Mercedes-Benzメーカー2003 M-Classの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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ML 320 ML 350 ML 500 ML 55 AMG.
Our comp any and s taff congr atula te you on the purchase of your new Merced es-Ben z. Your selection of our product is a demon- stration of your trust i n our company name . Further, it exem plifie s your desi re to own an automobile that will be as eas y as possi ble to oper ate an d provide year s of serv ice.
Contents Introducti on .......... ......... ............ ......... .. 9 Produc t informati on ..... ........ ............. ...... 9 Opera tor’s Manual ........... ........ ............ 10 Servi ce an d wa rra nty i nfor matio n .. 10 Importan t notice for Califo rnia retai l buye rs an d less ees of Merce des-Ben z automobil es .
Contents Tow-away al arm, glass br eakage s ensor .. ............ ...... 79 Controls in detail .... ............. ........ ...... 83 Lockin g and unlocking ....... ............ ...... 84 Remote control with folding k ey .... . 84 Opening the doors from the insi de .
Contents Load ing ... ............ ......... ............ ......... . 139 Loading i nstructions ........... ......... . 139 Partit ion net* ............. ........ .......... 141 Cargo a rea cover blind * ..... .......... 143 Cargo f loor plat es .....
Contents Practical hints ......... ......... ............ .... 223 What to do if … ..... ............. ........ ........ 224 Lamps in ins trument clu ster ..... .... 224 Additional in dicators in the speedom eter displ ay ........ ........ .... 235 Where will I find .
Contents Anticorrosi on/antifre eze.... .......... 288 Windshi eld and headla mp washer sy stem ....... ............ ......... . 290 Windshi eld and headla mp washer f luid mixing rati o .... ......... . 290 Consumer infor mation ..... ........ ......
9 Produc t inf ormat ion Introduc tion Produc t informa tion Plea se obse rve the foll owing in y our own best intere st: We rec ommend usi ng Me rcede s-Be nz or ig- inal par ts as well as convers ion parts and acces sori es ex plic itl y ap prove d by us f or your v ehicle model.
10 Intro ducti on Operator’s Manual Operator’s Manual This Operator’s Manual contains a great deal o f usef ul infor mati on. We urge yo u to read it caref ully and fa milia rize you rself with the vehicl e befo re dri vin g.
11 Introduc tion Operator’s Manual Import ant n otice fo r Califo rnia ret ail buyers and les sees of Mer cedes-Benz automob iles Under Ca lifornia law you may be entitled to a replaceme nt of your .
12 Intro ducti on Operator’s Manual Maintenance The Se rvice Boo klet de scribes all the nec - essary maintenance work which shou ld be performed a t regular in tervals. Always have the Service Booklet with you when you take the vehicle to you r autho- rized Merce des-Benz Li ght Truck Cente r for servic e.
13 Introduc tion Operator’s Manual Operating your vehicle outs ide the USA or Canada If you plan to operate your vehic le in for- eign co untr ies, p lea se be a ware t hat: 앫 Serv ice faciliti es.
14 Intro ducti on Operator’s Manual War n i n g ! G This Sport Utility Vehicle is design ed for both on-road an d off- road use . It c an go pla ces an d perform t asks for which conventi onal 2 -whee l driv e passeng er cars were no t inte nded.
15 Introduc tion Where to find it Where to find it This Operator’s Man ual is designed to pro- vide com prehensive su pport informa tion for y ou, t he vehi cle operato r. Eac h sec tion has i ts ow n refer ence co lor so you can fin d informa tion quickly.
16 Intro ducti on Symbols Symbols The f ollo wing symb ols are foun d in t his Operator’s Manual: * Optio nal e qui pment is iden tifie d with an aster isk. Since standard equip ment vari es be twee n model s, the desc riptions a nd illustrat ions in this manu al may diff er slight ly from the actual equipm ent of your vehi- cle.
17 Introduc tion Operating safety Operating safety Proper use of the v ehicle Proper use o f th e v ehicle requi res t hat you are fa mili ar with the follo wing in forma tion and rules : 앫 the safe.
18 Intro ducti on Problems with your veh icle Problems with your veh icle If you should ex perien ce a probl em with yo ur veh icle, particula rly on e that yo u believe may aff ect its sa fe ope rati.
19 Introduc tion Reporting safety defects Reporting safety defects For the USA on ly: The fol lowing text is publi shed as required of manuf acturers u nder Titl e 49, Code of U.S. Federal R egulations, Part 575 pu rsuant t o the “Nati onal Traf fic an d Motor Vehicle Safet y Act of 1 966”.
21 At a glance Cockpit Instr ument cl uster Center console Overhead control panel.
22 At a glance Cockpit Cockpit.
23 At a glance Cockpit Item Page 1 Hood loc k relea se 202 2 Parking br ake pedal 50 3 Parking br ake release 50 4 Left cup holde r 154 5 Combina tion switc h 앫 Turn si gnal s 앫 High beam 46 6 Cru.
24 At a glance Instrument cluster Instrument cluster.
25 At a glance Inst rume nt c lust er Item Pag e 1 Gauge for Coolant tempera- ture 111 Outsid e temp era- ture 112 Fuel w ith fu el re- serve warnin g lamp 233 2 Knob for Activating i nstru- ment clus.
26 At a glance Instrument cluster Item Page 5 Phot o sensor (adjusts the brightness of the digita l displa ys loca ted in 1, 4 an d 8) 6 Right indicator lamp s with: W Low win d- shie ld/h eadl amp wa.
27 At a glance Cente r cons ole Center console Uppe r part Item Page 1 Air outlets, automa tic clima te contro l 132 2 MCS, see se parate operat ing ins tructio ns 3 Automatic climate control 124 Rear.
28 At a glance Cente r cons ole Lower pa rt Item Page 1 Ashtray with cigarette lighte r 156 2 Select or lev er for automatic transmi ssion 44 3 Power window switch, right front door 134 4 Power window.
29 At a glance Over hea d co ntrol pan el Overhea d cont rol panel Item Page 1 Front left interior l ighting 107 2 Signal t ransmitter ke ys for garage door opener 168 3 Front right inte rior lighting.
31 Getti ng sta rted Unlocking Adjusting Driving Parking and locking.
32 Getting started Unlocki ng The “G etting st arted” sectio n provid es an overvi ew of th e vehicl e’s mos t basic fun c- tions. Firs t-time Merced es-Benz owners should p ay spe cial at tention to the info r- mation gi ven here .
33 Getti ng sta rted Unlockin g Steering lock positions Steering l ock 0 For removi ng key The st eeri ng is l ocke d when t he k ey is removed from th e steering l ock. If nec- essa ry, move ste ering whee l slig htly t o allow the lock ing mech anism to en - gage.
34 Getting started Adjusting Adjusting Seats Depending on the vehicle’s equipment, you c an a djust t he s eats m anu ally o r elec - tric ally . War n i n g ! G All seat, head restra int, st eering.
35 Getti ng sta rted Adjusting Adjusting manual seats 1 Seat height 2 Seat f ore and a ft adjust ment 3 Backr est t ilt 4 Head rest rain t heig ht Seat height 왘 Raise lever 1 . 왘 The seat moves downward. 왘 Lean forwar d to rais e the seat . 왘 Releas e lev er 1 .
36 Getting started Adjusting Backrest til t 왘 Turn ha ndwheel 3 unti l your hands ar e slig htly an gled when hold ing the stee r- ing wh eel. Head rest raint heig ht 왘 Pull up or push down on he ad restrain t unti l it is in desi red posi tio n. Head re straint t ilt 왘 Manually adjust the angl e of the head restrai nt.
37 Getti ng sta rted Adjusting Seat fore and af t adjustmen t 왘 Press the swi tch forward or backwa rd in the directi on of arrow 2 until you c an comf orta bly pr ess the ped als a ll th e way to the floor. Seat cu shion t ilt 왘 Press the switch up or down i n the di- rection of arrow 3 until your up per legs are lig htly supporte d.
38 Getting started Adjusting 왘 Move lever 1 to i ts stop down . 왘 Move stee ring wheel up or down to de- sired position. 왘 Move lever 1 to i ts stop up. The ste ering c olumn is locked . Mirrors Adjust the i nside a nd exterior rear view mirrors before driving so that you have a good view of the road and traff ic condi- tions.
39 Getti ng sta rted Adjusting The buttons a re on the lower part of the center consol e. 1 Driver’s s ide mirror 2 Passenge r side mi rror 3 Adjustment butt on 왘 Switch o n the ignition by turning the key in the steeri ng loc k to p osition 2 ( 컄 page 33) All the li ghts in the in strument c luster ligh t up.
40 Getting started Driving Driving Fastening the seat belts War n i n g ! G Do not lay any objec ts in the driver’s fo ot- well. Be careful t hat floor m ats or carpets in the driv er’s footw ell hav e sufficie nt clear- ance for t he pedals. During sudden driving or brakin g maneuvers the objects cou ld get caught betwe en the pedals.
41 Getti ng sta rted Driving 1 Latch p late 2 Buckle 3 Releas e button 4 Seat be lt housi ng A child’s risk of se rious o r fatal i njuries is signif icantly inc reased if the child re straint s are not pro perly sec ured in th e vehic le and the c hild is n ot prope rly secu red in t he child restrai nt.
42 Getting started Driving 왘 With a smooth motion, pull the belt from sea t belt ho using 4 . 왘 Place th e belt ove r your sh oulder. 왘 Push latch pl ate 1 into b uckle 2 until it clicks. 왘 If necessary , tighten the la p portion to a snug fit by pull ing shou lder por tion up.
43 Getti ng sta rted Driving Seat belt he ight adju stment Seat be lt height c an be ad justed for th e fol- lowin g seat s: 앫 Driver’s sea t 앫 Pass enger se at 앫 Outer re ar seats Adjust seat.
44 Getting started Driving Starting the engine Gearshift pattern fo r automatic transmis sion P Park posi tion with select or lever loc k R Revers e gear N Neutr al D Drive positi on For more informati on on “Automa tic trans- missi on” ( 컄 page 113).
45 Getti ng sta rted Driving Starting diffic ulties If the engine does not start as describ ed, carry out the followi ng steps: 왘 Turn key in star ter to position 0 and re- peat starti ng procedure. Reme mber th at ex tended star ting at - tempts can drain the batter y.
46 Getting started Driving After a cold start the transmis sion engages at a higher revol ution. This allows the cata- lytic converter to reach its ope rating tem- perature earlier . More inform ation can be found in th e “Op- eration” section ( 컄 pag e 177).
47 Getti ng sta rted Driving High beam 왘 Push the exterio r lamp s witch for ward . The high b eam symb ol A in t he instrum ent cluster lig hts up . More inform ation can be found in the “Controls in detail” section ( 컄 page 102) Turn signal s The c ombina tion s witch is on the le ft o f the steeri ng column.
48 Getting started Driving Swit chin g on w indsh iel d wipe rs 왘 Make su re that the ignition is s witched on. 왘 Turn the wiper switch to the desir ed po- siti on 1 , 2 or 3 , d epending on the inte n- sity of the rain. Singl e wipe 왘 Press switc h briefly in the directi on of arrow 2 .
49 Getti ng sta rted Driving Problems whil e drivi ng The engine runs erratical ly and misfir es 앫 An ignition cable may be dam aged. 앫 The eng ine ele ctronic s may n ot be op- eratin g proper ly. 앫 Unburned gasoline may have ente red the catalytic converter a nd damaged it.
50 Getting started Parking an d locking Parking an d locking You hav e now co mpleted your fi rst drive . You have prope rly stopped and parked your v ehicl e. End you r drive a s foll ows. Parking brake 1 Parking b rake 2 Releas e handle 왘 Step firml y on parking brake 1 .
51 Getti ng sta rted Parking and loc king Switchi ng off headlam ps 왘 Turn t he comb inatio n swi tch to 1 ( 컄 page 46). More inf orma tion can be found in the “Controls in detail” section ( 컄 page 10 2). Turning off engine 왘 Place th e gear se lector l ever in P .
52 Getting started Parking an d locking 왘 Press the seat belt re lease b utton ( 컄 page 40) . 왘 Move the steering wheel slight ly to al- low the locking m echanism to engage . 왘 After ex iting the v ehicle pr ess th e lock button ‹ on the remote control ( 컄 page 32) .
53 Safe ty and Secu rity Occupant safety Panic alarm Driving and safety systems Anti -th eft syst ems.
54 Safety and Security Occupan t safety Occupan t safety In this se ctio n you wi ll learn the most i m- portant facts about the re straint syst ems of the ve hicle.
55 Safe ty and Secu rity Occupa nt saf ety Airbags Wa rn i n g ! G Airbags are designed to reduce the potential of inju ry in ce rtai n front al (fro nt ai rbags) im- pacts, or side (side impact a nd head protec- tion win dow curta in airbag s) impacts whi ch may ca use sign ific ant injur ies.
56 Safety and Security Occupan t safety 앫 Occupants, e specially ch ildren, sh ould never lean their hea ds in the a rea of the door wher e the si de impact airba g in- flates . This could resul t in serious inju- ries or death sh ould the airbag be trigg ered.
57 Safe ty and Secu rity Occupa nt saf ety Safety guidel ines for the seat belt, emergen cy tensioni ng devic e and airb ag i Airbags are designed to activate only in certain frontal (front a irbags) impacts , or side (side impact and head protec - tion window curtain airba gs) impacts which exce ed prese t thresholds.
58 Safety and Security Occupan t safety When you se ll your vehicle , we strongly urge you to give notice to the subseq uent owner that it is equipped with a n SRS by alerting them to the a pplicable section in the Oper ator’s Manu al. 앫 Airb ags and ET Ds ar e design ed to fun c- tion on a one-ti me-only basis.
59 Safe ty and Secu rity Occupa nt saf ety Front airbags 1 Driver ai rbag 2 Pass enger airb ag 3 Side im pact airba g Driver and passe nger airbag s are de- ploy ed: 앫 in th e even t of a fro ntal i.
60 Safety and Security Occupan t safety The side imp act airbags and window curtain airb ags are not deplo yed in i m- pacts wh ich do n ot exceed the syste m’s deployment th reshold.
61 Safe ty and Secu rity Occupa nt saf ety Wa rn i n g ! G Never ri de in a moving vehicle wi th the bac k- rest recl ined. Si tting in an ex cessive ly re- clined position can be dangerous. You could slid e und er the seat be lt in a coll ision . If y ou slide under it, the belt would apply force at the abdomen or neck.
62 Safety and Security Occupan t safety Emergenc y tensionin g device, seat belt force limite r The front seat belt s are equippe d with emergency tensioning devices and belt forc e li mite rs. The ou tb oard pass enge r seats bel ts (except in the third ro w seats*) are equipped with emergency tensioning devices .
63 Safe ty and Secu rity Occupa nt saf ety Children in the vehicle If an infa nt or chil d is traveling w ith you in the ve hicle: 앫 Secure the c hild usin g an infant or chi ld restrai nt appropria te to the age and size of the child and recommended for use b y Merc edes-Be nz.
64 Safety and Security Occupan t safety i Inform atio n on ch ild seat s with moun t- ing fittings for tethe r anchorages ( 컄 page 6 7). For info rmati on on c hild s eat mo unts – “LATC H” type ( 컄 pag e 68).
65 Safe ty and Secu rity Occupa nt saf ety BabySmart TM airbag deactivat ion system Speci al BabySma rt TM com patibl e child seats, design ed for use wi th the Merced es-Be nz system and av ailab le at any au thorized Me rcedes -Benz Cent er, are require d for us e with the Ba bySmar t TM air- bag deactivati on system.
66 Safety and Security Occupan t safety Self-test BabySma rt TM wi thou t sp eci al child sea t insta lled After turning key in steering loc k to position 1 or 2, the 7 i ndicator lam p lo- cated in the instrument clu ster comes on for app roxim atel y 6 secon ds, exting uish es, then blinks once.
67 Safe ty and Secu rity Occupa nt saf ety Instal lation o f infant and ch ild rest raint syst em 왘 Guide top tethe r strap between head restraint and top of sea t back. Head restr ain t mus t be inst all ed a nd po si- tioned such that the top tether strap can pass freely between the head re- straint and top of sea t back.
68 Safety and Security Occupan t safety 앫 When u sing th e ce nter se cond row sea t for a top tether stra p, the l eft third row seat should only be used for a child re- strai nt s ystem , sinc e exit ing the v ehicl e may not be possibl e in an emergency due to the routing of the top tether strap.
69 Safe ty and Secu rity Occupa nt saf ety Blocking of r ear do or win dow oper ation 1 Switch for rear door window override 왘 Slide the switch to the rig ht. A dot bec omes v isible . The r ear win- dows can no longer be operated using the switc h in the re ar doors.
70 Safety and Security Panic alar m Panic alar m An audible alarm a nd blinking tu rn signal lamps wi ll opera te for approxim ately 2½ minu tes. 1 Â button Activatin g 왘 Press and hold button 1 for at least one seco nd. Deactiva ting 왘 Press button 1.
71 Safe ty and Secu rity Driving and saf ety sys tems Driving and safety systems In this sectio n you will f ind i nformatio n on the f ollowin g d riving s afe ty sys tems: 앫 ABS (Anti lock Br ake .
72 Safety and Security Driving and safe ty systems Braking At the instant one of th e whe els is ab out to lock up, a slight pu lsati on can be felt in the brake ped al, indica ting that the ABS is in the regula ting mode. 왘 Keep firm and steady pres sure on the brake pe dal while experienc ing the p ul- satio n.
73 Safe ty and Secu rity Driving and saf ety sys tems BAS The B rake Ass ist Sy stem (B AS) opera tes in emerg enc y situ ati ons. I f yo u appl y th e brakes ver y quickly , the BAS a utomatically provides full bra ke boost, thereby pote n- tial ly redu cing brak ing dis tance .
74 Safety and Security Driving and safe ty systems LOW RANGE 4-ETS Duri ng of f-road dri ving a sp ecia l low r ange syst em for the 4- ETS is oper at ional w ith transmis sion in LOW RANGE mo de. More informati on can be found in the “Pract ical hi nts” se ction ( 컄 page 224) a nd ( 컄 page 226) .
75 Safe ty and Secu rity Driving and saf ety sys tems ESP The E lectroni c Stabil ity Pr ogram ( ESP) monitors the vehicle's traction ( force of adhesive friction between the tir es and the road su rface) and handli ng. The E SP recogn izes when a wh eel i s spin- ning or if the vehicle starts to skid.
76 Safety and Security Driving and safe ty systems LOW RANGE – ESP During off-road dri ving a special low range syst em for the ESP is o perati onal with transm issio n in LOW RANG E mode ( 컄 page 118) . In the LOW RAN GE mo de ESP op erates in a tracti on imp roving f ashion sp ecif ically adapted for off-road driving.
77 Safe ty and Secu rity Driving and saf ety sys tems The button is l ocated in the up per center console. 1 ESP on/off 왘 Press upp er half of button.
78 Safety and Security Anti-theft systems Anti-theft systems Immobilizer The imm obilizer pre vents unauth orized persons from s tarting your veh icle. Activating Removing the key from the steering lock activates the im mobilizer . Deac tiv ati ng Switch on the ignition by turni ng the key in the steering lo ck to position 2 .
79 Safe ty and Secu rity Anti-theft systems Disarming the alar m syst em The a larm sy ste m is di sarm ed whe n yo u unlock your vehicle with the re mote con- trol. The tu rn signal la mps blink once to in- dicate that the alarm sy stem is deactivated.
80 Safety and Security Anti-theft systems Armin g tow-a larm and glass breaka ge sensor When you lock your vehicle , the tow -away and glas s brea kage s ensor al arm is auto- matica lly ar med.
81 Safe ty and Secu rity Anti-theft systems Vehicl es with out tr ip compu ter The bu ttons are l ocate d in the over head control panel. 1 Switchi ng off tow- away al arm an d glas s brea kage sens or 왘 Turn key in steering lock to posi tion 1 ( 컄 page 33).
83 Controls in detail Locking and unlocking Seats Memory f unction* Lighting Instr ument cl uster Auto mati c tr ansmi ssio n Transmission control – LOW RANGE mode Good visibility Automatic climate .
84 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking In the “C ontrols in detail” sectio n you will find deta iled info rmation o n how to ope r- ate the equ ipment instal led in your vehicle . If you are alre ady f amilia r with t he bas ic function s of you r vehicl e, this sec tion wi ll be of particular inte rest to you.
85 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Unlocking Unlocki ng the driv er’s door and fuel filler fla p 왘 Press bu tton Œ once . All turn signal lamps bl ink once to indi- cate th at the driver’s door and the f uel filler fla p are u nloc ked.
86 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Loss of remote co ntrol with fold ing key If you lose a rem ote con trol or the folding key, you should do the follow ing: 왘 Have the remote control deactiva ted by an authori zed Mercedes -Benz Light Truck C enter.
87 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Opening the liftgate Opening the liftgate fro m outside 1 Grip mo lding 2 Handle 왘 Pull o n handl e 2 . 왘 Swing th e liftgate up ward by using th e grip mo lding. Opening the liftgate fro m inside The r eleas e le ver i s loc ated on t he ins ide of the liftgate.
88 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Clos ing t he li ftga te 1 Recess ed gr ip 2 Grip m oldin g 왘 Pull down on recessed grip 1 . 왘 Close liftga te by using gri p molding 2 . War n i n g ! G When l eaving t he vehi cle, al ways remove the key fro m the steer ing lock and loc k the vehi - cle.
89 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Automatic c entral lo cking The doo rs and the liftga te auto matica lly lock when the ignition is switched on and the left f ront wheel turns at vehicle speeds of approxima tely 9 mph (1 5 km/h) or more.
90 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Loc king and u nlo cking fro m the insi de You can lo ck or unlock the vehicle fr om in- side using the ce ntr al loc king switch es. This can be usef ul, f or e xampl e, if you want to unlock the passenger door from the in- side or want to lock th e vehicle bef ore starting to drive.
91 Controls in detail Seats Seats Information on s eat adjustment ca n be foun d in the “ Gett in g sta rte d” s ect ion ( 컄 page 34). Seat heater* The se at he aters ca n only be swi tched on with the engine running. The switc hes are locate d on the upper ce n- ter console.
92 Controls in detail Seats Removin g and in stalling head rest raint s Removing head restraint 1 Lock button 왘 Pull he ad res train t to it s hig hest p osi- tion 왘 Press lock b utton 1 and pull ou t head restrai nt. Insta lling head restr aint 왘 Inse rt hea d rest rai nt a nd pu sh it d own to the stop.
93 Controls in detail Seats Rear seats The rear se ats are di vided asy met ricall y. To enla rge the c argo area you can a djust the left and right part sepa rately.
94 Controls in detail Seats Folding up the backre st 왘 Pull lock button 1 up and u nfold back- rest un til it lock s in place . Make sure that the seat belt i s not caught in the seat. 왘 Check for secure loc king by pulling an d pushing on the backrest.
95 Controls in detail Seats Easy entry/exi t feature* The ea sy entry/ exit fea ture all ows acc ess to the third row s eats*. The right cargo floor pla te must be rem oved ( 컄 page 14 4). Folding rear s eat fo rward 1 Lever 왘 Move rig ht s eat f orwar d.
96 Controls in detail Seats Third row seat s* Foldi ng down single seat 1 Head res train t 2 Hook 3 Tensioner 4 Hook and loop strip 왘 Remove cargo floor plate ( 컄 page 144) . 왘 Remove head restraint 1 fr om seat cushion. 왘 Lift ten sioner 3 upward to a hori zontal position to release te nsion of the belt.
97 Controls in detail Seats Storing single seat 왘 Remove he ad restraint f rom backrest ( 컄 page 92). 왘 Pull b ackrest re leas e 5 and fold ba ck- rest for ward un til it locks secu rely in plac e. 왘 Remove cargo floor plates from the back res t.
98 Controls in detail Seats Removing single seat 1 Hook 2 Tensioner 3 Hook and loop strip 4 Releas e lev er 왘 Lift ten sioner 2 upward to a hori zontal position to release te nsion of the belt. 왘 Disengage hook 2 while ho lding ont o the seat firmly with one hand.
99 Controls in detail Memory functi on* Memory function* With the memory button y ou can store up to three differ ent settings for the driver- and pass enger se at. Together with the dr iver’s seat you ca n store the exterior rear view mirrors. For the fron t passenge r seat you ca n stor e the se at posi tio n.
100 Controls in detail Memor y function * Stori ng po sition s in me mory 왘 Adjust th e seat ( 컄 pa ge 36) and exteri - or rear view m irrors ( 컄 pa ge 38) to the desired position. 왘 Push memor y butt on 2 . 왘 Release me mory button and pre ss one of the position buttons 1 w ithin three second s.
101 Controls in detail Memory functi on* Acti va ting parki ng p ositi on The buttons a re on the lower part of the center consol e. 1 Deactivating pa rking position 2 Activating parking p osition 3 Adjustment butt on 왘 Switch ignition on (i f not already on).
102 Controls in detail Lightin g Lightin g For not es on how to switch on the h ead- lamps ( 컄 page 46) and us e the turn signals ( 컄 page 47), see the “Getting s tarted” sec- tion. Combinati on switch The co mbina tion swi tch is on the le ft of the steer ing colu mn.
103 Controls in detail Lightin g Automa tic he adlamp mode The parki ng lamp s, low beam headl amps and license plate lamps swi tch on and off automa tically dependin g on the b rightness of the ambient light. 왘 Turn th e combina tion sw itch to U .
104 Controls in detail Lightin g Night security illuminatio n When yo u turn of f the engin e and the last door has been closed, the following lamps will remain lit : 앫 Parkin g lamp s 앫 Tail l amps 앫 License plat e lamps 앫 Front f og la mps The c ombina tion swi tch mu st be set t o position U ( 컄 page 102).
105 Controls in detail Lightin g Locator lightin g During darknes s, the follo wing la mps wi ll come o n when th e vehicl e is unloc ked by remote co ntrol: 앫 Parkin g lamps 앫 Tail l amps 앫 Lice nse pla te lam ps 앫 Front fog lam ps The co mbina tion swi tch must be set to posi tio n U ( 컄 p age 102).
106 Controls in detail Lightin g Switch ing off re ar fog lam p 왘 Press u pper part 1 of switch. The ye llow indic ator lam p 2 in t he switch go es out . Switch ing off fr ont fo g lamps 왘 Press u pper part 1 of switch. The gr een i ndica tor lamp ‡ in the instrument cluster goes ou t.
107 Controls in detail Lightin g Interior lighting 1 Left front interior lamp 2 Right front interior lamp 3 Automatic function off 4 Automatic function on 5 Rear interi or lighting Automatic contr ol Acti vating 왘 Bring the r ocker swit ch in cente r posi tio n 4 .
108 Controls in detail Lightin g Manual control Swit chin g on fr ont i nter ior l am ps 왘 Press on lamp l ens 1 or 2 . The r espec tive lamp switche s o n. Switching off fr ont inter ior lamps 왘 Press on lamp l ens 1 or 2 ag ain. The re spec tive lamp sw itche s off.
109 Controls in detail Lightin g Cargo com partment lamp 1 Switched off 2 Switch ed on co ntinu ously 3 Automatic control Switch ing off cargo c ompartme nt la mp 왘 Slide the switch to position 1 . The car go com partment l amp is switch ed off, even when th e liftga te is open ed.
110 Controls in detail Instrument cluster Instrument cluster A ful l vie w illu stra tion of t he ins trume nt cluster can be found in the “At a glance” section of this ma nual ( 컄 pag e 24) .
111 Controls in detail Inst rume nt c lust er Coolant tem perature g auge Under normal driving conditions, the cool- ant tempe rature may rise to 248°F (120°C ).
112 Controls in detail Instrument cluster Resetting tr ip odomet er 왘 Press the le ft kno b 1 ( 컄 page 110) re - peatedl y until y ou see the trip odo me- ter displ ay.
113 Controls in detail Automatic tran smission Autom atic tr ansmis sion Information f or driving with an au tomatic transmiss ion is found in the “Getting s tart- ed” se ction ( 컄 page 44). Your t ransm issio n adapt s its gear shifti ng process to you r individual dri ving style by conti nuall y adj ustin g the shif t po ints u p or down.
114 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission Upshifting 왘 Brief ly press th e select or lever to th e right in the D+ dire ction. The transmission wi ll shift from the cur - r e n t g e a r t o t h e n e x t h i g h e r g e a r a s p e r - mitted by the shift progr am.
115 Controls in detail Automatic tran smission Gear sel ecto r lever p ositio n Gear rang e Effect é The tra nsmiss ion shif ts thro ugh fourth ge ar only. è The tra nsmiss ion shif ts thro ugh third gea r only. With th is sele ctio n you ca n use th e braking ef fect of th e engi ne.
116 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission Effect N Neutr al No power is tran smitted from the en - gine to t he dr ive axle. When th e brakes are re leased , the ve hicle ca n be moved fre ely (pushed or towed ). To avoid d amage to the tran smission, never engage N while dr iving .
117 Controls in detail Automatic tran smission Accel erato r posi tion Your driv ing s tyle influ enc es the tra nsmis - sion’s shiftin g behavior : Less throttle Earlier upshifting More throttle Later upshif ting Kickdown Use kickdown when you want maximum acceleration 왘 Press the accelerator past the point of resis tanc e.
118 Controls in detail Transmission con trol – LOW RANGE mode Transmission con trol – LOW RANGE mode In the foll owing s ituatio ns you sho uld switc h to LOW RA NGE mo de: 앫 during of f-road dr.
119 Controls in detail Good visibility Good visibility Inform ation o n the wind shie ld wipe rs ( 컄 page 47) and for adju sting the rea r view mirror s ( 컄 page 38) is found in the “Ge t- ting started” s ection. Rear view mirror Manually d immin g inside r ear view mir- ror 1 Lever 왘 Press l ever 1 backward.
120 Controls in detail Good visibility Activati ng 1 Button 2 Indic ator lamp 왘 Press button 1 . The i ndic ator la mp 2 comes on . Deactiv ating 왘 Press button 1 again. The i ndic ator la mp 2 goe s ou t. Foldi ng exter ior mi rrors in and out * The exterio r rea r view mirror s can v ibrate if they are not comple tely fold ed out.
121 Controls in detail Good visibility Fold ing in 왘 Briefly pre ss button 1 . The mirrors fold in. Folding out 왘 Brie fly pr ess butto n 2 . The mirror s fold out. Headlamp cleani ng sys tem* The switch is located on the right si de of the das hboard.
122 Controls in detail Good visibility Windshield wipers Inform ation o n the win dshie ld wiper s ( 컄 page 47) is found i n the “Getting start- ed” se ction. Interm ittent wiping Windshield wipers without ra in sensor At speeds of approxima tely 105 mph (170 km/h) the wiper switches automati- cally to continuous wiping.
123 Controls in detail Good visibility Rear wi ndow wipe r The rear window wiper will also automati- cally engage if the windsh ield wip er is en- gaged and the gear selector l ever is placed in rev erse.
124 Controls in detail Automatic c limate control Automatic c limate control.
125 Controls in detail Automatic cl imate control Autom atic c limate c ontr ol pane l in the f ront Item 1 Thum bwheel center air outle t 2 Center air outl et, ad justab le 3 Defroster air outlet win.
126 Controls in detail Automatic c limate control The automati c climate con trol is operation- al whenever the engine is running. You can operat e the clim ate co ntrol s ystem in ei- ther the automatic or ma nual mode.
127 Controls in detail Automatic cl imate control Switching off 왘 Briefly press button U ( 컄 page 125). The indicator la mp goes out. The au to- matic mode i s switched off Air volume control 1 is set to fan speed 2 and air distribu tion is set to V .
128 Controls in detail Automatic c limate control Adjust ing air distrib ution 왘 Turn air distribu tion control 8 ( 컄 page 12 5) to o ne th e foll owing sym- bols: Windsh ield fogged on the outs ide 왘 Switch the winds hield w ipers o n. 왘 Turn air distribu tion control 8 to h or k .
129 Controls in detail Automatic cl imate control Ac tiva tin g 왘 Press bu tton O ( 컄 page 12 5). The indica tor lamp on the button lights up. Deactivati ng 왘 Press bu tton O ( 컄 page 12 5).
130 Controls in detail Automatic c limate control Activating Moist air can fog up the windows. You can dehumidif y the air with the ai r condition- ing. 왘 Press button ° again. The indicator lam p on the button ° goes out. The air conditioning system uses the refrig- erant R 134A.
131 Controls in detail Automatic cl imate control Rear wi ndow def rost er The rear window defroste r uses a large amount of power. To keep the battery drain to a minimum, switch off the defrost- er as so on as the rear w indow is clear.
132 Controls in detail Automatic c limate control Automatic mode The au tomatic cl imate c ontrol pa nel for the rear is loca ted on the rear cente r console. 1 Air volume control 2 Air distri bution control 3 Automatic co ntrol (air distri bution, air volume) 왘 Press button U .
133 Controls in detail Automatic cl imate control Adjusting side air outlets 왘 Turn thum bwheel 4 ( 컄 pa ge 12 5), t o one of the following positions: Center air outlets Opening 왘 Turn th umbw heel ce nter air outle t 1 ( 컄 page 125 ) upward to posi tion h .
134 Controls in detail Power wi ndows Power wi ndows Ope ning an d clo sing t he side wind ows The po wer wi ndo w swit ches ar e on the front center console.
135 Controls in detail Power wi ndows Opening the window s 왘 Press s witch k to resistan ce point. The window will move downwards until you re lease th e switch . Closing the windows 왘 Press s witch j to resistan ce point. The window will move upwards u ntil you re lease th e switch .
136 Controls in detail Power wi ndows Synchr onizi ng power window s The side pow er windows mus t be resyn- chronized 앫 after the b attery has been di sconnect- ed 앫 if the windows cannot be f ully opened or closed 왘 Switch ignition o n. 왘 Press swi tch j until the window is completely closed and hol d down for approximately 1 second.
137 Controls in detail Sliding/pop-up roo f* Sliding/pop-up roof* Opening and closing the sliding/pop-up roof 1 raise roof at rear 2 slide roof open 3 lower roof at rear 4 slide roof closed With the roof closed or tilt ed open, a screen can be slid i nto the roof op ening to guard a gainst sun rays .
138 Controls in detail Sliding/pop-u p roof* Opening the roof automa tically 왘 Brief ly press th e switc h in direc tion 2 . The roof will not open to the fully open position.
139 Controls in detail Loading Load ing Loading instr uctions The tota l load wei ght inclu ding veh icle oc- cupan ts an d lugg age / cargo shou ld not ex- ceed the vehi cle capa city weight in dicated on the cert ifica tion l abel wh ich can be found on the left door pillar.
140 Controls in detail Loading Cargo tie-do wn rin gs The cargo area is provided with four tie-down ring s. Ad ditional t wo rings are lo- cated at the rear of front seats. Cargo tie-down ring Carefully secure cargo by applying e ven load on all rings with rope of su fficient strength to hold down the cargo.
141 Controls in detail Loading Partition net* Use of the partitio n net is a pa rticularly im- portant safety factor when the vehicle i s loaded higher than the top of the seat backre sts with smal ler objects. The partit ion net c an be instal led beh ind the backrests of the front or rear seats.
142 Controls in detail Loading Tightening par tition net Insta llatio n be hind the fron t seat s 1 Tie-down hook 2 Ring Instal lation beh ind the rear se ats 1 Tie-down hook 2 Ring 3 Tensioner 왘 Insert tie-down hook 1 in rin gs 2 . 왘 Pull on loose ends of tie-down straps until net is tight.
143 Controls in detail Loading Cargo area co ver bli nd* 1 Handle 2 Holder Closing blind 왘 Pull blind on handle 1 a cross the cargo area. 왘 Guide blind into h olders 2 . Opening blind 왘 Disengag e blind an d guide retr action by i ts ha ndle . Removing blin d 3 Button 4 Mounting sleeve 왘 Roll th e blind up .
144 Controls in detail Loading Cargo fl oor pla tes Removin g cargo floor plat es 왘 Lift c argo fl oor plat e at re ar edg e (ar- row). Cargo floor plate unhinges automati- cally. 왘 Remove cargo f loor plate by pul ling it rearwar ds. Stori ng carg o floor plates 1 Hook and loop strip 왘 Fold the left carg o floor plate together.
145 Controls in detail Loading Roof rac k* Roof ra ils For f urthe r inf orm ation inqu ire at your Merced es-Benz L ight Tru ck Center . Wa rn i n g ! G Tak e into con sid eratio n that w hen the r oof rack is loade d, the handli ng char acterist ics are dif feren t from th ose when operat ing the vehicles with out the r oof rack lo aded.
146 Controls in detail Driving systems Driving systems The dr ivin g syste ms of your vehi cle are de- scribed on the following pages: 앫 Cruise control, with which the vehic le can ma intain a pr eset s peed 앫 Parktronic*, with wh ich you ca n assist your parki ng maneu vers.
147 Controls in detail Driving systems 1 Set curr ent or high er speed 2 Set current or lower s peed 3 Cancel cruise control 4 Resu me at pr eviousl y set sp eed Saving c urrent speed 왘 Accelerate or dec elerate to the de sired speed . 왘 Brief ly lift 1 or depr ess 2 the cruise contr ol lever.
148 Controls in detail Driving systems Setting stored speed (“Resu me” func tion) 왘 Brief ly push the cruise c ontrol l ever to position 4 . Crui se contr ol w ill re sume t he la st pre- viousl y set sp eed. 왘 Remove your f oot from the accelera tor pedal.
149 Controls in detail Driving systems Parktr onic syst em* (Pa rking a ssis t) The Pa rktro nic s ystem assi sts t he dri ver during par king maneuvers.
150 Controls in detail Driving systems Moni tori ng reac h of s ensor s The sensors must be fr ee of dirt, ice an d snow or they will be unable to function proper ly.
151 Controls in detail Driving systems The sele ctor lever pos ition determines which w arning ind icato r is activa ted. As soon as the sensors detect an obstacle, one or more segments light up, dependi ng on the distance.
152 Controls in detail Useful feat ures Useful feat ures Interi or st orage spa ces Glove bo x 1 Glove box l id release 2 Glove box lid Openin g the glove box 왘 Grab in recess and pull lid rel ease 1 . The g love box lid 2 opens downward. Closing the glove box 왘 Push glove box li d up to close.
153 Controls in detail Useful features Openin g the storag e compar tment 왘 Press the lock cy lind er in and p ull stor- age compartment ou t using handle 2 . Closing the storage compartme nt 왘 Push the stora ge compartment i n until the lock enga ges.
154 Controls in detail Useful feat ures Opening the storage c ompartm ent in fr ont of arm rest 왘 Slide th e cover 3 rearward. The s torag e comp artmen t be low co n- tains a c up holder ( 컄 page 155). Cup holder s Cup holder in in strum ent panel A cup holder is located on both the righ t and left side of the instrume nt panel.
155 Controls in detail Useful features Cup holder in fron t of arm rest Openin g the cup hold er 왘 Slide c over re arwar d ( 컄 p age 15 4). 왘 Fold the cup holder fo rward. Closing th e cup holder 왘 Fold the cup ho lder bac kward. 왘 Slide cove r forward.
156 Controls in detail Useful feat ures Asht rays and cig arette light er Ashtra y and cigaret te li ghter in the front cen ter console 1 Ashtray 2 Cigarette lig hter 3 Cover plate Openin g the a shtray 왘 Briefl y touch c over p late 3 . The as htray ope ns auto matical ly.
157 Controls in detail Useful features Cigare tte li ghter 왘 Switch on the igni tion. 왘 Push in cigarette li ghter 2 ( 컄 page 156). The cigare tte lighter will pop out au to- matically when hot.
158 Controls in detail Useful feat ures Electrical outlet Elec tri cal o utlet One outlet is located in the front passen- ger footwell and another on the right-hand side of the luggage compartment. 왘 Flip up c over and in sert ele ctrica l plug (cigarette lig hter type).
159 Controls in detail Useful features You can take and plac e telephone calls us - ing the M CS un it. See se para te i nst ruct ion manua l fo r inf or- mation on how to operate the telephone. Tele Aid* Wa rn i n g ! G Plea se do n ot fo rge t tha t your prim ary re - sponsi bility is to drive t he vehicl e.
160 Controls in detail Useful feat ures The Tele Aid syste m ( Tele ma tic A larm I dentific ation o n D emand) The Te le Aid sy stem co nsis ts of three types of resp onse: 앫 automatic and manua l emergency 앫 roadsi de assis tance an d 앫 infor mation .
161 Controls in detail Useful features Emergenc y calls An eme rgency ca ll is in itiated autom atical - ly: 앫 foll owing an a ccide nt in whi ch the emergency tensioning detractors (ETD s) or air bag s depl oy , 앫 if the anti-theft alarm or the tow-away alarm st ays on for more th an 20 sec onds.
162 Controls in detail Useful feat ures Once the emerg ency c all is in pro gress , the indicator lamp in the SOS button wi ll begin to flash. The mess age EMER GENC Y CALL – CONN ECTI NG CALL appear s in the MCS di s- play. When t he con necti on is estab lished , the message EMER GENCY C ALL – CALL C ONNEC TED appears in the MCS di s- play.
163 Controls in detail Useful features Initiating an emergen cy call ma nually 1 Cover 2 SOS bu tton 왘 Briefly pre ss on cover 1 . The c over will o pen. 왘 Press SOS button 2 brie fly. The indi cator lam p in SOS butto n 2 will flas h until th e emerg ency c all is co n- cluded .
164 Controls in detail Useful feat ures When th e connectio n is e stablis hed, th e messag e ROADS IDE ASS ISTANC E – CALL C ONNEC TED appears in the MCS di s- play. The T ele Aid syst em will transm it data generating the vehicl e ident ificati on nu m- ber, model, color and location (sub ject to availabi lity of cellu lar and GPS sig nals).
165 Controls in detail Useful features Information button ¡ 1 Cover 2 Information button ¡ 왘 Briefly press on cove r 1 . The cover wi ll open. 왘 Press and hold the bu tton (for longer than 2 se conds). A call to t he Customer Assistance Ce n- ter will be initi ated.
166 Controls in detail Useful feat ures For more details concerning the Tele Aid system, please visit www.m and use yo ur ID and pa ssword (se nt to you s ep- aratel y) to l earn more ( USA only ). Upgrade signals The T ele Ai d syst em pro cesse s call s usi ng the following pri ority.
167 Controls in detail Useful features Remote door unlock In case you ha ve lock ed your vehicle unin- tentionally (e.g. key inside vehicle), and no other key is availab le: 왘 Cont act th e Me rced es-Be nz Re spons e Cente r at 1-80 0-75 6-90 18 ( in the USA) or 1- 888- 923- 8367 (in Can ada) .
168 Controls in detail Useful feat ures The Res ponse Ce nter w ill then u nlock y our vehicle with the remote door unlocking feature . Stolen vehic le tracking s ervices In the ev ent your v ehicle w as stol en: 왘 Report the incident to the police The po lice w ill issu e a nu mbered i nci - dent report.
169 Controls in detail Useful features Progr amming or reprog rammin g the in- tegrated rem ote control 왘 Turn key in the stee ring lock to position 1 or 2 .
170 Controls in detail Useful feat ures 왘 When the ind icator lamp flashes ra pid- ly, release both bu ttons. 왘 To program the remaini ng two buttons, repeat th e steps a bove.
171 Controls in detail Useful features Canadian programming During programming, your hand-held transmitter may automatically stop trans- mitting. 왘 Continue to pres s and hold the inte- grat ed remo.
172 Controls in detail Useful feat ures Trip computer* The trip compu ter is located in the over- head console . 1 RESET 2 MODE 3 Display Sw itch ing o n th e tr ip co mpu ter 왘 Switch on igni tion. Display 3 shows one of the available functions. 왘 If a function disp lay does not app ear, press MO DE 2 .
173 Controls in detail Useful features Compass The com pass displ ays the di rection the ve - hicle i s trav eling . T he disp lay 3 will show you N, NE, E, S E, S, SW , W or N W. To ensure the display is correct, the com - pass must be set to the proper geographic zone ( 컄 page 174).
174 Controls in detail Useful feat ures Setting the compass zon e 왘 Determi ne the geograph ical point of the vehicle with the aid of the zone maps . 왘 Switch on the ignition. 왘 Press MODE 2 ( 컄 page 17 2) repeat ed- ly unti l the comp ass dis play ap pears in the trip computer di splay 3 .
175 Controls in detail Useful features Stop watch 왘 Press MODE 2 ( 컄 page 172) repeated - ly until the stop wa tch display ap pears in t he trip com puter d ispla y 3 . Count ing 왘 Press R ESET 1 ( 컄 pag e 172) to s tart counting. Stopping 왘 Press R ESET 1 again to st op counting.
176 Controls in detail Useful feat ures Country 왘 Press MODE 2 ( 컄 page 17 2) repeat ed- ly until the country dis play appea rs in the trip computer di splay 3 . 왘 Press and hold RESE T 1 a minimu m of five seconds to change the country unit syste m.
177 Operation The first 1000 miles (1500 km) Driving instructions At the gas station Engine compartmen t Tires and wheels Winter driving Maintenanc e Vehicle care.
178 Operation The first 1000 miles (1500 km) In the “Operation” secti on you will find de- tailed i nforma tion on op eratin g, maintain - ing and caring for you r vehicle. The first 1000 miles ( 1500 km) The more cautious ly you trea t your veh icle during the brea k-in period, the mor e satis- fied you will be with its pe rformance later on.
179 Operation Driving in structio ns Driving instruc tions Drive sen sibly – s ave fuel Fuel co nsum ptio n, to a great exte nt, d e- pend s on dr ivin g h abits and op erati ng c on- diti ons.
180 Operation Driving instruc tions Brakes To help p revent brake d isk corrosion af ter driving on wet road surf aces (particula rly salted roa ds), it i s advisab le to brake th e vehicl e with con siderab le force pr ior to parking. The heat gener ated serves to dry the brakes.
181 Operation Driving in structio ns Inst all on ly br ake pads a nd brake flui d rec - ommend ed by M erc edes -Benz . After hard b rakin g, it is ad visable to drive on for s ome time, rathe r than i mmediate ly parking, so the a ir stream will cool down the brak es fa ster.
182 Operation Driving instruc tions Parking Tires Tread we ar indi cators (TW I) are re quired by law. Thes e ind icato rs ar e loca ted in si x places on the trea d circumfe rence and b e- come visible at a tread d epth of approxi- mate ly 1 / 16 i n (1.
183 Operation Driving in structio ns The tr ead wea r indicat or appear s as a solid band across the tread. Spec ified t ire pr essur es must be main- tain ed. Thi s appl ies p artic ular ly if the ti res are subj ect ed to h igh loa ds (e. g. hig h spee ds, he avy load s, hi gh am bient t empe r- atures) .
184 Operation Driving instruc tions Tire sp eed ratin g Addition al inf ormation on wi nter ti res can be found unde r “Winter ti res” ( 컄 page 213) . ML 320, ML 35 0 Your ve hicl e is fac tory equ ipped with “H”-rat ed tires, which have a spe ed rati ng of 130 mph (210 km/ h).
185 Operation Driving in structio ns This ca n bring r oad salt im paired br aking efficie ncy back to normal. Be very careful that you carry out thes e braking maneu- vers without end angering any other road users .
186 Operation Driving instruc tions Off-ro ad drivin g Read th is cha pter care full y befor e you be- gin off- road t rave l. Famil iarize yo urself with the v ehicl e char- acteris tics and ge ar changing be fore yo u attempt any di fficult terrain off-road dri v- ing.
187 Operation Driving in structio ns Checklist b efore off- road driving Tires 앫 Check the trea d depth and ma intain speci fied tire pres sure (se e tire pres - sure la bel ins ide the fuel fi ller fla p). 앫 Check tires for possibl e damage and remove foreign objects.
188 Operation Driving instruc tions 앫 Switch to LOW R ANGE mo de before starting to drive up or down steep in- clines ( 컄 page 118 ). 앫 Driving on embankments, slopes and other steep inclines should only be done st raight up or d ownhill , i.e. in the line of gravi ty.
189 Operation Driving in structio ns Driving downhill 앫 Select gear ra nge 1 on th e automatic transm issi on ( 컄 page 114). 앫 Drive down hill o bserv ing the same rule s as driv ing uph ill ( 컄 page 187) .
190 Operation Driving instruc tions Crossi ng obsta cles 앫 Select ge ar range 1 on the automatic transmis sion ( 컄 page 114). 앫 Check the v ehic le clearanc e befo re crossing obstacles.
191 Operation Driving in structio ns Retur ning from o ff-road d riving Off-ro ad driv ing increa ses str ain on the ve- hicle. We rec ommend that you inspec t the vehi - cle for possi ble dama ge after e ach off-road trip.
192 Operation Driving instruc tions Trailer towing Trailer hitches 앫 Only in stal l a tr ailer hitch r ecei ver ap- proved for you r vehicle. For in form ation on ava ilabi lity a nd in- stal lation, se e your a uthori zed Merced es-Benz Lig ht Truck Center.
193 Operation Driving in structio ns Vehicle a nd traile r weight s and rati ngs G ross V ehicle W eight R ati ng (GV WR) is the maximum permis sible vehic le weig ht: 6614 lbs.
194 Operation Driving instruc tions Attaching a t railer Observe ma ximum pe rmitted traile r di- mensio ns (width a nd length ). Most state s and al l Canadian provinces re - quire 앫 safety chains between your tow vehicle and the trail er. The ch ains shou ld be crisscro ssed un- der the trailer tongu e.
195 Operation Driving in structio ns Adjust the mirrors to pe rmit unob structed view beyond rear of trailer. 앫 If the trailer has ele ctric brakes, sta rt your vehicle and trailer moving s lowly, and then appl y only the tra iler brake controller by ha nd to be sure the brake s are work ing properl y.
196 Operation Driving instruc tions 앫 If the engine coolant rise s to an ex- tremely high te mperatu re (coolant tem- peratur e needle ap proaching the re d zone) when the air condit ioning is on, turn off the air conditioning system.
197 Operation Driving in structio ns Driving abro ad Abroad, t here i s a widely-spr ead Merc edes- Benz ser vice netw ork at yo ur disposa l. If you plan to dr ive into are as which a re not liste d .
198 Operation Driving instruc tions Catalyt ic conver ter Your M ercedes- Benz is equ ipped wi th monolithic type catalytic converters , an important elemen t in conjunction with the oxyg en sensor s to achi eve su bstant ial con- trol of the pollutants in the exha ust emis- sions.
199 Operation Driving in structio ns Coolant tem perature During severe operating conditions and stop-and-go city traffic, the coolant tem- peratur e may rise to approx. 2 48°F (120 °C). The eng ine shou ld not be operat ed with the coolant tempera ture in the red zone.
200 Operation At the gas station At the gas station The fu el fille r flap is locate d on the left-hand si de of the vehi cle towards the rear . Locking /unl ocking th e vehi cle wi th the remote control automa tically locks /unloc ks the fue l filler flap.
201 Operation At the ga s station Chec k regula rly an d befo re a long t rip 왘 Open th e hood ( 컄 p age 20 2) 1 Engine oil level More informa tion on engine oil can be found i n the “Operation” section ( 컄 pag e 203). 2 Coolant level For normal r eplenishing, use water (p o- table water q uality).
202 Operation Engine compart ment Engine compart ment Hood Opening 1 Hood release 왘 Pull l ever 1 downwards. The ho od is u nloc ked. Ha ndle 2 pro- trudes sli ghtly from the radiator tri m. If not, lift the hood slightl y. 2 Handle for opening the hood 왘 Pull handl e 2 to its stop out of the radi- ator gri ll.
203 Operation Engine compartment Closing 왘 Let the hood drop fr om a height of ap - p r o x i m a t e l y 1f t ( 3 0c m ) . The hood wil l lock audibly. 왘 Check to make sure that the hood is fully clos ed. If you c an raise th e hood a t a point above the headlamps, then it is not prop erly c losed .
204 Operation Engine compart ment Engin e oil level d isplay 1 Knob 2 Display in spee dometer 왘 Switch on the ignition an d wait until t he disp lay - - - - - - appear s in the speedom eter displ ay 2 . 왘 Within one second press knob 1 twice. One of th e foll owin g mes sag es wil l su bse- quently a ppear in the display: 앫 OIL i.
205 Operation Engine compartment Oil dips tick 1 Oil di pstick 2 Oil fi ller c ap 왘 Remove the oil dipstick 1 . 왘 Wipe the oi l dipstick cl ean. 왘 Fully inse rt dipstick in tube, and re- move after thre e seconds. The engine oil level mu st be between the lower (m in) and upper (m ax) mark o f the dipstic k.
206 Operation Engine compart ment Transm ission f luid level The transmission fluid level does not need to be checked. If you notice transmi ssion fluid los s or gea r shifti ng malfun ctions , have an a uthorized M ercedes -Benz Li ght Truck Center check the automatic trans- missi on.
207 Operation Engine compartment 왘 Continue tur ning the cap to the left and remove it . 왘 Add coolant as re quired . 왘 Replac e and tighte n cap. More inform ation on coolant can be found in the “Technical data” section ( 컄 page 287). Battery The batter y is located in the engine com- part ment.
208 Operation Engine compart ment Winds hield washer system and headlam p clea ning syst em The win dshie ld washe r reserv oir is located in the engine compartment. 1 Cap Fluid for th e wi ndshi eld wa sher system and the headlamp clea ning system* is su pplied from the windshield washer reservoir.
209 Operation Tires and wheels Tires and wheels See yo ur aut hori zed M erce des- Benz Light Truck Center for informa tion on tested and recomm ended rims and tire s for sum mer and wi nter o perati on. They ca n also offe r advice concer ning tire servic e and pur- chase.
210 Operation Tires and wheels Life of tir e The serv ice life of a tire is de pendent upon vary ing fa ctor s includi ng but n ot limit ed to : 앫 Driving st yle 앫 Tire p ressu re 앫 Distance dri ven Dire ction of rotat ion Unidirectional tires offer ad ded ad vantag- es, such as bet ter hydr oplani ng perfo r- mance.
211 Operation Tires and wheels Checking t ire infla tion pres sure Correct th e tire pres sure on ly when tire s are cold. Regul arly chec k your t ire pressure at inte r- vals of no more tha n 14 days. If the tires are wa rm, you should only cor- rect the tire press ure i f it is too low f or cur- rent op era ting con ditio ns.
212 Operation Tires and wheels Rotating wheel s The wh eels can b e rotated every 30 00 to 6000 m iles (5 0 00 to 10 000 km) o r sooner if necess ary, accor ding to the degree of tire wear.
213 Operation Winter d riving Winter driving Before the onset of winter, have your vehi- cle wi nteri zed at an a uthori zed Merc edes- Ben z Lig ht T ruck Cen ter. This serv ice in clude s: 앫 Check of anticorros ion and antifreeze concentration. 앫 Addition of cleaning concentrate to the water of the windshield and headlamp clean ing syst em.
214 Operation Winter driving Block heater (Canada only) The engi ne is equ ipped w ith a block he at- er. The el ectrical c able ma y be ins talled at your autho rize d Me rcede s-B enz Ce nter . Snow chains Snow chains should only be driven on snow-covered roads at speeds not to ex- ceed 30 mph (50 k m/h).
215 Operation Maint enanc e Mainte nance We strongly recommend that you have your vehic le serviced by you r authorized Merc edes- Ben z Lig ht T ruck Cen ter, in a c- cordance with the Service Bookle t at the times c alled f or by the FS S (Flex ible Ser- vice System).
216 Operation Mai ntena nce The Me rced es-Be nz Li ght Tr uck Center wil l reset the service i ndicator fo llowing a com- pleted se rvice. Calling up the servic e indicator 왘 Within 1 second pr ess knob 1 twi ce. The FS S displa y will appe ar for ten se c- onds.
217 Operation Vehicle care Vehicle c are Cleaning and ca re of th e vehi cle Whil e in operat ion, eve n while par ked , your vehicle is subje cted to varying external in - fluences which, if gone unchecked, can at- tack the paintwork as well as the under body and ca use lasti ng damage .
218 Operation Vehicle care Your vehicle has been tr eated at the fac to- ry with a wax -base rustproof ing in the body cavitie s which will la st for the li fetime of the vehicle.
219 Operation Vehicle care Paintwork, p ainted b ody comp onents Mercedes -Benz approved Paint Care should be applied when wate r drops on the paint sur face do not “bea d up”, normal ly every 3 to 5 months, de pending on climate and washing d etergent use d.
220 Operation Vehicle care Ornament al moldin gs For regula r cleaning and ca re of very dirty chrome-pla ted parts , use a chrome clean- er. Headlamp s, tail lam ps, turn s ignal lenses Use a mil d car wa sh dete rgent, such as Merced es-Be nz app roved Car S hampoo , with plenty of water.
221 Operation Vehicle care Light alloy w heels Merce des-Benz approved Wheel Care shoul d be used for reg ular c lea ning of th e light a lloy whee ls. If pos sible , clean whee ls once a week w ith Mercedes -Benz approved Wheel Care, us- ing a so ft bristle b rush and a strong spray of water.
222 Operation Vehicle care Upholstery Using aftermar ket seat covers or wearing clothing that have the tendency to give off coloring (e .g. when wet etc.) ma y cause the uphol stery to b ecome permanently dis- colored. By l ining the seats with a pr oper intermedia te cover, contact-discoloration will be prevente d.
223 Practical hints What to do if … Where will I find ...? Unlocking/locking in an emergency Opening/closing in an emerg ency Replacing bulbs Replacing wiper blades Flat ti re Battery Jum p start in.
224 Practical hints What to do if … What to do if … Lamps in instrume nt clus ter Genera l infor matio n: If a bulb in the ins trume nt cluster f ails to light up d uring the bulb self -che ck when turning the key in ste ering lock to position 2 , have it checked and re placed if necessary.
225 Practical hints What to do if … Problem Poss ible cause Suggested so lution - The ye llow ABS m alfunc tion indi - cator lamp comes on while driv- ing. ABS has dete cted a malfu nction and h as switched off. The BAS, ESP, 4-ETS and EBP are al so switc hed of f.
226 Practical hints What to do if … ¿ The ye llow m alfun ction i ndi cato r lamp c omes on while driving. The BAS or ESP is malfun ctioni ng. It is pos sible that the engine outp ut will be re- duced. 왘 Have t he BAS/ ESP checke d at an au- thorized Mercede s-Benz Light Truck Cente r as soon as poss ible .
227 Practical hints What to do if … Problem Poss ible cause Suggested so lution 1 The red SR S indicator l amp lights up while driving. There is a malf uncti on in the restrain t sys- tems. The airbags or emergency tensioning device (ETDs ) could dep loy unexpect edly or fail to activate in an accident.
228 Practical hints What to do if … Problem Possible c ause Suggested solution É The red bra ke warning lamp lights u p while dri ving an d you hear a warning soun d. You are dr iving with the pa rking brake se t. 왘 Releas e the park ing brake ( 컄 pag e 45) .
229 Practical hints What to do if … Problem Poss ible cause Suggested so lution É - The red bra ke warning la mp lights up in a ddition to the y ellow ABS malf unction lamp an d you hear a wa rning sound . There is a malfu nction in the Ele ctronic B rake Proportioning (EBP) s ystem.
230 Practical hints What to do if … Problem Possible c ause Suggested solution / The y ello w coolan t w arning lamp lights up when the engine is run- ning. The coolant is to hot. The coolant level is too low. 왘 Stop as soon as pos sible and allow the engine and coolant to cool down.
231 Practical hints What to do if … Wa rn i n g ! G Drivi ng when your engine i s badly over heat- ed can cause some fl uids whic h may have leak ed into t he engin e compa rtment to catch fire. You could be seriously burned. Stea m from an overh eated e ngine ca n cause serious burn s and ca n occur just b y opening the eng ine hoo d.
232 Practical hints What to do if … Problem Possible c ause Suggested solution ? The ye llow “CH ECK ENG INE” malfu nction in dicato r lamp comes on while driving.
233 Practical hints What to do if … 7 The indicator la mp does not lig ht up with a BabySmar t TM child seat prop erly ins talle d on the front passenge r seat. The sy stem is m alfu nction ing. 왘 Make sure that ther e is nothing be- tween seat cushion and child seat and chec k ins tal latio n of t he chi ld sea t ( 컄 page 63).
234 Practical hints What to do if … < The red sea t belt warning lam p blinks for a brie f period after starting the eng ine. The wa rnin g lamp remin ds yo u to fa ste n seat belts. 왘 Faste n yo ur sea t be lt ( 컄 page 6 0). W The yellow low wa sher system fluid le vel lamp lights up a fter starting the engine or whi le driv- ing.
235 Practical hints What to do if … Additional indicator s in the s peedome- ter disp lay Disp lay Possible cause Suggeste d solu tion 9 Perform minor s ervice (A) ( 컄 pa ge 215). 왘 V isit an authori zed Mercedes-Benz Center to perform s ervice.
236 Practical hints Where will I fin d ...? Where will I fin d ...? First aid kit ML 320, ML 35 0, ML 500 The first aid kit is stored in the l iftgate. 왘 Open and f old down panel 1 . The first aid kit c an be removed. ML 55 AMG The first aid kit is stored inside the spare wheel co ver located in the r ear cargo com - partment.
237 Practical hints Where will I fi nd ...? Vehicle t ool kit The vehicle tool kit is stored in the cargo area behind the r ight trim panel. 왘 Turn handles 1 90° in directi on of ar- rows . 왘 Fold down the panel 2 . 3 Screw 4 Veh icl e jack w ith tool kit 왘 Turn screw 3 countercl ockwise.
238 Practical hints Where will I fin d ...? Vehicl e jack Please also observ e the safety guid eline s in the “Flat tire ” section ( 컄 pag e 255) when using the jack. Vehicle with CD-c hanger* To access the vehicl e tool kit, swing the CD-changer out of the panel.
239 Practical hints Where will I fi nd ...? Spare wheel ( space-saver t ire) Use the s pare wh eel onl y tempor arily , while o bserv ing the foll owing re striction s: 앫 Do not exceed vehic le spe ed of 50 mph (80 km / h). 앫 Drive to the neares t repair facility to have the fla t tire repai red or replac ed as appr opria te.
240 Practical hints Where will I fin d ...? 5 Bayonet loc k 왘 Turn the bayonet lock 90 ° to the left. 왘 Pull off bayonet lock 5 . 왘 Remov e the spar e wheel co ver and the spar e wheel. 왘 Store ba yonet l ock 5 and spar e whee l cover in cargo area.
241 Practical hints Where will I fi nd ...? 4 Wheel b olt 5 Spare wh eel 왘 Unscrew the three whe el bolts usi ng the wrench ( 컄 page 23 7). 왘 Take ou t th e spar e whee l.
242 Practical hints Unlocking /locking in an emergency Unlocking /locking in an emergency Unlocking the vehicle Unlocking t he driver’ s door If you are unab le to unl ock the dr iver’s door using the remote control, open the door using the key. 1 Releas e button 왘 Press re leas e butt on 1 on the remote control.
243 Practical hints Unlocking/loc king in an emergency Locking the vehi cle If you a re unabl e to lock th e vehi cle with the remote control, lock it with the me- chanic al key as follows: 왘 Close the pa ssenger doors and the lift- gat e. 왘 Pres s the uppe r pa rt of th e ce ntra l locking button in the cockp it ( 컄 page 89).
244 Practical hints Unlocking /locking in an emergency 왘 Pull off battery cover 2 in direction of arrow. 왘 Remove the batteri es. 왘 Using a lint-free cloth , insert new bat- teries unde r the contact spring wi th the plus (+) side faci ng up. 왘 Press battery cover onto housing until locked in p lace.
245 Practical hints Unlocking/loc king in an emergency Manually unlocking th e transmis sion select or lev er In th e cas e of powe r fa ilure the tra nsmis - sion selector lever can be manual ly un- locked, e.g. to tow the vehi cle. 1 Pencil 왘 Insert a p in 1 , e.
246 Practical hints Opening/closing in an emergency Opening/closing in an emergency Sliding/po p-up roof* The sl iding/p op-up roo f drive is lo cated behind t he cover bet ween the f ront interior lamps . You can open or close the sliding/pop-up roof manually shoul d an electrical malfunc- tion occur.
247 Practical hints Replacing bulbs Replacing bulbs Safe vehi cle operati on depend s on proper exteri or ligh ting and si gnalin g. It is the re- fore essenti al that a ll bulb s and lam p as- sembl ies ar e in good working o rder at all times. Correc t headlam p adjus tment is extremely impor tan t.
248 Practical hints Replacing bulbs Rear lamps Notes on bulb replacement 앫 Use only 12-volt bulbs of the same type and with the specif ied watt rating. 앫 Switch lights off before chan ging a bulb to prevent short circuits. 앫 Always use a clea n lint-f ree clo th when handling bulbs.
249 Practical hints Replacing bulbs Replac ing bu lbs for fro nt lamp s Replaci ng low b eam bulbs 1 Low beam halogen or Bi-Xenon* he ad- lamp cover with locking tab 2 Electri cal con nector Bi-Xenon* headlamp Haloge n headla mp 왘 Switch off the ligh ts.
250 Practical hints Replacing bulbs High beam bulbs 1 High b eam head lamp cove r with l ock- ing ta b 왘 Switch off the ligh ts. 왘 Open the h ood ( 컄 page 202). 왘 Twist co ver 1 countercloc kwise and re- move. 2 Ele ctric al con nect or 왘 Pull el ectrical c onnecto r 2 off.
251 Practical hints Replacing bulbs 왘 Align headla mp cove r and cl ick into plac e. Fog lamp bu lbs 1 Fog lamp 왘 Switch off the lights. 왘 Use a s uitable object (e.g. s crewdrive r) to press on the re lease lever behind the front panel. Front fog lam p 1 releases.
252 Practical hints Replacing bulbs 7 Tabs 왘 Squee ze ta bs 7 together and remo ve bulb holder . 왘 Gently push bu lb into socket, turn countercloc kwise and remove . 왘 Insert n ew bulb in socket, push in a nd turn clockwise. 왘 Reins tall bu lb hol der.
253 Practical hints Replacing bulbs 왘 Insert re flector from the left so that it engages on the right. 왘 Position tabs of cover in slots and rein- stall c over un til prope rly se ated.
254 Practical hints Replacing wiper blades Replacing wiper blades Removal 왘 Fold the wi per arm fo rward. 왘 Turn wipe r blade a t a right angle to wip- er arm. 1 Wiper bl ade 2 Safety tab 왘 Press safe ty tab down 2 . 왘 Push wiper blade downward 1 and re- move.
255 Practical hints Flat tire Flat tire Mounting the spare wheel Preparing the vehic le 왘 Park the v ehicl e as far as possible from moving tr affic on a h ard surf ace. 왘 Turn on the haza rd warning f lashers. 왘 Engage the steering wheel loc k in the straight a head position a nd set the parking bra ke.
256 Practical hints Flat ti re 왘 On wheel to be changed, loos en but do not yet remove the wheel bolts (ap- proxi mately on e full turn with wrench ). The jack take-up brackets are located di- rectly beh ind the f ront wheel ho usings and in front o f the rear w heel ho usings.
257 Practical hints Flat tire Removing the wheel 왘 Unscrew and rem ove all wheel bolts . 왘 Remo ve the remainin g bolts . 왘 Grip th e whee l from the sides and re- move it. Mounting the new wheel 왘 Clean contac t surfac es of whee l and wheel hub.
258 Practical hints Flat ti re Lowering the vehicle 왘 Lower vehicl e by turning cran k coun- tercloc kwise u ntil vehi cle is re sting ful- ly on its own weight. 왘 Remove the jack. 1-5 Wheel b olts 왘 Tighte n the five wh eel bolts ev enly, fol- lowin g the dia gonal sequ ence illust rat- ed ( 1 to 5 ), until all bolts a re tight.
259 Practical hints Flat tire Inflating t he spare wheel with collapsible tir e 왘 Take the electr ic air pump out of the rear c argo compar tment ( 컄 pag e 238) . 1 Union nut 2 Electrical plug 3 Air hose with pressure gauge 4 Vent scre w 왘 Open flap on air pump.
260 Practical hints Flat ti re 왘 Detach th e electri c air pump. 왘 Reins tall tir e valve c ap. 왘 Store the electr ical plug and the ai r hose beh ind the flap and place th e air pump ba ck in the rear cargo compart- ment. War n i n g ! G Follow re commen ded inflati on pressure s.
261 Practical hints Battery Batte ry The batter y is located in the engine com- partment on the right-hand side. Dis con nec tin g the b att ery 왘 Turn o ff al l elect rical con sumers . 왘 Open the h ood ( 컄 page 202). 왘 Disconnect the batter y negative lead.
262 Practical hints Battery Removing the ba tteries 왘 Remove the screw secur ing the bat- tery. 왘 Remove the battery su pport and brack- et. Take ou t the battery. Charging a nd rei nstalli ng batt eries 왘 Charge b attery in acc ordan ce with the instructions of the battery charger manufact urer.
263 Practical hints Battery Batteries contain ma terials that can harm the environment i f disposed of improperly . Large 12-volt st orage batterie s contain lead. R ecycl ing of ba tteries is the pr eferred method of disposal. Many states require seller s of batteries to accept old batteries for recyc ling.
264 Practical hints Jump starting Jump starting If the battery is discharge d, the engine can be starte d with jump er cables a nd the bat- tery of an other vehicle. Observe the fol low- ing: 앫 Jump starting should only be pe rformed when the engine and catalytic conve rt- er are cold.
265 Practical hints Jump start ing The battery is located in the engine com- partment . 왘 Make sure that the two vehicles do not touch. 왘 Turn off all el ectri cal consum ers.
266 Practical hints Jump starting 왘 Let the engine of the ass isting vehicle run at id le speed . 왘 Connect the negative terminals 3 of the batteries wi th the jumper cabl es. Start with the charged batte ry. 왘 Start the engine of the dis abled vehi- cle.
267 Practical hints Towi ng th e ve hicl e Towi ng the vehic le Merced es-B enz r ecomme nds t hat the vehi- cle be transporte d with all wheels off the ground using flatbed or appropriate wheel lift/ doll y equi pment . Th is met hod is pref- erable to other typ es of towing.
268 Practical hints Towing th e vehicle War n i n g ! G If circumst ances requir e towing the vehi cle with all wh eels on the gr ound, always tow with a t ow bar if: 앫 the engine wil l not run 앫 .
269 Practical hints Towi ng th e ve hicl e Front towing eye The front towing eye i s located on the pas- seng er sid e be low the bu mper . 1 Towing eye Rear towing eye The rear towing eye is located be hind the right sid e cover in the bumpe r panel.
270 Practical hints Towing th e vehicle ML 55 AMG a nd vehicles w ith sport pac k- age* 1 Cover 2 Towing eye To remove cover: 왘 Grip cove r at bot tom and sec urel y pull out.
271 Practical hints Fuses Fuses The fus e chart is pri nted on the c orre- sponding fuse box cover. The amperag es of the f uses are also indic ated there . Fuse box in engine compartment The fuse box is located in the eng ine com- partment on the left-hand side.
272 Practical hints Fuses Auxiliar y fuse box in front pa ssenger footwel l The au xiliar y fuse box is loc ated in the front passenge r compartme nt. 1 Lock 2 Cover Removi ng/ins talling c over 왘 Turn both locks 1 90 ° co un tercl ock - wise. 왘 Remove cover 2 in direction o f arro w.
273 Technical data Spare part s service Warra nty co vera ge Identification labels Layout of poly-V-belt drive Engine Rims and tires Electrical system Main Dimensions Weig hts Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc .
274 Technical data Spare parts service The “T echnic al data” secti on provid es the necessar y technica l data for y our vehicle . Spare parts service All auth orized Merc edes-Ben z Center s maintain a stock of original spare parts re- quired fo r maintenance a nd repair work .
275 Technical data Warranty coverage Warranty coverage Your veh icle is covered und er the te rms of the “w arranties” printed in th e Service and Warranty Inf ormation booklet.
276 Technical data Identif ication labels Identif ication labels 1 Certifica tion labe l and Pai ntwork num- ber 2 Engine number (engraved on engine) 3 VIN, visibl e (l ower ed ge of winds hield ) 4 E.
277 Technical data Layout of po ly-V-belt drive Lay out of poly -V -be lt dr ive 1 Automatic belt tensi oner 2 Power ste ering pump 3 Air conditioning compressor 4 Crankshaft 5 Coolant pump 6 Generato.
278 Technical data Engine Engine Model ML 320 (1 63. 154 1 ) 1 The quot ed data ap ply only to the standa rd vehicl e. See an au thorized M ercedes -Benz C enter for t he correspo nding da ta of all sp ecial bodi es an d sp ecial equ ipmen t. ML 350 (1 63.
279 Technical data Rims an d tires Rims and ti res Use only tire s and rims which have be en specif ical ly d evel oped fo r yo ur v ehicl e and tested a nd approved by M ercedes-Be nz.
280 Technical data Rims and tir es Rims and wi nter t ires* Spare wheel Model ML 55 AMG Rims (l ight alloy ) 8 ½ J x 17 H2 ET 52 Wheel offset 2.0 in (52 m m) All season tires (radial- ply-tires ) 275.
281 Technical data Electrical system Electrical syst em Model ML 320, ML 3 50 ML 500 ML 55 AMG Genera tor ( altern ator) 14 V/120 A 14 V/150 A 14 V/150 A Star ter mo tor 12 V/1.
282 Technical data Main Di mensio ns Main Di mensio ns Model ML 32 0, ML 35 0, ML 50 0 ML 55 AMG Overall v ehicle len gth 182.6 in ( 4638 m m) 182.5 in (4 635 mm ) Overall vehicl e width 83.7 in (2126 mm) 83.7 in (2126 mm) Overall vehicle height 71.7 in (1 820 mm) 71.
283 Technical data Weights Weigh ts Roof load max. 220 lb (100 kg).
284 Technical data Fuels, coo lants, lubri cants etc. Fuels, coo lants, lubri cants etc. Capaciti es Vehicle c omponents a nd their res pective lubrica nts must match. Theref ore us e only bra nd tested and rec - ommended by us. Please re fer to the Factory Approved Ser- vice Products pamphlet, or inquire at your Mercedes-Benz L ight Truck Cente r.
285 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubrica nts etc. Model Capaci ty Fuels, coola nts, lubricants etc . Coolin g syst em a pprox. 12 .7 US qt (12.0 l ) MB An tic orro sion / Anti free ze Fuel tank ML 320, ML 35 0, ML 500 22.0 US ga l (83. 0 l) Prem ium u nleaded gas oline : Post ed Octane 91 (Avg.
286 Technical data Fuels, coo lants, lubri cants etc. Engine oils Engine oils are specif ically tested f or their suitabi lity in our engi nes. Th erefo re, use only engine oils recommended by Merced es-Benz.
287 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubrica nts etc. Fu el re qui rem en ts Use on ly premi um unl eaded meeting ASTM sta ndard D 439: 앫 The octane number (pos ted at the pump) must b e 91 min. It is an averag e of both the Research (R) octane num- ber a nd the Motor (M) octane number: (R+M) / 2) .
288 Technical data Fuels, coo lants, lubri cants etc. The coolant solution m ust be used year round to provide th e necessar y corrosion protection and inc rease in boil-over pro- tectio n.
289 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubrica nts etc. Anticorrosion /antifreez e quanti ty Model Approx. freez e protection – 35° F (– 37 °C) – 4 9°F (– 45 °C) ML 320, ML 35 0, ML 500, ML 55 AMG 6.
290 Technical data Fuels, coo lants, lubri cants etc. Win dshi eld and h eadl amp w ash er system Both th e wind shield and h ead lamp wa sher system s are s upplied f rom the windsh ield washer fl uid reser voir. The win dshiel d and headla mp washer fluid reservoir ha s a capac ity of approx.
291 Technical data Consumer inform ation Consumer information This ha s been prepare d as required of all manufact urers of pass enger cars unde r Ti- tle 49, Code of U.S . Federal Re gulations, Part 575 pu rsuant to the “Na tional Traffic and Motor Vehicle S afety Act of 1966”.
292 Technical data Consumer information Temperature The te mperat ure g rades are A (the h igh- est), B , and C, r epresenting the tire’s resis- tance to the generation of heat and its ability to dissipa te heat wh en tested under controlled conditions on a specified indoor laboratory test wh eel.
293 Technical terms ABS (A ntilock B rake S ystem) Prev ents the w heels f rom lock ing up during braking so that the vehicle can continue to be ste ered. BabySmart TM airbag deacti vation syst em This sy stem d etect s if a speci al sy stem compa tible ch ild rest raint sea t is in- stalle d on the front passenger se at.
294 Technical terms Engine oil v iscosity Measurem ent for the inner fric tion (vis- cosity) of the oil at d ifferent tempera- ture s. The h ighe r th e temp eratu re an oil can tolerate wi thout becoming thin, or th e low er the t emper atu re it c an tol- erate without becoming vis cous, the better the vis cosity.
295 Technical terms Memory function* Used to stor e thre e indi vidu al sea t, steering wheel and mirror positions. MON (M otor O ctane N um ber ) The Mo tor Octane Number f or gasoline as determ ined by a standa rdized meth- od. It is an in dication of a gasol ine's ability to res ist undesi red detonati on (knocki ng).
296 Technical terms RON (R esea rch O cta ne N umber) The R esearc h Oc tane Number fo r gaso- line as dete rmine d by a stan dardi zed method. It is an i ndication of a gaso- line's abi lity to resist u ndesir ed detona- tion (kno cking).
297 Technical terms VIN (V eh icle I de ntifica tion N umber) The nu mber s et by t he man ufact urer and place d on the body to uniquel y iden tify each v ehicle pr oduc ed. Voice co ntrol sy stem* Voice control system for car p hones, portabl e cell phon es and audio sys - tems (radio, CD, etc.
299 Index A ABS 25, 71, 293 ABS control 71 LOW RANG E mode 72 Malfu nction indicato r lamp 2 25 Warning lamp 225 Accelerator pos ition, automatic transmi ssion 117 Accident In case of 49 Activating Ai.
300 Index Passeng er 59 Safe ty gui delin es 57 Side impa ct 59 Window curtain 59 Alarm Audible 70, 79 Canceling 79 Visual 78 Alarm sy stem Anti-theft 78 Anticorrosion/anti freeze 288 Antiglare Automa.
301 Index B BabySma rt TM Airbag de activation sys tem 65 Compat ible c hild seats 65, 2 93 Self-t est 66 BabySma rt TM airbag de activation syste m 293 Backr est t ilt 35 Backup lamp s 248, 251 Bulbs.
302 Index Cargo floor plates 144 Insta lling 14 4 Removing 144 Storin g 144 Cargo tie-down ring s 140 Catalytic converter 198 CD-change r* 238 Center co nsole 27 Lower part 2 8 Uppe r pa rt 27 Central.
303 Index Compass 17 3 Calibrati ng 174 Setting compass z one 174 Compass zone 174 Consumer information 291 Control and operation of radio transmi tters 197 Coolan t 206, 287 Adding 2 06 Anticorrosion.
304 Index Display mess ages Error 2 35 Service indi cator (FSS) 235 StArt 235 Displays Service indicator 2 15 Distan ce rema ining 17 5 Door entry lamps 107 Door unlock With Tele Aid* 167 Doors Openin.
305 Index Engine Compartment 2 02 Starti ng 44 Technical data 278 Turning off 51 Engine cleaning 219 Engine c ompartmen t Fuse b ox in 27 1 Hood 202 Engin e malfunct ion in dicato r lamp 25, 232 Engin.
306 Index Gasoline additives 287 Premi um unl eaded gas olin e 200, 28 6 Requi rements 287 Rese rve w arni ng 2 5 Fuel ad ditives 287 Fuel fil ler flap 200 Locking 2 00 Opening 2 44 Unlocki ng 200 Fuel requ ire ments 287 Fuel ta nk Filler fla p 200 Fuels, coolants, lubr icants etc.
307 Index Headlam ps Automatic control 103 Bi-X enon 293 Cleaning 220 Cleaning system 121 Cleaning system* 208 Refi lling wash er flu id 2 08 Switch ing of f 51 Switch ing on 46 Washer f lui d 290 Was.
308 Index Interi or light ing 107 Activating automatic control 10 7 Deactivating automati c control 107 Manual ope ratio n 108 Reading l amps 1 08 Interior storage spaces 152 Armrest 153 Cup holder 15.
309 Index Light all oy whee ls Cleaning 221 Light er Rear cen ter console 157 Lighter see ciga rette lighte r 156 Lightin g 102 Automatic headla mp mode 103 Cargo compa rtment 109 Combin ation switc h.
310 Index MB Tex uph olstery Cleaning 222 MCS Modu lar Con trol Sys tem 2 94 Mechani cal key 2 42 Memory f unction 99 , 295 Storing exteri or rear view mirror parking posi tions 100 Memory f unction* .
311 Index Slidin g/pop -up roof in an emerg enc y 246 Sliding/pop-up roof* 137 Storage compartment in front of armres t 154 Storage comp artme nt under pa ssenge r seat 153 Windows 1 35 Opening and cl.
312 Index Power windows Blocking of rear door window operation 69 Side win dows 134 Synch ronizing 136 Practica l hints First ai d kit 236 Fuses 27 1 Lamps in instrum ent cluste r 224 Spar e wheel 2 3.
313 Index Regula r checks 201 Reinstalling vehicle battery 262 Remote contr ol Changing batt ery 243 Glo bal lock ing 85 Globa l unlo cking 8 5 Synchroniz ing 244 Unloc kin g lif tga te 8 5 Unlo cking.
314 Index S Safet y Occupant 54 Safety bel ts see Se at belts 40 Safet y defec ts Report ing 19 Safety sy stems Driving 71 Saving cu rrent spe ed 147 Seat bel t for ce limit er 62 Sea t belt heig ht a.
315 Index Side wi ndows 134 Automatic closing 135 Automatic opening 135 Cleaning 220 Closing 135 Closi ng fully 13 5 Opening 135 Opening a nd closing 13 4 Opening fully 135 Rear quarter window 13 6 St.
316 Index Switch ing off Automatic climate control 127 ESP 76 Front f og la mps 106 Haza rd wa rnin g f lashe r 106 Headla mps 51 Rapid seat he ating 91 Rear fo g lamp 106 Trans missio n cont rol – .
317 Index Tilt Head restraint 36 Time Settin g hours 112 Setting minute s 112 Tire infla tion pressur e Checkin g 201, 211 Tire sp eed ra ting 184, 29 6 Tire traction 183 Tires 2 09, 279, 291 Directio.
318 Index Trip od ometer displa y 111 Trunk see Ca rgo compa rtment 85 Turn s ignal l amps Repla cing bulbs 247, 248 , 250 Turn s ignal s 47 Additional in mirrors 247 Cleaning lenses 220 Front bu lbs .
319 Index Vehicle lighting Checking 201 Vehicle tool kit 237 Vehi cle w ith CD -chan ger* 23 8 Vehicle washi ng 219 VIN (V ehic le Ide ntif ication Numb er) 276, 297 Voice con trol sy stem* 29 7 W War.
Servi ce and Litera ture Your autho rized Merce des- Benz Ce nter ha s tr ained t echni cians a n d original Me rcedes-Benz p arts to servic e your vehic le properly . For expert a dvice and qu ality service, see your a uthoriz ed Merce des-Ben z Light Tr uck Center .
デバイスMercedes-Benz 2003 M-Classの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Mercedes-Benz 2003 M-Classをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMercedes-Benz 2003 M-Classの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Mercedes-Benz 2003 M-Classの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Mercedes-Benz 2003 M-Classで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Mercedes-Benz 2003 M-Classを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMercedes-Benz 2003 M-Classの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Mercedes-Benz 2003 M-Classに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMercedes-Benz 2003 M-Classデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。