Kramer ElectronicsメーカーVP-725NAの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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KRAMER ELECTRONICS LTD. USER MAN UAL MODEL: VP - 725NA Presentatio n Switc her/ Sca ler P/N: 2900 - 00073 9 Re v 4.
VP - 725NA – Con tent s i Conte nt s 1 Introduct ion 1 2 Getting S tarted 2 2.1 Achi eving the Best Performance 2 3 Overview 3 3.1 Defining E DID 5 3.2 About HDMI 6 3.3 About HDCP 7 3.4 Defining t he VP - 725NA Presentation S witcher/Scal er 7 4 Installing in a Rack 13 5 Connecting the VP - 725NA Presentation Switcher/S caler 14 5.
ii VP - 725NA - C onte nts Figures Figure 1: VP - 725NA Present ation Switcher/ Scaler Front P anel 8 Figure 2: VP - 725NA Present ation Switcher/ Scaler Rear Panel 11 Figure 3: Connecting to the VP -.
VP - 725NA – Int roduction 1 1 Intr oduction Welcome to Kramer Electronics! Since 1981, Kramer Electronics has been providing a world of unique, creative, and affordabl e solutions to the vast range of problems that confront the video, audio, presentation, and broadcasting professional on a daily basis.
2 VP - 725NA - G ettin g St arted 2 Getting Start ed We recommend that you: • Unpack the equipment careful ly and save the original box and packaging materials f or possible future shipment • Revi.
VP - 725NA – O ver vi ew 3 3 Ove rvi ew The VP - 72 5NA is a prese ntatio n sc aler/ switc her with mult ipl e signa l for mat sect ions and balanc ed stereo au dio. T he un it has f ive ind epend ent 4 x1 vid eo sect ions : com posite, s - Video (Y/ C), com ponent (RGB), com puter gra phics , and HDMI, pl us a single USB input .
4 VP - 725NA - O ver view • A USB port on the front panel for reading and displaying JPEG picture files • M ultiple color space – RGB or YUV output • E mbedded audio on the HDMI inputs and outputs The emb edded audio featu re is n ot av ailable for th e RGB r esol utions 19 20x12 00 and 1920x1 080.
VP - 725NA – O ver vi ew 5 • A built - in TBC (time base corrector) that stabil izes the sync in unstable video sources • A slideshow feature, lett ing you run a slideshow via the USB port • F.
6 VP - 725NA - O ver view 3.2 A bout HDMI High - Definit ion Multim edia I nterface (HD MI) is an unc ompres sed all - digital audio/vid eo interfac e, widely s uppo rted in the ent ertainm ent and hom e cinema industry.
VP - 725NA – O ver vi ew 7 3.3 13B About HDCP The High - Bandwidth Digit al Content Protection (HDCP) standard developed by Intel, prot ects digital video and audio signals transmitted over DVI or HDMI connections between two HDCP - enabled devices t o eliminate the reproduction of copyrighted material .
Fig ure 1 : VP - 725N A Pres entat ion S witcher /Scale r Front P anel 8 VP - 72 5NA – O vervi ew.
VP - 725NA – O vervi ew 9 Front P an el # Feat ure Funct ion 1 INPUT SELECT OR Buttons YC Selects one of the s - Video (Y/C) sourc es (from 1 to 4) 2 CV Selects one of the CV so urces ( from 1 to 4).
Front P an el # Feat ure Funct ion 20 MIC CONT ROL Button Overrid e R outes t he sign al from the m icr ophone to the Master outp ut in stead of from the Line, whose signal i s block ed When no MIC CO.
VP - 725NA – O vervi ew 11 Fig ure 2 : VP - 725N A Pres entat ion S witcher /Scale r Rea r Panel Rear Pa nel # Feat ure Funct ion 1 AUDIO OUTPU T Terminal Block Connect or CV Connects to th e bal an.
Rear Pa nel # Feat ure Funct ion 9 PROGRAM USB Connec tor C onnect to up grade to the latest au dio firm ware 10 ETHERNET po rt Conn ects to your LAN 11 RS - 232 9- pin D - sub Conne ct or Connects to a P C or Serial Cont roller 12 MASTER OUT Terminal Bl ock Co nnect or C onnects to th e rout ed bal anced audio channel 13 COND.
VP - 725NA - I nst allin g in a Ra ck 13 4 Insta lling i n a R ack This section provides i nstructions for rack mounting the unit..
14 VP - 725N A - Co nne ctin g the V P - 7 25NA Pr esent atio n Switc her/S caler 5 Connecti ng the VP - 72 5NA Presentation Sw it cher / Sc al er This section describes how to connect the VP - 725NA . In particul ar, how to connect the: • VP - 725NA rear panel ( see Sec ti on 5.
VP - 725NA - C on necti ng t he VP - 725N A Pre sentati on Swi tcher/ Scal er 15 Up to four component video (som etimes called Y UV, or Y, B - Y, R - Y, or Y, Pb/ Cb, Pr/Cr) sourc es or four RGB sources to t he four s ets of 3 BNC connectors, G/Y, B/P b, and R/Pr.
16 VP - 725N A - Co nne ctin g the V P - 7 25NA Pr esent atio n Swi tc her/S caler Connect the UXGA connector to the UXGA acceptor, for example, a monitor (not ill ustrated in Figure 3 ) 7.
VP - 725NA - C on necti ng t he VP - 725N A Pre sentati on Swi tcher/ Scal er 17 5.2 The R G BS and RGsB P inouts The follo wing table defines the inpu t progress ive (a display m ode in which all the.
18 VP - 725N A - Co nne ctin g the V P - 7 25NA Pr esent atio n Switc her/S caler Hardware flow control is not required for t his unit. In the rare case where a controll er requires hardware flow control, short pin 1 to 7 and 8, and pi n 4 to 6 on the c ontroller side.
VP - 725NA - C on necti ng t he VP - 725N A Pre sentati on Swi tcher/ Scal er 19 3. Select Propert ies. The Local Area Connection Properties window appears. 4. Select Inter net Proto col (TCP/IP ) and click the Properties Button (see Figure 6 ). Fig ure 6 : Loc al Ar ea Co nnectio n Prop erti es W indow 5.
20 VP - 725N A - Co nne ctin g the V P - 7 25NA Pr esent atio n Switc her/S caler 5.4.2 Connecting t he ETHERNET Port via a Network Hub (Straigh t - Through Cab le) You can connect the Ethernet port of the VP - 725NA t o the Ethernet port on a network hub or network router, via a straight - through cable with RJ - 45 connectors.
VP - 725NA - O pera ti ng the V P- 72 5NA Prese ntation Switc her/Sc aler 21 6 Opera ting the VP- 725NA Presentation Sw it cher / Sc al er The VP - 725N A includes the following front panel buttons: .
22 VP - 725N A - Oper ati ng th e VP - 725N A Prese ntati on Swit cher/S caler The four buttons in the SELECT area on the front panel let you select one of six operating modes, as defined in Figure 11 .
VP - 725NA - O pera ti ng the VP - 72 5NA P resenta tion Switc her/Sc aler 23 6.2 S witchi ng an Input to a n Output This section describes how to switch an input to an output when the VP - 725NA operates as five independent switchers ( se e S ec ti on 6.
24 VP - 725N A - Oper ati ng th e VP - 725N A Prese ntati on Swit cher/S caler 6.2.2 Switching the VP - 725NA as a Scaler To operate t he VP - 725NA as a scaler, press the SCALER button (it illuminat es) and then switch one of the 21 inputs to the scaled video outputs.
VP - 725NA - O pera ti ng the VP - 72 5NA P resenta tion Switc her/Sc aler 25 To adjust Master Audio level via the front panel: 1. Press the MASTER AUDIO button. 2. Press the AUD IO LEV EL LINE button to adjust the master audio input level or press the AUDIO LEVEL OUT b utton to adjust the master audio output level.
26 VP - 725N A - Oper ati ng th e VP - 725N A Prese ntati on Swit cher/S caler 6.3.2 Using the Micro phone CONTROL Modes The MIC CONTROL section buttons include these: Only one of th e thre e butt ons ca n be O N, or al l thr ee butto ns can be OFF (pr essing a but ton will selec t th at but ton, a nd tu rn OFF t he pr evious ly sel ected butto n.
VP - 725NA - O pera ti ng the VP - 72 5NA P resenta tion Switc her/Sc aler 27 Activate the PIP Feature b y : • Pressing the PIP front panel button • Switching on the PIP functionality via the OSD Menu ( s ee S ec t io n 7.1 ) • Pressing the PIP key on the remote control transmitt er ( see Section 7.
28 VP - 725N A - Oper ati ng th e VP - 725N A Prese ntati on Swi t cher/S caler 6.6 Freezing the Image To freeze the image, press the Freeze key on the infrared remote control transmitt er (see Figure 29 ) or the FRE EZE front panel button. The image freezes and the FREEZE front panel button illuminates.
VP - 725NA - C on figur ing and C ontr oll ing t he VP - 725N A 29 7 Configur ing and Control ling the VP - 725NA This section describes how to configure and control the VP - 725NA via the: • OSD menu ( s ee Sec t i on 7.1 ) • LCD display ( see S ec ti on 7.
30 VP - 725N A - Co nfig uri ng an d Co ntro lling the V P - 7 25NA 7.1.1 The Input Scr een Figure 14 defi ne s the Input screen. Fig ure 14 : Input Sc reen Input Scr een Settin g Fu ncti on Def aul t.
VP - 725NA - C on figur ing and C ontr oll ing t he VP - 725N A 31 7.1.2 The Pictur e Screen Figure 15 defi ne s the Picture sc reen. Fig ure 15 : Pi cture Screen Picture S cree n Settin g Fu ncti on .
32 VP - 725N A - Co nfig uri ng an d Co ntro lling the V P - 7 25NA 7.1.3 The Output Scr een Figure 16 defi ne s the Output screen. Fig ure 16 : O utput S creen Outp ut Sc ree n Settin g Fu ncti on Se.
VP - 725NA - C on figur ing and C ontr oll ing t he VP - 725N A 33 Outp ut Sc ree n Settin g Fu ncti on Selec tion /Rang e Defa ult Aspect Ratio Set the asp ect ratio: Best Fi t - The best p ossibl e .
34 VP - 725N A - Co nfig uri ng an d Co ntro lling the V P -7 25NA 7.1.1 Selecting the Corre ct Aspect Rat io You can configure the aspect ratio of any output image to fit your application. The VP - 725NA of fers s ix different aspect ratio settings: Best Fit, Letterbox, Follow Output, Virtual Wi de, Follow Input, and Custom.
VP - 725NA - C on figur ing and C ontr oll ing t he VP - 725N A 35 7.1.2 The PIP Screen Figure 17 d efi ne s the PIP screen. Fig ure 17 : PIP Screen PIP Screen Settin g Fu ncti on Def aul t On/Off A ctivate/ deacti vate t he P IP featu re: On/ Off When PIP is activated and that i nput is not connected, t he PIP window appears black.
36 VP - 725N A - Co nfig uri ng an d Co ntro lling the V P - 7 25NA 7.1.3 The Audio Screen Figure 18 defi nes the Audio s creen. Fig ure 18 : Au dio Sc reen Audio S cr een Settin g Fu ncti on Def aul .
VP - 725NA - C on figur ing and C ontr oll ing t he VP - 725N A 37 Fig ure 19 : Au dio Level Sc reen.
38 VP - 725N A - Co nfig uri ng an d Co ntro lling the V P - 7 25NA 7.1.4 The Geom etry Screen Figure 20 defi ne s the Geometry screen, allowing the user flexibility i n positioning his projector rel ative to the screening surface.
VP - 725NA - C on figur ing and C ontr oll ing t he VP - 725N A 39 7.1.5 The Setup Screen Figure 21 d efi ne s the Setup screen. Fig ure 21 : Set up S creen Setup S creen Settin g Fu ncti on Def aul t.
40 VP - 725N A - Co nfig uri ng an d Co ntro lling the V P - 7 25NA Setup S creen Settin g Fu ncti on Def aul t HDMI Switch Behavi or Set to D VD/N ormal or PC/B ypass: Nor mal/B ypas s When an EDID f.
VP - 725NA - C on figur ing and C ontr oll ing t he VP - 725N A 41 7.1.7 The Adv anced Setup Screen Figure 22 t o Figure 25 defi ne the Advanced Setup screens.
42 VP - 725N A - Co nfig uri ng an d Co ntro lling the V P - 7 25NA Fig ure 23 : Misc Se tup Sc reen Misc Se tup S creen Settin g Fu ncti on Def aul t Logo C hoose: ON for t he sta rt up lo go to appe.
VP - 725NA - C on figur ing and C ontr oll ing t he VP - 725N A 43 Misc Se tup S creen Settin g Fu ncti on Def aul t HDCP Setting Define whether the H DCP follow s the i nput o r the output : Follo w .
44 VP - 725N A - Co nfig uri ng an d Co ntro lling the V P - 7 25NA Fig ure 25 : O utput S etu p Scree n Outp ut Fun ctio ns Settin g Fu ncti on Def aul t HT Horiz ontal to tal 1344 HW Horizont al s y.
VP - 725NA - C on figur ing and C ontr oll ing t he VP - 725N A 45 Figure 26 ill ustrates horizontal and vertical sync pulse width, timing and active video area for a typical frame of video.
46 VP - 725N A - Co nfig uri ng an d Co ntro lling the V P - 7 25NA 7.2 O perating via the LCD Di splay You can cont rol the VP - 725NA from the front panel hig h contras t LCD Display.
VP - 725NA - C on figur ing and C ontr oll ing t he VP - 725N A 47 7.4 O perating via the Infrared Remote Control T ransmit ter You can cont rol the VP - 725NA remotely, from the infrared remote control transmitt er (that has a range of up to 15 meters and is powered by two AAA size 1.
48 VP - 725N A - Usi ng Tex t Overl ay 8 Using Tex t Overlay The text overlay feature is accessed via the Applicat ion Program (AP). You can downl oad the lat est soft ware f rom our W eb si te: http:// www.
VP - 725NA - U sing Text O verla y 49 Text Overl ay Appli catio n Screen Feat ure Funct ion Paramet er Set ting Area Text Col or Dropdow n Box Select the T ext colo r Backgrou nd Col or D ropdo wn Bo .
50 VP - 725N A - Tec hnical Spec ifica tions 9 Technical Specifications INPUTS: 4 x CV 1V pp/7 5 Ω o n BNC con nectors ; 4 x YC 1Vpp ( Y); 0.3V pp ( C)/75 Ω o n 4 - pin con nectors ; 4 x Compo nen.
VP - 725NA - T echni cal S pecifi catio ns 51 Technic al Specif icati ons of the RGBHV / RGBS (P C) / R GsB (PC) Input Signal Resolution Ver tical Frequency ( Hz) Notes Resolution Vertical Frequ ency .
52 VP - 725N A - Tec hnical Spec ifica tions Technic al Specif icati ons of the Com po nent Input Signal Resol uti on Ver tical Freq uenc y (Hz) Not es 1080i 60 YP bP r 1080i 50 YP bP r 1080p 60 YPb P.
VP - 725NA - T echni cal S pecifi catio ns 53 Technical Specifications of the HDMI/ DVI/RG B Output Signal Resolution Ver tical Frequency (Hz) Re mark Resolution Vertical Frequency (Hz) Remark 640x48 .
54 VP - 725N A - VP - 725N A C omm unic ati on Pr otoc ol 10 VP- 725NA C ommuni cati on Protocol Communication Confirm ation: Send: CR Reply: CR> Set and Get command: Set Com m an d: Y Cont rol.
VP - 725NA - VP - 7 25N A C ommu nica tion Pr ot ocol 55 Commun ication Prot ocol of the VP - 725NA Contr ol T ype Funct io n Parameter Descr ip tion Set Get 0 1 5 0: Auto 1: RGB 2: YU V Input Color Format 0 1 6 0: Auto 1: NTSC 2: PAL 3: PAL-M 4: PAL-N 5: NTSC 4.
56 VP - 725N A - VP - 725N A C omm unic ati on Pr otoc ol Commun ication Prot ocol of the VP - 725NA Contr ol T ype Funct io n Parameter Descr ip tion Set Get 0 1 25 0 : Native HDMI 1 : 640x480@60Hz 2.
VP - 725NA - VP - 7 25N A C ommu nica tion Pr ot ocol 57 Commun ication Prot ocol of the VP - 725NA Contr ol T ype Funct io n Parameter Descr ip tion Set Get 0 1 30 - 8 ~ 8 H- Zoom 0 1 31 - 8 ~ 8 V- Z.
58 VP - 725N A - VP - 725N A C omm unic ati on Pr otoc ol Commun ication Prot ocol of the VP - 725NA Contr ol T ype Funct io n Parameter Descr ip tion Set Get 0 1 50 - 40~0~+40 Audio T reble 0 1 51 - .
VP - 725NA - VP - 7 25N A C ommu nica tion Pr ot ocol 59 Commun ication Prot ocol of the VP - 725NA Contr ol T ype Funct io n Parameter Descr ip tion Set Get 0 - 72 0: Profile 1 1: Profile 2 2: Profil.
60 VP - 725N A - VP - 725N A C omm unic ati on Pr otoc ol Commun ication Prot ocol of the VP - 725NA Contr ol T ype Funct io n Parameter Descr ip tion Set Get 0 1 89 0: Off 1: On Freeze 0 1 90 0: Off .
VP - 725NA - VP - 7 25N A C ommu nica tion Pr ot ocol 61 Commun ication Prot ocol of the VP - 725NA Contr ol T ype Funct io n Parameter Descr ip tion Set Get 36: 1080p 60 37: 1080p 50 38: 720p 60 39: .
62 VP - 725N A - VP - 725N A C omm unic ati on Pr otoc ol Commun ication Prot ocol of the VP - 725NA Contr ol T ype Funct io n Parameter Descr ip tion Set Get 23: 1280x960 60, 24: 1280x960 85 25: 1280.
VP - 725NA - VP - 7 25N A C ommu nica tion Pr ot ocol 63 Commun ication Prot ocol of the VP - 725NA Contr ol T ype Funct io n Parameter Descr ip tion Set Get 0 1 112 15~(VT -VA- 1) Advance Input Mode:.
64 VP - 725N A - VP - 725N A C omm unic ati on Pr otoc ol Commun ication Prot ocol of the VP - 725NA Contr ol T ype Funct io n Parameter Descr ip tion Set Get 4: Max 5: Off 0 1 147 0: 1280x768x60 1: 1.
VP - 725NA - VP - 7 25N A C ommu nica tion Pr ot ocol 65 Commun ication Prot ocol of the VP - 725NA Contr ol T ype Funct io n Parameter Descr ip tion Set Get 0 1 174 0: 1/25 (for Get Command) 1: 1/16 .
66 VP - 725N A - VP - 725N A C omm unic ati on Pr otoc ol Commun ication Prot ocol of the VP - 725NA Contr ol T ype Funct io n Parameter Descr ip tion Set Get 0 1 203 0 : DVD/Normal 1 : PC/Bypass HDMI.
VP - 725NA - VP - 7 25N A C ommu nica tion Pr ot ocol 67.
For the latest informat ion on our products and a list of Kramer d istributors, visit our Web sit e where updat e s to this user manua l may be found. We w el come y o ur q ues t i ons , co mmen t s , an d f eedb ack . Web site: ww w.kramerelectronics.
デバイスKramer Electronics VP-725NAの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Kramer Electronics VP-725NAをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはKramer Electronics VP-725NAの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Kramer Electronics VP-725NAの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Kramer Electronics VP-725NAで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Kramer Electronics VP-725NAを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はKramer Electronics VP-725NAの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Kramer Electronics VP-725NAに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちKramer Electronics VP-725NAデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。