Able PlanetメーカーOL-1747-02の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Corporate Headquarters Cisco S yste ms, Inc . 170 W est Tasma n Drive San Jose , CA 95134 -1706 USA http://ww com Tel: 408 526-400 0 800 55 3-N ETS ( 6387 ) Fax: 408 526- 4100 Siemens 9751 90.
iii Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 CONTENTS Preface v Pur pose v Audienc e v Organi zati on vi Convent ions vi Cisco Uni ty Docu mentati on vii Obtain ing Docu ment ation ix Ob.
Contents iv Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 APPENDI X A Exitin g and Start ing the Ci sco Unity Soft ware and Serv er A-1 Exiti ng the Cisc o Unity Software A- 1 Shutti ng Do wn.
v Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Preface This p ref ace de scribe s the pur pose , audi ence, org ani zati on, and con vention s of t he Siemens 9751 900 6i D TMF Int e gration Guide . It al so provides in format ion on ho w to obtain r elated do cumentation.
Preface Organization vi Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Organization Chapter 1 of the Si emens 9751 9006i D TMF Int e gration Gui de describes the steps needed to integrate the phone system and t he voice messagi ng system.
vii Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Preface Cis co Uni ty Docu ment at ion The Sie mens 97 51 900 6i D TMF In t e gration Guide also uses the followin g convention: Cautio n Means re a d e r b e c a re f u l . In this situation, you might do somethin g tha t coul d result in equi pment damage or loss of dat a.
Preface Cisco Unity Documentation viii Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Cisco Unity System Adm inistra tion Guid e A v ailabl e in HTML and PDF fo rmat s on the Cisco Unity Do cumenta tion com pact disc and on Cisco. com at http://www .
ix Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Preface Obt ain ing Do cume ntat io n Obtaining Documentation The follo wing sectio ns prov ide sources fo r obtaining documentation f rom Cisco Systems.
Preface Obtainin g Techn ical Assist ance x Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Documentation Feed back If you are reading Cisco produc t document ation on t he W or ld Wi de W eb, you ca n submit technic al comments electr onically .
xi Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Preface Obtaini ng T echnical Assi stance Customers and partners can self -registe r on Cisco.
Preface Obtainin g Techn ical Assist ance xii Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Contacting TAC by Telephone If you have a priority l e vel 1(P1) or prior ity lev el 2 (P2) pro blem, conta ct T AC b y telepho ne and immedia tely ope n a ca se.
C HAPTER 1-1 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 1 Siemens 9751 9006i DT MF Integration Integration Overview Before per forming the follo win g integratio n steps, conf irm tha t the Cisco Unity ™ serv er is r eady f or the i nteg ration b y co mpleting the ap propriate tasks i n the Cisco Unity Installation Guide .
Chapter 1 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Integra tion Overv iew 1-2 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Requirements The Siem ens 9751 90 06i integrati on suppor ts configuratio ns of the following compone nts: Phon e Syst em • Siemen s 9 751 90 06i (Release 9005 i s n ot su ppo rte d.
1-3 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Chapter 1 Sie mens 9751 9 006i DTMF Integration Integration Description Cisco Unity Server • The D ialog ic ® D/41E PCI ™ , D /120JCT -L.
Chapter 1 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Program ming the Phone Sys tem 1-4 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Integration Features The Siem ens 9751 90 06i integrati on with.
1-5 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Chapter 1 Sie mens 9751 9 006i DTMF Integration Program ming th e Phon e System To program the phone system for analog ports Step 1 Use the ADDDPLN comm and to create an e xte nsion for each v o ice mes saging port an d for the hunt group pi lot numbe r .
Chapter 1 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Program ming the Phone Sys tem 1-6 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Step 3 Repeat Step 2 fo r eac h re mainin g SL MA v oice messagin g p ort t ha t ans wer s c alls . Step 4 Use the ADDSCSU c ommand to create th e fi rst SLMA v oice messa ging port th e sets MWIs.
1-7 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Chapter 1 Sie mens 9751 9 006i DTMF Integration Program ming th e Phon e System All MWIs on subscribe r extens ions are turn ed of f when the ph one system re starts. T o reset MWIs, run the pho ne system Mess age-W aitin g Refre sh utility on me nu 13.
Chapter 1 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Program ming the Phone Sys tem 1-8 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Make sure that the phon e syste m sen ds calls onl y to Cisco U nit y voice ports that are set to Answer Calls on th e System > Ports page in the Cisco Unity Administrato r .
1-9 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Chapter 1 Sie mens 9751 9 006i DTMF Integration Program ming th e Phon e System Step 8 Go to m enu 4.1 - P ort Ass ign ment s an d s et t he fol lo w ing para me ters . Step 9 Go to menu 6.1 - T ransfer D ialing Seq uenc e and set the fo llowing param eters.
Chapter 1 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Configurin g Cisco Unity for the Integration 1-10 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Step 10 Program ea ch phon e to forwar d calls t.
1-11 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Chapter 1 Sie mens 9751 9 006i DTMF Integration Configuring Cisco Unity for the Integration Step 4 If the setting is not Analog or Multiple Integrations , cont act your sales representativ e for the n ecessary system key .
Chapter 1 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Test ing th e In tegra tion 1-12 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Step 7 For the settings to take ef fect, exit and restart the Cisco Unity softwa re. For more information , see Appendix A, “Exiting and Starting the Cisco Unity Softw are and Serv er .
1-13 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Chapter 1 Sie mens 9751 9 006i DTMF Integration Testing the Integration Step 7 Under Transfer Incom ing Calls, cli ck Y es, Ring Subscriber’ s Extension , an d confirm that the extension numbe r is for Phon e 1.
Chapter 1 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Test ing th e In tegra tion 1-14 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Step 6 Conf irm that, after the nu mber of r ings that the phone system is set to wait , the call is forwa rded to Cisco Unity and that you hear the gree ting for Example Subscrib er .
1-15 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Chapter 1 Sie mens 9751 9 006i DTMF Integration Testing the Integration To s et up sup ervised tr ansfer on Cisco Un ity Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to Subscriber s > Subscribers > Call Tr a n s f e r .
Chapter 1 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Test ing th e In tegra tion 1-16 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Step 8 On the Sta tus Mo nitor , confi rm that the state of the po rt handl ing the c all ch anges to “Idle .” This stat e means that the port was succe ssfully rele ased when the call ended.
C HAPTER 2-1 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 2 Dual Phone System Integration Cisco U nity ca n be integrated w ith one e ach of the following phone sy stems at the same time: • A traditiona l, circu it-switche d phone syste m.
Chapt er 2 Dual P hon e Sys tem Int egra tion Dual Phon e System In tegration O verview 2-2 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 2. Integrate the traditional phone system and Cisco Unity. See instruction s earlier i n this in teg ration guid e.
2-3 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Chapt er 2 Du al Pho ne S yste m Int egrat ion Changing Cisco Unity Administrator Settings 4. Reinstall the A V -Cisco TS P . See the “T o reinstall the A V -Cisco service pro vider ” sect ion on pa ge 2-9 .
Chapt er 2 Dual P hon e Sys tem Int egra tion Changing Cisco U nity Adm inistrator Se ttings 2-4 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Cautio n Specify set tings for the traditional p hone system bef ore specifying settings for Cisco CallM anager .
2-5 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Chapt er 2 Du al Pho ne S yste m Int egrat ion Changing Cisco Unity Administrator Settings Step 3 Adjust other settings as appropr iate. Fo r more infor mation about the o ther settings on the Switch pag e, see the online Help in the Cisco Unity Adm inistrator.
Chapt er 2 Dual P hon e Sys tem Int egra tion Changing Cisco U nity Adm inistrator Se ttings 2-6 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Step 2 In the Por t Assignments sectio n, indicate the range o f ports to be a ssigned to th e tradit iona l ph one sy stem .
2-7 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Chapt er 2 Du al Pho ne S yste m Int egrat ion Changing Cisco Unity Administrator Settings To select wh ich phone syste m subscribers an d ca.
Chapt er 2 Dual P hon e Sys tem Int egra tion Changing the N umber of Installed Ports 2-8 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Step 2 For each de vice, in the Switch list select the phon e system that Cisco Unity uses to dial ou t when notifyi ng subscrib ers of new messages.
2-9 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Chapt er 2 Du al Pho ne S yste m Int egrat ion Changin g the Num ber of In stall ed Por ts To remove the existing AV-Cisco TSP Step 1 On the Cisc o Unity server , log on to W indows as an admini strator .
Chapt er 2 Dual P hon e Sys tem Int egra tion Changing the N umber of Installed Ports 2-10 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02.
A-1 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 APPENDIX A Exiting and Starting the Cisco Unity Software and Server Exiting the Cisco Unity Software This section pro vides tw o procedures for ex iting the softw are: from the Cisco U nit y se rver an d f rom a no ther com put er .
Appendi x A Exiting an d Starting the Cisco Unity Software a nd Server Shutting Down or Restarting the Cisco Unity Server A-2 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Step 2 Start Inter net Ex plorer, and go to http://<Ci sco Unity server name> /status.
A-3 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Appendi x A Exiting and Star ting the Cisc o Unity Software and Serv er Starting the Cisc o Unity Software Cisco Unity is a W indo ws service tha t is conf igured to start automa tically when you turn on or re start the server .
Appendi x A Exiting an d Starting the Cisco Unity Software a nd Server Starting the Cisco Unity Software A-4 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 To st art the Ci sco Unity softw are from ano ther com puter Step 1 Start Inter net Ex plorer, and go to http://<Ci sco Unity server name> /status.
B-1 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 APPENDIX B Remapping Exte nsion Numbe rs The Remap ping Feature The ext ension remappin g feature lets you con vert the cal ling numbers and forwarding nu mb ers of c alls tha t Ci sco Unity ha ndle s to the extensi on s of y our choic e.
Append ix B Remap ping Exte nsion Numb ers Setting Up Cisco Unity to Remap Exten sion Numbe rs B-2 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 By performing the procedure, you can c reate multiple files in either or both of two direct ories : • In the Calli ng directo ry , one or mo re .
B-3 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Appendix B Rem apping E xtensio n Num bers Syntax a nd Exampl es An .exm file can have only one [Number Ma ppings] se ction. Step 6 Using the wildcards and e xamples in the foll ow ing “Syntax an d Exampl es” section, enter one r emapping rule on t he line .
Append ix B Remap ping Exte nsion Numb ers Syntax an d Examples B-4 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 Cisco Unity e x ecu te s rule s in the ord er th e y app ea r in th e .
C-1 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 APPENDIX C Assigning Dialogic Ports for a Dual Phone System Integration In a dua l phone system in tegration, C isco Unity assigns a voice me.
Append ix C Assig ning Dialog ic Ports for a Du al Phone Sys tem Integrati on C-2 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02 To set the Port assignments in the Registry Cautio n Chan ging th e wrong reg istr y ke y o r enter ing an i ncorr ect v a lue can c ause th e server to malfunc tion.
C-3 Siemens 975 1 9006i DTMF Integrat ion Guide OL-1747-02 Appendix C A ssigni ng Dialogi c Ports for a D ual Phone Syst em Integrat ion Step 14 Close the Regi stry Editor . Step 15 For the settings to take ef fect, exit and restart the Cisco Unity softwa re.
Append ix C Assig ning Dialog ic Ports for a Du al Phone Sys tem Integrati on C-4 Siemens 9751 9006i DTMF Int egration Guid e OL-1747-02.
デバイスAble Planet OL-1747-02の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Able Planet OL-1747-02をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAble Planet OL-1747-02の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Able Planet OL-1747-02の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Able Planet OL-1747-02で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Able Planet OL-1747-02を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAble Planet OL-1747-02の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Able Planet OL-1747-02に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAble Planet OL-1747-02デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。