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Operation/Reference Guide Control Sys tem Acce ssories CSG SIP Communications Gateway CSG-50 0, CSG-5 44, CSG- 580 Last Updated : 10/10/ 2008.
AMX Limited Warr anty and Disclaimer All products re turned to AMX req uire a Return Mate rial Autho rization (RMA) nu mber . The RMA num ber is obtained from the AMX RMA Department. The RMA number mus t be cle arly mark ed on the outside of each box.
Safety Certif ication and Agenc y Approvals iii CSG SIP Communications Gateway Safety Certification and Agency Approvals Safety US /CSA 6095 0 IEC 6095 0 AS/NZS 60 950 EN 60950 Other �.
Safety Certification and Ag ency Approvals iv CSG SIP Communications Gateway.
Table of Contents v CSG SIP Communications Gateway Operations/Reference Guide Table of Contents Safety C ertif ication and Age ncy A pprovals ...... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ... iii Safety ............... .................
vi CSG SIP Communications Gateway Operations/Reference Guide Table of Contents Telephony O ptions ........................ .................... .............................. .................... ... 27 User Confi guration .... ...... ..... ...... ...
CSG SIP Communications Ga teway 1 CSG SIP Communications Gateway CSG SIP Communications Gateway Overview The CSG SIP Communications Gateway is a stand alone Pri v ate Branch Exchange (PBX) which runs a version of Asterisk. It is s uitable for the desktop, or mounting in a typical network closet or restricted access location.
CSG SIP Communications Gateway 2 CSG SIP Communications Gateway CSG Specifications The following table lists th e specif ications for the CSG. CSG In terf ace The CSG interface enables you to create a PBX solution that riv als the features and functionality of traditional telephony switches.
Installation 3 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Installation Unpacking the Unit When you unpa ck yo ur uni t, car efully inspe ct it f or an y da mage that may ha v e occur red in shipm ent. If damage is suspected, file a claim with the carrier and contact your reseller from which the unit was purch ased o r AMX T echnica l Supp ort.
Installation 4 CSG SIP Communications Gateway The e xample sho wn is conf igured with four F XO an d four FXS po rts, m odel CSG -544. FIG. 1 CSG - Ports/LEDs FXS FXO FXS FXO Port/LED Correlation.
Installation 5 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Understanding the LEDs There are 14 LEDs on the front panel of the CSG. The eight LEDs corresponding to the analog ports on the rear panel, indicate the type of interface installed. The def inition of each LED and its color repr esenta tion i s e xpl ained belo w .
Installation 6 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Pin Assignment s The following tables describe the pin assi gnments for the different p orts on the CSG. If yo u pres s the RST CFG button , you t o lose al l con figurati on se ttings .
Installation 7 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Installing the Hardware 1. Connect an Ethernet cable connected to your network to the Network port on the back of the CSG. 2. Connect an Ethernet cab le an IP Phone port. This will be used during the in itial configuration of the CSG.
Installation 8 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Mounting the CSG FIG. 3 illustrates the proper mounting installation options for wall mounting the unit: Instru ctions for Wall Mounting 1. Select the area to mount the CSG unit (refer to FIG. 3) . The unit should be mounted at or belo w eye le vel to properly view th e LEDs.
Installation 9 CSG SIP Communications Gateway There are indicators on both the bracket and the mounting clips to sho w which end is the “top” to ensure correct mounting orientation (see FIG. 4). The b racket ha s a no tched side to indica te the t op of th e piec e.
Installation 10 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 5 illustrates the correct mounting orientation of the DIN Rail Mounting Bracket: FIG. 6 illustrates the correct mounting orientation of the DIN Rail Mounting Bracket and the orientation of the moun ted de vice.
Installation 11 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Y ou can also mount the CSG by attaching the mounting b rackets to the bottom of the unit. FIG. 7 displays the CSG with mounting brackets attached to its underside. Th e bracket clamps attach to the DIN rail as shown in FIG.
Installation 12 CSG SIP Communications Gateway.
Configuration 13 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Configuration The CSG c omes pre-in stall ed with a we b-bas ed conf iguration tool yo u can use t o conf igure you r unit.
Configuration 14 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Subsequent Logons to the CSG The method described abov e will work to log onto the configuration tool of the CSG. In addition, you can log onto the CSG using the CSG's Netw ork port once it has been enabled.
Configuration 15 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Administ rative Op tions The CSG provides you with options to modify the e xisting elements of or add features to your system. After logging into the user interface, a v ariety of options displays along the top of the page.
Configuration 16 CSG SIP Communications Gateway The following table lists th e options on the Local Extensions page: Change Password The Change Passw ord page enables you to change the administrator password to the CSG user interface. Y ou can access this page by selecting Admi n.
Configuration 17 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 4 Change Pass word page T o change the administrator password, enter the new passwo rd in the Enter New Pas sword field. Conf irm the password by en tering it again in the Retype Ne w Pass word field .
Configuration 18 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Backu p/R esto re Backup is a housekeeping option that enables you to back up your CSG settings to preserve your changes. Y ou can access this p age by selecting Back-up on the Ad min ta b . FIG. 6 disp lays the Backup / Resto re Con f igurati on pa ge.
Configuration 19 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Upgradin g Firmw are When firmw are upgrades are av ailable, you can do wnload and install them on the Upgrade Firmware page (see FIG. 8 ). Y ou can access this page by selectin g Upgrade Firmware on the Ad min tab.
Configuration 20 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 9 Networking Conf iguration page - Main tab The following table lists the options on the Main tab of the Netw orking Config uration page: Networking Configurat ion - Main Tab Opti ons Opti on Desc ripti on Hostname This field enables yo u to view or change the host name of your CSG .
Configuration 21 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 10 dis plays the W AN Netwo rk tab of the Netw ork ing Co nf igura tion pa ge. Y ou can acce ss this pa ge by selecting Network | W AN Network fr om the System tab .
Configuration 22 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 11 displays the IP Phones tab o f the Networking Conf iguration page. Y ou can access this page by selecting Network | IP Phones from the System tab . Y ou can use the options on this tab to establish settings to access your CSG.
Configuration 23 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 12 displays the T imezones tab of the Netw orking Configu ration page. Y ou can access this page by selecting Network | Timezones from the System tab .
Configuration 24 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 1 3 Networking Conf iguration page - Operation Mode tab.
Configuration 25 CSG SIP Communications Gateway The options on the Operation Mode tab specify operational mode settings for your CSG which can vary between countries.
Configuration 26 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 1 4 SIP Global Configuration page Afte r conf iguring th e nu merou s optio ns as appro pria te, yo u can c lick Accept to sav e the settings. FIG. 15 d ispl ays t he Inte r Aster isk Excha nge Prot ocol (IA X) Gl obal C onfigura ti on pa ge.
Configuration 27 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Telephony Options The T elephony tab enables you establis h all of your telephon e settings su ch as user extensions, conference bridges, voice mail, service providers, and call queues. The following sections describe the v ario us opti ons on the T ele phon y tab .
Configuration 28 CSG SIP Communications Gateway User Configuration Options (Continued) Opti on Desc ripti on E-mail This field enables you to enter an e-mail addres s for the extension. Y ou must ent er a valid e-mail address here if the owner of the extension wants to receive e-mail with a r ecording of each voice m ail attached to it.
Configuration 29 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Setting Codec Prefer ences For each user e xtension, you can allow or dis allow specif ic codecs to be used. Perform the follo wing steps to set the codec preferences for a user extension: 1. Select Users from t he T ele phony t ab to di spla y the Users C onfigura tio n page ( FIG.
Configuration 30 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Conferencing Every company reaches the point of needing more people on a phone call than it can ef fecti vely include through three-way calling. CSG confer ence bridges enable you to inclu de more people as well as project a professional image.
Configuration 31 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Voice Mail V oice mail is an av ailable option for every extension in CSG. The relationship between the extension and the voice ma il is established in the User Extension sec tion of the user interface.
Configuration 32 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 1 9 Voice Mail Configuration page.
Configuration 33 CSG SIP Communications Gateway T o conf igure the voice mail for an extension, select the extension from the av ailable list on the left side of the page. Establish the voice mail settings for the extension, as appropriate. When you are finished, click Accept to sav e the V oice Mail configuration.
Configuration 34 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 2 0 Voice Menus Configuration page On this page, enter your SMTP server and port in the appropriate fields and click Accept to sa ve th e settings. Click Back to V o ice Mail Conf iguration to return to the pre vious page.
Configuration 35 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Voice Mail E-mai l Configu ration On the V oice Mail Co nfiguration page, if you indicate you want an extension to recei ve an e-mail with an attached v.
Configuration 36 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 2 2 Queu e Extension Co nfigurati on page T o create a new calling queue, click New . The next a vailable e xtension is automatically populated in the sequence. The system defaults to four-digit e x tensions, beginning with the n umber 6000.
Configuration 37 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Queue Extension Configuration Options (Continued) Opti on Desc ripti on S trategy This option enables you to choose one of the following options for transmitting calls throughout the queue: • Ring All - Rings every agent who is not on an active call when a new call arrives.
Configuration 38 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Service Pro viders The CSG generically identifies the carriers used to reach your local phone carrier , long distance carrier , or V oIP provider as service pr oviders . The ser vice providers may use analog lines f or your car rier or IP connections for your V oIP carr iers.
Configuration 39 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 2 5 Add Service Provider dialog box - VoIP FIG. 2 6 Add Service Provider dialog box - Custom VoIP Selecting the Analog, V oIP , or Custom V oIP radio bu tton changes the options listed here to accommodate th e teleph ony being used.
Configuration 40 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 2 7 Call Ru les page The CSG provides six def ault call types. Y ou can edit or delete each default call types by using the hypertext ne xt to the calling rule. The table provided also identif ies whether a Service Provider (trunk) has been assigned to process the calls.
Configuration 41 CSG SIP Communications Gateway The routing defaults for the CSG are a basic featur e for the jurisdiction of calls. Calls to Canada, Guam, and the Caribbean are international, but you can reach them by dialing 1 + the area code and a sev en -digit phone number , e xactly like calling to another state.
Configuration 42 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 2 9 Create New Dial Plan dialog box 3. In the Dial Plan Na me f ield, enter a name for th e dial plan.
Configuration 43 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 3 1 Set Rule dialog box 3. Select an option to route from the Route drop-down combo box. Y ou can choose fr om All Unmatched incoming calls or Incoming calls that match . 4. Select a service provider from the From pr ovider dr op-d o wn c ombo box .
Configuration 44 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 3 2 Voice Menus Configuration page Click T elephony | V oice Menus to open t he V oice Menus Conf igur ation page ( FIG.
Configuration 45 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 3 3 Add New Step dia log box The following table lists th e av aila ble vo ice menu options: Voice Menu Options Opti on Desc ripti on Answer This step is automatically added when creating a new menu.
Configuration 46 CSG SIP Communications Gateway T o create a new configuration for a specific extension, click New . The following table lis ts the options on the V oice Menu s Conf iguration p age: Perform the following steps as a guide to creating a v oice menu: 1.
Configuration 47 CSG SIP Communications Gateway 5. Specify the actions for digits 0-9 as well as *, #, t, and i. The options av a ilable are: Disabled - The associated ke y is not enabled. Goto Men u - Pressing a key with this option sends the caller to a sp ecified menu.
Configuration 48 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 3 5 Record a new voice menu dialog box The following table displays the a vailable options on this page: Call Park ing Call parking enables you to put a call on hold and continue the con versation from another phone.
Configuration 49 CSG SIP Communications Gateway The following table displays the a v ailable options on this page: Y ou can park a call using either an analog or V oIP pho ne. T o us e an analog phone, hit the flash button, or quickly click the hook switch, wait for a dial tone, then dial the ex tension (700).
Configuration 50 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Follo w these steps to create a ring group: 1. Click the T elephony t ab o n the ma in pa ge an d sele ct Ring Groups . The Ring Gr oups Co nf igura tion page open s (see FI G. 37) . 2. Click New Ring Group .
Configuration 51 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Active Channels The Ac ti v e Cha nnels Conf igur ation page prov ides you wi th a r emote vie w of the ac ti ve c alls and de vices. It displays a snapshot of the acti vity of the serv er and can be refreshed to vie w the progression of calls.
Configuration 52 CSG SIP Communications Gateway.
Touch Panel Configuration 53 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Touch Panel Configuration AMX Modero panels feature on- board Setup pages. Y ou can use the options in the Setup pages to access panel information and make v arious configur ation changes.
Touch Panel Co nfiguration 54 CSG SIP Communications Gateway FIG. 3 SIP Se ttings pag e The fo llo wing table descr ibes th e featu res on this pa ge: SIP Settings Options Opti on Desc ripti on Back Returns you to the previous page.
Touch Panel Configuration 55 CSG SIP Communications Gateway Setting Up Your Touch Pane l to W ork wit h Your CSG Follo w these steps to configure your touch panel to work with your CSG: 1. From the ma in Setup pa ge on your touch pane l, pre ss Protected Setup .
Touch Panel Co nfiguration 56 CSG SIP Communications Gateway.
Setup Pages 57 CSG SIP Communications G ateway.
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デバイスAMX CSG-580の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
AMX CSG-580をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAMX CSG-580の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。AMX CSG-580の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。AMX CSG-580で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
AMX CSG-580を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAMX CSG-580の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、AMX CSG-580に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAMX CSG-580デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。