NETGEARメーカー7200 Seriesの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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202-10010-0 1 202-10010-01 November 2003 NETGEAR , Inc. 4500 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Sof tware.
ii 202-10010-0 1 © 2003 by NETGEAR, Inc., 202-10010-0 1 , Nov ember 2003. FullManual All rights res erv ed. T e chnical Support Please register to obtain technical support .
202-10010-0 1 iii Canadian Dep artment of Commu nications Compliance St atement This Class B Digital apparatus (GSM7224 Layer 2 Managed Swit ch) meets all the require ments of the Canadian Interference Causing Equipment Regulations. Cet appareil numeri que del la cl asse B respect les exigen ces du Regalement sur le ma terial broilleur du Canada.
202-10010-01 iv.
Contents v 202-10010-01 Content s Chapter 1 About This Guide Audience ............. ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ......... ... 1-1 Why the Document was Created ..................
202-10010-0 1 vi Contents System-Wide Popup Menus .. ................. ................ ................ ................ ................ .. 5-4 Port-S pecif ic Popup Menus .......................... ................ ................ ................
Contents vii 202-10010-01 Management Commands ...................... ................ ................ ................. ................ ...... 7-13 show network .. ................ ................ ............. ................ ................ ...
202-10010-0 1 viii Contents config telnet mode ........................ ... ... .... ... ... ............. ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ............. ... 7-22 config telnet timeout . .... ... ... ............. ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ..
Contents ix 202-10010-01 config vlan port ingressfilter ...... ............. ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ............ .... ... ... 7-33 show protocol ........................ ............. ................ ................. .
202-10010-0 1 x Contents config macfilter create ..................... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ............. ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ...... 7-43 config macfilter remove ... ... ............. ................ ............. .........
Contents xi 202-10010-01 show spanningtree mst port summary ......... ...... ................. ............. ................ ...... 7-55 show spanningtree mst port detailed ..... ................ ................ ................ ................ 7-55 show spanningtree vlan .
202-10010-0 1 xii Contents config dot1x port initialize ................... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ............. ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... 7-65 config dot1x port reauthenticate ................ ... ............. ................
Contents xiii 202-10010-01 transfer upload fil ename ........ .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ............. .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .......... 7-76 transfer upload data type .............. ............. ................ ...........
202-10010-0 1 xiv Contents Appendix B Glossary Numeric .............. ............ ................. ................ ................ ............. ................ ............... .1 0 - 1 A ............... ............. ................ ...........
About This Guide 1-1 202-10010-01 Chapter 1 About This Guide Thank you for pu rchasing the NETGEAR ™ GSM7 224 L2 Switch. Audience This reference manual assumes that the reader h as basic-to-intermediate computer and Internet skills.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 1-2 About This Guide 202-10010-01 Note: Refer to the release notes for the GSM7224 Layer 2 Managed Switch Software application level code. The release notes de tail the platform specific func tionality of the Switching, SNMP , Config, and Management packages.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software About This Guide 1-3 202-10010-01 Features of the HTML V ersion of this Manual The HTML version of this manu al includes these feature s. Figure Preface -2: HTML version of t his manual 1.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 1-4 About This Guide 202-10010-01 How to Print this Manual T o print this manu al you man choose one of th e following several optio ns, according to your needs. • Printing a “How T o” Sequence of S teps in the HTML V iew .
Switch Management Overview 2-1 202-10010-01 Chapter 2 Switch Management Overview This chapter gives an overview of switch ma nagement, including the method s you can use to manage your NETGEAR GSM 7224 Layer 2 Manag ed Switch.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 2-2 Switch M anagement Overview 202-10010-01 • Simple Network Protocol Managemen t (SNMP) Each management method enables the network ad ministrator to configure, manage, and control the GSM7224 locally or remotely using in-ban d or out-of-band mechanisms.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Command Line Interface Syntax 3-1 202-10010-01 Chapter 3 Command Line Interface Synt ax The Command Line Interface (CLI) syn t ax , conventions and terminology are described in this section.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 3-2 Command Line Interface Syntax 202-10010-01 Command The text in bold, non-italic font must be typed exactly as shown. Parameters Parameters are order dependent. The text in bold italics should be replaced with a name or number .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Command Line Interface Syntax 3-3 202-10010-01 number 1. The <slot.port> field is composed of a valid slot number and a valid port number separated by a period (.). logical slot.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 3-4 Command Line Interface Syntax 202-10010-01 Annot ations The CLI allows the user to type single-line annotations at th e command prompt for use when writing test or configuration scripts and for bette r readability .
Administration Consol e Telnet Interface 4-1 202-10010-01 Chapter 4 Administration Console T elnet Interface The administration console is an internal, character-oriented, VT -100/ANSI menu-driven user interface for performing management activities.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 4-2 Administration C onsole Teln et Interf ace 202-10010-01 Examples o f terminal-emu lation programs include: • HyperT ermina.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Administrat ion Console Telnet Inte rface 4-3 202-10010-01 4. When the following screen appe ars, make sure that the port setting are as follows: Baud Rate: 9600 Data Bits: 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control: None Figure 4-4: Connectio n Settings 5.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 4-4 Administration C onsole Teln et Interf ace 202-10010-01.
Web-Based Manage men t Interface 5-1 202-10010-01 Chapter 5 W eb-Based Management Interface Y our NETGEAR GSM7224 Layer 2 Managed Switch provides a built-in browser interface that lets you configure and man age it remotely using a standard W eb browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 5-2 We b-Based Ma nagement Interface 202-10010-01 • Device Management Introduction of the basic icons and management of the de.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Web-Based M anagement Interface 5-3 202-10010-01 4. T ype the default user name of admin and default of no password , or whatever password you have set up.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 5-4 We b-Based Ma nagement Interface 202-10010-01 System-Wide Popup Menus The GSM7224 L2 Switch also provides several popup menus. Y ou can also access the main navigation menu by right clicking on the image of the switch and browsing to the menu you wa nt to use.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Quick Startup 6-1 202-10010-01 Chapter 6 Quick S t artup The Command Line Interface Quick Startup chap ter details procedures to quickly become acquainted with the GSM7224 Layer 2 Managed Switch software.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 6-2 Quick Startup 202-10010-01 System Info and System Setup There are several categories of Quick Startup commands: • “Quick.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Quick Startup 6-3 202-10010-01 Quick S t artup Physical Port Dat a T able 6-2. Quick S t artup Physical Port Dat a Quick S t artup User Account Management Command Details show port all Displays the Port Characteristics Slot.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 6-4 Quick Startup 202-10010-01 Quick S t artup IP Address T o view the network parameters the operator can access the device by the following three methods.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Quick Startup 6-5 202-10010-01 Default Gateway - The defaul t Gateway for this interface Default value is 0.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 6-6 Quick Startup 202-10010-01 Quick S t artup Uploading from Sw itch to Out-of-Band PC (Only XMODEM) Quick S tartup Downloading from Ou t-of-Band PC to Switch (Only XMODEM) T able 6-5.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Quick Startup 6-7 202-10010-01 Quick S t artup Downloading from TFTP Server Before starting a TFTP server download, the operat or must complete the Quick Startup for the IP Address.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 6-8 Quick Startup 202-10010-01 VLAN Configuration Example This section provides conf iguration examples for VLAN configurations. LAN switches can segment networks into logica lly defined virtual workgroups.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Quick Startup 6-9 202-10010-01 Solution 1 All traf fic entering the ports is tagged traffi c. Since the traf fic is tagged, the PVID configuration for each port is not a concern.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 6-10 Quick Startup 202-10010-01.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-1 202-10010-01 Chapter 7 Switching Commands This chapter provides detailed explanation of the Switching commands. The commands are divided into five fun ctional groups: • Show commands display switch settings, statistics, and ot her information.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-2 Switching Commands 202-10010-01 Switch Description T ext used to identify the product name of this switch. Machine T ype Specifies the machine model as de f ined by the V ital Product Data.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-3 202-10010-01 config syslocation This command sets the physical location of the switch.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-4 Switching Commands 202-10010-01 Slot.Port The port which this address was learned. if Index This object indi cates the ifInde x of the interface table entry associa ted with this port.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-5 202-10010-01 Octets Received - the total number of octets of data (including those in bad packets) received on the network (exc luding framing bits but including FCS octets).
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-6 Switching Commands 202-10010-01 To t a l - the total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from b eing deliverable to a higher -layer protocol.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-7 202-10010-01 CFI Discards - the number of frames discarded that have CFI bit set and the addresses in RIF are in non-canonical format.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-8 Switching Commands 202-10010-01 To t a l E r r o r s - the sum of Single, Multiple, and Excessive Collisions.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-9 202-10010-01 STP BPDUs T ransmitted - Spanning T ree Protocol Br idge Protocol Data Units sent STP BPDUs.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-10 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 show stat s switch de t ailed This command displays detailed statistics for all CPU traf fic.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-1 1 202-10010-01 Most VLAN Entries Ever Used - the lar gest number of VLANs th at have been active on this switch since the last reboot.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-12 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 show eventlog This command displays the even t log, which contains error me ssages from the system. The event log is not cleared on a system reset.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-1 3 202-10010-01 Management Commands These commands manage the switch and show current management settings. show network This command displays network configuration settings that are vital for switch operation.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-14 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 • Bit 7 of byte 0 (called the I/G bit) indicates wh ether the destination addr ess is an individual address (b'0') or a group address (b'1').
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-1 5 202-10010-01 Default enable Format config network webmode < enable|disab le > config network javamode This command specifies whether or not the switc h should allow access to the Java applet in the header frame of the W eb interface.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-16 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config serial baudrate This command specifies the communication rate of the terminal interface. The supported rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 1 9200, 38400, 576 00, 1 15200.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-1 7 202-10010-01 show snmpco mmunity This command displays SN MP community information. Six communities are supported. Y o u can add, change, or delete communities.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-18 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config snmpcommunity create This command adds (and na mes) a new SNMP community . A community name is a name associated with the switch and with a set of SNMP managers that manage it with a specified privileged level.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-1 9 202-10010-01 config snmpcommunity mode This command activates or deactivates an SNMP community . If a community is enabled, an SNMP manager associated with th is community manages the switch according to its access right.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-20 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config snmptrap ip addr This command assigns an IP address to a spec ified community name. Th e maximum length of name is 16 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-2 1 202-10010-01 config trap flags authentication This command enables or disables the Authentication Flag.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-22 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 show telnet This command displays telnet settings. Format show telnet T elnet Login Timeout (minutes) This object indicates the numbe r of mi nutes a telnet sessio n is allowed to remain inactive before being logged of f.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-2 3 202-10010-01 Default 5 Format config telnet timeout <0-160> show forwarding db agetime This command displays the timeout for address aging. In an IVL system, the [fdbid|all] parameter is required.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-24 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 show switchconfig This command displays switch configuration information. Format show switchconfig Broadcast Storm Recovery Mode May be enabled or disabled by select ing the corresponding line on the pull- down entry field.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-2 5 202-10010-01 Format show port <slot.port|all> Slot.Port The physical slot and physical port. Ty p e If not blank, this fi eld indicates that thi s port is a special type of port.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-26 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config port linktrap This command enables or disabl es link status traps by interface. Note: This command is valid only wh en the Link Up/ Down Flag is enabled.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-2 7 202-10010-01 Logical Slot.Po rt The logical slot and the logical port. Lag Name The name of this lag. Y ou may ente r any string of up to 15 alphanumeric characters.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-28 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config lag adminmode This command enables or disables a LAG . The interface is a logi cal slot and port for a configured LAG . The option all sets every configured LAG with the same administrative mode setting.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-2 9 202-10010-01 The mode is one of the following: 802.1d IEEE 802.1D-compl iant STP mode is used. fast Fast STP mode is used. off STP is turned off. show vlan summary This command displays a list of all configured VLANs.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-30 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 Current Determines the degree of participa tion of this port in this VLAN. The permissible values are : Include - this port is always a member of this VLAN.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-3 1 202-10010-01 Default The name for VLAN ID 1 is always De fault.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-32 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 show vlan port This command displays VLAN port information. Format show vlan port <slot.port> Slot.Port Indicates by slot id and po rt number which port is cont rolled by the fields on this line.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-3 3 202-10010-01 Format config vlan port acceptframe < all|vlan > <slot.port|all> config vlan port ingressfilter This command enables or disables ingress filtering.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-34 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config protocol protocol add This command adds the <protocol> to the protocol-based VLAN identif ied by <groupid>. A group may have more than on e pro tocol associated with it.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-3 5 202-10010-01 config protocol interface add This comma nd adds the physica l <slot.port> interface to the protocol -based VLAN identified by <groupid> .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-36 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 participant basis. Permissi ble values are 10 to 100 centiseconds (0.1 to 1.0 seconds). The factory defa ult is 20 centiseconds (0.2 seconds).
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-3 7 202-10010-01 config garp gvrp adminmode This command enabl es or disables GVRP .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-38 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config garp leavealltimer This command sets how frequently Leave All P DUs are generated per port. A Lea ve All PDU indicates that all registrations will be unregistered.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-3 9 202-10010-01 config igmp snooping adminmode This command enables or disabl es IGMP Snooping on the system .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-40 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config igmp snooping interface mode This command enables or disabl es IGMP Snoo ping on a sele cted interface. The <slot.port/all> parameter identifies the interface on which to conf igure the mode.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-4 1 202-10010-01 Mac Address A unicast MAC address for which the sw itch has forwarding and or filtering information. The format is 6 or 8 tw o-digit hexadecimal numbers that are separated by colons, for example 01:23: 45:67:89:AB.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-42 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 Description The text description of this mu lt ica st table entry . Interfaces The list of interfaces that ar e designat ed for f orwarding (Fwd:) and filtering (Flt:).
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-4 3 202-10010-01 config mirroring delete This command removes the port mirroring design ation from both the probe port and the mirrored port and removes the probe port fro m all VLANs.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-44 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 The <vlan> parameter must identify a valid VLAN.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-4 5 202-10010-01 If all is selected, all ports will be removed from the source port filter set. Format config macfilter delsrc <macaddr> <v lan> <slot.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-46 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 • Show commands display spanning tree settin gs, statistics, an d other informat ion. • Config commands configure features and opt ions of the switch.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-4 7 202-10010-01 config sp anningtree forceversion This command sets the Force Protocol V ersion pa rameter to a new value. The <version> can be one of the following: • 802.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-48 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 Port Up T ime Since Counters Last Clea red T ime since port was rese t, displayed in days, h ours, minutes, and seconds. STP BPDUs T rans mitted Spanning T ree Protocol Bridge Protocol Data Units sent.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-4 9 202-10010-01 config sp anningtree bridge maxage This command sets the Bridge Max Age paramete r to a new value for the common and internal spanning tree.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-50 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 Format show spanningtree cst detailed Bridge Priority Configured value. Bridge Identifier Time Since T opolo gy Change In seconds. T opology Ch ange Count Number of times changed.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-5 1 202-10010-01 show sp anningtree cst port det ailed This command displays the settings and parameters for a specific switch po rt within the common and internal spanning tree.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-52 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config sp anningtree cst port priority This command sets the Port Prio rity to a new value for use w ithin the common and internal spanning tree.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-5 3 202-10010-01 config sp anningtree mst vlan add This command adds an association between a multiple spanning tree in stance and a VLAN. The VLAN will no longer be associated with the comm on and internal spanning tree.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-54 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config sp anningtree mst port priority This command sets the priority for a specific port within a specifi c multiple spanning tree instance.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-5 5 202-10010-01 show sp anningtree mst port summary This command displays the settings of one or all ports within the specifie d multiple spanning tree instance.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-56 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 VLAN Identifier Associated Instance Identifier for the ass oci ated multiple spanni ng tree instance or "CST" if associated with the com mon an d internal spanning tree.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-5 7 202-10010-01 config users p asswd This command changes the passwo rd of an existing operator . Th e password is up to eight alphanumeric characters . The name and password are not case-sensitive.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-58 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config users snmpv3 accessmode This command specifies the snmpv3 access priv ileges for the specified login user . The valid accessmode values are readonly or readwrite .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-5 9 202-10010-01 config radius maxretransmit This command sets the maximum number of times a request packet is retransmitted when no response is received from the RADIUS server .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-60 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 Format config radius accounting mode < enable/disable> config radius accounting server add This command configures the IP address to us e fo r the accounting server .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-6 1 202-10010-01 config radius server add This command configures the IP address to use to connect to a RADIUS server . Up to 3 servers can be configured per RAD IUS client.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-62 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config radius server primary This command specifies which co nfigured server should be the primary server for this RADIUS client. The primary is the server that is used by default for handlin g RADIUS requests.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-6 3 202-10010-01 Current Indicates the configured server cu rrently in use for authentication. IP address The configured IP addr ess of the authentication server .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-64 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 show radius accounti ng summary This command displays th e configured accounting mode and accounting server . Format show radius accounting summary Mode Enabled or Disabled.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-6 5 202-10010-01 show radius st at s This command displays the RADIUS statistics that are not related to a specific server or to the accounting server .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-66 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config dot1x port controldir This command configures the control direction for the specified port or po rts. The control direction dictates the degree to which protocol exchanges take place between Suppl icant and Authenticator .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-6 7 202-10010-01 config dot1x port transmitpe riod This command sets the value, in seconds, of the timer used by th e authenticator state machine on the specified port to determin e when to send an EAPOL EAP Request/Identity frame to the supplicant.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-68 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 Default 3600 Format config dot1x port reauthperiod <slot.port> <1-65535> config dot1x port reauthenabled This command enables or disabl es reauthentication of the supplicant for the specified port.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-6 9 202-10010-01 Protocol V ersion The protocol version associated with th is port. The only possible value is 1, corresponding to the first vers ion of the dot1x specification.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-70 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 EAPOL Frames T ransmitted The number of EAPOL frames of any type that have been transmitted by this authenticator . EAPOL St art Frames Received The number of EAPOL start frames that have been received by this authenticator .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-7 1 202-10010-01 Default None Format config authentication login create < listname> config authentication login delete This command deletes the specified authentication login list.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-72 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 config dot1x defaultlogin This command assigns the authenti cation login list to use for noncon figured users for 802.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-7 3 202-10010-01 config users login This command assigns the specified authentication login list to the sp ecified user for system login. The <user> must be a configured <user> and the <listname> must be a configured login list.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-74 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 User This field disp lays the user s configured locally to have access to the sp ecified port. show users authentication This command displays all user and all authentic ation login information.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-7 5 202-10010-01 Format transfer upload mode <xmodem|tftp> transfer upload serverip This command sets the IP address of th e server on which the file is located.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-76 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 transfer upload filename This command sets the name for the file that is uploaded fro m the switch. The switch “remembers” the last file name used.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-7 7 202-10010-01 transfer download serverip This command configures the IP address of the server on which the file is located. Note: This command is valid only when the transfer mode is TFTP .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-78 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 transfer download st art This command starts a download transfer after displaying current settings and upon confirmation.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Switching Commands 7-7 9 202-10010-01 clear lag This command clears all LAGs. Format clear lag clear st at s port This command clears the stat s for a specified <slot.port> Format clear stats port <slot.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 7-80 Switching Comm a nd s 202-10010-01 ping This command checks if another computer is on the network and listens for connections.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Differentiated Services 8-1 202-10010-01 Chapter 8 Differentiated Services This chapter contains the Command Line Interface (CLI) commands used for the QOS Differentiated Services (Dif fServ) package.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software 8-2 Differentiated Services 202-10010-01.
Cabling Guidelines A-1 202-10010-01 Appendix A Cabling Guidelines This appendix provides spec ifications for cables used wi th a NETGEAR GSM7224 Layer 2 Managed Switch. Fast Ethernet Cable Guidelines Fast Ethernet uses UTP cable, as specified in the IEEE 802.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software A-2 Cabling Guidelines 202-10010-01 Category 5 Cable Category 5 distributed cable that me ets ANSI/EIA/ TIA-568-A building wiring stan dards can be a maximum of 328 feet (ft.) or 10 0 meters (m) in length, div ided as follows: 20 ft.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Cabling Guidelines A-3 202-10010-01 T able 8-1. Electrical Requir ement s of Category 5 Cable T wisted Pair Cables For two devices to communicate, th e transmitter of each device must be connected to the receiver of the other device.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software A-4 Cabling Guidelines 202-10010-01 Figure 8-2 illustrates crossover twisted pair cable. Figure 8-2: Crossover T wisted-Pair Cable Patch Panels and Cables If you are using patch panels, make sure th at they meet the 100BASE- TX requirements.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Cabling Guidelines A-5 202-10010-01 Note : Flat “silver satin” teleph one cable may have the same RJ-45 plug . However , using teleph one cable results in excessive collisio ns, causing the attached port to be partitioned or disconnected from the network.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software A-6 Cabling Guidelines 202-10010-01 Unlike 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX, which use only two of the four pairs of wires wit hin the Category 5, 1000BASE-T u ses all four pairs of th e twisted pair .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Cabling Guidelines A-7 202-10010-01 Figure 8-4 shows the RJ-45 plug and RJ-45 connector . Figure 8-4: RJ-45 Plug and RJ-45 Connector with Built-in LEDs Ta b l e 8 - 1 lists the pin assignments for the 10/100 Mbps RJ-45 plug and the RJ-45 connector .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software A-8 Cabling Guidelines 202-10010-01 T able 8-2. 100/1000 Mbp s RJ-45 Plug and RJ-45 Connect or Pin Assignment s Conclusion For o.
Glossary B-1 202-10010-01 Appendix B Glossary Use the list below to find definitions for technical terms used in this manual. Numeric 802.1D The IEEE designator for Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). STP , a link managem ent proto col, is part of the 802.1D standard for media access contro l bridges.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software B-2 Glossary 202-10010-01 100BASE-TX The IEEE specification for 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet over Category 5 twisted-pair cabl e . 1000BASE-SX The IEEE specification for 1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet over fib er-optic cable.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Glossary B-3 202-10010-01 Baud The signaling rate of a line, that is, the number of tr ansitions (voltage or frequency changes) made per second. Also known as line speed. BootP See “Bootstrap Protocol” on page 3.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software B-4 Glossary 202-10010-01 CLI See “Command Line Interface” on page 4. Collision A term used to describe two colliding packets in an Et hern et network.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Glossary B-5 202-10010-01 The DNS syst em is, in fact, its own ne t work. If one DNS server doesn't kn ow how to translate a particular domain name, it asks another one , and so on, until the correct IP address is returned.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software B-6 Glossary 202-10010-01 Ethernet A LAN specification develo ped jointly by Xerox, Inte l and Digi tal Equi pment Corporation. Ethernet networks transmit packets at a rate of 10 Mbps.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Glossary B-7 202-10010-01 G GARP See “Generic Attribute Registration Prot ocol ” on pa ge 7. GARP Information Propagation GIP is the propagation of information between GARP part icipants for the same applicatio n in a bridg e is carried out by a GIP component.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software B-8 Glossary 202-10010-01 GVRP See “GARP VLAN Registration Protocol” on page 7. H Half-duplex A system that allows packets to transmitted and received, but not at the same time.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Glossary B-9 202-10010-01 IP Multicasting Sending out data to distributed servers on the MBone (Multi cast Backbone).
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software B-10 Glossary 202-10010-01 Local Area Network A communications netwo rk serving users within a limi ted area, such as one floor of a buildi ng. A LAN typically connects multiple personal co mputers and shared network devices such as storage and printers.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Glossary B-11 202-10010-01 MDI/MDIX In cable wiring, the concept of transm it and receive are from the perspec tive of the PC, which is wired as a Media Dependant Interface (MDI).
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software B-12 Glossary 202-10010-01 them, and are the only areas that can contain an ASBR.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Glossary B-13 202-10010-01 packet bound for or headin g away from the first port w ill be forwarded o nto the second port as well. The administrator places a protocol anal yzer on the port receiving the mirrored data to moni tor each segment separately .
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software B-14 Glossary 202-10010-01 Using RADIUS, you must enter your user name and password before gaining access to a network. This information is passed to a RADIUS server, which checks that the information is co rrect, and then authorizes access.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Glossary B-15 202-10010-01 SNMPsec (historic): Security is based on part ies. Few , if any , vendors implemented this version of the protocol, which is now largely forgotten.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software B-16 Glossary 202-10010-01 STP Spanning Tree Protocol. See “802.1D” on page 1 for more information. stub area OSPF area that carries a default rout e, intra-area routes, and interarea routes, but does not carry external routes.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series La yer 2 Managed Switch Software Glossary B-17 202-10010-01 T runking The process of combing a set of trunks that are tr affic-engineered as a unit for the establishment of connections between switching systems in which a ll of the communications paths are interchangeable.
User Manual for the NETGEAR 7200 Series Layer 2 Managed Switch Software B-18 Glossary 202-10010-01 Wide Area Network A W AN is a computer network that spans a relatively large ge ographical area. T ypically , a W A N consists of two or more local-area networks (LANs).
Index 1 A Address Resolution Protocol. See ARP ARP cache, displaying 7-3 authentication login create 7-70 login delete 7-71 login set 7-71 show login info 7-73 show login users 7-73 Authentication Fla.
2 Index config protocol vlan remove 7-34 config radius accounting mode 7-59 config radius account ing server add 7-60 config radius accounti ng server port 7-60 config radius accounti ng server remove.
Index 3 port detailed 7-68 port maxrequests 7-67 port quietperiod 7-66 port reauthenabled 7-68 port reauthen ticate 7-65 port reauthperiod 7-67 port servertimeout 7-67 port stats 7-69, 7-70 port summa.
4 Index adddest 7-45 addsrc 7-44 create 7-43 deldest 7-45 delsrc 7-44 remove 7-44 show 7-43 Management Access 2-1 management commands 201 commands 7-13 to 7-22 MDI/MDI-X 10-2 MDI/MDI-X wiring 10-1 1 m.
Index 5 server stats 7-63 server summary 7-62 stats 7-65 summary 7-62 timeout 7-59 reset system command 7-79 root traps 7- 21 routing default router IP address, setting 7-16 S save config command 7-58.
6 Index show sysinfo 7-2 show telnet 7-22 show trapflags 7-20 show traplog 7-12 show users 7-56 show users authentication 7-74 show vlan detailed 7-29 show vlan interface 7-32 show vlan summary 7-29, .
Index 7 TFTP setting as download mode 7-76 setting as upload mode 7-74 timeouts forwardingdb 7-23 serial 7-16 TIP 4-2 topology change notification traps 7-21 transfer commands transfer download dataty.
8 Index X XMODEM setting as download mode 7-76 setting as upload mode 7-74 Z ZT erm 4-2.
デバイスNETGEAR 7200 Seriesの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
NETGEAR 7200 Seriesをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNETGEAR 7200 Seriesの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。NETGEAR 7200 Seriesの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。NETGEAR 7200 Seriesで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
NETGEAR 7200 Seriesを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNETGEAR 7200 Seriesの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、NETGEAR 7200 Seriesに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNETGEAR 7200 Seriesデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。