MieleメーカーS6 Dimensionの使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 38
V acuum Cleaners S6 Series.
2 V acuum cleaners.
3 Contents W elcome to Miele 4 Introductio n T est winners 6 What mak es Miele unique ? 8 Qu ali t y tes ts 1 0 Miele h ygiene 1 2 Highlights 1 4 Can is te r vacu um cl ea ne r s User conv enience 1 6.
4 "Immer besse r" . Sinc e 1 899, Miele has remaine d true to its own corporate philosoph y of "Immer besser" or "F ore ver be t ter" . These two words lay the cornerstones of Miele's high qualit y standards and p lace Miele amongst th e strongest Germ an brands worldwide in the dom estic appliance industr y .
5 Ecological responsibility – the basis for Miele's corporate philosoph y The responsibility for our en vironment has tra dit io n at Mi ele – fo r mo re th an 1 10 years. The natural environment is the foundation of ou r exis ten ce wh ic h we want t o prote ct .
6 Mie le va cu um cl ea ne rs . More than 5 0 test wins * w orldwide. Miele appliances furnish proof of their high quality not only in strict int ernal quality tests ; the qual ity and dependability of Miele machines is also praised time and time again in independent product tests.
7 Ever y fl ag re pre se nts a te st w in – in Eu rop e alone there hav e been mor e than 45 Miele vacu um c lea ne r test w in s sin ce 2 00 3. T hi s is augment ed with successes outside Euro pe's bo rd er s, for exa mp le in Au st ral ia , New Z ealand, Hong K ong and C anada.
8 What mak es Miele v acuum cleaners so unique ? Mie le vac uu m cl ean er s of fe r an opt im um c omb in ati on of exc ell ent c le ani ng p er fo rm an ce, unique conv enience, outstanding h ygiene standards and first class quality .
9 Cleaning performance : achievi ng best resu lts with efficiency . A high performance mot or alone does not make a g oo d vacu um c lea ne r . Miel e vacuum cleaners combine a whole bundle of feat ure s ef fi ci en tl y wit h out st an din g results.
10 Miele V acuum Cleaners Qualit y.
11 The mo tor endurance t est: very endurable ! W e e xpect top-notch cradle-to-grave per for man ce f rom o ur vac uu m cl ean er s: in an intensiv e endurance t est, with the appliances being constantly swit ched on and off, Miele mo tors must prov e tha t they are m ade to l as t.
12 Miele V acuum Cleaners Hy giene.
13 The rig ht dustbag ? Simple! It is o f ten n ot ea sy to fi nd th e ri ght d us tba g for a vac uum c le an er , but w ith M ie le, you can e as il y ide nt if y t he c orr ec t ge nui ne AirClean filterba g b y the colour of the dustbag collar .
14 Canister V acuums Highlights.
15 6 -st age control dial Electronic suction po wer regulation is controlled via a 6 –stage dial. Graphic sym bol s for d if fe rent f lo or c over s hel p you select the most suitable po wer s etting. Silence Sy stem. A noise-optimised motor and int egrated sou nd -p ro ofi ng ma ke Mie le vac uu m cleaners pleasantly quie t.
16 Canister V acuums User Conv enience Handle with metal anti-static dis ch ar ge d evi ce All M iel e vac uum c le ane r s featu re a me ta l thread in tegrat ed int o the und erside of the handle which functions similar t o a lightning conductor . • This pre vents electro-static discharge between appliance and user .
17 Features depend on model Park S yst em fo r br ea ks / wi th automatic deactivation The floorhead is simply slo tted into the bac k of th e vacu um c lea ne r . • The s uc ti on t ube i s rea dy fo r use i n conve ni ent p os iti on u nti l work i s to commence.
18 Caniser V acuums Qualit y and Safety.
19 Full ra ng e of a cc es so rie s Mie le c ani ste r vacu um c lea ne rs a re supplied with three high-quality accessories as standard: upholstery nozzle, crevice nozzle and dusting brush with soft, natural bristles.
20 V acuum cleaner S6 C ont our S6 - Con tou r • Man go Re d • 4.8 kg wit h su ct ion a cc es sor y • 1 0 m ope rat ing r adi us • 3.5 l d ust bag c ap aci t y • Air Cl ea n fil ter • 1 20.
21 V acuum cleaner S6 D imension S6 - Dimension • Midnight Purple • 4.8 kg wit h su ct ion a cc es sor y • 1 0 m ope rat ing r adi us • 3.5 l d ust bag c ap aci t y • Air Cl ea n fil ter •.
22 V acuum cleaner S6 D imension Plus S6 - Dim en si on Plu s • Spr int B lu e • 4.8 kg wit h su ct ion a cc es sor y • 1 0 m ope rat ing r adi us • 3.
23 V acuum cleaner S6 C ontinuum S6 - Continuum • Pis tac hi o Gre en • 4.8 kg wit h su ct ion a cc es sor y • 1 0 m ope rat ing r adi us • 3.5 l d ust bag c ap aci t y • HEP A filte r • 1.
24 V acuum Accessories Univ ersal Floor T ools.
25 SB D 45 0 Uni ver sa l Flo or T ool SB D 550 U ni ver sa l Flo or T ool SB D 650 A ir T e Q Uni ver sa l Flo or T ool Thi s un ive rs al to ol i s ide al fo r all s mo oth flo or in g and ve r y low p il e ca rp eti ng. It all ows you to g o fr om sm oot h fl oor s to car pe ted s ur fa ce s wit h a qui ck c li ck of a roc ker swi tch .
26 V acuum Accessories Parque t and Smooth Floor Brushes.
27 Tho ro ugh a nd g en tl e: Mi el e Par qu et an d Smo ot h Flo or B ru sh es The parquet and smooth floor brushes were specially dev eloped f or the cleaning and c ar e of ha rd fl oo rs w it h scr atc h sensitive su rfaces. With their soft brushes they gl ide ov er the floor surface, cleaning gently and thor oughly .
28 V acuum Accessories T u rbobrush.
29 STB 2 05 T urbob rush Lig ht we igh t ca rp et too l is d ri ven by ai r movem ent o f vacu um c lea ne r . Its 27 .5c m or 1 1 " wide b rush roll, floating head design and 360° sw ivel neck provides ex cellent manueverability .
30 V acuum Accessories Po w erbrushes.
31 SEB 21 7 Dir ec t C onn e ct Powe rb rus h SEB 2 36 D ire c t Co nn ec t Powe rbr us h SEB 2 28 El e ct ro Br ush Electronically driven carpet t ool with 35.
32 V acuum Accessories Over view of recommended use of Miele floor br ushes and floorheads: Universal floorheads Parquet brushes T urbobrushes Pow erbrushes Felt T wisted velou r V elours carpet T ext.
33 Sisal/coconut bre Cork Hard oors +++ highly recommended, + recommended , – not recommended ** Only S EB 2 36 /2 3 4 L wi th h ei g ht ad j us tm en t In t he f ir st i ns t an ce , pl ea se.
34 V acuum Accessories Special acces sories MicroSet CarClean Set v ario A collection of micro-accessories and nozzles designed to hel p you clean delicate items and collectables throughout y our house . A unique collection of a ccessories designed to help y ou clean a v ery personal spac e: your c ar .
35 SUB 20 Fle xible Universal Brush The M ie le Un ive rs al B ru sh, w ith i ts t wo joi nt s, is t he id ea l acc es so r y for d us tin g rows of b oo ks, fu rn itu re ed ge s, ba se boa rds etc. SFD 20 Fle xible cre vice nozzle A 56 cm fl exi ble c rev ic e too l for nav ig at ing the hardest to re ach nooks and crannies f or exem pl e.
36 V acuum Accessories Filt ers and Ba gs Act ive H EPA Filte r For ma x im um a ir hygi en e, als o fil ter s ou t the smallest partic les such as fine dust, allergens and mou ld – ide al for those who are a lle rg ic to h ous e du st. S F-AH 3 0 for S2 ser ie s on ly .
37 Original Miele dustbags w w w . mieleboutique . ca Online Shop : find easily all Miele accessories and CareCollections.
Miele Gallery in V aughan 1 61 Four V alley D ri ve V aughan, ON L4K 4V 8 ww w .miele .ca Email : galleryON@miele .ca Te l : 1. 8 6 6 . 7 5 8 . 0 4 6 2 Miele Gallery in V ancouver 69 Smithe Str eet V ancouver , BC V6 B 1C 3 ww w .miele .ca Email : galleryBC@miele .
デバイスMiele S6 Dimensionの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Miele S6 Dimensionをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMiele S6 Dimensionの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Miele S6 Dimensionの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Miele S6 Dimensionで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Miele S6 Dimensionを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMiele S6 Dimensionの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Miele S6 Dimensionに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMiele S6 Dimensionデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。