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For Customer Use: Enter below the Serial No . which is located on the body . Retain this information f or future reference . Model No . Serial No. Thank you f or purchasing this JVC product. Before beginning to oper ate this unit,please read the instructions carefully to ensure the best possible perf ormance.
2 Intr oduction Safe ty Pre cauti ons 1. Read all of these instructions. 2. Save these instructions for later use. 3. All warnings on the product and in the operating instructions should be adhered to. 4. Unplug this appliance system from the wall outlet before cleaning.
3 Inf ormation for USA This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Changes or modifications not approved by JVC could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
4 Intr oduction Safet y Precaut ions (continued) Information for Users on Disposal of Old Equipment [European Union] This symbol indicates that the electrical and electronic equipment should not be disposed as general household waste at its end-of-life.
5 䢇 The unit is t o be powered by a DC 12 V power supply . 䢇 The unit is t o be powered by a UL Listed DC12 V power supply . (F or U type) 䢇 The 12 V DC power supply shall conform to the f ollowing: Class 2 only (For USA), Isolated power supply only ( F or Europe).
6 Intr oduction 䡵 High anti-dust a nd waterproo f performan ce The anti-dust and waterproof mec hanism allows outdoor install ation as the camera is not aff ected by rai n. (IP66 specifications) 䡵 High Picture Quality The camera unit employs a 380,000-pixel CCD (1/4") which enables hi gh quality image monitoring.
7 Introduction Safety Precauti ons ................ ........... .. 2 Main Feat ures .................. ........... ........ 6 Contents .... ................ ............ ............. 7 Operating Environment .......... ........... .. 8 Cautionary No tes .
8 Intr oduction 䡵 PC Specification Requirements 䡵 LAN En vir onment ● 10BAS E-T/100BASE-TX(PoE) network interconnected using an IEEE802.3- compliant switching hub . ● IEEE802.3af-compliant switching hub when Po E i s in u se . ● IGMPv2-compliant net work when multi cast is in use.
9 Others 䢇 This product has a built-in A GC circuit. When AGC is A On B , t he product sensitivity increases automatically at dark places and the image on the screen may appear grainy .
10 Intr oduction Camera unit A Mo untin g hole ⳯ 2 Use these when mounting the base to the ceiling, wall or electrical box. ( A Pg. 17)( A Pg. 21) Note : ● T o mount the camera using an electrical box, please check with your deale r or nearest JVC ser vicing center .
11 I P ower cable for heater (AC 24 V) (Gray , White) Note : ● When installing a heater (sold separately: KA-ZH215) t o this product, be s ure to connect to AC 24 V . ● The AC 2 4 V power supply should conf orm to the following : Class 2 only (For USA), Isolated power supply only ( F or Europe).
12 Intr oduction Inside the camera L [10BASE-T/100BASE-TX(P oE)] 10BASE-T/100B ASE-TX terminal This is a 10BASE-T/100BASE -TX terminal. It connects to the network via LAN cable . ( A Pg. 26) M Rotation Knob This knob r otates the lens section and adjusts the tilting of the image.
13 S [MONIT OR] Monitor terminal (RCA pin) ( A Pg. 28) T Heater power connect or This power connector is used when the c amera is installed with a heater (sold separately: KA- ZH215). U Heater space Memo : ● When m ounting the heater (sold separately :KA-ZH215), re ad the instruction m anual of the heater carefully bef ore mounting.
14 Intr oduction Monitoring Via Built-in Vie wer VN-C215VP4U comes with a bui lt-in ActiveX viewer . Monitoring of VN-C215VP4U im ages using the computer is possible b y installing this b uilt-in viewer on t he computer . Images that are currently display ed ma y also be captured in the computer’ s hard disk.
15 Restrictions o n Clients It is possible for VN-C215VP 4U to per mit or deny image ac quisition of designated IP address es. Cont rol via cu stomiz ed appl icat ion softwa re The foll owing uses ar e also possible by dev eloping a customized application so ftware that suppor ts the API of VN-C215VP4U.
16 Setup The connection and setup procedures are described as below . K K K Procedures 䢇 Make sure y ou touch the metal surf ace of the [MONIT OR] ter minal to release t he static electricity from your body . Static electricity may cause the camera to malfunction.
17 1. Remove the dome cover Loosen the dom e cov er fastening screws (x3) with t he wrench ( supplied ) and remo ve the dome cover . Memo : ● The dome cov er is connected to the base via a fall-pre v ention wire. 2. Remove the inner dome The inner dom e is secured by 3 claws.
18 Setup 2. Mount the fall-prevention wire to the base (The fall-p revention wire is not attached) Remov e the f all-pre vention wi re mounting screw of the base and mount the f all-pre v ention wire. Note : ● Also pay careful attention to the length, strength, wiring and material (insulation quality) of the f all-prev ention wire t o be used.
19 Fill up the piping hole and mounting hole with sealant, mount the camera to the base and inser t silica gel. 1. Fill up the holes w ith sealant Use sealant to f ill up the mounting holes (x2) to which the piping hole and screws are mounted. Memo : ● Use GE silicon or other equiv alent f or the sealant.
20 Setup 4. Insert the supplied silica gel T ak e out the silica gel from its aluminum pack, inser t it in the space f or silica gel inside the camera and secure with a lug plate. Memo : ● Be sure to replace the silica gel when y ou reconnect or reinstall the camera during repair or m aintenance.
21 Mount the base to an ele ctrical box. 1. Remove the camera unit from the base ( A Pg. 17) 2. Mount the base to the electrical bo x Use two mounting holes and two M4 screws to mount the base to the electrical box. Memo : ● M4 screws are not supplied.
22 Setup Use a piping hole t o mount the camera. Use the pi ping hole a t the b ottom of the base to mo unt the came ra 1. Remove the camera unit from the base ( A Pg.
23 Using the pip ing hole at the side o f the base to mo unt the came ra When the camera is not directly mounted on a ceiling, use the piping hole at the side of t he base to mount the camera t o the piping. 1. Remove the camera unit from the base and m ount the fall-prevention wire ( A Pg.
24 Setup Electricity can be supplied to this product either by using the PoE or connecting to the DC 12 V power supply . 䢇 When electricity is supplied to the camera, the status indicator blinks, and turns off when star tup is com plete . Note : ● Make sure to select only one mode of electrical supply .
25 Memo : ● In a sy stem where multiple units of V N- C215VP4U ar e used, tur n on the power of only 1 unit to configure the IP address settings via the I nternet Explorer. Upon doing so , turn on the power of the second unit and configure accordingly .
26 Setup Note : ● When installing a heater unit (sold separately: KA-ZH215) to this product, be sure to connect to A C 24 V . ● When installing a heater unit (sold separately: KA-ZH215), read the heater instruction manual carefully bef ore installing.
27 Connect the alarm input/output cables wit h ex ter nal de vices such as a sensor , buzz er , etc. Note : ● Noises from an external source ma y cause malfunctions even when the cable used is shor ter than 50 m. In this case, use a shielded cable or move the cable awa y from the noise source.
28 Setup When the camera is mounted, adjust t he image settings while looking at the ac tual image. Mounting th e test monitor Connect the [MONIT OR] terminal of the camera to the test monitor to adjust the camera shooting direction, field angle and f ocus .
29 Adjusting field angle, f ocus and brightness Once you hav e decided the s hooting direction, you can adj ust the field angle, f ocus and brightness. Note : ● Be sure to hold the dom e cov er ov er the lens when adjusting the f ocus. The dome cover is made thick er for perf ormance pur poses.
30 Setup After all settings are complete, mount the inner dome to the c amera. 1. Moun t the in ner dom e Mount the inner dome to the claws (x3). Note : ● Mount the inner dome without covering the lens. ● When m ounting the inner dome, make sure that the position of the lens is not sh ifted.
31 Note : ● Secure t he dome cov er tightly . Insecure mounting may increase humidity , fog up the camera or t he cov er may drop. ● When the cov er is removed again after mounting the dom e cov er , adjust the field angle. ● Make sure that the f all-pre vent ion wire of the dome cov er is not caught between the dome cov er and the base.
32 Setti ng ● Ensure that there is sufficient network bandwidth f or the data volume t o be sent out by VN-C215VP4U. ● Data v olume to be sent b y VN-C215VP4U v aries with th e settings and num ber of distr ibutions. ● The maximum bit rate from VN-C215V P4U is about 9 Mbps.
33 Setting IP address with the default VN- C215VP4U settings There are 2 methods to s et the IP address when VN-C215VP4U is in its def ault settings. (A) Assigning an IP add ress to VN-C215VP4U from t.
34 Setti ng 䢇 IP Address se tting at the com puter Set the computer to an IP address that enab les communication with VN-C215VP4U. 1. Cl ic k [S tart ] ● Select in the order of [Control Panel] - [Network Connection] - [Local Area] .
35 䢇 Changing th e IP address using th e Internet Explorer 1. Launc h the Inte rnet Explor er on the compute r 2. When pro xy setting is enabled in th e Internet Explorer, f ollow the steps b elow to disable the pro xy of the Internet Explorer ● Select in the order of [T ools] - [Inte rnet Options .
36 Setti ng 䢇 Changing th e IP address using the Internet Explorer (continued) 4. Launc h the Interne t Expl orer Memo : ● If the pro xy ser ver set ting in Internet Explorer is enabled, you ma y not be ab le to specify the I P address directly .
37 6. The top page of VN-C215VP4U appears 7. The Basic page with the IP address settings appears A confir mation screen appears. Press the [OK] button. The VN-C215V P4U restar ts using the new IP address. It takes about 1 minute for the camera to reb oot.
38 Setti ng When t he IP a ddress of V N-C215V P4U is known When the IP address of VN-C215VP4U is known, it can be chang ed by using Interne t Explorer on the computer to access the built-in web page of VN-C215VP4U. T Please refer to the A Setting Using Inter net Explorer B of the [INS TRUCTIONS] (pdf) in th e supplied CD-ROM.
39 Operatio n Using the buil t-in viewer enables displa y of a series of im ages, one-shot recording of im ages and receiving of alarm information. ⽧ Setting Up the I nternet Explorer ( A Pg. 40) ⽧ Installing the built-in viewer ( A Pg. 42) ⽧ Screen Configuration of Built-in Viewer ( A Pg.
40 Operatio n Setting Up the Internet Exp lorer 1. Launc h the Inte rnet Explor er on the compute r 2. When pro xy setting is enabled in th e Internet Explorer, f ollow the steps b elow to disable the pro xy of the Internet Explorer ● Select in the order of [T ools] - [Internet Options.
41 Setting Up the Internet Exp lorer (continue d) 3. If Act iveX cont rols and p lug-ins of the I nternet Explore r is not s et to A Ena bl e B , follow the steps below to enable it ● Click [T r usted sites] under [T ools] - [Internet Options...] - [Security].
42 Operatio n Inst alli ng the built-i n viewer 1. Enter the URL of the bu ilt-in viewer in the add ress field of Internet Explorer For e xample, if the IP address of VN-C215VP4U is, enter as follows:
43 Screen Configu ration of Built-in Vi ewer ● VN-C215VP4U is set to enc ode at 15 fps by default. A B C D E A Alarm Appears blinking when alarm pack ets are s ent from VN-C215VP4U to the computer . The alarm will continue b linking unt il the aut o clear operation of the alarm is perf ormed.
44 Operatio n Quitting the Built -in View er T o quit, press the [Close] but ton at the top right of the window . ● T o restar t the b uilt-in vie wer , l aunch the Intern et Explorer and ente r the URL of the built-in vie wer in the address field. For e xample, if the IP address of VN- C215VP4U is 192.
45 Other s Camera Unit [Monitor Outp ut] Monitor output x 1 (75 , 1 Vp-p) [Network Output] LAN Specifica tions Compliant with IEEE802.3, IEEE802.3u and IEEE802.3af Len s Specifications Image pick up de vice : 1/4 inch Interline tr ansf er CCD Eff ective pixels : Approx.
46 Other s General Attac hments/A ccessories Start -up Guide ........ .... ....... ...... .... ....... ...... ...... . 1 CD-ROM ..... ...... ...... ....... .... ...... ...... ....... .... ...... . 1 Insta llati on Prec autio ns .... ...... ...... ....
47 Dimension [Un it: mm (inc h)] T Specifications and appearance of this unit and related pr oducts are subject to change for product impro vement without prior notice. 9 (3/8) Ǿ 160(6-1/4) 121(4-3/4) 113(4-1/2) Ǿ 160(6-1 /4 5(1/4) 42(1-5/8) 125(4-7/8) SR5 3.
© 2006 Victor Company of J apan, Limited LST053 0-001A VN-C215VP4U FIXED IP DOME CA MERA VN-C215VP_EN.book Page 48 Wednesday, December 20, 2006 4:26 PM.
デバイスJVC VN-C215VP4Uの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
JVC VN-C215VP4Uをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはJVC VN-C215VP4Uの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。JVC VN-C215VP4Uの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。JVC VN-C215VP4Uで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
JVC VN-C215VP4Uを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はJVC VN-C215VP4Uの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、JVC VN-C215VP4Uに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちJVC VN-C215VP4Uデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。