Matrox Electronic SystemsメーカーMatrox MXOの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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v Y10969-201-01 20 In s tal lat ion a nd U ser Gu ide Jan uary 31 , 200 7 Matrox MXO.
All ot h er nati on a lly and i nternation ally rec ognized tr ademarks a nd traden ames are h ereby a cknowled ged. Copyright © 2007 Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd. • All right s reserved. Disc laimer M atr ox Ele c tron ic Systems Lt d . res e rves the right to m ake chan g es in specif ications at any t ime and w it hout notice.
i Ma tro x MX O Licen se A greem ent, W arra nty , a nd Se rvice M atrox MX O Licens e Agreem ent, W arranty , and Se r vice A . Ma trox softw are lice nse agreemen t for single-user prod ucts By ins tal ling th e soft ware, you, the ori gina l pur chase r , ind icate your acc eptance of the se terms.
ii Matrox MX O License A greem e nt, W arranty , and Service C . End-user re gistratio n Bef ore usi ng your Matr ox MXO produ ct, pl ease take a mom ent to re gister your prod uct in th e Matr ox MXO Suppo r t s e ctio n of our web site at www .matro x.
iv Matrox MX O License A greem e nt, W arranty , and Service H . Proce dure for returnin g goods No retu rne d goo ds, f or se rvic e or other wi se, wil l b e ac cepte d with out prio r au thoriz ati on fro m M atro x. T o obta in ret urn aut horizat i o n, c o ntact Matrox MXO Cus tomer S uppor t (see pag e 32 ).
Cont en ts Cha p ter 1 Int roducing Matrox MXO Welcome to Matr ox MXO ..... ......... ...... .. ...... ...... ...... ...... ... ...... ...... ... . 2 Matrox M XO key fea tures .... ... ...... ...... ..... ...... ... ...... ...... ... ...... ...... ...
vi Conten ts Chap ter 4 Using Matrox MXO with Final Cut Pro and Other Supported Pro gr ams Loading project preset s for Final Cut P ro ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... ..... 24 Specifying your video and audi o output device settings .... ........
1 Introducing Ma trox MX O This chapt e r outli nes the fea ture s of Matr ox MX O, desc ri bes th e MX O op era tion mode s, li sts the conte nts of you r kit, provi des the MXO syste m re qui rem en ts, and desc ribe s th e ava ila ble M XO document atio n.
2 C hap ter 1, Intr o duc in g Ma tro x M XO Wel come to Matrox M XO Matrox MXO connects to your Mac comput e r or laptop to pro vide br oadcast -quality aud io/video outp ut.
3 Sup por ted video outp ut sta ndards mode , you must f irst sel ect the MXO as the o utput de vice for your appl ic ati on. F or m ore info rm ati on on ho w to do this, se e “Specifyi ng your vide o and aud io output de vice set tin gs” on pa g e 24 .
4 C hap ter 1, Intr o duc in g Ma tro x M XO Matrox MXO s ystem requirements Matrox MXO requires a Mac s ystem with t he follo wi ng system conf i gurati on: • Mac OS X v10.4. 7 o r lat er . • D VD-R OM dr iv e to instal l the MXO softw are. • Free USB port.
2 Connecting Externa l Devices to Mat rox M XO This chap te r shows you how to connect e xternal d evi ces to Matr ox MXO..
6 C hap ter 2, Co nn ec tin g Ex ter nal D evic e s to Ma tr ox M XO MXO connections Matrox MXO allo ws you to co nnect mult iple dev ices for si multaneo us output .
7 MXO connections Rem ark s $ The MXO require s a High-Spee d USB 2.0 con ne cti on. Do not plug the USB cable connec tor to t he USB soc ket on your ke yboard. $ If you disc onnect th e U SB cable at any tim e or shut your system do wn, the MXO will aut omati call y shut o ff.
8 C hap ter 2, Co nn ec tin g Ex ter nal D evic e s to Ma tr ox M XO T ypical Matrox MXO connect i ons The fo llo wing il lustrati ons sho w some ty pical MXO connec tions.
9 T ypical Matrox MXO conne cti ons Analog component connections Y/VIDEO DVI OUT DVI IN Pb/Y Pb Pr/C Pr Audio L Audio R REF IN IN IN R L SDI Apple Cinema Displa y Video device (VTR, video monitor , etc.
10 C hap ter 2, Co nn ec tin g Ex ter nal D evic e s to Ma tr ox M XO S-Video connec tions AUDIO R S-VIDEO IN Apple Cinema Displa y Video device (VTR, video monitor , etc.
11 T ypical Matrox MXO conne cti ons Composite c onnec tions VIDEO IN AUDIO R AUDIO L IN Apple Cinema Displa y Video device (VTR, video monitor , etc.) USB B connector Y/VIDEO DVI OUT DVI IN Pb/Y Pr/C.
12 C hap ter 2, Co nn ec tin g Ex ter nal D evic e s to Ma tr ox M XO SDI connection s Apple Cinema Displa y Video device (VTR, video monitor , etc.) SDI IN USB B connector Y/VIDEO DVI OUT DVI IN Pb/Y.
3 Installing Y our Matrox MXO Software and Co nf iguring Y our System This chapter explai ns how to ins t all th e Mat ro x M XO soft ware and how to configure you r syste m in t he MXO Pref erenc e pa ne.
14 C hap ter 3 , Ins tallin g Y o ur M at rox M XO S o ftware and Co nf igurin g Y our Sy st em Installing y our Matrox M XO software If you are pl anning on us ing MXO in Masterin g mode for vide o e ditin g, you shou ld insta ll Final Cut Pro before installi ng the MXO softw are.
15 Defini ng your s ettings in the M X O P reference pane Defining your settings in t he MXO P re ference pane The MXO Prefe rence pa ne allo ws you to specif y vari ous settings to conf igure your vide o a nd audio out put from MXO for the Mast ering and Present ation mode s.
16 C hap ter 3 , Ins tallin g Y o ur M at rox M XO S o ftware and Co nf igurin g Y our Sy st em 4 Under Vid eo Out p ut C ont ro l , sel ect Dow nco nvert H D v ideo to S D if you w ant to do wncon ve rt HD video outp ut to SD.
17 Defini ng your s ettings in the M X O P reference pane Specifying your Pr esentation mode settings T o spec ify your P res entat ion m ode s etti ngs on Ma tr ox MXO: 1 From the App le menu, clic k Sy s tem Pr ef er enc e s , and th en cl ick t he Ma tro x M X O icon.
18 C hap ter 3 , Ins tallin g Y o ur M at rox M XO S o ftware and Co nf igurin g Y our Sy st em 4 The A nti-flick e r filter opti on is enable d by defaul t to preve nt flic kering when pre v ie wing inter laced vide o.
19 Defini ng your s ettings in the M X O P reference pane Spec if ying yo ur Genera l s ettings T o spec ify your Ge neral se ttings on Matr ox MXO: 1 From the App le menu, clic k Sy s tem Pr ef er enc e s , and th en cl ick t he Ma tro x M X O icon. 2 Clic k the Ge nera l tab.
20 C hap ter 3 , Ins tallin g Y o ur M at rox M XO S o ftware and Co nf igurin g Y our Sy st em 4 Under V ideo O utp ut Co ntro l , from t he Set anal og vi deo as menu, select the ty pe of analog vide o ou tput you wan t by selecti ng Compon ent , or Com po si te & Y/C .
21 Defini ng your s ettings in the M X O P reference pane Viewing M XO information T o vie w MXO informat ion, such as the seria l number and operati ng temp erature: 1 From the App le menu, clic k Sy s tem Pr ef er enc e s , and th en cl ick t he Ma tro x M X O icon.
22 C hap ter 3 , Ins tallin g Y o ur M at rox M XO S o ftware and Co nf igurin g Y our Sy st em Y our notes.
4 Using Matrox MXO with Final Cut Pro an d Oth er Supp orted P rog rams This chapter explai ns how to de fi ne va riou s set ti ngs f or us ing y o ur M X O w it h Fi na l C u t Pr o and ot her su ppo rt ed pro gram s .
24 C hapter 4, Using Ma trox M XO wi th Final Cu t Pro and Ot her Suppo rte d Progr ams Loading project pres ets for Final Cut Pro The Matrox MXO Quic kTim e video out put compo nent for Fina l Cut Pro incl udes proj ect pr e set s tha t you c a n load t o immediat ely ap ply appr opriate MXO se ttings .
25 Spe cifyin g you r vid eo and aud io o utpu t device se ttings Remarks •T h e MX O Audi o se tti ng will not wor k unle s s you hav e an MXO setting sel ect ed fro m the Video Pl ayback me nu. • If the External Video option is of f in the Video Playback menu, you wil l not be able to moni tor your a udio throug h Matro x MXO.
26 C hapter 4, Using Ma trox M XO wi th Final Cu t Pro and Ot her Suppo rte d Progr ams Ensuring accurate printing to t ape using Final Cut Pro In order to pe rform an accur ate prin t-to-ta pe usin g Final C ut Pro with Matrox MXO, you may nee d to adjus t the Playback Offset valu e in th e Dev ice Co ntro l P res et Edi tor .
A Ma trox M XO Sp ecifications Th is append ix prov ides spe cificat ions for y our Matro x MXO b o x..
28 App en dix A , M a tro x MXO Sp ecific atio ns Matrox MXO box specifications Gene ral Video standa rds NTSC, P AL, NTSC-EIAJ, 720p, and 1080i Regu lator y com plia nce FCC Class A, CE Mark Class A,.
29 Matr ox MX O box spec ifica tions HDTV ana log compone n t video output Supported video form ats: 720p and 108 0i Compliant with EIA- 770.3 Frequency response Y : +/ - 0.3 dB max to 28 MHz Frequency response Pb, Pr: +/-0.4 dB max to 14 MHz Component ch annel delay: +/- 0.
30 App en dix A , M a tro x MXO Sp ecific atio ns Y our notes.
B Mat rox MX O C usto me r S upp ort This ap pend ix e xplains how you can reg ister your Matr ox MXO and ob tain customer sup por t..
32 App endi x B, Matrox MXO Cus tomer Support How to get Matrox M XO Customer Support If you ha ve a problem tha t you’ re unable to sol ve by referring to your Matr ox MXO documenta ti on, pleas e conta ct your Matro x MXO repres enta ti ve.
A Adobe After Eff ects spec ifying se ttings f or 25 Af te r Ef fec ts Se e Adobe Aft er Ef fect s Aud io o utput devi ce sett ings spec ifying in Fina l Cut Pro 24 C Comput er sy stem requi rement s .
34 Ind e x P Pref erence pan e Se e Ma trox MXO Pres entati on mode about 3 spec ifying se ttings f or 17 Proj ect prese t s loa ding f or F ina l C ut P r o 24 R Regis tering your M atro x MXO 32 Ret.
Compliance Stateme nts USA FCC C ompl ianc e Stat ement Remark for the Matr o x hardwa re products supported by this guide This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC R ules .
www .ma /video.
デバイスMatrox Electronic Systems Matrox MXOの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Matrox Electronic Systems Matrox MXOをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMatrox Electronic Systems Matrox MXOの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Matrox Electronic Systems Matrox MXOの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Matrox Electronic Systems Matrox MXOで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Matrox Electronic Systems Matrox MXOを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMatrox Electronic Systems Matrox MXOの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Matrox Electronic Systems Matrox MXOに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMatrox Electronic Systems Matrox MXOデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。