LadaメーカーVAZ-21213 (1999)の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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VAZ VEHICLES VAZ-21213, VAZ-21214, VAZ-21214-20, VAZ-21215 REPAIR MANUAL.
2 Contents Section 1. General data ..........................................................4 Section 2. Engine ..................................................................7 Engine - removal and refitting.......................................
About this manual This Manual provides information on routine maintenance and servicing and is intended for engineers and mechanics of service outlets, garages and workshops. The Manual covers the following models: VAZ-21213 model - an off-road vehicle, three-door body of all-steel unitary construction, with 1.
Section 1. General Data T able 1-1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Features VAZ-21213 VAZ-21214 VAZ-21214-20 VAZ-21215 General Number of seats 5 5 5 5 Kerb weight, kg 1210 1210 1210 1240 Payload, kg 400 400 400 400 Overall dimensions Fig.
Features VAZ-21213 VAZ-21214 VAZ-21214-20 VAZ-21215 Power train Clutch single dry plate, diaphragm spring Clutch release mechanism hydraulic, servo spring Transmission 5-speed, synchro units on all forward gears Gear ratio: • first gear 3.67 3.67 3.
Features VAZ-21213 VAZ-21214 VAZ-21214-20 VAZ-21215 Steering Steering mechanism globoidal worm, double-crest roller, steering ratio 16.4 Steering linkage three links, relay rod and two steering rods, .
Section 2. Engine Refer to Fig.2-1 and Fig.2-2 for front and side sectional views of the engine. 7 Fig.2-1. Side sectional view of the engine.
8 Fig.2-2. Front sectional view of the engine.
Fault diagnosis Symptom/fault Remedy Engine fails to start 1. No fuel to carburettor: - blocked fuel pipes or fuel filter; - clogged carburettor or fuel pump filters; - faulty fuel pump 2.
Main bearing knocking Typical knocking or thumping noticeable at sudden throttle opening at idle which intensifies with higher crankshaft rate. Excessive endfloat of crankshaft causes sharper irregular knocking, especially noticeable during smooth increase or decrease in crankshaft speed.
Excessive oil consumption 1. Oil leaking through engine gaskets 2. Restricted crankcase ventilation system 3. Worn piston rings 4. Broken piston rings 5. Foul windows of oil scraper rings or foul slots in piston grooves due to wrong oil 6. Worn or damaged valve oil caps 7.
Engine - removal and refitting Put the vehicle on a lift or over an inspection pit and apply the handbrake. Take out the spare wheel and its supporting pipe. Disconnect the battery leads and withdraw the battery. Unbolt and remove the bonnet. To remove the air cleaner, disconnect its hoses, remove the cover and filter element.
Remove the starter motor heat shield, followed by the starter motor, hot air intake complete with the supply hose. Remove from the cylinder head two side brackets together with the front engine mounting rubbers. Unbolt the clutch and withdraw it. Refitting is a reversal of the removal procedure.
Remove thrust flange 1 (Fig.2-8) of the oil pump drive shaft and take the shaft out of the cylinder block. Using picker Ä.40005/1/7 (kit Ä.40005) drive the sprocket off the crankshaft (Fig.2-9). Undo the connecting rod bolts, remove the big end cap and carefully lift the pistons with the conrods through the cylinders.
Fit the centre main bearing shells without an oilway into the bearing recesses. Fit into other cylinder bores the bearing shells with an oilway, while into the relevant main bearing caps - the bearing shells without an oilway. Lower the crankshaft into posi- tion, then stick two thrust washers into the rear bearing recesses (Fig.
Locate the flywheel in position so that the marking (a cut-out) near the rim is against the No 4 cylinder crankpin axis. While holding the flywheel stationary with tool Ä.60330/R, bolt it to the crankshaft flange to the specified torque. Using a ring compressor (tool 67.
Turn the flywheel so that the mark on the crankshaft sprock- et is against the cylinder block mark (Fig.2-19). Check to see the camshaft bearing housing centering pins are in position (Fig.
Adjust the clearance between the camshaft lobes and valve levers. Refit the camshaft cover (Fig.2-23) complete with the gasket and oil seal to the cylinder block, do not tighten the retaining bolts and nuts fully.
Engine run-in after overhaul After overhaul the engine is bench tested (run-in) at no loads under the following cycle: 750-800 rpm 2 minutes 1000 rpm 3 minutes 1500 rpm 4 minutes 2000 rpm 5 minutes Lo.
20 Fig.2-26. Cylinder size class engraved on the cylinder block Fig.2-27. Measuring the cylinder bore with the inside dial gauge: 1 - inside dial gauge; 2 - setting to zero against reference gauge Fig.
There is practically no wear in the land 1 area of the cylin- ders. Compare the values measured on the first and other cylin- der lands to see the amount of the cylinder wear. When the maximum wear is over 0.15 mm, rebore the cylin- ders to the nearest oversize; provide 0.
The connecting rod small-end features a pressed-in steel- bronze bush. As to the diameter of the bush, the connecting rods are divided into three classes in steps of 0.004 mm (similar to the pistons). The class number (5 in Fig.2-30) is engraved on the big-end cap.
Table 2-1 Connecting rod classification as to small-end and big-end weights Connecting rod weight, g Class Paint mark small-end big-end 519±3 Ä white 186±2 525±3 Ç blue 531±3 ë red 519±3 D bla.
Make certain the second compression ring is positioned with the recess facing down (Fig.2-30), while the TOP (or ÇÖêï) mark should face up (the piston crown). Before refitting the oil ring, check to see the joint of the coil expander (spreader ring) is on the side opposite to the ring gap.
crankpins. Regrind when the wear is in excess of 0.03 mm, oval- ity is over 0.03 mm, or when scoring and scuffing is obvious. Regrind the journals and crankpins through reducing the diameter to the nearest undersize (Fig.2-36). When regrinding, observe the sizes for the crankshaft fillet as shown in Fig.
The nominal design clearance is 0.02-0.07 mm for the crankpins and 0.026-0.073 mm for the main bearing journal. When the running clearance is below the maximum value (0.1 mm for the big-end bearing journals and 0.15 mm for the main bearing journals), the bearing shells can be re-used.
The outer diameter of the replacement guides is 0.2 mm big- ger. Bearing housing 5 with camshaft 6 is fitted to the cylinder head. Valve train. Valves 2 are operated by the cams through levers 4.
lock nut tightening, until the blade is a firm sliding fit when the lock nut is tightened (Fig.2-42); - after the clearance is adjusted at the cylinder No4 exhaust valve and cylinder No3 intake valve, turn the crankshaft progres- sively to the 180° and adjust the clearances, observing the sequence as shown in Table 2-2.
Disconnect the leads from the spark plugs and coolant tem- perature sender, from carburettor idle switch and fuel cutoff sole- noid. Disconnect the choke cable; disconnect the throttle linkage from the intermediate lever on the valve cover. Loosen the clips and disconnect the carburettor supply / return fuel hoses.
Put spring A.94069/5 on tool Ä.94059, fit tapered wheel A.94078 on spindle Ä.94069 for the exhaust valve seats or wheel Ä.94100 for the inlet valve seats, secure the spindle in a grinder and recut the valve seat (Fig.
When a new valve fails to take up clearance between the valve guide and the valve rim, renew the valve guides using tool Ä.60153/R (Fig.2-51). Push in the valve guide complete with the circlip to the cylin- der head to their stop. After the valve is pressed into position, ream the valve guide bores using tool Ä.
For lever springs (Fig.2-53) the size Ä (spring unloaded) must be 35 mm, whereas the size Ç (spring loaded 51-73.5 N/ 5.2-7.5 kgf) must be 43 mm. Cylinder head bolts.
Drain the cooling water from the radiator and cylinder block, remove the radiator complete with the hoses and thermostat. Undo the retaining nuts and remove the fan. Remove the valve cover and turn the crankshaft to align the TDC mark in the camshaft sprocket against the timing mark in the bearing housing (Fig.
Camshaft bearing housing. Wash and clean the bearing housing, flush clean the oilways. Check the diameters of the holes in the bearings. When the clearance between the camshaft journals and bearing surfaces exceeds 0.2 mm (wear limit), renew the bearing housing.
When the level in the expansion tank is below the value spec- ified, while its density is in excess of that required, top up distilled water. When the density is as recommended, top up the correct coolant of the same grade as that in the cooling system.
36 Fig.2-61. Checking the water pump belt tension Fig.2-63. Removing the impeller: 1 - puller; 2 - impeller Fig.2-62. Sectional view of the coolant pump: 1 - pulley hub; 2 - shaft; 3 - cover; 4 - impe.
Water pump drivebelt tension adjustment The belt tension is checked by exerting a hand pressure on the chain between the alternator pulley and pump pulley or between the pump pulley and crankshaft pulley. With proper ten- sion, slack A in the belt (Fig.
Gradually heat the water from the starting 73-75 ° ë in incre- ments of approximately 1 ° ë per minute, at constant agitation to ensure homogeneous heating within the container. The value, when the valve travel is 0.1 mm, is deemed as the initial temperature of the main valve opening.
39 Fig.2-67. Lubrication system: 1 - oil passage to main bearing; 2 - main bearing-to-big-end bearing oil passage; 3 - oil filter relief valve; 4 - paper element; 5 - check valve; 6 - oil pump; 7 - oi.
Removal and refitting. When only the oil pump requires recon- ditioning, remove it from the vehicle (Refer to section «Engine - removal and refitting»), place it on the turning stand, drain the oil from the sump, turn over the engine and remove the sump.
Oil pump shaft and drive gears Check to see there is no denting or scuffing of the shaft bear- ing journals or eccentric cam surfaces. No pitting of the oil pump gears or ignition distributor is per- mitted, if this is the case, renew the gears and shaft.
Crankcase emission ventilation system Flushing the system. For flushing disconnect vent hoses 4 and 5 (Fig. 2-75) from the manifolds, remove flame arrester 3 from discharge hose 5, remove cover 6 of oil separator 7 and wash them in petrol or kerosine.
Fuel system Air cleaner and temperature regulator Removal and refitting. To remove the air cleaner, release spring retainers 14 (Fig. 2-76) and undo nut 7 securing air clean- er cover 8. Remove the cover and lift out filter element 10. Undo the nuts holding housing 13 to the carburettor.
44 Fig.2-78. Fuel tank and fuel pipeline associated components 1 - fuel tank; 2 - hoses, fuel vapour separator and fuel tank; 3 - fuel vapour separator; 4 - filler pipe; 5 - cap; 6 - hose, fuel tank a.
Check and renew any worn components. Always fit new pump gaskets, remember to lubricate the gaskets with a thin layer of grease before refitting them to the pump. Refitting pump to engine. For correct fitting, use two out of three gaskets as stated below: «Ä» gasket of 0.
Carburettor General description The engine is fitted with the 21073-1107010 carburettor (Fig.2-81) of emulsion, twin progressive throttle type. The carbu- rettor features a balanced float barrel, a system of drawing crankcase emission on the throttle body, a part throttle channel heater and secondary barrel locking.
Table 2-2 21073-1107010 CARBURETTOR Parameters Primary barrel Secondary barrel Barrel diameter, mm 32 32 Venturi diameter,mm 24 24 Main jet system: • fuel jet marking* 107.
48 Fig.2-82. Main metering system: 1 - main air jets and emulsion tubes; 2 - atomizers, primary and secondary barrels; 3 - balance orifice; 4 - fuel filter; 5 - return pipe with calibrated orifice to petrol tank; 6 - needle valve; 7 - float; 8 - secondary throttle valve; 9 - main fuel jets; 10 - primary throttle valve Fig.
Main metering system. Fuel through gauze filter 4 (Fig. 2- 82) and needle valve 6 is fed to the float chamber. From the float chamber fuel flows through main fuel jets 9 to the emulsion wells to be mixed with air, escaping from emulsion tubes 1 which are built as one piece with the main air jets.
engine speed. Inner profiles 4.1 and 4.2 operate choke lever 6 allowing choke opening to a certain amount at intermediate posi- tions of lever 4. Rotation of choke lever 4 anticlockwise causes the wider slot to release choke lever 6 stud; the choke is held in a fully closed position by return spring 7.
When the crankshaft speed goes down as low as 1900 rpm on the overrun, the control unit re-triggers the fuel cutoff solenoid to feed fuel through the idle jet, and the engine gradually shifts to idling. Secondary barrel locking. The secondary throttle can open only with the open choke when lever 5 edge (Fig.
Undo shaft 19, extract ball 17 with the spring, remove choke lever 18, detach the choke lever spring. When applicable, undo choke retaining screws, withdraw plate 14 and spindle 16. Dismantle the diaphragm-type choke control unit, having removed cover 8 complete with adjusting screw 7.
Float components. Wash the components in petrol and examine them. The floats must have no damages. Check to see there are no damages on the needle valve sealing face and seat which can result in the valve leakage. The valve must easily oper- ate in its socket, the ball should not stick.
Part throttle enrichment unit (economizer). The diaphragm must be integral and have no damages. Renew the diaphragm complete with the pushrod when the pushrod length (the head included) is less than 6.0 mm. Carburettor - reassembly Reassembly of the carburettor is a reverse of the dismantling procedure.
throttle must be fully closed. If not, adjust the pedal and throttle by means of end piece 10 at front rod 1 end. Secure the end of throttle linkage cable 3 so that with knob 5 pulled, the choke is fully closed, while with knob 5 pushed in - fully open.
Exhaust system Exhaust gases escape from the engine through the exhaust manifold, front exhaust pipe (downpipe) 2 (Fig.2-93), centre (front) silencer 7 and main (rear) silencer 6. Gasket 1 is fitted between the exhaust manifold and down- pipe. The silencer pipes are connected through their flared ends by means of clasps 4 with taper rings.
The design of the clutch is shown on fig. 3-1. The clutch release fork 11 (fig. 3-1) can be of two types: with a leaf or wire spring. Chapter 3. Power train Clutch 57 Fig.
Fault diagnosis Diagnosis Remedy Incomplete clutch release (clutch spin) 1. Excessive gaps in clutch release drive 2. Buckling of clutch disc (camming action more than 0.5 mm) 3. Roughness on clutch disc friction linings 4. Jammed rivets or broken clutch disc friction linings 5.
Bleeding the clutch hydraulic system Air in the clutch hydraulic system is indicated by incomplete clutch release, and also by "sponginess" and "failure" of clutch pedal.
Clutch assembly - removal and refitting Removal. First remove the gearbox (see "Gearbox"). Undo the bolts and remove the clutch cover in assembly with the pressure plate.
Clutch inspection The inspection of the clutch is carried out on a bench, which simulates the engine flywheel and has a metal intermediate ring 4 (fig. 3-5) with thickness of 8.2 mm simulating the clutch disc. Having fixed the clutch cover, make four release strokes equal to 8-9 mm.
62 Fig. 3-8. Master cylinder components: 1 - body; 2 - sealing; 3 - plug; 4 - gasket; 5 - union; 6 - retaining washer;7 - cap; 8 - circlip; 9 - pushrod piston; 10 - sealing ring; 11 - master cylinder piston; 12 - spring Fig. 3-7. Straightening the clutch disc Fig.
Master and slave cylinders - dismantling, inspection, repair and reassembly Master cylinder. Turn out plug 3 (fig. 3-8), remove protective rubber cap 7 and circlip 8. This will allow to withdraw from the cylinder body piston 9, sealing ring 10, floating piston 11 with sealing ring and piston return spring 12.
Gearbox The design of the gearbox is shown on fig. 3-12, 3-26, 3-34. Fault diagnosis Diagnosis Remedy Noise in gearbox 1. Noise in bearings 2. Worn teeth on gears and syn- chro units 3. Low oil level in gearbox 4. Axial shaft movement Difficulty in engaging gears 1.
65 Fig. 3-12. Gearbox: 1 - input shaft; 2 - front cover with guide sleeve; 3 - input shaft oil seal; 4 - spring washer; 5 - bearing set collar; 6 - gearbox housing; 7 - breather; 8 - output shaft need.
Dismantling and reassembly Dismantling. Wash the gearbox and place it on a bench. Drain oil and remove the bottom cover with the lining. Remove the clutch release fork, and the coupling in assem- bly with the bearing and the spring from the guide sleeve in the gearbox front cover.
Turn out the 3rd/4th gearshift fork fastening bolt. Install lock 41.7816. 4068 on the input shaft or simultaneously engage both gears. This will prevent the turning of the input, output and inter- mediate shafts and will allow to do the subsequent operations on dismantling.
68 Fig. 3-24. Removing the 5th synchro unit hub/reverse driven gear: 1 - intermediate shaft; 2 - reverse driven gear; 3 - reverse idler gear shaft; 4 - 5th synchro unit hub; 5 - output shaft; 6 - 1st/2nd selector rod; 7 - 3rd/4th selector rod Fig. 3-22.
Simultaneously remove the reverse idler gear 1 (fig. 3-23) from the shaft, gear 3 in assembly with the coupling and fork 4 from the output shaft. With the help of a special mandrel (like a screwdriver) remove the 5th synchro unit hub together with reverse driven gear 2 from key 4 (fig.
With the help of a special mandrel (like a screwdriver) take out the input shaft together with the bearing and the synchro unit ring (fig. 3-28) and remove the needle bearing from the front end of the output shaft. Punch out the output shaft from the idler bearing, take out the idler bearing and, having inclined as shown on fig.
- note visually the location of parts relative to risk A (fig. 3-34), made on the directing plate, so that to reassemble the parts in the same order; - having undone the nuts from the fastening bolts, separate the parts of the gear selector mechanism and remove lever 9, ball socket 4 and rubber sealing rings 15.
On surfaces mating with the clutch housing, with the rear and bottom covers there should be no damages that may cause oil leak. Insignificant damages should be smoothed with a file. If parts are badly damaged or worn, renew them. Check the condition of the front cover and ensure that the input shaft does not touch it when rotating.
should be no roughness or scuffings on the rolling surfaces of the shaft front end. Check the condition of needle rolling surface in the opening of the primary shaft. Examine the intermediate shaft, no chipping or excessive wear of teeth is allowed. The surface of the reverse gear shaft should be absolutely smooth, with no traces of jamming.
Spontaneous gear or differential lock disengagement 1. Worn teeth on gears and cou- plings 2. Weak detent spring or detent component wear 3. Incomplete gear engagement and differential lock due to drive system component damage or due to dents on gears, clutches or splines Oil leak 1.
- refit and tighten the flange fastening bolts on the transfer box and the layshaft; if the bolts fit perfectly in the apertures of the flanges, the centering is carried out correctly, otherwise the flanges should be re-aligned. Dismantle and reassembly Dismantle.
76 Fig. 3-36. Transfer box operating system: 1 - differential locking clutch yoke; 2 - differential locking clutch; 3 - yoke stop bolt; 4 - boot; 5 - lever spring; 6 - differential locking fork rod; 7.
Remove the bearing setting rings from the front and rear drive shafts. Take the front axle drive shaft 11 (see fig. 3-35) out from the casing together with bearing 8, thrust ring and oil deflec- tor 9. Take the rear axle drive shaft out from the rear cover 31 together with bearing 36, thrust ring and oil deflector.
Remove front cover 4 (fig. 3-40) with the differential, fit the differential bearing setting ring and take out the bearing in assembly with the differential from the front cover. Remove the setting rings from the bearings of the drive- and intermediate shafts and remove both input- and layshafts from the transfer box casing.
- remove circlips 8 (see fig. 3-42) and spring washer 14, then press out the differential pinion shaft and remove the differential pinions and the drive shaft gears with support washers. Press out worn or damaged oil seals from the front axle case, from the front bearing cover and from the rear cover.
After reassembly, top-up oil in the transfer box to the lower edge of the filler neck. Inspection Prior to inspection, all parts of the transfer box should be carefully cleaned with a brush and a scraper, and then washed. Blow the parts with a jet of compressed air.
Noise and vibration of propeller shafts 1. Deformation of front or rear pro- peller shaft 2. Propeller shafts out-of-balance 3. Worn or damaged centering bush on layshaft flexible coupling flange 4. Worn U-joint 5. Loose grease seal retainer on spline joint of front or rear pro- peller shaft 6.
Spline joint. Check the gap in the spline joint of the sliding yoke of the forward and rear shafts. The maximum allowable backlash on the spline middle diameter is 0.30 mm. Check for the plug in yoke 5 (fig. 3-48), inspect retainer 7 and seal 6 of the sliding yoke.
Using two feeler gauges 2, with 4 and 3 blades of different thickness accordingly, determine which will tightly fit in the clear- ance H between the base of the bearing and the yoke groove end face, and install a circlip of the same thickness. Note. One feeler gauge has blades with thickness of 1.
Rear axle The design of the rear axle is shown on fig. 3-54. Fault diagnosis Diagnosis Remedy Excessive noise from the rear wheels 1. Loose wheel fastening 2. Worn or failed axle shaft ball bearing Constant excessive noise at rear axle operation 1. Deformed rear axle beam, damaged axle shaft bearings 2.
Check the beam deformation by attaching a try square to the outer (fig. 3-56) and side (fig. 3-57) surfaces of the flange A.70172; if the beam is not deformed, the try square will fit per- fectly. Size of deformation is checked by a probe. If a 0.2 mm gauge passes through on any of the flanges, the beam should be straightened.
If deformation exceeds this size, straighten the beam, follow- ing the procedure given below. After straightening, carefully wash the beam, clean the mag- netic plug, put it in place and check the fol.
graphite greasing or ãëñ-15. After refitting, check the operation of axle shafts during an actual road test. Inspection Inspect the parts composing a complete set, and make sure that: - bearing is not worn and is not damaged; if the axial gap exceeds 0.
After press-fitting, ensure, that the ring does not shift under the axial load of 19.6 kN (2000 kgf). To do this, place the axle shaft assembly on a special fixture (fig. 3-63), and grip the stop ring in special vice. Attach the leg of indicator 1 with scale interval of 0.
Test 2. Accelerate the vehicle approximately up to 100 km/h, place the gear shift lever in neutral, switch off ignition and let the vehicle to roll on to a stop; listen to the noise character at various speeds during deceleration. ATTENTION. With the ignition switched off, be attentive and careful.
- turn the differential side gears and differential pinions so that the last ones will roll out from the differential openings, then take them out; - remove the differential side gears with support washers. Inspection of reduction gear components Before inspection carefully wash all parts.
fails to be achieved even by increasing the washer thickness, renew the gears due to their excessive wear. Fix the gear on the differential box. Using tool A.
In this case fit an adjusting ring with thickness of 3.05 mm. Fit an adjusting ring of the necessary thickness on the driving gear and press fit using tool A.70152 (fig. 3-74) the rear bearing inner ring which was taken from tool A.70184. Fit the distance sleeve.
Differential housing bearings preload and adjustment of the side gap in final drive gears mesh These operations are carried out simultaneously using tool A.95688/R and key A.55085. Fix the tool on the reduction gear casing (see fig. 3-77) with screws 1 and 6, having screwed them in the bolt apertures for the adjusting nut lock plate.
After moving the driven gear, check the side gap by indicator 2 (see fig. 3-78). Repeat the adjustment if the clearance does not correspond to the rated value. Remove tool A.95688/R, fit the adjusting nut lock plates and fix them by bolts with spring washers.
driven gear teeth the contact pattern is located in regular intervals closer to the narrow end of the tooth, occupying two thirds of length and without covering the top and the base of the tooth, as shown on fig. 3-80, e. The examples of wrong location of contact pattern on the tooth working surface are shown on fig.
Front axle The design of the front axle is shown on fig. 3-81. A number "13" is painted on the reduction gear casing for distinction. Fault diagnosis Diagnosis Remedy Constant excessive noise at front axle operation 1. Worn or badly adjusted differ- ential bearings 2.
ing the guidelines given in subsection "Rear axle", distance "D" (see fig. 3-79) should increase by 0.08 - 0.11 mm. For adjustment use bracket 67.8701.9508 with a measuring end piece and key 67.7812.9520. Place cover 12 with sealing 8 on the inner joint bearing cas- ing 9 (see fig.
state this ring should pass free through the spline opening in race 11, what allows to connect and to separate the joint and shaft 4. The joint is protected by boot 6 from dirt and moisture, which in its turn is protected from mechanical damages by shroud 5.
- using a knock-out and a hammer, beat the inner joint race from shaft 4; - after removing the thrust ring, move the shroud from the shaft; - wash the inner cavities of the joint housings and other com- ponents.
Chapter 4 Wheel suspensions Fault diagnosis Noise and knock in suspension at vehicle movement 1. Faulty shock-absorbers 2. Loose anti-roll bar fastening bolts 3. Worn arm silent blocks 4. Loose shock-absorber fastening or worn shock absorber eye rubber bushes 5.
Un-even tyre tread wear 1. Excessive speed at cornering 2. Excessive wear of suspension joints and bushes 3. Wheels out of balance (stains in regular intervals on tread outer path and on central path when driving with a disbalanced wheel for a long time) 4.
Excessive wear of tyre tread 1. High driving speed 2. Heavy vehicle acceleration 3. Often braking 4. Wrong wheel alignment angles 5. Excessive clearance in front wheel hub bearings 6. Vehicle overload 7. Recommended rearrangement of wheels was not carried out Tyres squeal at cornering 1.
Front wheel alignment angle - checking and adjustment The check and adjustment of the front wheel alignment angle is carried out on special test-benches according to the instruc- tions.
104 Before adjusting the wheel alignment angles check the fol- lowing: - pressure in tyres; - axial gap in front wheel hub bearings; - serviceability of shock-absorbers (absence of rod jamming); - radial and axial runout of tyres; - gap in suspension balljoints; - free play of steering wheel.
105 After adjustment, refit the fastening clamps with the slot fac- ing back with allowable deviation downward by 60° to the hori- zontal plane of the vehicle.
- remove old greasing and wash with kerosine the inner cav- ity of the steering knuckle, the outer and inner cavities of the hub, the CV-join case tail and bearings; - fill 40 gr of fresh ãàíé ã-.
Note. When removing the upper arm shaft, note the amount and arrangement of washers between the upper arm shaft and the crossmember, and also the number of shims between the crossmember and car body chassis arm, so that at refitting all washers and shims will be properly replaced.
- remove the front wheel hub in assembly with the brake disc, using pusher 67.7823.9516; - remove the front brake splash guard; - remove the front suspension shock-absorber; - lower the suspension low.
the front suspension, it is permissible to install the A class springs on the front suspension. But you can not install the B class springs on the front suspension, if the A class springs are installed on the rear suspension. Inspect the gaskets and renew, if they have damages.
The lower arm. The pressing-out and press-fitting of the joint can be carried out on a press, using tool 67.7823.9526, and also with tool 67.7823.9517 (fig. 4-12), which is installed on the arm so that the head of the tool screw was directed inside. Tighten the tool screw to press out the joint.
for the rear suspension, it is permissible to install the B class springs (with black marking). If on the front suspension the springs of B class are installed, the rear suspension should be fit- ted with B class springs only.
112 Fig. 4-18. Front and rear suspension shock absorbers: 1 - lower eye; 2 - compression valve body; 3 - compression valve discs; 4 - compression valve throttling disc; 5 - compression valve spring; 6.
speed of 60 min -1 , rod stroke length of 80 mm for the front shock- absorber, and 100 mm - for the rear one. The curve of the diagram (fig. 4-19) should be smooth, and in points of transition (from the recoil stroke to the compression stroke) - without areas parallel to zero line.
Chapter 5. Steering The steering mechanism design is shown on fig. 5-1, 5-2. Since November, 1998, vehicles are fitted with a telescopic intermediate shaft instead of a cylindrical intermediate shaft 17 (see fig. 5-1) and the steering wheel 19 is fastened by a self-lock- ing nut.
115 Fig. 5-2. Steering mechanism, sectional view: 1 - adjuster screw plate; 2 - adjuster screw; 3 - cap; 4 - screw nut; 5 - oil filler plug; 6 - cover; 7 - worm; 8 - housing; 9 - drop arm; 10 - securi.
Steering - inspection, check and adjustment General inspection The steering system should be examined at any signs of mal- function (rattle, excessive free play of the steering wheel or, on the contrary, its hard rotation, and so on). The inspection is car- ried out on the trestles or an inspection pit in the following order.
Inspect the tie-rod balljoint protective caps. If the protective caps are in good condition and provide inside cleanness, their service life is practically unlimited. Moisture, dust and other foreign particles inside the joint will result in premature wear of components.
tening nut and fix it in three points. Move the combination switch case fully towards the steering wheel, and tighten the switch fas- tening clip. Reconnect the wires of the ignition switch and fix the switch on the steering column bracket with screws.
6). Undo the fastening bolt, take off cover 12 (see fig. 5-5) of the steering box together with cap, adjusting screw 8, adjusting plate 9, lock washer 10 and jam nut. Take out from the steering box 1 the pitman arm shaft 7 in assembly with the roller.
After press-fitting in the steering box, finally process the bushes with a reamer A.90336 up to the size of 28.698-28.720 mm. The mounting gap between the pitman arm shaft and the bushes should be within 0.008-0.051 mm. Check for easy rotation of the pitman arm roller on the ball bearing.
Chapter 6 Braking system The design of the braking system is shown on fig. 6-1. Fault diagnosis Diagnosis Remedy Insufficient efficiency of braking 1. Leak of brake liquid from wheel cylinders of front or rear brakes 2. Air in brake system 3. Damaged rubber sealings in master brake cylinder 4.
122 Fig. 6-1. Braking system: 1 - rear brake wheel cylinder; 2 - parking brake rear cable; 3 - rear brake guide; 4 - parking brake front cable; 5 - parking brake lever; 6 - brake pedal; 7 - servo unit.
Renew the components in the slightest doubt in serviceability. Flexible hoses, irrespective their condition, should be renewed after 100000 km or after 5 years of vehicle operation to prevent sudden breaks due to aging. After five years of operation it is recommended to renew the brake liquid.
Ask an assistant to press the brake pedal with effort of 686- 784 N (70-80 kgf) and simultaneously observe the outcoming part of the pressure regulator piston. If the piston moves by 0.5-0.9 mm in relation to the regulator housing, thus twisting the torsion arm, the pressure regulator is efficient.
Raise the protective rubber cap 6 (see fig. 6-5) and, by turn- ing the pressure regulator on the bolts, get a slight contact between the arm and piston 2. Keep the regulator in this position, fully tighten bolts 1 and 7, then apply a thin layer of greasing Ñí -1 on shaft 5 and the work- ing part of piston 2.
Clutch and brake pedal bracket Removal and refitting. To remove the pedal bracket: - remove the steering shaft bracket, as mentioned in section "Steering"; - disconnect the servo unit push rod from the brake pedal, having removed lock shackle 26 (fig.
Check and repair. At hard pedal movement examine the working surfaces of pedals, bushes and shaft. If there will be small risks or traces of oxidation on surfaces of metal parts, grind them slightly with sandpaper; renew worn outer plastic bushes on pedals.
Inspection of components . Before reassembly, wash all components with isopropyl alcohol; dry by a jet of compressed air or wipe with a clean cloth, but do not allow their contact with min- eral oil, kerosine or diesel fuel, which can damage the sealings.
Forcing a jet of compressed air through the aperture for brake liquid, push out pistons 14 from the cylinder block and take out sealing rings 4. The reassembly of the front brake is carried out in sequence reverse to dismantle.
assembly and take out the worn pads from the carrier grooves (fig. 6-16); - carefully depress the pistons in cylinders to a stop, paying attention not to splash the liquid from the master cylinder res.
The reassembly of the automatic adjuster and the wheel cylinder is carried out in reverse sequence, paying attention to the following: - piston thrust screws are tightened to torque 4-7 N•m (0.4- 0.7 kgf•m); - slot A (see fig. 6-19) on thrust rings should be directed ver- tically upward; vertical deviation should be no more than 30 ° .
Brake drums. Examine the brake drums. If the working sur- faces have deep risks or excessive ovality, chisel the drums. Then grind on a machine tool with abrasive fine stones. This will help to increase the lining durability, and improve the uniformity and efficiency of braking.
Remove the regulator and disconnect the arm. Plug all open- ings of the pressure regulator and pipelines. Refitting of the pressure regulator is carried out in reverse sequence. Before tightening the regulator fastening bolt place tool 67.7820.9519 (see fig.
Handbrake Removal and refitting . Place the handbrake lever in the lowest position, disconnect the cable ends from the brake shoe levers (see "Rear brake"). Slacken locknut 5 (see fig. 6-4) and adjusting nut 6, remove return spring 9 (fig. 6-24), then completely undo the locknut and nut.
ëhapter 7. Electrical system Wiring and fuses The electrical system is of the single-wire negative earth type. The vehicle basic wiring diagram is illustrated in Fig.
136 Fig.7-1. Electrical system of VAZ-21213 vehicle: 1 - left-hand front headlamp; 2 - headlights; 3 - left-hand headlamp wiper motor; 4 - horn; 5 - fuel cutoff solenoid; 6 - idle switch; 7 - headligh.
137 - stop light switch; 40 - cigarette lighter; 41 - exterior light switch; 42 - heater controls illumination; 43 - rear fog light switch; 44 - rear window heating switch; 45 - heater motor switch; 4.
Battery Specification Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6ëí -55Ä, maintenance-free Maximum voltage,volt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Maximum capacity (at 20-hour discharge rate and initial electrolyte temperature of (27±2)°ë, ampere-hour .
Table 7-3 Temperature correction values to hydrometer readings for measuring electrolyte density Electrolyte temperature, °ë Correction value, g/cm 3 -40 to -26 -0.
Alternator Specification Maximum current output (at 13 volts and 5000 rpm ), amp . . 55 Adjustable voltage range , volts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.1±0.5 Maximum rotor speed , rpm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,000 Engine-to-alternator ratio .
Fault diagnosis Cause Remedy Warning light does not light up when ignition is switched on. Instruments inoperative 1. Blown fuse 2 in fuse box 2. Broken supply circuit in instru- ment cluster: - no voltage between terminal «Å» of main fusebox and instrument cluster; - no voltage between ignition relay and fusebox unit 3.
Mount the alternator on the tester and connect as shown in Fig.7-5. Start the tester motor, using rheostat 4, set the alternator output voltage at 13 volts and raise the rotor speed to 5000 rpm. Run the alternator at this speed for at least 10 minutes and then measure the alternator output amperage.
When necessary, sand the slip rings with emery paper, then check the winding for continuity or earthing with an ohmmeter or a test bulb. Stator - testing The stator is tested separately after dismantling the alterna- tor and disconnecting the winding from the diodes.
An illuminated bulb advises about short-circuit in one or more supplementary diodes. The damaged diode can be identified only after removing the diode plate and checking each diode.
remove housing 4. Disconnect lead 6 from alternator terminal 61 and undo contact bolt extension 5. Lock the alternator pulley with a tool from kit 67.7823.9504, undo the pulley retaining nut and press the pulley out using a puller. Remove the pulley key and taper washer.
Brush holder - renewal Always renew the complete unit if the regulator fails or brush- es are worn or protrude from the holder to less than 5 mm. In case of pre-1996 alternators, force the brush holder out of the voltage regulator housing by pressing the terminal «Ç».
Solenoid repetitive cutting in and out 1. Battery discharged 2. Excessive voltage drop in sole- noid power circuit caused by badly oxidized lead ends 3. Solenoid holding winding bro- ken or shorted Starter motor armature rotates, flywheel inoperative 1.
148 Fig.7-13. Starter motor (35.3708 model): 1 - pinion; 2 - overrun clutch; 3 - guide ring; 4 - rubber plug; 5 - operating lever; 6 - drive-end housing; 7 - relay armature; 8 - relay winding; 9 - con.
To withdraw the actuator unit from the armature, retrieve the circlip from under stop collar 16. Dismantle the actuator unit after removing the lockwasher from the clutch hub. To dismantle the solenoid, undo the clamp bolt nuts and unsolder the winding leads from terminal 50 and from the end which is secured at the bottom solenoid terminal bolt.
Ignition distributor is of 3810.3706 model, four-event sparking rate, non-shielded, with vacuum and centrifugal advance units, with built-in Hall sender. Spark control module is of 3620.373 model, or 76.3734, or RT1903, or PZE4022, or ä563.3747 model.
Engine gasps at all speeds 1. Ignition wires damaged, con- nections loose or lead ends oxi- dized 2. Electrodes worn or oily spark plugs, strong fouling; cracks in plug insulation 3. Carbon brush in ignition distrib- utor worn or damaged 4. Strong burning of central con- tact point on distributor rotor arm 5.
- start the engine and point the flashing timing light at the tim- ing mark on the pulley; when the ignition is correct, then at idling speed the TDC mark on the flywheel should be as outlined in Attachment 3.
up to 1500 rpm or the thicker spring bracket for speeds over 1500 rpm. Increase the spring tension for a smaller angle (retard) or decrease the spring tension for a bigger angle (advance). To obtain the vacuum advance pattern, connect the vacuum advance unit to the vacuum pump of the tester.
Resistance of the insulation to earth should be at least 50 MOhm. Spark control module The spark control module can be tested using an oscilloscope and square wave pulse generator connected as shown in Fig.7- 25. The pulse generator resistance should be 100-500 Ohm.
When sparking occurs at the pressure below 0.3 åPa (3 kgf/Òm 2 ), the spark plug is defective. Only a few sparks are allowed in the spark gap; when no sparking is observed either on the spark plug or in the spark gap, it is likely that the insulation is cracked and the central electrode arcs internally to earth.
156 Fig.7-29. Wiring diagram for exterior lighting: 1 - sidelights in headlights; 2 - fusebox; 3 - exterior light switch; 4 - instrument illumination switch; 5 - exterior light warning lamp in instrument cluster; 6 - number plate lamp; 7 - sidelights in rear light units; Ä - to illumination lamps for instruments, switches and heater controls Fig.
General description The headlight wiring diagram is shown in Fig.7-28. High and low beam is operated through supplementary relays 3 and 11. The control voltage to the relay winding is supplied from headlight combination switch 10 when external light push switch 5 is fully depressed.
Three vertical lines should be drawn on the screen (Fig.7-32): centre line O and lines A and B through the reference points Ö cor- responding to each headlamp center.
Indicators flasher relay Relay 8 (Fig.7-30) (231.3747 model) is intended for intermit- tent light signals both for direction indication and hazard flashing. It also allows to identify a failed bulb in the direction indicator. With good bulbs in the direction indication mode, the relay ensures flashing warning light 7.
Continuous operation of wiper blades in intermittent mode 1. Wiper relay breaker winding blown 2. Motor gear cam does not oper- ate limit switch spring plate 3. Foul motor limit switch contacts 4. Foul wiper relay breaker con- tacts Wiper stops in intermittent mode.
Wiper motor - dismantling, reassembly and inspection Commence to dismantle the motor by undoing cover 1 (Fig.7- 35) retaining screws. Remove the cover complete with plate 2. Next unscrew cover 16 from motor housing 7 and separate them. Extract arma- ture 8 from the motor housing.
Rear window wipe/wash and heating, cigarette lighter The rear window wiper includes a motor of 471.3730 model, arm and blade. The wiper arm and blade have a right-hand park position as viewed with the vehicle in forward motion. The motor has a thermal bimetal fuse for overload protection.
Blower motor specification Shaft speed (with fan impeller load) at 12 v and (25±10)°ë, rpm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3000±150 Consumption current at the load and rpm as above, ampere, not greater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Instrument cluster - removal and refitting The instrument cluster is removed as follows: - disconnect the battery negative lead; - undo the screws holding the facia, pull the bottom edge of the facia .
Instrument cluster - dismantling and reassembly Undo the trip counter knob by pulling it outward, then remove the surround and glass, having first released its bottom edge from the retaining spring wire. Undo the nuts holding the instru- ments to the PCB and withdraw the instruments.
Table 7-7 Coolant temperature sender specification Temperature, Supply voltage, Resistance, °ë volts Ohm 30 8 1350-1880 50 7.6 585-820 70 6.85 280-390 90 5.8 155-196 110 4.7 87-109 Low oil pressure warning light switch. The switch is fitted to the cylinder head.
Chapter 8. Bodywork Fault diagnosis Cause Remedy Dark spots over bodywork 1. Hot water was used for washing (above 80°ë) 2. Leaded petrol or other aggressive agents were used for dewaxing Pink spots.
Cause Remedy Failure to lock bonnet 1. Lock spring broken or loose 2. Shorter lock operating link 3. Incorrect position of lock Failure to secure sliding glass in position Spring brake of window lifter broken Excessive efforts or failure to recline front seat back forward or rearward 1.
Bodywork - repair Refer to Fig.8-1, Fig.8-2 and Fig.8-3 for body frame design and relevant cross-sections. Bodywork damages - repair Most repair on vehicles, especially after road accidents, falls on bodywork. In the large part repair involves geometry inspec- tion of attachment points of diverse vehicle units and ancillaries.
170 Fig.8-2. Body components: 1 - front wing; 2 - battery tray; 3 - top bulkhead reinforcement; 4 - instrument panel crossbar; 5 - centre pillar; 6 - outer rear wheel arch; 7 - inner bodyside panel; 8.
171 Polyester fillers of «ïÂÏÔÓÔÓÎ-è» or èù-0085 type offer a reliable adhesion with the panels stripped to the bare metal. They consists of two components: unsaturated polyester resin and a hardener serving as a fast curing catalyst. The ambient tempera- ture in the workshop should not be below 18 ° ë.
172 Chip off the wing with a sharp thin chisel or cut with a grind- ing tool over the lines as shown in Fig.8-5. Detach the wing, remove the remainders of the wing, straight- en the deformed edges and smooth them with an electric or pneumatic grinding tool.
over the weld seams and on the joints of the replaced parts. Remove the stopper surplus with a cleaning cloth moistened in white spirit. Ensure the surrounding area is protected against overspray (use genuine masking tape or several thickness of newspaper).
- position the vehicle on a lift, dismantle all relevant compo- nents and trims which may obstruct access to box sections; - through provisional or drain holes flush inner cavities and the underbody with warm (40-50 ° ë) water (Table 8-2) until the drained water is clean.
When only the Ñ-11Ä plastisol coating is affected, while the primer is intact, scour any dirt from the relevant areas, then on a dry surface apply Åèå-1-type plastisol by means of a brush or airless spray (1.5 mm thick). Allow to dry at ambient temperature within a day or at 90 ° ë within 30 minutes.
176 Fig.8-9. Rubber seals: 1 - of swivel glass; 2 - front door seal frame; 3 - seal molding; 4 - front door seal; 5 - of sliding glass; 6 - of tailgate aperture; 7 - of side window; 8 - lower seal of sliding win- dow; 9 - of windscreen; 10 - drain pipe; 11 - bonnet seal; 12 - of air intake; 13 - of front bumper connection Fig.
Door Front door - removal and refitting Fully open the door, push out the finger holding the check strap to the front pillar and disconnect the check strap. Hold the door open and using impact screwdriver 2 (Fig.8- 12), undo screws 1 securing the door hinges to the pillar.
With the sliding glass fully up, undo the retaining screws and remove the front and rear glass guide channel. Slide the window down and slacken the window lifter tension roller. Detach the cable from the sliding glass holder and remove it from the rollers.
It is a good practice to mark the door striker contour on the body pillar before making any alignments. If the door fits too tight, slacken the door striker securing screws, move the striker outward and tighten the screws. If the door fails to close firmly, move the striker inward.
Bumpers - removal and refitting The bumpers (Fig.8-22) are made from aluminium profile, with the face lined lengthwise with black rubber strip 8. The bumper ends are fitted with plastic black cover plates 6. Both bumpers are secured to the body with two bolts to be undone when removing the bumpers.
together with the filter gauze. Extract sleeve 3, then carefully tap- ping rotor 9 shaft 6, push support 7 out and withdraw the shaft and rotor. Reassembly is a reversal of dismantling. Removal and refitting of washer jets. Working from the engine bay, slightly squeeze the holders of plastic housing 1 (Fig.
182 8Fig.8-30. Seats: 1 - seat back; 2 - headrest; 3 - headrest frame; 4 - headrest guide; 5 - cotter pin; 6 - front seat back frame; 7 - rear seat back trim; 8 - trim backing; 9 - seat back catch; 10.
When necessary, remove the centre facia and side facia vent nozzles together with the associated air ducts. Refitting is a reversal of removal. Seats - removal and refitting The front seats design is shown in Fig.8-30, Fig.8-31 and Fig.8-32. Front seats.
- remove the instrument panel surround, through this aper- ture, working on bracket 7, loosen the screws of air intake cover 12 cable clips and windscreen heating duct shutter 3.
Chapter 9. VAZ-21213 vehicle modifications, alternative and additional equipment VAZ-21214 vehicle The VAZ-21214 vehicle is fitted with 1.7-L engine, Central Fuel Injection (CFI). Instead of the carburettor, a single injector is used for injecting fuel into the central injection unit.
Central Injection Unit Removal and refitting Select the neutral position of the gearchange lever and apply the handbrake. Since, after the engine is stalled, fuel remains under pres- sure, always depressurize the fuel system. To do this, disconnect the fuel pump wiring plug from the injection wiring harness.
Apply sealant on the thread of the housing securing screws. Throttle position sensor. Before fitting the TP sensor, fully close the throttle, then turning the sensor anticlockwise, align the flats of the shaft with the sensor pickup lever. Tighten the securing screws.
crankshaft position pulses are fed to the ECU when the engine is not running. To re-activate the fuel pump, switch off the ignition for ten seconds, then switch it on again. After the fuel pump is shut off, the fuel pressure can slightly go down and then stabilizes; or it can go up, if the engine is warm.
189 Fig.9-5. Wiring diagram for VAZ-21214 vehicle, CFI: 1 - electric fuel pump and fuel level sender; 2 - injector; 3 - oxygen sensor; 4 - octane potentiometer; 5 - air temperature sensor; 6 - MAP sen.
VAZ-21214-20 vehicle The VAZ-21214-20 vehicle is fitted with a 1.7-L engine, Sequential Fuel Injection. Engine 21214-10 The engine 21214-10 is four-stroke, four-cylinder, in-line, SOHC, with Sequential Fuel Injection System. The 21214-10 engine is based on the 21213 engine.
Disconnect hoses 7 and 8 (supply and return) (Fig.9-6) from pipes 1 and 9. Plug the hose / pipe ends to prevent dirt ingress. Disconnect accelerator cable 4 (Fig.9-7) from sector 6 on the throttle hosing, bracket 5 on the receiver unit and from bracket 3 on valve cover.
192 Check the injection system for satisfactory operation, as out- lined in Repair Manual for Fuel Sequential Injection System. Engine - dismantling and reassembly The main differences on dismantling and reassembly are related to alternative design of the air supply system.
193 Fig.9-10. Valve actuation: 1 - cylinder head; 2 - valve; 3 - valve lever; 4 - rail, hydraulic valve lifter; 5 - camshaft; 6 - hydraulic valve lifter; 7 - nut Fig.
194 Fig.9-12. Hydraulic chain tensioner: 1 - tensioner housing; 2 - valve unit; 3 - ball, non-return valve; 4 - stop pin; 5 - plunger; 6 - volume restrictor; 7 - spring; Ç - working cavity; ë - locating slot; Ñ - hole; Ö - reserve cavity Fig.9-13.
When refitting to the engine, the tensioner should be free from oil, dowel 4 should not protrude from the housing. Cooling system The cooling system features two electric fans 14 (Fig.9-13). The fan cowl is mounted in front of the radiator and is held by two top 12 and two bottom 15 nuts.
Exhaust emission system Exhaust gases are drawn from the engine through the exhaust manifold, front exhaust pipe 2 (Fig.9-15), catalytic con- verter 11, front silencer 15 and main silencer 13. The downpipe is connected to the catalytic converter flange by means of a movable joint.
197 Fig.9-16. EMS wiring diagram (Sequential Fuel Injection), VAZ-21214-20 vehicle: 1 - coolant temperature sensor; 2 - throttle position sensor; 3 - mass airflow meter; 4 - canister purge solenoid; 5.
VAZ-21215-10 vehicle The VAZ-21215-10 vehicle is fitted with the diesel engine DHW (XUD-9SD). The section gives a brief description of diagnostic procedures for fuel and electrical systems, engine removal and refitting, repair procedures for engine systems.
From the engine (Fig.9-17) disconnect the coolant supply and return hoses, remove the radiator complete with the grille and fan cowl. Disconnect the cooling hoses from the thermostat. Disconnect the hoses between the engine and heater. From the air cleaner (Fig.
Cooling system Design description The cooling system is of closed-, pressurized type, with expansion tank (Fig.9-20). The coolant pump is of centrifugal type, driven by a V-belt from the crankshaft pulley. The cooling system includes radiator 7 with expansion tank 5, thermostat 13, coolant temperature gauge, water jacket and con- necting hoses.
- use special wrench (of 10 mm square size) for 5 mm square hole and turn the bracket clockwise to remove spring 6; - tighten bolt 4; - remove the cambelt. Refitting is the reversal of the removal procedure: - make sure the camshaft and fuel pump pulleys are in the position required and secured, idler pulley 7 (Fig.
Refitting. Refit the belt over the pulleys and ensure the belt is located properly within the groove of each pulley. Belt tensioning is carried out in the following sequence: - tighten the belt throug.
Adjust idle with the help of screw 1. The idle speed should be 800-850 rpm. Engine rundown - checking. Using load lever 4 set the engine speed at 3000 rpm. Release the load lever, the engine rundown should be 2.5 - 3.5 seconds. After returning to idle, the speed difference should not exceed 50 rpm.
204 Fig.9-26. Wiring diagram for alternator: 1 - battery; 2 - alternator; 3 - instrument cluster; 4 - digital tachometer; 5 - resistor 50 éhm, 5 W; 6 - low battery warning light; 7 - fusebox; 8 - ignition relay; 9 - control mod - ule, theft-deterrent system; 10 - ignition switch Fig.
Headlight wipe/wash. The vehicle VAZ-21215-10 is not fit- ted with the headlight wipe/wash. Cooling fan motor. Two dc motors powered from constant magnets of MP 8019/37 type are provided to operate the engine cooling fan blower. The wiring diagram for cooling fan motor is shown in Fig.
206 Fig.9-30. Wiring diagram for theft-deterrent system: 1 - LED for system state indication; 2 - control module; 3 - ignition switch; Ä - to interior light switch; Ç - to interior light; ë - to ignition relay terminal 86; D - to starter relay terminal 86 Fig.
Table 9-3. Instrument cluster pin assignment Pin No Pin assignment Connector ï1 (red or amber) 1 - 2 To ignition switch terminal «15» 3 Spare 4 To instrument cluster lighting switch 5 To alternator.
Connector ï2 (any colour, except red and amber) 1 - 2 To high beam relay 3 To exterior lighting switch 4 - 5 To indicators flasher relay 6 To alternator terminal «Ç» 7 - 8 To rear foglight switch .
209 Steering with BREED «SRS-40» driver’ s airbag in the steering wheel Design description The SRS-40 system is housed in the steering wheel, being an additional protection to the seat belt, the system is intended to prevent serious chest and head injuries to the driver.
WARNING. Never fit the steering wheel SRS-40 to other vehicle models, since the impact sensor in the gas genera- tor is tailored to parameters and characteristics of VAZ- 21213 vehicle and its versions.
211 6. Always check the steering wheel is reliably secured before fitting the gas generator, never pierce or rotate the ignitor unit through the D-shaped hole in the housing. 7. Store the gas generator in a box, while the airbag mod- ule in a plastic bag.
ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 TORQUE WRENCH SETTINGS * Part Thread Tightening torque, N•m (kgf•m) ENGINE Main bearing cap bolt å10ı1.25 68.31-84.38 (6.97-8.61) Oil pump bolt å6 5.10-8.20 (0.52-0.85) Breather cover retaining stud å8 12.7-20.6 (1.3-2.
213 TRANSMISSION Reversing light switch å14ı1.5 28.4-45.1 (2.9-4.6) Clutch housing-to-engine bolts å12ı1.25 53.9-87.2 (5.5-8.9) Clutch housing-to-transmission retaining nut å10ı1.25 31.8-51.4 (3.25-5.25) Clutch housing-to-transmission retaining nut å8 15.
214 Nut, bolt holding recoil block bracket to cross-member å8 15.1-18.6 (1.53-1.9) Nut, upper control arm shaft bolt å12ı1.25 66.6-82.3 (6.8-8.4) Shock-absorber upper end retaining nut å10ı1.25 27.4-34 (2.8-3.46) Shock-absorber lower end retaining nut å10ı1.
215 Attachment 2 SPECIAL TOOLS FOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR * Designation Description ENGINE Ä.40005 Universal pickers kit Ä.40026 Removal tool, coolant pump impeller Ä.50088 Spanner, intake / exhaust pipe nuts Ä.50113 Allen key, crankcase oil drain plug Ä.
216 CLUTCH Ä.70017 Tool, clutch pedal spring removal and installation Ä.70081 Mandrel, clutch disc centering 67.7813.9503 Tooling, clutch disc repair 67.7822.9517 Jig, clutch disc lining renewal 67.7851.9500 Mandrel, clutch disc lining rivetting TRANSMISSION Ä.
217 Ä.57070 Spanner, front shock-absorber removal and installation Ä.74177/1 Tool for fitting silent blocks to front suspension upper control arm (to be used with tool 67.7853.9519) 02.8701.9502 Tool for checking front suspension balljoints 67.7820.
218 Attachment 3 Adjustment and checking DATA Valve clearances, cold engine (18-20°ë), mm: inlet valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attachment 4 Fuel, lubricants and fluids Location Capacity, Description litres Fuel tank, VAZ-21213, VAZ-21214, VAZ-21214-20 vehicles 42 Automotive petrol, at least 95 RON as per EN 228 Fuel tank, VAZ-21215-10 vehicle 45 Diesel fuel as per EN 590 Engine cooling system, including heating and ventilation system, 10.
220 Ä‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËÎË ÇÄá-21213, ÇÄá-21214, ÇÄá-21214-20, ÇÄá-21215 êÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ÔÓ ÂÏÓÌÚÛ ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËÎÂÈ © ÉÖçÖêÄãúçõâ ÑÖèÄêí ÄåÖçí êÄáÇàíàü Ä/é ÄÇíéÇÄá © Ä‚ÚÓ˚-‡Á‡·ÓÚ˜ËÍË: ÇÓ΄ËÌ ë.
デバイスLada VAZ-21213 (1999)の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lada VAZ-21213 (1999)をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLada VAZ-21213 (1999)の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lada VAZ-21213 (1999)の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lada VAZ-21213 (1999)で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lada VAZ-21213 (1999)を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLada VAZ-21213 (1999)の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lada VAZ-21213 (1999)に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLada VAZ-21213 (1999)デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。