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K OD AK DC240/DC280 Zoom D igital Camer a User’s G uide Visit Kodak on the World Wide Web a t www .kodak.com.
©Eastman Kodak Co mpany, 1999 Kodak, and Photoli fe, are trademarks of Eastman Kod ak Company..
i T able of Contents 1 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Preparing to T a ke Pictures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Loadin g Batteries . .
ii 3 Customizing Your Picture s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Adjus ting the Ca mera Expo sure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Adding a Border to Your Pict ure . . . . . . . . .
iii Setting an Ex po sure Compensation Def ault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Setting a n Effect Default . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Setting a n Auto ISO Defa ult (DC28 0 only) . . . . . .
iv 8 Tips and Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Connect i ng with Yo ur Camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Commun icating with t he Co mputer . . . . . . . .
1 1 1 G etting Star ted Congratulations on your purchase of the new 1.3 megapixel KODAK DC240 Zo om Digital Camera ( DC240) or 2.0 megapixel KODAK DC 280 Zoom Digital Camera (DC280)—the cameras that take pictures digitally, without the use of film. With your new camera, picture taking and print making have never been easier o r faster.
2 P r eparing to T ake Pictur es Before you start taking pictures with your camera, you first need to install the batteries or connect a Kodak-specified AC adapter for power, and insert a KODAK Picture Card (c amera memory card) i nto the ca m era. Loading B atteries Your camera uses four AA ba t teries to power the camera.
3 1 Checking B atteries So you are never caught with dea d batteries, your camera indicates the power level of the batteries, in the form of a battery status symbol, wh ich appears in the Status Display when you turn on the ca m era. For informat i on on g uidelines for battery usage, see pa ge 91.
4 Using the B atter y Char ger To ensure that you ha ve a constant supply of freshly charged batteries, a battery charger and four AA N i-MH rechargeable batteries are provided with some DC240/DC280 c a meras. These batteries need to be ch arged before using and take up to eight hours to fully cha rge.
5 1 Using an A C Adapter If you are taking pictures indoor s or wh en the camera is connected to a computer, you may want to use a Kodak-specified AC adapter to help conserve battery power. It is important to use on ly a Kodak-specified AC adapter with your DC 240/DCD280 camera.
6 Inser ting a Camer a Memor y Car d Your camera com es with a KODAK Picture Card (camera m emory card), that is used to store pictures you take with the camera. The camera memory card, also refer red to as a CompactFlash card, is removable and reusable for easy storage and transfe r of your pictures.
7 1 Setting t he Clock on Y our Camer a Y our camera has a built-in clock that maintains the date and time in a 24-hour format. The camera clock need s to be set if you plan to u se the Date Stamp feature, which im prints the date on your picture. For information on using the Date Stamp feature, see page 19.
8 Adjusting the L CD Brightness You can adjus t the brightness of the colo r LCD to sui t your particular needs. 1 Set the Mode dia l to Camera Setup. Y ou ca n set the Mode dial to an y setting you want as long as ther e is an image in the LCD scr een to adjust the brightness level.
9 2 2 T aking Pictur es Y our camera makes taking pictu res fun. Just set the camera to Captur e and you ar e on your way to creating gr eat pictures. Everything you need is right at your fingertips. W ith the camera you can: q Preview the picture befor e it is taken.
10 P reviewing a Pictur e Be for e it is T aken If you want to see what a pictur e looks like befor e you take it, you can preview the i mage on the LCD on the back of your ca m era. The live image that ap pears is very helpful for fram in g your subject, especially when using the Close-Up, Digital Zoom, and Bor der f eature s.
11 2 P ressing the Shutter Button T aking pictu r es is a snap with your camera. The SHUTTER button on your camera locks in the a uto fo cus and takes the pict ur e. 1 Set the Mode dia l to Capture. 2 Slide the POWER switch to the right to turn on the camera.
12 Zooming in on Y our Subj ec t W ith a touch of a butto n you can zoom from W i de Angle, which gives you more of the surr ounding area in pictures, to T elePhoto, which brings the subject in closer . Zooming in Ev en Closer If you need to get closer to your subject, use the Digi tal Zoom featur e.
13 2 Viewing the Pictur e Just T aken Y ou can view a picture seconds after it is taken with a touch of a but ton. It is a handy way to check if your subject was positione d correctly .
14 4 Press a button until th e is high lighted. 5 Press the DO-IT button. The LCD displays the Quickview screen. The current se tt ing is ch ec ked ( ä ). 6 Press a button until ON is high lighted. 7 Press the DO-IT button. The main M enu screen reappears.
15 2 Setting the Flash When taking pictures at nigh t, indo ors, or outdoors in hea vy sh adows, your pictures need f l ash. For everyday pictur e-taking, use the Auto setting. However , there ar e times when changing the flash option can improve your pictures.
16 Photogr aphing Distant S ubjects If you want to cr eate postcard-like picture s of scenic views, such as a sunset or mountain range, use the Inf i nity Focu s feature. When Infinity Focus is selected, the camera automatically turns off th e flash and auto focus so you ge t sharp, clear pictures.
17 2 Photogr aphing Close-Ups If you want to take pictur es of objects up close, such as flowers or artwork, use the Close-Up featur e. When selected, the camera automa tica lly sets the focus di sta nce to 0.8 to 1. 6 ft (0 .25 t o 0.5 m) an d sets the flash to ensur e detail and clarity .
18 P u tting Y ourse lf in the P ictur e There might be times when you want everyone, including yourself, to be in the picture. Fo r these occasions, use the Self-T imer feature to crea te a 10-second delay between the time you press the SHUTTER button and the time the picture is taken.
19 2 Adding the Da te to Y our Pictures Y ou may want to keep track of when a pictur e was taken, perhaps to recor d a child’s first picture or for an insurance claim. Whatever the reason , your camera has the ability to r ecord the date a nd time directly on your picture using the Date Stamp fea tu re.
20 D eleting the Picture Just T aken If you decide that you do not like a pictur e, you can delete it quickly fr om the camera memory car d immediately after it is t a ken. For the Quick Delete feature to work, the pictur e mus t be displayed on the LCD, so Quickview needs to be activated.
3 21 3 Customizing Y our Pictur es Chapters 1 and 2 explain ed the basics for taking great digital pictur es . In this chapter , you will learn abou t som e of the custom features availa ble on your cam era. Because your camera is so versatile, you h ave the ability to set the camera for almost any p icture taking situation you may encounter .
22 Adjusting the Camer a Exposur e If your pictures seem too dark or too light, you can adju st the amount of light allowed into the camera so your pictur es are pro perly exposed. These adjustments in lighting ar e called Exposure Compensation. 1 Set the Mode dial to Capt ure.
23 3 Adding a Bor der to Y our Picture Y ou can add a bor der or logo (or both) to yo ur pictur e, using the graphics supplied on your camera memory card . When you use the Bor der featur e, the camera Pr eview is turned on automatically to help you frame the picture and see if the border selected works well w ith your subject.
24 Capturing in Black-and-W hite, Sepia T one, or D ocument If you want to take black-and-white pictures, ma ybe for a br ochure or newspaper; in sepia ton e to give your picture an an ti que look; or of documents so text st ands out, use the Effects setting.
25 3 Adjusting the Pictur e Quality If you intend to ma ke la rg e prints, yo u can capture more detail in the picture using the Best setting. How ever , with this set ting more room is used on the camera memory car d. For everyday pictures, use the Better setting, which gives you gre at pictures and mor e storage space on the camera memory card.
26 Adjusting the Picture Resol ution If you want to send pictur es through e-mail or use them online, use the Standard resolution setting. W ith th is setting, o nly the information needed for viewing on a co m puter or printing small prints is captured.
27 3 Selecting a White B a lance f or Indoor Pictur es If you ar e us ing your camera indoors where flash i s prohibited, your pictures may take on a green tint if ca pt ured under fluor escent tube lighting, or a r eddish-orange tint if captured under tungsten household lighting.
28 Choosing a Metering System Y ou can control the way light affects your pictures using the metering systems available on your camera. If you want a n ice even exposure throughout the picture, use the Multi-Pa ttern setting. Thi s setting is great for everyday pictures.
29 3 Adjusting the ISO Setting (DC28 0 only) If you are taking pictures in low light with out flash, such as in a mus eum, you can adjust th e Auto ISO sensitivity on the camera to h elp prevent blurred pictur es caused by camera movement.
30 Sharpening and Sof tening a Picture If you are plannin g to edit yo ur pictures using i mage editing software, the Sharpness feature can make some editin g processes easier . By selecting the Sharp setting, the ed g e s around the pictur e are enhanced, making it easier to cut or cr op the image.
31 3 Locking in an Exposu r e Setting If you ar e taking a series of pictures that re q ui re a consistent look or a constant exposure setting, use the Exposure Lock feature. This feature is great fo r taking a series of pictures, like a mountain range, and cr eating a mural with the prints .
33 4 4 Reviewing Y our Pictur es Now that you ha ve taken pictures with your camera, it is tim e to take a look at them by setting the camera to Cam era Review . W ith the camera, you can: q V i ew your picture s and see how any custom features, if any , were applied to the shot.
34 Viewing Y our Pictures Y ou can view each picture in full LCD size, or you can view up to three smaller thu mbnail-size pictures at a one time using t h e Filmstrip feature. 1 Set the Mo de dial to Review . 2 Slide the POWER switch to the right to turn on the camera.
35 4 Magnifying Y our Pictures If you want to zoom in o n a specific part of a picture displayed on the LCD, use the Magnify featur e. This feature lets you view a section of th e current pictur e at two times the normal LCD size. 1 Set the Mode dial to R eview .
36 Selecting Pictur es for P rintin g Y ou can scroll thr ough and select certain picture s on the camera memory card to p rint, as well as cr eate an index of all of the pictur es using the Print Order feature. This featur e is useful because it saves you time wh en printing pictures fr om a KODAK Pictu re Ma k er System.
37 4 Cancelling Pictur es f or P rinting If you ha ve second th oughts abou t the pictures you have selected t o print, you can go back and ca ncel individual pictures or the entire order . 8 Press the DO-IT button. The Copi es screen appears, unle ss you selected the Index Print option, which returns you to the mai n Re view screen.
38 P rotecting Y our Pictur es Y ou can safegu ard your pictures from being deleted accidentally fr om the camera memory card by using the Pr otect feature. This featur e is very useful if the camera an d camera memory card a re used by m o r e than one person.
39 4 D eleting One or All of Y our Pictur es If you decide that you do no t li ke the pictures stor ed on the camera memory card, o r you ju st want to free up space, use the Delete featur e to remove on e or all of the pictures on the card. If you have marked pictures to be protected, they cannot be deleted until you turn of f the Protect feature.
40 Running a Slide Show on Y our T elevision Y ou can view your pictures on the camera LCD, or co nnect your camera to a televisio n an d display your pictures to a large audience using the Slide Show feature. The pictur es appear on the television fo r a period of 1 to 99 seconds, a time you set fr om the camera.
41 4 Viewing Inf ormation About a Pictur e Y ou can look up specific in formation ab out a picture using th e Picture Information fe ature. The information th at appears is view-only . 1 Set the Mode dial to R eview . 2 Slide the POW ER switch to the right t o turn on the camera.
43 5 5 P ersonalizing Y our Camer a Y ou can tailor your camera to fit whatever pictur e-taking needs you have. When you set the camera to Ca mera Setup, you have the ability to personalize your camera so i t performs the way you want, each tim e you use it.
44 Setting a Response Beep Y ou r camera provides auditory f eedback in the form of a beep anytime the SHUTTER button is pressed, or when the camera cannot perform a selected function. If you do no t w ant auditory feedbac k , you can turn off the beep.
45 5 S aving Cam er a P ower The Power Save featur e helps extend battery life by shortening the time that the camera po w er stays on when not in use.
46 Viewing Camer a Informa t ion Have you ever wonder ed how many picture s you have taken with your camera or how many times the flash fired? The Camera Information feature keeps a r ecord for y ou. 1 Set the Mode dia l to Camera Setup. 2 Slide the POWER switch to the right to turn on the camera.
47 5 Selecting a Language for the Camer a Y ou can select from many dif ferent languages for the camera. O nce you select a language, the text cha n ges to r eflect the language selected. 1 Set the Mode dial to Ca mera Setup. 2 Slide the POW ER switch to the right t o turn on the camera.
48 F ormatting Y our Camer a Memor y Car d If you own camera memory cards th at have been used in other digital cameras, the car d may not be properly formatted for use in your ca m era, or that data on the car d ma y becom e corrupted. When these issues aris e, your camera indicates that the c a m era memory card nee ds to be formatted.
49 5 Adjusting the Video Out Signa l Y ou can set your camera so it is compatible with NTSC or P AL video signals. The V ideo Out feature n eeds to be set correctly if you plan on running a slide show of the pictures fr om the camera on a television o r video monitor .
50 Adjusting the Camer a D efault Settings Y ou can customize your came ra so specific settings are activated automatically each time you turn on the camera. Select settings for Flash, White Balance, Exposur e Compensation, Bor ders, an d Ef fects to suit your particular picture-taking needs.
51 5 Setting a Flash D efault Y ou ca n adjust your camera so it is set to a specific flash setting every time you turn on the camera. For mo re information about the Flash setting, see page 15. 1 Set the Mode dial to Ca mera Setup. 2 Slide the POW ER switch to the right t o turn on the camera.
52 Setting a White B alance D e fault If you are alw ays using your camera indoors wher e flash is prohibited, you can set the camera so it is balanced for the type of light source th at you take pictures under . For more information abo ut the White Balance feature, see pa ge 27.
53 5 Setting an Exposur e Compensation D efault Y ou can adjust the Exposure Compensation setting so it is used every time you turn on the camera. For mor e information about The Exposure Compensation featur e , see page 22. 1 Set the Mode dial to Ca mera Setup.
54 Setting an Eff ect D efault If you work for a newspaper or in an office envir onment where you need to record lectur e slides, you can adjust you r camera so it takes pictures in black and white, sepia tone, or to highligh t text every tim e you turn on the camera.
55 5 Setting an Auto ISO D efault (DC280 only) If you are always using your cam era indoors with out flash, you can set the camera so it uses a faster shutter speed to help avoid blurry pictures fro m camera movement. For more info rm ation about the Aut o ISO feature, see page 29.
57 6 6 Installing Y our So f t w a r e The KODAK DC240/ D C280 Installer Software (Installer) included w ith your camera contain s software for W indows-based personal computers and Macintosh co m puters. These applications pr ovide a variety of features th at let y ou access and use the pictures stored o n the camera memory car d.
58 Kodak Sof tware f or Windows-B ased Computers There are four Ko dak software applications s upplied with the camera for use on a W indows-based computer . They are: q KODAK DC240/DC280 C amera Mounter Sof tw are (Mounter) — provides an easy way t o view pictures from the camera memory card a nd copy them to your computer .
59 6 Kodak Sof twa r e for Macintosh Computers There are th ree Kodak sof tware applications supplied with the ca mera for use on a Macintosh co m puter . They ar e: q KODAK DC240 /DC280 Picture T ransfer Application (Pictur e T ransfer) —pr ovides an easy way to view pictures fr om the camera memory card an d copy them to your computer .
60 Installing the Sof twar e While the Install er is autom ati cally loading yo ur software, take a few minutes to fill out and sen d in th e camera product registration card. This allows y ou to receive information regarding software updates and registers some of t he pr oducts included wit h the camera.
61 7 7 Connecting Y our Camer a In or der for you to transfer pictures taken with your camera, you first need to connec t the camera to your computer . The came r a can communica te wit h your computer usin g: q RS-232 serial cable con n ection for W indows-based computers.
62 Using a Serial Cable Connection The most common me ans of connecting the camera to your co m puter is by serial cable connection. When con n ecting the camera, it is a good idea to use a Kodak-specified AC adapter (see page 5).
63 7 Connecting to a Macint o sh Computer Either a serial cable for a Maintosh computer or adapter plug for use with the RS-232 serial cable is pr ovided so you can connect your camera through a serial po rt on a Macintosh computer . 1 Set the Mode di al to Conn ect.
64 Using a USB Cable Connectio n If you have a personal co m puter and are running W indows 98, or a Macinto sh comp uter , you may be able to co nn ect the camera using a Universal Serial Bus con nection. The USB interface pr ovides an easy and faster alternative to serial cable co nnection.
65 7 Star ting the Kodak Sof twar e for Windows-B a sed Computers W i th the camera con nected to your computer , you are now ready to open and use the softwar e that you installed in Chapter 6. For detailed information on using the softwar e, refer to the o nline help for each applicat ion.
66 Star ting the Kodak Sof twar e f or Macintosh Computers W ith the cam era c onn ect ed to your comp ute r , y ou are now rea dy t o o pen and use the software that you installed in Chapter 6. For detailed information on us ing the softwar e, refe r to the online help for each applicatio n.
67 7 Navigating to Y our P ictur es Pictures ar e stored on the camera memory card accor ding to a standard agreed upo n by many camera manufactur ers.
69 8 8 Tips and T roubleshooting There m ay be times when questions arise fr om usi ng y our camera. This chapter can point you in the right direction for finding the answers quickly , so yo u can continu e using your camera.
70 Getting Better Results from Y our P rinter Y ou may notice that the colors on your computer screen do not always match those in your documents or prints.
71 8 T roubleshoo ting If you are experiencin g difficulties with your camera, check the following table for possible so lutions. Additional technical information is availab le in the ReadM e file located in the KODA K DC240/DC28 0 folder . Computer Monitor Problem Cause Solution The image on your monitor is jagged or inappropriately color ed.
72 Camera Communications Problem Cause Solution Computer cannot communi cate w ith the camera. Camera power is of f. T urn on the camera. See page 2. The Mode dial is not set to Connect. Set the Mode dial to Connect. Some Advan ced Power Manag ement utilities on laptops can turn off ports to save battery life.
73 8 Camera Problem Cause Solution Ready lig ht does not turn on and the camera does not work. Batteries are low or dead. Batteries need to be replaced (see page 2), or rechar ged (see page 4). Camera is not turne d on. T urn on the camera. See page 2.
74 Camera Problem Cause Solution SHUTTER button does not work . Camera is not turned on. T urn on the camera. See page 2. Mode dial is not set to Capture. Set the Mode dial to Capture. Ready light is blinking. Camera is processing picture. W ait until Ready light s tops blinking before attempting t o take another picture.
75 8 Camera Problem Cause Solution Part of the picture is missing. S omething wa s blocking the len s when the picture was taken. Keep hands, fingers, or other objects away fro m the lens when taking pictures. Y our eye or the picture was not centered correctly in the viewfinder .
76 Camera Problem Cause Solution Picture is t oo light. Th e flash is not needed. Change to Auto flash. See page 15. Check the flash default setting. See page 51. The subject is too close when the flash was used. Move so ther e is at least 1.6 f t (0.
77 8 Camera Problem Cause Solution Pictures remaining number does not decr ease after taking a pict ure. The image Resolution and Quality setti ngs does not take up sufficient space to decrease th e pictu re remaining number . The camera is operating normally .
78 LCD Messages Message Cause Solution Memory Card is Full. Memory card is full and cann ot hold additional pictures T ransfer pictures to your computer , delete pictures on the card (see page 39), or insert a car d with available memory (see page 6).
79 9 9 Wher e to Ge t He l p If you need help w ith your camera, it is available from a number of res o u rce s : Sof t ware Help Help with any so ftware packaged with your camera ca n be obtained from the onli ne help, or by cont acting th e manufacturer .
80 Customer Suppor t If you have questions concerning the operation of Kodak software or the camera, you may speak dir e ctly to a customer support r epresentative. Have the camera connected to your co m puter , its serial number ready , and be at your computer when you call.
81 9 Country Help number Fax Hungary 36-1-269 -71-17 36-1-269-71 -13 India 91-22-61 7-5823 91-22-61 7-6004 Ir eland 1-800-40 9391 44-0-131 -458-6962 Italy 0 2-696-334-52 44-0- 131-458-6962 Japan 81-3-.
83 10 10 W arr anty and Regula tor y Inf ormation W arranty Time P eriod Kodak warrants the KODAK DC240 Zoom Digital Camera and KODAK DC280 Zoom D igi tal Camera to b e fr ee from malfunctions and defects in both ma terials and wo rkmanship for one year fr om the date of purchase.
85 10 Applicati on Suppor t For application specific support, contact y our re seller , systems integra tor , softwar e manu facturer , or dealer . How to Ob tai n S er v ice V isit us on the Internet at http://www .kodak.com. Please refer to the Chapter 9 “Where to Get Help” on page 79 for the support number designated to your location .
86 Regulator y Inf ormation FCC Compliance and Advisory This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two condit ions: 1) this device may not cause harmful interferen ce, and 2) this device must accept any interference r eceived, including interferen ce that may cause undesired operation.
87 11 11 Appendix This appendix serves as a r esource for specific technical information an d care f or your camera, and con tains the following inform ation: q Original defau lt settings. q Camera Specifications. q Care a n d maintenance. q Battery usage guidelines.
88 DC240 Camer a Specifications DC240 Came ra Pixel Resolution CCD 1344 x 971=1.31 m illions of pixels (total number of pixels) High 12 80 x 960= 1,228,80 0 Standard 6 4 0 x 480=30 7,200 Color 24-bi t, millions of c olors Pic t ure Fi le Fo rma t Exif versio n 2.
89 11 DC280 Camer a Specifications DC28 0 Camera Pixel Resolution CCD 1901 x 1212 = 2 .3 millions of p ixels (total number of pixels) High 17 60 x 1 168 =2,055, 680 Standard 896 x 592=53 0,432 Color 24-bit, mill ions of colors Picture File Format Exif vers ion 2.
90 Gener al M aintenance and Saf ety q T o keep fr om damaging your camera, avoid exposing it to moist ure and extr em e temperatur es. q Clean the outside of the camera by wiping with a clean, dry clo th. Never use harsh or abrasive clea ners or organic solvents on th e camera or any of its parts.
91 11 Using Y our B atteries q Kodak reco m mends KODAK Photolife AA Alkaline Batteries, or KODAK Photolife AA Ni-MH R echargeable Batteries for use in the camera. q Remove the batteries wh en the camera is stor ed for extended periods of time. q Always fo llow you r battery m anufacturer ’s directions fully .
92 q When disposing of batteries, follow the manufactur er ’s instructions and any local an d na tional regulation s. Kodak suggests custo mers take advan ta ge of any communi ty battery recycling programs that may exist in yo ur area. Contact your loca l waste remover or r ecycler for details.
93 Index A AC adapter 5 adapte r AC 5 serial 63 adjusti ng auditory feedback 44 auto ISO 29 border default 50 borders 23 camera exposure 22 clock 7 date stamp 19 digital zoom 12 effects 24 exposure co.
94 brightness, LCD 8 buttons close-up 17 flash 15 infini ty focus 16 self-timer 18 shutter 11 T zoom 12 tele photo 12 W zoom 12 wide angle 12 zoom 12 C camera info rmation 46 camera language 47 camera.
95 F factory default 87 FCC compliance 86 feedback, auditory 44 file nami ng, pictures 41 files, navigati ng 67 fill flash 15 filmstrip 34 flash auto 15 default setting 51 fill 15 off 15 red-eye 15 fl.
96 K Koda k softwa r e help 79 installin g 60 Maci ntosh com puters 59 starting 65 Windows-based computers 58 L landscape photog raphy 16 language, camera 47 launching the so ftware 65 LCD brightness .
97 previewing pictures 10 print ordering 36 printing cancel print order 37 index print 36 ordering 36 selecting pictures for 36 tips 70 proof sheet 36 protecting pictures 38 Q qual ity 25 quickview 13.
98 Maci ntosh com puters 59 starting 65 Windows-based computers 58 specifications, camera 88 , 89 stamp, date 19 standard resolution 26 starting softw a re 65 support numbers 80 symbol, U SB 64 T taki.
デバイスKodak DC240の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Kodak DC240をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKodak DC240の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Kodak DC240の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Kodak DC240で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Kodak DC240を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKodak DC240の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Kodak DC240に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKodak DC240デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。