Lucent Technologiesメーカー555-232-102の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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DEFINITY Wirele ss Business System Installation and T est 555- 232- 102 Comco de 10847 8389 Issue 5 June 19 99.
Notice While reasonable ef forts were made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time of printing, Lucent T echnologies can assume no responsibility for any errors. Changes and corrections to the inf ormation contained in this document may be incorporated into future reissues.
Contents Issue 5 June 199 9 iii Abou t This Book xiii ■ Introdu ction x iii ■ Audie nce xi ii ■ Import ant Safety Guideli nes for Users xiii Expos ure to Rad io Frequen cy Energy xiv Cardia c Pa.
Contents iv Issue 5 June 1 999 9630 Ser ies WT E nvironmen t 3-5 ■ DWBS Comp onents 3-6 ■ Radio Co ntrollers 3-9 Procedur e: Instal ling R adio Contr ollers 3-11 ■ Wirele ss Fixed B as e 3-12 Po.
Contents Issu e 5 Ju ne 199 9 v ■ Procedu re: Perfor ming Wi reless Tes t Calls 4-15 ■ Proc edure: V erifyin g Opera tive Cell IDs 4-16 5 Commands 5-1 ■ Introdu ction 5- 1 ■ Comm and Stru ctur.
Contents vi Issue 5 June 1 999.
Figures Issue 5 June 1 999 vii 2 Switch Administrati on 2-1. Optiona l Features Form (Page 1) 2-2 2-2. Optiona l Features Form (Page 2) 2-3 2-3. Wirele ss-Rel ated S ystem Pa ramet ers Form (G3r) 2-4 2-4. Wirele ss-Rel ated S ystem Pa ramet ers Form (G3s i/vs/Prol ogix ™ )2 - 5 2-5.
Figures viii Issu e 5 June 1999 3-14. T ightening the An tenna for t he 559D Dipole CAU 3-34 3-15. Ceiling-Mo unting a Brand New 559D DCAU 3-34 3-16. Replaci ng a Ceiling- Mounte d Interna l CAU with a 559D DCA U 3-35 3-17. Replaci ng a Brack et- and Ce iling-M ounted Internal CAU Aimed in a P articular Direction with a 5 59D DCAU 3-35 3-18.
Figures Issue 5 June 199 9 ix 4-6. Connectio ns for W T Firmwar e Download ( 9601 WT ) 4-9 4-7. Connectio ns for W T Firmwar e Download ( 9630 Ser ies WT) 4-10.
Figures x Issue 5 June 19 99.
T ables Issue 5 June 199 9 xi 2 Switch Administrati on 2-1. Radio Controlle r Circuit Pack Form Fields 2-12 2-2. Station For m Fields (Page 1 ) 2-15 2-3. Station For m Fields (Page 2 ) 2-18 2-4. Station For m Fields (Page 3 ) 2-20 3 Hardware Installation 3-1.
T ables xii Issue 5 J une 1999.
Issue 5 June 19 99 xiii About This Book Introduction DEFINITY ® Wireless Busin ess S ystem In stall ation and T est provid es both hardwar e and softwa re backgr ound infor matio n and procedu res f or the instal lation and testi ng of th e DEFINITY Wi reless Business System (DWBS ).
About This Book xiv Issue 5 J une 1999 Exposure to Radio Frequency Ener gy The design of yo ur wirele ss telepho ne comp lies with the la test saf ety levels of the Institute of Electri cal and E lectronic Enginee rs (IEEE ) and the Americ an Nationa l Standard s Institu te (ANSI ) with respect to human e xposure to RF energy .
Typograp hic Conv entions Issue 5 June 1999 xv T y pographic Conventions The followin g typogra phic conv entions are us ed in this book to conv ey informati on consis tently and quic kly . ■ This typefac e is used fo r references to titles o f other informa tion and fo r emphasi s within o ther typ efaces.
About This Book xvi Issue 5 Jun e 1999 Related Information This book serves a s a user ’s guide for th e install ation and test o f the DWBS . Addit ional boo ks in the series are as follow s: ■ D.
Issue 5 June 19 99 1-1 UT AM Disablement Introduction NOTE: The rule s of th e Federal Communica tions Com missio n (FCC) ap ply only to the Unite d State s. In the US, do not activat e the DWB S until you rec eive the instal lation pac kage and UT AM clea rance for t he site fr om the DEFIN ITY Wireless Design T eam (DWDT) .
UTAM Disable ment 1-2 Issue 5 J une 1999 operate w ithout t his verifi cation.) The radio tran smis sion is ac tivated only upon confirmati on of the DE FINITY ECS l ocation. Activ ation wil l occur autom atica lly once the L ucent T echnol ogies r emote moni toring c enter rec eives th e alarm a nd can recon nect with th e DEFINITY EC S.
Issue 5 June 19 99 2-1 Switch Administ ration Introduction This chapter p rovides th e steps n ecessary to adminis ter the DEFI NITY ECS Release 5 Generi c 3 for system o perat ion. DEFINITY E CS admin istrati on is don e via Ge neric 3 s witch com mands an d the Mobility Manager adminis tration software.
Switch A dminist ratio n 2-2 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 2- 1. Optional Features Form (Page 1) 2. Go to Pa ge 2 of t he form, wh ich appe ars as f ollows: OPTIONAL FEATURES Page 1 of 4 change system par.
Proced ure: Soft ware Insta llation Issue 5 June 19 99 2-3 Figur e 2-2. Optional Featu res Form (Page 2) 3. Change the Wir e le ss field v alue from n to y . 4. Submit th e form. 5. Log off and then log on again to the DEFIN ITY ECS lo cal or re mote MT as init .
Switch A dminist ratio n 2-4 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 2-3. W ireless-Related System Para meters Form (G3r) WIRELESS-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS System Identification: 0100015-2176 Page 1 of 1 change system-parameters wireless Allowable Carrier Frequencies (MHz) 1: 1920.
Proced ure: Soft ware Insta llation Issue 5 June 19 99 2-5 Figure 2- 4. W ireless-Related S ystem Para meters Form ( G3si/vs/Pro logix ™ ) 7. Allow the admini strable part of the System Identific ation field to rema in at the default value of 2176 .
Switch A dminist ratio n 2-6 Issue 5 J une 1999 circuit pack s that may be physically inserted into an d recognized b y the syste m. 9. Enter the maximum numbe r of WT s that are in the system. This number is based on the order of rights-to- use (RTUs) per station.
Proced ure: Soft ware Insta llation Issue 5 June 19 99 2-7 NOTE: The eight field o ptions supp ort the ad ministr ation of th e supe rset of carrier fr equenci es that are allowe d for a s ystem as determi ned by UT AM. (UT AM ha s been des ignated b y the FCC as a fre quency coordina tor for th e unlice nsed band.
Switch A dminist ratio n 2-8 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 2-5. W ireless Carr ier Frequenc i es Form NOTE: This form e nables the user to limit th e radio tr ansmis sion to a subset of thos e ca rrier fre quencies allowa ble f or the DWBS. The for m allow s the user to limi t radio tra nsmiss ions with out inf ringing upon any UT AM restrictions.
Proced ure: Soft ware Insta llation Issue 5 June 19 99 2-9 Figure 2-6. Circuit Packs Form 18. E nter TN789 into the appropriate fields a nd su bmit the form . NOTE: Designa ting th e TN789 RC c ircuit pack in lieu of actually i nstalli ng it is known as “logical ly” ad minister ing the c ircuit pa ck.
Switch A dminist ratio n 2-10 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 2-7. System Configuration Form 20. V erify that the Radio Controller value in th e Boar d T ype field is ass ociated with the pr oper sl ots.
Proced ure: Soft ware Insta llation Issue 5 June 1 999 2-11 Figure 2-8. Radio Controller Circuit Pack Form RADIO CONTROLLER CIRCUIT PACK RC Location: 01A05 Page 1 of 1 change radio-controller 1a05 WFB.
Switch A dminist ratio n 2-12 Issue 5 J une 1999 22. If the DW BS has 9630 S eries WT s, admi nist er them. Native supp ort is not pro vided for th e 9630 Serie s WT . Except for th e physical handset, t he 9630 Series W T is id entical to the 96 01 and 960 1+ WT s.
Proced ure: Soft ware Insta llation Issue 5 June 1 999 2-13 Figure 2-9. Alias Station Form The Alias Se t T ype field i n the form represen ts the aliased set type, and it can co ntai n a maxi mum of seven ch arac ters . The as sociat ed Supported Set T ype field i s a keyw ord fiel d that acc epts a va lue for a ny nativ ely support ed set typ e.
Switch A dminist ratio n 2-14 Issue 5 J une 1999 23. Add a ll of th e wir eless s tations t o the system by exe cuting t he add s tation < object > comman d to gene rate t he fo llowi ng sc reens.
Proced ure: Soft ware Insta llation Issue 5 June 1 999 2-15 T able 2-2. Station Form Fields (Page 1 ) Field Name Explanation Extensi on Part of the input comma nd used to access this form ; display -only field.
Switch A dminist ratio n 2-16 Issue 5 J une 1999 Display Language Enter the langua ge that should be disp layed. The options a re English , French , Itali an , Spanish , and user defined . The defau lt is English . NOT E : Local phon e func tions are provi ded in English .
Proced ure: Soft ware Insta llation Issue 5 June 1 999 2-17 Figur e 2-1 1. Station Fo rm (Page 2 of 3) STATION Page 2 of 3 add station next FEATURE OPTIONS LWC Reception: msa-spe Coverage Msg Retrieva.
Switch A dminist ratio n 2-18 Issue 5 J une 1999 T able 2-3. Station Form Fields (Page 2 ) Field Name Explanation Leave Word Cal ling (LWC) R ecepti on Enter msa-spe (defaul t) if LW C message s are s.
Proced ure: Soft ware Insta llation Issue 5 June 1 999 2-19 Figure 2- 12. Stati on Form (Page 3 of 3) Active Statio n Ringing ? Set as ap propriate. Value s inclu de single (default), continuous , and ac tive .
Switch A dminist ratio n 2-20 Issue 5 J une 1999 24. Submi t the fo rm. T able 2-4. Station Form Fields (Page 3 ) Field Name Explanation Site Data - Room Enter up to 1 0 characte rs to identi fy where the WT’ s chargi ng base i s located or where th e WT user ’s roo m is loca ted.
Proced ure: Soft ware Insta llation Issue 5 June 1 999 2-21 NOTE: Informa tion rega rding fi rmware d ownload c an be found in the DWBS Main tenance do cumen t.
Switch A dminist ratio n 2-22 Issue 5 J une 1999.
Issue 5 June 19 99 3-1 3 Hardware Installation Introduction This chapter provides the te chnicia n with the b ackground and proc edural informa tion needed to instal l the DWB S hardwa re .
Hardware Instal lation 3-2 Issue 5 J une 1999 ! W ARNING: Risk of Electric Shock. Fa ilure to gr ound this product prop erly will r esult in a risk of electri cal sho ck, wh ich can caus e serious persona l inju ry . Some componen ts of th is prod uct use a 3-pron g plug in contin ental U S locations .
Safety In formation Issue 5 June 19 99 3-3 ■ Do not use the produ ct nea r water o r when yo u are wet. If the prod uct comes in c ontact with any li quids, unpl ug the power cor d and WT line co rds immediat ely . Do not plug the p roduct b ack in u ntil it ha s dried thoroughl y .
Hardware Instal lation 3-4 Issue 5 J une 1999 ■ Unplug thi s produ ct from th e wall out let and refer ser vicing to q ualif ied servi ce personn el und er the fol lowing condi tions: — When the p ower cord or plug i s damage d or fray ed. — If the pro duct does not ope rate normal ly by fo llowing t he operat ing instruc tions.
Envir onmental a nd Power Requirem ents Issue 5 June 19 99 3-5 — 0 to 120 F , 0% t o 95% humid ity The outdoor CAU oper ates unde r the foll owing con ditio ns: — -20 to 50 C, 0% to 9 5% humidit y ■ Battery Charger .
Hardware Instal lation 3-6 Issue 5 J une 1999 DWBS Comp onents The followi ng table l ists the DWBS c omponents along with the app ropria te apparatu s code an d comcod e for eac h compon ent.
DWBS Com ponents Issue 5 June 19 99 3-7 ! W ARNING: CAUs s hould be pos itioned before positio ning WF Bs. The mo vement of WFBs is not critic al to ra dio cov erage when CAUs ar e used. Prior to ins tallatio n, the te chnicia n will recei ve an ins tallatio n map of the site t hat shows the loca tion of al l WFBs and CAUs .
Hardware Instal lation 3-8 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3-1. DWBS Installatio n Layout CAU 4 CAU 3 DEFINITY CAU 2 Wire less B usine ss Sy stem T raditional Wired Equipm ent and Services Wireless Fixed Ba.
Radio Controlle rs Issue 5 June 19 99 3-9 Ra dio Co ntrol lers RCs are circui t packs that fit into DEFINITY ECS ca binet slots . Each RC conn ects and control s up to two WFBs. RCs pr ovide th e interface between the DEFINITY ECS and the network of WFBs.
Hardware Instal lation 3-10 Issue 5 J une 1999 T able 3-2. TN789 RC Circuit Pack Pin Configuration Color PIN Lead Name Function W-BL 26 BL-W 1 W-O 27 URTIPA WFB-A O-W 2 URRNGA WFB-A W-G 28 UT TIPA WFB.
Radio Controlle rs Issue 5 June 1 999 3-11 Procedure: I nstalling Ra dio Controllers This proce dure pro vides the te chnic ian with the neces sary step s to i nstall th e RC circ uit pack (s). 1. Unwrap the circuit b oard fro m its pac king an d insert it into th e designa ted slot.
Hardware Instal lation 3-12 Issue 5 J une 1999 2. Connect the 25 -pair cabl e to the corres ponding pl ug on the backp lane. S ee the “Procedu re: Insta lling the Wireless Fixed B ase” and “ Inside Wiring Cable” sec tions la ter in thi s chapt er for de tails rega rding c able and p ower configur ation s.
Wirele ss Fi xed B ase Issue 5 June 1 999 3-13 Figure 3- 2. W ireless Fixed Base Power Options T o op erate with CAUs, WFB s in a DW BS requ ire -48 vo lt (v) access ory pow er . The -48 v power is provided over twi sted pair to the WFB on the four th pair (white- brown, brown -white ; pins 7 a nd 8) of th e RJ45 co nnecto r .
Hardware Instal lation 3-14 Issue 5 J une 1999 In cases wh ere the W FB can be placed within 65 0 feet of the equipm ent ro om or the wiri ng closet, th e cable p airs c an be doubl ed to g ain the add ition al distan ce. Cable doubli ng is shown in the foll owi ng three figures .
Wirele ss Fi xed B ase Issue 5 June 1 999 3-15 Figure 3-3. T ypical T erminati ons and Cross-Connects for WFBs PHONE LINE OTHER T ransformer (4) Each DW8A-DE Cord Coiled Four Pairs to WFB 1A 1B 2A 2B .
Hardware Instal lation 3-16 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3- 4. 103 Connect ing Block 103 Con necting Bloc k 4-Pair C able to Jack Splice Splice Splice W / B L B L/ W W / O R O R/ W W /G R GR / W W / B R .
Wirele ss Fi xed B ase Issue 5 June 1 999 3-17 Figure 3-5. Cross-Connects for WF Bs Four Pairs to WFB 1A 1B 2A 2B Firmwar e 103 Jack DW8A-SE Cords TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 WFB Ports 1A 1B Firmwar e Port 2A 2B .
Hardware Instal lation 3-18 Issue 5 J une 1999 Procedure: I nstalling the Wireles s Fixed Base The followi ng proc edure prov ides the steps necessar y to ins tall the W FB. NOTE: Be sure to i nstall the CAUs firs t and then wir e back to th e appropr iate WF Bs.
Wirele ss Fi xed B ase Issue 5 June 1 999 3-19 Figure 3- 6. Mounting Points of th e WFB 4. Unpack th e WFB. 5. The WFB c an be m ounted on a wall or s imilar s tructure by usin g a s tandard telephone mounting plate. Th e mount ing plate and scr ews must be obtained s eparate ly becau se the y are no t part of th e WFB ins tallation package .
Hardware Instal lation 3-20 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3-7. Removing the WFB Cover NOTE: If the WFB is mount ed verti cally o n a wall or c olumn, en sure tha t the Luce nt T echn ologie s log o is fac ing upri ght. 9. Connect th e D8W cabl e to the RJ45 co nnecto r in the WFB a s sh own in the following figure .
Wirele ss Fi xed B ase Issue 5 June 1 999 3-21 Figure 3-8. Communication and Power WFB Connection 10. If the W FB doe s not support an exter nal CAU, r eturn the cover to the WFB to compl ete the ins tallatio n. If the WFB suppo rts a ny external CA Us, proceed to the nex t step.
Hardware Instal lation 3-22 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3- 9. Internal Fixed -Length Coa xial Connections From WFB to CAUs Providin g power to various DWBS c omponents is strai ghtforwar d for the WT and CAU. The WT is batte ry-power ed. The CA U obtains its power th rough the coaxi al cable c oming fr om a WFB.
Wirele ss Fi xed B ase Issue 5 June 1 999 3-23 Power an d cablin g are co nsistent with cur rent DEFINITY ECS w iring. See the DEFINITY E CS Install ation and T e st docu ment for spe cific infor mation des cribing typical ad junct powering configur ations.
Hardware Instal lation 3-24 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3- 10. Representa tive Wi ring for the Categ ory 3 4-Pa ir T wisted Interf ace T wist ed pair can be veri fied via a digital port test er , as dis cusse d in the ne xt sect ion.
Wirele ss Fi xed B ase Issue 5 June 1 999 3-25 Port T ester LA85 Port T e ster LA 85 (comc ode 10513 8424) is the stand ard digi tal port tester fo r testing DW BS wiring. T o use this port teste r , ensure that the D8W co rd at the WFB is inserted into the other jack of the port te ster and that the RC is tra nslated a nd on line.
Hardware Instal lation 3-26 Issue 5 J une 1999 NOTE: The LEDs stay lit for sev eral se conds, c ycle off, and are then rel it. NOTE : Reversin g tip/rin g of tran smit/rec eive doe s not affect se rvice on V ersion 17 of the RC .
Wirele ss Fi xed B ase Issue 5 June 1 999 3-27 T esting W iring W ithout a Digi tal Port T ester If you do n ot have a digita l port tes ter , you c an parti ally tes t the wir ing at the equipmen t room wir ing bloc k. T o th is pu rpose, com plete o ne of the fol lowin g procedu res: 1.
Hardware Instal lation 3-28 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3-11. DWBS Lightni n g Protection for I ROB WFB. T able 3-4. RC T erminal Assignments for an IROB WFB WFB Function Backplane 50-Pin Connector Modu.
Wirele ss Fi xed B ase Issue 5 June 1 999 3-29 T able 3- 5. RJ-45 Lead De signations Color RJ-45 Pin W-BL 4 BL-W 5 W-O 1 O-W 2 W-G 3 G-w 6 W-BR 7 BR-W 8.
Hardware Instal lation 3-30 Issue 5 J une 1999 Cell Antenna Unit NOTE: Be sure to insta ll the CAUs first and then wire back to the appropria te WFBs. The CAU is an optiona l remote antenna that conn ects t o a WFB to e xpand the covera ge area. A maximu m of fou r CAUs can be connec ted to a s ingle WFB .
Cell Antenna Unit Issue 5 June 1 999 3-31 ! W ARNING: CAUs cann ot be instal led in a retu rn air plenum . The coaxia l cable pr ovided (comc ode 847 5651 32) is ra ted for inst allati on in air-hand lin g spa ces . 1. Unpack the CA U and obtai n tie wra p.
Hardware Instal lation 3-32 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3-12. Mounting T abs and Slots on the CAU Wrap the tie w rap a round th e tabs a nd the object to whi ch it will be a ffixed, and tighte n. 4. Unpack th e CAU and o btain a standar d telephon e mounti ng plate a nd scre ws.
Cell Antenna Unit Issue 5 June 1 999 3-33 Fastening t he Antenna for t he 559D Dipole CAU Fasten the antenna for the 559D Di pole CAU t o the CAU as follows: 1. Place th e threade d end o f the antenna onto th e connec tor on the lower third of the CAU.
Hardware Instal lation 3-34 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3-14. T ightening t he Antenna f or the 559D Dipol e CAU Install ing a Brand New 559D DCAU Mount a br and new 55 9D DCAU to the ce iling as shown in the follo wing fi gure.
Cell Antenna Unit Issue 5 June 1 999 3-35 Figure 3- 16. Replacin g a Ceiling- Mounted Int ernal CAU w ith a 559D DCAU T o repl ace an indo or CAU that i s mounted fl ush on a ce iling and aimed i n a certai n directi on , follow the p recedi ng instruct ions.
Hardware Instal lation 3-36 Issue 5 J une 1999 Procedure: I nstalling 559B/C Outdo or CAUs The followi ng fig ure shows a 559B Ou tdoo r CAU. Figure 3- 18.
Cell Antenna Unit Issue 5 June 1 999 3-37 Figure 3-19 . 559C Out d oor CAU T o in stall a 5 59B or 5 59C Outdoo r CAU, do t he foll owing: ! W ARNING: The installa tion of outdoor CAUs for the DW BS must c onform to the local electric al code fo r groun ding.
Hardware Instal lation 3-38 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3- 20. Mounting T emplate for Outdoor CAUs c. Orient the out door CAU so t hat when you a re looking at the u nit, the fixed-len gth coa x connec tor is poi nting down ward and t he anten na is poin ting toward th e upper rig ht.
Cell Antenna Unit Issue 5 June 1 999 3-39 5. Connect th e coax c able assem bly (c omcode 84 756513 2) to the o utdoor CAU. Dress the cable down the side of the buildi ng to the g rounding block. Attach th e cable to the bui lding as required . Be s ure to avoid crush ing or otherwis e distorti ng the c able.
Hardware Instal lation 3-40 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3-21. Cable Assembly for Outdoor CAUs .140 ” .343” .436 ” B A C E D 1. Strip ca ble as s hown. Be careful not to 2. Crimp c ontact onto A 3. Slide fe rrule over cabl e. B 4. Slide c onnector body C onto cabl e.
Cell Antenna Unit Issue 5 June 1 999 3-41 NOTES : The mo dels i dentified in the pre vious ta ble are ide ntical. T he stripper is av ailable from T ech ni- T o ol ® (1-610-941-240 0) as Part #618 ST020. NOTES : The C rimpmast er and Max i-Crimper t ools are i dentical .
Hardware Instal lation 3-42 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3-22. Grounding Block Connecti ons for Outdoor CAUs Fastening the Antenna for the 559C Outdoor CAU Fasten the a ntenna for the 559C Outd oor CAU to the CAU as follows: 1. Place th e threade d end of the antenna onto the threaded bushing on top o f the CAU .
Cell Antenna Unit Issue 5 June 1 999 3-43 Figure 3- 23. Insertin g the A ntenna for the 559C Outdo or CAU (Insert).
Hardware Instal lation 3-44 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3-24. T ightening the An tenna for the 55 9C Outdoor CAU Mounting CAU Brackets for 559A CAUs An adjus table mou nting b racket ca n be used to mount DWBS Rel ease 1 CA Us. Lucent T echno logies mounting br acket s are curre ntly avai lable a s supp lementar y material for ind oor CAUs onl y .
Cell Antenna Unit Issue 5 June 1 999 3-45 Figure 3- 25. 559A CAU B racket (Mode l 1) Figure 3- 26. 559A CAU Bra cket (Mode l 2).
Hardware Instal lation 3-46 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3- 27. Rotated 559A CAU B racket (Mode l 2 ).
Cell Antenna Unit Issue 5 June 1 999 3-47 Figure 3- 28. 559A CAU B racket (Mode l 3).
Hardware Instal lation 3-48 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 3- 29. Rotated 559A CAU B racket (Mode l 3).
Cell Antenna Unit Issue 5 June 1 999 3-49 Figure 3- 30. Adjustab le 559A CAU B racket (Lab eled) Mounting CAU Brackets for a 559D CAU If you mou nt a brac ket for a 559D CAU, e nsure tha t the an tenna is p erpendi cular to the cov erage area .
Hardware Instal lation 3-50 Issue 5 J une 1999 ! CAUTION: DO NOT cut or m odify this cable to l ength. Any exc ess cable shoul d be spooled up in t he ceiling o r where conveni ent. DWBS WT s T wo DWB S WT s are a vailable. The se WT s are dis cussed in the fol lowing sect ions.
DWBS WTs Issue 5 June 1 999 3-51 Figure 3- 31. DWBS 9601 WT Hold End Cal l * 0 # 7 8 9 TUV WXY Z PQRS 45 6 JKL MNO GHI 1 23 ABC DEF Next Prev Menu WT 960 1 User Name Names Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 960 1 Wi r.
Hardware Instal lation 3-52 Issue 5 J une 1999 9630 Serie s WT The 9630 Se ries W T is a poc ket-size , portabl e phone that provid es wirel ess mobility as well as acces s to full busines s featu res and man y DEFINITY ECS features .
DWBS WTs Issue 5 June 1 999 3-53 Figure 3- 32. 9630 Ser ies WT Procedure: I nstalling the DW BS 9601 WT The followi ng proc edure prov ides the steps needed to i nstall a DWBS W T . 1. Unwrap the WT , cha rger , and AC a dapter . The requir ed comp onents include : ■ WT ■ Battery Cha rger ■ Battery Pa ck ■ AC Ad apter 2.
Hardware Instal lation 3-54 Issue 5 J une 1999 5. Insert the WT with its battery pac k into the bat tery cha rger cradle. 6. Plug the AC adapter from the batt ery charger in to a wall o utlet. 7. Ensure that the initial chargi ng lasts for four hou rs before u sing the WT .
Issue 5 June 19 99 4-1 DWBS T es ting Introduction This sectio n provid es you wi th the back ground and procedu ral inform ation neede d to ensure th at the instal led D W B S i s operat ional. The test s in this sect ion are in the nature of accept ance tes ts.
DWBS Testing 4-2 Issue 5 J une 1999 1. Contact th e Initial ization and Admi nistrat ion Sys tem (INA DS) cent er for the appropria te firmwar e downlo ad.
Proced ure: WT Firmw are Do wnload and Connectio n Issue 5 June 19 99 4-3 Figure 4-1. Status of W ireless T erm i nal Firmware Upgra d e Form 2. Record t he firmwa re versi on for the WT (if pres ent). 3. For the 960 1 WT : a. Ensure that th e WT is powered u p.
DWBS Testing 4-4 Issue 5 J une 1999 NOTE: Enter the list configuration wt command to obtain t he firmw are ver sion fo r all the pock et phones in the system . Refer to the va lue in the colum n headed by Ve r s i o n to obtain the ap propriate firm ware version.
Proced ure: WT Firmw are Do wnload and Connectio n Issue 5 June 19 99 4-5 Figure 4-2. Firmwa re V ersions For m (9601 WT) list configuration firmware-versions FIRMWARE VERSIONS Name Page 1 Version Size Checksu m TN789 RC 8 .1 WFB v17 WT 9601 3C A 8.1.
DWBS Testing 4-6 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 4-3. Firmwa re V ersions For m (9630 Series WT ) 4. If the firmware i s newer on the MS S, or if the ena bled se rver is set to “No, ” enter the enable wt-upgrade [PPCSS] [all] comm and. This com mand takes 3.
Proced ure: WT Firmw are Do wnload and Connectio n Issue 5 June 19 99 4-7 Establis hing Connections At the wal l field, c onnect th e followin g lead s from th e 25-pai r RC cabl e to a 103 conne ctor block. Thereafter , inse rt a D8W ( four-pair mountin g cord) from the 103 connec tor blo ck to the W T download cable .
DWBS Testing 4-8 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 4- 5. Firmware Data Access RC-to -WT Down load Cable (C omcode 107 583965) 6-foot Cabl e Da ta Connector connec ts to Wireles s T erminal T elephone jack con.
Proced ure: WT Firmw are Do wnload and Connectio n Issue 5 June 19 99 4-9 Figure 4- 6. Connections for WT Fir mware Dow nload (960 1 WT) D8W Cor d 103 C onnector Bloc k Data 6-Fo ot Wir eless T erm i .
DWBS Testing 4-10 Issue 5 J une 1999 Figure 4- 7. Connections for WT Fir mware Do wnload (963 0 Series WT) NOTE: R efer to the “TN789 RC Cir cuit Pac k Pin Co nfigurati on” tabl e in the previo us chapter for deta ils on RC p in conne ction s with the 902A do wnload cable.
Proced ure: WT Firmw are Do wnload and Connectio n Issue 5 June 1 999 4-11 Using Keys to Download WT Firmware T o perfor m a WT firmwar e download b y using k eys, activa te the app ropriate ke ys accord ing to the following directi ons. For a 9601 WT , d o the follo wing: 1.
DWBS Testing 4-12 Issue 5 J une 1999 NOTE: DO NOT USE THE disable wt-upgrade COMMAND . WT Firmware Download Error Codes The followi ng table pr ovides a l ist of error c odes rel ated to WT firmware down load for the 9601 WT an d 9630 Serie s WT .
Proced ure: WT Firmw are Do wnload and Connectio n Issue 5 June 1 999 4-13 0x82 Low W T timed out waiting for the progr am data fr om the RC. For the 9 601 WT, resta rt the down load proce ss. For the 9 630 Seri es WT, the download automati cally r estarts ; therefo re, no us er interv ention is req uired.
DWBS Testing 4-14 Issue 5 J une 1999 NOTE : The 9630 Series WT boot code firmw are provide s the automa tic restart of the downlo ad process wi th low sever ity erro rs. The downl oad proces s is attempted th ree time s if th e proble m continu es to occ ur .
Proced ure: Perfor ming Wi reless Tes t Call s Issue 5 June 1 999 4-15 Procedure: Performing W ireless T est Calls The followi ng proc edure ve rifies that call s of good voice qu ality c an be ori ginated and rec eived throu ghout th e coverage area(s ).
DWBS Testing 4-16 Issue 5 J une 1999 c. Pre ss the More soft key . 3. Upon comp leting y our walk -through, i f you hav e enco untered a ny problem s, refer to the DWBS Mainte nanc e doc um ent for furthe r inve stigation .
Proced ure: Verif ying Oper ative Cel l IDs Issue 5 June 1 999 4-17 4. Confirm t hat the CAU’s green power indica tor is ill uminated. If.. . The n.. . Powe r ind icator is illumi nated Power is normal. Powe r ind icator is not il lumi nate d Check the cable conn ectio n between th e WFB and the CAU .
DWBS Testing 4-18 Issue 5 J une 1999 5. Conf irm that th e WFB’ s gree n power indicat o r is illumi nated. Once the preceding procedu res ar e comple ted, the DWBS is consider ed up a nd running . If.. . The n.. . Powe r ind icator is illumi nated Power is OK.
Proced ure: Verif ying Oper ative Cel l IDs Issue 5 June 1 999 4-19.
Issue 5 June 19 99 5-1 Commands Introduction This chapter provides supple mental Mobility Manag er and DE FINITY ECS comm and infor mation that may b e helpf ul to th e inst aller . Command Str ucture An admin istrati on or mai ntenance comma nd is mad e up of mul tiple wor ds that instruc t the system to pe rform a sp ecific task.
Command Li st Issue 5 June 19 99 5-2 Command List The followi ng table p rovides a summa ry of the comm ands used for the install ation, adm inistra tion, and m ainten ance of the DWBS.
Commands 5-3 Issue 5 J une 1999 NOTE : The schedule qualifi er is val id only when the s ystem prin ter is c onnected and admin istered . See y our syst em admini strator . -- test radio-sync Access or display the inter-port network radio synchronization plan.
Command Li st Issue 5 June 19 99 5-4.
Commands 5-5 Issue 5 J une 1999.
Issue 5 June 19 99 A-1 A DWBS In stallation Checkl ist Introduction This appe ndix con tains a c hecklist for perfor ming a DW BS in stallation..
DWBS Ins tallatio n Checkl ist A-2 Issue 5 J une 19 99 Checklist The followi ng table i s a chec klist of ta sks for comple ting a D WBS instal latio n. Where appro priate, re ferences to the co rrespo nding pages for a description of the tasks indi cated ar e also p rovided.
Checklist Issue 5 June 1999 A-3 Adminis tered RC download permiss ions v ia page 2 of the F eat ures -Rel ated Syst em-P aram e ters for m by entering the change syste m-pa rame ters feat ures comm an.
DWBS Ins tallatio n Checkl ist A-4 Issue 5 J une 19 99.
Issue 5 June 1999 GL-1 GL Glossary A access righ ts Air interfa ce proced ure that assi gns a T emp orary Portab le User Iden tifier (TPU I) and its extension number t o the WT . The WT i nitiates this proc edure eac h time it enters a s ystem. A su ccessfu l compl eti on of t he p roced ure i nclu des an im plic i t Lo cati o n Reg istr ati on.
Glossary GL-2 Issu e 5 June 1999 E ECS. See Enterprise Commu nications Server Emerging T echnologies Ba nd 20 MHz o f unlicen sed spec trum for Pe rsonal Com munication Service (PCS) i n North Amer ica. The band is iso chronous (1920-1930 MHz) w ith eight channels of 1.
Glossary Issue 5 June 1999 GL-3 I I2 Catego ry 3 4-P air T wisted int erface bet ween a Radio C ontroller a nd a Wirel ess Fixe d Base . I3 Coax cab le interfa ce between a Wireles s Fixed Ba se and a Cell Antenn a Unit. Initialization and Administration System (INADS) Services supp ort sy ste m for PBX adminis trati on and main ten anc e.
Glossary GL-4 Issu e 5 June 1999 P pre-origination d ialing Dialing t hat occur s before dial ton e is grant ed. portable part Part of the DWBS radio in frastructur e that is porta ble (most no tably , the WT s). post-origin ation dialing Dialing t hat occur s after dial tone is granted .
Glossary Issue 5 June 1999 GL-5 T TDMA. See T ime Division Multip le Access T erminal Portable User Identifier (TPUI ) Number ret urned by the fix ed part to th e WT durin g the Loca tion Regis tration pro cedure. T ime Division Multiple Access (TDMA) Radi o acc ess m ethod for w hic h each call uses a diff er en t time slot .
Glossary GL-6 Issu e 5 June 1999.
Issue 5 June 1 999 IN-1 IN Index Numerics 559C Out door CAUs, fastening antenna for , 3-42 559D DCAUs fastening antenn a for , 3-33 installin g bran d new , 3-34 replacing ceil ing-mount ed CAUs wit h.
Index IN-2 Is sue 5 J une 1999 compon ents Cell Ante nna Unit , 3-30 Wir eless Fixe d B ase , 3-12 D DEFINITY ECS, adm inisterin g , 2- 1 digital port teste r , 3-20 , 3-25 downl oad ca ble , 4-2 DWBS.
Index Issue 5 June 1 999 IN-3 limiting via carri er frequencies , 2-8 RJ45 co nnec tor , 3-20 S safety additiona l inst ructions for instal lation , 3-4 basic in struction s , 3-1 hardware info rma ti.
Index IN-4 Is sue 5 J une 1999.
デバイスLucent Technologies 555-232-102の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lucent Technologies 555-232-102をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLucent Technologies 555-232-102の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lucent Technologies 555-232-102の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lucent Technologies 555-232-102で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lucent Technologies 555-232-102を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLucent Technologies 555-232-102の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lucent Technologies 555-232-102に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLucent Technologies 555-232-102デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。