Newcon OptikメーカーNVS 6の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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NVS 6 PILOT NIGHT VISION GOGGLES MA INTENA NCE A ND OPERA TION MA NUA L In USA: 3310 Prospect A ve. Cl eveland, OH 44115 In Canada: 1183 Fi nch A ve. W .
NVS 6 MANUA L RECORD OF REVISIONS Pages 1/2 IMPORTA NT IN FORMA TION Read prior to activation You have just purchased a complicated electronic device. To operate it properly , please read this manual carefully . Here are some common precautions that must be noted.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 2 RECORD OF REVISIONS R e v . Sec tion, Page Authorizing T ra n s m i t t al le t t e r N o . Sub-Sec tion, Subject Revi- sed Added Dele- ted Docum ent No.
NVS 6 MANUA L LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Pages 1/2 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PA GES Section, Sub-Section, Subject Page Date Title Page – – Record of Revisions 1/2 List of Effective Pages 1/2 Table of Content.
NVS 6 MANUA L CONTENTS Pages 1/2 TA BLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 General ........................................................................................................ 1 2 Main Data .................................................................
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 1 1 General 1.1 The NVS 6, helic opter night-vision goggles , have been designed for use by the helicopter crewm ember s during ex ecution of flights at night. Note – The helicopter cock pit should be tailored f or the us e of t he night-vision goggles.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 2 1.7 The trouble- free oper ation of the NVS 6, within the assigned service lif e, is ens ured through its c orrec t use, car eful handling and well- timed m aintenanc e.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 3 2 MAIN DA TA 2.1 Specific ations of the NVS 6 are presented in T able 1. Table 1 Specific ation Character istic 1 Field of view (FO V), m inim um 40 deg 2 Magnifying power 1 X 3 R.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 4 Table 1, cont'd Specific ation Character istic 11 Continuous operation tim e f ollowed by an interval of not less than 30 m in, minim um 3 h 12 Unit deploy m ent tim e (getti.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 5 3 STANDA RD SET 3.1 The s tandard set of the NVS 6 shall be cons istent with Table 2 and Fig. 3.1. Table 2 Designation Nom enclature Qty Remar ks Assembli es 201211.010 Night-vision goggles 1 433739.003 Voltage converter 1 Set of Spare Par ts 279376.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 6 1 Night-Vision Goggles 2 Voltage Converter 3 Dehydrator Cartridge 4 Screwdriver 5 Test Pattern 6 Batteries 7 Mount 8 Casing 9 Clamp 10 Counterweight 11 Cloth 12 Case NVS 6 Standard Set Figure 3.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 7 4 SA FET Y PRECAUTIONS 4.1 The NVS 6 is construc ted so as to pr ovide pilot’s saf ety during operation. 4.2 In case of em ergency the helicopter crewm em bers shall tak e off (throw off ) the NVS 6 night-vision goggles befor e evacuating t he helicopter.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 8 5 DESIGN OF UNIT A ND ITS CO MPON ENTS 5.1 The NVS 6 is essentially a passive-type optoelectronic night- vision device whose princ iple of operation is based on the intensif ication of im age brightnes s of obj ects being viewed with the aid of im age- intensifier tubes.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 9 1 Lens 2 Eyepiece 3 Ring 4 Guide 5 Cap-Switch 6 Fixing Assembly 7 Mount 8 Casing 9 Counterweight 10 LVC (Low-Voltage Conv erter) 11 Cable 12 Cap 13 Dehydrator Cartridge 14 Sight Glass 15 Cable 16 Screw 17 Visor Guard 18 Slot 19 Cross-Shaped Knob 20 Screw NVS 6 Figure 5.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 10 For balancing out the over turning m om entum pr oduced by the unit in the operating position, use is m ade of counter weight (9) secur ed on the rear portion of the helm et. The helm et should be tailor ed for em ployment of the night-vision goggles.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 11 1 Guide 2 Guide 3 RH Side M onocular 4 LH Side M o nocular 5 Lens 6 Eyepiece 7 Image-Intensifier Tube 8 Barrel 9 Screw 10 Button 11 Batteries 12 Cap-switch 13 Fixing Assembly 14 Retainer 15 Button 16 Cable 17 Lever 18 Knob 19 Screw 20 Plate 21 Retainer 22 Retainer Night-Vision Goggles Figure 5.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 12 Phy s ically, the night-vision goggles are m ade in the for m of two identical electro- optical channels – m onocular (3) and m onocular (4) – which are m echanically linked with each other with the aid of guide (1 ) and guide (2).
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 13 Knob (18) provides a m eans of individual adj ustm ent of the monoc ular position ( ey e r elief, tilt of the m onocular pair optical axes, and displacem ent of the monoc ular pair in the upward and downward directions ). The m onocular pair is loc ked in the s elected position by moving the knob down as f ar as it will go.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 14 The des ign of the LVC is illus trated in Fig. 5.3. Struc turally, the LVC consists of c asing (1), which ac com m odates voltage conver ter (2) attached to it by means of s crews (3) . Cover (4) is fastened to the c asing with screws (5).
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 15 1 Casing 2 Voltage Converter 3 Screw 4 Cover 5 Screw 6 Connector Plug 7 Connector Receptacle 8 Screw 9 Gasket Low-Voltage Converter Figure 5.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 16 1 Screw 2 Screw 3 Screw 4 Guides 5 Spring 6 Carriage 7 Carriage 8 Screw 9 Screw Mount Figure 5.4 The m ount is attac hed to the front por tion of the helm et with the aid of three screw s (1), (2), (3).
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 17 Carriages (6) and (7) can be m oved upwards/downwards by rotating adjustm ent s crew (8), as well as left/right with the aid of s crew (9) to adjust the pos ition of the night-vision goggles relative to the pilot’s eyes. The adj ustm ent is perf orm ed with the use of the sc rewdriver, part of the single set of s pare parts.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 18 5.5.6 Screwdriver (4) , shown in Fig. 3.1, is m eant for perfor m ing necessar y readjustm ents of m ount (7) and als o used when the helm et standard cas ing is replac ed. 5.5.7 For rem oving dust, m ois ture and dirt f rom the external surf aces of the unit, use is m ade of cloth (11) shown in Fig.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 19 6 PREPA RATION FOR O PERA T ION 6.1 Pre paration of Helmet for Mounting Night-Vision Goggles 6.1.1 Replacem ent of Vis or Guard/Mount As sem bly Remove the s tandard m ount ass embly of visor guar d (17) (Ref. F ig. 5.1).
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 20 + 1 Retainer 2 Tail End 3 Screw 4 Bushing 5 Recess 6 Recess 7 W asher 8 Casing 9 Clamp 17 Visor Guard 18 Slot 19 Cross-shaped Knob 20 Screw Replacem ent of Cas ing on Helmet Figure 6.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 21 1 Retainer 2 Tail End 6 Recess 9 Clamp Assem bly of Clamp with Retainer Figure 6.2 6.1.2 Installation of Counter weight 6.1 .2 .1 T ak e counterweight (10) (R ef. Fig. 3.1) f rom the set of spare parts, rem ove the bac king of the stick ing fas tener m eant for fastening to the helmet.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 22 The adhes ive recom m ended for usage is ac rylate cy anide, ty pe LO CTIT E 454, or the lik e providing an adequate bonding of fiberglass lam inate with poly vinyl chloride (the adhesive sets in 2 to 3 m in and the unit may be used after a laps e of 24 h).
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 23 Should the monoc ular pair f ail to be lock ed relative to the unit f ixing assem bly, proceed as follows: – Move knob (2) ( Ref.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 24 1 Button 2 Knob 3 Plate 4 Screw 5 Cap-swi tch 6 Cap 7 Button 8 Guide 9 Counterwei ght 10 Strap 11 Cross -head Knob 12 Guide 13 Retainer 14 Cable 15 Visor Guard 16 Screw 18 Lever .
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 25 1 Button 2 Knob 3 Plate 4 Screw 5 Cap-switch 9 Counterweight 10 Strap 12 Guide 13 Retainer 14 Cable 16 Screw 17 Ring 18 Lever 25 Connector 26 Mount 27 Screw Night-Vision Goggles Installed on Helm et in Stowed Position Figure 6.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 26 1 Button 2 Knob 3 Plate 4 Screw 7 Button 12 Guide 13 Retainer 16 Screw 18 Lever 26 Mount 27 Screw Installation of Night- Vision Goggles on Helmet and T heir Adj ustm ent Relative to Pilot’s Eyes Figure 6.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 27 1 Button 12 Guide 13 Retainer 14 Cable 19 LVC (Low-Voltage C onverter) 20 Cable 21 LVC Power C able Running from Helicopter Electrical System 22 Receptacle 23 Plug 24 Spring Clamp 25 Connector Connection of Night- Vision Goggles to Helic opter Electr ical System Via Voltage Converter Figure 6.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 28 countercloc kwise dir ection until it is r etained in the ON position and c heck to see that the unit operates pr operly. In so doing, see to it that th e image- intensifier tube scr eens start glow st eadily in am ber -green (without flashes and twink ling) in the m onocular pair of the night- vision goggles.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 29 6. 2.1 3 Ca r ry out preparatory operations on the pilot’s helm et in compl iance with the Manual. Loosen cr oss- shaped k nob (11) and use it to move vis or guard ( 15) fully so that the visor guard is retracted under the casing.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 30 right eye, as w ell as clear view of the s urrounding s pace by shifting gaze downwards under the ey epieces of the night-vision goggles.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 31 6.2.23 Check the operation of the m echanis m perm itting emer gency removal of the night-vision goggles f rom the helm et. T o test, depress lever s (18) ( Ref. Fig. 6.4) of the fix ing assem bly w ith the thum b and foref inger and sim ultaneous ly pull the night- vision goggles prom ptly downwards.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 32 6.3 A rrangement of Night-V ision Goggles on Helicopter (Figs 6.4 thru 6.7) 6.3.1 Rem ove the f ollowing com ponents fr om the case (Ref . Fig. 3.1): night-vision goggles ( 1), batteries ( 6) (2 pcs ), m ount (7), c ounterweight (10), voltage conver ter (2) c om plete with LVC (low - voltage converter) (10) (Ref.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 33 6.3.8 Fasten cable ( 14) on counterweight (9) us ing strap ( 10) (Ref . Fig. 6.5, Step 6.2.15). 6.3.9 W ith the goggles placed in the s towed po si tio n s ec ur e he lm e t soundly on the pilot’s head. 6.3.10 Connect cable (14) to cable (20) with the use of the connector (2 5) (Ref .
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 35 6.3.21 Disc onnect power cable (21) ( Ref. Fig. 6.7) of the helicopter electrical s ystem fr om the LVC (low-voltage converter) , and disengage cable receptac le (22) f rom plug (23) of the LVC. 6.3.22 Remove the LVC ( com plete with cable (20)).
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 36 7 OPERA T ION PRO CEDURE 7.1 The c onditions in which the night-vision goggles are operated have their own idiosyncrasy, which requires certain s k ills on the part of the pilot as the im age of the terrain and objec ts visible through the night- vision goggles is m onoc hrom ic and not very soft.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 37 7.9 Upon com pletion of work with the night-vision goggles and af ter the helicopter landing, perf orm the operations prescribed by Steps 6.2.14 thru 6.2.25. If need be, clean the night-vision goggles and their access ories f rom dust, dirt and tr aces of moistur e with the cloth included in the single set of s pare parts .
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 38 8 OPERA T IONA L ST ATUS CHECK 8.1 In the course of the NVS 6 service, it is essential to continually carry out its inspection. T he inspection shall be accom plis hed during all.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 39 Procedure Inspection m ethod Tec hnical requirem ents IPS), the im age-intensif ier tube screens shall illuminate and, af ter dioptric adjustm ent of the ey epiec es (Ref . Step 6.2.20) and foc using of the lenses (Ref . Step 7.4), nearby objects shall be clearly seen in the unit field of view.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 40 Table 4 Trouble and sy mp to ms Probable cause Correction Remark s 1 NV S 6 f ailure to operate (im age-intensif ier tube screens are not illuminated) 1 Polarity of connected rec.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 41 Trouble and sy mp to ms Probable cause Remedy Remark s spare parts 3 Presence of m oisture inside the unit 1 Replace dehyd- rator car tridge (13) (Ref. Fig. 5.1) , by first ins pecting the color of silica gel indicator through sight glass ( 14).
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 42 Trouble and sy mp to ms Probable cause Remedy Remark s 2 Image of viewed objects is not suff iciently sharp 1 Dirt on external surf aces of the unit lens, ey epiec e 1 W ipe clean external sur faces of lens (1) ( Ref. Fig. 5.1) and ey epiec e (2) with cloth (11) (Ref.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 43 Trouble and sy mp to ms Probable cause Remedy Remark s sical dam age repair at Manu- fact urer’s fac ilities 3 One of the im age-intensif ier tube screens is not illuminated.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 44 Trouble and sy mp to ms Probable cause Remedy Remark s when its color has changed to lilac or rosy 5 Night-vision goggles are not properly secured on the mount of the helmet 1 Fi.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 45 10 MAINTENA NCE PRACTICES 1 0 . 1 T he maintenanc e operations to be carried out on the NVS 6 constitute the essential part of the unit operation and their c orrect perfor m ance can signif icantly prolong the unit service lif e and keep it alway s r eady f or use.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 46 Table 5, cont'd Line maintenanc e procedur es (pref light check s) Subject of m aintenance and operations Prelim i- nary preparat ion Preflight prepara- tion Prepara- tion f.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 47 10. 3. 1 For c leaning the outer surf aces of the lenses and eyepieces, wipe them with a clean cloth included in the single set of spare par ts, by first blowing of f grains of sand and dus t from the s urfac es.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 48 Table 6 Procedure Maintenance check intervals, hours (m onths) and param eter under check 50 (6 m onths) 100 (12 m onths) 200 (24 m onths) 1 Cleaning lens and ey epiec e external.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 49 required) 10.6 The ins pection procedur e shall be perf orm ed as s pecified in Table 3. 10 . 7 T he im age quality shall be tested in com pliance with Step 6.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 50 11 STOR A GE AND SHIPMENT 11.1 The NVS 6 units should be stored in heated pr em ises at a temper ature of +5 to +40 o C and a relative air hum idity of not in excess of 80 %. 11.2 Maintenance of the units , while at store, shall be perf orm ed as instruc ted in Section 10 of this Manual.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 51 A PPENDIX A List of Illus trations (ref erence) Fig. Title Page 3.1 NVS 6 Standard Set 6 5.1 NVS 6 9 5.2 Night-Vision Goggles 11 5.3 Low-Voltage Converter 15 5.4 Mount 17 6.1 Replacem ent of Cas ing on Helmet 20 6.2 Assem bly of Clamp with Retainer 21 6.
Page 52 A PPENDIX B List of Abbr eviations (ref erence) FOV – Field of view IPS – Independent power source LVC – Low-voltage converter.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 53 WA RRANTY : NEWCON OPTIK warrants this product against defects in material and workmanship for one y ear from the date of the original date of consumer's purchase, but no more than 18 months from the date of manufacturing.
NVS 6 MANUA L Page 54.
デバイスNewcon Optik NVS 6の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Newcon Optik NVS 6をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNewcon Optik NVS 6の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Newcon Optik NVS 6の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Newcon Optik NVS 6で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Newcon Optik NVS 6を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNewcon Optik NVS 6の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Newcon Optik NVS 6に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNewcon Optik NVS 6デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。