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S900 Scancopier us er's guide.
PREF ACE > 2 PR EF AC E E v e r y e f f o r t h a s b e e n m a d e t o e n s u r e t h a t t h e i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h i s d o c u m e n t i s c o m p l e t e , accurate, an d up-to-date. The manufacture r assumes no responsibi lity for the r esults of error s beyond its control.
CONTENTS > 3 CO N T E N T S Prefa ce . ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... . 2 Note s, cau tions & w arning s ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ....... .... ... 6 Abo ut this guide.. .... ....
CONTENTS > 4 Mirror . ...... .... ..... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... ..... .... ... 36 Auto select image ... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ..... .... 36 Paper s ize ... ..... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... .
CONTENTS > 5 Append ix D – Sett ing up ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... .... ..... .... 65 Resi ting t he Scan copier ...... .... ...... ...... ...... .... ..... ...... 65 Locking the sc anning head .... .... ...... .... ...... .... ......
NOTES, CAU TIONS AND WARNI NGS > 6 NOT ES, C AUTION S & WARNIN GS Only use gen uine Oki Origi nal consumables to e nsure the bes t quality and performance from your hardware . Non-Oki Original products may dama ge y our prin ter' s pe rfor manc e and inv alid ate you r war ran ty.
ABOUT THIS GUIDE > 7 ABOUT THIS GUIDE This guide is intende d to help you to get to know you r S900 Scancopier , use it fo r copying and scanning fun ctions, c arry out basic mainte nance tasks and trou blesho ot possible pro blems that migh t arise.
INTRODUCTION > 8 INTR ODUC TION Congr atulati ons on y our pur chase of the S 900 Scan copier. The S900 Scancopier provides you with fast and affordable access to digital color copying by simply connecting it to a compatible color laser p rinte r: OKI C 9300 or C9500.
INTRODUCTION > 9 SCA N COP IE R COM PO N EN TS 1. S900 Scan copier 2. Power cord (UK, Europe) 3. Powe r A da pt er 4. IEE E1394 ca ble (for prin ter c onnecti on) 5. Utilities & Documentation CD-R OM 6. USB cable for C omputer C onne ction 7. Cros s cab le (for color profile updating) 8.
INTRODUCTION > 10 UTILITIES AN D DOCUMENTATION CD-ROM CONTENTS The CD-ROM contains the follo wing softwa re: l Update T ool (Printer Profile Utility): to enable you to update your printer color profiles and firmware (not normally required). l TWAIN Utility: to provide a driver for your S900 Scanc opier to enabl e you to scan docume nts.
INTRODUCTION > 11 SCANC OPIER O VERVIEW The S900 can be mou nted on a table top s urface cl ose to you r printe r or on an option al stand. FRON T V IEW 1.
INTRODUCTION > 12 REAR VIEW 1. Printer por t 2. S erv i c e po rt 3. USB port 4. Aut omati c Docum ent F eeder (A DF) (opt ion) po rt 5. Powe r ja ck C ONTRO L PANEL The Control Panel consists of the following sections: 1. Cop y S ca li n g 2. Paper Supply 3.
INTRODUCTION > 13 A brief overvi ew of the controls follow s. More detailed informat ion is give n in subseq uent chap ters. 1. Cop y S ca li n g Use the butt on (1) to se lect from a range of prese t paper size scali ng rati os or use the ar row ke ys (2) to selec t scal ing in 1% incre ments o r decr ements from 2 5% to 400 %.
INTRODUCTION > 14 3. L CD display (1), arrow keys (2) and setti ng buttons (3) These are used to displa y the curre nt setting s and sta tus information and to select certain mod es of operatio n. 4. Cop y Co u n t Use these but tons to enter you r copy count (ma ximum 99) .
INTRODUCTION > 15 5. C opy button an d other controls/ indicators (a) Use the bu tton ( 1) to s witch in to pow er savi ng mod e. (b) Hold do wn the b utton (2 ) for 5 s econds to clear curren t (use r) sett ings and retur n to the factory defaul t setti ngs.
INTRODUCTION > 16 AUTOMATIC DO CUMENT F EEDER (ADF) CO MP ON E NTS The S900 Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) is a convenient addit ion to your S900. With the ADF, you can autom atically copy or scan up to 50 pages at a time. 1. ADF Documen t Cov er (s hown set up ) NOTE The ADF is optional in some countries .
USING THE S900 AS A COPIER > 17 US ING THE S900 AS A C OPIER The Scan copier has be en designe d to be eas y-to-use. It takes thre e basic steps to mak e a copy: 1. Plac e your document on th e glass (flat bed) or in t he optional ADF . 2. En t er yo u r co py co un t .
USING THE S900 AS A COPIER > 18 LOAD ING PAP ER You can loa d the doc ument to be c opied eithe r on the glass (fla tbed) or into the ADF (Automatic Document Feeder). To copy a multi-page docume nt, load th e docume nt into th e ADF. T he ADF ca n hold up to 50 pages at one ti me.
USING THE S900 AS A COPIER > 19 PLAC ING A DOCU MENT ON THE GLASS (F LATBED) 1. Open the document cov er to reveal the glass. 2. Plac e your document with the text FACE DOWN on the glass and align the top of the document in the upper-left corner (1) of the glass.
USING THE S900 AS A COPIER > 20 PLAC ING DOCU MENTS IN THE ADF 1. Make sure your document meets the afore-men tioned requirements. 2. If you hav e multiple pages, fan your document(s) to avoid the occ asion al paper jam. The ADF can hold up to 50 pag es at one time.
USING THE S900 AS A COPIER > 21 USIN G TH E CO PY FEATURES The S cancopier p rovides the follo wing features: l Changing scaling l Setting paper size l Selecting copy mode l Adjusting print density l Increasing copy count How to use t he copy feature s is outlined on t he following pages.
USING THE S900 AS A COPIER > 22 CHANGI NG SC ALING The Scan copier scale fact or is preset t o 100%. From the Copy Scaling panel, you can chang e the scaling by reducing it to 25% or enlarging it to 400%.
USING THE S900 AS A COPIER > 23 SETTING PAPE R SIZE The S cancopier is pres et to A4 po rtrait. Use the Paper Supply pane l to specify your output paper size. 1. Pre ss th e butt on repe ate dly un til the LED f or yo ur des ire d paper size il luminates.
USING THE S900 AS A COPIER > 24 SELECTING COP Y MODE The Scan copier is preset to the Spee d mode. You can change t o Fine Text o r Photo dependin g on the conte nt of the document you are copyin g to optimise your copy result.
USING THE S900 AS A COPIER > 25 ADJUSTING PRINT DENS ITY The Scan copier is preset to the norma l level of print densit y. If your original document c omes wit h a lighte r or darke r contrast , you can improve the copy quality by using the density adjusting feature.
USING THE S900 AS A COPIER > 26 IN CREASIN G COPY COUNT The S cancopier is pres et to 1 c opy. If y ou wish to inc reas e the number of co pies , choo se yo ur de sire d copy count using the Co py Count panel. 1. Enter your desired copy c ount, using the Cl ear ( “ C ” ) bu tton if required to c hange the setting.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 27 US ING THE S900 AS A SCANNER 1. Open your scanning applic ation. 2. Pull down the File menu and c hoose Select Source . If the Select So urce command is not available on t he File menu, see your application ’ s user ’ s guide to dete rmine how the TWAIN link is us ed.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 28 6. Select the scanning method you want to use on the Scan Met hod drop- down menu. 7. Select the mode you want to use for your scan s on the Im age Type drop-down me nu. 8. Select a scanning resolution on the Resolu tio n drop- down menu.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 29 SCAN METHOD S e l e c t h o w y o u w a n t t o s c a n o n t h e Scan Met hod dro p-dow n menu. l ADF/Si ngle-pa ge — use this setting if you are using the automatic documen t feeder (ADF) to scan a singl e-page document .
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 30 space required for saving line art images is only about 1/24 of that required to save 24- bit true color images. *Pixel: A comb ination of two wo rds: picture a nd element, a pixe l is a single d ot on a computer display or in a digi tal image.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 31 8-BI T GRAY A single-channel image consis ts of at least 2 56 shades of gray. A n 8- bit scanner produces a greyscale image with 1024 sh ades of gray betw een pu re bl ack and p ure wh ite. Choo se thi s opt ion i f yo u are scanning black and w hite photogr aphs.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 32 DETERMINING YOUR R ESOLUTION Prop er cont rol of th e resolu tion obt ains sat isfa ctory det ail of scanned images. Resolution is measured by dots per inch (dpi). Norm ally, the highe r the resolutio n the larger the image file size will be, but at higher quality.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 33 ENHAN CING Y OUR IMAG E BRIGHT NES S Adjusts the li ghtness or da rkness o f an i mage. T he high er the value, th e brighter th e image. CO N T RA S T Adjusts the r ange be tween the darkest a nd the lightes t shades in the image.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 34 ENLARG ING THE P REVIEWED IM AGE Use the Zoo m View butt on to enlar ge the preview ed image to the full width of the pr eview wi ndow. NOTE Zoom View enlarge s only the previe w image an d does not en large the actual image.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 35 INVERT IM AGE The inver t command reve rses the brigh tness and the color in the image, producing a negative image . For color images, each pixel will be changed into its complementary color with the Inv ert I mag e co mman d.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 36 MIRROR Click on th e Mirror button to re verse th e image (crea te a mirr or im age). AUTO SELECT IM AGE Clicking on th e Auto Se lect I mage button auto mati cally se ts the wh ole area a s the scan area. You ma y resize the area by dragging t he mouse pointer diago nally.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 37 UNITS The Units button indicate s the m easuring s ystem t hat is i n use (in ch, cm, or Pixe l) (See Width and Height ).
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 38 SHARPEN Click on th e Sharpen b utton to acce ss a drop -dow n menu that allows you to specify a level to sharpen the scanned image.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 39 ADVA NCED SETT INGS Click o n the Adv anced Setti ngs button to view th e advanc ed settings but tons for Highligh t / Shadow, Curves , Color Balance, Hue / Sa turation / Ligh tnes s, Color Drop-ou t, and Custom Settin gs (si x button s on t he rig ht side of the TWAIN dia log box ).
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 40 Cur ves When you se lect the Curves button, a dialog box appears that a llows you to adju st the midton es of th e image without losing detail in th e ligh test an d darke st area s. Sele ct the Curve or Line button, de pending on wh ether you want a curved o r an angle d setting.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 41 C olor Bal ance When you se lect the Color Balance button , a dialog box appears that allow s you to adjust t he color of th e image so that it co mes close t o that of the original. The default parameters are used to adjus t the image.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 42 Lightness — specify a value in the Lightness box to adjust the co lor stren gth. Co l o r d ro p -o ut This feature is available when Bla ck and White, Halftone, or 8-Bit Gra y is selected on the Image Type drop -dow n men u.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 43 CUSTOM SETTINGS Click o n the Custom S etting s butto n to acc ess a di alog box where you can s ave your scan settings and c onfiguration settin gs. There ar e two tab s: Scan Se ttings an d Configuration S ettings.
USING THE S900 AS A SCANNER > 44 MISC ELLA NEOUS Wid th: S hows th e curr ent imag e width . Length: Show s the cu rrent im age hei ght. Size: Shows th e current file s ize of the sca nned image. Lock i mage Click o n thi s button to f ix the o utput w idth and hei ght despi te the select ed scan size .
USING TH E S900 WIT H UNIMESSAG E PRO > 45 US ING THE S900 WITH UNIMESS AGE PR O When you st art Unimessa ge Pro, the Welc ome window is displayed. A brie f summary of the Unime ssage Pro f uncti o.
MAIN TEN ANCE > 46 MAIN T ENANCE CLE ANI NG THE DOCUME NT GLASS The Scancopier is designed to be maint enance-free. Howev er, it still needs to be cleaned occa sionally to ens ure optimum imag e quality and perfo rmance. 1. Open the document cover.
MAIN TEN ANCE > 47 ADF Disregard t his and the followi ng section if you do not have an ADF. CLE A NI N G T HE AD F From time to time, the pad assembly an d feeding rollers o f the ADF may become contaminated with ink, toner particles o r paper dust.
MAIN TEN ANCE > 48 4. Wipe the ADF pad (3) fr om top to bottom, being careful not to hook the springs. 5. C lose t he ADF front cover..
MAIN TEN ANCE > 49 REPL ACING THE ADF SN AP-IN PAD MODUL E After appro ximately 20,000 pages have b een fed through t he ADF, the ADF pad may be worn out, and you may experienc e problems with document fee ding. In this case , it is recommended th at you replace the pad module with a new on e.
MAIN TEN ANCE > 50 3. Remove the new ADF pad module from its box. 4. Press both arms of the ADF snap-in pad module inward with two fingers. 5. Plac e the ADF snap-in pad module into th e hole until it snap s into plac e.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 51 T ROUB LESHO OTING Use the following information to assist with solving any problems that might arise when using your Scan copier. LC D M E S S A G E S L CD INF ORMATION C ODES L CD Messa ge Action required Copy function disables Download t he pr inter profile .
TROUBLESHOOTING > 52 20031- 20039 Prin ter pro file e rror Chec k the printe r profil e version a nd printer model nam e. Update t he printer p rofile. (See Ap pendix C.) 20041- 20049 Scanner error Check the S900 or r eset the S900 if requ ired. If the code still appears, contact your O ki dealer.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 53 CLE ARING A P APER JAM Disregard this section if you do not hav e an ADF. In the even t of a paper jam in the ADF, follow th e procedure below to clear the jam . 1. T urn the Sc ancopie r off by disc onnecti ng th e powe r c abl e.
SPE CIFICA TIO NS > 54 SPEC IFICATION S Sys tem overview Imag e sens or Col or C CD Light so urce CC F L Opti cal re solut ion 600x 600 dpi Col o r d e pt h 48-bit (input), 2 4-bit (output) LCD 240x64 dot graphic disp lay External connecti ons S erv ic e p ort Printer port ( IEEE139 4) USB 2.
OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES > 55 OPTION AL AC C ESS ORIES The followi ng optional acce ssories ca n be used with your S cancopier. Optional ac cessory Order code C9000 Scancopier Au tomatic Documen t Feed.
APPENDIX A – QUICK REFERENCE GU IDE > 56 APPENDIX A – QUIC K REF ERENCE GUIDE 1. Load the document(s) to be copied (a) Si ngle -p age do cument Place the document face down on the glass, aligne d to the top left co rner (1 ) of the glass .
APPENDIX A – QUICK REFERENCE GU IDE > 57 2. Ent er yo ur copy co unt via the Copy Count pan el . 3. Make y our copies (a) Press the Colo r butt on (4) to to ggle betw een colo r copying (illum inated) and black and whit e copying (not illuminated).
APP ENDI X B – SETTING U P A PIN ID AND P RINT CONTR OL > 58 APPENDIX B – SETTING UP A PIN ID AND PRINT C ONTR OL INTRODUCTION A printing limit ation can be app lied to every user via the PIN ID and the Print Con trol Utility (option) of the C9300 /C9500, and info rmati on about printin g jobs, e.
APP ENDI X B – SETTING U P A PIN ID AND P RINT CONTR OL > 59 SETTING UP THE PRI NT C ONTRO L UTILITY Refe r to th e Prin t Cont rol Ut ility user ’ s g uide for d etails of the st eps outline d belo w. 1. Using administ rator rights, install the Print C o ntrol Utility in the PC.
APP ENDI X B – SETTING U P A PIN ID AND P RINT CONTR OL > 60 PRINT C ONTROL US AGE Examp les of using th e S900 ScanCopier and Print Cont rol are listed in the tabl e below.
APP ENDI X B – SETTING U P A PIN ID AND P RINT CONTR OL > 61 The types of log information yo u can obtain are listed in the following table. (The logs that can be collecte d vary depending on printer models and op tions.
APP ENDI X B – SETTING U P A PIN ID AND P RINT CONTR OL > 62 Notes: 1. When displayed in more than one line, the second line and thereafter will be displayed bl ank for other t han this item. 2. Default setting is not displayed for this item . 3.
APP ENDI X B – SETTING U P A PIN ID AND P RINT CONTR OL > 63 PRINT C ONTROL EXAMP LE The following table provides an example of four users, A, B, C, and D, using the S900 Scanc opier wi th Print Control.
APPENDIX C – UPDATING THE PRINTER PROFILE > 64 APPENDIX C – UPDATING THE PRINTER PR OFILE The installed prin ter profile in the Scancopie r should match th e printe r mod el (C9300 or C9500) for optimu m res ults.
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 65 APPENDIX D – SETTING UP Although your Scancopier (and optional ADF) will have been fully installed by an Installation Engineer, you ma y require to resite the Scancopi er or fi t an ADF at a later date o r change your us er defau lt settings.
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 66 4. Mo ve th e l ock sw it ch u p to th e l ocke d po si ti o n (1 ) . PREC AUT IONS Disconnec t all cables (exce pt the ADF cable) before moving the Scancop ier. Keep the mach ine o ut of dir ect su nligh t. Dir ect ex posure to the s un or excessive heat may cause damage.
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 67 UNLOC KING THE SCAN NING HEAD To pro tect th e sca nnin g hea d fro m da mage d uri ng shi pme nt o r resiting , the Scanco pier is design ed with a lock sw itch on the side of the ma in u nit. Ther efor e, BEFO RE US ING, THE M ACHIN E MUS T BE UNL OCKED by movi ng the lock s witc h to the U se pos ition.
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 68 INSTA LLIN G THE ADF 1. Remove the standard Scancopier docum ent cover (1) by opening the cover and lifting th e studs (2) from the hinge holes at the r ear of the S900. Store th e document cover on a flat surface in a safe place.
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 69 2. Hold the A DF docum ent cover (3) and inser t i ts studs (4) into the hinge hole s at the rear of the S900 . 3. C lose t he ADF cover and raise the ADF T ray (5 ) to an angle of about 45 degrees . 4. Pull down the legs (6) under t he ADF T ray and locate them in their suppor t positions.
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 70 C ONN ECT ING TH E CABLES Connec t the ca bles as show n. 1. IEEE13 94 cable – to th e IEEE13 94 data p ort on th e print er . 2. USB c able – to the PC ’ s USB por t. Only required for scanning imag es into the PC.
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 71 C ONNECTING THE POWER AND SW ITC HING ON 1. Press the Scancopier power switch (1) to the “ 0 ” positio n to ensure the S cancopier is turned off. 2. Co nnec t the en d of the powe r cable from the Adapter to the Scancopier power port (2).
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 72 As part of the warm-up me ssage, the Scancopier LCD display sh ows the installed Firm ware vers ion number and th e Color Table ver sion numb er. At the en d of the warm -up messa ge, the LCD disp lay shows th e system default values in rea diness for c opying.
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 73 11. Paper Supply: Std Paper The o ptions avail able u nder e ach m enu ite m (sel ecta ble by using the adjacent Arrow Ke ys) are as follows: PIN Se tti ng l Enable l Disable Refer to Appe ndix B, if required, fo r detailed i nformation about PIN set ting.
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 74 Multi-Purpo se Tray: ON Duplex (only displayed when a Duple x unit is installed) l OFF l T op Edge: With T op Edge set, p rinting is such that pages are bound on th e top -edge, and t he back of each page is printed in the o pposi te di rection to the front.
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 75 Output Tray l T o p Output (Face down) l Rea r Output (Face up) l Fin ish er (Fa ce u p) l Fin ish er (F ac e down) Mult i-Purp ose Tr ay l ON: Feeds paper from the M.
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 76 Pape r T ray l Tr a y 1 l Tr a y 2 l Tr a y 3 l Tr a y 4 l Tr a y 5 l MPT l Auto Power Sav ing Mode l 30Min . l 2 Hou r l 4 Hou r l OFF Pape r S uppl y l Std Paper l .
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 77 INSTA LLING UTILITIES FROM THE CD-ROM The utilities you need to inst all depend on how you plan to use your Scancop ier: l For c opying and/or scanning, instal l both the Update T ool (Printer Profile Utility) (so that, if required, yo u can update the color profiles or firmware) and the TWA IN Utility .
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 78 For minimum system requiremen ts, refer to t he Unimessage Pro User ’ s Guide . Foll ow the steps b elow, om itting s tep 5( a). 1. Start Micros of t Wind ows. 2. Insert the Utilities and Documentat ion CD-ROM into your CD- ROM drive.
APPENDIX D – SETTING UP > 79 6. When you have complet ed installation, clic k on the icon in the lower right of the scree n to close t he installation session.
OKI EUROPE > 80 OK I EUR OPE Oki Systems (UK) Limited 550 Dunde e Road Slou gh Tr adin g Est ate Slough, SL1 4LE Tel: +44 (0) 1753 8198 19 Fax: +44 (0) 17 53 8198 99 http://www. oki.co.uk Oki Systems Ireland Limited The Square Industrial Complex Tallag ht, Dub lin 24 Irelan d Tel: +353 1 40 49590 Fax: +353 1 40 49591 http://www.
OKI EUROPE > 81 Oki Systems (Iberica), S.A. Paseo de la Habana 17628036 - Madrid, Es pa ñ a Tel: 9 1-34316 20 Fax: 9 1-3431624 http://www. oki.es OKI Systems (Norway) A/S Hvam svinge n 9, P.O .Box 17 4 N-2013 Skjetten Telefo n: 63 89 36 00 Telefa x: 63 89 36 01 Ordref ax: 63 89 36 02 http://www.
OKI EUROPE > 82 GREECE Αντιπρόσωπος της Ok i Systems στην Ελλάδα CPI S.A. Μεσογείων 348, 153 41 Αγ. Πα ρασκευή Τηγ: 65 45 802-5 Fax: 65 45 805 Email : cpi@h ol.gr TURKEY Oki Europe Ltd. Liaison Office 18th Floor N o.
INDE X > 8 3 INDEX A accessories ............... ................. 55 additional settings ..... .......... 14 , 72 ADF ........... ........................ ......... 12 Installing ............. ................. 68 loading paper ....... ...........
INDE X > 8 4 Saving custom settings ......... 43 Selecting image type .... .. 28 , 29 Selecting method ......... .. 28 , 29 Selecting resolution ....... 28 , 32 Sharpen image ...................... 38 Units of measure .......... ......... 37 Using the TWAIN driver .
Central House Balfour Road , Hounslow TW3 1HY United Kin gdom tel +44 (0) 20 8219 2190 fax +44 (0) 20 8219 2199 S900 Scanc opier 07046301 IS S.01.
デバイスOki S900の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Oki S900をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはOki S900の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Oki S900の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Oki S900で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Oki S900を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はOki S900の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Oki S900に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちOki S900デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。