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2 Before Use Conten ts , Accessories , and Laser Accessorie s Please co ntact an Authorized M azda Repaire r if y ou are m issing any of the following acces sories. ● Map Disc ● Owner’s Manual CA UTION: THIS PRODUCT IS A CLASS I LASER PR ODUCT .
3 Product Accessories .... .......... ............ ....... .......... ............. ...... .......... ............. ......... ............. ....2 Laser Product ....... ............. ....... ......... ............. ....... ......... ............. .....
4 Before Use Saf e ty Inf or mation ■ Read this o wner’ s manual f or your Na v i gation Syst em carefully bef ore using th e system. They contain instruct ions about how to use the system in a safe and eff e ctive manner.
5 Before Use Operation i s subject to th e f o llo wing t wo conditions; (1) this d e vi ce may not cause in terf erence, and (2) thi s device must accep t any inter f e rence, includi ng interference that m a y cause und esired opera tion of the device.
6 Before Use Introduction ■ Extremely lo w or high temperatures may interfere with normal operation The insid e of the vehicle can bec ome very h ot or cold when it is parked for e xten ded per iods in direc t sunlight or in cold places w ith the engine t urned off.
7 Before Use Page 7 Monday, March 28, 2005 4:13 PM.
8 Before Use Names and Functions ZOOM key Changes the map scale. ( page 15) RET k ey Retur ns to the pre v ious screen. V OIC E key Initiates vo c al guidance f or route maneuvers . U se when adjusting the displa y( page 13) ZOOM RET VOICE POS ENTER MENU Joystic k Selects items by tilt ing it up, down, right, and left .
9 Before Use POS (P osition) key Displays your curren t position. ENTER key Ex ecutes a selected item. MENU key Sele ct a m enu. ( page 13) POS ENTER MENU DIM key Changes the displa y brightness. ( page 13) T ALK Switch Use f or s witching to voice recognition or canceling.
10 Getting st arted Activ ation Inser t the m ap disc into the un it to star t the Mob ile Navigation Syst em. Note ● The map disc cannot be inser ted or ejec ted while the ign ition s witch is in the OFF position .
11 Getting st arted 3 Read CA UTION carefully , and select and press . ● The Curre nt P osi tion screen ap pears. Note ● Y ou can sele ct the languag e by select and press .
12 Getting st arted Screen names and functions Screens Before Setting Route (1) Map Orientation co ntrol ( pag e 15) (2) GPS (Global P ositi oning System ) marker ( pag e 49) (3) C loc k Clock will be displa yed when you set up Clock on Navigati o n Set Up On.
13 Getting st arted Menu appears when pressing . Displa y Menu screen will be shown when y ou press (DISP) and hold. Note Display Menu screen will be d isappeared whe n they hav e be en unused dur ing a fe w second s.
14 Getting st arted Screen change Current pos iti on m ap Show s the current positio n of your v ehicle on the scale s elected. Rout e and fla gs When the r oute has been s et, the b lue line represent s the route and the f ollowing two flags appe ar on the map .
15 Getting st arted ■ Do not kee p your ey es fixed on the monitor s creen or ope rate the sys tem while driving Do not change the set t ings and de s tina tion location s while driving. Minimiz e the time spent vie wing the monitor screen and listen ing to the voice gui dance while driving.
16 Routi ng Desti nation Entr y and Route Search ● Y o u can se t t he de stinati on usi ng v arious method s pr ovided by t he syste m. Bef ore Steps select Change (Change Sear ch Area) Address MEN.
17 Routi ng ● F or Character Entry , please ref er to page 23. ● Do not keep y ou r e yes fixed on the monitor screen or operate the system while driving. Do not change th e settings and destination location s wh ile drivin g. M inimiz e the tim e s pent view ing the mo nitor sc reen an d listen i ng to th e voice gu idance w hile driving.
18 Routi ng Desti nation Entr y and Route Search Po i n t o f interest Emergenc y Open th e [DESTINA TION ENTR Y] Menu Select When en tering the d estination poin t direct ly When narrowing down to ca.
19 Routi ng ● F or Character Entry , please ref er to page 23. e n entering d estinatio n t directl y Enter th e the desti nation point a nd select Select the name fro m the list e n o wing down a tego ry e c t Enter the categor y name e n o wing down ty name c t : Cancel th e city selection.
20 Routing Desti nation Entr y and Rou te Search Bef ore Steps select Memory P oint Home Preset Destination Previous Dest ination Interse ction Freewa y On/ Off Ramp Phone number Coor dinates Select f.
21 Routi ng ● Fo r Characte r Entr y , please ref er to page 23. Selec t the categor y for the desire d Memory Po int : Displa y up to fiv e previo us sugges tions. : Displa y the previo us sug gestions . : The order of the displayed list can be changed.
22 Routi ng Use POI ● Y ou can selec t one of the six categor ies on the m enu or List Categor ies and th en select the POI (s) to be displ a yed on th e map.
23 Routi ng Char acter Entr y To e n t e r the street name, ci ty name, an d othe r . To e n t e r the house number , and oth er . Select the firs t several characters on the s creen. Select y o ur tar get in th e lis t. ● If a desir ed name is not in the list, go back to the step 1, and try fe wer charac ters .
24 Routi ng Direc t Destina tion Inpu t Direct Destination Inp ut Selecting Route 1 P osition the cursor on your dest inatio n on the map Scrol l the map an d change the map scal e if neces sary . 2 Select 3 Select (Destination). Route calculation will be carried out and the enti re route will be displ ayed o n the map .
25 Routi ng POI Icons on Maps / Dele te Destina t ion ■ POI (Point of Interest) Icons The f ollo wing ar e POI icon s sho wn on maps . Rest aurant All restaurants Fa st F oo d Japanese Chinese F ren.
26 Routi ng Route Options ● Durin g route gui dance y ou can change t he route optio ns, stop or check the rou te. Bef ore Steps select Searc h Cond ition Rou te Preferences MENU ENTER Open t he [R OUT E OPTION S] M enu Select Select Navi_EA.
27 Routi ng ■ Do not keep your eyes fi xed on the moni tor s creen or oper ate the sys tem wh ile dr ivin g Do not change th e settings and destination location s wh ile drivin g. M inimiz e the tim e s pent view ing the mo nitor sc reen an d listen i ng to th e voice gu idance w hile driving.
28 Routi ng Route Options Bef ore Steps select Ad dit ion of Way p oi n t s Modification of Destination or W ay P oint P ositions Modific ation of t he Visiti ng Or der Dele tion of Destination or W a.
29 Routi ng a y point using e rred method. Select When t he req uired way poin ts have bee n set up, ind icate the or der in whic h they ar e to be visit ed. Choo se the l ocati on to b e adde d, and t hen sel ect . ● When sett ing up the 2nd wa y point you also need to indicate the order .
30 Routi ng Route Options Bef ore Steps select Display Rout e Rout e Previ ew Setting the cond iti ons fo r sim ulati on run Recalculat es the r oute Stops r oute guidan ce MENU ENTER Open t he [R OUT.
31 Routi ng The Entire Rout e screen ap pears. Enter the map scr oll. Use the buttons di splayed on screen to c arry out a simula tion run. : Enter th e map scroll. : Mov e the s tart point. : Carr y out a simulat ion run in the direction of the star t point.
32 Address Book Address Book ● Y ou can, edit, or delete any destinat ions, wa y poi nts, or marked point. Bef ore Steps select Memory P oint Storage Memory P oint Confirmation and Mod ifica tion Me.
33 Address Book e ct th e e gory f rom list . Set a me mory point using y our preferred method. Sele ct a memor y point to be modified : Allo ws the display icon to be selected. Page 1 and 2 contain standard icons, whereas t he With Sound page contains icons which also pla yback sounds.
34 Address Book Address Book Bef ore Steps select A v oid Area Stora ge A void A rea Confirmation and Mod ifica tion Avo i d A r e a Dele tion All A v oid Are a Dele tion Category Name Modification MENU ENTER Open th e [ADDRESS BOOK ] Select Navi_EA.
35 Address Book Se lect an av oid area u sing your preferred met hod. : Reduces the size of the av oid ar ea. : Increases the size of the a void area. Sel ect an avoid area to be modified. Se lect an av oid area to be d eleted. : : Allow s the name to be changed.
36 Address Book Address Book Bef ore Steps select Destination & Wa y Po i n t s z Previou s Destination Deletion All P rev ious Des tination D eletio n Preset Destination Storage Pre set De sti na.
37 Address Book Select a destinat ion to be deleted. : The order of the display ed list can b e changed. : Canc el the deleti on. : Canc el the deleti on. Select a pre set number . Set a preset numb er using your preferred met hod Select a pre set number .
38 V oice Recogn ition V oice R ecognition ● V oice cont rol can be c arried ou t by simply Press ing an d using a v oice com mand ( page 39) spoken i nto the micr ophone. Note After the navigation system has been se t, v o ice recogni tion needs approximately 2 minut es for activation on preparation.
39 V oice Recogn ition A voiding V o ice Recognition Errors. Read th e notes listed below to allo w the V oice Recogni t ion fu nction to re cognize your v oi ce pro perly . ● Speak a voice com mand clear ly . ● K e ep yourself in a sa f e driving po sition.
40 Navigation Set Up Na vigation Set Up ● Y ou can alter the map disp la y conditi ons, the route guida nce condi tions and sh ow the system i nformatio n. ■ St op y our veh ic le bef ore the f ollo wing op erati ons. Do not change t he settings and destina tion locati ons while driving.
41 Navigation Set Up Na vigation Set Up Bef ore Steps select select Use r Se tting MENU ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER Open t he [USER SET TINGS] screen Select page ■ How to exit ■ MAP Color Select a scre en color from of options .
42 Navigation Set Up Na vigation Set Up Bef ore Steps select select Use r Se tting MENU ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER Open t he [USER SET TINGS] screen Select page Select page ■ How to exit ■ Keyboar d lay out The la you t of input ke ys can be selected as or .
43 Navigation Set Up Na vigation Set Up Thi s func tion all ows yo u set the ca tego r i es on th e area displ ay ed when the (P oint of i nte rest) menu is sele cted on the map. Quick POI ena bles y o u store up to six di ff e rent kinds categor y which you use m ost regular ly .
44 Navigation Set Up Na vigation Set Up This func tion allows you to cor rect any error in the positio n or direction of your vehicle display . Bef ore Steps select Adjusting Curr ent P osition and Direction select Open the [P osition calibration] screen Mov e to the correct position and select .
45 Navigation Set Up select . o u are heading, e nt position that is complete . Set Cloc k The current time is set using this functi on. Since time notification is provided b y a GPS satellite , time-zone adjustment can be carried out automatically .
46 Navigation Set Up Na vigation Set Up Thi s fun ction repl aces al l t he se ttings in the mobile navig ation syst em with the initi al de fau lt sett ings. [Defau lt List] Restore Syst em Def aults Bef ore Steps select select MENU ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER Open the [SYSTEM DEF A UL TS] screen Select .
47 Navigation Set Up Na vigation Set Up Y ou can chang e the langueg e of the menu an d the voice guidance. This funct ion replaces all the settings i n the mobile navigati on system wit h the initial default setting s.
48 As n ecessar y Precautions/System P erf or mance V oice guidance has th e following functions: ■ Intersection guidance ● The syst em voice announc es the distanc e to an upcom ing turn and the tur ning direc tion. This gu idance f unction is automatic.
49 As n ecessar y GPS is a posi tion detecting sys tem utilizing the si gnals from GPS satel lites deplo yed b y the U .S. Depar tment of Defense. The Mobile Navigation System uses input from three or more satel lites and cal culates the veh icle position bas ed on t he pr incipl e of tria ngul ation.
50 As n ecessar y Precautions/System P erf or mance In the follo wing s ituations, your vehicle positio n may not be displayed corr ectly on t he map. Bu t, as you keep driving, your vehicle position will be automa tically corrected uti li zing m ap ma tchi ng and GPS dat a.
51 As n ecessar y Although you may encoun ter the follo wing problems in a route search, there is not hing wrong with the sy stem. The navig ation system is just a suppo r t system f or the driv er . The driver should alw ays pa y attentio n to the tr affic situat ion to saf ely make decisions.
52 As n ecessar y T roub leshooting Note There m ay be some p roblems due to operational errors or mistakes. Please read this manual again an d verify that there real ly is a problem before calling an Ex per t repairer, we recom mend an Author ized Mazda Repa irer to ask for repair ser vice s.
53 As n ecessar y No GPS symbo ls are disp layed ● GPS signa ls may not be received beca use of obstr uctions. After moving the vehicle awa y from obstru ctions, the GPS signals can be received. The vehic le position is not disp layed ● Check if the mode is set to the current position screen.
54 As n ecessar y T roub leshooting The disc installed is not a MAP D VD . ● The dis c is not installed o r the incorrec t disk is instal led. Check if the disk is installed.
55 As n ecessar y Maintenance ■ Cleaning this product Use a dr y , soft cl oth to wipe it. ■ Cautions for cleaning Nev er use solvents such as be nzene and thinners, they could mar the surf ace of the u nit. ■ Map disc If you require the latest map di sc, consult an Exper t repa irer , we recomm end an Authorized Mazda Repairer. Page 56 Monday, March 28, 2005 4:13 PM.
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Mazda Navi_EA.bookをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMazda Navi_EA.bookの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Mazda Navi_EA.bookの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Mazda Navi_EA.bookで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
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