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UNDERCOUNTER DISHWASHER Use & Care Guide For que stions abo ut featur es, operati on/performance, parts accessories or serv ice, ca ll: 1-800-422-1230 In Canada, call for assist ance 1-800-461-5681 , for instal lation and service, call: 1-800-807-6777 or visit our website at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS DISHWA SHER SAF ETY ..................... ................. ........... ........... .. 3 Before Using Your Dishwasher .................................................... 4 PARTS AND FEATURES ............. ........... ............
3 DISHWASHER SAFETY You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately follow instructions. You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow instructions.
4 Before Using Y our Dishwasher ■ Instal l where dishwa sher is protec ted from the elements. Protect agains t freezing t o avoid possible rupture of fil l valv e. Such rupt ures are not covered by the warrant y . See “Storing” in the “Dis hwasher Care” section for wint er storage information.
5 PARTS AND FEATURES Contr ol P anel 1. Upper spray arm 2. 2-Pos ition top rack adju ster [two] 3. FLEXI-FOLD DOWN™ flexib le tines 4. Removable top rack 5. SA TINGL IDE ® upper rack track 6. Model and se rial number lab el 7. W ater inlet ope ning [in tub wal l] 8.
6 START-UP GUIDE Bef or e us ing yo ur dish wash er , r emo ve al l pa ckag ing mat eria ls. Read thi s entire Use and Ca re Guide. Y ou will find import ant safety in formation and u seful operati ng tips. Using Y our Ne w Dish was her 1. Rinse aid is essential for good drying.
7 Loading T op Rac k The top rack i s desi gned for cups , glasses , and smalle r it ems. Many item s, up to 9 in. (22 cm ), fit in th e top rack. (See recommended loading pat ter ns shown.) NOTE : The featu res on your dishwash er rack may vary from the drawings shown.
8 T o adjust the back half 1. Grasp the tip of th e tin e that is in the tin e hold er . 2. Gently push th e ti ne out o f the holde r . 3. Lay the tines down, towa rd the center of the rack. SURE-HOLD™ light item clips The light it em clip s hold li ghtwei ght plasti c items s uch as cups, lids, or bowls in place during wa shing.
9 ■ Do not load glas ses, cups, or pl astic it ems in the bot tom rack. Load small it ems in the bottom rack onl y if they are secu r ed in pl ace. ■ Load plat es, soup bowls, etc. , betw een tin es. ■ Overlap the edge s of plates for l arge loads.
10 ■ The medium rack insert , when i n the posit ion as ship ped, all ows you to w ash a number of medium plates, and bowls. With t he small i nsert removed, you can move this insert forward in the rack t o wash anothe r ro w of lar ge plat es. ■ The small rack insert allows yo u to wash smal ler plat es, sa ucers, and bow ls.
11 T o install medium insert 1. Place the medi um insert end legs unde r the 2nd from the right wir e as shown below . IMPORT AN T : Make su re th at the curve d wir es, o n the bo ttom of the insert , fit over a wire in the bott om of the rack as show n.
12 DISHWASHER USE Dete rgen t Dispe nser The detergent dispen ser has 2 sec tions. The smal ler Pre-W ash sect ion em pt ies de ter ge nt in to the dish washer when you close the door . The larger Main W ash sect ion automat ically empties de tergent into th e dishwash er during t he wash.
13 Rinse Aid Dispenser Rinse aids p revent wat er from fo rming drople ts th at c an dry as spot s or st re aks. They also i mpr ov e dry ing by allow ing wa ter to drain off of the dishes d uring the final rinse by releasi ng a small amount of the rin se aid in to the rin se water .
14 Cycle Sel ect ion Char ts Selec t the wash cycl e and option s desired. Or press ST ART to repeat the same cyc le and opti ons as th e previous cycle . NOTE : If the l ast cy cle you c ompleted was a ri nse cycle, t he dishwash er wil l run the last f ull wash c ycle and opt ions t hat y ou selected when you press St art.
15 Canceling a Cycle Anyti me during a cycle, press The di spla y shows Y our dish washer starts a 2-minut e drain (if nee ded). Le t the dishwash er drain compl etely . Th e light t ur ns off after 2 minute s. NOTE : If your dis hwasher does n ot need drainin g, the li ght turns off.
16 ENERG Y SA VER™ D ry Sy st em Select th is opt ion to dry dishes without h eat. ENE RGY SA VER™ Dry Syst em is usefu l if you do di shes at n ight and un load in t he morning. The dishes take lon ger to dry , and some sp otting can occu r . For best dryi ng, alw ays use a li quid rin se aid.
17 Clean Clean gl ows when a cycl e is finish ed. The light t ur ns off when you open and close t he door or press Cancel. San itiz ed If you select the SANI RI NSE™ option, Sanitized glows when the SANI RINSE ™ cycle is fini shed. If your dis hwash er did not properly sanitize your dishe s, the l ight flashe s at the en d of the cycle.
18 DISHWASHER CARE Cleaning Cleaning the exterior In most cases, regular use of a soft, damp cloth or sponge and a mild de tergent is all t hat i s necess ary t o keep the ou tsid e of y our dishwash er looking nice an d clean.
19 Drain Air Gap Check the drain air gap anytime y our dishw asher isn’t draining well. Some state or loc al plumbin g codes require the addi tion of a drain air gap bet ween a built-i n dishwa sher and the h ome drain system. If a drain is clogged, the drain air gap prot ects your dishwasher fr om wa ter backing u p into it.
20 Is the home water pressur e high enough for p roper dishwas her filli ng? Home wa ter pr essur e shoul d be 20 to 120 psi (138 to 828 kPa) for pr oper d ishwashe r fill. A b ooster pump on the wa ter sup ply ca n be a dded i f pressure is too low .
21 ASSISTANCE OR SERVICE Before calling for ass istance or serv ice, plea se check “T ro ublesh ootin g.” I t may save you the c ost o f a se rvice cal l. If you sti ll ne ed help, follow the i nstru ctions b elow . When calli ng, please kn ow the purchase date an d the comple te model and s erial number of you r appliance.
22 KITCHENAID ® DISHW ASHER W ARRANTY ONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY For one year from the date of purchase, w hen this dishwas her is operat ed and maintai ned ac cording to instructi ons attached to o r furn ished wit h the product, Kitch enAid will pay for replacement p arts and repair lab or to correct defects in materia ls or workm anship.
23 LA S É CURI T É DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
24 Av a n t d ’ utiliser le lave-vaisselle ■ Instal ler le l ave-vai sselle dans u n endroit à l ’ abri de s inte mp é ries. Prot é ger l ’ appareil con tre le ge l pour é viter un e ruptur e p ossib le du r obi net de r empli ssage . De tell es ruptu re s ne sont pas couv ertes par la garantie.
25 PI È CES ET CARACT É RISTIQUES T ableau de command e 1. Bras d ’ aspersi on s up é rieur 2. R é gleurs [ deux] po ur 2 posi tions du p an ier sup é rieur 3. Tiges flexibles FLEXI-FOLD-D OWN ™ 4. Panier su p é rieur amovible 5. Glis si è re SA TIN GLI DE ® du panier sup é rieur 6.
26 GUIDE DE MISE EN MARCHE Ava n t d ’ utiliser le lav e-vaiss elle, enlev er tous les mat é riau x d ’ emballage. Lire ce guide d ’ utilisatio n et d ’ entretien au complet. V ous y tr ou ver ez de s r ens eigne ments d e s é curit é import ants ainsi q ue des conse ils d ’ utilisati on util es.
27 ■ Charger les casseroles l ourdes avec pr é ca ution. Le s articles lour ds pe uvent bossel er l ’ in t é rieur en acier inoxydabl e de la porte s ’ ils sont é chapp é s ou fra pp é s. ■ S ’ assurer que les couvercles et poign é es de cass eroles, plaques à pizza ou à biscuits, et c.
28 T ablette utilitair e SURE-HOLD ™ Raba ttr e la table tte sup pl é mentair e sur les c ô t é s gauc he et droi t du pani er sup é rieu r pour y placer de s tasses s uppl é mentaires, verres à pied ou de lo ngs arti cles tel s que de s ustens iles et spatul es.
29 Pour replacer le panier su p é rieur 1. Placer les roulettes de ch aque c ô t é du pan ier dan s les glissi è res de la gl issi è re, et pouss er le p anier j usqu ’ au fond.
30 Insertions amovibles pour le p anier V ot re lave-vai ssel le es t exp é di é avec 3 in sertions amovib les pour le pa nie r . (V oir l ’ illu stra tion ci- des sous.) L es gran des, m oyenn es et pe tites inserti ons am ovib les d u panier vous permet tent d ’ ajust er le pani er pou r le ty pe de cha rge à laver .
31 Pour r etirer les grandes et moyennes insertions 1. Tir er la po ign é e vers la droite et sou leve r pour d é gager . 2. Soulever l ’ insertion hors du panier . Pour enlever la petite insertion 1. Tirer v ers l ’ ar ri è r e du panier et s oulever pou r d é gager .
32 Sac en filet S URE-HOL D ™ Ce sac se plac e à l ’ avant du panier in f é rieur . L ’ ut ili ser pou r te nir les pe tits arti cles qui pourraient autrement se d é placer à l ’ int é rieur du lave-vaisselle p endant un pr ogramme.
33 2. Ve r s e r l e d é tergent dans la sectio n pour le lav age prin cipal. Vo i r “ Quanti t é de d é ter gent à utili ser . ” 3. Rempli r la sect ion po ur le pr é l avage , au be soin. 4. Fermer le couvercle du d istributeur . Il est normal qu e le couvercle s ’ ouvre partie llemen t lors d e la distr ibutio n du d é ter gent.
34 Distributeur d ’ agent de rin ç age Un agent de rin ç age emp ê che l ’ eau de forme r des gouttel ettes qui peuve nt s é cher en laiss ant des ta ches ou coul é es .
35 T ableaux de s é lection de programmes Choisir le programme et les options de lavage d é sir é s. Ou appuyer sur ST ART (mise en marche) pour r é p é ter le m ê me programme et la ou les m ê mes options que dans le pr ogramme pr é c é dent.
36 ■ Dans l e pr ogr amme Norma l, le la ve-v aisse lle fait une pause pendant le trempage. Le trempage aide à d é gager la salet é sur la v aisse lle pou r donn er d ’ excel lent s r é sultat s.
37 SANI RINSE ™ / optio n de ri n ç age sanitaire Choisi r cette op tion p our aug menter la temp é ratur e de l ’ eau du rin ç age final à environ 160 ° F (70 ° C). SANI RINSE ™ (o ption de rin ç age sanitai re) augmente la chaleur et la dur é e du programme.
38 Indicateurs d ’é tat d ’ ava ncem en t du programme On peu t suiv re la progressi on du programm e du l ave-va issel le en v é rifiant les i ndicateurs d ’é tat d ’ avancement du programme.
39 Disposi tif de protect ion contre le d é bordement Le dispositi f de protection con tre le d é bordement (au coin avan t droit de la cuve d u lave-vai ssel le) emp ê che le l ave-va issell e de d é bor der . Il faut qu ’ il soit en pl ace p our que le la ve-v aisse lle fonctionne.
40 ENTRETIEN DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Net toya ge Nettoya ge de l ’ ext é rieur Dans l a plup art des cas, il suf fit d ’ utilise r u n linge d oux, h umide ou une é p onge et un d é tergent doux pour nett oyer les s urfaces ext é rieures du l ave-vai sselle et pr é serv er son aspect de prod uit neu f.
41 D É P ANNAGE Essayer d ’ a bor d les sol utio ns sugg é r é e s ici; elle s pourraient vous é viter le co û t d ’ une visite de service... Le lave-vaisselle ne f onctionne pas corr ectemen.
42 Pr é sence de taches sur la vaisselle ■ T aches et films sur la vais selle L ’ eau est-el le dure ou contien t-elle une con centr ation é le v é e de min é raux? Le conditio nnement de l ’ eau de rin ç age final avec un agen t de rin ç age liqui de fa vori se l ’é liminatio n des taches et fi lms.
43 V aisselle pas comp l è tement s è che ■ La vaisselle n ’ est pas s è che Le lave -vai ssel le a-t-il é t é charg é de mani è re à permettr e un drainage ad é qu at d e l ’ eau? Ne pas charger excessi vement. V oir la sec tion “ Chargement du lave-v aiss elle ” .
GARANTIE DU LA VE-V AISSELLE KITCHENAID ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN Pend ant un an , à compter de la da te d ’ achat, lors que le lav e-vai sselle es t utili s é et entretenu conform é ment .
デバイスKitchenAid KUDS01ILの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
KitchenAid KUDS01ILをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKitchenAid KUDS01ILの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。KitchenAid KUDS01ILの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。KitchenAid KUDS01ILで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
KitchenAid KUDS01ILを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKitchenAid KUDS01ILの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、KitchenAid KUDS01ILに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKitchenAid KUDS01ILデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。