LaCieメーカーBlack Playの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y T abl e o f Co nte nts Us er Man ual pag e 1 T able of Contents 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 6 1.1. Minimum System Requirements .
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y T abl e o f Co nte nts Us er Man ual pag e 2 5.1.1. Connection ..................................................................................................................... 34 5.1.2. Compatibility .....................
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y F orewo rd Us er Man ual pag e 3 Copyrights Copyright © 2009 LaCie. All rights re- served. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval sys- tem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo- copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of LaCie.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y F orewo rd Us er Man ual pag e 4 Th is sy mb ol on th e pr od uc t, re mo te co nt ro l ba tt er ie s, or on it s pa ck ag in g in di ca te s th at th is pr od uct mus t not be di sp os ed of wit h you r oth er ho us eh ol d w as te .
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y F orewo rd Us er Man ual pag e 5 O pe ra ti ng E nv i ro nm e nt T e mp er at ur e s ✦ Do n ot ex po se t he La Cin em a Bla ck P LA Y to te mp er at ur es o ut - si de th e r ang e o f 5 ° C to 3 0° C ( 41 ° F t o 8 6° F) .
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Int rod ucti on Us er Man ual pag e 6 1. Introduction Congratulations on the purchase of your new LaCinema Black PLAY! A premium media center, LaCinema Black PLAY plugs di- rectly into a wide array of audio/visual equipment for instant play- back of home movies, music, or photos.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Int rod ucti on Us er Man ual pag e 7 Video Codecs MPEG-1, MPEG-2 / HD, MPEG-4, DIVX, XVID, H.264 HD, WMV9 HD Video Format AVI, DIVX, MPG, MP4, MKV, WMV, MOV, ISO, VOB, IFO, A.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Int rod ucti on Us er Man ual pag e 8 1.3. Bo x Content Your LaCinema Black PLAY package contains the system tower and an accessories box containing the items listed below. 1. LaCinema Black PLAY 2. Remote control 3. 2 x AAA batteries 4.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Int rod ucti on Us er Man ual pag e 9 1 . 5 . V i e w s o f t h e L a C i n e m a B l a c k P L A Y 1.5.1. F ront View 1. USB expansion port – Connect a USB flash disk, hard disk or card reader to access its multimedia files directly from your TV.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Int rod ucti on Us er Man ual pag e 10 1. Digital Optical Audio OUT connector – Use an optical digital audio cable (not included) to connect to your home theater system for digital sound 2. Composite Video (CVBS) OUT connector – Composite video provides good video quality for non-high definition TV.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Usi ng the Rem ote Con tro l Us er Man ual pag e 11 2. Using the Remote Control Some of the buttons of the remote control have different functions or no function at all depending on the type of file you are viewing.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Usi ng the Rem ote Con tro l Us er Man ual pag e 12 2.2. R emote Control Key Inde x Th e LaC in em a Bl ac k PLA Y’ s rem ot e co nt ro l all ow s yo u to con tr ol th e La Ci ne ma Bl ac k PL AY wh il e it s co nn ec te d to you r TV or hom e th ea tr e ce nt er .
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Usi ng the Rem ote Con tro l Us er Man ual pag e 13 2.2.1. Important Button Details Mark button: This button is used to mark or unmark a file or folder for future action, such as copy/paste or to create a playlist in the different media spaces.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin g Up th e L aC ine ma B lac k PL A Y Us er Man ual pag e 14 Setup consists of six steps: ✦ STEP 1: Connect to TV (section 3.1 ) ✦ STEP 2: Connect the Power Supply (section 3.2 ) ✦ STEP 3: Turning on the TV (section 3.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin g Up th e L aC ine ma B lac k PL A Y Us er Man ual pag e 15 3.1.1. HDMI (High-Definition) Connection IMPORTANT INFO: Before connecting the cable, power off your TV. 1. Connect one end of the HDMI cable to your television’s HDMI port ( Fig.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin g Up th e L aC ine ma B lac k PL A Y Us er Man ual pag e 16 3.1.2. Component & Analog Stereo Audio (High Definition) Connection IMPORTANT INFO: Before connecting the cables, power off your TV. 1. Connect one end of the component (red, green, and blue) video cable to the component ports on your TV.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin g Up th e L aC ine ma B lac k PL A Y Us er Man ual pag e 17 3.1.3. Composite & Analog Stereo Audio (Standard Definition) Connection IMPORTANT INFO: Before connecting the cables, power off your TV. 1. Connect the yellow connector on one end of a analogue composite/stereo cable to the CVBS port on your TV ( Fig.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin g Up th e L aC ine ma B lac k PL A Y Us er Man ual pag e 18 3.1.4. Optical Audio (S/PDIF) Connection IMPORTANT INFO: Before connecting the cable, power off your digital amplifier.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin g Up th e L aC ine ma B lac k PL A Y Us er Man ual pag e 19 3.2. STEP 2: Connect the P ower Supply Plug one end of the power adapter cord into the back of LaCin- ema Black PLAY and the other end into a power outlet ( Fig.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin g Up th e L aC ine ma B lac k PL A Y Us er Man ual pag e 20 3.3. STEP 3: T urning on the TV Turn on the television. If you don’t see the loading screen, adjust the video input on your TV to match the type of video cable you connected above ( Fig.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin g Up th e L aC ine ma B lac k PL A Y Us er Man ual pag e 21 1. Setup Wizard: Remote The first screen shows you the main functions of the remote con- trol ( Fig. 14 ). For details on the remote control, see 2. Using the Remote Control .
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin g Up th e L aC ine ma B lac k PL A Y Us er Man ual pag e 22 4. Setup Wizard: Time zone Defines the time zone applicable for your country to allow auto- matic updates for daylight savings time. Use the Up and Down keys to select and Play/OK to confirm ( Fig.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin g Up th e L aC ine ma B lac k PL A Y Us er Man ual pag e 23 7. Setup Wizard: P arental Control Use the Up and Down keys to select and Play/OK to confirm ( Fig. 20 ). For more information on parental control, refer to section 4.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin g Up th e L aC ine ma B lac k PL A Y Us er Man ual pag e 24 You have now completed the main LaCinema Black PLAY con- figuration.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin g Up th e L aC ine ma B lac k PL A Y Us er Man ual pag e 25 3 . 5 . S T E P 5 : C o n n e c t t o Y o u r N e t w o r k Th e La Ci nem a Bl ac k PLA Y he lp s you sel ec t and con fig ur e you r ho me ne tw or k co nn ec ti on .
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin g Up th e L aC ine ma B lac k PL A Y Us er Man ual pag e 26 3.5.2. Ethernet Network Connection When connecting to your network via Ethernet, the LaCinema Black PLAY automatically detects your network.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Pla yin g Mu lti med ia F iles Us er Man ual pag e 27 4. Playing Multimedia Files Th an ks to the La Ci ne ma Bl ac k PL AY ’s ab il it y to co nn ec t to UPn P me- di a ser.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Pla yin g Mu lti med ia F iles Us er Man ual pag e 28 4.1.1. Display format Select from these choices ( Fig. 28 ): ✦ Original ✦ Full Screen ✦ Cinema F ig. 28 F ig. 29 F ig. 30 4.1.2. Subtitle ✦ List of available subtitles ( Fig.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Pla yin g Mu lti med ia F iles Us er Man ual pag e 29 4.1.4. Play mode ✦ One > Play selected file ( Fig. 31 ) ✦ List > play all files from the directory 4.1.5. R epeat ✦ Off > play once the select file or list of files ( Fig.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Pla yin g Mu lti med ia F iles Us er Man ual pag e 30 4.2. Photos Menu You can scroll through the menu using the navigation buttons ( Fig. 33 ). To confirm your choice and enter a menu, press the Play/OK button. This menu will display all of the image files that you have up- loaded to your LaCinema Black PLAY.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Pla yin g Mu lti med ia F iles Us er Man ual pag e 31 4.3. Music Menu You can scroll through the menu using the navigation buttons ( Fig. 37 ). To confirm your choice and enter a menu, press the Play/OK button. This menu will display all of the audio files that you have up - loaded to your LaCinema Black PLAY.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Pla yin g Mu lti med ia F iles Us er Man ual pag e 32 4.4. Playlist Management Once the music player has started, you can create and edit playl- ists to arrange songs as you want. Press the Right key to enter the playlist management and Left key to close it and return to the player.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Pla yin g Mu lti med ia F iles Us er Man ual pag e 33 4.5. Controlling Access to Files You can control access to files by requiring a password to play files with certain ratings. The procedure consists of activating the service, defining an age threshold, then assigning ratings to files.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Ext ern al S our ces Us er Man ual pag e 34 5.1. USB Hard Drive Si mp ly tu rn on an d plu g in ex te rn al ha rd dis ks to the La Ci ne ma B lac k PL AY ’s fro nt ( F ig. 41 ) or rea r ( Fi g. 42 ) US B por ts to be abl e to pla y mu lt im ed ia fi le s o n yo ur t el ev is io n.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Ext ern al S our ces Us er Man ual pag e 35 F ig. 44 5.1.4. Copying Files 1. Verify the source device is connected (see section 5.1.1 ) and is recognized by the LaCinema Black PLAY. 2. Files located on the external hard drive will be listed along- side the locally stored files in the various Spaces.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Ext ern al S our ces Us er Man ual pag e 36 5.2. Networked Media Player You can stream content to your LaCinema Black PLAY from a networked UPnP server located on a host computer (Mac or PC) or a network-attached hard disk (NAS).
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Ext ern al S our ces Us er Man ual pag e 37 5.2.2. Host Computer You can connect your LaCinema Black to a computer in order to stream or copy files. ✦ If you wish to connect via USB , you must use Windows Me- dia Player (see section 5.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Ext ern al S our ces Us er Man ual pag e 38 Copying Files Using TwonkyMedia Server (All users) 1. Mak e su re th at bo th th e h ost co mp ut er an d the La Ci ne ma Bl ac k ar e co nn ec te d to th e ne tw or k an d th e Tw on ky Med ia ser ve r ha s be en s et u p as de sc ri be d in s ec ti on 5 .
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Ext ern al S our ces Us er Man ual pag e 39 Playing Files via the Network Using Windows Media Player (Windows Only) Windows Media Player (WMP) 11 provides a network media serv- er, which can use your LaCinema Black PLAY as a network media player.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Ext ern al S our ces Us er Man ual pag e 40 Copying Files via USB (Requires Windows Media Player 11) When you install Windows Media Player, drivers are also installed that allow your LaCinema Black PLAY to be connected to your computer via USB and mount similarly to an external hard drive.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin gs M enu Us er Man ual pag e 41 6. Settings Menu From the Home menu, access LaCinema Black PLAY settings by pressing the Options/Settings button on the remote control. 6.1. Settings Menu Overview Navigate through the settings categories using the Left and Right buttons and confirming using the Play/OK button.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin gs M enu Us er Man ual pag e 42 • Parental control – Enable or Disable parental control • Set to child mode – Turns Parental control on requiring secret .
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin gs M enu Us er Man ual pag e 43 6.1.3. Settings: Connection Allows you to specify video connection parameters ( Fig. 59 ): ✦ HDMI/YUV output resolution ✦ Composite output ✦ Component output ✦ HDMI sound ✦ Automatic frame rate ✦ S/PDIF sound ✦ Aspect ratio F ig.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Set tin gs M enu Us er Man ual pag e 44 6.2. Firmware Update The LaCinema Black PLAY allows you to update its firmware by loading downloaded firmware updates located on a connected USB external hard drive. To update the firmware: 1.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y T roubl esh ooti ng Us er Man ual pag e 45 7. T roubleshooting If your LaCinema Black PLAY is not working correctly, please refer to the following checklist to determine the source of the problem.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y T roubl esh ooti ng Us er Man ual pag e 46 Problem Question Answer TV picture distortion. Are all of the cables connected correctly? Ensure that all of the cables are connected correctly. Make sure that only one video signal cable is attached at a time.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Con tac ting Cu sto mer Sup port Us er Man ual pag e 47 Before Y ou Contact T echnical Support 1. Read the manuals. 2. Try to isolate the problem. If possible, make the drive the only external device on the CPU, and make sure that all of the cables are cor- rectly and firmly attached.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y Con tac ting Cu sto mer Sup port Us er Man ual pag e 48 8.1. LaCie T echnical Support Contacts LaCie Asia, Singapore, and Hong Kong Contact us at: LaCie Australia Contact us at: http://www.lacie.
L aC ine ma Bla ck PLA Y W arr ant y In for mat ion Us er Man ual pag e 49 LaCie warrants your drive against any defect in material and workmanship, under normal use, for the period designated on your warranty certificate.
デバイスLaCie Black Playの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
LaCie Black Playをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLaCie Black Playの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。LaCie Black Playの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。LaCie Black Playで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
LaCie Black Playを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLaCie Black Playの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、LaCie Black Playに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLaCie Black Playデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。