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InRow ® RP Chilled W ater/Direct Exp ansion — 50/60 Hz T echnical Dat a AIR-COOLED ACRP100 ACRP101 ACRP102 CHILLED W A TER ACRP500 ACRP501 ACRP502.
American Power Conversion Legal Discla imer The information presented in th is manual is not wa rranted by the American Power Conversion Corporation to be authoritative, error free, or complete. This publication is not meant to be a substitute for a detailed operational and site specific development pla n.
Content s InRow RP Technical Data Manual i Overview ....................................... ................................... 1 Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Room Air Distribution . .
InRow RP Technical Data Manual ii InRow RP Models ..................... ...................... ................. 9 Chilled Wate r Interior Compon ents (front of uni t) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Air-cooled Interior Comp onents (front of unit) . . . . .
1 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Overview The modular , row-based computer room cooling system offers ef ficient, predictable, and economical cooling for a variety of spaces.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 2 Scalable Solution for Critical Environment s InRow Advant ages The row-based solution improves energy efficiency and cooling ability in a number of ways.
3 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Hot Aisle Containment System Modular ceiling tiles and doors can b e used to enclose the hot aisle. This increases the densities that can be handled in a single rack enclosure by eliminating mixing of hot and cold ai r streams.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 4 S t andard Features Insulated Cabinet The frame is constructed of 1.5 mm (16 gauge) formed steel for maximum strength. Cabinet is serviceable from the front and rear . All exterior pan els and corner posts on the frame are powder coated for durability an d an attractive finish.
5 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Dual Position Float Condensate Management The pump is factory wired and piped internally to the condensate drain pan and humidifier outlet. The pum p is capable of pumping a maximum of 18 m (60 ft) at 0.009 l/s (8.45 GPH), which may include a maximu m lift of 3.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 6 Optional Features Cable W ater Detector A leak detection cable is placed on the floor or subfloor around all possible leak sources. If water or other conductive liquids contact the cable anywhere along its length, the microprocessor controller announces the leak visually , audibly , and across the network.
7 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Microprocessor Controller Microprocessor Controller The microprocessor controller is standard on each system. The controller provides precision control for the demandi.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 8 Alarms The microprocessor controller shall activate a visible and audible alarm in the following occurrences: • Cool Fail • Rack inlet te mperature violat ion • .
9 InRow RP Technical Data Manual InRow RP Models Hinged rear doors Casters (all swivelin g) Side panel lo ck Door handle and l ock Removable side panel Display interface Ad.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 10 Chilled W ater Interior Components (front of unit) Electric heater (for reheat) Electrical panel Fan Supply temperature sensors Fan guard Main.
11 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Chilled W ater Interior Components (back of unit) Chilled w ater coil Rear doors Chilled water con trol actuator Air filters Chilled wa ter three-.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 12 Air-cooled Interior Component s (front of unit) Electric heater (for reheat) Main circuit breaker Condensate drai n pan Fan Thermal expansion valv.
13 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Air-cooled Interior Component s (back of unit) Evaporator coil Shutoff valves (top piping only) Condensate drain pan Air filters Sight glass P.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 14 Chilled W ater and Air-cooled User Interface Connections Rack inlet temperature sensors 1, 2, 3 A-Link IN A-Link OUT Networ k port Console port .
15 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Chilled W ater El ectrical Panel Note: ACRP501 shown. Tr a n s f or me rs User interface connectors Main controller board Relay board Ground lug .
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 16 Air-cooled Electrical Panel Note: ACRP 101 shown. Tr a n s fo r m e r s User interface connectors Main controller board Relay board Ground lug .
17 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Performance S pecifications Chilled W ater Performance Spec ifications 5.5°C (42°F) EWT T emperatur e dry bulb (DB), wet bulb (WB) °C (°F) CW Delta T °C (°F) To.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 18 Chilled W ater Performance Spec ifications 7.2°C (45°F) EWT T emperature dry bulb (DB), wet bulb (WB) °C (°F) CW Delta T °C (°F) T otal Net Capacity kW (BTU/hr) Sensible Net Capacity kW (BTU/hr) Sensible Heat Ratio SHR CW Flow Rate l/s (GPM) To t a l C W Pressure Dr op kPa (ft H 2 O)* 26.
19 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Chilled W ater Performance Spec ifications 8.9°C (48°F) EWT ( T emperatur e d ry bulb (DB), wet bulb (WB) °C (°F) CW Delta T °C (°F) T otal Net Capacity kW (BTU/hr) Sensible Net Capacity kW (BTU/hr) Sensible Heat Ratio SHR CW Flow Rate l/s (GPM) To t a l C W P r e s s u r e Drop kPa (ft H 2 O)* 26.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 20 Chilled W ater Performance Spec ifications 10°C (50°F) EWT T empe rature dry bulb (DB), wet bulb (WB) °C (°F) CW Delta T °C (°F) T otal Net Capacity kW (BTU/hr) Sensible Ne t Capacity kW (BTU/hr) Sensible H eat Ratio SHR CW Flow Rate l/s (GPM) To t a l C W Pressure Dr op kPa (ft H 2 O)* 26.
21 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Chilled W ater Performance Specif ications 12.8°C (55°F) EWT T e mperature dry bulb (DB), wet bulb (WB) °C (°F) CW Delta T °C (°F) To t a l N e t Capacity kW (BTU/hr) Sensible N et Capacity kW (BTU/hr) Sensible Heat Ratio SHR CW Flow Rate l/s (GPM) To t a l C W Pressure Drop kPa (ft H 2 O)* 26.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 22 Chilled W ater Performance Specif ications 15.5°C (60°F) EWT T empe rature dry bulb (DB), wet bulb (WB) °C (°F) CW Delta T °C (°F) T otal Net Capacity kW (BTU/hr) Sensible Net Capacity kW (BTU/hr) Sensible Heat Ratio SHR CW Flow Rate l/s (GPM) To t a l C W Pre ssur e Drop kPa (ft H 2 O)* 26.
23 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Chilled W ater Data - General MODEL ACRP 500 Series MODULA TING V AL VES Size -3 W ay Ball V alve - NPT mm (in) 25.4 (1) AIR SYSTEM - F ANS (S ta ndard Filter Installe d) Air V olume - l/s (SCFM) 3162 (6700) Fan Motor - W (HP) 1 100 (1.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 24 Glycol Correction Factors Altitude Correction Factors for InRow Products Air-cooled Performanc e Sp ecifications Performance Criteria Glycol Solution Percent W eight of Solution *** 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Capacity* Ethylene 1.
25 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Air-cooled Dat a - General Note: Reduce airflow a nd cooling capacity spec ification s by 7% for cooling units run at low input voltage (380 V). MODEL ACRP 100 Series AIR SYSTEM - F AN (S tandard Filter Installed) Air V olume - l/s (SCFM) 2265 (4800) Fan Motor - W (HP) 1 100 (1.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 26 Sound Performance Data Electrical Data Chilled W ater T ested Sound Data Fan Speed% Airflow m 3 /s (SCFM) Sound Power dB at Frequency Hz re: 10 -12 W Lp Sound Pressure dB re: 20 microPa* 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 dBA dBA 35 1.
27 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Dimensional Dat a InRow RP Assembled Module Dimensions are shown in mm (in). na24 65a.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 28 SX to VX Height Adapter SX to 48U SX Height Adapter Dimensions are shown in mm (in). na244 5a na24 46a.
29 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Piping and Mechanical Connections Chilled W ater Piping Diagram Flex hose or copper Circuit setter (field-installed) Copper tubing Hose end drain with cap Y - strainer with 20 mesh screen (field installed)* Isolation valve *Blow down may be installed on Y -strain er .
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 30 T op Chilled Water Pipi ng Access (top view) Note: T op or bottom entry can be chosen individu ally for each type of connectio n, i.e. power , condensate drain, humidifier water supply , ch illed water supply and ch illed water return.
31 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Bottom Chilled W ater Piping Acce ss (bottom view , looking up) Dimensions are shown in mm (in). W ater supply to chiller W ater supply from chiller Condensate overflow Communication connections—2 7.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 32 Air-cooled Piping Diagram Note: Shutof f valves shown nearest to th e condensers are not supplied by APC. Note: Route piping t hrough the top or bottom of the InRow RP . Note: T rap the vertical discharge line every 6 m (20 ft) to ensure proper oil return.
33 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Air-cooled Piping Access (top) Dimensions are shown in mm (in). Refrigerant dischar ge line Refrigerant liquid line Pressure relief valve dischar ge line T rou gh for communication cabl es Power connections Humidifier water supply Condensate drain na 2071a 547 21.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 34 Air-cooled Piping Access (bottom view , looking up) Dimensions are shown in mm (in). Pressure relief valve access—27.80 mm (1.09 in) Refrigerant liquid line Refrigerant discharge line Condensate overflow—50.
35 InRow RP Technical Data Manual Air-Cooled Condensers Mechanical Da t a SKU Ambient Te m p Sound Pressure (dbA)* Sound Pressure (dbA) ** Air Quantity Fan Unit Connection Size W eight Capacity l/s (CFM) Qty . kW Hot Gas Liquid Kg (Lbs) MBH/1F TD kW/1C TD ACCD75201 95 (35) 67 62 4955 (10500) 1 2.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 36 ACCD75201 and ACCD75204 ACCD75202 and ACCD75205 ACCD75203 and ACCD75206 Dimensions are shown in mm (in). Note: All cond ensers shown on this page have ei ght 22 mm (0.
37 InRow RP Technical Data Manual ACCD75207 ACCD75208 and ACCD75209 Dimensions are shown in mm (in). All condensers shown on this page have 16 mm (0.63 in) mounting holes on each of their lower legs. Air-cooled Condenser Features A vailable in one to three fan configur ations, APC of fers air-cooled condensers with a vertical air discharge pattern.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 38 Guide S pecifications P ART 1 — GENERAL 1.01 SUMMAR Y A. The en vironmental con trol syst em shall be designed specifica lly for precision temperature and humidity control appli cations.
39 InRow RP Technical Data Manual B. V ARIABLE SPEED FAN ASSEMBLY 1 . V ariable Speed Fans: The unit is equipped w ith variable speed, electronically commutate d, 400 mm backward incline fans complete with Inlet V olute. 2 . Fan Protection: discharge finger guard.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 40 k. Fan fault l. Fan run hours exceeded m. W ater detection fault n. Condensate pump fault o. Condensate run hours exceeded p. Humidifier water conductivity h igh violation q. Humidifier fault tolerance exceeded r . Humidifier low water s.
41 InRow RP Technical Data Manual ba. Air flow decreased while compressor off bb. S uction pressure senso r failure bc. Discharge pressure sensor failure bd. High pressure switch active be. Fan speed decreased to avoi d high pressure (event only) bf. Compressor speed decreased to avoid high pressure (event only) bg.
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 42 J. CONDENSA TE PUMP Factory installed and wired condensate pump shall pump at 31.99 l/h (8. 45 GPH) at 3.5 m (1 1.5 ft) of head. Pump shall have a dual po sition internal float and a reservoir made of polymeric materials to prevent corrosion.
43 InRow RP Technical Data Manual P . SELECT ABLE TOP OR BOTTOM P IPING (AIR-COOLED ONL Y) 1 . Pipe connections: The unit is equipped with field connection from either top or bottom of the unit. Unit connections shall be made internal to the unit. 2 .
InRow RP Technical Data Manual 44 Guidelines for Inst allation The InRow RP provides reliable, accu rate temperature control of comp uter rooms, laboratories, and other environments that require cl ose tolerance control.
9/2009 990-2469E-001 APC W orldwide Customer Support Customer support for this or any other APC product is available at no char ge in any of the following ways: • V isit the APC W eb site to acce ss documents in the APC Knowledg e Base and to submit customer support requests.
デバイスAPC ACRP502の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
APC ACRP502をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAPC ACRP502の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。APC ACRP502の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。APC ACRP502で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
APC ACRP502を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAPC ACRP502の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、APC ACRP502に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAPC ACRP502デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。