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AD-25 1 825 0 1 I S SUE 1.0.1 Model 120 Installation Procedure Manual OCTOBE R , 19 9 5 NEC Australia Pty. Ltd..
L IA BIL ITY D ISC L AI ME R NEC Aust ralia Pty. Ltd. reserves the right to c hange the spe cifica- tions, functions, or features, at any time, without notice. NEC Austra lia Pty. Ltd. has prepared this doc ument for u se by its emplo yees and cus tomers.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 . 0.1 1.0 . 1 1.0 . 1 1.0 . 1 1 . 0 . 1 1 . 0.1 1 . 0.1 1 . 0.1 1 . 0.1 1.0.1 1.0 . 1 1.0 . 1 1.0 . 1 1.0 . 1 1.0 . 1 I S SUE No. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4 5 46 47 48 49 50 PAGE N0. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 . 0.1 1.0 . 1 1.0 . 1 1.0 . 1 1 . 0 .
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8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I S SUE No. PAGE N0. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I S SUE No. PAGE N0. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I S SUE No. PAGE N0. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 . 0.1 1.0 . 1 1.0 . 1 1.
IMPORTANT SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS 1. Never install telephon e wiring during a lightni ng storm. 2. Never install telephon e jacks in wet locations unle ss the jack is spec if ic ally designe d for wet locations . 3. Never t ouch unins ulate d telephone wires or termin als unless the te lephone line has been disconnect ed at the network i nte rface.
A. When t he powe r su pply cord or pl ug i s d amaged or fray ed. B. If liquid ha s been spilled into the product. C. If the produc t has been exposed to rain or water. D. If the produc t does not operate nor mally by f ollowing the operat ing ins tructions.
A D - 2 5182501 I SS U E 1.0 . 1 OC O TBER , 199 5 N E A X 7400 I C S Mo d el 1 20 I n st a llati o n P r oc e d u re M an u al CHA P T E R INTRODUCTI O N 1 G E NERAL INFORMATION 2 IN S T AL L ATION P.
AD-2518250 1 AD-25182 501 ISSUE 1 OCTOBER, 1995 NEAX7400 ICS Model 120 Installation Procedure Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ... .................... ............. ................... ................... ............. ............
AD-2518250 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page 2. PROCEDURE . ................... ............. .................... ............. ................... ................... ............. ................... 14 NAP-200 -001 Unpacking .... ............. .
AD-2518250 1 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 1-1 Referen ce Manuals for Installation ............ .................... ................... ............. ................... ....... ...... ...... 1 1-2 Scope of Ins tallation Works ..... .......
AD-2518250 1 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (CONTINUED) Figure Title Page 003-24 Connection of the BUS Cables .. .................... ............. ................... ................... ............. ....... ...... ...... 42 003-25 Modular Layout for 1 PIM Configuration .
AD-2518250 1 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (CONTINUED) Table Title Page 007-15 Outline of the External TAS Indi cator Connection ............... .................... ............. ................... ...... 93 007-16 MDF Cross Connection for a TAS Indicator with a B attery .
AD-2518250 1 LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page 2-1 Description of Symbols in Trunkin g Diagram ........ ................... .................... ............. ................... ... ... 4 3-1 Procedure for Unplugging/Plugging Circuit Cards ............
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 1 Pag e 1 Revision 1.0.1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCT ION 1. PURPOSE This manua l expla ins the insta llat ion proce dure f or the NEAX740 0 I CS Model 120 PABX. B efore e ngaging in install ation , the inst alle r is require d to confirm materia ls to be prepar ed and the site co nditions.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 1 Page 2 Revis ion 1.0.1 3. HOW TO FOLLOW THE M ANUAL The Install ation P rocedure i s shown by means of flo wcharts with a NAP (NEC Action Procedu re) Nu mber and th e detail of the work for each step is des cribe d in the corresp onding NAP.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 2 Pag e 3 Revision 1.0.1 C HAPTER 2 GENERAL INF ORMATION 1. TRUNKING DIAGRAM A typic al tr unking d iagram for th e PABX i s sh own i n Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1 P ABX Trunking Dia gram Not e 1: The extern al M od em is not require d when the Built-I n Modem on the MP is used.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 2 Page 4 Revis ion 1.0.1 Note: For de tail s of c ircui t cards , re fer t o the Circuit Card Manual. Table 2-1: Descr iption of S ymbols in Tr unking Diagram SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SY.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 2 Pag e 5 Revision 1.0.1 2. SYSTEM CONFI GURATIO NS The PABX syste m provide s thre e kinds of install a t ion methods a s fol lows: • Floor Standi ng Inst al lation • Wall-Mo.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 2 Page 6 Revis ion 1.0.1 Figure 2-3 2 -PIM Configurat ion for Floor Standi ng Install ation Note: The confi guration show n appl ies only to in stallation s which connec t to an existi ng MDF. I f the MDFM and/or BATTM are to be used, onl y wall-mount ing or rack mountin g configura tions are permit ted.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 2 Pag e 7 Revision 1.0.1 Figure 2-4 8 -PIM Configurat ion for Floor Standi ng Install ation Note: The confi guration show n appl ies only to in stallation s which connec t to an existi ng MDF. I f the MDFM and/or BATTM are to be used, onl y wall-mount ing or rack mountin g configura tions are permit ted.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 2 Page 8 Revis ion 1.0.1 Figure 2-5 1 -PIM Configur ation for Wall-Mounting Installat ion PIM RACK PARTS BASE.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 2 Pag e 9 Revision 1.0.1 Figure 2-6: 4-PIM Configura tion for 1 9-Inch Rack- Mounting Inst allation PIM3 PIM2 PIM1 PIM0 Front View Rear View MDF - UNIT 3 MDF - UNIT 2 MDF - .
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 1 0 Revis ion 1.0.1 CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. PRECAUTIONS 1.1 Power, Ground Ca blin g and LIU (f or Austral ia) (a) The power and ground cab ling is to be installed only by an AUSTEL License d Contractor. (b) The G.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 11 Revision 1.0.1 1.3 S ta ti c El ec tri ci ty Guar d The i nstalle r must we ar a grounded wris t strap to pr otect c ircuit cards f rom sta tic e lectr icity.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 13 Revision 1.0.1 1.4 Procedure f or Unpl ugging/Plugging Circuit Ca rds When removing a cir cuit ca rd from the PI M, or when mounting a circu it card in the PIM, fol low the proc edure given i n Table 3- 1 below.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 1 4 Revis ion 1.0.1 2. PROCEDURE This section expl ains the procedu res for instal ling the PABX system. The insta ller should fol low t he procedure shown in th e following flowc hart. In the flowcha rt, a NAP (NEC Ac tion Procedur e) N u mber is denote d to the rig ht side of each step.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 15 Revision 1.0.1 Figure 3-3 P rocedure Flowchart (Continued) The mark s hown below is attached to the NAP sheet for e ach pr ocedure i n which c ircuit c ards are ha ndled. Whe n doing such a pr ocedure, the instal ler must exe rcise ca ution, t o prevent d a mage ca used by stati c elec tricity ( See paragraph 1.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 1 6 Revis ion 1.0.1 ATTENTION Contents Static Se nsitive Ha ndl ing Pr ecau t ion s R e q uire d NA P- 2 00- 00 1 Shee t 1/1 Unpacking 1. Unpack ing Procedure (1) Check t he r eceived q ua ntity of packa ges conta ining t he PABX syste m with the desc ripti on on the shipping document.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 17 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 02 Sheet 1/ 2 Markin g a nd Dri llin g 1. Conf irmation of t he Equipment Layout Install the equipment in an area which provide s ad equate ventila ti on and is easi ly acc essible to servic e personnel.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 1 8 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 02 Shee t 2/2 Marki ng a nd Dr illin g 2.2 Wall-Mounting • Locate and mark the wa l l mount ing points as shown in Figure 002- 2. Figure 00 2-2 Wal l Mounting Point s Note: The BATTM an d MDFM have the same dimensions as a PIM.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 19 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Sheet 1/ 29 Insta lla tio n o f Ma in Eq ui pm e nt 1. Ins tall a tion of M odu les Install m odules ac c ordin g to the install ation proc edures for Floor S tanding, Wall-Mount ing or 19-I nch Rac k Mounting install a t ion.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 2 0 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 2/29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt 1.2 Floor Standing Instal lation (1) Connect the R ACK PARTS t o the rear of the BASE.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 21 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 3/29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt (2) When the syste m is a multiple-PI M config ur ati on, connect t he R ACK PARTS to each other as shown in Figure 003-3.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 2 2 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 2 00- 00 3 She et 4/ 29 Inst all at ion of M ain Equ ipm en t (3) Con ne ct t he PIM to the R AC K PARTS as sho wn in Figure 003-4 u sing the 4 screws pr ovide d with the RACK PAR TS. When the system is a multi ple-PIM con figurati on, c onnect a ll P IM and RACK PARTS.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 23 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 5/29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt (4) When t he system is a multiple -PIM co nfigurat ion, conne c t P IMs to e ach othe r as shown in Figure 003 - 5, using the 3 hex-bolts supplie d.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 2 4 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 6/29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt 1.3 Wall-Mounting In s tallation (1) Locate t he four mountin g points using th e templ ate as shown by Figure 003- 6.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 25 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 7/2 9 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt (2) Using fou r appropr iate faste ners for the type of wall cons truction ( locally pr ovided; se e Table 003-1) , secure the RACK PARTS as shown by Fig ure 003- 7.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 2 6 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 8/2 9 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt (3) Attach f our M4 machine screws (prov ided) to the RACK PARTS at the locati on as shown by F i gure 003-7. For e asy a ttachment of the P ABX, appr ox.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 27 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 9/2 9 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt Figure 003-9 S crewing the RACK PARTS t o a Wall 350 350 250 ANCHOR (x4/PIM) (SE.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 2 8 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 10 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt (6) When mountin g the RACK PARTS to a wall, c onnect all the RACK PARTS to each ot her, a nd connect the BASE to the bottom RACK PARTS using the M5 M achi ne scr ews (provided) , as shown in Figure 003-10.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 29 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 11 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt (7) For f loor a nd wall -mounted install ations, refer to Fi gures 003- 11 to 003 - 18 for the re commended layout of the module s.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 3 0 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 12 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt Figure 003- 13 Modul ar Layout f or 3 PIM Confi guration - + - + - + PS12260 - + SHELF 1 MIN.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 31 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 13 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt Figure 003- 14 Modul ar Layout f or 4 PIM Confi guration - + - + - + PS12260 - + SHELF 1 MIN.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 3 2 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 14 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt Figure 003- 15 Modul ar Layout f or 5 PIM Confi guration Notes: - MDF cable lengths: PIM's 0 to 3 = 1.5 m PIM 4 and 5 = 2.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 33 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 15 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt Figure 003- 16 Modul ar Layout f or 6 PIM Confi guration Notes: - MDF cable lengths: PIM's 0 to 3 = 1.5 m PIM 4 = 2.5 m - PIM 4 - LTC 0-2 connect to (L) Krone (MDF 2).
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 3 4 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 16 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt Figure 003- 17 Modul ar Layout f or 7 PIM Confi guration Notes: - MDF cable lengths: PIM's 0 to 3 = 1.5 m PIM 4 and 5 = 2.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 35 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 17 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt Figure 003-18 Modular Layout f or 8 PIM Configurat ion 10 Pair 10 Pair 10 Pair 10 Pair 10 Pair MDF2 or TPF2 100 Pair (L) Notes: - MDF cable lengths: PIM's 0 to 3 = 1.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 3 6 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 18 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt 1.4 19-Inch Ra ck-Mounting Ins tall ation 1.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 37 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 19 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt Figure 003-19 1 PIM Conf i guration ( 19”Rack Mount) PIM0 + _ + _ 12V 26A-H + _ + _ 19"KRONE BACK MOUNT (MDF/TPF) SHELF 3 MAX.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 3 8 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 20 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt Figure 003- 20 2 P IM Configurat ion (19”Rack Mount ) PIM0 + _ + _ + _ + _ 19"KRONE BACK MOUNT (MDF/TPF) SHELF 3 MAX.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 39 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 21 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt Figure 003-21 3 PIM Conf i guration ( 19”Rack Mount) PIM0 + _ + _ + _ + _ 19"KRONE BACK MOUNT (MDF/TPF) SHELF 3 MAX.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 4 0 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 22 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt Figure 003- 22 4 P IM Configurat ion (19”Rack Mount ) PIM0 + _ + _ + _ + _ 19"KRONE BACK MOUNT (MDF/TPF) SHELF 3 MAX.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 41 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 23 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt 2.1 Cable C onnections and Switch Sett ings on PZ-PW86 Note: This version i s now obsole te. WARNINGS, RE MODE SWITCH : 1. SEGMENT 1: S et to ON.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 4 2 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 24 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt 2.2 Cable C onnections and Switch Sett ings on PZ-PW86( A ) Note: This is now t he sta ndard versi on. WARNINGS, RE MODE SWITCH : 1. SEGMENT 1: S et to OFF.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 43 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 25 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt (1) Confirm the conn ection of t he PWR CNT CA-A a nd power/r inger c ables a s shown i n Figure 003- 25 (These cables are pr e-insta lled).
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 4 4 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 26 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt (2) The AC CORD-A (AC P ower Cable ) wiring to the P Z-PW86 powe r un it(s) is s hown below for a 2-PIM syste m. Notes: 1. The multi-way AC outlet is no t provi ded on a single-PI M syst em.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 45 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 27 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt (3) When the syste m is a m ultiple - PIM configur a tion, mount the BS00 Card in the BUS slot of PIM0. Also, mou nt the BS01 C ard in each BUS slot of PIM1 to PIM7.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 4 6 Revis ion 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 28 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt (4) When the system is a mult iple-PIM config uration, connect al l the B US Cards (BS00/BS01) to each other using BUS cables, as shown i n Figure 003 -29.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 47 Revision 1.0.1 NAP - 20 0-0 03 Shee t 29 / 29 Insta lla ti on o f Ma in E qui pm e nt Figure 003-29 Connection of the BUS Cables PIM 7 PIM 6 PIM 5 PIM 4 PIM 3 PIM 2 PIM 1 PIM 0 BS01 CN2 CN1 CN2 CN1 CN2 CN1 CN2 CN1 BS01 CN2 CN1 CN2 CN1 CN2 CN1 CN2 CN1 48-TW -0.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 4 8 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 4 Shee t 1/ 9 In sta llat io n of Pe rip he ral Equ ipm ent 1. Ins tall a tion of SN694 ATTCON (1) Screw the handse t support onto the bottom of the console as shown in Figure 004- 1. Note: The handset supp ort can be mo unte d a t eit her the right side or left sid e of the console body.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 49 Revision 1.0.1 ATTENTION Contents Static Se nsitive Ha ndl ing Pr ecau t ion s R e q uire d NA P- 200 -00 4 Shee t 2/ 9 In sta llat io n of Pe rip he ral Equ ipm ent (2) Connect an ATT cable to the SN694 ATTCON a cc ord ing to the steps below.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 5 0 Revis ion 1.0.1 ATTENTION Contents Static Se nsitive Ha ndl ing Pr ecau t ion s R e q uire d NA P- 200 -00 4 Shee t 3/ 9 In sta llat io n of Pe rip he ral Equ ipm ent (3) Connect the ATT cable t o Main Equi pm ent as sh own in F igure 00 4- 3.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 51 Revision 1.0.1 ATTENTION Contents Static Se nsitive Ha ndl ing Pr ecau t ion s R e q uire d NA P- 200 -00 4 Shee t 4/ 9 In sta llat io n of Pe rip he ral Equ ipm ent F.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 5 2 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 4 Shee t 5/ 9 In sta llat io n of Pe rip he ral Equ ipm ent 2. Ins tall a tion of SN611 ATTCON (1) Screw the handse t support onto the bottom of the console as shown in Figure 004- 4.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 53 Revision 1.0.1 ATTENTION Contents Static Se nsitive Ha ndl ing Pr ecau t ion s R e q uire d NA P- 200 -00 4 Shee t 6/ 9 In sta llat io n of Pe rip he ral Equ ipm ent (.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 5 4 Revis ion 1.0.1 ATTENTION Contents Static Se nsitive Ha ndl ing Pr ecau t ion s R e q uire d NA P- 200 -00 4 Shee t 7/ 9 In sta llat io n of Pe rip he ral Equ ipm ent (3) Set the swit ch located inside the console accor ding to type of headset /ha ndset connecte d.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 55 Revision 1.0.1 ATTENTION Contents Static Se nsitive Ha ndl ing Pr ecau t ion s R e q uire d NA P- 200 -00 4 Shee t 8/ 9 In sta llat io n of Pe rip he ral Equ ipm ent Figure 00 4-7: Switch Setting on S N611 ATTCON D S C SWITCH • S e t the switch acc or ding to the type of headset/ ha ndset connec ted.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 5 6 Revis ion 1.0.1 ATTENTION Contents Static Se nsitive Ha ndl ing Pr ecau t ion s R e q uire d NA P- 200 -00 4 Shee t 9/ 9 In sta llat io n of Pe rip he ral Equ ipm ent (4) Plug the line c or d into the modular jac k locate d at t he botto m of t he console .
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 57 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 5 Shee t 1/ 4 Co nn ec t ion of Bat t er y 1. Int ernal Batt ery Connecti on (1) Mount a batter y unit (24V, 3.4 AH) into each PIM as shown in Figure 005-1. (2) Set the “MODE” Swit ch on the PZ-P W86/PZ-PW86(A) po wer unit(s ) to the correc t Floa t Voltage, as shown in NAP -200-003.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 5 8 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 5 Shee t 2/ 4 Co nn ec t ion of Bat t er y (3) Plug the battery- cable connect or in to the BATT1 c onnector on the PZ-PW86 as shown in Figu r e 005- 2. (4) Secure the batterie s and battery-ca ble using tie-wra ps as shown in Figure 005-2.
AD-25182501 C HAPTER 3 Pag e 59 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 5 Shee t 3/ 4 Co nn ec t ion of Bat t er y (6) When t he syste m is a multiple PIM c onfigura tion, pr ovi de the f ollo wing connec tions to the interna l b atteri es.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 6 0 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 5 Shee t 4/ 4 Co nn ec t ion of Bat t er y 2. E xter nal B atter y Connection When using an external bat te ry, provide the followi ng connec tion s. Notes : 1. One batter y pack is required for e ach 4 -PIM stack, to ensure that suf ficient rec harge curre nt is avail able.
AD-25182501 C HAPTER 3 Pag e 61 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 6 Shee t 1/ 3 Cable Running to MDF 1. Cabl e Running to MDF (1) Usuall y a pre-wire d MDF is provided ex-factor y f or new insta llations. In this case, 50-wire ribbon cables are used betwe en the PABX and the MDF, as shown in NAP-200-003.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 6 2 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 6 Shee t 2/ 3 Cable Running to MDF Table 006-1: MD F Cabl es for PIM FROM CABLE NUMBER TO C ABLE DESIGNATION MODULE CONNECTION PIM0 LTC0 1 .
AD-25182501 C HAPTER 3 Pag e 63 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 6 Shee t 3/ 3 Cable Running to MDF (3) For connec tion to an exi sting M DF, bring the M DF cables into the Main Equipment through the cabl e hole(s) of the BASE as sh own in Figur e 006 -2.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 6 4 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 1/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F 1. Cabl e Connection t o MDF (1) Connect the cables to the MDF re ferr ing to F igure 00 7-1 and Ta ble 007- 1.
AD-25182501 C HAPTER 3 Pag e 65 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 2/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (2) Figure 00 7-2 sho ws the relat ionship b e tween L ine Equipment Num ber (LEN) a nd C ard Sl ot Number (LT Number).
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 6 6 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 3/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (b) LEN 0256 ~ 0511 Figure 007-2: Locat ion of LEN (Continue d) 0451 0450 0449 0448 (L.
AD-25182501 C HAPTER 3 Pag e 67 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 4/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (3) Figure 007-3 shows the LTC C on nector Pin Arrangement .
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 6 8 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 5/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (b) PIM1 (LTC0 ~ LTC2) Figure 007- 3: LTC Connector Pin Arra ngement (Continue d) LT00.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 69 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 6/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (c) PI M2 (LT C0 ~ LTC 2) Figure 007- 3: LTC Connector Pin Arra ngement (Continue d) .
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 7 0 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 7/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (d) PIM3 (LTC0 ~ LTC2) Figure 007- 3: LTC Connector Pin Arra ngement (Continue d) LT00.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 71 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 8/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (e) PI M4 (LT C0 ~ LTC 2) Figure 007- 3: LTC Connector Pin Arra ngement (Continue d) .
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 7 2 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 9/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (f) PI M5 (L T C0 ~ LTC 2) Figure 007- 3: LTC Connector Pin Arra ngement (Continue d) .
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 73 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 10/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (g) PIM6 (LTC0 ~ LTC2) Figure 007-3: LTC Connector Pin Ar ra ngement (Cont inued) LT.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 7 4 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 11/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (h) PIM7 (LTC0 ~ LTC2) Figure 007- 3: LTC Connector Pin Arra ngement (Continue d) LT0.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 75 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 12/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F 2. MDF Cross Conne ctions Cross connecti ons on the MDF for eac h 25-pair cable in LTC0 to LTC2 are shown in Table 007-2.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 7 6 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 13/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F Table 007-2 LTC0-LTC2 MDF Cro ss Connection Information (Contin ued) *Note: M aj or and minor alarm c onnections for e xternal indic ators are locate d on LTC0 of PI M0 only.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 77 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 14/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F Table 007-2 LTC0-LTC2 MDF Cro ss Connection Information (Contin ued) Note: The DSS C onsole is included. PIN CARD SLOTS TYPE OF INTERFACE Dterm 65 (4DLCA) Dt erm 65 (2DLCB) SN611 ATTCON/ Dterm 6D/ 16D (2DLCC) EXT.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 7 8 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 15/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F Table 007-2 LTC0-LTC2 MDF Cro ss Connection Information (Contin ued) *Note 1: Major and minor alarm connect ions for extern al indicator s are located on LTC0 of PIM0 only.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 79 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 16/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (1) C.O./D. I .D. Trunks (a) 4 Line C.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 8 0 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 17/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (b) 2 Line C .O. Trunk (PN-2COTD) Figure 007-5: MDF Cros s Connection for 2 Line C. O . Trunk (PN-2COTD) LTC0 (J) 29 29 4 4 28 28 3 3 27 27 26 26 2 1 LEN 000 0 LEN 000 1 MDF 1 2 PIM 0 P PN-2COTD LT00 LTC 0 J T1 R1 T0 R0 LEN0 001 ( No .
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 81 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 18/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (2) Tie Line Trunk (a) 4W E& M Trunk ( PN-2ODTA) Figure 007-6 MDF Cros s Connection f or a 4W E&M Trunk Card (PN- 2OD TA) 1 26 2 27 3 28 4 29 Tx R0 Tx T0 RxR0 RxT0 Tx R1 Tx T1 RxR1 RxT1 MDF LEN00 01 (No .
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 8 2 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 19/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F Figure 00 7-6 MDF Cros s Connection f or a 4W E&M Tr unk Card (PN-2ODTA) ( Contin.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 83 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 20/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (b) LD Trunk ( PN-2LDTA) Figure 007-7: MDF Cross Connect ion for an LD Trunk (PN-2LDTA) LTC0 (J) 29 29 4 4 28 28 3 3 27 27 26 26 2 1 LEN 000 0 LEN 000 1 MDF 1 2 PIM 0 P PN- 2L DTA LT00 LTC 0 J T1 R1 T0 R0 LEN0 001 ( No .
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 8 4 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 21/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (3) 2 Line DID Trunk (PN-AUCA) Figure 007-8 M DF Cross Conne ction fo r a DID Trun k Card (PN-AUCA) 29 29 4 4 28 28 3 3 27 27 26 26 2 1 LEN 0000 LEN 0001 MDF 1 2 PIM 0 P PN-AUCA LT0 0 LTC 0 J T1 R1 T0 R0 LE N000 0 (No.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 85 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 22/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (4) Single Line Tele phone (SLT) (a) Standa rd Line (PN-4LC E/4LC F) Figure 007- 9 M.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 8 6 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 23/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (b) Long Line (PN-AUCA) Figure 007-10 MDF Cross Connecti on for a Si ngle Line Te lephone (Long Line) 29 29 4 4 28 28 3 3 27 27 26 26 2 1 LEN 0000 LEN 0001 MDF 1 2 PIM 0 P PN-AUCA LT0 0 LTC 0 J T1 R1 T0 R0 LE N000 0 (No.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 87 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 24/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (5) D term /DSS Console (a) S ta ndard Line (PN-4 DLCA) Note: Applies only to Dterm 6 5 seri es.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 8 8 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 25/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (b) Long Line (PN-2DLCB) Note: Applies only to Dterm 6 5 seri es.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 89 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 26/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (6) SN611 ATTCON and Dterm 6D/16D series tele phones.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 9 0 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 27/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (7) Day/Nig ht Mode Change by External Key Note: Refer t o the Co mm and Manu al to s et the PN -DK00 in the Key Sc an mode .
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 91 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 28/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (8) Externa l TAS Indicator (a) Outl ine of the C onnections Figure 007-15 Outline o.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 9 2 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 29/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (b) M DF Cross C onnection • W hen using a TAS Indicator with a Batte ry Note: Refer t o the Co mm and Manu al to s et the PN -DK00 in the Relay-Dri ve mode.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 93 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 30/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (c) MDF C ross Connection • W hen using a TAS Indicator witho ut a Battery Note: Refer t o the Co mm and Manu al to s et the PN -DK00 in the Relay-Dri ve mode.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 9 4 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 31/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (9) Paging Equ ipm ent The cr oss conne ction for customer- owned paging e quipment is shown in Figure 007 - 18 and Figu re 007-19, as a n ex amp le.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 95 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 32/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (b) M DF Cross C onnection Notes: 1.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 9 6 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 33/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F Figure 00 7-19 MDF Cross Connection for Paging Equipment (Continue d) 26 1 K 0 27 2 2.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 97 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 34/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (10) External Music Equipme nt The cross conne ction for customer -owned external musi c e quipment is shown in F igure 007-2 1 and Figure 007- 2 2, as an ex am p le.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Page 9 8 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 35/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (b) M DF Cross C onnection Notes: 1.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pa g e 99 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 36/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F Figure 007-21 MDF Cross Connecti on for Exter nal Music Equipment (Continued) 26 1 K.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Pag e 100 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 37/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F External Music Equipment (continue d) • An AUSTEL-approve d isolator must always be includ ed betwe en the Music Sourc e and t he PABX trunk.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pag e 101 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 38/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (11) External Backgr ound Music (BGM) Source The cross connection for custom er-owned exter nal BGM sources is shown in Figure 007-23. Note: A maximum of 10 BGM sourc es can be provide d in the system.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Pag e 102 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 39/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (1 2) Pow er Fai lure T ra nsfer (PF T) The P FT functi on is i ncluded in the PN-AUCA Card. (a) Outline of the Connec tion. Figure 007-24 Outline of t he PFT Connect ion MDF TEL PN-AUCA PAB X MDF PN-4COT/P N-2COT TO C.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pag e 103 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 40/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (b) MDF Cross C onnection Figure 007-25 MDF Cross Connecti on for the PFT 1 26 2 27 3 28 4 29 5 30 6 31 7 32 8 33 C. O. R0 C.O.T0 C. O.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Pag e 104 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 41/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F Figure 00 7-25 MDF Cross Connection for the PFT ( Continued) Note: The third and fourth ci rc uits in the PN-4COT card cannot be used for the PFT functi on.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pag e 105 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 7 Shee t 42/ 42 Te rm in at io n of C ab les on M D F (13) Alarm Display Panel (ALM DSPP).
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Pag e 106 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 8 Shee t 1/ 2 Mo un t ing of Cir c uit C ard s 1. Mount ing Procedure (1) For te sti ng, turn on the “SW” switch on the PZ-PW86/PW86(A) C ard(s). Make sur e that e ach “ O N” l a m p (Green) is lit.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pag e 107 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 8 Shee t 2/ 2 Mo un t ing of Cir c uit C ard s ATTENTION Contents Static Se nsitive Ha ndl ing Pr ecau t ion s R e q uire d (2) Before mounting circuit c ards, confir m the fo lowing items.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Pag e 108 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 9 Shee t 1/ 3 System Initi aliza tion an d System ATTENTION Contents Static Se nsitive Ha ndl ing Pr ecau t ion s R e q uire d Data Entry 1. Syste m Initial ization • Th ere ar e two m et h ods for S ystem I nitial ization.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pag e 109 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 9 Shee t 2/ 3 System Initi aliza tion an d System ATTENTION Contents Static Se nsitive Ha ndl ing Pr ecau t ion s R e q uire d Data Entry 2. S ys tem D ata En tr y • Th ere ar e two methods for data ent ry, both of which employ a CAT or a M AT.
AD-25182501 CHAPTER 3 Pag e 110 Revis ion 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -00 9 Shee t 3/ 3 System Initi aliza tion an d System ATTENTION Contents Static Se nsitive Ha ndl ing Pr ecau t ion s R e q uire d Data Entry To rese t CAT m ode: While “COMMAND = -” is displaye d on LCD: 1.
AD-25182501 CHAP TER 3 Pag e 111 Revision 1.0.1 NA P- 200 -01 0 Shee t 1/ 1 Oper ati on Te st 1. Oper ati on T est Confirm the syst em data acc uracy and ha rdware c onfigura tion (i ncluding cable co.
デバイスNEC 120の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
NEC 120をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNEC 120の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。NEC 120の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。NEC 120で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
NEC 120を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNEC 120の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、NEC 120に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNEC 120デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。