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Smar t-UPS ® Models Models Models Models Models 1400XL 1400XL 1400XL 1400XL 1400XL T T T T T , 2200XL , 2200XL , 2200XL , 2200XL , 2200XL T T T T T , 3000XL , 3000XL , 3000XL , 3000XL , 3000XL T T T .
1 Contents 1. Intr oduction ...................................................................... 3 2. Safety ................................................................................ 6 3. Pr esentation ........................................
3 1. Intr oduction 1.1 Thank you! Thank you fo r sel e c ting this uninte r rupti ble po w er sourc e (UPS). It is d esig ned for many y e ars of reliab le, maintenance-free se rvi c e.
4 1.3 Theory of Operation This hig h-perf o rmance, line-inter active, uninte rru p t i ble p ower sourc e (UPS) p r ov ides clean, reli- able , A C p ower to compu te r systems and other elec t rical e quipment — pr o te c ting them fr om pow e r blackouts, brownouts, swe lls, sa gs, s urg es , and interfere nc e.
5 1.4 Featur es Intelligent Battery Management The UPS p ro vides v i sual and audible indications of the batt ery’ s present stat us including capacit y , lo w batter y condit ion, and r e pl ace batt e r y c o ndition. The UPS e xe rcises the batte r y d uring its self-t est, and dete cts a w eak battery before it is put in to serv ice.
6 2. Safety CAUTION! ■ T o reduce the risk of el e c tr ic shock in c o nditi ons whe re l oa d equipment grounding cannot be ve r ified , disconne ct the UPS fr om the A C pow e r out let be for e installing a compute r interf ace or acc esso r y slot signal cable.
7 3. Pr esentation 3.1 Fr ont panel W ith the UPS pl ugge d in, press the o n/tes t butt o n t o tu r n on the UPS and pow er the lo ads . S ee Sec . 5.1. On/te st also a ct iv ates the UPS’ s self-test and u t ility line voltage displays. See sect i o ns 5.
8 3.2 Rear Panel T ower Models Rack Mount Models.
9 Use the computer inter face port for UPS monitoring and contr ol. See section 7. The configuration button changes the UPS’s sensitivity to utility voltage variations and the low battery warning interval. See sections 5.9 and 5.10. The configuration LED indicates the voltage sensitivity setting and the low battery warning interval.
10 4. Installation T o obtain warr anty cov er age fill out and ret urn the war rant y r egis tr ation car d no w . 4.1 Inspection Inspect the UPS up on r eceipt. Notify the carr ier and dealer if the re is damag e. T he pa ckag ing is re- cy clab le ; sa ve it for re use or dispose of it pr ope rly .
11 Installing the Support Brackets 1. V e rify the conte nts of the kit. It c o ntains: two adjustab le-length L-channel s u pports, eight c lip nuts, e i ght 10-32 x 1/2” flat-head scre w s, and eig ht washe rs. T he washers are f or use wit h square r a ck holes only .
12 4.3 Pr otection Strategies This UPS pr ovides high performance p ower line pr o tection to the load s. Ther e are, ho w ev e r , othe r po t e ntial ent r y points fo r damaging surges in inf or ma tion sy st ems. These inclu d e ser ial por ts (RS- 232, RS-422, RS-485, etc.
13 4.4 Install Accessor y (Optional) Some UPS acc essor ies c o nnect to the comput e r int e rface (DB-9) po r t, while other s install in the acc essor y slot. Se e the lit e rat ure a c co mpanying the accessory to d e te rmine pr oper installation.
14 Co mpleted XL installation w ith tw o batte r y pac ks. 4.6 Connect to Utility Plug the UPS int o an L6-20 r e ce p tacle co nne ct e d t o a 208V AC, 20 Amp ser vice. T he s ervice may be either 50 or 60 Hz, b ut it must be equipped w ith a safe ty ground.
15 4.6 Char ge the Battery The UPS c harges its battery w hene v e r it is c o nnec te d to ut ility po wer . For best results, charge th e battery for 2.5 hours be for e use. It is acc e pt ab le to use the UPS without first charging the batter y , but on-batter y ru n time may be reduce d unt il the battery charges .
16 5. Operation 5.1 Switch On W ith the UPS plugg e d in, pr ess the on/test (up pe r) b ut ton to sup ply powe r to the loads. The loads are immediat ely p ow ere d while the UPS beeps and per fo rms a self-test. Se e se c tion 5.3. 5.2 Switch Off T o swi t c h o ff the UPS’ s output po wer , p ress the off (low er) bu t ton.
17 5.3 Self-test U se the self-test t o ve rify b oth the o perati on of the UPS and the co ndition of the batt ery . W ith the UPS plugged in to nor mal utility pow e r , act iv ate the self-t est by pr essing the on/t est but ton unti l the UPS be e ps and the o n-line LED flashes.
18 5.5 Battery Char ge Bar Graph The 5-LED display o n the r i ght o f the front panel sho w s the p resent charge of the UPS’ s batte r y as a perce ntage o f the batt ery’ s capacit y .
19 The S mar t B o ost LED c o mes on t o indicate that the UPS is co mpensat ing for a low voltage condi- tion. Sm artT r im and Sm artBo ost indicati ons ar e ad visor y . No user ac tion is require d . T o c heck the util- ity voltag e use the utilit y v oltage display .
20 un d e r such conditions, batter y capacit y and ser vi ce life may be con se r ve d b y reducing the sensitiv - ity of the UPS. T o re d uce UPS sensiti vity , p ress the c onfiguration b ut ton on the r ear panel. Use a po i nted ob j ec t su ch as a pe n t o press the b ut t on.
21 6. Alarms 6.1 On Battery In on-batt er y o perat io n, the o n-batter y LED comes o n and the UPS sounds an audible alarm c o nsist in g of four beeps ever y 30 seco nds. Th e alar m st op s w hen the UPS retu r n s t o on-line opera tio n . Pr ess the on /t est but t o n during o n-battery alarm s t o sto p the b e eping .
22 7. Options 7.1 Overview This UPS has seve r al op t i ons that su p po rt advanced op e rat io n . Advance d o p erati ons inclu d e gra ce ful sh utd own of a protected co mputer , and seve r al c o mmunicati o n and command func tions.
23 8. T r oubleshooting Problem Possible Cause Solution UPS will not turn on. On/test button not pushed. Press the on/test button to power the UPS and the load UPS input circuit breaker tripped. Reduce the load on the UPS by unplugging equipment and reset the circuit breaker by pressing the plunger back in.
24 Problem Possible Cause Solution Low battery light is on and the on-line light is off. The UPS is shut down and the battery is discharged from an extended power outage. None. The UPS will return to normal operation when the power is restored and the battery has a sufficient charge.
25 10. Replacing the Battery This UPS has a re p laceable batte r y . Please r ea d section 10.1 be for e perfor ming the p roce d u re i n sect io ns 10.3 o r 10.4. 10.1 W arning ■ This U ninte r ruptible P ower S ou r c e (UPS) c ontains pot entiall y hazardous voltag e s.
26 10.3 Battery Replacement Pr ocedur e (T ower models) N ote: Please r ead the cau tions in secti o n 10.1. Batte r y re p la cement is a safe p r oced ure, isolate d from e l ect rical hazards. Y ou may lea ve the UPS and lo ads on for the foll ow in g procedure.
27 second set of batte ries in, then guid e the co nnec to r o v e r the batteries and conne c t it to th e fro nt co nnec tor of the battery compar tment. Note : S ma ll sparks at the batte r y co nnecto r s ar e normal d ur ing batte r y c o nne c tion.
28 5 . S lide the first se t o f new batteries into the unit. Hold the con ne ct o r d own be low the to p o f the batteries and t oward the do o r; otherw ise the assembly w ill not fit. Guid e the c onn ec tor ov e r the top o f the batteries and con ne ct it to the rear c o nne ctor of the batt ery co mpar tment.
29 12. Specifications 1400 VA 2200 VA 3000 VA Acceptable input voltage 0 - 325 VAC Input voltage (on-line operation)* 160-253 VAC 208 volt output range* 176-229 VAC 120 volt output range* with 400 VA .
30 1400 VA 2200 VA 3000 VA Battery type Spill proof, maintenance free, sealed lead-acid Typical battery life 3 to 6 years, depending on number of discharge cycles and ambient temperature Typical recha.
31 13. How to Deter mine On-batter y Run T ime This tab le will aid in est imating the le ngth o f run time that y ou may exp ect f o r a gi ve n load . 1. T o calculat e the on-battery run time first det e rmine the total load pr o t ect ed by the UPS in V olt-Amps.
32 3000 V A Models Typical On-Battery Run Time Versus Load, in Minutes Load Internal Battery 1 Battery Pack 100 VA 228 491 150 VA 183 394 200 VA 152 328 300 VA 110 245 400 VA 84 193 500 VA 67 157 600 .
33 14. User Configuration Items Note: Setting these items requires optional software or hardware. Function Factory Default User Selectable Choices Description Automatic Self-Test Every 14 days (336 hours) Every 7 days (168 hours), On Startup Only, No Self-Test Sets the interval at which the UPS will execute a self-test.
34 Notes:.
35 Notes:.
36 Limited W ar ranty American Po w er Co nver sion (APC) war rants its pr o ducts to be fre e from d efec ts in mate rials and w o rkmanship fo r a period of two years fr o m the dat e o f purchase. Its o bligation under this war - r anty is limite d to repairing o r replacing, at its ow n sole opt io n, any s uch de fective produ c ts.
990-7031 Revision 1 10/96.
デバイスAPC 2200XLTの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
APC 2200XLTをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAPC 2200XLTの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。APC 2200XLTの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。APC 2200XLTで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
APC 2200XLTを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAPC 2200XLTの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、APC 2200XLTに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAPC 2200XLTデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。