Mitsumi electronicメーカーAJ65BT- 64DAV/DAIの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Digit al-Analog Converter Module type AJ65BT - 64DA V/DAI User's Manual.
A - 1 • SAFETY PRECAUTIONS • (Read these precautions before using this product .) Before using this product, please read this manual a nd the relevant manuals careful ly and pay full attention to safety to handle the product correctly. The instructions giv en in this manual are concerned w i th this product.
A - 2 [Installation Prec autions] ! CAUTION • Use the module in the env ironment given in the general specifications o f this Manual. Using this programmable controller in an env ironment outside t he range of the general specifications could result in electric shock, fire, erroneous operation, and damage to or deterioration of the product.
A - 3 [Wiring Precautions] ! CAUTION When disconnecting the commun ication and power supply cables fro m the module, do not hold and pull the cable part.
A - 4 • CONDITIONS OF USE FOR THE PROD UCT • (1) Mitsubishi programmab le controller ("the PRODUCT") shall be used in condit ions; i) where any problem, fault or failure occurring in t h.
A - 5 REVI SIO NS * The manu al number i s given on the bot tom left of the bac k cover. Print Dat e * Manua l Num ber Revision Jan., 1997 SH(N A)-36 15-A First print ing Jun., 2000 SH(N A)-3615- B Addition of Q s eries t ypes Chapter 2, Sect ion 3.2, Section 3.
A - 6 Introduction Thank you for purc hasing the M itsub ishi ME LSEC-A Series Gener al Purp ose Pr ogram m able Contro ller. Before us ing the e quipm ent, ples e read th is m anual ca ref ully to de.
A - 7 4. SETUP AN D PREPARATION BEFORE OPE RATION 4- 1 to 4 - 8 4.1 Pr ecaut ions W hen Handling .................................................................................................................... 4- 1 4.2 Nam e of Each Part .........
A - 8 About this Manual The f ollowing ar e m anuals related to this pr oduct. Request f or the m anuals as needed accor ding to the char t below. Rel ated Ma nuals Manual N ame Manual N o.
A - 9 MEMO.
1. OVERVIEW MELSEC-A 1-1 1. OVERVIEW This user's manual describes the specificati on and handling of AJ65BT- 64DAV digital analog voltage conversion module (abbreviated as AJ65BT -64DAV from here.
2. SYSTEM CONFIGUR ATION MELSEC-A 2-1 2. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION (1) Applicable master modules For available master modules, visit the CC -Link Partner Associations (CLPA) website at: ht tp : // www.c c -l i nk . or g / Remark Check the specifications of the master module before use.
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-1 3. SPECIFICATIONS The general specifications, performance specifications, and I/O characteristics of the AJ65BT-64DAV/DA I are explained. 3.1 General Specification The general specifications of the AJ65B T -64DAV/DAI are show n in Table 3.
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-2 3.2 Performance Specification The performance specification of the AJ65BT -64DAV/DAI is show n Table 3.2: Table 3.2 Performance specification Specification Item AJ65BT-6.
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-3 *1 Max imum resolution of analog value The max imum resolution of analog value means the variation of analog value when the digital value changes for "1". *2 Total accuracy The total accuracy is the accuracy of the maximum analog output value.
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-4 3.3 I/O Conversion Characteristics The I/O conv ersion characteristics of the AJ65BT-64DAV/D AI are explained. 3.3.1 Of f set value and gain value (1) Offset value This .
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-5 2 The follow ing graph shows the I/O characteristics when the offset and gain v alues of the AJ65BT-64DAV are changed: Example Figure 3.
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-6 (2) W hen AJ65BT-64DAI is used: 20 (mA) 15 10 5 0 0 4000 4095 Offset value Gain va lue A n a l o g o u t p u t c u r r e n t Digital input value Analog output practical range Figure 3.
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-7 2 The follow ing graph shows the I/O characterist ic when the offset and gain v alues of the AJ65BT-64DAI are changed: 20 (mA) 15 10 5 0 0 4095 4000 A n a l o g o u t p u t c u r r e n t Digital input valu e Analog output practical range Example Figure 3.
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-8 3.4 Various Functions to Control the Analog Output Various functions to control the analog out put of the AJ65BT-64DAV/DAI are ex plained.
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-9 Table 3.3 Analog output status combination list HOLD /CLEAR se tting CLEA R HOLD Analog output enable signal Enable (on) Prohibit (off) Enable (on)/Prohibit (off) Settin.
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-10 3.5 I/O Signals to the Master Station Assignment of the I/O signals and function of each signal are ex plained. 3.5.1 I/O signal l ist The AJ65BT -64DAV/DAI uses 32 input points and 32 output points for ex changing signals with the master station.
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-11 3.5.2 Function s of the I/O sign als Functions of the I/O signals of the AJ65BT-64D AV/DAI are shown in T able 3.5. Table 3.
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-12 3.6 Remote Register The AJ65BT -64DAV/DAI has a remote register (does not have backup) for data communication w ith the master module. The remote register a llocation and data structure are described below. 3.6.1 Allocation of the remot e regist er The allocation of the remote register is show n in Table 3.
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-13 3.6.2 Digit al value setting area f or channels 1 t hrough 4 (1) This area is used to w rite the digital val ue for the D/A conversion from the programmable controller CPU.
3. SPECIFICATIONS MELSEC-A 3-14 3.6.4 Set value checking code st orage ar ea for channels 1 throug h 4 This area is used to check if the digital value is w ith in or out of the setting range. One of the following checking codes is stored when the digital v al ue lower or higher than the setting range is set.
4. SETUP AND PREPARATION BEFOR E OPERATION MELSEC- A 4-1 4. SETUP AND PREPARATION BEFORE OPERATION 4.1 Precautions When Handling The precautions w hen handling the AJ65BT-64DAV/DA I are described below: CAUTI ON z Do not touch any terminal w hile power is on.
4. SETUP AND PREPARATION BEFOR E OPERATION MELSEC- A 4-2 4.2 Name of Each Part The name of each part in the AJ65BT -64DAV/DAI is described. MITS UBIS HI AJ65BT-64DA X10 X 1 STATION NO.
4. SETUP AND PREPARATION BEFOR E OPERATION MELSEC- A 4-3 Number Na me Descriptio n 7 Operation status display LED AJ65BT-64DAV 1 3 5 7 9 1 11 31 51 71 92 12 32 5 2 7 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2 0 22 24 2.
4. SETUP AND PREPARATION BEFOR E OPERATION MELSEC- A 4-4 4.3 Offset/Gain Setting W hen changing the I/O conversion characteristics, follow the procedure below .
4. SETUP AND PREPARATION BEFOR E OPERATION MELSEC- A 4-5 Point (1) Set the offset and gain values in the actual usage state. (2) The offset and gain values are stored in the AJ65BT-64DAV/DAI, and are not erased ev en the power supply is shut off. (3) Perform the offset/gain setting when the programmable controller CPU is stopped.
4. SETUP AND PREPARATION BEFOR E OPERATION MELSEC- A 4-6 4.6 Data link Cable Wiring The w iring of the CC-Link dedicated cable w hic h connects the AJ65BT-64DAV/DAI and the master module is described.
4. SETUP AND PREPARATION BEFOR E OPERATION MELSEC- A 4-7 4.7 Wiring Precautions when w iring the AJ65BT-64DAV/DAI and how to w ire to the external devices are explained.
4. SETUP AND PREPARATION BEFOR E OPERATION MELSEC- A 4-8 (2) W iring example of the AJ65BT-64DAI and ex ternal devices is shown in Figure 4.2. *1 Use a tw o-core twist shielded line for the w iring. *2 W hen noise or ripple generates within the ex ternal w iring, connect a condenser with about 0.
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-1 5. PROGRAMMING The programming procedure, basic read/w rite programs, and program examples for the AJ65BT-64DAV/DA I are described. W hen applying any of the program examples introduced in this chapter to the actual system, v erify the applicability and confirm that no problems w ill occur in the system control.
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-2 5.2 Conditions of Program Example The program ex amples in this chapter are created under the following conditions. (1) System configuration (2) Relationships between pro.
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-3 POINT Some CPU modules may not accept the dev ic es used in the program example in this chapter. For the setting ranges of the devices , refer to the user's manual of the CPU module used. For the A1SHCPU, for ex ample, devices X100, Y100 and later are unusable.
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-4 5.3 Program Example for Us e of the QCPU (Q mode) The program ex amples in this section are created under the following conditions. GX D eveloper is used to set the netw ork and automatic refresh parameters. Using the remote device station initialization procedure registration function facilitates initial settings.
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-5 (2) Initial setting by remote device station initializ ation procedure registration (a) Setting the target station number Set the station number to which initial setting w ill be made. Set the target station number to "1".
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-6 (3) Program example.
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-7 *1: W hen making remote device station initializati on procedure registration to multiple stations, correct the program within the dotted line 1) as show n below. [System configuration] [Corrected program] RX(m+1)B and R X(n+1)B are remote READY .
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-8 [Usage in combination with other remote dev ice stations] (1) Depending on the remote device stations to be used, the program enclosed by the dotted line 1) has two programming patterns as show n in the above and the below figures.
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-9 (2) W hen using the program enclosed by the dotted line 1) in combination with other remote device stations, correct the program as show n below.
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-10 5.4 Program Example for Use of the QnACPU GX D eveloper is used to set the netw ork and automatic refresh parameters. (1) Parameter setting (a) Network parameter setting.
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-11 (2) Program example *Chec kin g of A J65B T-64D AV stat us *Processing at initial settings *Anal og output enab le/disabl e specific ation Digital value setting Analo g .
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-12 5.5 Program Example for Use of t he ACPU/QCPU (A mode) (dedicated instructions) A sequence program is used to set the network and automatic refresh parameters.
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-13 Sets RX starting number Sets "X " Sets X4 00 Sets 32p oints Sets RY starting number Sets "Y " Sets Y4 00 Sets 32p oints Sets RW st arting number Sets.
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-14 *Checkin g of AJ65BT-64DAV statu s *Changing o f initial settings *Initial set tings *Proce ssing at ini tial settings *Setting o f digital values *Analog ou tput enable.
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-15 *Processing at error occurence Reads CH. Check code (RWr0, RWr1, RWr2, RWr3 ) Reads error code(RWr4) Turns on er ror res e t request flag (RY1A) Turns off error reset re.
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-16 5.6 Program Example for Use of t he ACPU/QCPU (A mode) (FROM/TO instructions).
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-17 *Initia l settings *Changing of Initial setti ngs *Processing at initial settings *Setting of digital va lues *Analog output enable/ disable specificat ion Offset/g ain .
5. PRO GRAMMING MELSE C-A 5-18 *Proces sing at er ror o ccurence Error r eset Read CH. Check code (RWr0, RWr1, RWr2, RWr3) Read error c ode (RWr4) Tur ns on e rror r eset reques t flag (RY1 A) Turns o.
6. TROUBLESHOOTING MELSEC-A 6-1 6. TROUBLESHOOTING The details of the errors w hich may occur w hen using the AJ65BT -64DAV/DAI and troubleshooting are described.
6. TROUBLESHOOTING MELSEC-A 6-2 6.2.1 W hen a communication f ault occurs between the mast er station and t his module If the station-number-overlapping bit is turned on in the link special resister S.
APPENDIX MELSEC-A App-1 APPENDIX Appendix 1 External Dimens ions of the AJ65BT-64DAV NP 2- 4.5 (0.18) Installation hole Unit: mm (inch) 6 3 ( 2 . 4 8 ) 9 . 5 ( 0 . 3 7 ) 5 6 ( 2 . 2 ) 6 5 ( 2 . 5 6 ) 143 (5.63) 151.9 (5.98) MITSUBIS HI AJ65BT-64DAV X10 X1 STATIO N NO.
APPENDIX MELSEC-A App-2 Appendix 2 External Dimensi ons of the AJ65BT-64DAI NP 2- 4.5 (0.18) Installation hole Unit: mm (inch) 6 3 ( 2 . 4 8 ) 9 . 5 ( 0 . 3 7 ) 5 6 ( 2 . 2 ) 6 5 ( 2 . 5 6 ) 143 (5.63) 151.9 (5.98) MITSUBIS HI AJ65 BT-64D AI X10 X1 STATIO N NO.
WARRANT Y Please confirm the foll owing product w arranty details before using this product. 1. Gratis W arranty T erm and Gratis W ar ranty R ange If any faults or defects (hereinaf ter "Failure.
SH(NA)-3615- G(1012)MEE MODEL: AJ65BT -64DA-U-S-E MODEL CODE: 13J895 Specifications subject to change without notice. When exported from Japan, this manual does not require application to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for service transaction permission.
デバイスMitsumi electronic AJ65BT- 64DAV/DAIの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Mitsumi electronic AJ65BT- 64DAV/DAIをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMitsumi electronic AJ65BT- 64DAV/DAIの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Mitsumi electronic AJ65BT- 64DAV/DAIの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Mitsumi electronic AJ65BT- 64DAV/DAIで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Mitsumi electronic AJ65BT- 64DAV/DAIを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMitsumi electronic AJ65BT- 64DAV/DAIの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Mitsumi electronic AJ65BT- 64DAV/DAIに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMitsumi electronic AJ65BT- 64DAV/DAIデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。