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Operation/Reference Guide Distributed Audio MIO R-1 AUDIO Tango Distributed Audio Remote Control Initial Release: 2/19/2008.
AMX Limited Warranty and Disclaimer This Limited W arranty and Disclaimer extends only to products purchased directly from AMX or an AMX Authorized Partn er which include AMX Dealers, Distributors, VIP’s or other AMX authorized entity .
Table of Contents i MIO R-1 AUDIO Table of Contents Overview ...................... ...................................................................... ................ 1 Specifications ........................ ......................... ...........
ii MIO R-1 AUDIO Table of Contents Satellite and O ther ................ ............. ................ ............. ............. ................ ............. ... 17 Custom XM ..... ............. ................ ............. ............. ......
Overview 1 MIO R-1 AUDIO Overview The MIO R-1 A UDIO ( FG147-04 ) remote provides custom control feat ures, contained in an elegant handheld dev ice, designed specifically for us e with Matrix Distrib uted Audio Systems using Metreau D AS-MET -6SRC and/or D AS-MET -NUM keypads.
Overview 2 MIO R-1 AUDIO Specifications The MIO R-1 A UDIO device specifications are as follo w s: Touch And Tilt Sensor The MIO R-1 A UDIO wakes up upon touching either the chrome sid e rails or pressi ng a button. When holding the remote and it times out, you can reawaken the de vice by tilting it.
MIO R-1 AUDIO Setup 3 MIO R-1 AUDIO MIO R-1 AUDIO Setup Installing Your Custom Buttons 1. Flip and turn the MIO R-1 A UDIO so that the buttons are f acing aw ay from you and the de vice is upside down. 2. Holding the device in both hands, place your thumbs on the battery door and push up to slide the battery door free.
MIO R-1 AUDIO Setup 4 MIO R-1 AUDIO Battery Low Indicator When the battery charge le vel is too low to sustain continuous operation, the LCD flashes, "Battery Low" and the de vice shuts down.
Programming The MIO R-1 AUDIO 5 MIO R-1 AUDIO Programming The MIO R-1 AUDIO Most functionality of the MIO R-1 A UDIO is handled using the application K e ypadBuilder . Go to www .amx.c om for the Ke ypadBuilder Instruction Manual . The MIO R-1 A UDIO re cognizes a select number of Serial Commands.
Programming T he MIO R-1 AUDI O 6 MIO R-1 AUDIO IR Code Matrix The IR Code emitted depends upon which of the 6 config urable modes is selected. Below is the list of codes for each button within each mode.
Programming The MIO R-1 AUDIO 7 MIO R-1 AUDIO Configuration Mode The configuration mode allo ws you to set the following device features: IR T r ansmit Mode (38 KHz or 455 KHz) T imeout A djustment Download Mode Debug Mode Battery T ype LED A wake Br ightness Sleep Brightness T o enter configuration Mode: 1.
Programming T he MIO R-1 AUDI O 8 MIO R-1 AUDIO Debug Mode Pressing button "4" on the remote toggles de velopment mode between ON and OFF . The display indicates the selected mode. In dev elopment mode , the display shows the IR code assigned to buttons when pressed.
Programming The MIO R-1 AUDIO 9 MIO R-1 AUDIO Updating MIO R-1 AUDIO Firmware Updating firmware in the MIO R-1 A UDIO is also done through the programming jack. T o update the main firmw are for the MIO R-1 A UDIO: 1. Connect the MIO R-1 A UDIO to your computer via the programming jack (FIG.
Programming T he MIO R-1 AUDI O 10 MIO R-1 AUDIO Persistent Serial Commands There are a select number of persistent comma nds the MIO R-1 A UDIO recognizes.
MIO Remote Charging Base 11 MIO R-1 AUDIO MIO Remote Charging Base The MIO remotes are complemented eith er with a MIO-RCC charging base ( FG147-02) or the MIO-RCC rechargeable upgrade kit ( FG147-03K) . One charging base, a new back housing and a MIO-RBP rechargeable lithium ion battery ( FG147-10 ) are included with the rechargeable upgrade kit.
MIO Remote Charging Base 12 MIO R-1 AUDIO The specifications for the MIO remote char ging base and kit are as follows: Installing The Rechargeable Battery 1. Flip and turn the MIO R-1 so that the b uttons are facing a way from you and the de vice is upside down.
MIO Remote Charging Base 13 MIO R-1 AUDIO 5. Remov e the back housing. 6. Place the new housing on the device so that the rechargeable battery port connection is now accessible. See FIG. 8. 7. Replace the 6 scre ws. 8. Connect the terminal end of the Lithium-Ion ba ttery to the port sho wn in FIG.
MIO Remote Charging Base 14 MIO R-1 AUDIO Changing Battery Modes Configuration Mode The Configur ation mode allows you to set the battery type . T o en ter Configuration mode: 1. Press and hold the STOP button and the INPUT button simultaneously . The two b uttons must be pressed within 0.
Using the MIO R-1 AUDIO Remote 15 MIO R-1 AUDIO Using the MIO R-1 AUDIO Remote Tone Control & SRS Setting T o access the T one Control and SRS settings, press the TONE b u tton (FIG. 1). T his enables the T one Control Mode with B ASS as the f irst mode select ed.
Using the MIO R-1 AUDIO Remote 16 MIO R-1 AUDIO Privacy Mode When the priv acy feature is engage d, the room/zone cannot be paged, apart from this, the room/zone will function normally . T o engage Priv acy mode, press the Priv acy (PRIV) b utton.
Using the MIO R-1 AUDIO Remote 17 MIO R-1 AUDIO Source Control Internal Tuner an d Audio Server CD and DVD Satellite and Othe r Pressing Source Buttons swit ches between so urces and turns the Source On, but does not toggle between ON and OFF .
Using the MIO R-1 AUDIO Remote 18 MIO R-1 AUDIO Custom XM Direct Numeric Access Tuners Enter the stat ion identi f ication and press ENTER. Strings of 3 to 4 numbers are recognized. If a " • " (dot) is part of the string, then an FM station is assumed, othe rwise an AM station is assumed.
Using the MIO R-1 AUDIO Remote 19 MIO R-1 AUDIO Presets Creating a Preset 1. Select the source. 2. Direct T une to the station of c hoice (enter station ID + ENTER). 3. Select the "PSET" button. 4. K ey in th e preset numbe r (1 - 10). 5. Press & Hold ENTER.
Using the MIO R-1 AUDIO Remote 20 MIO R-1 AUDIO Zone Grouping In this state, zones can be "grouped" together and controlled as a single zone. Press the "GRP" b utton to enter "Group Mode". Adding a Zone To a Group 1. Press the "GRP" button to enter "Group Mode".
Using the MIO R-1 AUDIO Remote 21 MIO R-1 AUDIO Favorites One "fa vorite" can be programmed for each Source, in each Zone. If a "fa vori te" is set for a specif ic source in a specif ic zone, when that source is tu rned on (after System has been OFF), the fav orite will begin playing in that zone.
Using the MIO R-1 AUDIO Remote 22 MIO R-1 AUDIO Alarm When the alarm time is reached, the source selected will turn ON and the vo lume will ramp up to the se t volume and beg in playing. At this poi nt the source will behav e normally . Setting Alarm Time 1.
Using the MIO R-1 AUDIO Remote 23 MIO R-1 AUDIO Keypad Lockout Locking A Specific Keypad 1. Press "LOCK" button. 2. Enter the room/zone # to lock. 3. Press ENTER. Unlocking A Specific Keyp ad 1. Press "LOCK" button. 2. Enter the room/zone # to UNLOCK.
Using the MIO R-1 AUDIO Remote 24 MIO R-1 AUDIO.
Using the MIO R-1 AUDIO Remote 25 MIO R-1 AUDIO.
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デバイスAMX FG147-04の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
AMX FG147-04をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAMX FG147-04の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。AMX FG147-04の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。AMX FG147-04で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
AMX FG147-04を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAMX FG147-04の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、AMX FG147-04に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAMX FG147-04デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。