MatroxメーカーMillennium P650 LP PCIの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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User Guide 10818-301-0322 2008.12.01 Matr ox Parhelia Matr ox Millennium P750 Matr ox Millennium P690 Matr ox Millennium P650 ENGLISH.
2 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide H a rd w a re i n s t a l l a t i o n This secti on describes how to install your Matro x card. I f your Matr ox graphics card is already installed in y our c ompu ter , skip t o “Standar d (A TX) connection setup ” , page 6 or “Low-profile connectio n setup ” , page 10 .
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 3 1 Open your computer and remove your existing graphics card * If a graphics card isn ’t already instal led in you r co mpu te r , s ki p to step 2 . a Us i n g Add/Remove Pr ograms in the Wi n d o w s Control P anel , remo ve an y currently installed displ ay driv ers.
4 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 3 Insert your Matr ox card a P osition your M at ro x card ov er the expansion slot y ou’v e chosen. b Push the card in firmly and evenly until it’ s fully seated in the slot. c Secure the brack et of y our Matr ox car d to the c omput er frame.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 5 Replacing brackets on a low-profile graphics car d Matro x l ow-pr ofile gr aphics cards ship w ith standard (A TX) brackets compatible with most systems. The following explains ho w to change your standard brack et to a low- profile bracket.
6 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Standar d (A TX) connection setup This secti on describes how to connect y our monito rs to a standard (A TX) Matro x graphics card. Connector overview * Matrox Millennium P650 and P690 products include 2 DVI-to-H D15 adapters, but no dual-monitor cable.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 7 Step-by-step connection setup 1 Connect the fir st monitor Connect your pr eferred monitor to the main connect or ( A ) on y our M atro x graphics card. If y our monito r has a DVI c onnecto r , connect it directly to the main conn ector of your g ra ph ic s c ard.
8 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 2 Connect the second monito r If your secon d moni tor us es a DVI connect or , conn ect it directly t o the secondary connector ( B ) of your graphics card. If your second monitor uses an HD-15 connector , you can use a dual- monitor cable (included with certai n Matro x products) or a DVI-t o-HD15 adapter .
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 9 Y our M atro x card is now installed. Restart your c omput er and install your M atrox softwar e ( see “Softwar e setup ” , page 12 ).
10 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Low-pr ofile connection setup This section des cribes how to connect y our moni tors to a low-pr ofile Matrox graphics card. Connector overview * TV output adapters are sold separately (see http:// shopmat ).
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 11 Connecting a low-profile car d 1 Attach the dual-monitor cable A ttach yo ur Matro x dual-monitor cable to the co nnector on the brack et of your M atrox card . Mak e sure the co nnectors ar e properly fastened.
12 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Softwar e setup This secti on describes how to install Matro x software for Wi n d o w s 2000 , W indow s Ser ver 2003 , Wi n d o w s X P , W i ndows X P Professi onal x64 , and W indows Vista . Y ou may ne ed a dminis tr ator r ig hts to install c ertain softwar e.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 13 TV output Connection setup 1 T urn off computer Before y ou connect your M at ro x product, make sur e you shut do wn your system and turn off you r co mpu te r .
14 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 2 Attach TV ada pter Standard (A TX) card – Conn ect the TV outp ut ad apte r to conn ecto r 1 on your dual-monitor cable. If you ’re only using one computer moni tor and a TV , y ou can use a D VI-to-HD 15 adapter to conn ect the TV output adapter to the secondary ( B ) connector on your Mat rox c a rd .
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 15 Optional ly , if you use the composite v ideo and S-video c onnectors o n your M at ro x TV adapter, you can directl y connec t two diff erent v ideo de vices at th e same t ime.
16 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Software setup If a TV o r v ide o re cord er i s co nn ec ted to you r Ma trox pro du ct , yo u ca n us e T V ou tp ut m ode to v ie w or record your display on your TV or video recorder . (T o connec t vi deo dev ices to your computer , see page 13 .
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 17 V ideo input Connection setup 1 T ur n of f your computer Before y ou connect your M at ro x product, make sur e you shut do wn your system and turn off you r co mpu te r . 2 Connect your video-i nput adapter Connect the video-input adapt er to the main connect or ( A ) on your g raphi cs card.
18 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 3 Connect your monitor Connect your pr eferred monit or to the m ain connector (DVI) on your video-input adapter . If your mo nitor has a DVI connecto r , connect it directl y to the m ain co nnector (D VI) on yo ur adapter .
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 19 Software setup T o capture video wi th your M atrox P arhel ia prod uct, your video-capture software m ust support WDM (W indows Driver M o dule) drivers and you must ha ve the Matro x WDM display driver package installed on y our system .
20 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Ster eo output Y ou can use stereo ou tput w ith OpenGL software that take s advantage of this feature. M atrox products that support stereo output ship with a ster eo-output bracket, a ster eo-output adapter , or both.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 21 1 Remove your graphics car d T urn off you r computer and all peripher als such as your monitor or p rinter. Open your computer and remove your exis ting graphics card. 2 Connect the bracket to your graphics car d Connect your ster eo-output brack et to the stereo-output connector on your graphi cs card.
22 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 4 Connect your ster eo device Connect your stereo dev ice (for example, your 3D glasses) to the stereo c onnector (mini DIN, 3 pins) on your stereo-output bracket. T o conn ect your monit ors, see “Standar d (A TX) connection setup ” , page 6 .
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 23 2 Connect your monitor Connect your pr eferred monit or to the m ain connect or (D VI) on y our stereo-o utput adapter . If your m onitor has a DVI c onnector , connect it directly to the m ain co nnector (D VI) on yo ur adapter .
24 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide T roubleshooting Basic procedur es This section explains basi c proc edures th at are ref erred to b y some troubleshootin g items in this guide. Restarting in VGA mode W i ndows 2000/XP/V ist a – W hat follows is in formation o n how t o restart y our com puter in VG A mode .
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 25 2 Solution If graphics hard ware is built int o your co mputer mothe rboard, your syst em may not have autom atically disabled it when you inserted y our Matro x card. Check y our system man ual for instr uctions on how to disable your computer’ s built- in graphi cs hardware.
26 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 5 T ur n off your computer , remove t he ot her g r aphics card, then plug your mo nitor into your M atro x graphics card. 6 Restart your c omputer . Proble m W rong color balan ce, screen imag e off-center , or no pictur e at all 1 Cause Y our monitor v ideo controls may be improperl y set.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 27 1 Solution Mak e sure yo ur monitor supports the display mode currently in use. After installi ng y our Matro x product, your system uses ei ther the preferred dis play mode for your monitor or a display mode of 800 × 600 at 60 Hz.
28 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Graphics – Extra troubleshooting The following ar e extra troubleshooting ite ms related t o graphics hardwar e.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 29 2 Solution T r y m ov i n g y o u r M a t r ox g r a p h i c s c a r d t o a n o t h e r P C I ( o r P C I e d e p e n d i n g o n y o u r p r o d u c t ) slot in your c omput er . For instructions on ho w to safely install your M atro x card, see “Hard ware installation ” , page 2 .
30 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Problem Using multiple displays u nder Windows 2000/XP/Vista, pr ogram doesn’t work with your Matr ox product 1 Cause Y o u r m a i n g r a p h i c s c a r d m a y n o t b e c o n t r o l l i n g y o u r p r i m a r y d i s p l a y.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 31 Problem Not all graphics ca rds in the computer ar e fully supported (Software doesn’ t work with a certain graphics card, or another graphics card doesn’t .
32 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 3 Click OK . Proble m Screen image defects appear , pr ogram doesn’ t run properly , or Windows doesn’ t work properly (example: mouse pointe r not drawn pr operly) 1 Cause Some progr ams may not wor k properly w ith so me Matro x accel erati on.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 33 3 Click Effects and then disable one or more featur es. 4 Click OK Æ OK . 3 Solution W indows Vista – Disable W indows A ero . Rig ht-click your W indows desktop background, then click Personalize Æ Window Color and Appea rance Æ Open classic appearan ce properties for mor e color options .
34 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 3 Click OK or Apply for your changes to take effect. W indows Vista – 1 Right-click your W indows desktop background, then click Personalize Æ Display settings . 2 Select the display y ou want to disable, then clear the Extend the desktop onto this monitor check b o x.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 35 Problem Displa y on digita l monitor app ears blurr y or uses only a po rtion of th e screen 1 Cause Y ou ma y be using a lower displa y resolution than what your digital monitor suppor ts. If your monitor supports displ ay scaling, the image on your screen ma y appe ar blurr y .
36 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 3 Solution Mak e sure the drive y ou ’r e using (a hard disk or DVD drive) is using DM A (if your drive supports DMA transfer s). T o use DMA: W i ndows 2000/XP – 1 Click Start Æ Settings * Æ Control P anel Æ Performance and Maintenance * Æ System (double-click*) Æ Hard ware Æ Device Ma nager .
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 37 DVD The foll owing troublesho oting items addres s problems related to DVD . (For general v ideo-rel ated troubleshooting items , see “V ideo ” , page 35 .) Problem DVD video playback is jerky (skipping fra mes) 1 Cause Y our DV D drive may be too slow .
38 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 2 Solution If a video record er is connected t o your M atrox graphics card and the video rec order has a TUNER/LINE switch, set it to LINE . Fo r more information , see you r video reco rder m anual. 3 Cause M atro x software ma y not be set up for TV output.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 39 2 Solution If you ’re using a display area larger than 640 × 480, you can use la rger system fonts to make som e tex t mo re re ada bl e: W i ndows 2000/XP – 1 Right-click your W i ndow s desktop background, then click Propert ies Æ Settings Æ Advanced Æ General .
40 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Proble m Can’t recor d video with a video re corder 1 Cause The video sourc e may be c opy pr otected. Y o ur M atro x product ma y not let you mak e copies of copy-protected v ideo. (Some v ideo sources l et you make a c opy of a v ideo, but you may not be able to mak e a cop y of that copy .
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 41 Sound The following troubleshooting items address problem s related to sound cards. Problem Sound does n’t rec ord, video files play back with no sound, or so.
42 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 2 Click Options Æ Propert ies . 3 Click t he Recording butt on, enable all c heck bo xes in the lis t box, t hen click OK .
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 43 4 Select Recording and mak e sure all the dev ices you want t o use are listed as working. If a device is listed as not w orking, right-click the device ic on and select Enable . 5 For each device you want to use, double-click the device icon and selec t Levels .
44 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Display information Y our M atrox graphics card is 100% V GA co mpatible and sup por ts all VESA standar ds: VBE 2.0 (Super V GA modes), DPMS (energ y saving), and DDC-2B (Plug-and-Play monitor). Y our M atrox pr oduct supports DualHead features.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 45 resolution avail able is th e high est resolution suppor ted by both monitors. If one of your monitors supports a higher resolution, it may use display scaling to fill the entire screen. For mor e information on what your moni tors support, see thei r documentati on.
46 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide H a rd w a re i n f o r m a t i o n Features – Matr ox Parhelia, Millennium P750, Millennium P650 Matrox Parhelia Matrox Millennium P750 Matrox Millennium P65.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 47 Features - Matr ox Millennium P690 Digital monitor infor mation Matrox Millennium P690 PCI Matrox Millennium P690 PCIe Matrox Millennium P690 LP PCIe Matrox Mil.
48 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Maximum card dimensions – Matr ox Parhelia (AGP) 6.875 in. / 17.46 cm 4.25 in. / 10 .80 cm ≤ 0.75 in. / ≤ 1.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 49 Maximum card dimensions – Matr ox Parhelia (PCI) 7.50 in. / 19.05 cm 4.20 in. / 10.67 cm ≤ 0.75 in. / ≤ 1.
50 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Maximum card dimensions – Matr ox Millennium P750 or P650 (AGP) 5.90 in. / 14.99 cm 4.05 in. / 10.29 cm ≤ 0.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 51 Maximum card dimensions – Matr ox Millennium P650 Low-profile PCI 5.20 in. / 13 .21 cm 2.536 in. / 6.4 4 cm ≤ 0.
52 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Maximum card dimensions – Matr ox Millennium P650 PCIe 6.425 in. / 16.32 cm 4.376 in. / 11.12 cm ≤ 0.75 in.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 53 Maximum card dimensions – Matr ox Millennium P690 PCI 0.325 in. / 0.83 cm 6.60 in. / 16.76 cm ≤ 0.75 in. / ≤ 1.
54 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Maximum card dimensions – Matr ox Millennium P690 PCIe ≤ 0.75 in. / ≤ 1.91 cm 0.331 in. / 0 .84 cm 4.376 in.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 55 Maximum card dimensions – Matr ox Mille nnium P690 LP PCIe (x1 and x16) and P690 Plus LP PCIe 6.60 in. / 16.76 cm 2.712 in. / 6.8 9 cm ≤ 0.75 in. / ≤ 1.91 cm (Millennium P690 LP PCIe (x16) shown) 0.331 in.
56 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Maximum card dimensions - Matr ox Millennium P690 Plus LP PCI 6.60 in. / 16.76 cm 2.536 in. / 6.44 cm ≤ 0.75 in.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 57 Customer support Matrox W eb Matro x is on the Internet wi th a W orld W ide W eb (WWW) si te. Our W eb site has product literature, press r eleases, technical mat erial, a sales office list, trade show informat ion, and othe r relevant materi al.
58 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Where to get information For d isplay inf ormation: W i ndows 2000/XP/V ist a – 1 Double-clic k the P owerDesk ic on ( ) o n you r W indow s taskbar to ac cess the P owerDesk m ain inte rface.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 59 Wa r r a n t y A. Limited Warranty Statemen t 1. Matrox Graphics Inc. (“Matr ox”) warrants to the end-user c ustomer , who provides ade quate proof of pur c.
Matrox graphics car d – User Guide 61 Softwar e license agr eement Single User Products This Matrox software (the “Software”) is copyri ghte d by Matrox Graphics Inc. Al l rights are reserve d. The purchas er is granted a license to use the softwar e only , subject to the following restri ctions and limitations: 1.
62 Matrox graphics car d – User Guide Index A Adobe Reader 43 AG P 3 B BIOS 25 , 29 , 30 Bus master ing 29 C CD-ROM, Matro x 43 Connection se tup Low-profile card 10 – 11 Standard (A TX) card 6 �.
Thank you for choosing Matrox Please register online ( http://www .matrox.c om/g raphics/registr ation ) to be eli gible for custome r support, new product announce ments, and information on special offers and upcoming events.
USA FCC Compliance Statement Remark for the Matrox hardware pr oducts suppo rted by this guide This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digit a l device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
EUROPE (English) European user’ s information – Declaration of Conform ity Remark for the Matrox hardware products supported by this guide Th ese devices c omply with E C Directive 89/ 336/EEC for a Class B digital device. They have been tested and found to comply with EN55022/CISPR22 and EN55024/CISPR24.
(Français) A. Demande de numéros de br evet aux États-Unis 4,631, 603, 4,577,216, 4,819 ,098 et 4,907,093 avec licence pour de s utilisations limitées d’af fichage uniquement.
Copyright © 2008 Matr ox Graphics Inc. • (English) All ri ghts reserved. • (Fran çais) T ous dr oits réservés. • (Deutsch) A lle Rechte vorbehalt en.
(English) Disclaimer THE INFORMA TION IN THIS GUIDE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE A T ANY TIM E AND WITHOUT NOTICE. Matrox Graphics Inc. reserves the right to m ake changes in spec ifications at any time and without notice. The information provided by this document is believed to be accurate and reliable.
Matrox Graphics Inc. 1055 Saint Regis Boulevar d Dorval, Quebec, Canada H9P 2T4 North America: 1-800-361-1408 International: (514) 822-6000 Email: graphics@matr We b s i t e : www .matrox. com/graphics T e chnical support: www T o locate the sales offi ce nearest yo u, visit www .
デバイスMatrox Millennium P650 LP PCIの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Matrox Millennium P650 LP PCIをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMatrox Millennium P650 LP PCIの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Matrox Millennium P650 LP PCIの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Matrox Millennium P650 LP PCIで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Matrox Millennium P650 LP PCIを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMatrox Millennium P650 LP PCIの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Matrox Millennium P650 LP PCIに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMatrox Millennium P650 LP PCIデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。