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Safety • Assembl y • Operation • Adjustment • Maintenance • T roubleshooting • W arranty Warning : This uni t is equip ped with a n internal com bustio n engine an d should not b e used on.
2 Finding and Recor ding Model Number Model Number Serial Number Please do NO T return the unit to the retailer from whic h it was purc hased, without fir st contacting Customer Suppor t.
3 1 Slope Gauge W ARNING Do not mo w on inclines with a slope in e xcess of 1 5 degrees (a rise of appro xima tely 2 - 1/ 2 fee t ev ery 1 0 fe et) . A riding mo wer cou ld ov erturn and ca use seriou s injury . Operat e riding mo wers up and dow n slopes, ne ver a cross the fa ce of slopes .
4 2 Safe Operat ion Practices Children 1 . T ragi c acci dents can o ccur if t he operator is n ot aler t to the pres ence of ch ildren. Chil dren are often attr acted to the mac hine and t he mowing ac tivit y . They do not und erstan d the dang ers.
5 2 Safe Operation Practices W ARNING This s ymbol points out important sa fety instructions w hich, if not f ollow ed, could endange r the personal saf ety and /or propert y of y ourself an d others. Rea d and follo w all instructions in thi s man- ual bef ore a ttempting to opera te this mach ine.
6 Slope Operati on : Slop es are a major factor rel ated to loss of co ntrol and tip -over acc idents wh ich ca n result in severe injur y or death. All s lopes re quire extra c aution. If you ca nnot back up t he slop e or if you feel uneasy on it, d o not mow it.
7 2 Safe Operat ion Practices This s ymbol points out important sa fety instructions w hich, if not f ollow ed, could endange r the personal saf ety and /or propert y of y ourself an d others. Rea d and follo w all instructions in thi s man- ual bef ore a ttempting to opera te this mach ine.
8 3 Setting Up Y our Lawn T ractor NO TE: This Operat ors Manual co ve rs a range of product specif ications for v ariou s models. Cha racteristics an d fea tur es discussed and / or illust rated i n this man ual may not be applicable to a ll models.
9 3 W ARNING Make sure the rid ing mower’ s engine is off, remov e the igni- tion ke y , and set the parking brak e before remov ing the shippin g brace. Setting Up Y our Lawn T ractor The shippin g brace, used for packagi ng purposes onl y , must be remov ed and discarded before operating y our ridi ng mower .
10 Attaching The Seat Seat st yles var y by tractor mo del and there are t hree dif ferent st yles available : • Stand ard Adjust ment • Quic k Adjustm ent & • Knob Ad justment If the seat for your trac tor was not att ached at the fac tor y , refer to Fig.
11 3 W ARNING Setting Up Y our Lawn T ractor Figure 3-8 Identifying the Mulch Plug On trac tor mode ls so equi pped, a mul ch plug c an be found wit hin the cu tti ng deck ’s discharg e opening. NOT E : Refer to Mulching in t he “O perating Y our Lawn T rac tor” se ctio n of this manua l for more detaile d informa- tion.
12 4 Operating Y our Lawn T ractor Kno w Y our La wn T ractor Figure 4-1 A Spee d Control Lever/ Parki ng Brake E Throt tle Contr ol Lever B Clutch -Br ake P edal F Ignit ion Switc h Modu le C Shif t .
13 4 Operating Y our Lawn T ractor W ARNING Never lea ve a ru nning machine unattended. Alwa ys d isengage PTO , mov e shift lever int o neutral position, set parking brak e, stop engine and remo ve k ey to pre vent un intended starting.
14 NOT E : The parki ng brake must be set if th e operator leaves the seat with t he engine r unning or th e engine will automat ically s hut off. Clutch-Brake P edal The clu tch- brake pedal i s located o n the lef t side of the lawn trac tor , along the r unning bo ard.
15 4 Operating Y our Lawn T ractor Rever se Caution Mode ( Mo dels e quip ped wit h ignitio n switch modul e) W ARN IN G : Us e extreme c autio n while ope rating t he trac tor in th e REVERSE CA UT ION M ODE . Always look d own and be hind b efore an d while b ackin g.
17 4 Operating Y our Lawn T ractor W ARNING W ARN IN G : Be fore le aving the op erato r’ s posi tion for a ny reason, d ise ngag e the bla des, p lac e the shi ft lever in n eutral, eng age th e parkin g brake, sh ut engi ne off and re move the key .
18 4 Operating Y our Lawn T ractor Mowing W ARN IN G : T o hel p avoid blad e cont act or a thrown ob jec t injury , kee p bystand ers, hel pers, c hild ren and p ets at l eas t 7 5 fe et from the m achi ne whil e it is in o pera tion. Stop m achi ne if anyone e nters th e area .
19 Mulching Selec t mod els come e quippe d with a mul ch kit wh ich incor porates sp ecial b lades, already s tandard o n the tractor, in a process of rec irculat ing grass c lippi ngs repeatedl y beneath th e cut ting de ck. The ul tra-fine clip pings are t hen forced bac k into the lawn where t hey act as a natura l fert ilizer .
20 W ARN IN G : N ever atte mpt to m ake any adju stme nts whil e the e ngine i s running , except w here sp eci fied i n the op erato r’ s manu al. Leveling the Dec k NOT E : Check t he tractor ’ s tire pres sure before per form- ing any dec k leveling adjustm ents.
21 5 W ARNING Adjusting Y our Lawn T ractor P arking Brake Adjustment W ARN IN G : N ever atte mpt to a djust th e brake s whil e the eng ine is ru nning. Always dis enga ge P T O, move shift lever in to neu tral pos ition, s top eng ine an d remove key to prevent un inte nde d startin g.
22 6 Maintaining Y our Lawn T ractor Figure 6-1 W ARNING Before per form ing any mai ntenance or repairs, disengage PTO , mov e shift lever int o neutral position, set parking brak e, stop engine and remo ve k ey to pre vent un intended starting.
23 6 Maintaining Y our Lawn T ractor Figure 6-2 Cleaning the Engine And Deck Any fuel or oil s pilled on t he machi ne should be w iped off pr omptly. Do NO T allow d ebris to ac cumulate aroun d the co oling fins of t he engine o r on any other par t of the machin e.
24 6 Maintaining Y our Lawn T ractor Tires W ARN IN G : N ever excee d the m aximum infla tion p ressure s hown on th e side wall of tire. The rec ommend ed operati ng tire pressure i s: • Ap proxim.
25 6 Maintaining Y our Lawn T ractor W ARNING Periodi cally inspect the blade spindles for cracks or damage, especially if y ou strik e a foreign object.
26 Changing the Deck Belt W ARN IN G : Be s ure to shut t he eng ine off, remove ignit ion key , disc onne ct the spa rk plug wire (s ) and g round ag ainst the e ngin e to prevent uni ntend ed st arting befo re removing th e belt . All bel t on your tractor are sub ject to wear and sh ould be replac ed if any signs of wear are pres ent.
27 6 Maintaining Y our Lawn T ractor Engine Pulley 42-Inch Deck Idler Brac ket Deck Idler Pulle ys Figure 6-9 Figure 6-10 4 6- I n c h D e c k Idler Pulleys Belt Cover.
28 7 O f f - S e a s o n S t o r a g e / A t t a c h m e n t s W ARNING Drain fuel only i nto an approv ed container outdoors, aw ay from an open flame. Allo w engine to coo l. Ex tingu ish cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other sources of ignition pr ior to draini ng fuel.
29 8 Safety Labels W ARNING Th is s ymb ol po in ts ou t i mp orta nt sa f ety in st ruc tio ns wh ich , if no t fo ll ow ed , co uld en dan ge r the p ers on al sa f ety an d / o r p ro pe rty of y o urs el f a nd o the rs . Re a d a nd f oll o w a ll in st ruc tio ns in th is ma nu al be f or e at - t emp ti ng t o o pe ra te th is ma chi ne .
30 Cause Pr oblem Remed y En gine fail s to start 1 . PTO engaged. 2. Spark pl ug wire ( s) di sconn ected. 3. Fuel tank empt y or stal e fuel. 4. Choke not acti vated. 5. Faulty spar k plug. 6. Bloc ked fuel line. 7 . Engine flo oded. 8. Parking brake not eng aged.
31 9 T roub le Shooting For r epa irs beyond the minor adjustments list ed here, contact an authorized service deal er . En gine ov erhe ats 1 . Fill cran kcase with pr oper oil. 2. Clean gra ss clip pings an d debri s from around t he engine’s cooling fins and bl ower housing.
32 R e p l a c e m e n t P ar ts NOT E : Phone ( 80 0 ) 80 0-73 1 0 to order replac ement par ts or a co mplete Part s Manual ( have your full m odel n umbe r and serial num ber ready) . Part s Manual down loads are also availab le free of charg e at ww w.
33 NO TES Use this pag e to make notes and write down important information..
CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL W ARRANTY ST A TEMENT Y OUR W ARRANTY RIGHTS AND OBLIGA TIONS The Ca liforn ia Air Re sourc es Boar d and MT D Cons umer Gro up Inc are p leas ed to expla in the evap orati ve emiss ion c ontro l system warra nty o n your 20 07 lawn mower.
The limi ted warranty set for th b elow is given by MTD LLC with res pect to new merchan dise purc hased and u sed in the Un ited States, its posse ssions an d territorie s.
デバイスMTD 760-779の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
MTD 760-779をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMTD 760-779の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。MTD 760-779の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。MTD 760-779で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
MTD 760-779を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMTD 760-779の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、MTD 760-779に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMTD 760-779デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。