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KDP 90 Own er ’ s Ma n ua l Pr eparation Bef ore Use P layi ng the P ian o Int e rnal Songs Recorder Set tings App endi x.
Thank you for purchasing this Kawai digital piano. This owner’s ma nual contai ns impor tant inform ation regardi ng the usage and op eration of the KDP90 digital piano. Ple ase read all sections carefully , k e eping this m anual handy for future r eferenc e.
3 P refa ce A bout t his Owner ’ s Manual Before at tempting to play this in s trument, please read the Pre paratio n Befo re Use sec tion from page 1 0 of this owner ’s manual. This se c tion ex plains the nam e and func tio n of each par t, h ow to connec t the power c able, an d how to turn on the p ower .
4 Impor tant Safet y Instructions Impor tant Safe ty Instruc tions denotes that care should be taken. The example instructs the user to take care not to allow ngers t o be trapped. denotes a prohibited operation. The example instructs that disassembly of the product is prohibited.
5 W ARNING The product should be connected to an A C outlet of the specied voltage. ● If you are going to use an AC pow er cord, make sure that its has the correct plug shape and conforms to the specied po wer voltage. ● F ailure to do so may result in re .
6 ● Doing so may cause the product to become deformed or fall ov er, r esulting in breakdown or injury. Do not stand on the product or exert ex cessive forc e. ● Doing so may result in discoloration or deformation of the product. ● When cleaning the product, put a soft cloth in lukewarm water , squeeze it well , then wipe the product.
7 The product should be serviced by qualied service personnel when: ● The pow er supply cord or the plug has been damaged. ● Objects have fallen, or liquid has been spilled into the product. ● The product has been exposed to rain. ● The product does not appear to operat e normally or exhibits a marked change in per formance .
9 T able of C ont ents Pre face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Important Safet y Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 T able of Con tents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Prepara t ion Before Use P art Nam es and F un c tions Operation Guide The se parate Op eration G uide provi des a convenient overv iew of the K DP90 di gital piano’s various but ton and keyb oard controls. This she et is also repr inted in the App endix s ec tion of this ow ner ’s manual.
11 Prepara t ion Before Use Setting Up th e Pi ano 1 . Connecting the power adaptor Connec t the AC power adaptor to the DC IN ter minal loc ated on the unde rside of the ins trume nt, as indicated b elow. 2 . Connecting the power adaptor to an outlet Connec t the AC power adaptor to an AC outlet .
12 Pla ying the Piano Selec t ing Sounds The KDP90 digit al piano features 1 5 di ere nt instrument sounds, which can be selec ted in one of t wo ways. By default the ‘Conc e rt G rand’ sound will be se lec ted automatically when the instrument is turned on.
13 Pla ying the Piano U sing the P e dals As with a grand piano, the KDP90 digit al piano features three pedals: sustain, sostenuto, and soft . Pedal support bolt If the pe dal supp or t bolt d oes not make contac t with the oor , the pedal b oard may becom e damaged.
14 Pla ying the Piano Dual Mode The Dual Mode func tion allows two sounds to be la yered together , creating a more complex sound. For example, a piano sound lay ere d with strings, or an ele ctric piano combine d with a harpsichord etc.
15 Pla ying the Piano F our Han ds Mode The Four Hands Mode function divides the keyboard in to t wo sections , with the sustain (righ t) and sof t (left) pedal ac ting as indepe ndent sustain pedals for each se ction.
16 Pla ying the Piano Metronome The Metronome function provides a steady beat to aid practicing the piano at a consistent t e mpo. The time signature, v o lume, and tempo of the metronome can be freely adjusted . T urning t he metronome on/ o Press the MET RONOME b ut ton.
17 Internal Songs Demo Songs The KDP90 digit al piano includes a selec tion of demonstration songs to introduce each in ternal sound. Demo songs Sound name Song name Composer Concert Grand Hungarian Rhapsodies No.6 Lisz t Concer t G rand 2 Petit Chien Chop in Studio Grand Original Kawa i Modern Piano Original Classic E.
18 Internal Songs The Concert Magic func tion allows complete beginners to enjo y playing the piano by simply selec ting one of the 40 pre - programmed songs, then t apping the keyboard with a st eady rhy thm and tempo. The Concert Magic songs are categorised by group and assigned to the lowest 40 white k eys of the keyboard.
19 Internal Songs C onc er t Magi c demo modes The Concert Magic demo mo des allow the Conc e rt M agic songs to be listened to in one of three ways: All Pla y, Ca te gor y Pla y, and Random Pla y All Pla y Press the CONCERT MAGIC but ton, th en press the PL A Y /STOP button.
20 Internal Songs C onc er t Magic Mode The Concert Magic Mode set ting changes the Concert Magic playing mode, allowing all Concert Magic songs to be play e d by simply tapping any k ey with a constant steady beat, regardless of the song arrangement typ e.
21 Internal Songs C onc er t Magic song ar rangem ent t ypes Concert Magic songs are divided into three di erent arra ngement types: Easy Beat ( EB) , Melody Pla y (MP ), and Skillful (SK). Each arrangement t ype requires a di ere nt lev el of sk ill to be per formed correc tly .
22 Internal Songs C oncert Magic song list No. Song Name T ype Children’s Songs 1 T winkle, T winkle, Little Star MP 2 I’m A Little T eap ot MP 3 Mar y Had A Lit tle L amb MP 4 London Bridge MP 5 .
23 Internal Songs The Lesson function allows budding pianists to practice the piano using a selec tion of built-in song books . The lef t and right hand parts for each pie ce can be practiced separately , while adjusting the tempo allows di cult passages to be pe r fec ted.
24 Internal Songs 2 Li stening t o the selected les son song This page will explain how to play and stop the selected lesson song, and adjust the tempo. Playing the lesson song Af ter sel ec ting a le sson bo ok and s ong: Press the PLA Y /STOP but ton .
25 Internal Songs 3 Pr ac tic ing lef t and ri ght -hand par ts separa tely This page will explain how to mute/ ac tivate the left and right-hand part s of the selec ted lesson song, allowing each part to be practiced separately .
26 Recorder Recorde r The KDP90 digit al piano allows up to 3 di erent songs t o be re corded, stored in internal memory, and played back at the t ouch of a but ton.
27 Recorder 2 P laying ba ck a song 1 . Pla ying t he recorded song Press the PLA Y /STOP but ton . The LED indic ator for the PLA Y /STOP but ton will turn on , and the recorded so ng will star t to play.
28 Settings K e yboard and Sound Set tings The KDP90 ’ s keyboard and sound settings allow various aspect s of the instrument to be adjusted. Keyboard and Sound Settings Setting name Explanation Default setting Damper Resonance Adjust the resonance that is heard when depressing the damp er pe dal.
29 Settings 1 Damper Resonanc e Depressing the sustain pe dal of an acoustic piano raises all dampers, allowing the strings to vibrate freely . When a note or chord is played on the piano with the sus.
30 Settings K eyboard and Sound Settings 2 Rev erb The Rev e rb setting adds reverberation to the sound, simulating the ac oustic e nvironment of a recital room, stage, or concert hall.
31 Settings 3 To u c h As with an acoustic piano, the KDP90 digital piano pro duces a louder sound when the keys are struck with force, and a softer sound when the keys are played gently .
32 Settings K eyboard and Sound Settings 4 Tu n i n g The T uning set ting allows the ov erall pitch of the KDP9 0 digital piano to be raised and lowered in 0.
33 Settings 5 Tr a n s p o s e The Ke y T ranspose set ting allows the pit ch of the K DP90 digit al piano ke yboard to be raised or lowered in semi-tone steps. This is par ticularly useful when accompanying instruments with di erent tones, or when a song learned in one key must be play e d in another key .
34 Settings MIDI Settin gs The term MIDI is an acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Inter face, an international standard for connecting musical instruments, computers, and other devices to allow the exchange of performance data. MIDI termin als MIDI terminal Function MIDI IN Re ceiving note, progr am change, and other data .
35 Settings MIDI functions The K DP90 digit al piano supp or ts the fo llowing MIDI f unc tions: MIDI settings Function name Explanation Default setting Tr a n s m i t P r o g r a m Change Number Speci f y wheth er or not pr ogram chan ge informatio n is sent wh en sounds are chan ged .
36 Settings MIDI Settin gs 1 T ra nsmi t MIDI Progra m Cha nge The Send Program Change Number setting determines whether or not the K DP90 digit al piano will transmit program change information when sounds are changes.
37 Settings 2 MIDI C hann el (transmit/ re ceiv e) The MIDI Channel set ting allows the transmit/receiv e channe l to be speci ed. The sele cted channe l will function as b oth the transmit and receive channel ( se parate transmit/receiv e channels cannot b e speci ed).
38 Settings MIDI Settin gs 3 Local C on trol The Local Control setting determines whether the instrument will play an int e rnal sound when the keys are pressed. This set ting is useful when using the KDP9 0 digital piano to control an external MI DI device.
39 Settings 4 Multi-timbr al Mode The Multi-timbral mode set ting determines whether or not the KDP9 0 digital piano is able to receive MIDI information on more than one MIDI channel simultane ously . This allows the instrument to pla y back multi - track, multi -timbral pe r formance data sent from an external M IDI device.
40 Settings 1 A uto P ow er O The KDP90 digit al piano features a power sa ving func tion that can be used to automatically turn o the instrument af ter a speci ed p eriod of inac tivit y . * Th is se tt ing w ill b e sto red a utom atic all y, and rec all ed ever y tim e the ins tr ume nt is tur ne d on.
41 Appe nd ix Underside Pedal C abl e Headphones Exter nal MIDI De vice Fr on t Back a c b C on necting to Oth er De vic es a PHONES jacks ( 1 / 4” phone jack) These jack s are use d to connect s tereo headph ones to the KDP9 0 digital piano. T wo pairs of headphones can b e connec ted and u s e d s i m u l t a n e o u s l y.
42 Appe nd ix Problem Possible Cause and Soluti on Page no. Powe r The ins trument do es not turn on . Check that the p ower ca ble is rmly at tache d to the instr ument, an d conn ec ted to an AC ou tle t. p. 1 1 The instrumen t turns itself o af ter a period of inac tivit y.
43 Appe nd ix Pleas e rea d the se as sem bly i nst ruc ti ons t hor oug hly b efo re at tem pti ng to as sem ble t he K DP 90 d igit al p iano. Pl e a s e e n s u r e t h a t t w o o r m o r e p e o .
44 Appe nd ix 2. Attaching the back board c Allow the assembl ed pe dal board an d side panels to s tand upright (vertic ally) on the oor. * Ensure th at the a djus tor bo lt is at ta ched to t he pe dal b oa rd.
45 Appe nd ix 3. Mounting the main body a Secure the main bo dy to the stan d from be low, using the fo ur screws (with the at washer and spring washer) g . Tighten all screws secure ly to ensure that the main b od y is rml y att ach ed to t he sta nd.
46 Appe nd ix 4. C onnec ting the pedal cable and A C/DC adaptor Connec t the p edal cab le to the PED AL terminal l ocated o n the undersi de of the main bo dy . Connec t the AC/D C adaptor e to the DC IN terminal . Use the bind ers to x the cables in p lace.
47 Appe nd ix Demo Song Li st Key No. Sound Name (Song T itle) Composer A- 1 1 Conce r t Gr and (H ung aria n Rha pso die s No. 6) Lisz t B-1 2 Concer t Gr and 2 (Pe tit Chi en) Chopin C0 3 Stu d io Gr a nd (Or i gi na l) Kawa i D0 4 Mo der n Pian o (Ori gina l) E0 5 Classic E .
48 Appe nd ix US, Canada, Australasia Alfre d’s Basic Piano Librar y Lesso n Boo k Level 1 A Alfre d’s Basic Piano Librar y Lesso n Boo k Level 1 B A- 1 Right & Le f t A- 1 Step Right Up! .
49 Appe nd ix Rest of t he W orld Burgmüller 25 (25 Etudes Faciles, Opus 1 0 0) Czerny 30 (Etudes d e Méc anisme, Op us 849) A- 1 La ca ndeur A - 1 No. 1 B- 1 Ar abe sq ue B- 1 No . 2 C0 Pas to r a l e C0 No. 3 D0 Petite réunion D0 No. 4 E0 I nno cence E0 N o.
50 Appe nd ix Kawai KDP90 digital piano Key bo a rd 88 weig hted k eys Advanced Hammer Action IV-F (AH A IV-F) Sound Source Harmonic Imagin g™ (HI) , 8 8 -key piano s ampling Internal Sounds Concer t Gran d, Concert G rand 2, Studio Grand, M oder n Piano, Classic E.
51 Appe nd ix MIDI Implem enta tion Ch ar t Kawai KDP90 digital piano Date : Februar y 20 1 3 Version : 1.0 Function T ransmit Receive Re mark s Basic channel At p ow er- u p 1 1 Set tab le 1 - 1 6 1 - 1 6 Mode At power-up Mo de 3 Mode 1 ** O mni mo de is on at p ower- up.
Opera tion Guide SOUND METRONOME Concert Magic A # -1 C # 0D # 0F # 0G # 0A # 0C # 1D # 1F # 1G # 1A # 1 A-1 B-1 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C # 2D # 2F # 2G # 2A # 2 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B.
MIDI RECORDER LESSON Selecting the part to practice L R L & R A # -1 C # 0D # 0F # 0G # 0A # 0C # 1D # 1F # 1G # 1A # 1 A-1 B-1 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C # 2D # 2F # 2G # 2A # 2 .
KD P9 0 Ow ne r’s Ma nua l KPSZ - 064 1 OW1 072E-S1 30 4 Printed in Indonesia Copy rig ht © 201 3 Kaw ai Mu sic al In str um ent s Mf g. Co. ,Ltd . All R ig hts R es er ve d.
デバイスKawai KDP90の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Kawai KDP90をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKawai KDP90の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Kawai KDP90の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Kawai KDP90で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Kawai KDP90を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKawai KDP90の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Kawai KDP90に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKawai KDP90デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。