Nortel NetworksメーカーCallPilot Desktop Messagingの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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C a l l P i l o t TM Release 4.0 - Standard 1.02 Desktop Messaging User Guide for My CallPilot.
2 CallPilot Desktop Messaging User Guide for My CallPilot Product releases: 4.0 Document release: S tandard 1.02 Date: July 2005 Copyright © Nortel Networks Li mited.
3 *Nor tel Networ ks, the Nor tel Networks logo , the Globemark, and Uni fied Networks, BNR, CallPilot, DMS, DMS-100, DM S-250, DMS-MTX, DMS-SCP , DPN, Dualmode, Helmsman, IVR, MAP , Meridian, Mer idi.
4 PROMARK and RHOBO T are trademarks of DMI Pro mark, Inc. QUICKTIME is a tr ademar k of Apple Computer , In. RADISYS is a trademark of Radisys Cor poration. ROLM is a tr ademar k of Siemens ROLM Communications Inc. SLR4, SLR5, and T ANDBERG are tradema rks of T andbe rg Data ASA.
5 Contents How to get Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Welcome to My CallPilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Ho w to get Help This section e xplains how to get help f or Nor tel products and ser vices. Getting Help from the Nortel W eb site The best wa y to get technical suppor t for Nort el products is from the Nor tel T echnical Suppor t Web site: http://www .
9 W elcome to My CallPilot My CallPilot * from Nortel is a web-bas ed business communications system that offers e xceptional flex ibility for managing your messaging needs. Y ou can wo rk with My CallPilot from any computer that has Internet access and a web bro wser conf igured for My CallPilot.
10 Getting started About this guide This user guide describes how to use the web-based resources of My CallPilot. The instructions and screen images shown in th is guide provide general inf ormation for using My CallPilot through a web client.
11 Mozilla 1.7x browser A udacity 1.2.x, Gnome Sound recorder 2. x, a n d Krecord 1.1 aud io ap pl ic at io ns P eripheral hardware and software Video display and monitor with 8-bit (256-c.
12 The Windows downloadable CallPilot Pl ay er The Macintosh do wnloadable CallPilot Pla yer with Quic kTime 4.0 The Macintosh downloadable CallPi lot Pla yer with QuickTime 5.0 F or the Linux environment, the f ollowing record and pla yback applications are suppor ted: A udacity 1.
13 Krecord 1.1 Other audio applications may w or k but are not suppor ted..
14 Logging in Y our administrator provides y ou with the URL for My CallPilot. Bookmark this address in your w eb browser f or easy access. T o log in to My CallPilot 1 In your web browser , navigate to the My CallPilot address. 2 On the W elcome page, in Mailbox, type y our ma ilbo x number .
15 To l o g o u t T o log out from My CallPilot, c lic k Logout on any My CallPilot page. Logging in to environments with multi ple CallPilot servers My CallPilot has enhanced suppor t for envir onments that ha ve multiple CallPilot ser vers .
16 CallPilot Messages tab T o access your CallPilot messages, clic k the CallPilot Messages tab . Y ou ca n ac ce ss voice messages and view f ax es, delete, forw ard, and reply to messages, and compose new messages. Y our Message List T o check for new messages T o see new messages, clic k Refresh .
17 T o delete a message T o delete a CallPilot message, select the message and click Delete or Delete Now . If you clic k Delete , the message is perma nently deleted when you log out. If y ou click Delete Now , all selected messages are per m anently deleted immediately .
18 Playing v oice messages Bef ore playing v oice messages, see T o select your telephone or computer to play and record vo ice messages , on page 17. T o play a voice message the quick way (W indo ws only) Use the embedded CallPilot Pla yer , if a va ilable, to play y our v oice messages quickly .
19 5 Click the Disconnect (Windows) or Hang Up (Mac) b utton, or hang up the telephone when you are finished. Click Message List to retur n to your messages. Note for Linux user s: Linux users can vie w and play (through an y W A V play er) their CallPilot messages in the Mozilla browser .
20 V iewing f ax messages T o view f axes on your computer , y ou must hav e ImageMaker or other imaging softw are installed on y our Windows-based computer .
21 In the Macintosh CallPilot Play er , the c ontrol commands are accessed through the F ax menu. Note: Nor tel Pla yer is not provided f or Macintosh OS X.
22 Composing v oice messages Y ou can compose a message that is any combination of voice , fax, or te xt. T o record voice messages , use the embed ded or the downloaded CallPilot Play er . Allo w User to send voice message s to non-CallPilot recipients (for CallPilot serv er release 3.
23 T o record and send a new v oice message 1 In your Message List, click Compose . A new message page opens. 2 Click To … (o r Address Book) to choose an address from the CallPilot Address Book, or click Special Ad dresse s . See Addressing messages , on page 33.
24 Note: In the Macintosh CallPilo t Pla yer window (Quic kTime version 5.0, sho wn below), there is no Stop b utton. When you clic k the Record b utton, recordin g begins and the Recor d button th en becomes the Pa u s e button. 6 If you are recording from the computer , record y our message into the microphone.
25 Composing fax and te xt messages Y our CallPilot recipients must ha ve f ax capabilit y to view your f ax on their computer . If your recipients access their messages from their telephone, the y can view the f ax only by printing it. Y ou can also send your f ax to a fax machine .
26 Compose Fax dialog bo x - Macintosh version 5 T ype a name for the file, and bro wse to select a folder to sav e the file in. Sav e the file as a TIF file. Clic k Save . Note: If you chose to include a Subject line, the inf or mation in that text bo x is displa yed in the e-mail portion of the fax.
27 Calling the sender of a message Y ou can respond to a message with a telephone call instead of a recorded me ssage. My CallPilot includes a Call Sende r button t hat appears in both the Message List and Open Message views.
28 server . Selecting an Address Book entr y and clic king Directory Call extracts the entr y's phone number . This phone number is then displa yed in the Call Address Book entry dialog box. Note: The above dialog box appears if CallPilot Play er is not installed on the client computer .
29 Clicking on Call User causes your telset to r ing. When you answ er the call, My CallPilot calls the specified phone number . Note that the Restricti on P ermissio n List defined in CallPilot Manager is not che ck ed bef ore attempting to di al the digits.
30 Forw arding and replying to messages Y ou can f orward a message, and compose an in troduction to send with it. Y ou can also compose a reply to the sender of a message , or to the sender and all recipients of a message. T o forward or reply to a message 1 In an open messa ge, click Forward, Reply , or Reply All .
31 Adding attachments to messages Bef ore sending a message, you can attach one or more voice, f ax, or te xt files to it. V oice files can be either VBK or W A V f or m at f or both Windows and Macintosh CallPilot re cip ient s. My CallPilot automatically conv er ts VBK files to WA V files when sending to n on -C al lP il o t us er s.
32 Setting message options Bef ore sending a message, y ou can set options for handling and delivery . T o set message options 1 On a new message page, select Priority , Sensitivity , and Rec eipt options, as required. Fo r Priority , select Low , High , or lea ve the setting as Normal .
33 Addressing messages Y ou can address a CallPilot message in two ways: Y ou can select a name from the CallPilot A ddress Book that is mainta ined by y our organization on the server . The Address Book contains the addresses of the CallPilot users and shared dist rib ution lists that y ou can use .
34 4 Click To . Searching External E-mail Ad dress Books (LD AP databases) The LD AP text bo x es you can specify f o r your e-mail account (refer to Setting up links to your e-mail accounts, on page .
35 CallPilot Features tab Click the CallPilot F eatures tab to change the settings f or your CallPilot f eatures and telephone options, and to set preferences f or web-based access. The main CallPilot F eatures page displa ys only the features that are a vailab le for y ou to use.
36 Greetings The V oice Greetings f eature allows y ou to record and manage your v oice greetings and personal verification from My CallPilot. Selecting the Greetings link loads the Greetings page. F rom this page, you can record, pla y , delete, and impor t voice greetings and personal v er ification.
37 1 Click the Edit b utton to activate a specific greet ing. When activ ated, th e greetin g te xt is shown in a bold italic font. 2 Y ou can then use the e mbedded audio player to pla y the greeting, record a new greeting, or add to the greeting. Y ou can record a g reeting using your telset.
38 Recording a greeting Record a greeting using CallPilot stand-alone play er or any other media applications that suppor t W A V -PCM f or mat as follo ws: 1 Record a voice greeting or perso nal verification using the CallPilot Player . T o use the telset, you must log into the CallPilot server .
39 computer playbac k is av ailable if only your te lset is used. Since t he play er shares the same credentials with My CallPilot, no login to the CallPilot ser ver is necessary . The only requirement is that you do not close the browser window while working with a greeting, or the recording could be lost.
40 correctly identify you when leaving a v oice message..
41 Setting up message notif ication CallPilot can notify you of ne w messages w hen you are aw a y from the office. Y our administrator defines whether these devices and services are availab le to you: Remote T ext Notification to a wireless e-mail de vice.
42 Setting Up Message Fo rwarding Clicking the Messa ge Forwarding Rule link loads the Message Forwarding Rule page. This page provides the interf ace to: Create a rule Delete an e xisting rule Edit an existing rule Enable or disab le a r ule A rule must be enabled to be active.
43 The suppor ted "Messages to forw ard" options are: All Messages (def ault selection) V oice Messages F ax/T e xt Messages The recipient can be either an E-mail ( default) or CallPilot address. All Message F orwarding Rule options are suppor ted fo r e-mail addresses.
44 The user can also select the CallPilot hyper te xt link to select or enter a CallPilot address. The CallPilot Address Book dialog box is displa yed when the CallPilot link is selected: Y ou can also create and address manually using the address creation dialogs.
45 CallPilot mailbo xes can be expressed as f ollow s: LOCAL: <local VPIM prefix><mai lbox>@<local FQDN> Open VPIM: VPIM=<VPIM shortcut>< mailbox>/<remote FQDN>@<.
46 The original CallPilot message is marked as read when the forwarded message is opened by the recipient. The f eature makes use of the read receipt capability of the e-mail server to whom the message was f orwarded. When the read receipt is received b y CallPilot, the ori ginal message is marked as read.
47 Managing personal distrib ution lists A distribution list sa ves y ou time when you send messages to the same group of addresses. Y ou can create up to 99 personal distribution lists, and enter a number and name to identify each list. Each personal di str ibution list can contain up to 200 entries.
48 Changing your CallPilot password Y our CallPilot pass word is the same pass word that you use to log in to CallPilot from the telephone. CallPilot requires that y ou change your pass word on a regular schedule set by y our administrator .
49 Changing your telephone options T o assign a cu stom operator number for callers Y ou can off er your callers the option of le aving a message or speaking to one of your assistants or colleagues. In y our greeting, tell callers to press zero if they wish to speak to this person in your absence.
50 T o enable or disable Message W aiting Indicator Dialing Numbers Message W aiting Indicator Dialing Nu mbers (MWI DN) are assigned by the administrator .
51 Setting up telephone access to e-mail T o set up access to your e-mail accounts from CallPilot, see Setting up links to your e- mail accounts , on page 53. Y ou can specify one of these e-mail accounts for telephone access so that you can check f or ne w e-ma il messa ges while logged in to CallPilot from your telephone .
52 Changing fax printing options If your CallPilot mailbo x has f ax messaging capability , you can receiv e a f ax message in your mailbo x and print the fax at a selected fax n umber . Set options for def ault fax number , A uto printing, and print cov er page on the F ax Printing page.
53 Setting up links to y our e-mail accounts Y ou can set up links in CallPilot so that you can chec k your e-mail f or new messages. Y ou can also f orward and reply to messages, and send new e-mails. Y ou can define up to five e-mail accounts. One of these accounts can be set up f or access from your telephone.
54 passw ord in My CallPilot as well. T o configure an e xternal e-mail server My CallPilot suppor ts various settings when configur ing an e xter nal e-mail ser ver . Some of these settings ar e configured in CallPilot Manager , while others are specified in My CallPilot.
55 1 On the Mailbox Links page, click Configure New Mailbox Link . The Configure New Mailbo x Link page opens. 2 Select your e-mail server from the drop-down list. T o get this name, look in the account settings of your e-mail application, or ask your administrator .
56 13 In the Directory ser vice (LD AP) b lock, check the This ser ver requires a user name and password logon bo x. 14 T ype your mailbox user name (the User ID of your e-mail accoun t). 15 T ype the pass word f or this e-mail account. 16 Re-type the password f or this e-mail account to verify it.
57 Setting messaging preferences T o change Message List columns Y ou c an ch ang e t he col um ns in y o ur Mes sa ge Lis t. The Attachments option must be in the Display ed Columns list to see the embedded player (Windows only) in your Message List.
58 T o change en vironment settings Change any of these My CallPilot settings to your pref erences. Note: The Remove Deletab le items on Logout check box applies to both regular e-mail messages as well as messag es you access when using e-mail by Phone.
59 Choosing a home page for My CallPilot Choose the page that you want to displa y automatically when you log in to My CallPilot..
60 E-mail tab While you are logged in to My CallPilot, yo u can chec k your e-mail messages. Y ou can f orward and reply , and send new e-mails . See Setting up links to your e-mail accounts , on page 53. Y ou can access up to five IMAP e-mail accounts, or other CallPilot mailbox es.
61 Useful Information tab Click the Useful Information tab to: View status and details about your mailbo x. View online user guides. Print online use r guide files on your laser printer .
62 Protecting the secur ity of your mailbox Because My CallPilot is a web-based product, it is impor tant to take precautions to protect the security of your mailbox. If your administrator has enab led SSL enc r yption, you can use the Secure Login f eature f or greater security .
63 Appendix A: Remote T ext Notif ication for Microsoft Outlook and BlackBerry De vices Remote text notification can be configur ed to send a message to your SMTP e-mail account when a new v oice, f ax, or text me ssage arrives in y our CallPilot mailbox.
64 Getting started with remo te te xt notification Requirements Y ou need a BlackBerry device . Ensure that e-mail ser vice on your BlackBerry de vice is working. Microsoft Outlook must be installed. Cu rrentl y , Bla ckBerry Desktop Mana ger only works with Microsoft Outlook.
65 Creating a notif ication holding folder Y ou can create a holding folder f or your Ca llPilot e-mail notification messages so that they are stored separ ately from your other messages. T o store messages in the f older , f ollow these steps: 1 Create an Outlook folder f or the notification messages.
66 5 In the Rule descr iption box, click Specific W ords . The Searc h T e xt dialog bo x appears. 6 In the Add new bo x, type CallPilot Notification . 7 Click Add . The te xt “CallPilot Noti fication” is added to the Search list box. 8 Click OK .
67 13 Click Finish . The finished rule is shown below: 14 Click OK to close the Rules Wizard..
68 Conf iguring BlackBerry Desktop Manager This section e xplains how to configure Bl ac kBerr y Desktop Manager to redirect your e-mail notification messages.
69 Automatically removing notif ication messages This section explains ho w to configure Outl ook to remov e messages automatically from the CallPilot Notifications holding f older using the A utoArchive f eature . If you do not want Outlook to delete notification messages automatically , you can manually delete them from the folder .
70 3 Select the Clean out items older than chec k bo x. 4 Set the time to 1 da y . 5 Select P ermanently delete old items . 6 Click OK . T o activ ate AutoArchi ve 1 In Outlook, choose To o l s > O p t i o n s . 2 Click the Other tab . 3 Click Aut o A rc hi v e .
71 Document information CallPilot Desktop Messaging User Guide for My CallPilot Copyright © Nor tel Networks Limited 2005. All rights reser ved. Information is subject to change without notice. Nor tel Networks reser ves the right to make changes in design or components as progress in engineering and manufacturing may w arrant.
デバイスNortel Networks CallPilot Desktop Messagingの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nortel Networks CallPilot Desktop Messagingをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNortel Networks CallPilot Desktop Messagingの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nortel Networks CallPilot Desktop Messagingの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nortel Networks CallPilot Desktop Messagingで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nortel Networks CallPilot Desktop Messagingを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNortel Networks CallPilot Desktop Messagingの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nortel Networks CallPilot Desktop Messagingに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNortel Networks CallPilot Desktop Messagingデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。