Lucent TechnologiesメーカーM770の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Lucent Technologies Use r’ s G uid e C AJUN M770 A TM M ANAGER Sept embe r 1999.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guid e iii Contents List of Figures ................. ........... ............ ................. ........... ................. ........... ..... vii List of Tables ............ ............ ........... .................
iv Cajun M770 ATM Man ager User’s Guide Resetting the ATM Device ............. ........... ................. ............ ........... ...... 17 Resetting the Module ...................... ........... ................. ............ ........... ......
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guid e v Chapter 9 Managing Routin g ..................... ............ ................. ........... ........... ................. ..... 41 Managing the Static Routes Table .............. ................. ............
vi Cajun M770 ATM Man ager User’s Guide.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide vii List of Fi gures Figure 2 .1 Chassis Vie w ...... ............. ............ ............. ............. ............. ... 5 Figure 3 .1 Agent Information Wi ndow .............. ................... ...........
List of Figures viii Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide List of Tab les Table 2.1 Chassis Vie w Toolbar ............ ............. ............. ............. ......... 5 Table A.1 Configuratio n Menu ............. ............. ............. ................... . 47 Table A.
List of Tabl es x Cajun M7 70 ATM M anager U ser’s Gu ide.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 1 Chapter 1 Welcome to Cajun M770 ATM Manager Welcome to Cajun M77 0 ATM Ma nager. This chapter pr ovides an introd uction to the structure and ass umptions of this manual. It includes the following se ctions: • The pur pose of this ma nual - A de script ion of the goals of the manua l.
Chapter 1 Welcome to Ca jun M770 AT M Manager 2 Cajun M7 70 ATM M anager U ser’s Gu ide • Managing L ANE Se rvices - Provides an overv iew of LA NE se rvic es and the ir use with the C ajun M770 ATM Devi ce. • Managin g Rout ing - Explains how to manage the static rout es table and PNNI.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 3 Chapter 2 Introducti on This chapter prov ides instruct ions on star ting the Cajun M7 70 ATM Manager an d using the Ca jun M770 AT M Manage r Chassis Vi ew.
Chapter 2 Intro duction 4 Cajun M7 70 ATM M anager U ser’s Gu ide Running Cajun M770 ATM Manage r from HP-OV for Solaris and NT-OV To start C ajun M7 70 ATM Manag er from HP -OV fo r Sola ris or NT-O V: 1 From the manag ement pla tform map, sele ct a Ca jun M770 ATM De vice.
Chapter 2 Intro duction Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 5 Figure 2. 1 Chassis V iew The tab le belo w descri bes the Toolb ar button s and give s the e quival ent me nu options. Tabl e 2.1 Chassis View Tool bar Icon Descri ptio n Menu Item Exit the applica tion.
Chapter 2 Intro duction 6 Cajun M7 70 ATM M anager U ser’s Gu ide When you place th e cursor o n a toolbar icon for 1 se cond, a labe l appears with the nam e of the bu tto n. View the Mana gers tabl e. Configurat ion ! Managers Table View Caj un M770 ATM agent inf ormation .
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 7 Chapter 3 Agent Configuration In ord er to e nsure th at your network or Ca jun M770 ATM De vice wo rks prope rly, your network agent must be conf igured correctly.
Chapt er 3 A gent Conf igura tion 8 Cajun M7 70 ATM M anager U ser’s Gu ide Viewin g the Agen t Informa tion Box Every ag ent has an Agent Info rmatio n window th at provides detail s about the agent. To view th e config uration of an agent: 1 Click .
Chapter 3 Agent Config uration Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 9 Viewing the Managers T able To view th e Managers list of a Cajun M770 ATM Devi ce: 1 Open the Cajun M 770 ATM Chassi s View. 2C l i c k . OR Open the Conf igur ation menu a nd select Ma nagers Table .
Chapt er 3 A gent Conf igura tion 10 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Press DEL. 3 Repea t the proce dure for e ach manager. 4 Click Apply . Th e man agers are remov ed fr om the m ana gers table .
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 11 Chapter 4 ATM Device Configuration This ch apte r expl ains h ow to view a nd set the va riou s conf igurat ion pa ramet ers relevant to th e ATM Devices o n your net work. It includ es the followi ng sections: • Viewi ng infor matio n about the Cajun M 770 ATM Device.
Chapter 4 ATM Device Configuration 12 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Viewing ATM Device I nformation The Device Informa tion window pr ovides high le vel information a bout the Cajun M770 ATM Device. T o view infor mation about t he Cajun M7 70 ATM Device: 1 Click .
Chapter 4 ATM Device Configuration Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 13 Viewing Module Configuration The Module Co nfiguration w indow provid es informatio n about the se lected module. To view the conf iguration of a C ajun M770 ATM module : 1 Select a mod ule by clicking its label.
Chapter 4 ATM Device Configuration 14 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Viewin g Port Conf igurat ion The Port Confi guration dialog box provid es inform ation specific to a se lected port. To view th e configuration of a port: 1 Select a po rt by cl icking its sy mbol.
Chapter 4 ATM Device Configuration Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 15 For a full d escription of the fields in the Port Configuration d ialog box, refer to Appendix B, Conf iguration Fields . Enablin g Physical P orts To enab le a po rt: 1 Select the port in the Chassi s View.
Chapter 4 ATM Device Configuration 16 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide 2O p e n t h e Conf iguration menu and select Disable Port . A confirmation box appea rs.
Chapter 4 ATM Device Configuration Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 17 OR Right -click a por t and select P NNI . The P ort P NNI dialog box ap pear s.
Chapter 4 ATM Device Configuration 18 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Viewin g Neig hbor Inf ormation The Neighbor Info rmation window provides info rmation on the neighb or device connected to the port. If the attached devi ce is a UNI devi ce, only ILM I informati on appea rs.
Chapter 4 ATM Device Configuration Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 19 Figure 4.7 Ne ighbor PNNI Inf o Window To hide the neighb or PNN I informa tion, cli ck Close PNNI Info . For a f ull descrip tion of the configuration fields in the Neighbor Info window, re fer to Appendix B, Con figurati on Fields .
Chapter 4 ATM Device Configuration 20 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 21 Chapter 5 Fault Management Fault management consists of the following: • Conf iguring Traps - Defining the type s of tra ps that ar e sent to the ma nagers and th e event lo g. • Viewin g Trap s - View ing th e t raps sen t by t he agent .
Chapte r 5 Fault Mana gement 22 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Viewin g Trap s Traps th at are s ent by the agen t to its mana gers may be viewe d in two pla ces: • In the Port Con figur atio n dialog b ox.
Chapt er 5 Fault Man ageme nt Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 23 Caution: D o not change the Event Object Id entifier of a fault . Editi ng Severi ty Degr ees System-W ide To e dit s everit y d egree s etti ngs sy stem-wi de: 1 Select the enterp rise which co ntains the fault whose s ettings you wa nt to edit.
Chapte r 5 Fault Mana gement 24 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Refer to the HPOV Event C onfiguration appl ication help for more informat ion.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 25 Chapter 6 Monitoring Per formance This ch apte r exp lain s the availa ble o ptions f or m onitorin g th e perfo rmance of supported AT M devices. It includes the fo llowing sections : • Viewi ng Port Counters - Prov ides a brea kdown of the act ivity thr ough each port.
Chapter 6 Monitoring Perform ance 26 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Figure 6.1 Port Coun ters Window Unicast E the rnet P acket Co unte rs ar e gathe red fo r each se lect ed por t. The d ispl ay is updated aut omatica lly approxima tely eve ry thirty se conds.
Chapter 6 Monitorin g Performanc e Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 27 Figure 6.2 C PU Counters Window CPU Co unte rs a re gat hered for e ach s elect ed m odul e. The disp lay i s updat ed automa tically approxim ately every t hirty s econds. To m anually update the d isplay, click Sta rt .
Chapter 6 Monitoring Perform ance 28 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Figure 6.3 VC Cou nters Window VC Counters are gat hered for ea ch selected module or port . The displ ay is updat ed automatically appro ximately eve ry thirty s econds. To manually update the displa y, click Star t .
Chapter 6 Monitorin g Performanc e Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 29 Figure 6.4 LEC S Statistics Window LECS Statistics a re gathered f or each se lected module for which the lo cal LECS is enabled. The di splay is upda ted automat ically approxima tely every thir ty seconds.
Chapter 6 Monitoring Perform ance 30 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Figure 6.5 M anagemen t LEC Count ers W ind ow Manageme nt LEC Count ers are g athere d on the Master Agent. The display is updated aut omatica lly approxima tely eve ry thirty se conds.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 31 Chapter 7 Managing S witch VCs Mana ging swit ch VC s enab les you to list all VC connec tions for a de vice and to view a list of a ll traffic descriptions. Viewin g All VC Con nections for a Device You can view a brea kdown of the connections th at are currently set up o n the Cajun M770 ATM Device.
Chapter 7 Managing Switch VCs 32 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Viewin g All VCs on a Port The To tal VCs tab le dis plays a li st of all tr affic goi ng thro ugh the VCs on the sele cted port. To vie w a descri ption o f all tra ffic on a por t: 1 Selec t a port to be monitored.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 33 Chapter 8 Managing LANE Services This section explains how to manag e the LAN Emulation (LANE) services provided by the Cajun M 770 ATM Dev ice.
Chapter 8 Managin g LANE Se rvices 34 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Configuring the Local LECS You can view and conf igure the local LECS using the LECS Configuratio n dialog box. To configure t he local LEC S: 1 Selec t the module you want to manage.
Chapter 8 Managin g LANE Servi ces Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 35 Fig ure 8.2 Local Resi lien t LE CS Ta ble The Resilient L ECS Table pr ovides information ab out the resilie nt LECSs, s uch as their a ddres s format , stat us, and p riori ty.
Chapter 8 Managin g LANE Se rvices 36 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide For a full descr iption of the fie lds in the L ECS ELANs Table, r efer to Ap pendix B, Configuration F ields . Addi ng EL ANs To add ELANs to the LE CS ELANs table: 1 Click Add .
Chapter 8 Managin g LANE Servi ces Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 37 Delet ing E LANs To delet e ELANs fr om the L ECS ELANs Ta ble: 1 Select an ELAN from the L ECS ELANs table by clicking on it. 2C l i c k Delete . A co nfirma tion box appe ars.
Chapter 8 Managin g LANE Se rvices 38 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide To config ure the LE S/BUS Ta ble: 1 Selec t the module you want to manage. 2O p e n t h e Configur atio n menu and select LANE ! LES/BUS Tab le . The LE S/BU S Tabl e appear s.
Chapter 8 Managin g LANE Servi ces Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 39 Updati ng the LES/BU S Table To update the LES/ BUS tab le: 1 Select a L ES from the L ES/BUS ta ble by clicking on it and Cl ick Update . OR Double-click a LES fr om the LES/BUS table.
Chapter 8 Managin g LANE Se rvices 40 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 41 Chapter 9 Managing Routing This chapter e xplains the routing optio ns of the Cajun M 770 ATM Dev ice. It includes the foll owing sections: • Managi ng the S.
Chapte r 9 Managing Routing 42 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide For a full descr iption of the fie lds in the Sta tic Routes t able, refer t o Appendix B, Configuration F ields . Updating the Static Routes Table To add i nforma tion to the Stati c Rout es table: 1 Click Add .
Chapt er 9 Manag ing Routi ng Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 43 View ing PN NI in for mati on The PNNI informa tion table di splays node information. To v iew PNN I information: 1O p e n t h e C onfigur ation menu and select PNNI Info . The PNNI Information window appear s.
Chapte r 9 Managing Routing 44 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Figure 9.5 PNNI Summary Tab le The PNNI Summary Ta ble pro vides a list o f all the summa ries that we re defined, either manually or b y default (i.e . the swit ch prefix). You can edit, add or delete informa tion in the table.
Chapt er 9 Manag ing Routi ng Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 45 For a full d escrip tion of th e fields in the PNNI Summ ary Tab le, refe r to Appe ndix B, Configuration Fields .
Chapte r 9 Managing Routing 46 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 47 Appendix A Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager Menus This appendix g ives the full me nu structure of the menus in the Ca jun M770 ATM Manager applic ation. Configuration Me nu Table A.1 Configurat ion Menu Item Desc ription Device Informat ion Displays infor mation for t he ATM device .
48 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Performance Menu LANE ! LECS Configuration Displays and enables confi guration of t he LECS . LANE ! Local Resilient LECS Tab le Displays infor mation of t he resili ent LECS o n the network. LANE ! Local LECS ELANs Table Displays and enables configurat ion of the ELANs known to th e local LEC S.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 49 Admi nis te r Men u Help M enu Table A.3 A dminister Menu Item Desc ription ToolBar (In Windows only) Toggle s the to olbar on a nd off. Launch M7 70 Manager Launch es the Cajun M770 Device Manager. Table A.4 Help Menu Item Desc ription Contents Opens the help module f or inform ation.
50 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 51 Appendix B Configu ration Fiel ds Field Name De scription Addr ess The A TM add ress of the por t. Address Format The ATM addr ess tha t the LECS will advertis e. Possi ble valu es are: • WKA - A W ell Known Addres s.
52 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide BUS Select or Th e select or byte of the B US’s ATM addres s. Call Use The type of VC (Virtual C hannel): • PVC - P erm anen t VC • SVC - Switched VC Configuration Sy mbol The version of the module. The version is up dated whenev er there is a functi onal modif ication to t he module.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 53 Curren t ATM pre fix The curre nt ATM pr efix o f the Ca jun M7 70 ATM Device. Current ELAN Name The name of th e ELAN that the managemen t LEC has currently joined . Current ILMI St atus The cur rent stat e of the ILMI pr otocol sta ck.
54 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Disc overy The metho d used for determi ning the ad dress of the LES . Possib le me thods are: • Auto - The addr ess of t he LES i s dis cov ered using th e propr ietary ’automati c LES ad dress determi nation me thod’.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 55 IP Address The IP address o f the device, ma nager, agent, or neighbor device.T he IP add ress of t he Ca jun M770 ATM Switch, Ethernet a gent, or LEC (L ucent Devices only). Last Activ e The time since th is resili ent LECS wa s last e lecte d as activ e.
56 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide LEC Status The management LEC can have the following status messag es: • Init ial stat e - Indicat es that the mana gement LEC in not currently connected to a LECS. • LECS conn ect pha se - Indi cates that the management LEC is trying to s et up a n SVC to a LECS.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 57 LEC-L ES assignme nt The metho d by which a LE C is assi gned to a LE S. Possible me thods a re: • By longes t addres s match • By gro up LES addre ss • By roun d robin LECS ATM Address The ATM a ddres s adve rtised by the L ECS.
58 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide LES Regis tratio n The LES r egistr ation mode to b e supp orted b y the LECS. Possib le mode s are: • Prop LA NE au tosen se - The LECS w ill adopt the propr ietary r egistrat ion vers ion from the first re gister ing LE S.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 59 MAC Addr ess The MAC addres s of the dev ice, age nt, or ring interface. Manual , LES at addres s Th e addres s of the LES. This fie ld is only sig nificant if the discovery method of the LES is se t to Manual.
60 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Origin Source from which th e routing entr y was learned. Possi ble source s are: • ilmi - The routi ng entry has been learned from the IL MI pr otoco l. • Inter nal - The routing entry is lo cal (in the switch).
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 61 Pref ix Length The l ength of the ATM addr ess, e xpresse d as a number of bits. The maximum length is 152 bits, as ATM rou ting is done fo r only 19 byt e addre sses . Priori ty The resil ient pr iorit y of this LECS .
62 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Receive TD Receive Tr affic De scriptor - A se t of par ameters describin g th e traf fic cla ss (CBR , VBR , UBR and ABR) and ser vice require d on the connect ion for the re ce ive s ide. Regist ration Mode The type of LES declar ed t o the L ECS du ring regist rati on.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 63 Root Vi rtual Port - SV C VCI ra nge VCI values a llowed for use on this R oot Vir tual Port. rt-VBR Admin Weight The administrative weight given to the rt-VBR (realtime -Variable B it Rat e) class of servic e, when determining the cost of a link.
64 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Slot/Port The slot n umber and po rt nu mber whe re th e VC (Virtual Channel) starts/ terminates. Po rt 0 is the CPU por t. State The st ate of the su mma ry addr ess i ndic ates whether or not it is advert ised.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 65 System Conta ct Individu al resp onsible for ma intena nce o f the device. System Descrip tion A desc riptio n of the type o f syste m bei ng used.
66 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Upper Backplane The configurat ion of th e upper ba ckplan e of the Caj un M770 devi ce, u sed for ATM swit ch mo dule s. Possi ble val ues are: • Not In stalled - No upper backplane is ins talled. The device can not operate as an A TM switch.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 67 Appendix C Counter Fields Field Des cription AAL5 CRC Erro rs The nu mber o f packe ts rece ived in error. Access De nied The number of CONF IGURE reques ts reje cted due to the “access denied” error.
68 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Insufficient Info The number of CONFIGURE re quests rejected due to the “ins ufficient informat ion” error. Insufficient Resour ces The number of CONFIGUR E requests rejected due to the “i nsufficient r esources to grant reques t” error .
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 69 LEC not r ecognize d The number of CONF IGURE requ ests reje cted due to the “LEC not recognized” error. Malf ormed Requ est s The num ber of mal form ed CON FIGURE requ ests dropped by the LE CS. Module The slot numbe r of the module selected.
70 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide Total Tr affic Th e total nu mber of Token Ring fra mes pr ocessed by the module. Total T x Frames OK The number of frames of valid frame lengt h that have bee n tr ans mi tted fro m th e Fa st E th ern et ports.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 71 Appendix D Trap Fields Field Des cription Agent LAN E Trap s A group of trap s which r eport t he fai lure of the agent to conta ct a parti cular ELAN. Authentica tion Traps An SNMP reque st with an ille gal community wa s recei ved.
72 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide.
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 73 Index A Accessing Sev erity D egrees 22 Adding ELANs 36 information to P NNI summary table 44 LESs t o the LE S/BU S table 38 managers t o the Mana gers Ta ble.
74 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide configure the LES/BUS table 37 configure traps 21 delete ELANs 37 delete i nformat ion from P NNI sum mary table 44 delete L ESs from the LES/ BUS t able 39 .
Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide 75 remov ing 9 Manage rs, d esigna ting 8 Managing agent 7 faul ts 21 LANE serv ices 33 PNNI table 42 routi ng 41 static rout es table 41 switc h VCs 31 Master ag.
76 Caju n M770 ATM M anager User’s Guide all VCs on a port 32 ATM sw itch informat ion 12 CPU cou nters 26 device infor mation 12 LANE clients 39 LECS ELANs table 35 LECS statistics 28 management L .
デバイスLucent Technologies M770の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lucent Technologies M770をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLucent Technologies M770の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lucent Technologies M770の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lucent Technologies M770で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lucent Technologies M770を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLucent Technologies M770の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lucent Technologies M770に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLucent Technologies M770デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。