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Instruction Manual Full Body Sensor Body Composition Monitor and Scale Model HBF-516.
2 Before Using the Mon ito r T ABLE OF CONTENT S Befor e Using t he Mon itor Introduct io n .................. ...... ....... ................... ....... ....... ................... ....... ....... ..... 3 Safety Information .................... .....
3 INTRODUCTION Thank you fo r purchasing the OMRON ® HBF-516 Full Body Sen sor Body Comp osition Mon itor and Scal e. The Full Bod y Sensor Body Composition Monitor and Scale i s easy to use.
4 SAFETY INFORMATION T o assure the c orrect u se of the p roduct, ba sic safety measur es should always be followed in cluding the warnings a nd cautio ns liste d in this instruction man ual. OPERA TING THE DEVICE Do not use this monitor if you h ave a cardiac pa cemaker or ot her implanted m edical device.
5 SAFETY INFORMATION OPERA TING THE DEVICE (continued) Do not u se new and worn batteries toget her . Do not use batteries of a diff e rent ki nd together . Replace old batteries with new ones immed i ately . Replace all four b atteries at the same time.
6 INFORMATION ON BODY COM POSITION PRINCIPLES OF FULL BODY SENSING CALCULATIONS What is Full Body Sens ing? Full Body Sensing provides a comprehensive understanding of your body composition t o he lp you reach and/or maintain your fitness goals.
7 INFORMATION ON BODY COM POSITION BODY MASS INDEX Body Mass Index (BMI) i s a number c a lculated from a per son’ s wei ght and hei ght. BMI is a reliable indicat or of bod y fatness for peop le. BMI does not measure b ody fat directly , but research has shown t hat BMI correla tes to di rect measur es of body fa t.
8 INFORMATION ON BODY COM POSITION VI SCERAL FAT V iscer al fat is found in the abd omen and surr ounding vital or gans. It is di ffe rent fr om fat found direc tly underneat h the ski n, which is referre d to as subcutaneous fat. V isceral fat can go lar gely unnoticed because i t’ s not visible to the nake d eye.
9 INFORMATION ON BODY COM POSITION RESTING MET ABOLISM Regardles s of your activ ity level, a mini mum level of calor ic intake is required t o sustain the body’ s everyday functions. Known as t he resti ng meta bolism, thi s indica tes how many ca lories y ou need to ingest i n order t o provide e nough ener gy for your b ody to func tion.
10 INFORMATION ON BODY COM POSITION SKELET AL MUSCLE Skeletal mus cle is the type of muscle that we can see and feel. Whe n you work out to inc rease muscl e mass, skele tal mus cle is being e xerci sed.
11 INFORMATION ON BODY COM POSITION LONG-TERM PLANNING FOR SUC CESSFUL WEIGHT LOSS There are lots of rea sons for people t o lose wei ght. T o be healthie r . T o look bette r . T o feel bett er . T o have more ener gy . No matter wh at the re ason, su ccessful weight lo ss and heal thy weight management depend on s ensible goals and expectations.
12 INFORMATION ON BODY COM POSITION RECOMMENDED MEAS UREMENT TIMES Being awar e of the times when the body fa t percentages s hift wit hin your daily sc hedule wil l assist you in obtai ning an acc urate tr ending of your bod y compositi on. It is recommended to use t his unit in the same envir onment and da ily circumstances .
13 INFORMATION ON BODY COM POSITION Results may di ffer f rom actua l body fat percentage There are ce rtain condit ions when sign ificant dif ferenc es may occur between t he estimated and the actual body fat values. Thes e differenc es may be related to c hanging ratios of body flu i d and/or body composi tion.
14 Oper ating Instru ctions KNOW Y OUR UNIT Display Unit Main Unit (Measurement Platform) Front View Grip Elec tr odes Grip Electr odes Display Personal Profile Nu mber Button Pers onal Profil e Numbe.
15 KNOW Y OUR UNIT Meas urement S tart I ndicator Low Battery Indi ca tor We ight Resu lt s/ Body Compos ition Res ults My Histo ry Measureme nt Progres s/Body Fat P ercentage, Skeletal M uscle Percen.
16 KNOW Y OUR UNIT USING THE DISPLAY UNIT 1. Remove the Display Unit fr om the Display Unit Holder on the monito r . 2. T o store the cord into the Display Unit Holder , make sure the cord is coil ed evenly , and does not stick out of the Display Unit Holder .
17 BATTERY INST ALLATION 1. Locate the Battery Cover on the back of the unit. 1) Pr ess the tab on th e battery cover in the direc tion o f the arro w to relea se the cov er as illus trated.
18 BATTERY INST ALLATION BATTERY REPLACEMENT Measurement values and perso nal profi les stored in the memory will no t be dele ted during batte ry replace ment. However , the d ate and ti me will nee d to be set when monitor is turn ed back on. When the Low Bat tery Ind icator a ppears on the displa y screen, remove all four batterie s.
19 SETTING THE DATE AND T IME 1. Press the Power Swit ch to turn the mon itor ON. If thi s is the fi rst tim e that th e mon itor ha s been t urned o n, the y ear settin g flashes. 2. 1) Pr ess the UP or DOWN button to change the ye ar . 2) Pr ess the SET butt on.
20 SETTING THE DATE AND T IME 4. 1) Pr ess the UP or DOWN button to change the day . 2) Pr ess the SET butt on. The day is set. The hour f lashes on t he displ ay . 5. 1) Pr ess the UP or DOWN button to change the ho ur . Make sure AM/P M is correct. 2) Pr ess the SET butt on.
21 SETTING PERSONAL DAT A T o measure Body Composi tion, your personal data must b e set. Y our per sonal data i ncludes your age, gender a nd height . The Full Body Se nsor Body Composition Monitor a nd Scale provid es two options to enter yo ur personal d ata.
22 SETTING PERSONAL DAT A 3. Select a Personal Profile Number or the Guest m ode. A. Personal P rofile Number 1) Press the d esired Personal Pr ofile N umber but ton (1 thro ugh 4) .
23 SETTING PERSONAL DAT A Set th e gend er to mal e o r female . 1) Pres s the UP or DOWN butto n to change t he gender . 2) Pres s the SET butt on. The gender is set. The defaul t value f or height blinks o n the display . Set the h eight bet ween 3' 4" and 6 ' 6 3/4".
24 SETTING PERSONAL DAT A 2. Select the Personal Profile Number you want to change. 1) Press the Pe rsonal Profile Number butto n (1 thoro ugh 4). The s elect ed Pers onal P rofil e Numb er fla shes on ce on the di sp lay . 2) Press th e SET button. The Personal Prof il e Numb er is set .
25 HOW TO T AKE A MEASUREMENT Y our personal da ta must be entere d before t aking a meas urement. CORRECT POSTURE FOR MEASUREMENT CAUTION: Persons wi th disabi lities or person s that are physi cally.
26 HOW T O T AKE A MEASUREMENT HOW TO MEASURE BO DY COM POSITION 1. Press the Power Swit ch to turn the mon itor ON. The CAL symbol bl inks on t he displa y , then the dis play changes t o 0.0 lb . W ait until 0.0 lb appea rs on the display . NOTES: • If you step o nto the monitor be fore 0.
27 HOW T O T AKE A MEASUREMENT 3. Select a Personal Profile Number or the Guest m ode. A. Personal P rofile Number Press the button fo r the Personal Pr ofile Number you selec ted whil e holdi ng the di splay un it. The Pers onal Pr ofile N umbe r sele cted w i ll blin k once.
28 HOW T O T AKE A MEASUREMENT 4. S tart th e measurement. 1) Ste p onto the measure ment platf orm and plac e your feet on th e foot el ectrodes with your weight ev enly dist ributed. Remain sti ll and do n ot move un til your weight measu r ement is complet e.
29 HOW T O T AKE A MEASUREMENT 5. Press the appr opriate button to check the measurement results. For each mea surement r esult, t he high rea ding in memory for t hat measur ement and th e number of days ago f or that r esult ar e shown in t he My History area of the dis play .
30 UNDERST ANDING Y OUR MEASUREMENT RES ULT S Interpre ting the BM I Result Sour ce: Valu es for obesity jud gment proposed by WHO, the World He alth Organiz a ti on. Inte rpretin g the B ody Fa t P erce ntag e Resu lt Source: NIH/WHO guidelines for BMI Source: Gall a gher et al.
31 HOW TO MEASURE WEIGHT ONLY 1. Press the Power Swit ch to turn the mon itor ON. The CAL symbol bl inks on t he displa y , then the dis play changes t o 0.0 lb . W ait until 0.0 lb appea rs on the display . NOTES: • If you step o nto the monitor be fore 0.
32 HOW TO USE THE MEMORY FUNCTION Measurem ent r esult s are auto mati call y stor ed i n memory when you ta ke a meas uremen t us ing a Person al Profile Number button. Y ou can view resul ts for 1 day , 7, 30 , 90 and 180 days ago. Th e monitor automati cally st ores measurement read ings for up to 187 days for e ach Personal Prof ile Number .
33 HOW TO USE THE MEMORY FUNCTION Comparing Results Afte r T aking a Measure ment 1. V ie w the measurement results after taking a measurement. Press th e DOWN /MEMOR Y button t o cycle through the results from high ( H) reading, lo w (L) reading, “1 day”, “7 days”, “3 0 days”, “90 days” a nd “180 days” ago.
34 HOW TO USE THE MEMORY FUNCTION • T o vie w previ ous resul t s for other it ems, pre ss the but ton fo r the des i red item. The res ults for the sele cted it em ar e displa yed. • Then press the DOWN/MEMOR Y button to cy cle thro ugh the previous r esults for tha t item.
35 HOW TO USE THE MEMORY FUNCTION V iewing Previous Measurement Res ults Follow thi s proces s if you want to view an d compare previous measure ment resul ts without taking a measurement . 1. Press the Power Swit ch to turn the mon itor ON. The CAL symbol bl inks on t he displa y , then the dis play changes t o 0.
36 HOW TO USE THE MEMORY FUNCTION 4. V iew previous measur ement results. 1) Press th e DOWN /MEM OR Y button o nce. The resul t for the high r eadin g in memory is shown in the My History a rea of th e display .
37 Care and Mainte nan ce ERROR INDICATORS ERROR DISPLAY CAUSE COR RECTION Y our palms or feet are not positi oned over the el ectrodes corre ctly . Make sure y ou are bar efoot. Make sure y our palms or the soles of you r feet are clean and dry . Make sure y our palms or feet are correct ly positi oned.
38 T ROUBLESHOOTING TI P S PROBLEM CAUSE AND SOLUTION Low Batter y Indicat or No power No displa y appears on the un it Check the batt ery install ation for pro per placeme nt of the bat tery polariti es. Replace al l four wor n batteri es. Measurem ent does no t start .
39 CARE AND MAINTENANCE T o keep your Full Body Sensor Bo dy Composition Monito r and Scale in the be st condition and protect the monit or from damage foll ow the dire ctions below: Clean the moni tor with a soft dry cloth. Do not u se abrasive or v olatile clean ers.
40 FCC S T ATEMENT NOTE: POTENTIAL FOR RADIO/TELEVISI ON INTERFERENCE (for U.S.A. only ) This produc t has been t ested and fo und to comply with t he limits f or a Class B di gital device , pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules.
41 W ARRANTY Limited W arranty Y our HBF-516 Full Body Sensor Body Compositi on Monitor an d Scale, exc luding the batt eries, i s warrante d to be free from defect s in materials and workmanship appearing within 1 year from the date of purchase , when use d in accor dance with the instructi ons provid ed with the unit.
42 S PECIFICAT IONS NOTE: Specifications are subject to change without prio r noti ce. Model OMRON Fu ll Body Sensor Bod y Comp osition Monito r and Scale - HBF-516 Display Body Weight: 0 to 330 lb with 0.2 lb inc rements (0 to 150 kg with 0.1 kg in crement s) Body fat perce ntag e: 5.
Distributed b y: OMRON HEAL THCARE, INC. 1200 Lak eside D ri ve Bannoc kburn, Illino is 60015 www .omronh ealth m Made in China © 200 8 Omr on Heal th ca re, Inc.
デバイスOmron FULL BODY SENSOR BODY COMPOSITION MONITOR AND SCALE HBF-516の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Omron FULL BODY SENSOR BODY COMPOSITION MONITOR AND SCALE HBF-516をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはOmron FULL BODY SENSOR BODY COMPOSITION MONITOR AND SCALE HBF-516の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Omron FULL BODY SENSOR BODY COMPOSITION MONITOR AND SCALE HBF-516の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Omron FULL BODY SENSOR BODY COMPOSITION MONITOR AND SCALE HBF-516で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Omron FULL BODY SENSOR BODY COMPOSITION MONITOR AND SCALE HBF-516を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はOmron FULL BODY SENSOR BODY COMPOSITION MONITOR AND SCALE HBF-516の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Omron FULL BODY SENSOR BODY COMPOSITION MONITOR AND SCALE HBF-516に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちOmron FULL BODY SENSOR BODY COMPOSITION MONITOR AND SCALE HBF-516デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。