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Inst al lat io n an d Quick Conf igura tion Manua l NetBotz Room Monitor 355 NBWL03 55 NBWL03 56.
This ma nua l is avail able in E nglis h on the e n cl osed CD. Dieses Hand buch ist in Deut sch auf der beili egende n CD-ROM verfüg bar . Es te manu al e stá di s ponib le e n españo l en el C D-ROM adjunto . Ce manue l es t di s po nibl e en franç ais sur le CD- ROM ci-i ncl us.
NetBo tz 35 5 Ins tal lation and Q uick Co nfigur ation Manu al Content s In trod uct ion 1 Product D escription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Document O v erview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Additional D ocumentation .
ii NetBo tz 35 5 Ins tal lation and Q uick Co nfigur ation Manu al To Install on a Linux S ystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Pre-configur ed Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Administrat or account user ID & pas sw ord .
Ne tBotz 3 55 In sta llatio n and Quic k C onfigur atio n Ma nual 1 Int roduct ion Pr odu ct Des cri ptio n The America n Power Conve rsion (APC ® ) NetBotz ® Room Monitor 355 funct ions as the cen tral hardware a pplia nce fo r a Ne tBotz s ecuri ty a nd envi ronmental monitori ng s ystem.
2 Net B ot z 355 I nst all ati on an d Qui ck C onfi g u r ati on Ma nual Doc ume nt Ov ervi ew The Ne tBotz Room M onitor 355 I nstallat ion and Quick Co nfigur ation M anual des cri bes how to in st al l a NetBotz Room Monit or 355, how to conne c t devi ces to t he appli ance, and ho w to confi gure networ k sett ings.
Ne tBotz 3 55 In sta llatio n and Quic k C onfigur atio n Ma nual 3 Addit ional Op tion s The follo w i ng opt i on s are available for the NetBotz 35 5. For more information about any of the opti ons, conta ct your APC represe ntati ve or the distr ibutor fr om whom y ou purchased your AP C pro duc t.
4 Net B ot z 355 I nst all ati on an d Qui ck C onfi g u r ati on Ma nual Physical Descriptio n Fr ont Item D escri ption V ented inte rna l sensors V ente d openin g for ai r flo w , tempe ratur e, and hum idity sen sors. Netw or k lin k LED Sho w s the st atus of t he networ k conn ection.
Ne tBotz 3 55 In sta llatio n and Quic k C onfigur atio n Ma nual 5 Rear Item D escri ption Sens or port s (4) Use d f o r c onn ecting APC s e ns o rs, thir d-pa rty dry -con ta ct sen sors, a nd stan dard t hird-pa rty 0 -5 V sen sors. Thi rd-p arty dry-co ntact state sen sors re qui re the Ne tB ot z Dr y C ont ac t Ca ble (N BE S0 304 ).
6 Net B ot z 355 I nst all ati on an d Qui ck C onfi g u r ati on Ma nual Inventory In sp ect th e c ont ent s of th e pa ck age to ens ure th at the pa rts in cl u ded matc h th os e shown below . Report mis sin g or da maged c onten ts to A PC or your APC res el ler .
Ne tBotz 3 55 In sta llatio n and Quic k C onfigur atio n Ma nual 7 It em Des cri ptio n Net B otz Room Mon i to r 35 5—no t sho wn Bracke t mou nt ing plat e for el ect rical bo xes Ad hesi ve cab le tie hold ers Mou nting scr ew wa ll anc hors 13-mm (0.
8 Net B ot z 355 I nst all ati on an d Qui ck C onfi g u r ati on Ma nual Inst alla tion Install th e NetB ot z 35 5 Choos e an insta llati on option tha t meets your nee ds . T ake the fol lowing int o cons idera tion: Caution: Only connect app roved de vices to ports on the NetBot z 355 as di rected i n this manual.
Ne tBotz 3 55 In sta llatio n and Quic k C onfigur atio n Ma nual 9 Wal l Note: Dril l 4.7 6 - mm ( 3/1 6-in) pilot hole s for wa ll an chors. Caution: Do not overti ght e n th e s c re ws.
10 NetB ot z 355 I nst all ati on an d Quick Confi gur at io n Manu al Ceiling.
Ne tBotz 3 55 In sta llatio n and Quic k C onfigur atio n Ma nual 11 Enc losur e Note: Use a #32 drill to m ake f our 2.94-m m (0.1 16-in) pi lot hole s.
12 NetB ot z 355 I nst all ati on an d Quick Confi gur at io n Manu al Co nnect th e NetB otz 355 t o Y o ur Ne twor k Power-over -Ethernet (PoE) injector Caution: Before you en er gize the NetBotz 355, review the electri c a l s pe c i f ic ations on page 19 to avoid ove rloadi ng th e c irc uit.
Ne tBotz 3 55 In sta llatio n and Quic k C onfigur atio n Ma nual 13 Co nnect Senso rs to Sens or P ort s This procedure appli e s to the foll owing sensor s , which ar e suppo rted by t he NetBo t z .
14 NetB ot z 355 I nst all ati on an d Quick Confi gur at io n Manu al Ad just th e Lens V iew the camer a f eed dur ing the ad just me nt o f th e cam era in or der to correct ly adjust the focus of the feed and field of view s ettin gs.
Ne tBotz 3 55 In sta llatio n and Quic k C onfigur atio n Ma nual 15 Con figu re Y our Appl iance Over view This cha pter exp la ins how to set up your ne twor k se tti ngs and other confi gurati on tasks . Gat he r Ne tw ork Se tti ngs In fo rmatio n Colle ct the follo wing inf orm ati on from your sy stems admini stra tor .
16 NetB ot z 355 I nst all ati on an d Quick Confi gur at io n Manu al T o Install o n a W indo ws S ystem T o i ns tall the ap pli c a ti ons and the JRE on a support e d W indows system: 1. Plac e the NetB otz A ppl ian ce Util it y CD in the CD dri ve o f the s yste m tha t you wi ll use to c onfigure and manage your a ppliance.
Ne tBotz 3 55 In sta llatio n and Quic k C onfigur atio n Ma nual 17 Root acc ount u ser ID & password Y our NetBo tz 355 c omes with a pre-c onfigure d root account.
18 NetB ot z 355 I nst all ati on an d Quick Confi gur at io n Manu al Use the Serial Configuration Utility Y ou can use the Serial Co nfigurat ion Ut ility (i nstalled during the Advanc ed V iew instal la tion) to as s ign net work sett ings to you r a ppl ia n ce.
Ne tBotz 3 55 In sta llatio n and Quic k C onfigur atio n Ma nual 19 Clean th e NetBotz 355 T o cle an t he de vice, g e ntly wipe s urfac es with a cle an, dry cloth. S pecificatio ns Elec trical Input vol tage, nomi nal 48 VDC (Powe r-over -Ethe rnet) Maxi m um pow er consumptio n 15 W Ph ysical Dime nsion s (H x W x D) 210 x 17 0 x 94 mm (8.
20 NetB ot z 355 I nst all ati on an d Quick Confi gur at io n Manu al W arranty T wo -Y e ar Fa ct ory W arra nty This warra nty appl ie s only to the products you purc hase for your us e in ac cord anc e w it h th is ma nu al.
Ra dio F req uenc y Int erfer enc e Chan ges or modifications to t his unit not expressly approved by the p ar t y resp on sib l e fo r co m p li a nce co u ld v oi d th e us er ’ s au th or it y to oper ate this equ ip men t.
Austral ia and New Zea land Attention: Thi s is a Clas s A prod uct. In a domest ic envir onme nt this produc t may cause ra dio int e r ferenc e in which case the user may be requ ired to ta ke adequa te me as ure s.
APC Wor ldwi de Cus tomer Suppo rt Cust omer supp ort for this or any othe r APC pro duct is avail able at no char ge in any of the fo ll ow in g way s : • V isit the APC W eb site to access docume nt s in the APC Know l edge Base and t o subm it cu stom er supp ort re quests.
デバイスAPC NBWL0355の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
APC NBWL0355をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAPC NBWL0355の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。APC NBWL0355の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。APC NBWL0355で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
APC NBWL0355を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAPC NBWL0355の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、APC NBWL0355に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAPC NBWL0355デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。