Lucent Technologiesメーカー6の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Conference Reservation and Co ntrol System (CRCS) Release 6.0 Installation 555- 027- 109 Comco de 10838 2085 Issue 1 Apr i l 199 9.
Copyright© 1 999 Lucent T echnologi es Inc. All Right s Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Notice While reasonable eff ort was made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time of printing, Lucent T echnologies Inc. and its authorized agents cannot assum e responsibility fo r errors.
Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1 999 iii Contents Installa tion O vervi ew 1 Upgradi ng from a Previo us Release 2 Upgradi ng a Sin gle-User Syste m 2 Pre-In st all ati on Requ ir em ents 5 CRCS/Op Center an.
iv Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 A pril 1999 Contents OpCent erSP Ins talla tion 38 Tes ting Op Cente rSP 42 Append ix A: Mo dem Po oling 44 Admini stering Modem Poo l Group s 44 3800 Series Mod em Ins tal lati o.
Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 1 Single-User CRCS/OpCenter and OpCenterSP Installation Installati on Overview CRCS/OpCenter a nd OpCenterSP can be set up as a single-user system on a dedicate d PC con nected to up to 2 Luce nt T echnologies Mu ltiPoint Confere ncing Units (MCU).
2 Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1 999 Upgradin g from a P reviou s Releas e Upgrading from a Pr evious Release Each new re lease of the CRCS/OpCen ter program and the M CU offers additiona l features .
Upgradin g a Singl e-User Sy stem Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 3 create a sub dire ctory named c:crc s6xd base and c opy t he b file i nto it before in stalling CRCS. 3. From th e MCU MT , perfor m an add logi n and change p ermiss ions to create the cr cs logi n, passwo rd, and pe rmis sions ( see MCU Admin istrat ion for det ails).
4 Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1 999 Upgradin g from a P reviou s Releas e Figure 1. MCU Link Admin istration window 15. The upgrade process is complete an d you can begin using CRCS/ OpCente r .
CRCS/OpCenter and OpCe nterSP Checklist Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 5 Pre -Installation Requir ements As a si ngle-user dedicate d system on a PC conn ected t o one or two L ucent T ech- nologies Mul tiPoint Confe rencing Units (MCU), CRCS/OpCe nter or OpCenterSP can be set up as either loca l or remot e.
6 Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1 999 Pre-Install ation Re quireme nts Remote Configu rations For remote confi gurations where th e MCU and CRCS /OpCenter or OpCenter SP are no t collocate d, mod em poo ling is used ( see " Appendi x A: Mo dem P ooling" on page 44).
Fax Option Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 7 Configuring the PC Regardl ess of wh ether the connec tion betwe en the P C and th e MCU is loc al or remote, you m ust su pply the prope r adap ter to co nnect the COM 1 port to t he RS232 c able. Configure you r CRCS/OpCenter or OpCe nterSP PC a s follows: Figure 2.
8 Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1 999 Conf igur ing t he PC . Figure 3. Displa y Properti es Wi ndow selec t Modem and use the Mode m Install ation wiz ard to se t the modem C OM ports. Clic k Add then Don’t detec t my modem . Under Manufact urers , choos e St andard Modem T y pes .
Local Con nection t o MCU Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 9 Connecting the PC to the MCU This proc edure establ ishes the conne ction betwe en the CRC S/OpC enter PC an d the data modu le or modem. For informat ion ab out connec ting the d ata module or modem to the MCU, see the MCU Installat ion and T est manual .
10 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 Connectin g the P C to the MCU Remote Connect ion to MCU When the PC is located rem otely from the MCU, the MCU ’s modem pooling ca pa- bility is id eal for connec ting the data lin k needed to s upport C RCS/OpC enter .
Connectio n Proce dure Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 11 Figure 6. Remote CRCS Connection to MCU (Modem Pooling) 5. Conne ct the fem ale end of the R S232 cabl e to th e male end of eith er an adapter or the CRC S PC fi rst seri al port.
12 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 Connectin g the P C to the MCU Checking th e Modem Settings The last ste p before loa ding the CRCS program req uires that you configure and check the modem conne ction to th e MCU. 1. From Mi crosof t Windows , select Start — Programs — Accessorie s — HyperT er minal .
Checking th e Modem Setti ngs Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 13 5. Choose the foll owi ng settin gs : Connector =Com1 Baud Rate= 9600 Data B i ts= 8 St o p B i ts = 1 Parity=No ne Flow Control= None 6. Click the OK button to s ave the c hanges. I f you a re usin g the 84 00B data module , conti nue to ste p 7.
14 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 Connectin g the P C to the MCU 1 1. Whe n the logi n for the M CU dis plays, e nter the l ogin and pas sword assigned by the technic al center durin g installati on to verify that you have a working CRCS to MCU l ink. 12.
Checking th e Modem Setti ngs Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 15 CRCS/OpCenter Softwar e Installatio n NOTE : If your sy stem enc ounters a conflict w ith ano ther appl ication while run ning setup , make sure al l other W indows applic ations ar e clos ed befo re pro- ceeding .
16 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 CRCS/OpCenter S oftware Installation 5. When the CRCS /OpCenter setu p wizard windo w appears, click Next . 6. When th e produc t ident ificatio n windo w appears, en ter your name, c om- pany , an d CRCS serial n umber .
Checking th e Modem Setti ngs Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 17 8. From the Choose Des tinat ion Locat ion win dow , CRCS offers ins tall to a path calle d c:program fileslucentcrc s . If the re is no directo ry by t hat name, th e setup wizard will creat e one fo r you.
18 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 CRCS/OpCenter S oftware Installation Figure 14 . CRCS Setup—C opying Files 10. The c opyin g proce ss begin s. Wh en the i nstallation proces s is co mplete , select to reboo t your PC the n clic k Finish . Figure 15 .
Logging In to CRCS Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 19 T esting CRCS The follo wing proc edure al lows an a dmini strator to enter min imum d ata to test CRCS a nd the MCU c onnectio n. Refer to the onl ine he lp for de tails on buil ding and m aintainin g the da tabase.
20 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 T esting CRCS Setting the Ti me Zone 1. Login a s an ad ministrato r . 2. The time zone wher e the CRC S PC is loc ated is Local .
Adding th e MCU Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 21 NOTE : T o synchro nize t he intern al PC cl ock, sel ect Control Panel — Date/Time — Ti me Zone and check the box to automatic ally ad just clo ck for day light saving s cha nges, i f approp riate.
22 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 T esting CRCS Establis hing the Communic ations Link After you have a dded the MC U, run the link administ ration pr ogram to establish the connectio n between th e MCU and the CRCS PC . Figure 18 . CRCS Database Setup—Run Link Administration 1.
Establishing the Com municati ons Link Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 23 3. Enter a descr iptive n ame for th e MCU. Thi s name s hould hel p iden tify which M CU is bei ng refer red to su ch as Denv er 1 or LA 2 .
24 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 T esting CRCS Uploading MCU Options After th e connec tion has been es tablished b etween th e MCU an d the PC, y ou need to q uery the MCU to send its parameters and opti on setting s to the CRCS prog ram. From the A dmin menu on the M ain wi ndow , select Q uery MCU Parame- ters for MCU1 or MCU2 .
Addin g an Endpo int Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 25 Figure 21 . Add Endpo int Window 6. Click the OK button to a dd the n ew endpoin t to the E ndpoint Da tabase.
26 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 T esting CRCS Adding a Confe rence T emplate 1. From the main w indow , click (or selec t T emplate from the Vie w menu). 2. From the View Conferen ce T empl ate win dow , notice ther e is a c onferenc e temp late 2x56=1 12 2B .
Add i ng a Co mpa ny Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 27 Adding a Company 1. From th e main wind ow , click (or selec t Comp any from the Vie w menu). 2. From the View Company wind ow , notice th ere is a lready a fi ction al name enter ed ( COMP ANY XYZ ).
28 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 T esting CRCS 4. Click OK to add the per son.. Figure 24 . Add Perso n W indow Adding a Sit e 1. From the main w indow , click on the mai n windo w (or sele ct Site from th e Vie w men u) . 2. From the View Sites wind ow , notice th ere is a li sting for External-1 .
Add i ng a S ite Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 29 Figure 25 . Add S ite W ind ow (Gene ral T ab) 4. Click the Video Phone Numbers t ab and enter the releva nt inform ation. NOTE : If adding a n exte rnal site, selec t a Meet- Me Extens ion Poo l but do no t assign a dialout number to it.
30 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 T esting CRCS Edit in g Def ault s 1. Selec t Defa ult s from the Vi e w menu. 2. From the View Defaults window , click . 3. From the Ed it Defau lts window , be sure to sele ct the co rrect time zone under CRCSs Time Zone T emplate and MCU 1 as the Prefer red MCU .
Adding a T est Conferenc e Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 31 T esting OpCent er T o test the Op Center connect ion, fol low th ese s teps: 1. If the Login window is not al ready di spla yed, sel ect Sta rt — Lucen t T ech- nologies CRCS — Conference Scheduler .
32 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 Faxmodem I nstallation Faxmodem Insta llation T o use CRCS fax options, one or more faxmo dems must be prope rly installed and configu red. The ty pe of fa xmodem r ecommen ded by Lucent T ec hnolog ies depends on opera ting system used for CRCS —Micros oft Windows 9 5 or Micr osoft NT 4.
Installing W inFax PR O 8.0 Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 33 Install ing Wi nFax PRO 8.0 If you are upgradi ng from an earli er release of CRCS that u ses WinFax PRO 7.
34 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 Faxmodem I nstallation Figure 27 . Setting Up WinFax PRO 10. From t he WinFax PRO Setup - WinFax Pr ogram window , clear th e Ta l k - Works compo nent but keep WinFax checked.
Installing W inFax PR O 8.0 Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 35 . Figure 28 . WinFax PRO Setup—Dialing Prefer ences 11 . F r o m WinFax PRO Setu p - Dialing Prefe rences window , enter th e fax and phone i nformatio n. If yo u need to dial a number to reach an outside lin e, enter it i n the Use p re fix ed it box .
36 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 Faxmodem I nstallation Figure 29 . WinFax PRO Setup—CSID 16. From Wi nFax P R O Setup - CSID window , enter a ny combi natio n of text and numb ers for the Cl ass ID (C SID). Ent er your voice p hone nu mber in the V oice number field an d click Ne xt .
Saving Faxe s with Wi nFax L og Files Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 37 Saving Faxe s with Wi nFax Log File s WinFax PRO sav es faxes you se nd, eve n when t hey are not s ucces sfully trans- mitted. A list of sent fax es appears in the WinFax S end Log.
38 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 OpCenterSP Installa tion OpCenterSP Installation NOTE : If your sy stem enc ounters a conflict w ith ano ther appl ication while run ning setup , make sure al l other W indows applic ations ar e clos ed befo re pro- ceeding.
Setting Up Reminder Fax es Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 39 Figure 31 . Entering the Location of the CRCS CD-ROM 6. When th e OpCenterS P setup wi zard windo w appears, c lick Next . 7. When th e produc t ident ificatio n windo w appears, en ter your name, c om- pany , an d OpCenter SP seri al num ber .
40 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 OpCenterSP Installa tion 9. From the Choose Desti nation Loc ation win dow , OpCenterSP offers install to a path calle d c:program fileslucentopcenter . If there is no dire ctory by that name, i t will crea te one f or you.
Setting Up Reminder Fax es Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 41 10. From the S tart Copying Fi les w indow , the setup wizard d isplay s the select ed compo nents to be copied. Click Next . Figure 34 . OpCenterSP Setup—Co py ing Files 1 1. The cop ying pr oces s begi ns.
42 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 T es ting OpC enter SP T esti ng OpCenterSP OpCente rSP log in names and the ir associ ated passwor ds are as signed b y the system ad minis trator . The def ault logins , admin a nd agent , also have default passwords ( availa ble from your Luc ent repres entative) a ssociated with the m.
Setting Up Reminder Fax es Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 43 6. Click OK and th e MCU1 a nd/or MCU 2 S tatus Boards will app ear . 7. T o test t he OpC e nter S P link , try e nteri ng a de dicat ed con feren ce on t he MCU MT and watch t he approp riate MCU S tatus Bo ard for an u pdate regar ding t he test confere nce.
44 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 Appen dix A: Mo dem Po oling Appendix A: Modem Pooling Administering Modem Pool Gr oups The comma nds in th e following table are used to access the Mode m Pool Groups form: Qualifier “maximum” i s the max imum numb er availa ble in yo ur system c onfigurat ion.
Adminis tering M odem Pool Groups Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 45 Figure 38 . Display Mod em-Pool Screen The follo wing l ist descr ibes the f ields on the Mod em Poo l Groups form: Group Num ber: This disp lay-on ly fi eld appear s whenev er the form is accesse d via add or change a dministrati on co mmand.
46 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 Appen dix A: Mo dem Po oling Figure 39 . Add Modem- Pool S creen The follo wing fi elds may be assi gned for the Comb ined Mode m Pool ing sol ution: Speed: Enter one, two, or three c ommunic ation spe eds in bi ts per second of the c onvers ion resour ces in the group.
3800 Ser ies Mode m Installati on Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 47 The Port Pair A ssignme nts area co ntains the fol lowing fie ld: Analog Digital: Enter the port n umbers of the mode m/TDM pair in a con ver- sion res ource. T wo port entrie s are r equired.
48 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 Appen dix A: Mo dem Po oling T able 3 . 3800 Series Mo dem Insta llation Activ (Operating) Option Selection A T Command DTE_Interfac e Asynch/Sync Mod e Async A T&M.. Asyn c DTE Rate 9600 A T .. Asyn #Dat a Bit s 8 A T .
3800 Ser ies Mode m Installati on Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 49 T able 3 . 3800 Series Modem Installa tion — Conti nued Activ (Operating) Option Selection A T Command DTE_Dialer DTE Dial er T ype A T A T&M.. A T Escape Char 128 S2= 128 Escape Gu ardT ime 1000 msec S12=50 BreakForc eEscape Disable A TK.
50 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 Appen dix A: Mo dem Po oling Line_Dia ler AutoAn swerRing# 1 S0=1 Dialer T ype T one A TT A TP DialT one Detect Enable A TX.
3800 Ser ies Mode m Installati on Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 51 Leased _Li ne Leas ed Mo de Disab le A T&L.. LeasedL ine Rate 19200 (V32t) S44=18 V32bis Au torate En able S82=0 Leased TX Level .
52 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 Appen dix A: Mo dem Po oling If you be gin wi th the Asy nc_Dial Factory defa ult opt ion setti ngs, then t he A T com- mand s and D iagnosti c Control Panel LCD co mma.
3800 Ser ies Mode m Installati on Issue 1 CR CS R6.0 April 1999 53 The rec ommended o rder of executio n of A T commands if execu ted one at a time is as lis ted above du e to the l oss of com mand echo t owards the bottom of the list.
54 Issue 1 CRCS R6.0 April 1999 Appen dix A: Mo dem Po oling 7400A Data Modul e Installati on The 7400A data modul e should be installed for DTE op eration b y placi ng the EIA connec tor board i n its slot s o that D TE reads from the fr ont.
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Lucent Technologies 6をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLucent Technologies 6の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lucent Technologies 6の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lucent Technologies 6で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lucent Technologies 6を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLucent Technologies 6の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lucent Technologies 6に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLucent Technologies 6デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。