Modul e in an EX8208 S witch The SF modul e can be inst alled onl y in the sl ot label ed SF . The SF module is k ey ed so that it doe s not fit in the other slots in the cha ssis. See “Sl ot Numbering for an EX8208 S witch” on pa ge 13.
• T aking the SF Module Offline in an EX8208 S wit ch on page 214 SF Modul e LEDs in an EX8208 S witch The S wit ch Fabric (SF) modul e has tw o LEDs on the l eft side of the module’ s front p anel. See Fig ure 11 on pag e 32.T able 14 on pa ge 32 describes the se LEDs, their col ors and sta tes, and the sta tus they indica te .
hot-insertabl e and hot-remo vable: Y ou can r emove and r epla ce them without pow ering off the swit ch or disrupting switch func tions. The 8-port SFP+ line c ard re quires Junos OS f or EX Series s witches, R el ea se 9 .4 or l at er . EX8200 swit ches use four t ypes of line cards.
EX8200 swit ches use four t ypes of line cards. Y ou can use an y combination of line c ards in an EX8200 swit ch. The 40-port SFP+ line c ard f or EX8200 switches (s ee Figure 13 on pa ge 34) ha s 40 ov ersubscribed 10-gig abit SFP+ ports on the fa cepla te in which y ou can inst all SFP+ transc eiver s.
The line c ard ha s two sta tus LEDs l abeled ON and S T on the f acepl at e that indic at e the online and sta tus informa tion for the line c ard. S ee “Line Card LEDs in an EX8200 S witch” on pag e 37. The line c ard is shipped with 40 dust c over s (in an acc essory bag).
R elat ed Documenta tion 8-port SFP+ Line Card in an EX8200 S witch on pag e 32 • • 40-port SFP+ Line Card in an EX8200 S witch on pag e 33 • 48-port RJ-45 Line C ard in an EX8200 S witch on pa .
• Installing a Line Car d in an EX8200 S witch on pag e 154 • Handling and St oring Line Cards in EX8200 S wit ches on page 227 Line Car d LEDs in an EX8200 Swit ch The line c ards in EX8200 swit .
T able 15 on pa ge 38 describes the st atus LEDs on line c ards for the EX8200 s witch, their col ors and sta te , and the sta tus they indica te. T able 15: S tatus LEDs on Line C ards for EX8200 S witches Sta te and Description Col or LED The line c ard is enable d/ online.
Figure 22: Ne twork P ort LEDs on a 40-port SFP+ Line Car d g020903 Link/Activity lower port Link/Activity upper por t Status lower port Status upper por t Figure 23 on p age 39 sho ws the netw ork port LEDs on a 48-port SFP line car d. The LEDs point to ward the port t o which the LEDs bel ong.
T able 16: Net work P ort LEDs on Line Cards in an EX8200 S witch—Link/ A ctivity LED Sta te and Description Col or LED • On ste adily — The port and the link ar e active, but ther e is no link activity . • Blinking— The port and the link are activ e, and there is link activity .
R elat ed Documenta tion 8-port SFP+ Line Card in an EX8200 S witch on pag e 32 • • 40-port SFP+ Line Card in an EX8200 S witch on pag e 33 • 48-port SFP Line Card in an EX8200 S witch on pag e .
Figure 25: A C Pow er Suppl y Each A C pow er supply c omes with a pow er ret ainer that hol ds the pow er cord in pl ace . See Fig ure 26 on pag e 42. The po wer re tainer has a clip and an a djustment nut. The L-shaped ends of the clip hook into the br ack et hole s on each side of the A C appliance inle t on the fac epla te .
is 52 VDC. The output po wer is 1200 W f or lo w-vol tag e line input and 2000 W for high-vol tag e line input. The 3000 W A C pow er supply support s only the high-v olta ge line input (200– 240 V AC) A C power c onfigura tion. L ow-vol ta ge line input is not supporte d for the 3000 W A C pow er supplies on the EX8200 swit ches.
T able 19: N+ 1 Po wer R edundancy Configur ations f or Differ ent EX8208 S witch C onfigura tions Using 3000 W A C Po wer S upplies Po wer Supplie s Needed f or N+1 Po wer Supplie s Needed (N) Input .
• Junos OS R el ease 10 . 1 or earlier—C onsult T able 18 on pag e 43, T able 20 on pag e 44, or T able 21 on pa ge 44 to de termine the number of po wer supplies neede d (N). Then multipl e the N val ue by tw o. NO TE: In Junos OS R el ease 10 .1 or e arlier , the pow er manag ement fea ture manag es switche s for N+1 r edundancy onl y .
T able 22: N+N P ow er Suppl y R equirements f or EX8208 Swit ch Config ura tions Using 2000 W AC P o wer Supplies ( Junos OS R el ease 10 .2 or Lat er Onl y) Po wer Supplie s Needed f or N+N Po wer S.
T able 25: N+N P ow er Suppl y R equirements f or EX8216 Swit ch Config ura tions Using 3000 W AC P o wer Supplies ( Junos OS R el ease 10.2 or Lat er Onl y) Po wer Supplie s Needed f or N+N Po wer Su.
T able 26: P ow er Suppl y LEDs on EX8200 S witches Description Sta te LED Indica tes one of the f ollo wing: • Po wer suppl y is disconnec ted from A C pow er feed . • AC po wer input v olta ge is not within normal opera ting rang e. • No AC po wer input.
• Connec ting AC P ow er to an EX8200 S wit ch on page 169 DC P ow er Suppl y in an EX8200 S witch The DC po wer supplies in EX8200 s witches ar e hot-remov able and hot-insert able field-r eplac eabl e units (FRUs). NO TE: EX8208 swit ches support 2000 W DC pow er supplies.
Figure 28: DC P o wer Suppl y NO TE: A 2000 W DC pow er supply r equires a dedic at ed 60 A circuit br eaker for e ach input DC feed . A 3000 W DC pow er supply r equires a dedic at ed 100 A circuit bre aker f or each input DC f eed. Each DC po wer suppl y connect s to the backpl ane in an EX8208 swit ch and to the midplane in an EX8216 s witch.
The t ables in this se ction list the N+1 po wer re quirements of diff erent EX8200 swit ch config ura tions: • T able 27 on pa ge 51—Lists the N+ 1 pow er requir ements of EX8208 switch c onfigur ations that use 2000 W DC po wer supplies.
NO TE: EX8208 swit ches support 2000 W DC pow er supplies. EX8216 swit ches support 3000 W DC pow er supplies. Figure 2 9: DC Po wer Suppl y LEDs in an EX8200 Swit ch T able 29 on pa ge 52 describes the LEDs on a DC po wer suppl y in EX8200 swit ches.
T able 29: DC P ow er Suppl y LEDs in EX8200 S witches ( continued) Description Sta te LED Indica tes one of the f ollo wing: • Po wer suppl y is disconnec ted from DC po wer f eed. • DC pow er input volt age is not within normal opera ting rang e (-40 VDC through -72 VDC).
• Connec ting DC Po wer t o an EX8200 Swit ch on pag e 171 Cooling S yst em and Airflo w in an EX8208 S witch The c ooling syst em in an EX8208 swit ch consists of a singl e fan tr ay . The f an tra y is a hot-insertabl e and hot-remo vable fiel d-repl ac eable unit (FR U).
Figure 31: Airfl o w Throu gh the EX8208 Swit ch Chassis The S wit ch Fabric and R outing Engine (SRE) module monit ors the t empera ture of swit ch components. Under normal oper ating c onditions, the fans in the f an tr ay run a t less than full speed .
R elat ed Documenta tion Field-R eplace able Units in an EX8208 S witch on page 25 • • Installing a F an T ra y in an EX8208 S witch on pag e 148 • R emoving a F an T ra y from an EX8208 S witch on pa ge 209 Backpl ane in an EX8208 Swit ch The ba ckplane is a print ed circuit boar d that f orms the back of the line car d cag e.
CHAPTER 3 C omponent S pecific a tions • USB P ort Specifica tions f or an EX Series S witch on pa ge 57 • Consol e P ort Connect or Pinout Informa tion for an EX S eries S witch on pa ge 58 • M.
R elat ed Documenta tion See R ear P anel of an EX2200 S witch f or port l ocation. • • See R ear P anel of an EX3200 S witch f or port l ocation. • See R ear P anel of an EX4200 S wit ch for port l oca tion. • See Fr ont Panel of an EX4 500 Swit ch for port l oca tion.
R elat ed Documenta tion See R ear P anel of an EX2200 S witch f or port l ocation. • • See R ear P anel of an EX3200 S witch f or port l ocation. • See R ear P anel of an EX4200 S wit ch for port l oca tion. • See Fr ont Panel of an EX4 500 Swit ch for port l oca tion.
Optical Int erfa ce Support in EX8200 S witches This t opic describes the optical int erf aces support ed for tr ansceiv ers used in the SFP and SFP+ line car ds for EX8200 swit ches. It also lists the c opper interf ac e supported f or the SFP transc eiver s.
T able 32: Optic al Interf ace Support f or SFP+ T ransc eiver s in 8-port SFP+ Line Cards Used in EX8200 S witches V alue Specifica tion Ethernet S tandard EX-SFP-10GE-USR Model Number 10GBase-SR 10 Gbps Ra te L C Connect or T ype Dual Fiber Count 850 nm T ransmitter W avel ength – 7 .
T able 32: Optic al Interf ace Support f or SFP+ T ransc eiver s in 8-port SFP+ Line Cards Used in EX8200 S witches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet S tandard EX-SFP-10GE-SR Model Number 10GBase-SR 10 Gbps Ra te L C Connect or T ype 850 nm T ransmitter W avel ength – 7 .
T able 32: Optic al Interf ace Support f or SFP+ T ransc eiver s in 8-port SFP+ Line Cards Used in EX8200 S witches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet S tandard EX-SFP-10GE-LRM Model Number 10GBas e-LRM 10 Gbps Ra te L C Connect or T ype Dual Fiber Count 1310 nm T ransmitt er W av elength –6.
T able 32: Optic al Interf ace Support f or SFP+ T ransc eiver s in 8-port SFP+ Line Cards Used in EX8200 S witches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet S tandard EX-SFP-10GE-LR Model Number 10GBase-LR 10 Gbps Ra te L C Connect or T ype 1310 nm T ransmitt er W av elength –8.
T able 32: Optic al Interf ace Support f or SFP+ T ransc eiver s in 8-port SFP+ Line Cards Used in EX8200 S witches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet S tandard EX-SFP-10GE-ER Model Number 10GBase-ER 10 Gbps Ra te L C Connect or T ype Dual Fiber Count 1550 nm T ransmitter W avel ength –4.
T able 33: Optic al Interf ace Support f or SFP+ T ransc eiver s in 40-port SFP+ Line Cards Used in EX8200 S witches V alue Specifica tion Ethernet S tandard EX-SFP-10GE-USR Model Number 10GBase-SR 10 Gbps Ra te L C Connect or T ype Dual Fiber Count 850 nm T ransmitter W avel ength – 7 .
T able 33: Optic al Interf ace Support f or SFP+ T ransc eiver s in 40-port SFP+ Line Cards Used in EX8200 S witches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet S tandard EX-SFP-10GE-SR Model Number 10GBase-SR 10 Gbps Ra te L C Connect or T ype 850 nm T ransmitter W avel ength – 7 .
T able 33: Optic al Interf ace Support f or SFP+ T ransc eiver s in 40-port SFP+ Line Cards Used in EX8200 S witches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet S tandard EX-SFP-10GE-LRM Model Number 10GBas e-LRM 10 Gbps Ra te L C Connect or T ype Dual Fiber Count 1310 nm T ransmitt er W av elength –6.
T able 34: Optic al Interf ace Support and C opper Interf ac e Support for SFP T r ansceiv ers in 48-port SFP Line Cards Us ed in EX8200 Swit ches V alue Specifica tion Ethernet St andard EX-SFP-1GE-T.
T able 34: Optic al Interf ace Support and C opper Interf ac e Support for SFP T r ansceiv ers in 48-port SFP Line Cards Us ed in EX8200 Swit ches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet St andard EX-SFP-1GE-SX Model Number 1000Ba se-SX 1000 Mbps Rat e L C Connect or T ype 850 nm T ransmitt er W av elength –9 .
T able 34: Optic al Interf ace Support and C opper Interf ac e Support for SFP T r ansceiv ers in 48-port SFP Line Cards Us ed in EX8200 Swit ches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet St andard.
T able 34: Optic al Interf ace Support and C opper Interf ac e Support for SFP T r ansceiv ers in 48-port SFP Line Cards Us ed in EX8200 Swit ches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet St andard EX-SFP-1GE-LX Model Number 1000Ba se-LX 1000 Mbps Rat e L C Connect or T ype 1310 nm T ransmitter W avel ength –9 .
T able 34: Optic al Interf ace Support and C opper Interf ac e Support for SFP T r ansceiv ers in 48-port SFP Line Cards Us ed in EX8200 Swit ches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet St andard.
T able 34: Optic al Interf ace Support and C opper Interf ac e Support for SFP T r ansceiv ers in 48-port SFP Line Cards Us ed in EX8200 Swit ches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet St andard.
T able 34: Optic al Interf ace Support and C opper Interf ac e Support for SFP T r ansceiv ers in 48-port SFP Line Cards Us ed in EX8200 Swit ches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet St andard.
T able 34: Optic al Interf ace Support and C opper Interf ac e Support for SFP T r ansceiv ers in 48-port SFP Line Cards Us ed in EX8200 Swit ches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet St andard.
T able 34: Optic al Interf ace Support and C opper Interf ac e Support for SFP T r ansceiv ers in 48-port SFP Line Cards Us ed in EX8200 Swit ches ( continued) V alue Specifica tion Ethernet St andard.
swit ches. They ar e suitabl e for short distanc es up t o 7 m, making them ideal for highl y cost-e ffectiv e netw orking connec tivity within a rack and be tween a djacent r acks.
T able 36 on pa ge 79 describes the c able specific ations. T able 36: SFP+ Dir ect A ttach Cabl e Specific ations V alue Specifica tion Model 10 Gbps full-duple x serial transmission Ra te EX-SFP-10GE-D AC-1m EX-SFP-10GE-DA C-3m EX-SFP-10GE-DA C-5m EX-SFP-10GE-DA C-7m SFP+ passiv e T winax cable a ssembl y Connec tor type 3.
• R emoving a T ransceiv er from an EX Serie s Swit ch on pag e 220 Grounding C able and Lu g Specifica tions for EX8200 S witches For install ations tha t requir e a separa te gr ounding conduct or.
Figure 32: Gr ounding Cabl e Lug For an EX8208 S witch The gr ounding cabl e that y ou provide f or an EX8208 swit ch must be 6 A WG (13.3 mm 2 ), minimum 60°C wire , or as permitt ed by the l ocal c ode. The gr ounding cabl e that y ou provide f or an EX8216 swit ch must be 2 A WG (33.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 82 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
P ART 2 Pl anning f or S wit ch Inst all a tion • Site P repar ation on pag e 85 • Rack and C abinet R equirements on pa ge 91 • Cabl e Re quirements on pag e 99 • Planning P ow er R equirements on pa ge 103 83 Copyright © 2010 , Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 84 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 4 Sit e P r epar a tion • Site P repar ation Checklist f or an EX8200 S witch on pa ge 85 • General Sit e Guidelines for EX S eries S witches on pa ge 87 • Site El ectric al Wiring Guide.
T able 37: Sit e Pr epara tion Checklist ( continued) Dat e P erformed By For More Inf ormation Item or T ask “ A C Po wer Specific ations f or EX8200 S witches” on pag e 103 “DC Po wer Spe cifi.
T able 37: Sit e Pr epara tion Checklist ( continued) Dat e P erformed By For More Inf ormation Item or T ask “Rack R equirement s for an EX8208 S witch” on pag e 91 Rack R equirement s for an EX8.
R elat ed Documenta tion Pr evention of El ectr ostatic Dis charge D amage on EX S eries S witches on pag e 298 • • Cle aranc e Re quirements f or Airflo w and Hardwar e Maintenanc e for EX2200 S .
T able 38: Sit e Elec trical W iring Guidelines (continue d) Guidelines Site W iring Fac tor If your sit e is susceptibl e to probl ems with ele ctromagnetic compa tibility (EMC), particul arly from lightning or r adio transmitt ers, seek e xpert advice.
T able 39: EX S eries S witch Envir onmental T oler anc es T oleranc e Description No performanc e degrada tion to 10 ,000 f eet (3048 meter s) Altitude Normal opera tion ensured in r elativ e humidit.
CHAPTER 5 R ack and C abine t R e quir ements • Rack R equir ements for an EX8208 S wit ch on page 91 • Cabinet R equir ements and Specifica tions for an EX8208 S witch on pag e 94 • Cle aranc e.
T able 40: Ra ck Requir ements and Specific ations f or an EX8208 Swit ch Guidelines Rack R equirement Use a four-pos t rack or a tw o-post rack. Y ou can mount the switch on an y four-post or two-pos t rack tha t provides br acke t holes or hol e pat terns spac ed at 1 U (1.
Figure 33: Ins talling an EX8208 S witch in a Four-P ost Rack Figure 34: Ins talling an EX8208 S witch in a T wo-P ost Rack R elat ed Documenta tion Rack-Mounting and C abinet-Mounting W arnings for E.
Cabinet R equirements and Specific ations f or an EX8208 S witch Y ou can mount an EX8208 switch on a c abinet that c ontains a 19-in. r ack as de fined in Cabinet s, Rack s, Panels, and A ssociat ed Equipment (document number EIA-310-D ) published by the El ectr onics Industry Associa tion ( http:/ / www .
T able 41: Cabine t Re quirements and Specific ations f or an EX8208 Swit ch (c ontinued) Guidelines for the EX8208 S witch Cabinet R equirement When you mount the s witch on a cabine t, ensure that ventil ation throu gh the cabinet is sufficient t o prevent ov erheating.
Figure 35: Airfl o w Throu gh the EX8208 Swit ch Chassis • If you ar e mounting the switch on a r ack or cabine t along with other equipment, ensur e that the e xhaust from other equipment doe s not blo w into the intak e vents of the chassis. • Le av e at l ea st 24 in.
Figure 36: Cle aranc e R equirements f or Airflo w and Hardwar e Maintenanc e for an EX8208 S witch Chassis R elat ed Documenta tion Cabinet R equir ements and Specifica tions for an EX8208 S witch on.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 98 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 6 Cabl e R equir ements • Cabl es Connec ting the EX8200 Swit ch to Mana gement Devic es on pag e 99 • Understanding EX8200 S witch Fiber-Optic Cabl e Signal Loss, A ttenua tion, and Dispe.
Underst anding EX8200 Swit ch Fiber-Optic Cabl e Signal L oss, At tenua tion, and Dispersion T o determine the po wer budg et and pow er margin nee ded for fiber-optic c onnections, you nee d to underst and how signal l oss, att enua tion, and dispersion aff ect tr ansmission.
• Modal dispersion, which is the spr eading of the signal ov er time caused b y the differ ent propa gation mode s in the fiber . For multimode tr ansmission, modal dispersion, r ather than chr omatic dispersion or at tenua tion, usually limit s the maximum bit ra te and link l ength.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 102 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 7 Pl anning P o w er R equir ements • A C Po wer Specific ations f or EX8200 S witches on pa ge 103 • DC P ower S pecifica tions for EX8200 S witche s on page 104 • P ower R equir ements.
T able 44: P ow er Specifica tions for a 3000 W A C P ow er Suppl y in an EX8200 S witch Specifica tions Item Opera ting rang e: • High-vol tag e line—200–2 40 V A C NO TE: Lo w-vol tage line input is not support ed for 3000 W A C pow er supplies on the EX8216 swit ch.
T able 46: P ow er Specifica tions for a 2000 W DC P o wer Suppl y Used in an EX8208 S witch Specifica tions Item • Minimum opera ting vol tage: –40 VDC • Nominal opera ting vol tage: –48 VDC • Opera ting vol tage r ange: –40 VDC thr ough – 72 VDC NO TE: If the input vol tag e from the DC pow er source dr ops belo w –37 .
• Cal cula ting P ower R equir ements for an EX8208 S wit ch on page 108 A C Po wer C ord S pecifica tions for an EX8200 S wit ch Each A C pow er supply ha s a single A C applianc e inlet l oca ted on the po wer suppl y that requir es a dedica te d AC po wer f eed.
T able 48: A C P ow er Cord S pecifica tions for an EX8200 S witch ( continued) Plu g Standards Ele ctrical Specific ations Country /R egion • NEMA 6–20 • NEMA L6–20 250 V A C, 16 A, 50 Hz North America • NEMA 5–15 NO TE: Only f or use with 2000 W A C power supply .
CA UTION: AC po wer c ords for EX8200 s witches ar e intended f or use with this swit ch only and not f or any other use. Po wer Cabl e W arning (Japanese) W ARNING: The a ttached po wer c able is onl y for this produc t. Do not use the cable f or another product.
• Ensure tha t you kno w the power r equirements of diff erent s witch c omponents. See “P ower R equir ements for EX8208 S wit ch Components” on pag e 105.
T able 50: Cha ssis Po wer C onsumption for N+N C onfigur ations Running Junos OS R el eas e 10.2 or Lat er R edundant Configur ation Base C onfigura tion Chassis Component 700 W 700 W Fan tr ay 200 W 200 W SRE module 200 W — SRE modul e 100 W 100 W SF module 1200 W 1000 W T otal 2.
T o cal cula te the s ystem thermal output: 1. Det ermine the maximum syst em pow er consumption of y our switch in w att s. See “Cal cula ting the P ower C onsumption of Y our EX8208 S witch C onfigura tion” on pa ge 109 for ho w to do so . 2. Multipl y the maximum s ystem po wer c onsumption by 3.
T o cal cula te the number of po wer supplies r equired f or your s witch config ura tion: 1. Det ermine the power r equirement of the ba se chassis (tha t is, the combine d power requir ements of the fan tr ay , SRE module or modul es, and the SF modul e) by consul ting T able 51 on pa ge 112.
= 4800 W 3. Cal cula te the number of po wer supplies (N) r equired t o meet the t otal pow er requir ement by dividing the t otal pow er requir ement by the output wa tta ge of one pow er supply and then r ounding up. NO TE: If the input is high-vol tag e line (200–220 V A C), the output wat tag e of a 2000 W A C power suppl y is 2000 W .
NO TE: W e recommend tha t you maintain N + 1 or N+N pow er supplies in your swit ch at all times. R eplac e fail ed pow er supplies immedia tel y to pre vent unexpec ted f ailures.
NO TE: See the spe cifications f or your tr ansmitter and r eceiv er to find the minimum transmit ter pow er and minimum rec eiver sensitivity . 2. Cal cula te the po wer budg et ( P B ) by subtr acti.
T able 52: Estima ted V alues f or Fac tors C ausing Link Loss (c ontinued) Sampl e (LL) Calcul ation V alues Estimat ed Link-Loss V alue Link-Loss Fac tor • 0 dBm • 0 dBm • Multimode—None , i.
P ART 3 Inst alling and C onne cting the S wit ch and S wit ch C omponent s • Installing the S witch on pa ge 119 • Installing S witch C omponents on pag e 143 • Connec ting the Swit ch on pag e 163 • P erforming Initial Config ura tion on page 187 117 Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 118 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 8 Inst alling the S wit ch • Installing and C onnecting an EX8208 S witch on pa ge 119 • Unpacking an EX8200 S witch on pa ge 120 • P arts Invent ory (P acking List) for an EX8208 S wit .
T o connec t the switch t o a netw ork for out-of-band manag ement, foll ow ins tructions in “Connec ting an EX Series S witch t o a Netw ork for Out-of-Band Mana gement” on pag e 183. T o connec t the switch t o a management c onsol e, foll ow instruc tions in “Connecting an EX Series S wit ch to a Manag ement Consol e” on pag e 178.
T o unpack the swit ch (see Figur e 39 on page 122 and Fig ure 40 on pag e 123): 1. Mov e the shipping box t o a staging ar ea a s close t o the install ation sit e as possibl e.
Figure 3 9: Unpacking an EX8208 S witch Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 122 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
Figure 40: Unpacking an EX8216 Swit ch R elat ed Documenta tion Mounting an EX8208 S witch on a Ra ck or Cabinet on pag e 132 • • Mounting an EX8216 S witch on a Ra ck or Cabinet 123 Copyright © 2010 , Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
P arts Inv entory (P acking List) f or an EX8208 S witch The s witch shipment include s a packing list. Check the parts y ou rec eive in the swit ch shipping cra te a gainst the it ems on the packing list. The pa cking list specifies the part number and description of ea ch part in your order .
T able 54: A cc essory Bo x Part s List Quantity Component 1 Label, ac cessories c ontents 1 Ac cessory kit bo x 1 Quick Start ins talla tion instructions 1 Le ft front adjustabl e mounting brack et 1.
NO TE: Y ou must provide mounting scr ews tha t are appropria te f or your r ack or cabinet t o front-mount the cha ssis on a rack or a cabine t. For tw o-post rack inst allation, y ou need 28 scre ws.
• A Phillips (+) scre wdriver , number 2 to inst all the screw s that c onnect the re ar and front mounting br acke ts • 16 mounting scre ws appropria te f or your r ack to a ttach the f our mounting br acket piece s to the r ack When y ou install the adjustabl e mounting bra ckets, the “ arms” of the brack ets o verl ap.
Figure 41: A djustabl e Mounting Br acke ts for Four-P ost Ra ck Installa tion 6. P osition the right front a djustable mounting br ack et at the desir ed position in the right side of the ra ck opposite the install ed l eft front br acke t, so that it is on the same r ack le vel a s the left br ack et.
Figure 4 2: Adjust able Mounting Br ack ets Install ed in a Four-P ost Rack (EX8208 S witch) Figure 4 3: Adjust able Mounting Br ack ets Install ed in a Four-P ost Rack (EX8216 S witch) R elat ed Docu.
an EX8208 swit ch in a two-post r ack, you mus t install the pow er cord tr ay in the r ack bef ore installing the s witch. NO TE: The EX8216 s witch can be inst alled onl y in a four-pos t rack.
Figure 44: Ins talling the Po wer C ord T r ay in a Four-P ost Rack Figure 4 5: P ow er Cord T ray Ins talled in a T wo-P ost Ra ck R elat ed Documenta tion Mounting an EX8208 S witch on a Ra ck or Cabinet on pag e 132 • • Mounting an EX8216 S witch on a Ra ck or Cabinet 131 Copyright © 2010 , Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Mounting an EX8208 S witch on a R ack or Cabinet The EX8208 s witch ships install ed with fr ont-mounting brack ets on the cha ssis for mounting the swit ch on a 19-in. equipment rack or c abinet. The s witch als o comes with adjustabl e mounting bra ckets t o support it in the ra ck.
• A Phillips (+) scre wdriver , number 1, to r emove the po wer supplies fr om the chassis if you ar e mounting the switch without using a me chanical lift • 24 mounting scr ews appr opriat e for y our rack T o mount the EX8208 swit ch on a rack or c abinet (see Figur e 46 on page 134 and Fig ure 4 7 on page 134): 1.
Figure 46: Ins talling an EX8208 S witch in a T wo-P ost Rack Figure 4 7: Installing an EX8208 Swit ch in a Four-P ost Rack R elat ed Documenta tion Connec ting AC P ow er to an EX8200 S wit ch on pag.
Mounting an EX8208 S witch on a R ack or Cabinet Using a Mechanic al Lift Becaus e of the switch's siz e and weight, we s trongl y recommend using a me chanical lift to inst all the switch.
CA UTION: If you ar e installing more than one swit ch in a rack or c abinet, install the firs t switch a t the bottom of the r ack. T o install the swit ch using a mechanical lift (se e Figure 48 on pag e 136): 1. Ensure tha t the rack or c abinet is pla ced in its permanent l oca tion and is secur ed to the building.
rail s. The adjustabl e mounting br acket s install ed in the rack ensur e that the hol es in the front-mounting br acke ts align with the hole s in the rack r ails. In a tw o-post rack, c arefull y slide the swit ch into the r ack ensuring that the fr ont bott om of the chassis re sts on the lip of the pow er cord tr ay .
CA UTION: Befor e front-mounting the swit ch in a rack, ha ve a qualified technician v erify that the r ack is strong enou gh to support the swit ch's weight and is adequa tel y supported a t the installa tion site . Bef ore you inst all the switch: 1.
T o install the swit ch in the rack or c abinet (see Figur e 50 on pag e 140 and Figure 51 on pag e 141): CA UTION: If you ar e installing more than one swit ch in a rack or c abinet, install the firs t one at the bott om of the rack. Do not a ttempt t o install a swit ch manually in an upper position in a r ack or cabinet.
4. In a f our-post ra ck, carefull y slide the swit ch onto the adjus table mounting br ack ets until the front-mounting br acke ts at tached t o the chassis cont act the r ack rails. T he adjustabl e mounting bra ckets ensur e that the hol es in the front-mounting br ack ets at tached t o the chassis align with the hol es in the ra ck rails.
Figure 51: Ins talling an EX8208 S witch in a T wo-P ost Rack Aft er you inst all the mounting screw s and securel y bol t the chassis t o the rack, r einstall the components in the cha ssis.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 142 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 9 Inst alling S wit ch C omponent s • Installing and R emoving EX8208 S wit ch Hardwar e Components on pa ge 143 • Installing an A C Po wer S upply in an EX8200 S witch on p age 144 • In.
All the line car ds are hot-remo vabl e and hot-insertabl e. How ever , we re commend tha t you t ake them offline bef ore remo ving them. The A C and DC pow er supplies, f an tray , SFP transc eiver .
Bef ore you inst all an AC po wer suppl y in the swit ch: • Ensure y ou understand ho w to pre vent E SD damage. S ee “Pr evention of El ectr osta tic Discharg e Damag e on EX Series S witche s” on page 298.
10. P ush the captive scr ew int o the power suppl y f acepl at e. Ensure tha t the screw is sea ted inside the c orresponding hol e on the f acepl at e. 11. Tight en the captiv e screw b y turning it clockwis e using the Phillips (+) screw driver , number 1.
• Ensure y ou understand ho w to pre vent E SD damage. S ee “Pr evention of El ectr osta tic Discharg e Damag e on EX Series S witche s” on page 298.
Figure 53: Ins talling a DC Po wer S upply in an EX8200 S witch R elat ed Documenta tion R emoving a DC P ow er Supply fr om an EX8200 S witch on pag e 207 • • DC P ower S upply in an EX8200 S wit ch on page 49 Installing a F an T ra y in an EX8208 S witch An EX8208 swit ch has a singl e, fiel d-repla ceabl e fan tr ay .
1. At tach the el ectrost atic dischar ge (ESD ) grounding str ap to y our bare wrist, and connec t the strap t o the ESD point on the cha ssis. 2. Hold the handl e of the f an tra y with one hand and support the weight of the tra y with the other hand.
NO TE: W e recommend tha t you install t wo SRE modul es for r edundancy . If you inst all only one SRE modul e, we r ecommend tha t you install it in the sl ot SRE0. CA UTION: Do not lift the SRE module b y holding the ejec tor l ever s. The l evers cannot support the w eight of the module.
If the ON LED is unlit, verify tha t there ar e enough pow er supplies install ed. S ee “Cal cula ting P ower R equir ements for an EX8208 S wit ch” on pag e 108. If more pow er supplies are ne eded, inst all additional pow er supplies. See “Installing an A C P ow er Suppl y in an EX8200 S witch” on pa ge 144.
NO TE: Do not lift the SF modul e by hol ding the ejector l ev ers. The l ever s cannot support the w eight of the module. Lifting the modul e by the l ev ers might bend the le vers. Bent l ev ers prev ent the SF module fr om being properl y sea ted in the cha ssis.
If the S T LED or the SF LED is lit stea dy yell ow , the SF module has f ail ed. R emov e the SF module and ins tall a new one. S ee “Remo ving an SF Modul e from an EX8208 S witch” on pa ge 215.
• Ensure tha t you kno w how t o handle and st ore the line car d (see “Handling and St oring Line Cards in EX8200 S witches” on pag e 227). T o unpack a line car d (see Figur e 57 on pag e 154): 1. Mov e the shipping cart on to a sta ging area a s clos e to the install ation sit e as possibl e.
• Ensure tha t you ha ve tak en the nece ssary prec autions to pre vent El ectro static dischar ge (ESD ) damage (se e “Pre vention of El ectrost atic Dischar ge Dama ge on EX Series S witches” on pa ge 298). • If there ar e any transc eivers ins talle d in the line card , remov e them bef ore you inst all the line car d.
of the line card . Lifting the line car d by the l evers might bend them. Bent le vers pr event line c ards from being pr operly se ate d in the chassis. 3. T aking care not t o touch line c ard component s, pins, lea ds, or solder c onnections, remo ve the line car d from its ba g.
Figure 6 0: Installing a Line Car d with a 2-in. Ejector L ev er g020905 Ejector lev ers Captive screw EX8200-40XS Figure 6 1: Installing a Line Car d with a 4-in. Ejector L ev er 9 . Tight en the captive s crew s on the fac epla te of the line c ard by using the scr ewdriv er .
• 48-port SFP Line Card in an EX8200 S witch on pag e 35 • 48-port RJ-45 Line C ard in an EX8200 S witch on pa ge 36 Installing a T ransceiv er in an EX Serie s Swit ch The tr ansceiv ers f or EX .
4. Using both hands, c arefull y plac e the transc eiver in the empty port. T he connec tors must f ace the swit ch chassis. CA UTION: Befor e you slide the tr ansceiver int o the port, ensure the transc eiver is aligned c orrectl y . Misalignment might cause the pins to bend, making the tr ansceiv er unusable .
T o connec t a fiber-optic cable t o an optical tr ansceiv er install ed in an EX Series s witch: W ARNING: Do not l ook directl y into a fiber-optic tr ansceiv er or into the ends of fiber-optic cabl es. Fiber-optic transc eivers and fiber-optic c ables c onnect ed to tr ansceiv ers emit la ser light that c an damage y our eye s.
• Optical Int erfac e Support in EX8200 S witche s on page 60 161 Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. Chapter 9: Inst alling Swit ch Components.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 162 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 10 C onne cting the S wit ch • Connec ting Earth Ground t o an EX Series S witch on pa ge 163 • Connec ting AC P ow er to an EX8200 S wit ch on page 169 • Connec ting DC Po wer t o an EX.
CA UTION: Using a grounding cabl e with an incorr ectl y att ached lug c an damag e the switch. Follo w the proc edure tha t applies to y our switch: • Connec ting Earth Ground t o an EX2200 or EX32.
3. Sec ure the grounding l ug to the pr otec tive earthing t erminal with screw s. 4. Dr ess the grounding cabl e and ensure tha t it does not t ouch or block ac cess t o other swit ch components and tha t it does not drape wher e people c ould trip o ver it.
Figure 6 5: Connec ting the Grounding Lug t o an EX4200 S witch on a Four-Po st Rack 3. Sec ure the grounding l ug to the pr otec tive earthing t erminal with screw s. 4. Dr ess the grounding cabl e and ensure tha t it does not t ouch or block ac cess t o other swit ch components and tha t it does not drape wher e people c ould trip o ver it.
• W ashers and 10-32x.25-in. scr ews t o secure the gr ounding lug t o the prot ectiv e earthing terminal • Phillips (+) scre wdriver , number 2 T o connec t earth ground t o an EX4500 swit ch: 1. Connec t one end of the grounding cabl e to a pr oper earth ground , such as the r ack in which the swit ch is mounted .
1. Connec t one end of the grounding cabl e to a pr oper earth ground , such as the r ack in which the swit ch is mounted . 2. Pla ce the grounding l ug a ttached t o the grounding cabl e ov er the prot ectiv e earthing terminal. S ee Figure 64 on pa ge 163.
• Connec ting AC P ow er to an EX4500 S witch • Connec ting DC Po wer t o an EX4500 S witch • Connec ting AC P ow er to an EX8200 S wit ch on page 169 • Connec ting DC Po wer t o an EX8200 Swi.
Ensure tha t you ha ve the f ollo wing parts and tools a vail able t o connec t power t o the swit ch: • Ele ctrost atic dischar ge (ESD ) grounding str ap • P ower c ords appr opriat e for your g eogr aphical loc ation. S ee “ AC P ow er Cord Specific ations f or an EX8200 Swit ch” on pag e 106.
7 . Push the cor d (cl ose to the c oupler end) int o the slot in the a djustment nut of the pow er cor d retainer . Rot at e the nut until it is tight against the ba se of the coupl er and the slot in the nut is turne d 90° from the top of the s witch.
NO TE: EX8208 swit ches support 2000 W DC pow er supplies. EX8216 swit ches support 3000 W DC pow er supplies. CA UTION: Befor e you c onnect pow er to the swit ch, a licensed el ectrician must at tach a cabl e lug t o the grounding and po wer cabl es tha t you suppl y .
Ensure tha t you ha ve the f ollo wing parts and tools a vail able t o connec t DC power t o an EX8200 swit ch: • Ele ctrost atic dischar ge (ESD ) grounding str ap • DC pow er sourc e cabl es (not provide d) with the cabl e lugs (pr ovided) a ttache d.
Figure 68: Remo ving the Pla stic Cabl e Co ver on a DC P ow er Suppl y in an EX8200 S witch 4. R emov e the wa shers and nuts fr om each DC pow er input terminal, using the 3/8-in. (9 .5 mm) nut driver or socke t wrench to l oosen the nuts. L ea ve the bol ts install ed on the input terminal s.
b. S ecure e ach neg ative (–) DC s ource po wer c able l ug to the –48V (input) DC po wer input terminal. Each po wer suppl y has tw o independent sets of DC po wer input t erminals (A: –48V A: RTN and B: – 48V B: R TN ).
Figure 7 0: Installing the Pla stic Cabl e C ov er on a DC Po wer Suppl y in an EX8200 S witch 9 . Ensure tha t the pow er supply is full y inserte d and la tched secur ely in the cha ssis. Se e “Installing a DC P ow er Suppl y in an EX8200 Swit ch” on pag e 146.
For connec ting a management de vice t o the consol e port, see “Connec ting an EX Series S witch t o a Management C onsole” on pa ge 178. For c onnecting a manag ement device to the mana gement port, see “C onnecting an EX Serie s Swit ch to a Net work f or Out-of-Band Manag ement” on page 183.
NO TE: A fter you po wer on a po wer suppl y , wait f or at l ea st 60 seconds bef ore you turn it off . Aft er you po wer off a pow er supply , wait f or at l east 60 s econds befor e you turn it back on.
T o connec t the device t o a management c onsol e (see Figure 73 on pag e 179 and Figure 7 4 on page 179): 1. Connec t one end of the Ethernet cabl e into the c onsole port (l abel ed CON or CONS OLE ) on the device . For the loc ation of the C ON/C ONSOLE port on diff erent devic es: • See R ear P anel of an EX2200 S witch.
Conne cting an EX Series S witch to a Modem Y ou can connect an EX S eries swit ch to a modem thr ough the consol e port on the swit ch. Bef ore you c onnect the swit ch to a modem: • P erform the initial setup and c onfigura tion of the swit ch.
3. Set the b aud ra te: loader> set baudr ate= 115200 Pr ess Enter . 4. P ress Ent er when you see the f ollo wing messag e: Switch baud rate to 115200 bps and press Enter. The l oader> prompt r eappear s. 5. Sav e the new serial c onsole spee d: loader> sav e Pr ess Enter .
T able 55: P ort Set tings (c ontinued) V alue Port S ettings None Flo w control 5. In the HyperT erminal window , type at . P ress Enter . The modem sends an OK r esponse to v erify that it c an communica te suc cessfull y with the COM port on y our deskt op or notebook c omputer .
T o connec t a modem to the cons ole port: 1. T urn off pow er to the s witch. 2. T urn off pow er to the modem. 3. Connec t one end of the cabl e to the cons ole port (l abeled C ON or CONS OLE ) on the swit ch. For the loc ation of the c onsole port on diff erent EX S eries swit ches: • See R ear P anel of an EX2200 S witch.
Figure 7 6: Ethernet C able C onnect or T o connec t a device t o a netw ork for out-of-band manag ement (see Figur e 77 on page 184): 1. Connec t one end of the Ethernet cabl e to the mana gement port (l abeled MGMT ) on the devic e. For the loc ation of the MGMT port on diff erent de vices: • See R ear P anel of an EX2200 S witch.
• Manag ement Port C onnector P inout Informa tion for an EX4500 S wit ch • Manag ement Port C onnector P inout Informa tion for an EX8200 S witch on pa ge 59 • Manag ement Port C onnector P ino.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 186 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 11 P erf orming Initial C onfig ur a tion • EX8200 S witch Def aul t Configur ation on pa ge 187 • Connec ting and Configuring an EX S eries S witch (CLI P roc edure) on pag e 188 • Conn.
} prot ocols { igmp-snooping { vlan all; } lldp { interf ace all; } rstp; } ethernet-s witching-options { storm-c ontrol { interf ace all; } } R elat ed Documenta tion Config ura tion Files T erms •.
• St op Bits— 1 • DCD St at e—Disregar d T o connec t and configur e the switch fr om the consol e: 1. Connec t the consol e port to a l aptop or PC using the R J-45 to DB-9 serial port a dapter . The R J-45 cabl e and RJ-45 t o DB-9 serial port adapt er are supplied with the swit ch.
7 . Specify the SNMP R ead C ommunity , L oca tion, and Contac t to config ure SNMP parame ters. T hese par ameter s are optional. 8. Specify the s yst em dat e and time. Sel ect the time zone fr om the list. Thes e options are optional. The c onfigured p aramet ers are displ ay ed.
T o connec t and configur e the switch using the J-W eb interf ace: 1. T ransition the s witch int o initial setup mode: • EX2200 swit ch—Press the mode but ton l oca ted on the l ow er right corner of the front panel f or 10 seconds.
• Enter the hostname . This is optional. • Enter a pa ssw ord and reent er the pa sswor d. • Specify the time z one. • S ynchronize the da te and time se ttings of the swit ch with the manag ement PC or set them manuall y by sel ecting the appr opriat e option button.
R elat ed Documenta tion • Connec ting and Configuring an EX S eries S witch (CLI P roc edure) on pag e 188 • Installing and C onnecting an EX2200 S witch • Installing and C onnecting an EX3200 .
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 194 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
P ART 4 R emo ving the S wit ch and S wit ch C omponent s • R emoving the S witch on pa ge 197 • R emoving S witch C omponents on pag e 205 195 Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 196 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 12 R emo ving the S wit ch • P owering Off an EX8200 S wit ch on page 197 • R emoving an EX8208 S witch fr om a Rack or Cabine t on page 199 • R emoving an EX8208 S witch fr om a Rack or.
This c ommand shuts down the ba ckup SRE or RE module gr ace fully . A messag e displa ys on the c onsole c onfirming that the back up SRE/RE module ha s halt ed. 3. Shut down the ma ster SRE or RE modul e from the e xternal mana gement devic e by issuing the request s yst em halt opera tional mode CLI command .
R emoving an EX8208 S wit ch from a Ra ck or Cabinet If you w ant to mo ve an install ed EX8208 swit ch to another l oca tion, you need t o remo ve it from the r ack or cabinet in which it is ins talled . In a four-pos t rack, an inst alled s witch rest s on adjustabl e mounting brack ets bol ted t o the ra ck.
3. Lift the chassis fr om the rack or c abinet and pla ce it on a mechanic al lift. For instructions on ho w to remo ve the cha ssis using a mechanical lift, see “R emoving an EX8208 S witch from a R ack or Cabinet Using a Me chanical Lift” on pag e 200.
T o remo ve the swit ch using a lift (see Figur e 79 on page 201): 1. Use the appropria te Phillips (+) scr ewdriv er to r emov e the 24 mounting scre ws tha t at tach the cha ssis front-mounting bra ckets t o the ra ck or cabinet. 2. Mov e the lift to the r ack and position it so that it s pla tf orm is cent ered about 0.
CA UTION: The cha ssis with only the backpl ane and no other components weighs appr oxima tel y 89 lb ( 41 kg). Lifting the chassis and r emoving it from a rack or c abinet requir es at l ea st three peopl e. The cha ssis has tw o handles. Do not lift a full y l oaded chassis b y the handle s; make sur e the chassis is empty be fore y ou lift it.
Ensure tha t you ha ve the f ollo wing parts and tools a vail able t o remo ve the swit ch: • A Phillips (+) scre wdriver , number 2 or number 3, depending on the size of y our rack mounting scre ws T o remo ve the swit ch from the r ack (see Figur e 80 on page 203): 1.
• Installing an SRE Modul e in an EX8208 S witch on pag e 149 • Installing an SF Modul e in an EX8208 S witch on pag e 151 • Installing a Line Car d in an EX8200 S witch on pag e 154 • Install.
CHAPTER 13 R emo ving S wit ch C omponents • R emoving an A C Po wer Suppl y from an EX8200 S witch on page 205 • R emoving a DC P ow er Supply fr om an EX8200 S witch on pag e 207 • R emoving a.
• R eplac ement pow er supply or a c over p anel for the pow er suppl y slot CA UTION: Do not le ave the po wer suppl y sl ot empty for a l ong time while the swit ch is opera tional. Either replac e the pow er supply pr omptly or inst all a co ver panel o ver the empty sl ot.
Figure 81: R emoving an A C Po wer Suppl y from an EX8200 S witch R elat ed Documenta tion Installing an A C Po wer S upply in an EX8200 S witch on p age 144 • • A C Po wer Suppl y in an EX8200 S .
• Phillips (+) scre wdriver , number 2 • 3/8 in. (9 .5 mm) nut driver or socke t wrench • R eplac ement pow er supply or c over p anel for the pow er suppl y slot CA UTION: Do not le ave the po wer suppl y sl ot empty for a l ong time while the swit ch is opera tional.
10. P ull the handle a way fr om the fa cepla te of the po wer suppl y until it is perpendicul ar to the f ac epla te. 11. T aking care not t o touch po wer suppl y components, pins, l eads, or sol der c onnections, pla ce one hand under the pow er supply t o support it.
• Ensure y ou understand ho w to pre vent E SD damage. S ee “Pr evention of El ectr osta tic Discharg e Damag e on EX Series S witche s” on page 298.
Figure 84: R emoving a Fan T ray fr om an EX8208 S witch R elat ed Documenta tion Installing a F an T ra y in an EX8208 S witch on pag e 148 • • Cooling S yst em and Airfl ow in an EX8208 S witch .
1. Det ermine whether the SRE module is the ma ster or ba ckup using one of these methods: • Look a t the MS (ma ster) LED on the SRE modul e fac epla te . If the MS LED is lit ste ady green, the SRE modul e is the ma ster . If it is blinking green, the SRE module is the backup .
R emoving an SRE Modul e from an EX8208 S witch Y ou must remov e the Swit ch Fabric and R outing Engine (SRE) modul e from the EX8208 swit ch chassis if y ou need to r eplac e the module or if y ou need t o remov e swit ch components be for e moving the chassis without using a me chanical lift.
Figure 85: R emoving an SRE Module fr om an EX8208 S witch R elat ed Documenta tion Installing an SRE Modul e in an EX8208 S witch on pag e 149 • • S witch F abric and Routing Engine (SRE) Modul e.
• R emoving an SF Modul e from an EX8208 S witch on pa ge 215 • S witch F abric (SF) Module in an EX8208 S wit ch on page 30 R emoving an SF Modul e from an EX8208 S witch Y ou must remov e the Sw.
8. Pl ace the SF modul e in the antista tic bag or on the antista tic mat. 9 . If you ar e not repla cing the SF module, inst all the co ver panel ov er the empty sl ot by tightening the scr ews on e ach side of the co ver panel with the scr ewdriv er .
Ensure tha t you ha ve the f ollo wing parts and tools a vail able t o remo ve a line car d from an EX8200 swit ch chassis: • ESD gr ounding strap • Phillips (+) scre wdriver , number 2 • An ant.
7 . Gra sp the ejector l ev ers and gentl y slide the line car d halfwa y out of the chassis (s ee Figure 8 9 on page 218 and Fig ure 90 on pag e 218). Figure 8 9: Remo ving a Line Car d with a 2-in. Ejector L ev er Ejector lev ers Captive screw EX8200-40XS g020906 Figure 90: R emoving a Line Card with a 4-in.
CA UTION: Aft er removing a line c ard , wait for a t le ast 30 sec onds befor e installing a line car d or remo ving another line card . 9 . If you ar e not installing a line car d in the emptied line card sl ot within a short time, install a bl ank co ver panel ov er the slot and se cure it with captiv e scre ws by using the scre wdriver .
W ARNING: Do not l eav e a fiber-optic transc eiver unc over ed ex cept when inserting or remo ving a cabl e. The rubber sa fet y cap keep s the port clean and prev ents ac cidental exposure t o la ser light. 4. C ov er the fiber-optic cable c onnect or with the rubber saf ety c ap.
W ARNING: Do not l ook directl y into a fiber-optic tr ansceiv er or into the ends of fiber-optic cabl es. Fiber-optic transc eivers and fiber-optic c ables connec ted t o transc eivers emit l aser light tha t can damag e your ey es. W ARNING: Do not l eav e a fiber-optic transc eiver unc over ed ex cept when inserting or remo ving a cabl e.
Figure 91: R emoving a T ransc eiver from an EX S eries S witch R elat ed Documenta tion Installing a T ransceiv er in an EX Series S wit ch on page 158 • • Optical Int erfac e Support in EX2200 S.
Ensure tha t you ha ve the f ollo wing parts and tools a vail able t o remo ve the pow er cor d tra y: • A Phillips (+) scre wdriver , number 1, 2, or 3, depending on the size of y our rack mounting scre ws T o remo ve the pow er cor d tra y: 1.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 224 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
P ART 5 S wit ch and C omponent Maint enanc e • R outine Maintenanc e on page 227 225 Copyright © 2010 , Juniper Netw orks, Inc..
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 226 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 14 R outine Maint enanc e • Handling and St oring Line Cards in EX8200 S wit ches on page 227 • Maintaining Line Car d Cable s in EX8200 Swit ches on pag e 230 • Maintaining Fiber-Optic .
This t opic describes the f ollo wing task s: • Holding a Line C ard on pag e 228 • St oring a Line Card on pa ge 230 Hol ding a Line Card Y ou must hold a line car d horizontall y when installing it in the cha ssis. Y ou may hol d a line car d verticall y or horizont ally when c arrying it.
Figure 93: Do Not Gr a sp the Connect or Edge Nev er carry the line card whil e hol ding the fac epla te with onl y one hand. Do not rest an y edge of a line car d directl y ag ainst a hard surf ace (see Fig ure 94 on pag e 229).
Do not stack line c ards on top of one another or on t op of any other component. Pl ace e ach line card separ at ely in an antis tatic ba g or on an antista tic mat pl aced on a fl at, stabl e surfa ce. St oring a Line Card Y ou must store a line c ard in the cha ssis or in a spare shipping cont ainer , horizontall y and sheet met al side down.
• Pla ce ex ce ss cabl e out of the way . Do not allo w fa stened l oops of cabl e t o dangle from the c onnector . Pla cing fa steners on the l oops helps r etain their shape. • K eep the cabl e conne ctions cle an and free of dust and other particl es, which can c ause drops in the r eceiv ed pow er le vel.
Aft er cle aning the transc eiver , make sure tha t the connec tor tip of the fiber-optic cabl e is cle an. Use only an appr ov ed alc ohol-free fiber-optic c able cl eaning kit such a s the Oppte x Cle top-S ® Fiber Cl eaner . Follow the dir ections in the cl eaning kit you use .
6. Pl ace one hand underne ath the modul e to support it, and slide it c omple tel y out of the chassis. 7 . Loca te the c oin-shaped CR2032 ba ttery on the right side of the modul e near the thir d post (see Figur e 95 on pag e 233). 8. With y our finger , pry the batt ery out of its sock et.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 234 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
P ART 6 T r oubl eshooting S wit ch C omponent s • T roubl eshooting S witch C omponents on pag e 237 235 Copyright © 2010 , Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 236 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 15 T r oubl eshooting S wit ch C omponent s • T roubl eshooting Line Car d Installa tion on EX8200 S witches on pa ge 237 T roubl eshooting Line Car d Installa tion on EX8200 S witche s Probl em The ON LED on a line c ard does not blink in gr een or is not lit ste adily a fter the line c ard is install ed in an EX8200 swit ch.
• 40-port SFP+ Line Card in an EX8200 S witch on pag e 33 • 48-port SFP Line Card in an EX8200 S witch on pag e 35 • 48-port RJ-45 Line C ard in an EX8200 S witch on pa ge 36 Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
P ART 7 T r oubl eshooting S wit ch C omponent s • T roubl eshooting S witch C omponents on pag e 241 239 Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 240 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 16 T r oubl eshooting S wit ch C omponent s • T roubl eshooting Line Car d Installa tion on EX8200 S witches on pa ge 241 T roubl eshooting Line Car d Installa tion on EX8200 S witche s Probl em The ON LED on a line c ard does not blink in gr een or is not lit ste adily a fter the line c ard is install ed in an EX8200 swit ch.
• 40-port SFP+ Line Card in an EX8200 S witch on pag e 33 • 48-port SFP Line Card in an EX8200 S witch on pag e 35 • 48-port RJ-45 Line C ard in an EX8200 S witch on pa ge 36 Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
P ART 8 R eturning Har dw ar e • R eturning the S witch or S witch C omponents on pag e 245 243 C opyright © 2010, Juniper Net works, Inc..
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 244 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 1 7 R eturning the S wit ch or S wit ch C omponent s • R eturning an EX8200 S witch or C omponent for R epair or R eplac ement on page 245 • Loc ating the S erial Number on an EX8200 Swit .
Loc ating the S erial Number on an EX8200 S witch or C omponent If you ar e returning a s witch or hardw are component t o Juniper Netw orks f or repair or repl acement, y ou must loc at e the serial number of the swit ch or component.
Xcvr 6 REV 01 740-021308 88D709A00136 SFP+-10G-SR Xcvr 7 REV 01 740-021308 88D709A00137 SFP+-10G-SR PSU 3 REV 04 740-021466 BG0708390050 EX8200-AC2K PSU 4 REV 04 740-021466 BG0708390054 EX8200-AC2K Fa.
Xcvr 22 REV 01 740-011613 E08E04365 SFP-SX Xcvr 23 REV 01 740-011613 E08E04370 SFP-SX Xcvr 24 REV 01 740-011613 E08C02744 SFP-SX Xcvr 25 REV 01 740-011613 E08E04432 SFP-SX Xcvr 26 REV 01 740-011613 E0.
Figure 96: L oca tion of the Serial Number ID Label on EX8208 S witch Chassis The serial number ID l abel is loc at ed near the bott om on the l eft side of the chassis on an EX8216 swit ch. See Figur e 97 on pag e 249. Figure 9 7: Loc ation of the Serial Number ID Label on EX8216 S witch Chassis 24 9 Copyright © 2010, Juniper Ne twork s, Inc.
Loc ating Serial Number ID Label s on FRU Component s The po wer supplies, f an tra y , SRE modul es, RE module s, SF module, and line c ards install ed in an EX8200 swit ch are fiel d-repla ceabl e units (FRUs). For e ach of these FRUs, you must r emov e the FRU from the swit ch chassis t o see the FRU’ s serial number ID l abel.
Figure 99: L oca tion of the Serial Number ID Label on a 3000 W A C Po wer Suppl y • DC P ower supplie s— The s erial number ID label is on the l eft side of the DC pow er suppl y (see Figure 100 on pa ge 251). Se e “Remo ving a DC Po wer S upply from an EX8200 S witch” on pa ge 207.
Figure 101: L oca tion of the Serial Number ID label on the F an T ra y Used in an EX8208 S witch • Fan tr ay s in an EX8216 switch— The serial number ID l abel is on the re ar of each f an tra y (see Figur e 102 on page 253). S ee R emoving a F an T ra y from an EX8216 S witch.
Figure 102: L oca tion of the Serial Number ID label on the F an T ra y Used in an EX8216 S witch • S witch F abric and Routing Engine (SRE) modul e in an EX8208 S witch— S ee Figure 103 on pag e 253 to see the l oca tion of the serial number ID label on the SRE modul e.
Figure 104: L oca tion of the Serial Number ID Label on the RE Modul e • S witch F abric (SF) module in an EX8208 s witch— Se e Figure 105 on pag e 254 to se e the loc ation of the serial number ID l abel on the SF module . See “R emoving an SF Module fr om an EX8208 S witch” on pa ge 215.
Figure 106: L oca tion of the Serial Number ID Label on the SF Modul e Used in an EX8216 S witch • 8-port SFP+ line car d—See Fig ure 107 on pa ge 255 t o see the loc ation of the serial number ID label on this line c ard. S ee “R emoving a Line Car d from an EX8200 S witch ” on pag e 216.
• 40-port SFP+ line car d—See Fig ure 108 on pag e 256 to see the l oca tion of the serial number ID label on this line c ard. S ee “R emoving a Line Car d from an EX8200 S witch ” on pag e 216.
Figure 110: L oca tion of the Serial Number ID Label on the 48-P ort RJ-45 Line Card R elat ed Documenta tion Cont acting Cust omer Support to Obt ain Re turn Mat erials Authoriza tion for EX S eries .
• T ype of activity being perf ormed on the swit ch when the probl em occurr ed • Config ura tion data displ ay ed by one or mor e show commands Y ou can contac t JT A C 24 hours a da y , sev en day s a week on the W eb or by tel ephone: • Ca se Manager a t CS C: http:/ / www .
• R etriev ed the original shipping carton and p acking mat erials. Cont act your JT A C repr esenta tive if you do not ha ve these ma terial s, to l earn about appro ved pa cking mat erials. Se e “Contac ting Customer S upport to Obtain R eturn Ma terial s Authorization for EX S eries S witches” on pa ge 257.
CA UTION: The swit ch is maximall y prote cted inside the shipping bo x. P ack the swit ch only in its original shipping bo x, secur ely bol ted t o the original wooden shipping pall et. Do not pack the swit ch in anything ex cept it s original container or the swit ch might be damag ed in transit.
Figure 111: Ins ert Pall et F ast eners in the Car dboard Bo x 11. W rite the RMA number on the e xt erior of the box t o ensure proper tr acking. 261 Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Figure 112: P acking an EX8200 Swit ch P acking EX8200 S witch C omponents for Shipping T o pack EX8200 swit ch components, f ollo w the instructions her e. For instructions to pack line car ds, see “P acking a Line Card Us ed in an EX8200 Swit ch” on pa ge 263.
CA UTION: Do not stack s witch components. R eturn individual c omponents in separa te bo x es if they do not fit tog ether on one l evel in the shipping bo x. T o pack EX8200 swit ch components: • Pla ce individual component s in antistatic b ags. • Use the original packing ma terials if the y are av ailabl e.
T o pack a line car d: 1. Pla ce the line car d in the antista tic bag. 2. Pla ce the line car d in the shipping cart on. 3. Pla ce the packing f oam on top of and ar ound the line card . 4. Cl ose the top of the c ardboar d shipping box and se al it with packing tape.
P ART 9 Sa f e ty Inf orma tion • General Sa f ety Informa tion on pag e 267 • Radia tion and La ser W arnings on pa ge 275 • Install ation and Maint enance Sa fet y Informa tion on pag e 281 • P ower and El ectric al Saf ety Inf ormation on pa ge 297 265 Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 266 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 18 Gener al Sa f et y Inf orma tion • General Sa f ety Guidelines and W arnings for EX S eries S witches on pa ge 267 • Definitions of Sa fet y W arning L evel s for EX S eries Swit ches o.
• Ensure tha t the separa te pr otec tive earthing t erminal pro vided on this device is permanentl y connect ed to e arth. • R eplac e fuses onl y with fuses of the same type and r ating. • Do not open or remo ve cha ssis cov ers or shee t-metal parts unl ess instructions ar e pro vided in the hardwar e documenta tion for this de vice.
W ARNING: This s ymbol alerts y ou to the risk of per sonal injury from a la ser . W ARNING: This s ymbol means danger . Y ou are in a situa tion that c ould c ause bodil y injury .
W ARNING: A dvarsel Det te var selsymbol et betyr f are. Du be finner deg i en situasjon som k an føre til per sonskade. Før du ut før er arbeid på utstyr , må du vare oppmerk som på de f aremomentene som el ektrisk e kretser innebær er , samt gjøre deg kjent me d vanlig prak sis når det gjel der å unngå ul ykker .
In addition, you shoul d est ablish procedur es to pr otec t your equipment in the ev ent of a fire emer gency . Juniper Network s product s should be install ed in an envir onment suitabl e for el ectr onic equipment.
W ARNING: Onl y trained and qualified per sonnel should inst all or replac e the devic e. W aarschuwing Installa tie en repar aties mog en uitsluit end door getr aind en bev oegd persone el uitge voerd w orden. V aroitus Ainoast aan koul utettu ja pä te vä henkil ökunta saa as entaa tai vaihtaa tämän lait teen.
R elat ed Documenta tion • General Sa f ety Guidelines and W arnings for EX S eries S witches on pa ge 267 273 Copyright © 2010 , Juniper Network s, Inc.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 27 4 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 19 R adia tion and La ser W arnings • La ser and LED Saf ety Guidelines and W arnings f or EX Series S witche s on page 275 • Radia tion from Open P ort Apertures W arning for EX S eries S.
Cla ss 1 Laser P roduct W arning W ARNING: Cla ss 1 la ser product. W aarschuwing Kla sse-1 la ser produkt. V aroitus Luokan 1 l asertuot e. At tention Pr oduit la ser de class e I. W arnung Laserproduk t der Kla sse 1. W ARNING: A vvert enza Prodott o la ser di Cla sse 1.
Laser Be am W arning W ARNING: Do not star e into the l aser beam or vie w it directl y with optical instruments. W ARNING: W aarschuwing Niet in de str aal staren of hem r echtstreek s bekijken me t optische instrumenten. W ARNING: V aroitus Äl ä katso sä tee seen äläkä t arkast ele sit ä suoraan optisen lait teen avull a.
R elat ed Documenta tion General Sa f ety Guidelines and W arnings for EX S eries S witches on pa ge 267 • • Radia tion from Open P ort Apertures W arning for EX S eries S witches on pa ge 278 •.
W ARNING: A dvarsel Unngå ut settel se for str åling, og stirr ikke inn i åpning er som er åpne, f ordi usynlig str åling kan emiter es fra port ens åpning når det ikke er tilk obl et en fiberkabel.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 280 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 20 Inst all a tion and Maint enanc e Sa f et y Inf orma tion • Install ation Instructions W arning f or EX Series S witches on pa ge 281 • Chassis Lifting Guidelines f or EX8200 S witches .
¡At ención! V er las instruc ciones de instal ación antes de c onectar el sist ema a la r ed de alimentación. V arning! Läs install ationsan visningarna innan du koppl ar sy stemet till dess strömf örsörjningsenhe t.
W ARNING: Beca use of the EX8216 switch ’s siz e and weight, we r equire the use of a mechanical lift t o install the EX8216 swit ch in a rack or c abinet or to mo ve the swit ch from one l oca tion to another . CA UTION: The EX8208 swit ch chassis ha s two handl es, one on ea ch side of the chassis.
W arnung Keine R ampen mit einer Neigung von mehr al s 10 Grad v erwenden. A vvertenza Non us are una rampa c on pendenza superiore a 10 gr adi. Adv arsel Bruk al dri en rampe som hell er mer enn 10 grader . A viso Não utilize uma ramp a com uma inclinaçã o superior a 10 graus.
stabiel blijft. De onders taande richtlijnen worden v erstr ekt om uw veiligheid te v erzek eren: • De Juniper Netw orks swit ch moet in een st ellag e wor den geïnstall eerd die aan een bouwsel is v erank erd . • Dit toes tel dient onderaan in he t rek gemont eerd t e worden al s het toest el het enig e in het rek is.
W ARNING: W arnung Zur V ermeidung von K örperverl etzung beim Anbringen oder W arten dieser Einheit in einem Gest ell müssen Sie besondere V orkehrungen tr effen, um sicherzus tell en, daß das S yst em stabil bl eibt.
• V ed montering av denne enhe ten i et kabine tt som er delvis fyl t, skal kabinet tet l ast es fra bunnen og opp med den tyng ste k omponenten neder st i kabinet tet.
W ARNING: V arning! För att undvik a kroppsskada när du inst aller ar eller ut för underhållsarbet e på denna enhet på en ställning må ste du vidt a särskil da för siktighetså tg ärder för a tt f örsäkra dig om a tt sy stemet s tår stadigt.
W arnung Dieses Gerä t muß geerde t werden. S tell en Sie sicher , daß da s Host-Gerä t währ end des normalen Betriebs an Er de gel egt ist. A vvertenza Que sta apparec chiatur a deve esser e coll ega ta a mass a. Acc ertarsi che il dispositivo host sia c olle gat o alla ma ssa di terr a durant e il normale utilizzo .
stroom en aar de zijn verbonden, en kunnen ernstig e brandw onden veroor zaken of het metal en voorw erp aan de aansluitkl emmen la ssen. W ARNING: V aroitus Ennen kuin ty öskent ele t voima virtajohtoihin kytk ettyjen lait teiden parissa, ota pois kaikki k orut (sormuks et, kaulak orut ja k ellot mukaan l ukien).
W ARNING: ¡A tención! Ante s de operar sobre equipo s conecta dos a líneas de alimentación, quitar se la s joya s (incluidos anill os, coll ares y rel ojes).
W ARNING: A viso Não trabalhe no sis tema ou ligue e desligue c abos durant e períodos de mau tempo (tr ov oada). W ARNING: ¡A tención! No operar el sis tema ni cone ctar o desc onectar cabl es durant e el transcur so de descar gas el éctric as en l a atmósfer a.
Um Lüftungs verschl uß zu verhindern, acht en Sie darauf , daß mindestens 15,2 cm lichter R aum um die Lüftungsöffnungen herum fr ei bleibt. W ARNING: A vvert enza Per evit are il surriscal damento dei s witch, non adopera teli in un l ocal e che ecc eda la t empera tura ambiental e massima di 40° C.
W ARNING: W aarschuwing Dit produk t dient volg ens alle l andelijke w ett en en voor schriften te w orden a fge dankt. W ARNING: V aroitus T ämän tuotteen l opullisesta hä vittämisest ä tulee huolehtia k aikkia valt akunnallisia lak eja ja säännöksiä nouda ttaen.
• Install ation Instructions W arning f or EX Series S witches on pa ge 281 • Grounded Equipment W arning for EX S eries S witches on pa ge 288 295 Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc.
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 296 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 21 P o w er and El ectric al Sa f et y Inf orma tion • General El ectric al Saf ety Guidelines and W arnings f or EX Series S witches on p age 297 • Pr evention of El ectr ostatic Dis char.
CA UTION: Befor e removing or ins talling components of a de vice, a ttach an ESD str ap to an E SD point and place the other end of the s trap around y our bare wrist.
Devic e components tha t are shipped in antista tic bag s are sensitive t o damag e from sta tic elec tricity . Some component s can be impaire d by vol tag es a s lo w as 30 V .
R elat ed Documenta tion General Sa f ety Guidelines and W arnings for EX S eries S witches on pa ge 267 • • See R ear P anel of an EX2200 S witch f or the ESD point l oca tion. • See R ear P anel of an EX3200 S witch f or the ESD point l oca tion.
remo ved t o av oid elec tric shock. T o disconnect po wer , unplug all po wer cor ds (one for e ach pow er supply ). Po wer Cabl e W arning (Japanese) W ARNING: The a ttached po wer c able is onl y for this produc t. Do not use the cable f or another product.
W arnung Bevor Sie an einem Cha ssis oder in der Nähe von Netzg erä ten arbeiten, ziehen Sie bei W echselstr omeinheiten das Ne tzkabel ab bzw . A vvertenza P rima di la vorar e su un tel aio o intorno ad alimenta tori, sc olleg are il ca vo di alimentazione sull e unità C A.
• A DC-pow ered de vice that is e quipped with a DC terminal bl ock is intended onl y f or install ation in a r estricte d acc ess loc ation. In the Unit ed Sta te s, a restrict ed ac cess are a is one in acc ordance with Articl es 110-16 , 110-17 , and 110-18 of the National El ectric al Code ANSI/NFP A 70.
circuit br eaker t o the OFF position, and tape the devic e handle of the cir cuit break er in the OFF position. W aarschuwing V oorda t u een van de onder staande proc edures uitv oert, dient u te c ontrol eren of de stroom naar he t gelijks troom circuit uit geschak eld is.
interrupt or automá tico en el panel que alimenta al cir cuito de c orriente continua, c ambiar el interruptor a utomátic o a la posición de Apa gado ( OFF), y sujetar c on cinta la pal anca del int erruptor automá tico en posición de Apag ado (OFF).
A viso Ao instal ar a unidade, a lig ação à t erra dev erá ser sempr e a primeira a ser ligada, e a úl tima a ser desliga da. ¡At ención! Al instal ar el equipo, c onectar l a tierra la primer a y descone ctarla la úl tima. V arning! Vid install ation a v enheten må ste jor dledning en alltid ansl utas f örst och koppl as bort sist.
zum Abtrennen der S tromv ersorg ung ist -48V zu -48V , +RTN zu +R TN und dann Erdanschl uss zu Erdanschluss. Es is t zu beachten da ss der Erdanschl uss immer zuerst ang eschlossen und al s letzt es abge trennt wird . A vvertenza Mos tra la mor settier a dell alimentat ore C C.
DC P ow er Wiring T erminations W arning for EX Series S witches W ARNING: When str anded wiring is requir ed, use appr ove d wiring termina tions, such as cl osed-l oop or spade-type with upturned lu gs. These termina tions must be the appropria te size f or the wires and must cl amp both the insula tion and conduct or .
leng üeta s de conexión vuel ta s hacia arriba. Estos t erminales deber án ser del tamaño apropia do para l os cabl es que se utilicen, y t endrán que sujetar t anto el aislant e como el c onductor . V arning! När flertr ådiga l edningar kr ävs må ste g odkända l edningskont akter använda s, t.
V aroitus K oje on suunnitel tu toimimaan TN-sähk öv oimajärjestelmien yhte ydessä. At tention Ce dispo sitif a été c onçu pour fonctionner a vec des s yst èmes d'alimentation TN. W arnung Das Gerä t ist für die V erwendung mit TN-Str omsyst emen ausg elegt.
P ART 10 C omplianc e Inf orma tion • Complianc e Informa tion on pag e 313 311 Copyright © 2010 , Juniper Netw orks, Inc..
Cop yright © 2010, Juniper Netw orks, Inc. 312 Compl ete Har dware Guide f or EX8208 Ethernet Swit ches.
CHAPTER 22 C omplianc e Inf orma tion • Ag ency Approv als f or EX Series S witches on pa ge 313 • Bat tery C ompliance St at ement for Envir onmental R equirements f or EX Series S witches on pa .
• EN 300386 • EN 61000-3-2 P ower Line Harmonic s • EN 61000-3-3 V oltag e Fluc tuations and Flick er • EN 61000-4-2 ESD • EN 61000-4-3 Radia te d Immunity • EN 61000-4-4 EFT • EN 61000-.
Canada This Cl ass A digit al appara tus complies with Cana dian ICES-003. Ce t appareil numérique de la cl asse A est c onforme à l a norme NMB-003 du Canada.
United S ta tes The de vice ha s been test ed and f ound to compl y with the limits f or a Cla ss A digital devic e, pursuant t o Part 15 of the F CC Rul es. The se limits are designed t o pro vide re asonabl e prot ection ag ainst harmful interf erence when the e quipment is opera ted in a commer cial environment.
• The equipment is suit able f or install ation in l oca tions where the National El ectric al Code (NE C) applies. • The ba tt ery return c onnection is to be tr ea ted a s an Isola ted DC r eturn (DC-I), a s defined in GR-1089-C ORE.
Declar a tion of Conf ormity f or EX8208 Swit ches R elat ed Documenta tion Ag ency Approv als f or EX Series S witches on pa ge 313 • • Complianc e Sta tement s for EMC R equirements f or EX Seri.
デバイスJuniper EX8208の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Juniper EX8208をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはJuniper EX8208の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Juniper EX8208の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Juniper EX8208で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Juniper EX8208を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はJuniper EX8208の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Juniper EX8208に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちJuniper EX8208デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。