National InstrumentsメーカーNI-VXIの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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MXI TM Getting Started with Your PCI-MXI-2 and the NI-VXI TM /NI-VISA TM So ftware for Linux PCI-MXI- 2 for Linux May 2002 Edi tion Part Numb er 37055 1A-01.
Supp ort Worl dwide Tec hnical Supp ort and Pro duct Inform ation Nati onal In strum ents C orpor ate He adqu art ers 11500 Nor th Mop ac Expressway Austin, T exas 787 59-35 04 USA Te l: 512 68.
Important Information Warrant y The National Instruments MXIbus boards and accessories are warrante d against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the da te of shipment , as evidenc ed by receipt s or other documenta tion.
Compliance FCC/Canad a Radio Freq uency Interfere nce Compliance* Determining FCC Class The Fed eral Co mmunicati ons Commis sion ( FCC) h as rules t o prote ct wire less commu nicat ions from interfe rence. The F CC places digi tal electron ics into two classes.
Canadia n Depar tment o f Commun ications This Class B di gital appa ratus meet s all requirem ents of the Canadia n Interfere nce-Ca using Equi pment Re gulations. Cet appare il numériqu e de la classe B respe cte toutes les exi gences du Règlement sur le matéri el brouille ur du Canad a.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion vii PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Contents About This M anual How To Use the Manual Set ................ ........... ................. ........... ................. ............ ...... xi Convention s ............. .......
Contents PCI-MXI-2 for Linu x viii VXIbus CLK10 Ro uting ........... ........... ................. ........... ................. ............ .. 3-8 Trigger Input Termination .. ................. ........... ................. ............ .....
Contents © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion ix PCI-MXI-2 for Linux VXI/VME Shared Memory ................. ................. ........... ................. . 6-6 VXI/VME Shared RAM Size ................ ........... ................. . 6 -7 Shared RAM Pool .
Contents PCI-MXI-2 for Linu x x Advanced MXI Settings ................... ............ ................. ........... ........ 6-28 MXI Auto Retr y ............ ................. ........... ................. ........ 6-28 Transfer Limit .......
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion xi PCI-MXI-2 for Linux About This Manual This manual co ntains i nstructions for inst alling and co nf iguring the National Instruments P CI-MXI-2 kit s for Linux . The VXI MXI-2 ki t includes a VXI-MXI-2 modu le that plugs into a VXI mainframe an d links your PCI-b ased computer to the VXIb us.
About This Ma nual PCI-MXI-2 for Linu x xii Begin by reading this getting started manual to guid e you through the install ation and con fi guration of the hardw are and s oftwa re. Y ou shoul d install and configure the components of the PCI-MXI -2 kit in the order in which this manual describes th em.
About This Ma nual © Nationa l Instrume nts Corpora tion xiii PCI-MXI-2 for Li nux italic Italic text denotes variables, emphasis, a cross reference, an intr oduction to a ke y concept, or te xt as it appears on a hardwar e label. This font also denotes te xt that is a p laceholder for a word or value that you must supply .
© National Inst ruments Cor poration 1-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 1 Introduction and Quick Start This chapter describe s the PCI-MXI-2 kits, list s what you need to ge t started, introdu ces the concepts of MXI-2, and includes a brief description of the hardwar e and so ftware.
Chapte r 1 Intr oduct ion and Qu ick St art PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 1-2 How to Use This Manual VXI VME Gather What Y ou Need to Get Star ted Chapter 2 Chapter 6 Chapter 5 Chapter 7 Chapter 4 Softwa.
Chapt er 1 Introduc tio n and Quic k St art © National Inst ruments Cor poration 1-3 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux PCI-MXI-2 Kit Over view The PCI-MXI-2 ki ts link any computer with a PCI bus (her eafter referred to as a PCI-based computer) directly to the VXIbu s or VMEb us using th e high-speed Multisystem eXtension Interface bus (MXI-2).
Chapte r 1 Intr oduct ion and Qu ick St art PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 1-4 In addi tion, MXI-2 b oosts data throughput performan ce past pre vious-gener ation MXIb us products b y def ining n e w high-per formance protocols. MXI-2 is a s uperset of MXI.
Chapt er 1 Introduc tio n and Quic k St art © National Inst ruments Cor poration 1-5 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux PCI bus to the VMEb us. The VME-MXI-2 can automatically deter mine if it is located in the first slot of a VMEb us chassis and if it is the MXIbus System Controller .
Chapte r 1 Intr oduct ion and Qu ick St art PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 1-6 Optional Software Your PCI-MXI-2 kit includes the NI-VXI/NI-VISA bus interface software. In addi tion, you can use Nation al Instrume nts La bVIEW to ease yo ur programmi ng task.
Chapt er 1 Introduc tio n and Quic k St art © National Inst ruments Cor poration 1-7 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Hardware Inst allation To guard agains t electrostatic discharge, touch the antistatic plastic package to a metal par t of your comp uter before remov ing the PCI-MXI-2 from the pack age.
Chapte r 1 Intr oduct ion and Qu ick St art PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 1-8 Installing an d Loading t he NI-VXI/ NI-VISA Software for L inux For information on ins talling, uninstalling , or using the NI-VXI/NI-VISA software, refer to Chapter 5, NI-VXI/NI-VISA Softw are Insta llation .
Chapt er 1 Introduc tio n and Quic k St art © National Inst ruments Cor poration 1-9 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux The same functionality is available in victext with the vxiinreg command. Y ou can use help vxiinreg for the command’ s parameter desc ript ion .
Chapte r 1 Intr oduct ion and Qu ick St art PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 1-10 Table 1-2. PCI-MXI -2 Logic al Address C onfig uration Edi tor Defaul t Setti ngs Editor Field Default Setting Logical Addre.
Chapt er 1 Introduc tio n and Quic k St art © National Inst ruments Cor poration 1-11 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux Tabl e 1-3 . PCI-MX I-2 De vice Co nfi gurat ion Ed itor Defa ult Set ting s Editor Field De.
Chapte r 1 Intr oduct ion and Qu ick St art PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 1-12 VXI/VME-MXI -2 This section summar izes the hardware and software defa ult settings fo r the VXI-MXI-2 and VME-MXI-2.
Chapt er 1 Introduc tio n and Quic k St art © National Inst ruments Cor poration 1-13 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux Table 1- 6. VME-MXI- 2 Hardwa re Defa ult Set tings Hardwar e Component Default Sett ing A16.
Chapte r 1 Intr oduct ion and Qu ick St art PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 1-14 VXI/VME Arbiter T imeout Enab led MXI System Controller Auto MXI Bus Timeout V alue 1 ms MXI Auto Retry Disab led MXI T rans.
© National Inst ruments Cor poration 2-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 2 PCI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation This chapter contains the instructions to co nfigure and install the PCI-M XI- 2 mo dule. Caution El ectrostati c dischar ge can dam age se v eral compon ents on your PCI-MXI-2 module.
Chapter 2 PCI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 2-2 Figu re 2-1 . PCI-MXI-2 Parts Locator Diagram 1U 1 7 2D R A M 2 1.
Chapter 2 PCI-MXI-2 Conf iguration and I nstallation © National Inst ruments Cor poration 2-3 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Configuration E EPROM The PCI- MXI-2 has an onboard EE PROM, w hich stor es default register values that are loa ded at power-on.
Chapter 2 PCI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 2-4 Figure 2-2 shows how to install the PCI-MXI-2. Figu re 2-2 . PCI-MXI- 2 Install ed in a Comp uter 1 PCI Bu s Slot 2 Cu.
© National Inst ruments Cor poration 3-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 3 VXI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation This chapter contains the instructions to co nfigure and install the VXI-MXI-2 m odule. Thi s chapter app lies onl y if you ord ered the VX I MXI-2 kit.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 3-2 Figu re 3-1. VXI-MX I-2 Right-Sid e Cover 1U 3 5 2W 2 3W 3 4S 8 5S 9 6S 7 7U 4 3 8S 6 9S 5 10 S4 11 S3 12 S2 (All switches and jumpers shown in default position) WARNING: Turn off power to instruments and cables before installing or removing any modules.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Conf iguration and I nstallation © National Inst ruments Cor poration 3-3 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Front Panel F eatures The VXI-MXI-2 has the following front pan el features: • Three front panel LEDs – SYSFAIL LED indicates that the VMEb us SYSF AIL line is asserted.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 3-4 Logical address 0 is r eserved for the Resource Manager in the VXIb us system. Because the VXI-MXI-2 cannot act as a Resource Manager , do not conf igure the VXI-MXI-2 with a logical address of 0.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Conf iguration and I nstallation © National Inst ruments Cor poration 3-5 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Figure 3-2 shows switch settings for logical ad dress hex 1 and C0.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 3-6 Figur e 3-3. VXIbus Slo t Config uratio n When the VXI-MXI-2 is installed in Slot 0, it becomes the VMEbu s System Controll er .
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Conf iguration and I nstallation © National Inst ruments Cor poration 3-7 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux VXIbus Local Bus If you will be installing more than o ne VXI-MXI-2 in a single VXIbus mainframe, you must configu re the boards to us e the local bus.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 3-8 Figu re 3-4. VXIbus Loca l Bus Confi guratio n VXIbus CLK1 0 Routi ng When the VXI-MXI-2 is install ed in Slot 0 of your mainframe, it supplies the VXIbus C LK10 signal.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Conf iguration and I nstallation © National Inst ruments Cor poration 3-9 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Figu re 3-5 . VXI bus C LK1 0 Rout ing The VXI-MXI-2 can also be conf igured to dri ve the e x ternal CLK SMB signal f rom the VXIb u s CLK10 s ignal.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 3-10 When switch S3 is set so that the VXI-MXI-2 recei ves the SMB CLK10 signal, you ha ve t he optio n to add a 5 0 Ω termination to the signal by setting switch S4.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Conf iguration and I nstallation © National Inst ruments Cor poration 3-11 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux Figu re 3-6. SMB CL K10 Se ttings a.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 3-12 The VXI-MXI-2 can also dri v e or recei v e the MXIbu s CLK10 signal. Switch S7 controls whether the VXI- MXI-2 dri v es MXIb us CLK10 from the VXIb us CLK10 or recei ves MXIbus CLK10.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Conf iguration and I nstallation © National Inst ruments Cor poration 3-13 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux Figu re 3-8 . SMB T rigg er Input T e rminatio n MXIbus T ermination The first and last MXIbus devices connected to the MXIbus — whether it is a single MXI-2 cab le or daisy-chained MXI-2 cables — must terminate the MXIbus.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 3-14 Use swit ch 2 of U 35 to selec t whether y ou want the VXI-MXI-2 t o automatically control termination of the MXIbus. Switch 1 of U35 lets you manually control whether to term inate the MXIbus when automatic termination is turned off.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Conf iguration and I nstallation © National Inst ruments Cor poration 3-15 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux Use switches 3 and 4 of the four-position switch at location U35 to control the operatio n of the EEPR OM.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 3-16 Figure 3-10 shows the configuration settings for EEPR OM operation. The settings of switches 1 and 2 have no ef fect on EEPR OM conf iguration. Figu re 3-10 . EEPROM Operat ion a.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Conf iguration and I nstallation © National Inst ruments Cor poration 3-17 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux Onboard DRAM The VXI-MXI-2 can accommodate up to two 1.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 3-18 You can use 32- or 36- bit SIMMs because DRAM parity is not requir ed. Because the VXI-MXI-2 s upports only one organ ization at a time, all SIMMs installed must be of the same type .
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Conf iguration and I nstallation © National Inst ruments Cor poration 3-19 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux 3. If you are installing the VXI-MXI-2 into a D-size mainframe, install a support designed for installing C-size boards in D-size mainf rames.
Chapter 3 VXI-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 3-20 Figur e 3-12 . MXI-2 Cab le Configu ration Using a PCI-MXI-2 an d a VXI-MXI-2 When you ha v e properly connected the MXI- 2 cable, po wer on the VXIb us mainframe and th en the computer .
© National Inst ruments Cor poration 4-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 4 VME-MXI-2 Configuration and Installation This chapter contains the instructions to co nfigure and install the VME-MXI-2 mo dule. This chapter app lies only i f you ord ered the VME MXI-2 k it.
Chapter 4 VME-MXI-2 Confi guration and I nstallatio n PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 4-2 Figur e 4-1. VME-MX I-2 Pa rts Loc ator Dia gram 1S 2 2U 2 1 3W 2 4U 2 0 5D R A M B a n k 1 6D R A M B a n k 0 1 2 .
Chapt er 4 VME-MXI -2 Conf igur atio n and Inst allat ion © National Inst ruments Cor poration 4-3 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Front Panel F eatures The VME-MXI-2 has the following front panel featu res: • Three front panel LEDs – SYSFAIL LED indicates that the VMEb us SYSF AIL line is asserted.
Chapter 4 VME-MXI-2 Confi guration and I nstallatio n PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 4-4 Figur e 4-2 sho ws switch s ettings for A16 b ase addr ess hex C040 an d F000.
Chapt er 4 VME-MXI -2 Conf igur atio n and Inst allat ion © National Inst ruments Cor poration 4-5 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Figure 4-3 sho ws the f our int ermodule signalin g settings .
Chapter 4 VME-MXI-2 Confi guration and I nstallatio n PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 4-6 Switch 4 has no effect when switch 3 is set for automatic MXIbus terminat ion; you m ust turn of f automa tic terminat ion if yo u want to manually control terminatio n.
Chapt er 4 VME-MXI -2 Conf igur atio n and Inst allat ion © National Inst ruments Cor poration 4-7 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux user -conf igured half o f the EEPR O M becomes corrupted in such a way that the VME-MXI-2 boo ts to an unusable s tate.
Chapter 4 VME-MXI-2 Confi guration and I nstallatio n PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 4-8 Figu re 4-5. EEPROM Operat ion Onboard DRAM The VME-MXI-2 can accommodat e up to two 1.35 in. DRAM SIMMs. Table 4-1 l ists th e SIMMs you can use. Yo u can u se 32- or 36-bit SIMMs since DRAM parity is not required.
Chapt er 4 VME-MXI -2 Conf igur atio n and Inst allat ion © National Inst ruments Cor poration 4-9 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Switch S2 is used to select the size o f each SIMM. If the SIMMs are 4M × 32 or larger , S2 sh ould be in the OFF set ting as shown in Figure 4-6a.
Chapter 4 VME-MXI-2 Confi guration and I nstallatio n PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 4-10 Install the VME-MXI-2 This section contains g eneral installatio n instructions for th e VME-MXI-2. Consult your VMEbus mainframe user manual or technical ref erence manual for specific instru ctions and warnings.
Chapt er 4 VME-MXI -2 Conf igur atio n and Inst allat ion © National Inst ruments Cor poration 4-11 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux 5. Check the installation. 6. Conn ect the cables as described in the follo wing section befor e restor ing po wer . 7. R eplace or close an y doors o r cov ers to the mainf rame.
Chapter 4 VME-MXI-2 Confi guration and I nstallatio n PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 4-12 Figu re 4-7 . MXI-2 Cabl e Conf igur ation U sing a PCI -MXI- 2 and a VME- MXI- 2 When you ha ve properly conn ected the MXI-2 cable, po wer on the VMEbu s mainframe and then the computer .
© National Inst ruments Cor poration 5-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 5 NI-VXI/NI-VISA Software Installation This chapter describes how to inst all and uninstall the NI-VXI/NI- VISA software for Linux . Installing the NI-VXI/NI-VISA Softwa re for Linu x Before you begi n, you may need to install Li nux on yo ur comput er.
Chapter 5 NI-VXI /NI-VISA Software Installation PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 5-2 where 1.6-1 is the version you are installing. Note that this version number will be dif ferent if you are installing a ne wer vers ion. Note If you use rpm rather than the IN STALL script, you must repeat this s tep for each package you want to install.
Chap te r 5 NI-V XI/NI -VI SA S oft war e In sta llati on © National Inst ruments Cor poration 5-3 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Place these lines in your .cshrc or .login (C shell) o r .profile (Bourne or K orn shells) so they will execu te automatically the next time you lo g in.
© National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility This chapter cont ains instructio ns for usin g the VXI Resource Editor utili ty of the NI-VXI s oftware to confi gure the PCI-MXI-2 and the VXI-MXI- 2 or VM E-M XI-2 .
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-2 Figure 6-1 shows the main menu of the vxiedit resource editor . Figur e 6-1. VXIe dit Main Screen The rest of this chapter describes only the features of the PCI-MXI-2 Configuration Editor and the VXI/VME-MXI-2 Configuration Editor .
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-3 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux PCI-MXI-2 Configuration Editor Figure 6-2 shows t he opening s creen of th e PCI-MXI-2 C onfigur ation Editor.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-4 Update Current Configura tion Use this option to wr ite the configuration settings to the PCI-MXI-2 EEPROM and files us ed by NI-VXI.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-5 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Figu re 6-3. PCI -MXI- 2 or PX I-MXI -2B Lo gica l Addr ess Co nfigu ratio n Edi tor Device Settings The Device Se ttin gs group contains the controls to set the logical add ress, device type, and address space of the PCI-MXI-2.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-6 Device T ype This field indicates the classification of the PCI-MXI-2. The default valu e is MBD , designating a message-b ased device. The f ollowing table shows the available options.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-7 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux VXI/VME Shared RAM Si ze This field indicates the amoun t of RAM (in bytes) that is s hared in either A24 or A 32 space.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-8 Note Wh e n the Address Space field is in the default setting of A16 only , this field is ignored. This field is also ignored if th e Memory Select fields for both the lower and upper half windows are set to Onboard memory .
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-9 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Enable Byte Swa pping This checkbo x indicates w hether byte swapping s hould be perfo rmed for slave accesses to this half of the VXI/VME shared R AM space.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-10 Caution Th ere is a potential problem when opening up a shared memory region to point to system RAM. The PCI b us may return a retry on an y c ycle into system RAM. As a consequence, an external VXI/ VME device accessing the s ystem RAM may get a VXI/VME retry back.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-11 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux Figure 6-5 shows th e Device Configuration Editor. The following paragraphs describe the op tions you can select for each of the fields. Figu re 6-5 .
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-12 System IRQ Level The remote controllers — in this case the VXI/VME-MXI-2 — can report events such as trigg ers and DMA to the PCI-MXI-2 through a VXI IRQ line. This field selects which VXI I RQ level the remote controller s should use to report events to the PCI-MXI-2.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-13 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux Number of Interrupters This field gives the number of int errupters t hat the PCI- MXI-2 suppor ts. Protocol Register This field specifies the conte nts of the Protocol regist er, indicating which protoco ls the device suppo rts.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-14 Bus Configurati on Editor Figure 6-6 show s the Bus Configur ation Editor. The followin g sections describe the options you can select f or each of the f ields.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-15 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux Y ou can select the Ye s or No op tions to manually determine whether th e PCI-MXI-2 should be the MXIbus System Contro ller . Y o u must still be certain to cable the MXIbus system appropriately when you make either of these selections.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-16 MXI T ransfer Limit Use this feature to con trol how many data trans fers the PCI-MXI-2 will perform on the MXIb us before releasing it to another mas ter device that is requesting use of the bus.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-17 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux benef icial to disable the MXI-2 auto retry feature. W ith this feature disabled, you can lower th e MXI Bus T imeou t because there will be no delay due to the inward cycles being retried.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-18 Windo w Size The amount o f space you can allocate for the user window is sys tem dependent. You can use the Size con trol to select the size of the u ser window (mi nimum of 4 KB, maximum of 2 GB) .
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-19 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux VXI/VME-MXI-2 Configuration Editor Before running t he VXI/VME-MXI- 2 Configur ation Ed itor, you must run Resm an.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-20 Figu re 6-8. VXI/ VME-MX I-2 Co nfi gurat ion Ed itor LA Selection a nd Logica l Address You can set or mo dify the logical addres s of the VXI/VME-MXI-2 either within the VXI/VME-MXI-2 Conf iguration Editor itself or with th e onboard 8-position DIP switch .
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-21 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux Requested Mem ory control to set the amount of memory space that the VXI/VME-MXI-2 will request. You can select up to 8 MB in A24 space and up t o 2 GB in A 32 space.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-22 Interloc ked M ode Interlock ed arbitr ation mode is an opti onal mode of operatio n in whi ch at any given mo ment the system can p erform as if it were o ne large VXI/VMEbus mainframe with only one master of the entire system — V XI/VMEbus and MXIbus.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-23 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux This typ e of syst em conf igurati on is recommen ded if yo u ha ve on e of the following situations: • A VXI/VMEb us main frame with only sla ve de vices and no masters.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-24 Caution Do not instal l a VXI/VME-MXI-2 conf igured for VMEb us Syst em Control ler (VXI Sl ot 0) in to another s lot wi thout f irst reconf iguri ng it t o either Non- Slot 0 or automatic configuration.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-25 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux . Figu re 6-9. Advanced V XI S ettings VXI/VME Auto Retry The VXI/VME-MXI-2 has an au tomatic retry feature fo r cycles that map from the VXI/VMEbus to the MXIbus.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-26 enough t o perform 256 tr ansfers (t he defau lt v alue) , you can u se this control to select a smaller value. Arbiter T ype You can use the Arbiter Type feature to configure th e VXI/VME-MXI-2 as either a Priorit y or Round R obin VMEbus arbiter .
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-27 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux Arbiter Ti meout An arbitration timeout feature is available on the VXI/VME-MXI-2 when it is acting as the VMEbus arbiter. This feature applies only to a VXI Slot 0 (VMEbus System Controller ) VXI/VME-MXI-2.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration U tility PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 6-28 Advanced MXI Set tings Click the Advanced button to reach additional configur ation options for the MXI Bus portion of this ed itor, as shown in Figur e 6-10. These o ptions are intended fo r more advanced users.
Chapter 6 NI-VXI Configuration Utility © National Inst ruments Cor poration 6-29 PCI-MXI-2 fo r Linux T r ansfer Limit You can use this feature to control how many data transfers the VXI/VME-MXI-2 will perform on the MXIbus before releasing it to another master device that is requ esting use of the bus .
© National Inst ruments Cor poration 7-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 7 Using the NI-VXI/NI-VISA Software This chapt er dis cusses p rogramming i nformatio n for you to con sider when developing applications that use the NI-VXI/NI-VISA dr iver. After installing the driv er software, you can be gin to de velop your VXI/VME application software.
Chapter 7 Using the NI-VXI/NI-VISA Software PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 7-2 Interactive Control of NI-VXI/NI-VISA The easiest way to learn how to com municate with your instruments is by controlling them interactively .
Chapter 7 Using the NI -VXI/NI-VISA Software © National Inst ruments Cor poration 7-3 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Low-Level Access Functions The memory wind ows used to access the VXI/VMEbus are a limited reso urce .
Chapter 7 Using the NI-VXI/NI-VISA Software PCI-MXI-2 for Linux 7-4 System Conf iguration F unctions The System Conf iguration functio ns provide th e lowest-level i nitialization of your VXI controller.
Chapter 7 Using the NI -VXI/NI-VISA Software © National Inst ruments Cor poration 7-5 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux If you de fi ne this sym bol in your s ource code, your source cod e should l ook something like the following sample code: #define VXILINUX . .
© National Inst ruments Cor poration A-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux A Specifications This append ix lists v ari ous module s pecif ications o f the PCI-MXI-2, VXI-MXI-2, and VME-MXI -2, such as physical dimensio ns and po wer requirements. PCI-MXI-2 The follo wing sections lis t the specifications for the PCI-MXI-2 module.
Appendix A Specification s for PCI-M XI-2 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux A-2 PCI Functi onality PCI Initiator (master) capability .............Suppor ted PCI Target (slav e) capability ....... ...........Supported Data path ..................... .........
Appendix A Specifica tions for PCI-MXI- 2 © National Inst ruments Cor poration A-3 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Relative humidity Noncondens ing, oper ating .............. 0 to 95% Noncondens ing, sto rage .................. 0 to 95 % EMI ................... .
Appendix A Specification s for VXI-M XI-2 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux A-4 VXI-MXI-2 The follo wing sections list the s pecifications for the VXI-MXI-2 module.
Appendix A Specifica tions for VXI-MXI- 2 © National Inst ruments Cor poration A-5 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux D32, D16, D08 (EO) (slave) ................... VMEbus slave D32, D1 6, and D08 data sizes BLT, MBLT (master).................... ......... VMEbus master block and D64 transfers BLT, MBLT (slave) .
Appendix A Specification s for VXI-M XI-2 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux A-6 Requiremen ts VXIbus Configuration Space..................64 B A24 or A32 Sp ace ............ ................. ......16 KB minimum (programm able) Environment al Temperature Operating .
Appendix A Specifica tions for VXI-MXI- 2 © National Inst ruments Cor poration A-7 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Electr ical +5 VDC Typical DC curren t rating ............... 2.5 A Maximum DC curr ent rating........... 3.5 A – 5.2 VDC Typical DC curren t rating .
Appendix A Specifica tions fo r VME-M XI-2 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux A-8 VME-MXI-2 The following sections list the specifications for the VME-MXI-2 mo dule.
Appe ndix A Speci fic ati ons f or V ME-M XI-2 © National Inst ruments Cor poration A-9 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux D32, D16, D08 (EO) (slave) ................... VMEbus slave D32, D1 6, and D08 data sizes BLT, MBLT (master).................... ......... VMEbus master block and D64 transfers BLT, MBLT (slave) .
Appendix A Specifica tions fo r VME-M XI-2 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux A-10 Requiremen ts A16 Space ................... ........... .................64 B A24 or A32 Sp ace ............ ................. ......16 KB minimum (programm able) Environment al Temperature Operating .
Appe ndix A Speci fic ati ons f or V ME-M XI-2 © National Inst ruments Cor poration A-11 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Electr ical +5 VDC Typical DC curren t rating ............... 2.2 A Maximum DC curr ent rating........... 3.2 A Performance Peak ............
© National Inst ruments Cor poration B-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux B NI-VXI/NI-VISA Software Over view This appe ndix lists and d escribe s the main progr ams and f iles that make up the NI-VXI/NI-VISA software. Main Programs and Files This section lists the main pro grams and files that you can use for controlling your VXI/VME interface.
Appendix B NI-VXI/NI-VISA So ftware Over view PCI-MXI-2 for Linux B-2 Header Files for NI-VXI The NIVXI /inc lude directory (where NIVXI is the actual location where you installed the NI-VXI s oftware package) contains the fo llo wing include fi les for the C languag e interface: • nivxi.
© National Inst ruments Cor poration C-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux C EEPROM Configuration This appendix describes how to control the operation of the PCI-MXI-2 onboard EEPR OM and ho w to fix an in v alid EEPR OM setting. The EEPR O M stores def ault re gisters v alues that are loaded at po wer-on.
Appendix C EEPROM Configurat ion PCI-MXI-2 for Linux C-2 Figur e C-1. EEPROM Ope ration Defaul t Settin gs Fixing an Invalid EEPROM Configuration Certain EEPR OM configur ations can caus e your PCI computer to lock up while in its boot process.
Appendix C EEPROM Configuratio n © National Inst ruments Cor poration C-3 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Note If you hav e to remo v e the PCI-MXI-2 module to access switch 1, follo w the installation instr uctions giv en in Chapte r 2, PCI-MXI -2 Con figurat ion and Installat ion , to reinstall the PCI- MXI-2 module.
© National Inst ruments Cor poration D-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux D Common Questions This append ix addresses common qu estions you may ha ve about us ing the NI-VXI b us interface software on the PCI-MXI-2 platform. How can I determine which version of the NI-VXI sof tware I ha ve installed? Run the NI-VXI utility program vic .
Appendix D Common Que stions PCI-MXI-2 for Linux D-2 Which NI-VXI utili ty program must I use to perf orm startup Resource Manager operations? Use the Resman pro gram to perform startup Resource Manager op erations. It is located in the NIVXI /bin direc tor y ( /usr/local/nivxi/bin by default).
Appe ndix D Commo n Ques tion s © National Inst ruments Cor poration D-3 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Are the PCI- MXI-2 and the VXI-MXI-2 tw o devices or one with re spect to the VXIb us? Both th e PCI-MXI-2 an d the VXI- MXI-2 are un ique VXIb us de vices with their o wn logical addresses.
Appendix D Common Que stions PCI-MXI-2 for Linux D-4 Whenev er I try to execute any of the NI-VXI utilities, I receiv e a message that it could not fi nd a particular file ev en though the file does exist.
© National Inst ruments Cor poration E-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux E T echnical Support and Professional Ser vices Visit the followin g sections of the Nation al Instrument s Web site at ni.
© National Inst ruments Cor poration G-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Glossar y Pref ix Meanings V a lue p- pico- 1 0 – 12 n- nano- 10 – 9 µ- micro- 10 – 6 m- milli- 10 – 3 k- kilo- 10 3 M- meg a- 10 6 G- giga- 10 9 t- tera- 10 12 Symbols ° Degrees.
Gloss ar y PCI-MXI-2 for Linux G-2 A CF AIL A VMEb us backplane sig nal that is asserted when a po w er failure h as occurred (ei ther A C line source or p o wer su pply malfun ction), or i f it is necessary to dis able the po wer supply (such as for a high temperature condition).
Glossary © National Inst ruments Cor poration G-3 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux block-mode transfer An uninterrup ted transfer o f data elements in which the master s ources only the fi rst address at the be ginning of the c ycle.
Gloss ar y PCI-MXI-2 for Linux G-4 D daisy-chain A method of p ropagating signals along a b us, in which the de vi ces are prioritized on the basi s of their position on th e b us. Data T ransfer B us DTB; one of four bus es on the VMEb us backplane.
Glossary © National Inst ruments Cor poration G-5 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux EMI Electromagnetic Interfe rence. expansion R OM An onboard EEPR O M that may contain device-specif ic initialization and system boot func tionality .
Gloss ar y PCI-MXI-2 for Linux G-6 K KB Kilobytes of memory . L LED Light Emitting Diode. logical address An 8-bit numb er that uniquely identif ies each VXIb us de vice in a system. It def ines the A16 re gister address of a de vice, and indicates Commander and Serv ant relationship s.
Glossary © National Inst ruments Cor poration G-7 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux MXIbu s Multisystem eXtension Interf ace Bus; a high-perform ance communication link that interconnect s de vices using roun d, fle xible cab les. MXIbu s System Contro ller A functional module that has arbiter , daisy-chain dri v er , and MXIb us c ycle timeout responsibility .
Gloss ar y PCI-MXI-2 for Linux G-8 retry An ackno wl edge b y a destination th at signif ies that the cycle di d not complete and shou ld be repeated. RPM R PM Pack age Manager , a widely-used s oftware distrib utio n tool that yo u can use to i nstall, up grade, or remo ve softw are from y our syst em.
Glossary © National Inst ruments Cor poration G-9 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux T trigger Either TTL o r ECL lines used for in termodule communication. TTL T ra nsistor -T ransistor Logic. U user windo w A region of PCI ad dress space rese rved b y the PCI-MXI- 2 for use vi a the NI-VXI low-le v el function calls.
Gloss ar y PCI-MXI-2 for Linux G-10 VXItedit VXI R esource Editor prog ram, a part of the NI-VXI bus inter face softw are package. Used to conf igure the system, edit the manuf acturer name and.
© National Inst ruments Cor poration I-1 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux Index A A16 base ad dress, V MEbus, 4-3 A16 write posting, VXI/VME-MXI-2, 6-21 A24/A32 write posting PCI-MXI-2 , 6-17 VXI/VME-MXI-2, 6-21 .
Index PCI-MXI-2 for Linux I-2 n parts locator di agram (figure), 4-2 VMEbus A16 ba se address, 4-3 VME-MXI-2 i ntermodul e sign alin g, 4-4 VXI-MXI-2 modu le configurat ion EEPROM, 3-14 front p .
Index © National Inst ruments Cor poration I-3 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux E EEPROM. See configuration EEPROM electrical specifications PCI-MXI-2, A-3 VME-MXI-2 mo dule, A-11 VXI-MXI-2 module, A-7 enable byt.
Index PCI-MXI-2 for Linux I-4 n L LA selecti on and logi cal address o ption, 6-20 LabV IEW s oftw are , 1-6 LEDs on VXI/VME-MXI-2, D-2 loca l bus, VXIbu s, 3 -7 local resource access functions,.
Index © National Inst ruments Cor poration I-5 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux P parity checking MXIbus, 6- 29 PATH environment var iable, 6-1 PCI Bus options , 6-17 expansion RO M, 6-18 user window and driver w.
Index PCI-MXI-2 for Linux I-6 n VXI shared RAM option s, 6-6 advanced shared RAM settings, 6-8 illustration , 6-8 enable by te swappi ng, 6-9 memory select, 6-9 shared RAM poo l, 6-7 lower hal f.
Index © National Inst ruments Cor poration I-7 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux VXI-MXI-2 electrical, A-7 environmental, A-6 MXIbus capability descriptions, A-4 performance, A-7 physical , A-6 requirem ents, A-6 .
Index PCI-MXI-2 for Linux I-8 n parts locator di agram (figure), 4-2 VMEbus A16 ba se address, 4-3 VME-MXI-2 i ntermodul e sign alin g, 4-4 connecting MXIbus cabl e, 4-11 default setting s Confi.
Index © National Inst ruments Cor poration I-9 PCI-MXI-2 for Linux VXIedit configuration utilit y VME de vic e co nfig ura tion information, 1-8 VXIEDIT software utility illustration , 6-2 runnin g, .
デバイスNational Instruments NI-VXIの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
National Instruments NI-VXIをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNational Instruments NI-VXIの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。National Instruments NI-VXIの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。National Instruments NI-VXIで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
National Instruments NI-VXIを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNational Instruments NI-VXIの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、National Instruments NI-VXIに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNational Instruments NI-VXIデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。