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User manual Single- unit UPS Modul ar UPS Para llel UP S with S SC Frequen cy conve rter Static Sw itch Cubicl e MGE TM Galaxy TM 9000 50, 60 Hz 800 - 900 kVA.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 2.
34006452EN/A C - Page 3 Content s 1. Introduct ion 1.1 System p erformance ................ ............ ................ ................. ................. ................. ................. ... 5 1.2 System d escription .............. ........... .
34006452E N/AC - Page 4 Contents 7.2 "LED" s ignalling box (optional) ......... ........... ................. ................. ................ ................. ...........34 7.3 Addition al informat ion "Media Cont act s 15 " ..
34006452EN/A C - Page 5 1. Introduction 1.1 Sy stem perfor manc e Sing le-li ne diag ram of the MG E TM Gal axy TM 9000 system 1.2 Sy stem de scrip tio n A MGE TM G alaxy TM 9000 uninterruptible power supply (UPS) delivers 3- phase power with the following characteristics: – stable voltage (± 0.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 6 Introduction 1.3 D ifferent t ypes of MG E TM Galaxy TM 9000 system s – Single-unit or modular UP S: (figure 1) Fig. 1 – Multi-bypass modular UPS s: (figure 2) Note: 2 modular UPSs (identical ratings) c an be parallel-con nected in this way.
34006452EN/A C - Page 7 Introduction – Frequency conv erter with battery backup power: (figure 4) Fig. 4 – Frequency converter without backup power: (figure 5) Fig.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 8 Introduction 1.4 Is olation and pro tection de vices UPS or converter cubicles (figu re 8) Example of a single-unit UPS or single mod ular UPS Static Sw itch Cubi cle (figure .
34006452EN/A C - Page 9 Introduction Extern al maintena nce bypas s cubicle (figure 10) 1.5 Ma in oper ating mo des Normal oper ation – Q3B P (switch) : bypass switch for m aintenance; – Q5N (swi tch ) : isolation of the load from the parallel-connected UPSs.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 10 Introduction Operatio n with Mains 1 down (figure 12) Batt ery tim e In the event of a Mains 1 failure or Mains 1 voltage outside specifi ed tolerance of –10 % in amplitude (–15 % optionally), t he rectifier-charger stops and the battery supplies the necessary backup power to the load via t he inverter.
34006452EN/A C - Page 11 Introduction Oper atio n with M ains 1 re stored (figure 13) Battery charge cyc le When Mains 1 power is restored or its voltage returns to wit hin specified tolerances, the system automatically returns to its normal operating mode described above (on the condition it did not rea ch the end of batte ry power).
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 12 Introduction Installa tion with a n engine gen erator set (figure 15) UPS shutdow n or overload (s ystems with a static switch module) (figure 16) Single-unit UPSs, modular UPSs or UPSs with a n SSC: Fig.
34006452EN/A C - Page 13 Introduction Frequency converters without redundan cy Frequency converters w ith redundancy Overload curve Fig. 1 7 Output vol tage quality and continuit y S teady st ate volt.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 14 2. Description of MGE TM Galaxy TM 9000 cubicles 2.1 I nverter cu bicle UPS or frequency converter The rated outputs for MGE TM Galaxy TM 9000 UPS’s (w ithout parallel connecti on) or frequency converters are 800, 900 kVA.
34006452EN/A C - Page 15 Description of MGE TM Galaxy TM 9000 cubicles 2.2 Stat ic Sw itch Cubi cle Fig. 1 9 2.3 Ext ernal mainte nance bypas s cubicle Fig. 2 0 Static Switch Cubicles are rat ed 500, 800, 1200 and 2000 kV A. Fi gure 19 presents t he layout of components in these cubicles.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 16 3. Control panel MGE TM Galaxy TM 9000 control pa nel Fig. 21 MGE TM Galax y TM 9000 control panels (see figure 21) are made up of: – a visible panel with t he basic contro.
34006452EN/A C - Page 17 Control panel 3.1 Vis ible co ntrol pan el V isible control pan el (Inverter or frequ ency co nverter cu bicle) V isible control pan el (S ta tic Switch Cubicl e) Fig.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 18 Control panel Buzzer "Load not p rotected" light "Operating problem" lig ht "Battery opera tion" light The buzzer sounds in the following situations: – load supplied by M ains 2; – load on battery; – operating problems.
34006452EN/A C - Page 19 Control panel "Load prote cted" light "Inve rte r on" butto n "Inverter o ff" button This green light signals that the load is supplied by the inverter and that the specified battery time is available in the even t of a Mains 1 outage.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 20 Control panel 3.2 Hid den co ntrol pan el Hidden control pane l (cellule s ondu leur et "No rmal-s ecours") Clear fault log Buzzer re set Battery ch arge cycle Retu.
34006452EN/A C - Page 21 Control panel Forced transfer to inverter with l oad interrup tion Forced inv erter shut down with lo ad interruption Light A - em ergency shut down Light B - recti fier-charg.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 22 Control panel Light H - inverte r fault Light I - batte ry discharged Light J - inverter de synchroni zed with Mai ns 2 Light K - transfe r to inverter functi on fault Light .
34006452EN/A C - Page 23 4. Start-up 4.1 Sys tem start -up Single-unit or modular UPS Proceed in the following order: – close the upstream switches supplying Mains 1 and 2 power (on the LV switchboard); – close Mains 1 input s witch Q1.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 24 Start-up Multi -bypa ss mo dular UP S Proceed in the f ollowing order: – check that switches Q1, Q4S, Q5N and QF1 on the UPSs are open and that switches Q3BP ar e closed, o.
34006452EN/A C - Page 25 Start-up Modular U PS with external maintenance bypa ss Proceed in the following order: – check that all lines supplying the load are off or that the load is disconnected; .
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 26 Start-up Frequency converters – close inverter output switch Q5N on t he UPSs: – close output switch Q5N in the maintenance bypass cubicle; – open bypass switch Q3BP in.
34006452EN/A C - Page 27 Start-up Para llel UPS sy stems with a Stati c Switch Cu bicle 4.2 Star t-up of a uni t Start -up of a recti fier/charg er Start -up of an in verter Single-unit or modular UPS.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 28 5. Shutdown 5.1 Shut down of a unit Shutdown of a n inverter Single-unit UPS Multi-byp ass m odular UPS: Modular UPS with e xternal maintenan ce byp ass: Frequency c onverter.
34006452EN/A C - Page 29 Shutdown Shutdown of an rectifi er/charge r 5.2 Sy stem sh utdow n Single-unit or single modul ar UPS Except in frequency converters without a battery , it is recomm ende d not to stop the rectifier/charger because the battery will no longer be charge d.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 30 Shutdown Modu lar UPS w ith extern al main tenance by pass Frequency converters (no Mains 2) – shutdown each UPS (see section "shutdown of a unit"); – transfer .
34006452EN/A C - Page 31 Shutdown Para llel UPSs with SSC (with Mains 2) 5.3 Bu zzer reset – shut down each inverter (see the " shutdown of a unit" section); – carry out the maintenance .
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 32 6. Alarms 6.1 Mai ntenance bypass The autodiagnostic system considers any system status other than normal as a problem. Prior to any other action , note any lights (A to N) on the hidden control panel that may be on. Also note a ny messages on t he screen.
34006452EN/A C - Page 33 7. Environm ent information 7.1 Standard information Media Contacts 9 Remote trans mission board Signal r ecept ion Signal tr ansmission Terminals XR1, X R2, XR3 and XR4 on th.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 34 Environment information 7.2 "L ED" sig nalling box (o ption al) 7.3 Ad ditiona l informat ion "Med ia Contac ts 15" Additional remo te transmissi on board A basic "LE D" signalling box with four indication lights may be supplied as an option with the MGE TM Galaxy TM 9000 sys tem.
34006452EN/A C - Page 35 Environment information Signal r ecept ion Signal tr ansmission The signals should be provided by volt-free c ontacts. – "desynchronization with M ains 2" signal inhibits the inverter from synchronizing its output frequency with that of Mains 2.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 36 8. Maintenance 8.1 Mai ntenance configurati on Single-unit or singl e modular UPS (f igure 25 ) Caution: - work should be carried out in accordance with applicable safety regulations; - to avoid interrupting the load, the various switching operations must be carried out in the correct order.
34006452EN/A C - Page 37 Maintenance Modular U PS with external maintenance bypa ss (figu re 27) To service a number of modular UPSs with an external maintenance bypass, it is necessary to isolate them.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 38 Maintenance Frequency converter or parallel UPS wi th SSC (f igure 28) Note: We recommend that you call on the after-sales support department to carry out these operat ions. Static Sw itch Cubi cle (f igure 2 9) Note: We recommend that you call on the after-sales support department to carry out these operat ions.
34006452EN/A C - Page 39 Maintenance 8.2 Batt ery maint enanc e 8.3 Aut odiagnos tics 8.4 Vis ual check 8.5 Fu nctional check Consult the instructions supplied by the battery manufacturer. Below are a few general indications: – sealed lead-acid batterie s.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 40 Maintenance 8.6 Tra ining c entres To allow you to use APC by Schneider Elec tric products effectively and carry out basic maintenance, we offer a complete range of technical training courses in English and French.
34006452EN/A C - Page 41 9. "Monitor" alphanumeri c display 9.1 Gen eral Alphan umeric displa y screen and contr ol p anel Display – local operati on .
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 42 "Monitor" alphanum eric display 9.2 Co ntrol p anel "Set ting s" butt on . This button can be used to select the display language, adjust scr een contrast to local conditions and, for the "Tele Monitor" option, adjust the vo lume level of the buz zer.
34006452EN/A C - Page 43 "Monitor" alphanumeri c display General display func tion organizat ion 9.3 Ligh ts 1 to 8 Note: – most functions may be directly accessed.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 44 "Monitor" alphanum eric display 9.4 Alarm di splay and buz zer reset Display of alarms List o f gen eral al arms When the control panel has not been used for ten minutes, th e alphanumeric display presents a g eneral message indicating the general statu s of the cubicle o r the system.
34006452EN/A C - Page 45 "Monitor" alphanumeri c display List of sec ondar y ala rms This message is automatically displayed fo r five seconds, alternating wit h the preceding. It indicates th e remaining battery time in minutes prior to inverter shut down.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 46 "Monitor" alphanum eric display The inverter has received an external command to desynchronize its output frequency with that of Mains 2. The inverter has received an auxiliary com mand inhibiting trans fer to Mains 2.
34006452EN/A C - Page 47 "Monitor" alphanumeri c display QF1 battery circuit breaker has tripped or is open. The load is no longer protected becaus e battery power in unavailable in the event of a Mains 1 out age. The inverter has shut down at the end of battery power.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 48 "Monitor" alphanum eric display The UPS has received a shutdown command. This command wi ll only be executed if load transfer conditions on Mains 2 are satisfied. This corresponds to an auxiliary signal receiv ed via a "Media Contacts 15" option set f or this function.
34006452EN/A C - Page 49 "Monitor" alphanumeri c display The battery is currently being recharged. The inverter frequ ency is stable and ac curate to 0.05Hz, but no longer synchronous w ith that of Mains 2. This message is valid only for parallel UPS system s.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 50 "Monitor" alphanum eric display 9.5 Mea surement system Single-unit or m odular UPS Frequency c onverter The "Monitor" system displays a number of input and output measurements at different points i n the system.
34006452EN/A C - Page 51 "Monitor" alphanumeri c display S tatic Switch Cubicle 9.6 Voltage m easurements Displa y of voltage mea surement s These measurements may be acces sed in t wo manne.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 52 "Monitor" alphanum eric display 9.7 Cu rrent me asurem ents Display of current m easurement s These meas urements may be accessed in two manners: – pressing the &.
34006452EN/A C - Page 53 "Monitor" alphanumeri c display 9.8 Fre quency and po wer measur ements Displa y of power a nd frequency m easurement s These measurements may be acces sed in t wo manners: – pressing the "W.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 54 "Monitor" alphanum eric display 9.9 Ba ttery m easurement s Display of battery mea surement s These meas urements may be accessed in two manners: – pressing the &.
34006452EN/A C - Page 55 "Monitor" alphanumeri c display Display of battery meas urement s (cont.) The scree n opposite is displayed when a ba ttery test i s request ed. It indica tes the ba ttery char ge status an d the re maining ser vice li fe.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 56 "Monitor" alphanum eric display 9.10 Inv erter On/ Off co mmands Display for the inverter On/Off comm ands These commands may be access ed only via t he master display. When the "I/O" button is pressed, t he series of screens in the figure opposite is displayed.
34006452EN/A C - Page 57 "Monitor" alphanumeri c display 9.11 Lang uage, dis play contrast and buzzer volume se ttings Displa y of the settin gs selection sc reens These settings may be accessed b y pressing the "settings" button. The series of s creens in the figure opposite is displayed.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 58 "Monitor" alphanum eric display 9.12 Dis play sy stem config uratio n Display sys tem configurati on This function may be accessed from the initial screen. Press t he "*" button, followed by the "V" button in less than one secon d .
34006452EN/A C - Page 59 10. Option s 10.1 "LE D" si gnallin g box 10.2 "Tele- Monit or" re mote i ndicat ions u nit 10.3 "G TC link " communic ations system This unit re.
34006452E N/AC - Pag e 60 Options 10.4 "V ision" di splay 10.5 "R emote vi sion" displ ay 10.6 Ins ulating and Mai ns 1, Mains 2 and load voltage matc hing tran sformer The "Vision" display may be installed in al l types of cubicles (UPS or Static Switch Cubicle).
34006452EN/A C - Page 61 Options 10.7 Do uble bri dge rect ifier-cha rger 10.8 B attery " Tempera ture Mon itor" 10.9 Empty cubicle s This option reduces the reinjection of harm onic disturbances into Mains 1, but to a lesser extent than the h armonics filter.
34006452E N/AC.
デバイスAPC 9000の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
APC 9000をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAPC 9000の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。APC 9000の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。APC 9000で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
APC 9000を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAPC 9000の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、APC 9000に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAPC 9000デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。