Apex DigitalメーカーApex EmergeCard Remote Accessの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Run Y our Servers Smarter EmergeCard Remote Access User Guide.
Emerg eCard Remote A ccess Us er Gui de © 2001 Apex Inc. All ri gh ts rese rved. July 2001 Pri nted in the Unit ed States of A merica Apex Pa rt Number 053-0191-00 The inform atio n co nta ined in th is g uid e is sub je ct t o ch ang e w ithou t no tice .
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A cces s U se r G u ide Co nte nt s • • • • i Contents 1. Overview 1 Emer ge Card R emot e Acc ess Ov ervie w ........................................................................... 1 Pack age Cont ent s ............
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A cces s U se r G u ide Co nte nt s • • • • ii Scre en Upd ate R ate ....................................................................................... 33 Chan ged- Seg ment G rid....................................
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A cces s U se r G u ide Overview • • • • 1 1. Overview Eme rg eC ard Re mote Access Ov er vi ew Th e EmergeCard i s the f astest and most reli able way to remo tely cont.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A cces s U se r G u ide Overview • • • • 2 Package C ont ents Emerge Card CD containing the EmergeCard R emote Access User Gui de and the E merge sof tware Emer geCard I.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A cces s U se r G u ide Overview • • • • 3 Key Featu res Fea tur e Desc ripti on OSC AR C om pa tible On-S cre en Co nfigu rat ion an d A ctivit y Rep ortin g.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide In sta llation • • • • 4 2. Installat ion Sys tem Requ irem ents The f oll owi ng are the r ecommended sy stems for your EmergeCar d.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide In sta llation • • • • 5 Ins tallation Ch ecklist Follo w th e s tep s o utlin ed in th e c hec klist be low t o ins tall yo ur Em erg e rem ote com pu te r sys tem .
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide In sta llation • • • • 6 Pl anni ng Y our E mer ge Syste m Op tions Before you se tup your ne w Eme rge system, take a few minutes to plan your layout. A quick revi ew of your o pt ions will fac ilitat e a qu ick, trou ble -fre e ins ta llatio n.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide In sta llation • • • • 7 Vid eo resolution sup port opti ons The Emerg e supp orts stan dard high-re solution VGA v ide o up to 1024 x 768 @75 Hz re fresh rate.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide In sta llation • • • • 8 Ins talling you r EmergeCard The exa ct in sta llat ion p roc ed ure you will fo llow to inst all yo ur Em erg eC ar d will d e pe nd o n th e computer system brand y ou are usi ng.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide In sta llation • • • • 9 Conn e ct ing to an OutL ook Switch or a Server The Emerge can be attached directly to an OutLook switch or to a server to all ow the remote user to gain access to servers or remotely access commands and fun ctionali ty of remote swit ches.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide In sta llation • • • • 10 To connect to a sw itch console p ort or server 1 Ma ke s ure t he E mer ge syst em is turn ed off and unp lug ge d.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide In sta llation • • • • 11 Connect ing to a Mu lti-us er OutLook S witch The E merge can be con nected to an O utLook mul ti-u ser swi tch in two dif feren t wa ys: eith er t o a user consol e or sy stem port.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide In sta llation • • • • 12 To co nne ct to an O utL ook multi-us er s witch 1 Ma ke s ure t he E mer ge syst em is turn ed off and unp lug ge d.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide In sta llation • • • • 13 Conn ecting t o a Viewpoint Us er Pod Att ac hing the Eme rg e to a us er p od allow s a rem ote use r to utiliz e th e O SC AR me nus to a cc es s commands and functionality of the Viewp oint switch.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide In sta llation • • • • 14 To connect to a user pod 1 Ma ke s ure t he E mer ge syst em is turn ed off and unp lug ge d. 2 Place the E merge syst em in th e desired l ocatio n. The max imum cable len gth bet ween the E merge and the t arget syst em shoul d be no lo nger than 1 2 feet.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide In sta llation • • • • 15 Con nectin g to a V iewpoint U ser Pod and S yst em Pod Att ac hing the Em erg e t o a syst em po d a nd u se r po d a ll.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide In sta llation • • • • 16 To co nne ct to a us er po d and s ystem po d 1 Ma ke s ure t he E mer ge syst em is turn ed off and unp lug ge d. 2 Pl ace the uni t in th e desired l ocatio n, no l onger than 12 feet from a user pod.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A cce ss Us e r Gu ide Co nfig urat ion • • • • 17 3. Configura tio n Confi gur ing Yo ur Eme rg e Car d Afte r ins ta lling yo ur Em er ge Ca rd, follow the st ep s lis te d b elo w in th e C onfig ura tion Ch ec klist b e fore operat ing your new system.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A cce ss Us e r Gu ide Co nfig urat ion • • • • 18 Ins tall an d Con figu re th e Emerge S oft ware Onc e yo ur ne w Em er ge Ca rd is ins talle d yo u will n ee d t o ins tall yo ur Em erg e s oft ware .
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 19 4. Operation Usin g the Emerge Applicat ion This c ha pte r d es crib es how to o pe rat e you r Eme rg e s oftw are . The follow ing c he cklis t will h elp you in operat ing and cu stomiz ing y our Em erge envi ron ment.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 20 Launchi ng the Eme rg e Ap pl ica tion To gain acc ess f rom the remote c omputer thro ugh Emerge to th e target system 1 Dou ble -clic k the Eme rge ico n to o pe n th e Em erg e app lica tion .
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 21 Usin g the Swit ch Conf iguration Wizard To use the Switc h Con figu ratio n Wizar d 1 Doubl e -cli ck the Eme rge icon on the de sktop of the Administrator Remote Control console to open Emerge.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 22 4 Se le ct t he type of s witc h b eing us ed . C lick Next . -or- Select (O ther) if you ar e using an Apex compatibl e switch and select the asso ciated sw itch model. Clic k Next .
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 23 6 Yes brin gs up a dial og box ask ing wh ich por ts the tier ed switch es are attached to . Select All or Ports. (If you sel ect Ports , proceed t o Step 10 .) Cli ck Next . 7 If y ou select All , yo u are asked i f all the switch es are the same type.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 24 8 Se lec tin g Yes b ring s up a d ialo g b ox th at a sks you to ide ntify t he tier ed swit ch t ype . 9 Select the tiered sw itch and cl ick Next . A dial og box appear s where y ou enter the name y ou want as soc iate d with ea ch Po rt.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 25 10 If y ou select Port s , a dial og box appears aski ng you to enter t he port nu mbers and/ or port range s, s epa rate port numb ers a nd/or rang es with comma s. 11 Se le ctin g Next brings u p a dialog box aski ng if al l tier ed Switches ar e the same type.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 26 15 If y ou select Yes, but I want to use the s ame window for all ports when y ou fir st en counter the Switch Configuration Wizard di alog box and cli ck Next , a di alog box appears aski ng you to enter a title for the Target Sy stem Wind ow.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 27 Beg inni ng a Ho st Sessio n Once you have configured your Emerge to recog nize the attac hed switche s, you can be gin a host sessio n by dou ble-cl ick ing the E merge ic on on th e desktop t o laun ch Emerge.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 28 Emerge Applicat ion Tool Bar The f oll owi ng tool bar appears at th e top of y our E merge appli cation windo w. This Icon Represents This 1 New Target Wi ndow Opens th e New T arget Sy stem dial og box to in iti ate another se ssion window or the Switch W izard.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 29 Target S yst em Tool an d St atus Bars The followin g ta rge t s yste m w indo w will a pp ea r for e ac h of th e p ort w indo ws yo u ha ve op en . This Icon Represents This 1 Port Name/Numb er Port na me/numb er of ta rget syste m is disp layed .
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 30 Men u Item s in th e Emerge W indo w This Key Represents This Which Does This FILE Start/Stop Sessi on Starts or sto ps a session with the active target sy stem.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 31 This Key Represents This Which Does This WINDOW New Ta rge t W indo w Allows you t o se lec t a d iffere nt t arg et s yste m. Cascade All ows you to cascade multi ple session s on the screen.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 32 Res olution Table The R esoluti on Tabl e lis ts the supported v ideo reso lutio ns and associated v alues.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 33 Opti miz ing Y our Conne ctio n Pe rfor mance Screen Upda te Rate The Scree n Update Rate allows you to set the video up date rate betwe en 2 sec onds and 200 millis ec ond s to ad jus t to t he type of c onn ec tion yo u are us ing to a cce ss your tar ge t sys te m.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 34 Changed-Segmen t Grid The Changed- Segment Gri d ident ifi es the presence and l ocatio n of an y screen act ivi ty. T his f eature i s important for helping you to improve the pe rformance of your connection.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 35 Using Functio n Ke ys Eme rg e c ome s c onfig ure d w ith h elp ful fun ctio n keys tha t a llow you to s ele ct me nu it ems qu ickly.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 36 Setting Alte rnate Func tion Key M apping You can chang e the curre nt function key confi gura tions or remove Emerge assignme nts entirely to match your existing system usage .
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 37 Confi gur ing Mo use P oi nter s Eme rg e offe rs you th e a bilit y to c onfig ure your m ous e p oint er s for u niqu e o pe rat ing e nviro nme nts .
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 38 Optimi zing Mo use Perf ormanc e Apex r ecommends that all servers co ntrol led by the E merge system be adju sted as foll ows pri or to inst alla tion .
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 39 Improvin g the V ideo Dis play The E merge gather s system i nfor matio n from the target system th rough obser vati on. Because i t has an u nob trus ive pre se nce , it ca nnot ob tain sp ec ific s yste m info rma tion.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 40 To adjust the di splay ed video i mage of the t arget system 1 Click the Video icon on the toolbar for the conso le swi tch screen t o open th e Adjust me nts di alog box or Press F6, the Adjust Settings function k e y, to bri ng up the Emerge Adju stme nts menu.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 41 Sett ing Your Swit ch Port Sc an Rat e If y ou have set Emer ge to automatical ly scan from por t to port, y ou can set how l ong i t stay s at each port by setting the slider on the Switch Port Scan R ate.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 42 Adj us tin g th e Target W indow Propert ies The P roperti es dial og box al low s you to contro l var ious at tribu tes of y our tar get system inclu ding the Name, Switch P ort numbe r, and Tiered Port numb er.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 43 Maint aining Log Files The E me rge syst em m aint ains an a pp licat ion lo g file tha t c an b e r evie wed b y Ape x C ust ome r Su pp ort for s ervic ing p rob lem s.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Opera tion • • • • 44 Viewin g Emerge Version s You can acce ss a window d isplaying the current versions of the Eme rge ap plication and compone nts that you are running.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A ccess Us e r Gu ide Tro ub lesh o otin g • • • • 45 5. Trouble shooti ng Symp tom Prob able C ause Recommend ed Soluti on Method that mouse mov emen ts are proc essed a nd tran sferre d Press Alig n Mouse Poin ters hotke y <F9>.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A cces s U se r G u ide Ap en dixes • • • • 46 Appendices Ge tting He lp Whe re t o Go for Assi stan ce Visit our We b site for the latest technical informati on and to d ownload updates. www.apex.com Conta ct your dis tributor or re seller E-m ail A pex Custo mer Suppo rt: su pport@apex .
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A cces s U se r G u ide Ap en dixes • • • • 47 Comm unicat ions R egulation Inform ation ENGLIS H Fed eral C ommunicati ons No tice (C lass A Equi pment) Thi s equipment h as been tested and foun d to comply with the l imi ts for a Cl ass A digital device, pursu ant to P art 15 of the F CC rules.
Em erge Ca rd Re mo te A cces s U se r G u ide Ap en dixes • • • • 48 Limit ed Warrant y Ap ex Inc . wa rran ts t hat the Eme rge re mote ac ce ss c ard (Prod uc t) will b e fre e fro m de fe cts in mate rials and workmanship und er normal use and service for a pe riod of one yea r from the d ate of rec e ipt.
デバイスApex Digital Apex EmergeCard Remote Accessの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Apex Digital Apex EmergeCard Remote Accessをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはApex Digital Apex EmergeCard Remote Accessの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Apex Digital Apex EmergeCard Remote Accessの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Apex Digital Apex EmergeCard Remote Accessで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Apex Digital Apex EmergeCard Remote Accessを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はApex Digital Apex EmergeCard Remote Accessの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Apex Digital Apex EmergeCard Remote Accessに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちApex Digital Apex EmergeCard Remote Accessデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。