MomentumメーカーModbus Plus 170 PNT Seriesの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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31002940.0 0 170 PNT Series Modbus Plus Communication Adapters for Momentum User Guide 870 USE 10 3 00 Version 2. 0 3100 29 40 00.
2 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001.
3 Tabl e of Co nt en ts About the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 At a Glanc e . . . . . .
4 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001.
870 USE 10 3 00 Januar y, 2001 5 About the Boo k At a Glance Document Sc ope This man ual de scribe s the functi onalit y of th e 170 PNT Series Modbu s Plus Commun ic ati on Adap ters .
6 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 Product Related Warnings Sch neider Elec tric a ssumes n o res ponsibi lity for an y er rors th at m ay appe ar in this documen t. If yo u have any s ugges tions for im provemen ts or a mendm ents o r have found errors in th is pub licat ion, pl ease noti fy us .
870 USE 10 3 00 May 20 01 7 1 Introduction At a Glance Purpose Thi s cha pter giv es an ov ervie w of the Mome ntum M odbus Plus Co mmun ication Adapter mod els 1 70 PNT 11 0 20 an d 170 PNT 160 2 0 and d escribes their sta tus in di cat o rs, ad dres s switch es, po rts a nd cabl ing.
Introduction 8 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 Product Overvi ew Overv iew Th is sect ion pr ovid es an overv iew o f t he fe atur es and funct ion of the Mo mentu m Mod bus Pl us C o mmun ica ti on Ad apt ers. Funct ion The Modbu s Plus C ommuni cation Adapters can be connec ted to an y Mom entum I/ O bas e to c reate a functional I /O modul e.
Introduction 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 9 Environm ental Specif ication The adapt er con forms to th e enviro nmental sp ecific ation for th e I/O b ase upon w hich it is mou nted. For furthe r informat ion refer to the Mome ntum I/O Bases Use r Manua l, part num ber 870 USE 002 0 0 .
Introduction 10 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 Statu s Indicator s Overv iew Th is sec tion descri bes the s ta tus indica tor s for ea ch mo del, g ives a diagr am of t he indicato rs, and expla ins how to interpr et the i ndicator p atterns. Indic ators Each mod el has a front panel indic ator showin g its network communica tion statu s.
Introduction 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 11 Modbus Pl us Channel Error Indica tors Model 170 PNT 1 60 20 display s the foll owing error i ndicator p atterns: Indicator (Red) Status Channel A Error Commun ications error at network port A . Channel B Error Commun ications error at network port B .
Introduction 12 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 Address Switches Overv iew This sect ion describes the addres s switche s and explains how to use the m to set the modul e addre ss. Two R ota ry Switches Each M odbus Plu s Co mmunic ation Adapter h as two ro tary sw itches on the lower left portion of the fron t panel.
Introduction 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 13 Examp le of Node Addr ess Assign ment The fig ure below shows typical addres s assi gnments for a ne twork with one control ler an d four c ommunic ation adapte rs.
Introduction 14 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 Setting the Switches The fig ure below illu strates how to set a Modbu s Plus Node Address. Do not inst all any adapter unless yo u have set it s Modbus PLus address f or your applicati on.
Introduction 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 15 Ports and Cabling Over view This sec tion provide s informatio n about ports and cabling for the Momen tum Modbu s Plus C ommunic ation Adapter s. Ports Model 17 0 PNT 1 10 20 h as one Modb us Plu s port for connec tio n to a n etwork with a single trunk cable.
Introduction 16 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001.
870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 17 2 Assembling a Communications Adapter and I/O Base At a Glance Purpose Thi s chapter explains how a Comm unicati on Adapter con nects w ith an I/O base, how to ass emble a m odule, and how to labe l the ass embled m odule. It also i nclud es a proce dure for disa ssembling a module .
Assembling Adapter and I/O Base 18 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 Connections Bet ween the Adapter a nd I/O Base Overv iew This se ction expl ains the conn ections be tween a Com municat ion Adapter a nd an I/ O base.
Assembling Adapter and I/O Base 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 19 Assembling the I/O Base and the Adapter Over view This se ction conta ins sa fety prec aution s for hand ling co mp onents and a pro cedure for assem bling an I/O base and an adapte r.
Assembling Adapter and I/O Base 20 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 3 Align the two plastic snap extensions on the Adapter with the slots on the sides of the I/O base.
Assembling Adapter and I/O Base 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 21 Labeli ng the Assembled Mod ule Over view A front p ane l l abe l is supplied with each I/O b as e.
Assembling Adapter and I/O Base 22 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 Disassembling an Adapter from an I/ O Base Overv iew Th is se ct ion conta ins safet y prec aut ions a nd a p roce dure f or di sass embli ng an ad apter f rom an I/O base. Tools Required A flat-he ad sc rew driv er may be ne eded to disa ssemble the unit.
Assembling Adapter and I/O Base 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 23 3 Use a screwdriver to push the c lips on both sides of the adapter inward, as shown in the ill ustration below.
Assembling Adapter and I/O Base 24 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001.
870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 25 3 Using M odbus Plus for D istributed I/O Servic ing At a Glance Purpose Thi s cha pter explains how best to c onfigure a network for effi cient servi cing o f distrib uted I/ O.
Modbus Plus for DIO Servicing 26 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 Strategi es for Distributed I/O Servicing Overv iew Modbus Plus network s can b e used to se rvice multi -purpose c ontrol appli cations, or they can be organ ized for the most ef ficient serv icin g of d istribu ted I/O devices.
Modbus Plus for DIO Servicing 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 27 Network Configurat ion Over view This sec tion contain s guideline s f or configu ring a Mo dbus Pl us netw ork for distrib uted I/ O serv icing.
Modbus Plus for DIO Servicing 28 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 Modbus Plus Network Layouts Overv iew This sec tion p rovide s two ex amples of Mod bus Plus net work layouts using com muni cati on ad apte rs in a dist r ibu t ed I /O cont rol a pplic ati on.
Modbus Plus for DIO Servicing 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 29 Dual Cable Examp le The exam ple below ill ustrates a du al cable co nfiguration. Networ k T r unk Cab le A Networ k T r unk Cab le B Programm.
Modbus Plus for DIO Servicing 30 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001.
870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 31 4 How Com munication Adapters Handle Messages At a Glance Purpose Thi s cha pter descr ibes how messa ges are defin ed in t he app licati on and how mess ages ar e trans acted on the network .
Communication Adapter Message Handling 32 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 How Messages Are Defined in the Application Overv iew This sec tion d escribes where and h ow mes sages are de fined in the applicat ion. Pee r Co p T abl e The us er de fin es I /O m es sa ge t rans ac tio ns in th e Pe er Cop table of the c on t rol ler.
Communication Adapter M essage Handling 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 33 How Messages are Transacted Over view This sec tion expl ains how a Commun ication Ad apter relay s informa tion betwee n its I/O base and a program mable co ntroller. The Right to Tran smi t A token frame is pas sed f rom nod e to no de in a rotati ng address s equen ce.
Communication Adapter Message Handling 34 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001.
870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 35 5 Communication Access Registers At a Glance Purpose Thi s cha pter descr ibes the t hree types of communic ation a ccess r egisters.
Communication Access Registers 36 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 Overview of Register Types Purpose Each ad apte r conta ins thre e groups of intern al regis ters th at enabl e the app licat ion program to communic ate with the I/O base modul e. This sec tion d escribes the three register types , their funct ions and how they are acce ssed.
Communication Acces s Registers 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 37 Diagram of Register Typ e s The thre e group s of intern al registers are ill ustrated i n the diagram be low.
Communication Access Registers 38 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 Data Regist ers Overv iew This sectio n describes th e use, field length and acce ss to data re gisters. Use Starting reference 40001 (hex) is used to address input d ata from field input s and output data to field outputs.
Communication Acces s Registers 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 39 Configurati on Registers Over view This se ction describe s the functio n and paramete rs for module tim eout and mod ule ownersh ip register s.
Communication Access Registers 40 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 Not e that this 60 - sec ond Wri te Pr ivile ge ti mer is sep arat e from the Out puts Holdu p timer, and applies on ly to the wri te privilege . Any node m ay read the in put dat a or status inform ation f rom the a dapter.
Communication Acces s Registers 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 41 Status Register s Over view This sec t io n de sc rib es the f unction and p ara meters of the m od ule status bloc k a nd the ASCII h eader block.
Communication Access Registers 42 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001 ASCII Header Block Func tion Thes e regi ste rs con tain an ASC II te xt desc riptio n of t he modu le. ASCII Header Block Parameters The bl ock leng th depends u pon the type of I/O base to which the ad apter is con nect ed.
Communication Acces s Registers 870 USE 10 3 00 May 2001 43 Examp les of an ASCII Header Block The fig ure below shows two ex amples o f an ASCII H ead er Block.
Communication Access Registers 44 870 US E 103 00 May 2 001.
デバイスMomentum Modbus Plus 170 PNT Seriesの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Momentum Modbus Plus 170 PNT Seriesをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMomentum Modbus Plus 170 PNT Seriesの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Momentum Modbus Plus 170 PNT Seriesの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Momentum Modbus Plus 170 PNT Seriesで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Momentum Modbus Plus 170 PNT Seriesを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMomentum Modbus Plus 170 PNT Seriesの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Momentum Modbus Plus 170 PNT Seriesに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMomentum Modbus Plus 170 PNT Seriesデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。