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M1-XM128U-0 Februar y 1998 NETGEAR , I nc. A B ay Networ ks Compan y 4401 G reat Am erica Pa rkway Santa Clar a, CA 95054 USA Phone 88 8-NETGEAR Getting Sta r ted Using FirstGear f or the Mode l XM 128U ISDN Dig ital Modem Xm 128u_ bk .
ii © 1998 by NETGEAR, Inc. All right s rese rv ed . T rademarks Bay N etw orks is a re gist er ed tra dem a rk of Bay N et wor ks, In c. NETGE AR and Fir stGea r ar e trad emar ks of Bay N et wor ks, In c. Mi cro sof t, W i ndo ws , and W indo w s N T ar e re gi st er ed tra dema rks of M ic rosof t Cor por at io n.
Contents ii i Contents Prefac e Purpose ... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ... .... .v ii Con v enti ons . ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..
iv Contents Xm 128u_ bk .f m Pag e iv We dn es day , F e br uary 4, 199 8 4:32 PM.
Fig ure s v Figures Figure 2 -1. F ront panel of the M ode l XM128U m odem (with S /T interface) ....... .. ...... 2-1 Figure 2 -2. Rear panel of the Model XM128U m odem ............... .. ............ .. ............... . 2-3 Figure 3 -1. Model XM 128U modem conn ections .
vi Figures T able s T able 2-1. LED de script ions ..... .... ... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... . 2-2 T abl e 2-2. Rea r panel compo nents ... ....... .. .......... ....... .. .......... .
Pr eface vii Preface Congrat ulation s on your purch ase of the NETGEAR ™ Model XM128U ISDN D igita l Modem . The Model XM128U m odem sets a ne w pri ce and performance stand ard fo r rapidly gro wing Inter net and teleco mm uting ap plic ations .
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem viii Pr eface Spe cia l M essag e Fo r mats This guide uses the fol lowin g formats to highl ight special messa ges .
Xm 128u_ bk .f m Pag e ix We dn es day , F e br uary 4, 199 8 4:32 PM.
Xm 128u_ bk .fm Pag e x Wedn es da y, F e br uary 4, 199 8 4:32 PM.
Introduction 1-1 Chapter 1 Intr oduction This guid e descr ibes ho w t o inst all and use the Model XM128U IS D N Digita l Modem. It inc ludes a p hysical descript ion and i nstallati on instr uctions for t he ha rdwar e, as well as inst ructions for insta lling a nd usin g Fir stGear ™ f or confi guring the modem.
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 1-2 Introduc tion The Model XM128U modem has the follo wing speed and compatibil ity featur e s: • Plug-a nd-Play support for.
Ph ys ic al D es cri pt i o n 2-1 Chapter 2 Ph ysi cal Descr ip tion This c hapter pro vides informatio n about the hardw are feat ures of the Model XM12 8U ISDN Digita l Modem. Use the key a t the bot tom of each ill ustration to identif y the panel component s.
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 2-2 Physica l Desc ription LED s LEDs on the front pane l of the Model XM128U modem allo w you to monit or and diagnose the de vice. Ta b l e 2 - 1 de scribe s each LED. T able 2 -1 .
Getting St arted Usin g FirstGear f or the M odel X M128U ISDN Digital M odem Physica l Desc ription 2-3 Rear P anel As ill ustra ted i n Figure 2- 2 , t he rear panel conta ins a powe r s witch; a powe r re ceptacle ; and ports to connec t a computer , ISDN line , a nd two analog devic e s (telepho ne, f ax, or modem).
Xm 128u_ bk .fm Pag e 4 Wedn es da y, F e br uary 4, 199 8 4:32 PM.
Ins t al l a ti on 3-1 Chapter 3 Installa tion This chapte r provide s informatio n about insta lling and using the Model XM128U ISDN Digita l Modem. Packag e C o n t e n t s Y our pa ckage should con.
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 3-2 Ins t al l a ti on Installing the Modem Before connec ting any of the de vices to your modem, make sure the po wer is turne d of f on your compute r and you r Model XM128U modem.
Getting St arted Usin g FirstGear f or the M odel X M128U ISDN Digital M odem Inst allati on 3-3 2. Conn ect th e o t her en d (fe male en d) of the 2 5-p in str aigh t c ab le t o th e se rial (C O M) p o rt on y ou r compute r .
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 3-4 Ins t al l a ti on Insta llin g the W indows 95 Drive r The Model XM128U modem is Plug-and-Pla y compatible with W i ndo ws 95. If you are running W indo ws 95 or Win do ws NT , re fer t o this sect ion to i nstall the W in dows 95 dri ver .
Getting St arted Usin g FirstGear f or the M odel X M128U ISDN Digital M odem Inst allati on 3-5 4. Click on OK. The Insta ll From Disk screen opens, as illus trated in F igur e 3-3 . Figure 3-3. Install From Disk screen 5. Inser t the NETGEAR X M128 Dri ver Disk in the floppy driv e.
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 3-6 Ins t al l a ti on 8. Sele ct the d esired mo d em d river . In most cases , depending on whether your ISP supports 64K or 128K conne cti on, you will want to se lect one of the follo wing: Netgea r XM 128, PPP 64K or Netgea r XM 128, MP-PPP 128K 9.
Getting St arted Usin g FirstGear f or the M odel X M128U ISDN Digital M odem Inst allati on 3-7 T o install the Firs tGe ar sof tware: 1. Inser t your NETGEAR FirstGear disk into Dri v e A on y our computer . 2. Sele ct Run ... . from th e S ta rt me nu of Wi n dow s 9 5.
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 3-8 Ins t al l a ti on 5. In the f i nal scr een, check the box to launch the applic ation that will automati cally lau nch the F irs tG ear Wi zard . Figure 3- 6 ill ustrates the Set up Complete scr een.
Getting St arted Usin g FirstGear f or the M odel X M128U ISDN Digital M odem Inst allati on 3-9 Y ou ha v e a choice betwe en launching this appl ication aut omatic ally during the install ation of FirstGe ar or runni ng it later from t he NETGEAR program group folde r .
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 3-10 Ins t al l a ti on T o launch FirstGe ar f rom the NETGEAR program fold er: 1. Click on Next to continue, and t he T elephone numbers assi gned s creen ap pea rs as sho wn in Figure 3- 8 .
Getting St arted Usin g FirstGear f or the M odel X M128U ISDN Digital M odem Inst allati on 3-11 3. Click on Next. Based on the selec tion on the pre vi ous sc reen, you will be able to ent er ei ther one or two telephon e numbers.
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 3-12 Ins t al l a ti on 4. Afte r you en ter th e telep ho ne num b er( s), c lic k on N e xt to cont in ue . At this point, the FirstGe ar W i zar d will aut omatic ally dete ct the Service Prof ile IDs (SPIDs) and the appr opriate switc h type .
Getting St arted Usin g FirstGear f or the M odel X M128U ISDN Digital M odem Inst allati on 3-13 If the W izard is unable to determi ne the SPID and/or switch v alue s, you will be prompted to enter these v alue s dir ectly . R efer to the inform ati on supplied b y your loca l te lephone compan y .
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 3-14 Ins t al l a ti on About Firs tGe ar FirstGe ar allo ws you to set the telephon e numbers, run diagnost ics, and enable /disabl e the Call W aiting fe ature. When you run Fi rstGear , it automati cally displ ays the curr ent setti ng of the Model XM128U mode m.
Getting St arted Usin g FirstGear f or the M odel X M128U ISDN Digital M odem Inst allati on 3-15 Clicking on the b uttons at the bot tom of t he sc reen will ha ve the follo wing results : • OK The OK butt on sav es the current c onf iguration and e xits the program.
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 3-16 Ins t al l a ti on The Configur atio n menu se lections ha v e the fol lo wing r esults : • R et ri e ve Selecti ng Retrie ve allows you to re vi ew the curr e nt setting of the Model XM128U modem.
Getting St arted Usin g FirstGear f or the M odel X M128U ISDN Digital M odem Inst allati on 3-17 The T ools menu provid es you with the abilit y to progra m som e of the adv anced featur es using A T comm ands as well as a diagnost ic tool. Figure 3- 15 shows the T ools menu choices disp layed.
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 3-18 Ins t al l a ti on The Help menu allo ws you to retri e ve an online versi on of this manual.
Getting St arted Usin g FirstGear f or the M odel X M128U ISDN Digital M odem Inst allati on 3-19 3. Double-c lick on the Make New Connection icon fr om wit hin the Dial-Up Netwo rkin g fo ld e r . The Make Ne w Connection screen, as illustr ated in Figure 3- 17 , ope ns.
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 3-20 Ins t al l a ti on 6. Click on Next. The second Mak e New Connect ion sc reen op ens , as il l ust rated in Figure 3-18 . Figure 3-18. Make New Connection scree n for entering ISP inf orm ati on 7.
Getting St arted Usin g FirstGear f or the M odel X M128U ISDN Digital M odem Inst allati on 3-21 10. S elect the new icon in the Dial-Up Networ king f older , and click on the right mouse button . 11. Select P roperti es from th e menu . The My Connection scr een, as illu str ated in Figure 3-19 , opens.
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 3-22 Ins t al l a ti on 13. Click on t he Se rver T ype s tab. The Serve r T ypes tab opens, as illustr a ted in Figure 3 - 20 . If yo u ar e usin g PPP , use the d e fault settings sho wn in Figure 3- 20 .
Getting St arted Usin g FirstGear f or the M odel X M128U ISDN Digital M odem Inst allati on 3-23 14. Cli ck on TCP/IP Settings. The TCP/IP Sett ings screen, a s illus trat ed in F igur e 3-21 , opens. Figure 3-21. TCP/ IP Se ttings screen 15. Click on t he Sp eci fy na me s erver ad dres ses r adi o butto n .
Getting Started Using FirstGear for th e Model XM128U ISDN Digital Modem 3-24 Ins t al l a ti on Configur ing Dial-Up Ne twork ing f or T wo B Channels T o config ure your Model XM128U modem for use with two B chann els using Mult ilink PPP: 1. Double-c lick on the My Computer icon.
Ind ex 1 B bul le ti n b oa rd se rv ic e ii C Conf i gur at io n menu sc re en 3- 1 4 conven ti on s vi i cust omer suppor t ii F feat u re s 1-1 Firs tG e a r so ft wa r e, in s ta lli n g 3-6 fro n.
2 Index S scr een s Conf i gurat ion me nu 3-1 4 Fin is h In s ta lla ti o n Wizar d 3-12 Help Menu 3-18 Ins ta ll F rom D i sk 3-4 , 3-5 Intr o du ctio n 3-9 ISDN menu tab 3-16 ISD N Set tings me nu .
デバイスNETGEAR XM128Uの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
NETGEAR XM128Uをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNETGEAR XM128Uの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。NETGEAR XM128Uの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。NETGEAR XM128Uで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
NETGEAR XM128Uを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNETGEAR XM128Uの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、NETGEAR XM128Uに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNETGEAR XM128Uデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。