Nortel NetworksメーカーM2616の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Meridian Digital T elephones M2006 M2008/ M2008H F M2616 User Guide Enterpr ise Solutions Documentation Nor tel Knowledge Netw ork.
38 While you are aw ay from your desk: Call For ward.
i Contents Introducing your Meridian Digital Telephone 1 Meridian Digita l Telephones ......................................... .......................... 1 M2616 ............... ............................ ...........................................
ii Override, Enhan ced ................ .......................................... ................... 20 Stored Number ................................................... ................................. 21 Buzz ........................ ............
iii To talk with mor e tha n one person 45 Conference ....................... ............................ ...................................... 45 Selectable Confer ee Display and Disconnect .... ............................. ......... 46 Group Call .
iv Contents.
1 Introducing your Meridian Digital T elephone This guide in troduces you to your new Meridian Digi tal T elephone. It provid es you with a description of the contro ls, and a de scription of the features that a re available to you.
2 M2008/M20 08HF Handsfree (on the M2008HF only) On-Hook Dialing Message W aiting Indicator W al l Mount Capab ility 8 conf igura ble Fea ture Ke ys (7 on the M2008HF) V olume Control Ba r for: • Ri.
3 M2006 On-Hook Dialing Message W aiting Indicator W al l Mount Capab ility 6 conf igura ble Fea ture Ke ys V olume Control Ba r for: • Ringing T one • Buzz T one • Speake r • Handset/Headse t.
4 Selecting a position for your Meridian Digital T elephone • On Y our Desk: Y our Merid ian Digi tal T elephone can be plac ed on your desk so that it is tilted upw ards making it easier to see the display . Desk Position (Default) • On the w all: The wall moun t lets you attach you r telephone on the wall by rotating the base.
5 Par ts of your Meridian Digital T elephone The preceding figure shows the location of the control buttons on your Meridian Digital T elephone. Please refer to the section titled Y our T elephone’ s Controls , located near the back of this gu i de, for i nformation on the functions pe r for med by each of these buttons.
6 Y our telephone’ s display Idle screen for mat The Meridia n M2616 and M2008 /M2008HF ca n be equipped with a 2 x 24 charac ter display modul e. The idle displa y, as shown bel o w, gives the current date and tim e. When you go o ff hook, the time and date d isappear and infor mation about your call is di splayed.
7 Using Display Options V olume Adju stment It is easy to adj ust the volume on your telephone by foll owing these steps: P 1. Press the Program Ke y . 2. Press ‚ then ‚ . Follow by pressing ⁄ to adjust the ringing tone. Pressin g ¤ allows you to adjust the b uzzer tone.
8 ® 3. U se the V o lume Contr o l Bar to increase or decrease the contrast . P 4. Press the Program Ke y . Call Timer Enable Sometimes it is interesti ng to see how long we stay on the phone with certain customers or fellow employees. F ollow these steps to enable the call timer .
9 Language Select ion The information on your display can be displayed in one of several languages. Follow thes e steps to change your display to a dif ferent language: P 1. Press the Program Ke y . 2. Press ‚ then fi . ® 3. U se the V olume Control Bar to scroll to a the desi red la nguage.
10 Y our telephone’ s features Y our telephone system admin istrator assigns features to your programmable featur e keys. W henever this guid e descri bes a procedure t h at requi res special codes or passwords, ask your telephone system administrator to provi de these to you.
11 Answering Calls When you receive a n incoming ca ll, your tele phone rin gs and the LCD indicator º flas hes . T o answer a call, perfor m one of the following • Lift the handset © • Press the Handset Mute Key (Main DN only) ∫ 2637 • Press the DN Key b eside the flashing LCD indica tor º .
12 Call T ransfer Use the T ra nsfer feature to r edirect a call to a th ird par ty . T o trans fer a cal l to anoth er number: † 1. Press Tr a n s f e r . The other par ty is on hold and y ou hear d ial tone. Th e LCD indicator ligh ts steadil y. 2.
13 On-hook dialing On-hook dialing allows y ou to dial a number without lifting the handset. T o use On-hook dia ling: ∫ 2637 1. Press a DN Key . 2. Upon he aring dial tone, Dial the numbe r . 3. Lift the handset when the called pa rty answers or , if using handsfree, beg in talking.
14 Last Number Redial Last Number Redia l allows you to automaticall y redial the la st number you dialed. T o use Last Number Redial: • Lift the handset . √ or ∫ 2637 • Press Last Number Key or your Primar y DN Key . or for Handsfree operation: ∫ 2637 ∫ 2637 • Press your Primar y DN Key twice.
15 T o mut e a hand sfree ca ll: © 1. Press the Handsfree Mute Key . The LCD indica tor º flashes. © 2. Press the Handsfree Mute K ey agai n to return to a two-way conversation. T o switc h from th e handse t to Handsf ree: © 1. Press the Handsfree Mute Key .
16 Making a c all This c hapter descr ibes features that y ou can use when making a call. Auto Di al Auto Dial l ets you dial a specific te lephone number by pre ssing a feature key . T o store an Auto Dial numbe r: ç 1. Without lifting the handset, pr ess Auto Dial .
17 2. Replace the handset or press Release . When the number you wan t to reach is free, or the person has re-used his set, you hear the Ring A gain signal . 3. Lift the handset or p ress a DN Key . ¶ 4. Press Ring A gain to automatical ly redial the nu mber .
18 3. Dial the new acce ss code (if required ), inte rnal, ex ternal, or long-di stance teleph one number . • 4. Press Speed Call agai n. T o del ete a Spee d Call number: • 1. Press Speed Call . 2. Dial the Spee d Call code th at you want to delet e.
19 System Speed Ca ll System S peed Call le ts you dial S peed Cal l codes and overrid e all restric tions on the tele phone du ring the cal l. See Sp eed Call for more informa tion on setting up speed call codes. T o make a Syst em Speed Cal l: 1. Lift the handset or p ress a DN Key .
20 Override Y ou can o verride a busy signal a nd inte rrupt anoth er call . This feat ure is called Busy Overri de on the MSL-100. T o overrid e a busy/engaged signal: 1.
21 Stored Numb er The Stored Number feature al lows you to store a singl e telephon e number that you can dial quick ly . Y ou can easily ch ange the stor ed number . T o s tore a nu mber when you're not on a call: º 1. Without lifting the handset, press Stored N o .
22 Forced Camp-on Forced Camp -on allows your telephone to a utomaticall y ring another telephone as soon as it disconnects from its current call. Forced Cam p-on allows both int ernal and ex ternal ca lls to be campe d on; Ca mp-on al lows o nly extern al call s to be camped on.
23 T o ch arge a call in pr ogress: † or ø 1. Press Tr a n s f e r or Conference . µ or 2. Press Charge , or ente r the Call Detail Recording FFC , or en ter the SPRE code followed by fi fi fi fi . 3. Dial the char ge account number . ∫ 2637 4.
24 4. Dial the pa rty y ou want to add to t he conferen ce. ø 5. Press Conference . Hot Line The system administrator can progr am a Hot Line te lephone number tha t is dial ed automatically . T o us e Hot Li ne: ¥ Press Hot Line . The Hot Line number is dialed auto maticall y.
25 While ringb ack is heard , the person you have page d may proce ed to an y DN and enter a R adio Paging Answe r code pl us their own DN to be connected di rectly to you. If your call is not answered within a p reset time period y ou will h ear a cont inuous high pitched tone for fifteen seconds, then silence.
26 be connected to the person who has paged you. 1. Lift the handset or p ress a DN Key on any telephone on the system (as lon g as it is not a hotline, pr ivate line , or a manua l line te lephone). Y ou hea r dial tone. 2. Dial the Radio Pa ging Answer FFC .
27 Receiv ing a c all This c hapter descr ibes features that y ou can use when receiv ing a call. Call W aiting If the attendant route s an outside call to you when you are already on a call, Call W aiti ng lets you put your current cal l on hold, allowing you to answer the ou tside call .
28 Call Pick up (for Mer idian 1) Usin g Call Pi ckup, you can answer a ringin g teleph one fro m any te lephone in your Pickup Group or another Picku p Group. T o an swer a ring ing call in your own Call Pickup group: 1. Lift the handset or p ress a DN Key .
29 Call Pickup (for Meridian SL-100) Usin g Call Pi ckup, you can answer a ringin g teleph one fro m any te lephone in your Pickup Group or another Picku p Group. T o an swer a ring ing call in your own Call Pickup Group: and 1. L if t the handset and p ress a DN Key .
30 Timed Recall Reminder Timed Reminder Rec all rings you r telephone a fter a pe riod of time to remind you of a transferred c all that has not ye t been answ ered. T o use the Timed Reminde r Recall: † 1. Press Tr a n s f e r . The call is placed on hold and y ou hear d ial tone.
31 During a call This chapter desc ribes features tha t you can us e during you r call. Call T ransfer Call T ransfer allows you to transfer a call to another number . T o tr ansfer a call wh ile on a c all: † 1. Press Tr a n s f e r . The call is placed on hold and y ou hear d ial tone.
32 † 3. Press Tr a n s f e r again or replace th e handset before the extension answers. This starts th e recall timer Note: If the perso n to whom the c all is transferr ed answers, the re call timer stops. If th e transf erred call is not answer ed, yo ur t elephon e rings : 1.
33 Call Park Call Park allow s a call to be held temporar ily , th en to be retrieved from any other DN . Y o u can park an incoming cal l and then page the called par ty , without t ying up a l ine. Y our of fice m ay have a Syste m Park DN where most call s are automatical ly parked .
34 T o retrieve a pa rked call: 1. Lift the handset or press a DN Key . ¢ 2. Press Park , or enter the SPRE code followed by ‡¤ ‡¤ ‡¤ ‡¤ , or enter the Call Park FFC .
35 ∫ 2637 3. Press the DN Key beside the flashing LCD indica tor º . Information about the cal l is displayed in the Displ ay Module. Displaying the second caller's name does not interfere with the current call in progress.
36 T o ta lk pri vatel y to the pa r ty on the Loudspeaker: Use the handset on the Loudspeaker (if provided). While the Loudspe aker is active, any other call is maintain ed on the hand set. More than one c all can be put on ho ld, bu t only one call at a time ca n be placed on the Loudspeake r .
37 Malicious Call Trace Malicious Call T race provides a way for you to trace nuisance calls within your system. While you are on a c all: ≠ Press T race . If you do not h ave a trace button : † or ø 1. Press T r ansfer or Conference . 2. Dia l the T race FFC, or SPRE code followed by ° ° ° ° ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ .
38 While you are away from your desk Thi s chapter de scribes f eature s that y ou may wi sh to use when yo u are away from your desk. Call For ward Call For ward allows you to transf er all your cal ls so that they ring at another DN . Y ou cannot for ward calls while your telephone is ringing.
39 Call For ward - Inte r nal Call For w ard—Inter nal allows on ly call s originating at inte rnal DNs to ring at another DN . Calls originating outside you r Meridian 1 system will stil l ring at your telephone. Y ou cannot for war d calls while your telephon e is ringing.
40 Remot e Cal l Fo rward Remote Ca ll For ward allows y ou (from any telephone other than your own) to for ward your calls to any tel ephone. T o activ ate Remote Call F or ward: 1.
41 3. Enter the Remot e Call For ward Deactivate FFC . 4. Dial your Electronic Lock password. (See “Electronic L ock” on pag e 42.) 5. Dial your DN . £ 6. Press the Pound S ign Key . T o ve rify Remo te Call For w ard: 1. Lift the handset or p ress a DN Key .
42 Call For ward Destination Deactiva tion Call For w ard Destination Deactivation allow s you to deactiva te the Call F or ward All Calls fea ture on a te lephone w hich has been fo rwarded to your te lephone. T o lock your te lephone: 1. Lift the handset or p ress a DN Key .
43 T o unlock your telep hone: 1. Lift the handset or p ress a DN Key . 2. Dial the Unlock FFC . 3. Dial your electronic lock password. 4. If you a r e using someone else’ s telephone, Dial your DN . 5. Replace the handset or press Release . T o ch ange yo ur elect ronic l ock passwo rd: 1.
44 Intercom Y ou can use the Inte rcom feature to cal l a member of your intercom group. T o make an Interc om call : 1. Lift the handset or p ress a DN Key . Ω 2. Press Intercom . 3. Dial the one- or two-digit code for the intercom group member you wish to call.
45 T o talk with more than one person This chapter d escribes featu r es which allow you to talk with mo re than one person at the same time. Conference Y ou can set up a conferenc e call for up to three (or six) people, including yourself.
46 Selectable Conf eree Display and Disconn ect Y ou can view th e list of active conferees by using the Confe r ee Sele ctab le Display key and disconnect a ny par ty tha t has been added to the confe rence c all. This feature is not available on the MSL- 1 00.
47 Group Call Group C all auto mati cally c alls me mbers of a predefi ned gro up, on e at a tim e, until they have all answer ed. Ask your system administrator for details on creating a conf erence call group . T o call group members: 1. Lift the handset or p ress a DN Key .
48 If you ar e on a con ference call or a group call when another group call come s in, you are not notified of the second call. T o en d a Group Ca ll: Replace the handset or press Release . When the pe rson who made the group call disconnects, all the members of the group are disconnected from the call.
49 W orking without interr uption This chapter describes features that allow you to avoid receiving calls. Call For wa rd Call For ward allows you to transfer al l your calls so that th ey rin g at a nother DN . Y ou cannot for ward calls while your telephone is ringing.
50 Make Bus y Make B usy allows you to make yo ur telephone a ppear busy to all calle rs. T o make your te lephon e appear busy: ¡ Press Make Busy . T o receive calls again: ¡ Press Make Busy aga in.
51 Hospitality features These hospitality features are intended primarily for hotel operations use. Automatic W ake-Up on Y our Own T elephone Although norma lly used as a hotel fe ature, Autom atic W ake-up may be useful to business users who require a timed reminder call feature.
52 2. Dial the Wa k e - U p Ve r i f y F F C . 3. Dial the wake-up time in a 24 h our format (hh mm). If it is correct, you hear a confir matio n tone. Note: In 24-hou r format, 7:30 A M is entered as 0730; 9:45 PM is 2145. 4. Replace the handset or press Release .
53 2. Dial the room DN numbe r . • 3. Press Star . ™ Press Messag e Registration . Maid I dentification Maid ID makes it easier to keep track of which maids clean which rooms. The maid enters the information from the te lephone in each room. T o en ter clea ning stat us: 1.
54 7. Replace the handset or press Release . Room Stat us Room Status lets you read th e status of a room using the Displa y Module. T o read the status of a room: ª 1. Press Status . 2. Dial the DN for the room. The DN is displayed followed b y a two-digit code.
55 T o ch ange the status of a room: ª 1. Press Status . 2. Dial the DN for the room. The DN is displayed followed b y a two-digit code. The first digit in dicates the occupancy status : The next digit in dicates the cleaning status of the room: 3. Dial the status code you want to assign to the room.
56 Automatic W a ke-Up for a Guest (Option 11C Compact) From your telep hone you ma y program the Meridian 1 Option 11C Com pact telephone system to automa tically place a call to your guest at a predeter mined time.
57 4. Lo ok at th e di splay to ve rif y the wake-u p time programm ed. ® 5. Press the Re lease key . Note: In 24-hour for mat, 7:30 AM is entered as 0730; 9:45 PM is 2145.
58 Options Optional items are available for use with your M eridian Digital T eleph one. Please contact your S ystem Admini strator for fur the r details. Key E xpansi on Module The Key Expansion Module provides 22 additional featu re keys for the M2616.
59 Y our T elephone’ s Controls V olume bar Use ® to control the volume of th e handset, the speaker , and the ringer . Raise the volume by pressin g the right side of the bar .
60 T erms you should know Attendant — the attendan t is a telephon e operator in your organi zation. Dire ctor y Numb er (D N) — a DN is any exten sion on a tele phone. Flexible Feat u re Code s (FFCs) - your system may use F F Cs to access some of your telephone’ s features.
61 Special Prefix Code (SPRE) Flexible Feature Code s (FFCs) Spec ial Pref ix Code (SPRE) Radio Pagin g T race Radio Pagin g Access Group Call Radio Pagin g Answer Call Pick U p Call Park DN Pick Up M.
62 Index Index A Attendant 60 Attendant Recall 34 Auto Dial 16 Auto Dial T ransfe r 34 Automatic A nswerback 30 Automatic W ake-up for a Guest 56 Automatic W a ke-Up on Y our Own T e lephone 51 B Buzz.
63 Inde x Controls, telephone 6, 59 D Dial T o ne interrupted 60 special 60 Direct Inward System Acc ess 40, 41 Dire ctor y Number 60 Display 16, 21, 35, 38, 39, 49 Display Diagnosti cs 9 DN 60 E Enha.
64 Index Hold 11, 27 Hot Line 24 I Idle S creen Format 8 Intercom 44 Intern al Call For ward 39 Interrupted dial tone 60 K Key Click 9 Key Expa nsion Module 58 L Langua ge Selection 9 Las t Number Red.
65 Inde x O On Hold on Loudspeaker 35 On-hook dial ing 13 Options 58 Override 20 Override, E nhanced 20 P Paging tone 60 Predial Re call 7, 13 Pri mar y Dir ector y Nu mber (DN) key 60 Privacy Re leas.
66 Index Stor ed Num ber 21 Switchhook 60 System Speed Call 19 T Te r m s 60 Timed Recall Reminder 30 V Vo i c e C a l l 26 V olume adjustment 7 Vo l u m e b a r 59.
38 While you are aw ay from your desk: Call For ward.
Title to and ownership of Meridian SL-1 softw are shall at all times remain with Northern T elecom. Meridian SL-1 software shall not be sold outright and the use thereof by the customer shal l be subject to the parties entering into softwar e agreements as specified by Northern T elecom.
デバイスNortel Networks M2616の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nortel Networks M2616をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNortel Networks M2616の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nortel Networks M2616の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nortel Networks M2616で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nortel Networks M2616を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNortel Networks M2616の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nortel Networks M2616に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNortel Networks M2616デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。