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K odak Eas yShar e P85 0 zo om digit al came r a User ’ s gu ide www.kodak.c om F or int er active tuto rials , ww w .k odak .c om/ go/ how to F or h elp wi th yo ur cam era, w ww .
Ea stman K o dak Compa ny Roches ter , New Y ork 14650 © East m a n Kod ak Company , 2005 All scr een image s are simu lated. K odak an d EasySh are are trademark s of Eastman K o dak Compa ny .
Product features www . kod ak.com/ go/support i Fr ont View 1 Lens 11 Hot shoe 2G r i p 1 2 F l a s h 3 S e lf- tim e r/V id eo l igh t 1 3 Fl as h but to n 4 LED indi cat or 14 Foc us butt on 5 Shut .
ii www . kod ak.com/ go/support Product features Bac k View 1 Delet e butto n 10 Set butt on 2 Tripo d socke t 11 A E/AF lock b utton 3 D ock c on nec t or 12 St atus but ton 4L C D s c r e e n 1 3R e.
www . kod ak.com/ go/support iii T able o f con t ents 1 1 Set ting up your camer a ......................................................................... 1 Attac hing th e len s cap a nd strap .......... ..... ..... ........... ..... .......... ..
iv www . kod ak.com/ go/support T able o f contents 4 Doing more w ith your camer a ............................. ................................ 24 Pict ure-tak ing modes ...... ..... ........... ..... .......... ...... ..... .......... ..... ......
T a ble of co nt en t s www . kod ak.com/ go/support v 7 Appendix ............................................................. ................................ 76 Cam era specifica tion s ................ ..... ..... .......... ...... .......... ....
1 www . kod ak.com/ go/support 1 Setti ng u p your came ra Attachi ng the len s cap and strap.
Setting up y ou r camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 2 Charging th e battery Charge th e Li-Io n rechargeable battery before firs t use . Y ou can al so cha rge the ba tter y using a K odak Easy Share pri nter d ock or ca mera dock . Purchase these an d other accesso ries at a de aler of Kod ak prod ucts or visi t www .
3 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Setting up your c amera Turning o n the c amera ■ Ca ptu r e: For tak in g pic tu re s an d vide os. ■ F avori tes: View your F av orites , see pag e 65 . Setting the langu age and date /time, first time 1 Mov e 1 Lang uag e: Date & Time: a La ng uage, th en pr ess O K.
Setting up y ou r camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 4 Setting the lan guage an d date /time, other tim es Storing p ictures on an SD or M MC ca rd Y o ur came ra has 32 MB of inte rnal mem ory. Y ou can purc hase a K oda k SD o r MMC ca rd to conv enient ly sto re more pictur es an d videos .
5 www . kod ak.com/ go/support 2 T aking pi ctur es and videos Taking a pic ture Taking a vi deo 3 4 1 When the AE/AF indic at or turn s gree n, pr ess th e Sh utter bu t t o n com plete ly d own.
T aking pictures and v ideos www . kod ak.com/ go/support 6 Review ing a qu ickview of the p icture or video jus t taken After you tak e a pictu re or video, the EVF/LCD screen display s a Quickv iew for appr oxi mately 5 secon ds . Whi le the pi ctur e o r vide o is dis playe d, you c an: T o vi ew pic tures an d vi deos any time , see page 1 1 .
7 www . kod ak.com/ go/support T aking pictures and videos Using the aut o-focus framing marks ( pic tures ) When usi ng the EVF/L CD screen a s a viewfinder , framing marks i ndicate wh ere the c amera is focus ing.
T aking pictures and v ideos www . kod ak.com/ go/support 8 Captur e modes in liveview Captur e modes—shutter pressed halfway P ictu res/ti me r em ainin g St orag e loca ti on W hite ba la nce Expo.
9 www . kod ak.com/ go/support T aking pictures and videos Usi ng opti cal zo om Use opti cal zoom to g et up to 12X close r to your subjec t. Y ou can chang e o ptical z oom befor e or dur ing v ideo r ecord ing. 1 Use the EV F or LCD sc reen to frame you r subject.
T aking pictures and v ideos www . kod ak.com/ go/support 10 Using the flip -up flash Use the flash when you t ak e pic tures at night , indo ors , o r outdoors in heav y shad ows . Mak e sure you are with in the flash r ange . T o cha nge the fl ash setti ngs , s ee page 36 .
11 www . kod ak.com/ go/support T aking pictures and videos Review ing pic tures and v ide os Pr ess Rev iew to view and w ork wi th yo ur pictur es an d vide os. Pictures NO TE: Pictures tak en at the 4.5 M P (3:2) quality setting are displayed at a 3:2 aspect r atio with a black bar a t the to p and bott om of the scr een.
T aking pictures and v ideos www . kod ak.com/ go/support 12 Multi-selec tion of pictures during r eview Use the S et button to cre ate a set of pictur es to review and t o perform va rious functi ons , for example Delete ( pag e 1 7 ) , P rotect ( pag e 16 ) , a nd Copy ( page 57 ) .
13 www . kod ak.com/ go/support T aking pictures and videos Magnifying a pict ure during review Use the Zoom le ver to magnify your p ictures . W/T Re turn to 1 X.
T aking pictures and v ideos www . kod ak.com/ go/support 14 Identifying t he review icons Picture Vide o F avorite tag Prin t ta g/n umber of pr int s Protect Pic tur e numb er Imag e st orag e loc a.
15 www . kod ak.com/ go/support T aking pictures and videos Highli ght/shado w clippi ng See Using hig hlight/shadow clipping o n pag e 41 . Histogr am See Using t he histogr am o n pag e 4 1 .
T aking pictures and v ideos www . kod ak.com/ go/support 16 Pro tect ing p ict ures and v ide os from d eleti on PICTURE or VIDEO— prot ects t he di spla yed pi ctur e o r vide o. EXIT — exits the Protect sc reen. SELEC TED— pr otect s sel ecte d pictu res and video s fr om your cur rent stor age lo ca t ion .
17 www . kod ak.com/ go/support T aking pictures and videos Deleting p ic tures and videos PICTURE or VIDEO— delete s th e displ ayed pi ctu re or vi deo . EXIT — exits the Dele t e screen. SELEC TED— del etes sel ected pic tures and video s from yo ur curre nt stor age lo cation.
www . kod ak.com/ go/support 18 3 T r an sferr ing and pr inti ng pictures Inst alling th e soft war e CAU TIO N: Install K odak Eas yShare soft ware before connecting the c amera or optional dock to the com puter . F ailure to do s o may cause the softwa re to lo ad incorrectly .
19 www . kod ak.com/ go/support T ransferring and printing pictures Transf erring pict ures Y ou can tr an sfer pict ures to your com puter using an USB cabl e (U-8 ), EasyS hare d ock, or K odak multi-card read er/K odak SD multimedia ca rd reader -wri ter .
T ransferring and printing pictures www . kod ak.com/ go/support 20 Printin g from a Ko dak Eas yShare p rinter d ock or yo ur co mput er Print er dock—Do ck your camer a to the K odak Easy Share pri nter dock and prin t directl y with or with out a computer .
21 www . kod ak.com/ go/support T ransferring and printing pictures Orderin g prin ts online K odak EasySha re gallery , www .ko dakg allery .com , (fo rmerly Ofoto) is one of th e many onli ne print servi ces offered in the K o dak EasyShare softw are .
T ransferring and printing pictures www . kod ak.com/ go/support 22 Printing p ictures NO TE: Raw an d TIFF files are not directly p r intable (se e page 5 5 ). 1 T urn the Mode sw itch to or . 2 T urn on the printer . The PictBr idg e l ogo is d isplayed, followed by the current pictur e and menu.
23 www . kod ak.com/ go/support T ransferring and printing pictures Dock co mpati bility f or y our c amera Purch ase cam er a docks , printe r docks , and oth e r a ccesso ries at a de aler of K odak pro d uct s o r www .ko dak.c om/go/p850accessor ies .
www . kod ak.com/ go/support 24 4 Do ing more w ith y our cam era Pictu re-ta king m odes Use this mode Fo r Mod e Switch —Captu re and Fa vorit es. Capture Tak ing pic tures a nd videos . Fav or i tes Vi ewing your favori tes (s ee page 64 ). Cho ose th e m ode th at bes t s uits your subj ec ts an d su rro un ding s.
25 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Mo de Di al —1 0 s ett i ngs . AUTO Genera l picture -taki ng—off ers an ex cellent balanc e of ima ge qua lity and ease-of-use. Program Co nt rolling e xp osure compens ation , flas h com pensa tion (ho w muc h light ente rs the camera) , and ISO speed.
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 26 Manual En joying the high est leve l of crea tive cont rol. You c an set the ape rt ure , shu t te r sp ee d, f la sh c om pens a tio n , and ISO s pe ed .
27 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Scene mod es 1 T urn the Mode di al to Scene . 2 Move t he Joystick to d isplay Scene mo de descrip tions . NO TE: If the Help te xt turn s off , pre ss the OK b u t ton . 3 Press the OK button to choo se a Scene mo de .
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 28 Text Doc um en ts. Manner/ Museum Qui et occasion s, lik e a wedding or lecture . Flas h and sound are disable d. Party Pe ople indoor s. Mi nimize s red eye. Snow Bri gh t sno w sce nes . Beach Bright bea ch scene s.
29 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Using the focus b utton Set the focu s for close-up a nd far -away scenes . Some sett ings may be u navailable in some modes . NO TE: For rapid s etti ng chan ges, see pa ge 4 0 . Foc us m od e Description Normal AF (default) Fo c u s setting for ge neral pictur e-tak ing.
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 30 Using the drive m ode for s elf-timer, burs t, exposure b racketi ng Some s etti ngs may be u navai labl e in some m odes . NO TE: For rapid s etti ng chan ges, see pa ge 4 0 . For dete rmini ng bur st c apaci ty, see page 3 2 .
31 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera 1 Set the Driv e mode to th e desired option, pag e 3 0 . 2 Pr ess the Shutt er butt on halfway to set the AE/AF . 3 F or all setti ngs , except B urst, p ress the Shutter button comple tely do wn to take the pic t ure.
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 32 De termi ning th e burs t capac ity T he quantit y of bu rst de pends on the qual ity mod e and th e rat e of c ompressi on. F o r information on picture compression, see pa g e 43 . Quality mode Reso lution Compres sion Quantit y 5.
33 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Using the AE/ AF button NO TE: For rapid s etti ng chan ges, see pa ge 4 0 . AE/AF lock mode Des c ri p ti o n (default) Exposure sett ing is indepe ndent of pressi ng the Shu tter bu tton. T his allows for c reative com positio ns and exposur e s i tuations .
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 34 Taking pictures us ing the AF lock F or special si tuations where A F may no t work ( page 33 ): 1 Set the A E/AF Lock butt on to A F . 2 Place th e F r aming marks on the main subj ect. 3 Press the AE/A F Lock button .
35 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Program capture settings Pre ssing the Prog ram but ton in Ca pture , after progr am setup , al lows for d irect access to the sub- menus an d, if ne cessar y , righ t-hand ac cess t o the fl ash and f ocus menu s .
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 36 Chan ging the fl ash setting s NO TE: Flash se tting s are pre set for e ach pic ture-t aking m ode .
37 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera PA SM and C1, C2, C3 mode s Sett ings y ou ch ange i n C modes app ly on ly to pict ures tak e n in those modes . F or e xample , if yo u cha nge the Co lor Mode to S ep ia while i n C mode , you sti ll retai n the defaul t setting of Col or for Auto an d S CN modes .
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 38 Changing PA SM or C1, C2, C3 mod e settings P ASM and C mod es cont rol th e f-nu mber (aper ture ), shut ter s peed, expos ure compe nsation , and flash compe nsatio n. 1 T u rn the M ode d ial to P , A, S , M, o r C1, C2, C 3.
39 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Using exposu re metering Choos e a meter ing syste m in P ASM o r C1, C2 , C3 mo de for the app ropriate li ghting of your su bjec t.
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 40 Using the comma nd dial fo r rapid se tting c hanges Use the Comman d dia l in combin atio n with oth er butt ons for ra pid sett ing chan ges . Y ou can al so use the Command di al to ad ju st man ual settings in P ASM modes, see pag e 3 8 .
41 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Us in g th e his tog ra m In Captu re o r Revi ew , the hi stog ram sho ws the d istri but ion of the subj ect’ s bright nes s. If the peak is to the rig ht of the gr aph, the subject i s bright; if it ’ s to the l eft, the subject is dark (see shaded bar).
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 42 Cha ng ing pic t ure- tak i ng s et ti ngs Y ou can chang e settings to get th e best result s fr om your camer a: 1 Press the Menu but ton (press again to exi t). 2 Mov e the Joy stick to highl ight a menu tab — ■ Ca ptu re for gener al pic ture- takin g settin gs of s tills .
43 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Still menu options Ca ptu re Some sett ing s are unav aila ble in Auto and S CN modes . Setting Ico n Options that appear in Liveview Picture Si ze Cho ose a pictu re r esol utio n. This setti ng remains until you change it.
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 44 Color Mode Ch oose col or to nes. This se tting re mains until you turn the Mode di al or turn off the camera. Hig h C olor Natural Color (default) Low Color Black & White Sepia NO TE: EasySh are softwa re le t s y ou change a color picture to black & white or sepia.
45 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Video menu op tions Vid eo Some setti ngs are u navailab le in Auto an d SCN modes . Setting Icon Options that appear in Livev iew Video Size Choos e a vide o resolutio n. This set ting re mains until you change it.
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 46 Setup menu op tions Set up Setting Ico n Options LCD Brightness Adj ust th e br ig htn ess of t he LCD scr ee n. 1, 2, 3 (default), 4, or 5 Image St orage Choos e a stor age loc ation for pic ture s and videos.
47 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Set Pro gram Button Rev iew Progr am t his butto n in R eview f or a shortc ut to your fav orite revie w s ett ings . See pa g e 35 . Orientation Sensor Orie nt pict ures so th ey are dis played wit h the cor rect sid e up for S till captur e only .
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 48 Acce sso ry Len s Ensure prope r AF acc essory lens use . On Off (default) Date & Time Set the date and tim e. See pag e 3 . Vi de o Ou t Choos e the r egional setti ng th at lets you co nne c t the cam er a to a te l evi si on or othe r exte rna l devic e.
49 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Format CAU TIO N: Formatting deletes all pictures and vide os , i n clu ding those that are prote cted. Rem oving a card during fo rma tting may d a mage the card. Memory Card— deletes e verythi ng o n the ca rd; for mats th e card .
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 50 PASM and C 1, C2, C3 menu options Captu re + T hese settings are no t avail able i n Au t o and SCN modes . Setting Icon Options that appear in Livev iew White Bala nce Choos e yo ur lightin g condit ion.
51 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera AF Co ntro l Choos e an auto-f ocus sett ing. Thi s set t ing is kept a cr oss PASM and C until y ou change it. Continu ous AF (default)— us es ext er nal AF se nsor and T TL-AF (Throug h-Th e-Lens ).
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 52 Slow Flash Choos e what ty pe of slo w-f la sh s ett in g is des ired . Thi s set t ing is kept ac ross PASM and independently in C1, C2 and C 3 until y ou change it. Front Sync (default) — s yn chron izes at the beg inni ng of the s hutte r.
53 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Editin g fu nction s for Sti ll and Vid eo T his c amer a has editi ng capab ilit ies for bo th sti ll and vi deo . Still editing options ■ Cr op—crop unwant ed pic ture in form ation. For exam ple, y ou can re move to o muc h back ground from a g roup -shot pi ctu re.
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 54 Cropping pictures T he picture is copi ed, t hen cr opped . T he ori ginal pi ctur e is s aved. A c ropp ed pic ture ca nnot be cropped ag ain o n the camer a. Cr opped p ictu res tak e u p space i n the intern al memory or o n a card.
55 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera RAW file de velopm en t T his fe ature le ts you develop , ed it, and s ave a JPEG or T IFF printabl e copy o f a RAW fi le .
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 56 Viewi ng p icture/v ide o i nformati o n Using optio nal review menu In Review , press the Menu button t o access review functi ons .
57 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Copy in g pictu re s and v ideos Y ou can co py pi ctures and video s fr om a c ard to inte rnal m emory or from int ernal memory to a card. Before you cop y , ma k e sure that: ■ A c ard i s inserte d i n the camer a.
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 58 Runn in g a slide sh ow Use the Sli de Show to di splay your p ictures and videos on the LCD sc reen. T o run a sl ide sh ow on a televi sion o r on any exte rnal dev ice , s e e pa ge 59 . T o save ba ttery power , use an optional K odak 5-volt A C adapter .
59 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Running a c ontinuous slide show loop Wh e n you turn on Loo p , the sl ide sh ow is conti nuo usly repeate d. 1 On the Slide Show menu , move t o highlight L oop , then p ress the OK b utton.
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 60 Second—o n y o ur camera 1 In any mode , pre ss the Men u but ton. 2 Mov e to hi ghligh t Set up . 3 Mov e to hig hlight Set Al bum , the n pre ss the O K butto n. 4 Move to hig hlight an album name , then press the OK butto n.
61 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Sec ond—on your c amera 1 Press the Re view button , then loca te the pic t u re or video. 2 Pr ess the Menu but ton. 3 Mov e to hig hlight Albu m , then press the OK butt on. 4 Move to highligh t Picture/Vid eo , Selected, or All, then p ress OK.
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 62 Sh ari n g your pict ur es When your pictures/videos ar e tra nsfer red to your co mputer , you c an share them by: ■ Pri n t ( page 62 ).
63 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera 6 Press the OK button. T hen press the Shar e button to exit th e menu. * T o rem ove pri nt tag ging f or all pic tures in the st orag e locat ion, h ighlig ht Cance l Pri nts , the n press th e OK bu tton.
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 64 T o send t he pictures/videos t o more than one address, repeat step 2 for each addre ss . Selected address es are checked when you Exi t. 5 T o re move a sele ction , high light a ch eck ed address and pre ss th e OK button.
65 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Share yo ur favorite pi ctures in 4 easy steps: N O T E : T h e c am e r a h ol d s a li m it ed n um b e r of fa vo ri te s . Us e Ca m er a F a v orit e s i n th e Ea sy S ha re so f tw a re to custom iz e th e size of your cam era F a v o r ites section.
Doing m ore with your camera www . kod ak.com/ go/support 66 Optional settings In F avori tes mode , pre ss the Menu button to acce ss option al settings . NO TE: Pictures tak en at the 4.5 MP (3:2) qua lity se tting ar e displayed at a 3 : 2 aspe ct ratio with a blac k ba r a t th e to p a n d bo tto m o f th e sc re en .
67 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Doing more with your camera Printing and emailing favorites 1 T urn the Mode sw itch to F avori tes . Mo ve to locate a pi cture . 2 Press the Share b utton. 3 High lig ht Print or Email , th en press t he OK but ton. 4 Mov e to hig hlight P ictu re/V ideo , Select ed, or All , then pre ss th e OK but ton.
www . kod ak.com/ go/support 68 5 T r oublesh ooting Came ra p roblem s F or step- by-step produc t support, vi sit www . k odak .com/g o/p8 50sup port and sele ct Inte rac tiv e T r oubles hootin g and Re pairs .
69 www . kod ak.com/ go/support T roubleshooting Pi cture or ientat ion is not accurate ■ Set t he Orien tatio n Sen sor t o O N ( page 47 ). Fla sh doe s not fir e ■ Check if e xter nal flash is d esignat ed in S etup ( pag e 48 ). ■ Che ck the fl ash set ting and c hange as needed ( pag e 3 6 ).
T roubleshooting www . kod ak.com/ go/support 70 Com puter/c o nnecti vity p rob lems If ... T ry on e or mor e of the f oll owing Com puter does no t comm unicat e w ith the ca mer a ■ Ins ert a c harged b attery ( pag e 2 ). ■ T u rn o n t he ca me ra .
71 www . kod ak.com/ go/support T roubleshooting Pictu re q uality p roblem s If ... T ry one or more of the following Pic tu re i s t oo da rk or und erex posed ■ Reposit ion camer a for more available light. ■ Use Fill flash ( page 36 ) o r ch ange y our p ositio n so l ight is n ot be hind th e subj ect.
T roubleshooting www . kod ak.com/ go/support 72 Pic ture is not clear ■ To automat ically set expo sure an d focus , pres s the Shut ter but ton halfway and ho ld . Whe n the AF /AE indica tor tur ns gre en, pre ss the S hutter button completely down to tak e the pictu re .
73 www . kod ak.com/ go/support T roubleshooting Direct prin ting ( PictBrid ge) problem s Still having problems? Visit ww w .k od ak.com /go /p850s upport , o r se e He lp fu l l ink s , p a g e 74 . F or Di rect printi ng issues , contac t the printer manu facturer .
www . kod ak.com/ go/support 74 6 Getting help Helpf ul lin ks Cam er a Get sup por t for you r pro duct (F AQs, trou blesh ooting in formati on, et c.) www .k oda k.com /go/p 850sup port Purchase camera acce ssories (camera doc ks, prin ter do cks, lens es, c ards, etc.
75 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Getting help Te le phon e cus tome r su ppor t If you have qu est ions con cerni ng th e oper ati on of th e softw ar e or camer a, y ou may speak with a c ustomer sup port representa tive . Befo r e you ca ll, have the ca mera or dock connect ed t o your co mputer .
www . kod ak.com/ go/support 76 7 Appendix Came ra s pecific ations F or more speci fica tions , vi sit www .k o dak.com/ go/p850 sup por t . Ko dak Eas yShare P850 zoom digital came ra CCD (cha rge-cou pled de vice) CCD 1/2 .5 in. C CD, 5. 1 MP , 4:3 aspect ratio Outp ut im age size 2592 x 194 4 5 .
77 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Appendix Foc us syste m TTL –AF with pr ogra m modes: Ce nter weigh ted a nd Multi- patt ern, 25-S electab le zo nes. Workin g range: 19.6 in. (50 cm)–infini ty @ wi de 35.4 in. (90 cm)–infini ty @ tele 19.6 i n.–3 5.
Ap pe ndi x www . kod ak.com/ go/support 78 External flas h Extended flash range with Kodak exte rnal flash unit: Guid e no. 3 7 (w orking rang e 43 ft (1 3 m) @ ISO 100, f/ 2.8, Wide) Guid e no . 100 (wor king r ange 88 f t (27 m ) @ ISO 1 00, f/3.7 , Te le) Flash compensation –1 to +1 EV in 0.
79 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Appendix Power Kodak Li-Io n recharg eable di gital cam era bat tery KLIC -5001 (or e quiv alent); 5V AC adapte r, option al Comm unicati on wit h comput er/TV USB 2.
Ap pe ndi x www . kod ak.com/ go/support 80 Storage c apaciti es Fil e size s can v ary . Y ou may be ab le to sto re more or fewer pi ctu re and v ideos .
81 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Appendix Picture s torage capacity—JPEG fine compr es sion Picture stor age c ap acity—RAW & TIFF Number of JPEG pictures 5.
Ap pe ndi x www . kod ak.com/ go/support 82 Video s torage capacity Power -sa ving fea tures NO TE: See EVF /LCD Sta n d By and Au to P owe r -Off in Setup o n pag e 4 8 . Minutes/sec onds of video VGA (640 x 480) QVGA (320 x 240) 16 MB SD or MMC 15 s e c.
83 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Appendix Acc e ssori es Item Description W he re to buy Kodak 0.7X wid e-angl e lens Exp and your cre ativit y an d photogr aphi c optio ns wi th the ve rsatil e 0.7X wi de-ang le le n s. www .k oda k. com/g o/p 850 accessories Kodak 1.
Ap pe ndi x www . kod ak.com/ go/support 84 Importan t safe ty instructio ns Using this product ■ Read an d foll ow the se instr ucti ons b efore us ing K o dak pro ducts . Alw ays fo llow ba sic safe ty pr ocedur es . ■ Use only a USB complian t compu ter equi pped with a curr ent-l imit ing mot herbo ard.
85 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Appendix Battery safety and handlin g WARNING : When remov ing batterie s, al low them to cool first ; batteri es may be hot. ■ Use onl y batterie s that are approved fo r this produ ct to avoid risk of e xplosion. ■ K eep batteries out o f the reach o f children.
Ap pe ndi x www . kod ak.com/ go/support 86 Battery in formation Kodak bat tery replacement types/battery life Actua l battery life may v a ry based on usage . We recommend usin g only a K odak Li- Ion recharge able digital camer a batte ry KLIC- 5001.
87 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Appendix Visit www .k odak.co m/go/p850accessories for: K oda k EasyS hare camer a dock— powe rs your came ra, trans fers p ictures to your com puter , and cha rges t he inclu ded K o dak Li-Ion r ec harg eable bat tery .
Ap pe ndi x www . kod ak.com/ go/support 88 Warranty Lim ited w arra nty K odak wa rr ants K odak digi tal camer as and accesso ries (exclud ing batterie s) to be free fro m malfunc tio ns and de fects in b oth mate rials and wo rkmanshi p for o ne year f rom the date of pu rchase .
Ap pe ndi x www . kod ak.com/ go/support 90 Regulato ry compl iance FCC compliance and advisory T his e quipme nt has been tes ted and f ound to compl y with th e lim its for a C lass B digi tal device , pursu ant to P art 15 of the F CC Rules .
91 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Appendix Cana dian DOC statement DOC C lass B C ompli ance— T his Class B di gita l appar atus co mpli e s with Canad ian ICE S-003 . Obse rvatio n des n orme s-Class B— Cet ap parei l numéri que d e la classe B est conf orm e à l a n orme NMB-0 03 du Canad a.
www . kod ak.com/ go/support 92 Index 1 A A/V out , 5 9 abo u t pic tur e, v ide o, 49 ab ou t th i s c a me ra , 49 AC adap ter, 87 accessori es AC ada pte r, 87 battery, 8 6 buyi ng, 74 cam e ra , 8.
93 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Index Ca nadian co mplia nce, 91 c andle ligh t, 2 7 capaci ty for burst, 32 c aptur e mo des, 7 8 liv e wi ew , 8 shutter p ressed halfw ay, 8 carin g for your camera,.
www . kod ak.com/ go/support 94 Index dri ve m ode s ex posure brack etin g , 3 1 first bur st, 3 0 last burst, 30 self-timer, 30 shutter d elay, 3 0 time l apse, 31 E EasyS hare softwar e, 18 edi tin.
95 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Index fra ming m arks, 7 G gri p , i gui de nu mb er , f la sh, 77 guid elines, ba ttery, 8 6 H he lp we b links, 7 4 hig h co l or, 4 4 high lig ht clipp ing , 15, 41 .
www . kod ak.com/ go/support 96 Index ma gn if yin g a pi ct ure , 1 3 maintenance, camera, 87 manner, 28 manual, 26 memory inserti ng card, 4 sto rage capacit ies, 80 menu butt on, ii microphone, i m.
97 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Index ta king, m ode s, 24 tra nsfer via USB cabl e, 18 vie wing i nformat ion, 5 6 pic t ure -t ak ing, 5 portra it, 2 7, 30 scene mode, 2 7 pow e r, i auto off, 82 ca.
www . kod ak.com/ go/support 98 Index service and support tel epho ne numbe rs, 7 5 set butto n, ii setting AE /AF but ton, 4 6 AF co ntrol, 45, 51 auto po wer - off, 48 co lo r m od e , 44 date &.
99 www . kod ak.com/ go/support Index tel epho ne supp ort, 75 television, sli de sh ow, 5 9 te m per atu r e, o p er at in g , 79 text, 28 th umbnails , vie wing, 11 TIFF, 4 3, 81 time l apse, 31 tim.
デバイスKodak P850の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Kodak P850をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKodak P850の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Kodak P850の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Kodak P850で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Kodak P850を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKodak P850の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Kodak P850に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKodak P850デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。