Nortel Networksメーカー380-24Fの使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 76
Part No. 214 392-A March 2 003 4655 Gr eat Ame rica Parkway Santa C lara, CA 9505 4 Getting S t arted with the BayS t ack 380-24F Gigab it Switch Management Software.
2 214392-A Copyright © 2003 Nortel Networks All righ ts reserv ed. Marc h 2003. The informati on in this document is subj ect to change witho ut notice.
3 Getting Star ted with th e BayStack 380-24F Gigabit Swi tch Manag ement Softw are Nortel Networks Inc . software li cense agreement NOTICE: Please careful ly read this license agreement before copyi.
5 Getting S tarte d with the Bay S t ack 380-24F Gigabit Swi tch Manageme nt Softw are Content s Pref ace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Before you begin . . . . . . . . .
6 Contents 214392-A Chapter 3 Device Manager basic s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 S t arting Device Mana ger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 7 Getting S tarte d with the Bay S t ack 380-24F Gigabit Swi tch Manageme nt Softw are Setting c onsole, T elne t, and Web passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Setting r emote dia l-in access s ecurity . . . . .
8 Contents 214392-A.
9 Getting S tarte d with the Bay S t ack 380-24F Gigabit Swi tch Manageme nt Softw are Figur es Figure 1 Main menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Figure 2 IP Configu ration/S etup menu .
10 Figures 214392-A Figure 30 Pie graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Figure 31 Interface s tatistics for a sin gle port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 Getting S tarte d with the Bay S t ack 380-24F Gigabit Swi tch Manageme nt Softw are Ta b l e s T a ble 1 Solaris patch fi les . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 T a ble 2 Propertie s dialog bo x items .
12 Tables 214392-A.
13 Getting Star ted with th e BayStack 380-24F Gigabit Swi tch Manag ement Softw are Preface The Nortel Networks * BayS tack * 38 0-24F Gigabi t Switch manageme nt software provide s the means t o configu re and monitor the operat ion of your Ba yStack 380-24 F switches.
14 Prefac e 214392-A T ex t conventions This gui de uses the followin g text conv entions: angle br ackets ( < >) Indicate that you c hoose the text to e nter base d on the descript ion insi de the bra ckets. Do not type the brackets when enteri ng the command.
Pref ace 15 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e Related publi cations For mor e informat ion about using the Ba ySta ck 380-24F Gi gabit Swit ch, refer t.
16 Prefac e 214392-A How to ge t help If you pu rchased a service c ontract for your Norte l Networks product fr om a distri butor or authorized r eseller , contact t he techni cal suppo rt staf f for t hat distri butor or reseller f or assis tance.
17 Getting Star ted with th e BayStack 380-24F Gigabit Swi tch Manag ement Softw are Chapter 1 Management basics This chap ter summari zes basic operati onal procedur es in a BayS tack 380-24F Gigabit Switch and provi des an ove rview of switc h management opti ons.
18 Chapter 1 Man agement basi cs 214392-A Web-base d ma nagement interface The BayS tack 380- 24F Gigabit Switch W eb-based ma nagement inter face is a W eb-based gr aphical us er interf ace that y ou use with a W eb browser to manage a switch. Y ou can acce ss device s on your networ k from v ariou s loca tions within the network.
Chapter 1 Man agement basi cs 19 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e Figure 1 Mai n menu 5 Select IP Configur ation/Setup (or press i) to di splay the IP Configur ati on/ Set up me nu ( Fig ure 2 ). Note: The default ma nagement VLAN in t he BayS tack 380-24F Gigabit Switch is VLAN 1.
20 Chapter 1 Man agement basi cs 214392-A Figure 2 IP Confi guration/Set up menu 6 Do one of t he following, based on your configur ation: • For a st andalone switch, en ter the IP addres s of the switch i n the In -Band Switch IP Address fi eld. 7 In the I n-Band Subnet Mask fiel d, enter the IP subnet mas k address.
21 Getting Star ted with th e BayStack 380-24F Gigabit Swi tch Manag ement Softw are Chapter 2 Inst allin g Device Man ager software Device Mana ger software is avail able on the Nor tel Networ ks Services a nd Support W eb site as a s elf-ext racting e xecutabl e file.
22 Chapter 2 Installing Device Man ager softwar e 214392-A • 128 MB DRAM • 240 MB spa ce on the ha rd disk Downloading the Device Manager Windows software T o obtain the Devic e Manager so ftware from t he Nortel Networ ks W eb site: 1 Go to the fo ll owin g URL : http: //ww w .
Chapter 2 Installing D evice Ma nager s oftware 23 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e 3 Double-c lick the jdm _xxx.exe file. An Instal l screen ope ns that has t ext running t hrough the screen. Th en a Nortel d ialog box opens with a ri bbon on the bottom showing t he progres s.
24 Chapter 2 Installing Device Man ager softwar e 214392-A Figure 4 License A greemen t dialog box 5 Click I accept th e terms of the lice nse agreem ent as s hown in Figure 4 .
Chapter 2 Installing D evice Ma nager s oftware 25 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e 7 Do one of the fo llow ing: — Selec t T y p ical in stalla tion to inst all th e com m on se t f eatur es, as well a s online h elp.
26 Chapter 2 Installing Device Man ager softwar e 214392-A Figure 7 Choose S hortcut F older dial og box 11 Select your short cut path(s) . 12 Click Next .
Chapter 2 Installing D evice Ma nager s oftware 27 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e 13 V erify the folder , shortcut( s), and dis k space re quired to install the soft ware. Use the Pr evious but ton to re turn to the a ppropria te dialog box to make chan ges .
28 Chapter 2 Installing Device Man ager softwar e 214392-A Figure 10 Install Co mplete dia log box 15 Click Don e t o exit the in stalla tion. Device Mana ger is now c ompletely ins talled o n your machin e.
Chapter 2 Installing D evice Ma nager s oftware 29 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e — 32 MB DRAM Instal ling the Devi ce Manager s oftware i n a UNI.
30 Chapter 2 Installing Device Man ager softwar e 214392-A 1 Use the uname -a comma nd to deter mine the v ersio n of S unO S/So laris t hat is inst alled on your workstat ion. Ta b l e 1 lists t he patch f ile archive name for each vers ion of Sol aris.
Chapter 2 Installing D evice Ma nager s oftware 31 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e 6 Change the user to r oot and ru n the scri pt by ente ring: su root .
32 Chapter 2 Installing Device Man ager softwar e 214392-A 2 Make the f ile execu table by e ntering: chmod a+x /tmp/ 3 Change the working di rectory t o /usr by ent ering: cd /usr Y ou wi ll inst all t h e JRE softwa re to th is dir ector y .
Chapter 2 Installing D evice Ma nager s oftware 33 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e Downloading the Device Manager UNIX software 1 Go to the fo ll owin g URL : http: //ww w .n orteln etwo rks.c om/s uppor t 2 Click on t he product for which you want JDM.
34 Chapter 2 Installing Device Man ager softwar e 214392-A Figure 1 1 InstallAnywhe re Introduc tion dial og box 3 Click Next to conti nue the in stallati on process.
Chapter 2 Installing D evice Ma nager s oftware 35 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e 4 Click I accept th e terms of the lice nse agreem ent as s hown in Figure 12 . 5 Click Next . The Choose I nstall Set dialog box opens (Fig ure 13) .
36 Chapter 2 Installing Device Man ager softwar e 214392-A Figure 14 Choose Install Folde r dialog box 8 Click Res tore Defau lt Folder or click Choos e to select the stor age path. 9 Click Next . The Pre-Ins tal l ati on Summary dia log box opens (Figure 15) .
Chapter 2 Installing D evice Ma nager s oftware 37 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e 10 V erify the folder , shortcut( s), and dis k space re quired to install the soft ware. Use the Pr evious but ton to re turn to the a ppropria te dialog box to make chan ges .
38 Chapter 2 Installing Device Man ager softwar e 214392-A Figure 17 Install Co mplete dia log box 12 Click Don e t o exit the in stalla tion. Device Mana ger is now c ompletely ins talled o n your machin e.
39 Getting Star ted with th e BayStack 380-24F Gigabit Swi tch Manag ement Softw are Chapter 3 Device Manager basics This chap ter descr ibes bas ic procedu res for usi ng the Devic e Manager sof tware.
40 Chapte r 3 Device Manager basics 214392-A Figure 18 Device M anager windo w Setting the Device Manager p roperties Device Manage r communi cat es with the BayS tack 380-24F Gig abit Switch us ing Simple Net work Manageme nt Protocol (SNMP).
Chapter 3 Device Manager bas ics 41 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e Figure 19 Prope rties d ialog box 2 T ype information a nd select check boxe s. 3 Click OK. Ta b l e 2 describe s items in the Proper ties dia log box.
42 Chapte r 3 Device Manager basics 214392-A Opening a d evice “Opening” a device d isplays t he device vie w , a picture of the devi ce. T o open the device v iew , you must ente r community s trings t hat determin e the acce ss level granted to the dev ice.
Chapter 3 Device Manager bas ics 43 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e T o display the dev ice view: 1 Do on e of th e foll owin g : • Choose Device > Open. • Choose Device > Open Las t, and sele ct an IP a ddress from th e list.
44 Chapte r 3 Device Manager basics 214392-A 2 In the De vice Name text b ox, type the DNS name or IP addr ess of the device. 3 In the Re ad Community and W rite Community tex t boxes, t ype the proper comm uni t y stri n gs ( T ab le 3 on page 42 ). 4 Click Open .
Chapter 3 Device Manager bas ics 45 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e Device Manager window The Device Manager windo w ( Figure 22 ) has t he follo win.
46 Chapte r 3 Device Manager basics 214392-A To o l b a r The toolb ar contai ns button s that provi de quick ac cess to co mmonly use d commands and some additi onal acti ons ( Ta b l e 6 ). Ta b l e 6 T ool bar buttons Button Name Descrip tion Menu bar equivalent Open De vice Opens t h e Open De vi ce dia log box.
Chapter 3 Device Manager bas ics 47 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e Device view The devic e view ( Figure 23 ) allows you to deter mine at a glance the o perating status of the var ious unit s and port s in your h ardware confi guration .
48 Chapte r 3 Device Manager basics 214392-A Selecting multiple obje ct s T o select mult iple object s of the s ame type (s uch as port s or switche s of the same type ): • For a blo ck of conti guous port s, drag to select the group of por ts.
Chapter 3 Device Manager bas ics 49 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e The ports on the dev ice view ar e color c oded to show p ort status .
50 Chapte r 3 Device Manager basics 214392-A Shortcut menus Each obje ct in the device vi ew has a shor tcut menu that opens when y ou right- click a s elected obj ect. The swi tch shortcut menu ( Figure 25 ) pr ovides access t o basic h ardware in format ion about t he switch and to the graphing dial og boxes for the sw itch.
Chapter 3 Device Manager bas ics 51 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e St atu s ba r The stat us bar dis plays er ror and in formationa l messa ges from th e softwar e applica tion. Thes e messages a re not rela ted to the device be ing managed.
52 Chapte r 3 Device Manager basics 214392-A Editing objec t s Y ou can edit obj ects and va lues in the Device Manager device vi ew in the followi ng ways: • Select an object and, on the t oolbar , click the Ed it Select ed button . The edit dialog box opens for that obje ct.
Chapter 3 Device Manager bas ics 53 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e W orking with statistics and graphs Devi ce Ma n ager c ollec ts a wi de ran ge of stat is tics fo r eac h swit ch an d each port. Y ou can view and gr aph stati stics f or a single o bject or multipl e objects.
54 Chapte r 3 Device Manager basics 214392-A Figure 27 Line gr aph Figure 28 Area gr aph.
Chapter 3 Device Manager bas ics 55 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e Figure 29 Bar gr aph Figure 30 Pie gr aph.
56 Chapte r 3 Device Manager basics 214392-A St atistics for single and multip le object s S tatistic s for a sel ected obj ect or ob jects ar e displayed in the statisti cs dialo g box. The dialog box fo r a singl e objec t show s all si x types of stati stic s for ea ch counte r ( Figure 31 ).
Chapter 3 Device Manager bas ics 57 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e T o change the type of s tatist ics dis played, se lect a dif ferent type fr om the show list at the b ottom of th e dialog box. The stat istics are updat ed based on the poll int erval sho wn at the bot tom of the dialog b ox.
58 Chapte r 3 Device Manager basics 214392-A Figure 33 S tatistics dialog bo x for a p ort 3 Select a tab for the group o f statisti cs you want to view . 4 On the dis played dat a table, dra g to sele ct the ce lls you want to graph. (They must be in the sam e row or colum n.
Chapter 3 Device Manager bas ics 59 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e Buttons a t the top of the graph d ialog boxe s for li ne, area, and ba r graphs a llow you to cha nge the or ientation o f the grap h, change t he scale, or c hange the g raph type.
60 Chapte r 3 Device Manager basics 214392-A T elneting to a switch From Device Manager , you can initia te a T elnet sessi on to the console i nterface for the switch you are curr ently acc essing. T o T e lnet to a switch: • From the Dev ice Manager ma in menu, choos e Device > T elnet.
Chapter 3 Device Manager bas ics 61 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e By defaul t, traps are sent in SNMP V2c format. However , if you are u sing an older ne twork manage ment system (N MS), one that supports onl y SNMP V1 traps ( HP OpenV iew), you can spec ify that the trap s be sent i n V1 format.
62 Chapte r 3 Device Manager basics 214392-A.
63 Getting Star ted with th e BayStack 380-24F Gigabit Swi tch Manag ement Softw are Chapter 4 W eb man ageme nt inte rfac e ba si cs A BayS tack 380-24 F Gigabit Swi tch include s a W eb management int erface t hat lets yo u monitor yo ur switch thr ough a W orld W id e W e b browser from an ywhere on the net work .
64 Chapter 4 Web mana gement int erface b asics 214392-A For inst ructions to set t he IP addre ss of the switch, re fer to “Setti ng the swit ch IP parame ters” on page 18 . Acce ss to t he W e b man ageme nt i nterf ace m ust al so be enab led f or the switc h (t he default settin g) using t he console interf ace.
Chapt er 4 Web managemen t interfa ce basics 65 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e Figure 34 Syst em Informa tion h ome page Netw o rk sec urity d oes no t yet e x ist the first t ime y ou acce ss the W eb management i nterface.
66 Chapter 4 Web mana gement int erface b asics 214392-A 4 In the Userna me text box, type RO f or read-onl y access or RW f or read-w rite access. 5 In the Pa ssword text bo x, type your pas sword. 6 Click Log On. The Syste m Information ho me page opens.
Chapt er 4 Web managemen t interfa ce basics 67 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e W eb p age layout All the W eb managemen t pages for t he BayS tack 380- 24F Gigabit Swit ch have a common l ayou t. E ach is divid ed into t wo s ections: th e menu and t he content a rea .
68 Chapter 4 Web mana gement int erface b asics 214392-A Ta b l e 1 5 Menu he adings and op tions Heading Option Summary Switch In formation Switch V iew Conf igur atio n IP System SNMPv1 SNMPv3 SNMP .
Chapt er 4 Web managemen t interfa ce basics 69 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e Content area The conte nt area di splays t ables of information wi th button s that you use to configu re and monito r the sw it ch.
70 Chapter 4 Web mana gement int erface b asics 214392-A Setting up security T o set password s and RADIUS (Remot e Authenticat ion Dial I n User Ser vice) authe ntica tion settin gs for the fo r the s witch, use th e Sec ur ity pa ges.
Chapt er 4 Web managemen t interfa ce basics 71 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e Setting console, T elnet, and Web p asswords 1 From th e main menu, se lect Ad ministra tion > Secu rity . 2 On the Secu rity page list, cli ck Console, T elnet, or W eb.
72 Chapter 4 Web mana gement int erface b asics 214392-A Setting remo te dial -in access security T o s et the pa rame te rs for remo te dia l- in acc ess se curity : 1 From th e main menu, se lect Ad ministrati on > Securi ty > Radius . The Radius management pa ge opens (Figur e 38) .
Getting Star ted with th e BayStack 380-24F Gigabit Swi tch Manag ement Softw are 73 Index A AbsoluteV alue st atistics 53 access levels 20, 42, 66 Action s menu 45 Alarm Manager butto n 4 6 Area Char.
74 Index 214392-A G grap h creating 57 modify ing 59 Graph command 50, 51 graph di alog box 58 Graph menu 45 Graph Selected button 4 6, 57 grap h type s 53 H Help button 46 Help m enu 45 Help, Device .
Index 75 Getting Started with the Ba yStack 380 -24F Gig abit Switc h Managem ent Softwar e pie graph example 5 5 polli ng int erv al 57 polling interval, setti ng 41 polli ng wa iting peri od 42 port.
76 Index 214392-A T elnet button 46, 60 Te l n e t p a s s w o r d s 7 0 T eln et sessio n 45, 46 , 60 tested port, co lor 49 text conv entions 14 T imeout par ameter 42 timeout, setting 42 toolbar , .
デバイスNortel Networks 380-24Fの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nortel Networks 380-24Fをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNortel Networks 380-24Fの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nortel Networks 380-24Fの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nortel Networks 380-24Fで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nortel Networks 380-24Fを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNortel Networks 380-24Fの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nortel Networks 380-24Fに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNortel Networks 380-24Fデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。