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i T ABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 I NTRODUCTI ON 1.1 Methods of Viewing and Configuring the AC4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Data Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii 6.0 S ILENCE A LARM & B ACKUP L OG F ILES (S ERVICE T ERMINAL I NTERFACE ) 6.1 Silence Alarm (Service Terminal Interface) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 6.2 Back Up Log Files (Service Terminal Interface only) .
iii A PPENDIX A-S ERVICE T ERMINAL I NTERFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 A.1 Comparison of Functions: LCD and Service Terminal Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 A.2 Connecting to the Service Terminal In terface .
iv FIGURES Figure 1 AC4 enclosure—external fe atures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Figure 2 AC4 enclosure—internal features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introd uction 1 1.0 I NTRODUCTION The Liebert AC4 is ideal for coordinated co ntrol of systems with redundant equipment, such as multiple environmenta l units or pump s.
Introd uction 2 1.4 Out side Enclosure Overview The AC4’s cont roller board comes in an encl osure that is 2-3/4" dee p and has a built-in li quid crystal display (LCD) an d a key lock, as shown in Figure 1 . The enclosure is made of metal to accommodate secure conduit fittings and protect comp onents against environmental debris.
Introd uction 3 1.5 T ypical Configuration Figure 3 shows an example of external devices connected t o the AC4’s cont roller board. There may be up to four devices connected to the four digital in pu ts and four digital output s. Remote access is avai l- able through the Servic e Terminal Interface.
Introd uction 4 1.6 Controller Board Overview The AC4’s controller board has connectors for four di gital inputs and four digital outputs, as shown below.
Introd uction 5 I - Digital outp ut loss-of-power jumper One of four output jumpers. Each digital output has a jumper to set the fail-safe posi tion of the output point when power fails. The OFF positio n makes the contact Normally Open (factory defa ult).
Introd uction 6 1.7 LED Indicators The AC4’s controller board has LED indicators that show the status of in puts, outputs and the com- mon alarm T able 2 LED indicators summary LED Type LED Color De.
Introd uction 7 1.8 T ypical Sequence Figure 4 shows a typical sequence of h ow the AC4 func tions after detecting a change in a monitored device. Many responses de pend on configuration settings.
Installation 8 2.0 I NST ALLATION 2.1 Inst allation Considerations The AC4 must be installed indoors an d may be mount ed on the surface of a wall or flush-mounted, depending on the user’s applicatio n, the location of equipment to be connected and the type of wall the unit will be mounted on.
Installation 9 2.2 Surface-Mounting the AC4 After dete rmining where t o place the unit, check to ensure that yo u have all the hard ware required to install the panel on the surface of a wall.
Installation 10 2.3 Flush-Mounting the AC4 The AC4 may be flush mounted acco rding to company practices—either with screws through the sides of the panel into wall supp orts or with hanging hard ware that attaches to the back of the panel.
Installation 11 2.4 Connect Power to the AC4 The AC4 requires 24VAC for proper operation. Li ebert recommends using the optional Transformer Module manufactured by Liebert or another UL- approved class 2 power unit to obtain proper voltage. If the power un it is not a cl ass 2 circuit, i t must be protected with an IEC 5 x 20mm ti me lag 2A fuse.
Wiring and Connections 12 3.0 W IRING AND C ONNECTIONS 3.1 Wiring S pecifications Input and output conn ections to the AC4 may be made in any order—it is not necessary, for example, to make all input connections before making any ou tput connections.
Wiring and Connections 13 3.2 Connecting Digit a l Input s and Output s The digital inputs and output s are found on the lowe r right side of the AC4’s pri nted wiring assembly board. This se ction describes how to connect devices to the AC4’s inputs a nd outputs.
Wiring and Connections 14 3.2.3 Setting the Digit al Output Jumpers E ac h d ig it al ou t pu t h as an a ss oc ia te d j um p er to de fi ne i ts operation when power is interrupted. This puts the AC4 in a fail-safe mode and ensures proper functioning when the board has no power.
Overview of Menus 15 4.0 O VERVIEW OF M ENUS There are two ways to access the AC4: the LCD on th e front of the enclosure and the Service Terminal Interface, which is acce ssible t hrough any computer using a co mmunications progra m.
Overview of Menus 16 4.1 Opening Screen Overview The AC4 displays th e Opening Screen at startup, as shown in Figure 7 . • If any alarms are active, the Current Alarm screen ap pears. (Pressing any key on the LC D keypad will silence the audib le alarm.
V i ew S tatus Options 17 5.0 V IEW S TAT U S O PTIONS The View Status menu allows any user to view curre ntly active alarms, data stored in the alarm and event logs a nd the status of all i nputs and outputs. The arrows ↑↓ are used to scroll through the menu.
V i ew S tatus Options 18 5.1 View Active Alarms The Active Alarm screen displa ys all alarms that are occurring, up to a maximum of 40. A Current Alarm screen appears automatica lly whenever an ala rm occurs—except during setup. This s creen can display only the two most recent active alarms.
V i ew S tatus Options 19 5.2 View Alarm Log The Alarm Log contains up to 99 reco rds of alarms that have occurred. Records are added to this log as alarms occur. To view t he Alarm Log : • From the Main Menu, use the arrows ↑↓ to choose View Status , then press Enter ↵.
V i ew S tatus Options 20 5.3 View Event Log In addition to alarms, the AC4 tracks other changes in the Event Log to assist users with verifying operat ional and troubleshooting problems. Events reflect changes in the status of an input that is defined as an event or the change of state of an out put (i.
V i ew S tatus Options 21 5.4 View Input S tatus The Input Status option allows you to view the current status of all four digital input s. To view the Input Status: • From the Main Menu, use the arrows ↑↓ to choose View Status , then press Enter ↵.
V i ew S tatus Options 22 5.5 View Output St atus The Output Status option allows you to view the current status of all four outputs. To view t he Output S tatus: • From the Main Menu, use the arrows ↑↓ to choose View Status , then press Enter ↵.
Silence Alarm & Backup Log Files (Service Terminal Interface) 23 6.0 S ILENCE A LARM & B ACKUP L OG F ILES (S ERVICE T ERMINAL I NTERFACE ) This section de scribes two features that are av ailable in the Service Termi nal Interface: • Silence Alarm • Backup Log Files 6.
Silence Alarm & Backup Log Files (Service Terminal Interface) 24 6.2 Back Up Log Files (Service T erminal Interface only) The AC4 maintains tw o types of logs—alarm and event—that may be backed up to a remote com- puter. This feature is available only through the Service Terminal Interface.
Silence Alarm & Backup Log Files (Service Terminal Interface) 25 5. At the top of the HyperTermina l window, shown below, click on Transfer , then on Receive File .
System and Control Options 26 7.0 S YSTEM AND C ONTROL O PTIONS The System and Control menu allows you to config ure the AC4—setting up inputs and outputs and system featur es such as date and time.
System and Control Options 27 Figure 9 shows the main option s available from the System & Cont rol menu. Figure 9 Menu ov erview - System and Contro l menu Opening Screen LIEBERT AC4 DD-MON-YY HR:MM:SS VX.
System and Control Options 28 7.2 Setup System - Overview The Setup System screen displays six options that all ow you to configure input and ou tput devices, the common alarm, and a variety of system.
System and Control Options 29 7.3.1 Change Label (Name of Input) Each input has a default label ( Device_1, Device_2, etc.) th at you may change to a more descri ptive name for ease in recognizin g alarms and events associated with the input. Th e label may consist of up to eight characters (see Table 12 for valid characters).
System and Control Options 30 7.3.4 Set Up Alarmable Inpu t s in Latched or Unlatched Mode Alarmable input points may be set up in Latched mode (Y), which requires the user to clear th e AC4 alarms aft er an alarm has occurred, or Unlatched mode (N ), in which al arms will automatically clear after a return-to-normal state.
System and Control Options 31 7.4 Setup System - Setup Common Alarm The audible al arm sounds after the AC4 detects an alarm condition in any input that has been defined as alarmable. Once the alar m is silenced, there are two options: • By default, the common alarm remains ener gized until all input alarms are cleared.
System and Control Options 32 7.5 Setup System - Setup Zones The AC4 has two zones that may be used t o define differe nt areas—ro oms or sections of a room. The AC4 effectively performs as two separate units, contro lling each zone separ ately, for examply, using a different rotation sequence for devices in each zone.
System and Control Options 33 7.6 Setup System - Setup Output s The AC4 has four outputs that may be configured individually. These outputs correspond to the four numbered inputs. For example, De vice_1 is th e unit connected to Inpu t 1 and to Output 1.
System and Control Options 34 7.6.2 Define Ope rating or S t andby Mode Each output may be defi ned as Operating (OP), Standby (ST), or Not Used (NU). This setting takes preced ence over any setting in the over- ride menu (see 7.9 - Override Output ).
System and Control Options 35 7.7 Setup System - Setup System Info The Setup System Info options allow users to: • Change Passw ord —used for access to system setup functions • Set Date & Ti.
System and Control Options 36 7.7.2 Set Date & Time/Auto matic Daylight Saving T ime The AC4 has a built-in real- t ime clock that is backed up by an encapsulated lithi um battery and set up to adjust automatically for da ylight saving time twice a year.
System and Control Options 37 7.7.4 Backup and Uplo ad Configuration File (Service T erminal Interface only) This operation may be performed only through the Se rvice Terminal Interface. It permits the user to make a copy of the AC4’s configuration setting s and save it as a file on the computer connected through the RS232 port.
System and Control Options 38 Back Up the Conf iguration File 8. At the prompt to Initiate a Ba ckup of Configuration File, enter Y (Yes - begin) or N (No - cancel). The current setting appears in brackets—[ N] in the following example. 9. At the top of the HyperTermina l window, shown below, click on Transfer , then on Receive File .
System and Control Options 39 Upload the Configuration File 13. At the prompt to Initiate an Upload of Configura tion File, enter Y (Yes - begin) or N (No - cancel). The current setting appears in brackets—[ N] in the following example. 14. At the top of the HyperTermina l window, shown bel ow, click o n Transfer , then on Send File .
System and Control Options 40 7.7.5 Factory Default s At any time, you may restore all defa ult values for settings in the AC4 as it was shipped. The password is the sole exceptio n when reverting to the factory default settings. The pas sword can be reset to the factory default of AAAA through the DIP switches.
System and Control Options 41 2. The firmware update is a two-step process—this step describes how to upload the file prog###.s19 (where ### is a number—for example, p rog118.s19) to the AC4: a. At the top of the HyperTermina l window, shown below, click on Transfer , then on Send File .
System and Control Options 42 7.8 Setup Operation The AC4’s operation features allow you to s et up a rotation sequence to alternate which devices are operating an d which are placed on Standby, as well as test devices while in Standby mode and specify what to do when a Standby device goes into alarm as it is powered up.
System and Control Options 43 7.8.1 T urn Automatic Sequencing On or Off Use automatic sequencing to set up a schedule for rotation of redundant devices.
System and Control Options 44 7.8.2 T urn St andby T esting On or Off Standby testing permits scheduling an automatic op erational check of de vices in Standby mode. When this featu re is activated (ON), the AC4 tests all devi ces in Standby mode by pu tting each device in operating mo de for a designated time.
System and Control Options 45 7.8.4 S pecify Hold Delay Time After an output changes state, the hold delay timer directs the AC4 to ignore all inputs in the same zone for the specified time. This delay is the amount of time that must elapse before the AC4 acknowledg es a change of state in any input.
System and Control Options 46 7.9 Override Output The Override Output feature allows you to manually change the state of any di gital output to ON or OFF, overriding automatic control by the AC4 (the default setting for all outputs). This menu also allows you to release the m anual override, returning any output to automatic control.
System and Control Options 47 7.10 Clear Alarms & Logs The Clear Alarms & Logs menu allows you to clea r active alarms or delete all records from either of the AC4’s alarm and event logs.
Specifications 48 8.0 S PECIFICATIONS 8.1 AC4 Specifications Power Requirements 24VAC ±10% of nominal 50/60 Hz 1.3A, 30VA NOTE If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Comparison o f Functions: LCD and Service T erminal Interface 49 A PPENDIX A- S ERVICE T ERMINAL I NTER FACE The Service Terminal Interface allows access to all functions of the AC4, incl uding some that are not possible through the LCD interface.
Connecting to the Service Terminal Interface 50 A.2 C ONNECTING TO THE S ERVICE T ERMINAL I NTERFACE This section describes how to set up and connect to the Service Terminal Interface. To access the Ser- vice Terminal Interf ace, you will need: • A null modem cable to connect a computer ’s COM1 port to the AC4’s RS232 port.
Connecting to the Service Terminal Interface 51 A.2.1 Create a Connection Before connecting to the Service Terminal Interfac e, you must create a connectio n and specify the method to be used for connection, as described in th e followi ng steps.
Connecting to the Service Terminal Interface 52 Properties Setup 9. Open the Properties wi ndow by clicking on File , then on Properties , as shown below left.
Connecting to the Service Terminal Interface 53 A.2.2 Connect to the Service T erminal Interface After creating and setting up a connection, use a communic ations program such as HyperTerminal to access the AC4’s Servic e Terminal Interface. 1. Verify communications connectio ns between the remote computer and the AC4.
Overview of Menus 54 A.3 O VERVIEW OF M ENUS The Main Menu offers choices for viewing the status of the AC 4, silencing the audi ble alarm and backing up the unit’s lo g files. It also allows access to the Sy stem and Control features, which requ ire a password.
Vi ew St at us M en us 55 A.4 V IEW S TAT U S M ENUS The View Status menu allows any user to view curre ntly active alarms, data stored in the alarm and event logs a nd the status of all in puts and outputs. Main Menu After connecting to the Service Terminal Interface, the Main Menu appears, as shown below.
Vi ew St at us M en us 56 A.4.1 View Active Alarms For details on this feature, see 5.1 - View Active Alarms . V iew Active Alarms ACTIVE ALARMS Input points/ hardware presently in an alarm sta te DEV.
Vi ew St at us M en us 57 A.4.2 View Alarm Log For details on this feature, see 5.2 - View Alar m Log . V iew Alarm Log ALARM LOG Alarm history DEVICE_1 ALAR M CONTACT CLOSE D 29-AUG-02 0 9:29:10 NO S.
Vi ew St at us M en us 58 A.4.3 View Eve nt Log For details on this feature, see 5.3 - View Event Log . Vi ew E v e nt L o g EVENT LOG Event history SYSTEM USER LOGIN 07-MAY-02 1 0:29:10 DEVICE_1 HW F.
Vi ew St at us M en us 59 A.4.4 View Inp ut St atus For details on this feature, see 5.4 - View Input Status . V iew Input Status INPUT STATUS Input status from device INPUT STATUS DEVICE_1 NORMAL DEV.
Vi ew St at us M en us 60 A.4.5 View Output S tatus For details on this feature, see 5.5 - View Output Status . Vi ew O u t pu t St a tu s OUTPUT STATUS Output status to device OUTPUT STATE MODE ZONE .
Silence Alarm & Back Up Log Files (Service Terminal Interface only) 61 A.5 S ILENCE A LARM & B ACK U P L OG F ILES (S ERVICE T ERMINAL I NTERFACE ONLY ) This section presents two option s from the Main Menu that are av ailable via the Service Termina l Interface only.
Silence Alarm & Back Up Log Files (Service Terminal Interface only) 62 A.5.2 Back Up Log Files (Service T erminal Interfa ce only) For details on this feature, see 6.
Setup Menu 63 A.6 S ETUP M ENU The Setup menu allows the user to configure the AC4—setting up inputs, outputs and system fea- tures such as date and time, as well as operation op tions such as a rotation sequence and standy test- ing.
Setup Menu 64 Setup Menu This section presents Service Terminal In terface screens for ea ch of the following: * Setup System Information features are: • Change Password • Set Date & Time/Auto.
Setup Menu 65 A.6.1 Setup Input s For details on this feature, see 7.3 - Setup System - Setup Inputs . Setup Inputs SETUP INPUTS Setup input of device Select input t o edit INPUT DEFIN ITION 1=DEVICE_.
Setup Menu 66 A.6.2 Setup Common Alarm For details on this feature, see 7.4 - Setup System - Setup Common Alarm . Setup Common Alarm SETUP COMMON A LARM Select if the common alarm relay co ntact is to.
Setup Menu 67 A.6.3 Setup Zones For details on this feature, see 7.5 - Setup System - Setup Zones . Setup Zones SETUP ZONES Select zones an d number of devices in the zone ZONE # DE VICES 1=ZONE 1 2 2.
Setup Menu 68 A.6.4 Setup Output s For details on this feature, see 7.6 - Setup System - Setup Outputs . Setup Outputs SETUP OUTPUTS Setup output o f device Select output to edit OUTPUT DEFINITION ***.
Setup Menu 69 A.6.5 Setup System Info This section presents Service Terminal Interface s creens for choices 1 throug h 9 in the Setup System Information menu show n below. For details on this topic, see 7.7 - Setup System - Setup System Info . Change Password For details on this feature, see 7.
Setup Menu 70 Set Date & T ime/Automatic Daylight Saving T ime For details on this feature, see 7.7.2 - Set Date & Time/Automatic Daylight Saving Time .
Setup Menu 71 Backup and Upload Configuration File (Servic e T erminal Interface only) For details on this feature, see 7.7.4 - Backup and Upload Config uration File (Service Termi- nal Interface only) .
Setup Menu 72 Factory Default s For details on this feature, see 7.7.5 - Factory Defaults . Backup & Upload Configuration File - Upload BACKUP AND UPLO AD CONFIGURATION FILE Backup from panel save.
Setup Menu 73 Firmware Up date (Service T erminal Interface only) For details on this feature, see 7.7.6 - Perform Firmware Update (Service Terminal Interface only) .
Setup Menu 74 A.6.6 Setup Operation For details on this feature, see 7.8 - Setup Operation . Auto Sequencing For details on this feature, see 7.8.1 - Turn Automatic Se quencing On or Off .
Setup Menu 75 St andby T esting For details on this feature, see 7.8.2 - Turn Standby Testing On or Off . Setup Operation - S tandby T esting SETUP OPERATIO N Select operation to edi t OPERATION STATE.
Setup Menu 76 Failed S t andby For details on this feature, see 7.8.3 - Specify Failed Standby Response . Hold Delay For details on this feature, see 7.
Setup Menu 77 Rest art Delay For details on this feature, see 7.8.5 - Specify R estart Time . Setup Operation - Restar t Delay SETUP OPERATIO N Select operation to edi t OPERATION STATE 1=AUTO SEQUENC.
Setup Menu 78 A.6.7 Override Output For details on this feature, see 7.9 - Override Output . Override Output OVERRIDE OUTP UT Manually overr ide an output poi nt Select output to overri de OUTPUT CON .
Setup Menu 79 A.6.8 Clear Alarms & Logs For details on this topic, see 7.10 - Clea r Alarms & Logs . Clear Active Alarms For details on this feature, see 7.10.1 - Clear Activ e Alarms . Clear the Alarm Log For details on this feature, see 7.10.
Setup Menu 80 Clear the Event Log For details on this feature, see 7.10.3 - Clear the Event Log . Clear Alarms & Logs - Clear the Event Log CLEAR ALARMS& LOGS Clear active alarms or log record.
The Comp any Behind the Products With over a million installations around th e globe, Liebert is the world leader in computer protection systems. Since its founding in 1965, Liebert has developed a co.
デバイスLiebert AC4の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Liebert AC4をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLiebert AC4の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Liebert AC4の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Liebert AC4で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Liebert AC4を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLiebert AC4の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Liebert AC4に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLiebert AC4デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。