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NOMENCLATURE ______ _ CD Synchro socket index (J) Sensor socke t ® ro socket ® Synchro soc ket cover @ Snp,erllin l ht ® Camera plug and locking ring @ Sensor holder socket @ Sensor holder position.
CONTENTS ________ _ NOMENCLATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 FOREWORD .. . . ... . . .. . ...... . ........ .. . ..... 4 PREPARATION .......... ................... 4-6 Examining and lubricating the O-rings ... .. 5 The O-rings and their sealing method .
FOREWORD ________ _ The Nikonos 8peedlight 88-102 , an amphibious high - performance electronic flash unit with a s il i con-con - trolled rectifier and series circuitry , is de s igned for u s e with the Nikonos-V , Nikonos IV - A , and Nikonos III.
PREPARATION-continued E xam in ing and lubr ic a ti ng the O -r ing s: 1 . To remove the O-rings , except those in the synchro socket and sensor socket covers , grasp the ring be- tween your thumb and forefinger . Pinch your fingers together as you slide them in the direction of the arrow to create slack in the O-ring.
PREPARATION-continued ______ _ The preceding instructions must be performed on each user-serviceable O-ring prior to each dive day and , if possible , prior to each dive . By following these pro - cedures and all other procedures in this instruction manual , you will be able to enjoy using your Nikonos 8peedlight 8B-102 for many years .
TIPS ON SPEEDLIGHT CARE 1. After using the speedlight and camera under- water, rinse them both as soon as possible in fresh running water with the sync and sensor cords attached . When the speedlightlcamera assembly gets dirty , rinse it thoroughly in fresh water.
BASIC OPERATI, ;::: O ..:....: N ~ S ======= ~ === ~=----= =-= 1. Unlock the buckle lock/release latches @ and unlock the buckles ®> . Pu ll up the buckle lock/re l ease l atch and push the buck l es outward and downward . Note : The small number s in circles identify part s of the spee dfight as fisted i n the NOMENCLATURE sectio n.
5 Replace the C - type • battery cartridge in the battery chamber. Be sure the speedlight power switch ® is in the " OFF " position , then align the groove on the battery car - tridge with the notch on the i nside of the compartment and slide the battery cartridge into the chamber.
BASIC OPERATIONS-confinued ___ _ 11 Insert the joint plate • into the joint collar @ . While holding the base of the joint knob against the joint , slide the joint plate into the joint collar until it is fully seated.
17 Loosen the arm • knob @ . Turn the arm knob counterclock - wise as far as it will go to loosen it (the two bracket positioning pins on the bottom of the grip @ will be v i s i ble ). 19 Attach the cord • fastening hanger ® to the bracket. As shown in the photo, slide the cord fastening hanger onto the bracke t.
BASIC OPERATIONS-confinued ___ _ 22 Connect the sync • cord @ to the camera . Remove the dust - proof plast ic cap from the sync cord ' s camera plug (silver) . Insert the camera plug in the camera's flash socket after aligning the white inde x on the flash sync socket with the red inde x on the camera plug .
26. Set the ASA/ISO film speed. Turn the exposure calculation dial @ until the correct shooting situa- ti on mark i@i is opposite the ASAIISO speed of the film in the camera. Choose which mark to use accord- ing to the shooting situation: a. . On-land photography ~ : On-land photography with the wide-flash adapter .
BASIC OPERATIONS-confinued ___ _ A·3. Set the f/stop on the lens. When you have determined wh ic h flstop to use , set this fl stop on the lens . In the photograph , f/8 is se t. B·2. Remove the sensor socket cover @ . T urn the sensor socket cover counterclockwise , then pull it up.
B·5. Select an f/stop with th e exposure calculation dial. Select an aperture by using the non·TTL auto shooting aperture scale @ and non·TTL auto shooting aperture index @.
BASIC OPERATIONS-confinued ___ _ • With a set of fully recharged NiCd batteries , the r eady-light will light in approximately 5 seconds; with a fresh set of alkaline· manganese batteries, it wiff light in approxi· mately 1 4 seconds.
CONTROLS IN DETAIL ~~ ::::;-:;= ~k::sens~or un~it SU-::---101 Nikonos III @@ Ni konos - V or Nikonos IV - A -- - ., - " - Bracket ® As indicated in the diagram there are two positions for the bracket screw @ : one for Nikonos-V and Nikonos IV-A and another for the Nikonos III.
CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued ___ _ Joint @ The joint connects the arm to the speedlight and allows the flash head to be positioned as required for various shooting situations . The arm can be inserted from either side of the joint , the normal position is shown in the photo .
Synchro Socket ® To connect the sync cord @) to the speedlight , remove the synchro socket cover ® by turning it counterclock - wise and pulling it up .
CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued ___ _ Sensor Unit SU - 101 (Optional) Mounting the SU·101 on the camera : Turn the sensor unit's locking wheel counterclockwise as far as it will go, slip the unit 's mounting foot into the camera's accessory shoe, and turn the locking wheel clockwise to tighten it.
" AUTO " -Non - TTL Automatic Flash Mode Wh en the opt i on a l Sen s or Unit SU - 101 is us ed , thi s mod e provid es non-TTL a utomatic fl as h operation .
CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued ___ _ Exposure Calculation Dial ® In flash photography, which apertures can be used is closely related to the flash-to-subject distance .
Example 2: When shoot i ng a subject underwater at 4m (1 3 ft) with the wide-flash adapter while using ASAIISO 100 film , you must use f/2 . B . When several f/stops are useable at a specif i c flash - t o-subject d i stance , make your s election by taking the des i red depth of field and speed light recycling time into consideration.
CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued ___ _ Non-TTL Automatic Flash Control When using the optional Sen sor Unit SU-101 , you can selec t one of two useable apertures. The useable apertures vary according to the ASAIISO speed of the film in use , but they can be easily deter- mined with the exposure calculation dial.
Manual Flash Control Manual flash operation allows you to control the light output of the SB-102 by setting the shooting mode selector to one of three positions : "MFULL," "M1/4 , " or "M1/16.
CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued ___ _ Example 3: Shooting a subject on land at 8m (26.2ft) without u si ng the wide-flash adapter while using ASAIISO 100 film and "MFULL": The GN for " MFULL " at ASAIISO 100 on land is 32 (from the chart below).
Non·TTL Automatic Flash Exposure Compensation When shooting in the non-TTL automatic flash exposure mode, exposure compensation can be made by stop- ping down or opening up the lens . To compensate for a dark subject , use a 1/ 2- to 2-step smaller aperture (a numerically larger f - number) .
CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued ___ _ Because of these three factors, the ready-light may blink to indicate that the light output was insufficient for correct exposure even if the subject was within the coupling distance range . Camera and Speedlight Ready·Lights l Other Warning Functions: 1.
Cord Fasten i ng Hanger @ This hanger secures the sync cord to the bracket to keep it out of the way while shooting . To use the cord fastening hanger, attach it to the speed- l i ght bracket as shown in the photo , then attach the sync cord to the hook.
CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued ___ _ Replacing the Target-light If the target-light burns out, replace it with a new one (provided) by performing the following procedures: 1. Remove the battery chamber cap (see page 8) . 2. Remove the C-type battery cartridge.
TIPS ON SPEEDLIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY 1 . The flash - to-subject coupling distances and use- able apertures indicated by the exposure calcula- tion dial are for clear-water shooting . Therefore, the correct exposure will be different if the water is muddy or has floating particles, and some expo- sure compensation must be made .
OPTIMUM BATTERY PERFORMANCE 32 1. New batteries B etween manufacture and first use , all batteries ex hibit s ome drain. Therefore , care should be taken to purch a se the newest (and freshe s t) one s p ossible . To help you do this , some manufacturers stamp the date of manufacture on the bottom of each battery.
ACCESSORIES _______ _ Numerous accessories are available to increase the S8-102's versatility . Sensor Unit SU·101 This unit is required when using the S8 - 102 in the non-TTL autom a tic flash mode with the Nikonos - V, Nikonos IV-A, or Nikonos III.
ACCESSORIES-continued ______ _ Double 5ync Cord Wh en u sing th e N i kon os- V , th is co rd e nabl es tw o S8 - 10 2 Spe e dlight s to b e use d in t he TTL a ut omat ic fla sh m ode .
SPECIFICATIONS __ _ ____ _ Flash Type: Useable Exposure Modes: Guide Numbers : Angle of Cove r age : Batteries: Number of Flashesl Recycling Time: Useable Ranges : Resistant Pressure: Target·Light : .
No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authoriza- tion from the publishers .
デバイスNikon SB-102の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nikon SB-102をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNikon SB-102の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nikon SB-102の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nikon SB-102で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nikon SB-102を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNikon SB-102の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nikon SB-102に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNikon SB-102デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。