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Conference phones for every situation T h e K o n f t e l 2 50 U s e r G u i d e ENGLI SH.
B Our patented a udio t e chno log y , O mn iSound ® , is em bedded into a ll Kon f tel phones to ensure crys tal- cl ear voice transmission. W e’re now tak ing Omn iSound ® to the next level. Om niS ou nd ® 2.0 prov ides the Konftel 2 5 0 with t he c apabi lity to del iver an even more impressive audi o qual ity.
1 T ABLE O F C O NT ENT S Description 2 Genera l .................................................. 2 Maintenanc e .......................................... 2 keyp ad ................................................... 4 Navigation and selection i n menus .
2 DE S CRIP TIO N GENER A L The Konftel 2 5 0 conference phone offers a host of innovati ve features: • Omni S ound ® 2. 0 audio tec hnology. • Conference gui de for eas y set-up of m ult ipar ty c al ls. • Record your meeti ng s with an S D memor y card s o that you can l isten to them lat er on.
Securit y lock po rt 3 DE S CRIP TIO N Power supply p or t Analogu e line connec tion SD memo ry card p or t Display scre en Speak er Microphone Keyp ad LED s LEDs Flashing blue Incoming call Stead y .
(space) . - 1 G H I 4 P Q R S 7 D E F É È 3 M N O Ö Ø Ñ 6 W X Y Z 9 A B C Å Ä Á À 2 J K L 5 T U V Ü Ú 8 0 4 K E Y PA D DE S CRIP TIO N Wr itin g text Each button contains l etter s and ch aracter s – more than those shown on the button (see i ll us tration below ).
6 UNPACKING Check that a ll parts a re inc luded in t he p ackage. If an y p art s are missing, p le ase contact your retai ler . • The Konftel 250 conference p hone • Power adapter wit h universal so cket com patib ili ty • 7 .
7 ANSWER ING C ALLS A ri ng tone is heard and the b lue LEDs star t ashing. Pres s to answer . T he L EDs show a stead y blue l ight. T he durat ion of the cal l is shown on the d isplay scr een. E ND IN G CAL LS End t he c al l by pre s si ng .
8 MA KI NG T HR E E -W A Y CA LLS The sim plest way to set up a mul ti-par ty c al l is to use the conference gu ide ( see p age 1 0) . You can con nect another par ty to an on- going cal l as follows. Duri ng a call , the button acts a s Flash/R-pulse, wh ich means it transm it s commands to t he PBX .
9 AD JU S TI NG T HE S PEA KE R VO L U M E Ad just the spe aker vol ume using t he buttons and . P LAC I NG CA L LS ON T E MPO RAR Y HOL D Mute Pres s ( Mute ) to t urn off the microphone . T he L EDs change f rom b lue to r ed. T he other party cannot hear wh at you are sa yi ng.
10 The conference gu ide all ows you to create 20 conference grou ps with u p to six people in each. Y ou can now call the partic ipants i n a meeting b y sim ply pres si ng a few buttons. Y ou may need to adjust some set ti ngs in your K onf tel 2 50 to make it com patib le with your PBX.
11 MA KI NG M U L T I-P AR TY CAL LS Pres s the ( Confe rence ) button. Select QU ICK GU IDE with the arrow buttons. Pres s OK to conrm. T he Quick Gu ide asks you t o dia l the r st number . Di al the rst pe rson’s t elephone n umber .
12 DE L ET IN G CON FE R E NC E GR OU PS Select MENU > CONF GUI DE > ER ASE GR OUP . Mark the grou p you want to del ete and press OK . Conrm that you real ly want to del ete the group b y pres sing OK or cancel the de le- tion of a grou p by pres sing C .
13 The Konftel 2 5 0 has a phonebook that holds u p to 50 entries. See pa ge 7 for maki ng cal ls via t he phonebook. Ent eri ng text with the k eypad Please turn to page 4 for instruct ions on usi ng the keypad to enter t ext. S EARC H I NG F OR CON T ACT S Pres s (Phonebook).
14 DEL E TI NG CONT ACTS Select MENU > PHONE BOOK > ERASE CONT ACT . Mark the con tact you want to delet e and pres s OK . Conrm that you real ly want to del ete the contact by pressing OK or cancel the delet ion of a contact by pres sing C .
15 It is possible t o re cord a phone conference on an SD ( Se cure Di gital ) memor y card s o you can li sten to it l ater on. A ashi ng symbol appear s on the di splay screen du ring record ing. A beep is heard ever y 20 seconds s o that ot her par ties in the cal l know it is bei ng recorded.
16 L I ST E N I NG T O A RE CO R DI NG Y ou can listen to a recorded phone conf erence on your Kon ftel 250 or a computer usi ng an SD memor y card reade r . Recordi ng s are saved in . wav format and can be played back on your cho ice of medi a player .
17 MA N AG IN G RE C O RD IN GS Ed iti ng the name of a recor di ng The re cordi ng is named by defa ult w ith the t ime at whic h the recordi ng star ted. Select MENU > REC OR DIN G > RENAM E FIL E . Mark the f older you want an d pre ss OK to conrm.
18 SELEC TING L AN GUAGES Select MENU > SE T TIN GS > L A N GUA GE . Select the l anguage you want and pre ss OK to conrm. SELEC T REGIO N The rs t ti me the Kon ftel 250 is star ted, you wi ll be requ ired to select the region i n whic h you are lo cated.
19 AD JU S TI NG R I NG L EVE L VO L U M E Select MENU > SE T TIN GS > RI NG LEVEL . Select your c hoice and press OK to conrm. The re are six vol ume levels pl us a sile nt mode. Y ou wil l hear the ring t one for each level you select.
20 AD JU S TI NG S OU ND ( E QU AL IZ ER ) The sound reproduction can be ad justed to th e requi re d pit ch ( S OF T , NE UTRA L and BR IGHT ). Select MENU > SE T TIN GS > EQUALIZER .
21 See w ww.k onf tel .com/250 . OP TI ONAL ACCESSOR IES.
22 If your K onf tel 2 5 0 is not worki ng properly: • Check that t he microphon e is turned on d uring t he c al l. The blue m icrophone LEDs must be lit . • If the d isplay shows “ ANALOG OVERCURR ENT” , the Kon f tel 250 is con nected to a dig ital te lephone jack.
23 Siz e Diameter 2 4 0 mm, he ight 77 mm Wei ght 1 kg Colour Charcoal bl ack Displ ay screen I ll umin ated graphics (L CD) , 128x64 Keypad Alph anumeri cal 0 – 9 , * , off hook /F , on hoo k, mut .
24 If an y th ing is wrong wi th your K onftel un it, pl eas e contact the place of p urchase. Guarantee We gi ve a two -ye ar guarantee on our conference t elephones . Ser vice Ser vice is offered af ter the expi r ation o f the guarantee. Pl eas e contact your retai ler and ask for a cos t es ti mate.
Konftel is a leadi ng compa ny withi n loudspeaker commu nicati on and aud io tech nolog y . W e deve lop and sell products and techno log y for tele phone conferences based on cutti ng- edge expe rtise wi th in acoustics and digital si gnal proce ssing.
デバイスKonftel 250の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Konftel 250をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKonftel 250の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Konftel 250の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Konftel 250で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Konftel 250を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKonftel 250の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Konftel 250に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKonftel 250デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。