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3 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 0 0 T ab le of Conte nts Saf ety a nd initial setup .. ......... ................... .................. ............. 5 Safe ty in for ma tion . ..... ... ..... .. .. ..... ... ..... .. ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ... .
4 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 Using Handset Menus ................. ......... .......... .................. ..... 20 Selec ting a hands et menu .. ..... ... . . ..... . . ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ... . . ..... ....... ..... ..... . 20 Us ing keypa d sh or tc u ts .
5 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 Saf ety a nd i n itia l s etu p Sa fety info rma ti on Read the f ollowing i nforma t io n be f ore you use t he handset. Safety Precautions Make sure the adapter voltage is the same as the electrical outlet v o lt a ge.
6 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 Sensitive Electronic Envir onm ent Operational DE CT pho nes can influe nce sensitive electronic equipment , f o r e xa mple , l aborat or y equipm ent or m ed ical equipmen t . This influenc e can appea r when DECT phones oper a te near equi pment.
7 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 W al l mo un t ing th e C harg er: 1. Dr ill two h ole s int o t he wal l, wit h v e rt ical spacing of 65 mm , a nd inser t t he screws . 2. P l ug the pow e r c ab l e in t o t he charger . 3. Hang the c harging unit on the sc rew s.
8 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 T o ins tal l or remove batteries: 1. Pr e ss the top of t he b at t er y compar t- ment li d and slide i t down. 2. I n ser t new batteries acc o rding to the mark i ng in the batter y c o mpa rt - ment . Ensure correct polarity fo r each batter y .
9 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 Battery L i fe ( w it h fully charged batter ies) T al k ing t ime: up to 1 6 ho urs Standby time: up to 10 da ys Bat t ery d is c har ging Maintain optimum o per at ing tim e by per iodically di scharging batteri es . Th e batter i es c a n be c harged and discha r g ed h undreds of times.
10 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 C4030 Handset f e atures Disp lay scr een The C403 0 d ispla ys f iv e l ines of inf or mation: • Fir st: D isplays s ev e ral ic ons. • Second: Displ a ys te xt, and in standby m ode, date and time. • Third: Displa ys text, a nd in s t andby m ode, i dent ification data.
11 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 Ha nds et ke ys The num erical key s can b e use d to di al num bers or edit e nt r ies in, f o r e xa mple , the t elephon e bo ok. Ex ecut es the displa y c o mmand on t he las t line. Mak e s, ac cepts, or ends a call .
12 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 Ic ons Batter y s t atus / Ch arging indication. V oi ce m ai l m essage-waiting indication. ON : c all in p ro gr es s. FLASHING : inc om in g c al l. Mu te Loudspe ak er on . ON : loc k e d to DE C T s ystem . T op of t he list i s reached.
13 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 Using the C4030 handset Ha ndset On /Off 1. P res s the ke y for 2 s econds t o s wi t c h t he handset off . 2. P res s an y k ey t o s wi tch t h e ha ndset back on ag ain. After 2 seconds, the handse t s wi t c hes on and displa ys the idle me nu.
14 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 M aking a call in th e Pre-Dial M ode T o make a call: 1. I n Sta ndb y mod e , di al the number using the k e y pad (up t o 26 digits). Note: The dialed n umb er displays on two lines whe n you ent er a number with more then 10 digits.
15 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 V o lu m e Adjus t m e nt Y ou can adj ust y our handset ’ s ear piece v olum e f or your l ist en ing comfort. T o adjus t your earpiec e vol u m e : 1. During a c all, press t he key once to increase ear piec e volume (or louds peak er v o lume in l oud speaking m ode).
16 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 Silen t M ode Y ou can switch off the handset r inging in Standby m ode t o ena b le Silent mo de. T o en a bl e Si lent mode: 1. E n ter th e “ Handset Sound ” me nu. 2. E n ter th e “ Ringer vo lume ” m enu. 3.
17 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 T ra n sf erri ng a call During a call , it is possib l e to transf er the c onnected li n e to another num ber . T o transfer a call: P ress t he k ey fol lowed by t he desired telephon e num ber . Y ou can di s con nect immediately or w ait f or the third part y t o ans wer bef ore disconn ecting.
18 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 Key Lo ck Y ou can l oc k t he ke ypad to pre vent an inadvert ent key press. T o loc k the keypad: 1. Pr e ss the k ey f or 2 seconds , or P re ss th e keys : , , , . 2. Pr e ss the ke y twice to confir m. T o unlock th e keypad : Pr e s s the key or key f o r 2 se c on d s.
19 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 Ac cess Mer idian P BX fe atures The C4030 uses f eature and s pecial codes to acces s M eridian PB X f ea t ures. T o access M eridian PBX f eatures: 1. Whi le the handset is idle , ent e r t he FFC an d press the key t o acc e s s t h e Mer i di an PBX f e a t ures .
20 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 Using Ha ndset Menus Sel ect i ng a hand set menu Stand b y mode is the star ting point f or acces s i ng a ha ndset menu. T o choose a f u nction fr om th e Sta ndby mod e: Press the ke ys as many time s as required t o view the v ari ous menus.
21 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 Us ing ke yp ad s hor tc uts All sub - m enus , functions or settings a re acc essib l e by means of associated ke ypad shor tc uts. In each table, t he n um ber t h at appears in fr o nt of t he s u b- menu, function or s e t t ing enabl es you to access the desired funct i on more quic k ly .
22 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 3. Depending on the character y ou intend to use, press the appropr iate k ey once or se v e r al times . See "Character T able". 4. Use the k ey to del ete th e character in f ront o f t he curs or . 5. Pr e ss the ke y to c o nfirm t he new name.
23 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 3. S e lect the " Delete " option using t he sc ro l l key s. 4. P res s the k ey to co n f ir m. A v a li dat ion bee p an d the "Deleted!" prompt sounds. The current entry is deleted and th e ne xt one d ispla y s .
24 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 Ch ar a cter T ab le 1 _ 1 ( ) [ ] & $ ¥ 2 A B C 2 À Â Ä Â Æ Ç 3 D E F 3 È É Ê Ë 4 G H I 4 î ï 5 J K L 5 6 M N O 6 ÔÖØ 7 P Q R S 7 ß 8 T U V 8 ÜÛÜ 9 W X Y Z 9 Ÿ 0 .
25 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 Re dial List The C4030 telephone s t ores t he teleph one n u mbe r s of the last 10 calls. Y ou can view this lis t , call back your callers di rectly f rom the li s t , or modi f y the list. Y ou can al s o store a telepho ne n um ber from the Red ial list in the priv a te phoneb ook.
26 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 St ore Y ou are p r o mpted t o store the telephon e num ber in t he pr iv ate phone book. Pr e s s the ke y to v a l id ate . The confir mation promp t "Stored" displa ys. The handset r e turns to t he redial list.
27 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 6. Press the k e ys to select the desired setting. 7. Press the key to con f irm the new setting. The confir mation prompt "Set " di spl a ys. The handse t rev er ts to St andb y mo de. Ha nds et soun ds Se le ct Ha nds et so un ds > R in ge r ty pe f or e x ter nal in com i ng calls.
28 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 1.4 Rin ger type 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.4.6 Mel ody 1 Mel ody 2 Mel ody 3 Mel ody 4 Mel ody 5 Mel ody 6 1.5 Rin ger volum e 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 Sile nt Lo w Medi um High Progr essiv e Vibr ator 1.
29 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 Ha nds et setti ngs Only s elec t Handse t setting s > S elect B ase when t he set ha s al rea dy bee n r e gist e red to more than one base. F or inf or mat i on about the Handset settings > Reg i ster op t io n, see ' Adm inis- trat i on' o n page 30.
30 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 Admi nistra ti on Initia l Setu p an d Subscr iption The handset can oper a te wi t h up to 4 DECT syst e ms. Be f ore ma k i ng a call with a DE CT syst em, subscri be the hand s e t to the re sp e c tive sy stem . A PI N is req uired f or the subscri pt i on process.
31 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 The des cripti on is st ored and displa y s on the s e cond text line. F o r example: “ J . B. 79 23 ” . T o m ak e c orrections , acce s s t he sam e m enu and use the ke y to rem ov e characters . Sele cting a DECT syst em The handse t aut omatically locks onto t he first detected DECT system.
32 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00 T r ou bl es hoo ti ng Problem When the handset i s pla c e d on the c h arging unit, no beep s ounds. Problem Batteries rem ai n low though the handse t has b een c h arged f or 12 hours. Problem No dial tone . Cau s e Solut ion Th e charg ing unit is not properly c onnected to the el ectricity soc k e t .
33 C4030 Handse t Standard 1. 00 Problem An error beep is heard during a call. Problem The name is not displa yed completely . Ca use Soluti on Ba t t er i es ar e lo w . Charge bat ter i es. Ca use Soluti on Onl y one t ext line is us ed. Th e disp l a y leng th cuts of f th e name by l i m it ing the text l in e.
34 C4030 Handset Standard 1.00.
デバイスNortel C4030の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nortel C4030をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNortel C4030の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nortel C4030の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nortel C4030で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nortel C4030を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNortel C4030の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nortel C4030に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNortel C4030デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。