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©East man K odak Com pany, 2002 Kodak’s he alth, safety, and envir on m ent al publi cat ions ar e av ai lab le to hel p you ma nage your photogr a phi c pr oce ssin g opera tions in a safe , envir.
Indoor Air Q ualit y and Vent ilatio n in Pho tographic Processi ng Fac ilities • J-314(ENG) 2 The quality of the air in our homes, school s, and pl aces of busines s is an important environ mental health issue. It is estimated that we spend over 90% of our time indoors.
Indoor Air Qual ity an d Ventilati on in Ph otographi c Proce ssing Fa cilities • J-314 (ENG) 3 • chronic healt h effects — adverse effects resul ting from repeat ed low level exposu re, with sympt oms t hat deve lop s lowl y over a long period of time.
Indoor Air Q ualit y and Vent ilatio n in Pho tographic Processi ng Fac ilities • J-314(ENG) 4 Ceiling Limi t (C): The airborne concentration that is representative of a wor ker ’ s expo sure that shou ld not be exceeded. Action Leve l (AL): For the comprehensive standards established by OSHA , an Action Level may be specified.
Indoor Air Qual ity an d Ventilati on in Ph otographi c Proce ssing Fa cilities • J-314 (ENG) 5 Direct Readi ng These are measurement techniq ues that can immed iately indicate the concentration of aerosol s, gases, or vap ors by so me mea ns s uch as a d ial or meter or noting the colo r change of an indicator chemical.
Indoor Air Q ualit y and Vent ilatio n in Pho tographic Processi ng Fac ilities • J-314(ENG) 6 Engineering con trols that have proven to be effective i n minimizing airborne levels of phot ographic .
Indoor Air Qual ity an d Ventilati on in Ph otographi c Proce ssing Fa cilities • J-314 (ENG) 7 levels but is not considered local exhaust ventila tion. A local exhaust system may be m ore expensive to install tha n a general dilut ion ventilation system, but requires less air (and energy) to e ffectively control the airborne contaminants.
Indoor Air Quali ty and Ventilatio n in Ph otographic Process ing Facil ities • J-314(E NG) 8 Figure 4 Open- m ach ine with a slot hood ventilation If solution tanks are enclosed or covered, the fresh air supply rate may be reduced to 90 cfm and the exhaust rate to 100 cf m per machi ne (Figure 5) .
Indoor Air Qual ity an d Ventilati on in Ph otographi c Proce ssing Fa cilities • J-314 (ENG) 9 The level of airborn e contamin ation gene rated from photogra phic processing solutions ca n be af fected by how the processing equipment is operated.
Indoor Ai r Qual ity and Ve ntilation in Phot ographi c Process ing Faci lities • J-31 4(ENG) 10 REGULATORY AND ASSOCIATED REFERENCES Subject Resour ce Exposur e Stand ard OSHA, 29 CF R 191 0.1000, Tab le Z1, Z2, and Z3 Formalde hy de Standa rd OSHA , 29 CFR , 1191 0.
Indoor Air Qual ity an d Ventilati on in Ph otographi c Proce ssing Fa cilities • J-314(ENG ) 11 If you have environmental or safety questions about Kodak products, services , or publications, contact Kodak Environm ental Servi ces at 1-5 85-47 7-3194 , or visit KES on- line at www.
EASTMAN KODA K COMPANY • ROCHESTER, NY 14650 This publication is printed on recycled paper that contains 50 percent recycled f iber and 10 percent p ost-consumer material. Revised 9/02 Printed in U.S.A. Indoor Air Quality and Vent ilation in Photographic Processing Facilities KODAK Publication No.
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